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How to Draw Simple Flowers

You might remember these flowers from the Tattoo Flags tutorial. They are simple and very aesthetic. Start with a shape like this. Draw it with the pen tool. Make the color settings like this: Fill !ull "Transparent#$ Stroke black.

Draw another shape on top of it% slightly longer and thinner.


!ow select these two shapes. 'opy them "'ontrol '# and then (aste them in front "'ontrol F#. !ow choose the Rotate Tool and click the bottom intersection of the two petals "This first click marks the rotation center#. Then rotate the petals downward. )epeat this process one more time so you get a total of si* petals. "+ust remember% 'ontrol '% 'ontrol F% )otate 'lick in center% )otate move.#

,pply these color and fill settings. Make the stroke white. To apply the gradient% select all the petals. -ith the gradient tool% click in the center and drag out towards the tip of one of the petals. Make sure the gradient is set on radial and apply colors of your choice but in the same order as mine "-hite% !eutral 'olor% .right 'olor.# The bright color will bring attention to the tips. "/mage below is final product% your0s will look different.#

2n your flower you will now notice that one of the petals is always in front% no matter how much you arrange them. 3oom in on this area to fi* it.

First% add a point on the line where the intersection happens "!ote% add it on the petal on top#

Then with the Convert Point tool and the White Pointer tool bend the line downwards so it aligns with the petal behind.

Do the same at the center point.

-ith the Convert Point tool and the White Pointer tool bend the line downwards so it aligns with the petal behind.

!ow it should look perfect.

!ow with the -hite (ointer tool% edit some of the tips0 direction so the petals don0t look like repeats:

/n my final / made the stroke width thinner. ,ll the flowers here are the same one% only rotated at different angles% and with colors changed.

Keywords: Adobe illustrator tutorial, flowers, how to draw flowers, how to decorate an image with flowers, flowers in illustrator, gradient based flowers.

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