lss300 Mission Statement

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Jenny Kims mission statement exercise 1

Page 1: "The Have Exercise." Make a long list all of the things you would like to have in your life. Items can be tangible, like a new car, or they can be intangible, such as a loving family or a good reputation. Then, go back and review the list and identify the 5 most important of your haves. A brand new F150 pickup truck A big 4 bedroom house with a large backyard Children in the far future A masters degree A spouse A large support system To have the rank of COL some day A new computer For healthy long life for my family A home gym A selfless reputation Effective leadership To have a lifelong mentor To have a large savings for retirement and childrens college funds To have a fulfilling job To be in the best shape of my life To have knowledge

When I review my list of things that I would like to have in my life, it seems as though the majority of it is superficial. If I had to pick five things out of this list in our from most important to least important then it would be: to get a masters degree, to have a large support system, to have a spouse, to have children, and to have a large four bedroom house with a large backyard.

Jenny Kims mission statement exercise 2

Page 2: "The Do Exercise." Make a long list of everything you would like to do in your lifetime. For example, start your own business, travel, run for political office, and so on. To become a COL in the United States Army To serve overseas To become a flight nurse To become a nurse practitioner To go sky diving To go to SERE school To become a public health nurse in the Army To be attached to civil affairs or special forces as a nurse To start a family To travel to Europe To travel back to Korea and possible live there for a while To try different types of foods (this will be a daunting task because I like to eat foods that are familiar to me) To go hiking in exotic places To be able to serve on a mission trip to give medical attention to little children in third world countries To adopt a child To start a foundation for wounded warriors To become a mentor for someone To make my parents proud To visit and meet family members in different parts of the world To run a marathon To go fishing To go on a cruise To get more tattoos Live in San diego, CA

Jenny Kims mission statement exercise 3

Page 3: "The Be Exercise." What kind of person do you want to be? Make a long list of the character traits you would like to live by in your life, such as: honest, disciplined, wise, and so on. Loyal Responsible Respectful Be able to be a selfless leader Have personal courage Have integrity Honorable Honest Relatable Open Transparent Sensitive Compassionate Empathetic Spiritual Faithful Analytical A self learner Self sufficient Disciplined Focused Achiever Maximize potential in other people Kind Loving Personable Trustworthy

Jenny Kims mission statement exercise 4

Page 4: "The Legacy Exercise." Step 1: Step 2: Role Student Daughter Sister Friend Leader One key person Professor Kelly Thrift (Teacher) Yoon Kim (Mother) Susan Kim (Sister) Charmaine Green (Best Friend) LTC Leland Young (Professor of Military Science) Student Daughter Sister Friend Leader

Step 3: Professor Thrift: Jenny has always been an excellent student. She excelled in her school work with hard work and persistence. I am proud of you. Yoon Kim: Jenny had some troubles initially, but with some work she has become the woman that I wanted her to be. Jenny has a focus about her that separates her from her peers. I couldnt ask for a better daughter. Susan Kim: Jenny is my best friend, always has been and always will be. We had our fair share of troubles, but we are closer now than ever. I look up to my sister and all she has become. Charmaine Green: We have been friends since the 7th grade, wow that is a long time. Throughout the whole time Ive known Jenny; she stays true to herself and achieves her goals. I love you and we will always be best friends no matter the distance. LTC Leland Young: I wasnt so sure about you first, but here we are. You have shown not only me, but yourself on how strong and dedicated you are.

Jenny Kims mission statement exercise 5

Page 5: "Do You Know this Person Exercise." Identify one person who has had a very significant impact on your life. This person could be a parent, a coach, a teacher, a pastor, or someone else. Describe what it is about this person that you would like to see in your life. What traits or behaviors that characterize this person would you like to model in your life? Recently, my nursing training exposed me to Womack Army Medical Centers Emergency Department (ED). I met the charge nurse and his name was Paul Roni. I have never met someone in my life where they have significantly impacted me in such a short amount of time. My experience with Mr. Roni started of great because immediately he took me under his wing. When I first got to the ED, I felt awkward. I almost felt like I did not belong there because there were so many people and they were all moving so fast. Mr. Roni called me over to follow him. As I was following him, he would ask me questions that were relevant to the patients care. When I answered him correctly, he would ask me questions about my answer. When he questioned me, I had to stop and think why he was doing this. He made me think about why I was doing what I was doing and why it mattered. When I did not get what was going on, he would take the extra time to explain it to me and give me the opportunity to ask questions. This spoke volumes to me because as a busy ED nurse, most of the nurses did not even look at me. Let alone the charge nurse taking the extra time to explain things to me. I found passion in the way he was mentoring me. I believe it was his love of teaching and mentoring that made the profound effect on me. The extra attention that he gave me inspired me beyond words. I felt his passion for nursing spilled onto me and I knew what it felt to have a nurse who loves his or her job. It is hard because most nurses that I have run into so far are the exact opposite of Mr. Roni. From this experience, I will model the mentoring aspect in my life. A great mentor can do so much for a person. That one mentor can be the push that the individual needed to reach the greatest potential. He also challenged me to know why I am doing things. There is a stigma that nurses are not smart and they dont really know what they are doing, but Mr. Roni was the exact opposite. He could spit out an answer better and fast than a doctor could. This encourage me to always seek information and know exactly why I am doing the things I am doing. Mr. Roni is an excellent nurse, teacher, and mentor.

Jenny Kims mission statement exercise 6

Page 6: now enter your personal mission statement in its current form

I will be transparent, open, and honest to every human being. I will treat them with the upmost respect and with human dignity. I will wake up every day with a positive attitude and the mind set of changing the world slowly. I will work persistently towards my goal and have a never give up attitude. I will take full responsibility for my actions and never make excuses. I will become the best that I can be.

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