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Web Design ITWB 1138

Instructor: Warren Petchalonis Email: Online Website: Skype ID: wpetchalonis Course Description: he purpose o! this class is to prepare you to be able to competently create an attracti"e website in our current times. Stu#ents will learn the basics o! $Web %.&' by learning the !un#amentals o! ( )*. Stu#ents will use +#obe Photoshop to ai# in the eye,catching aesthetic in the website. Stu#ents will then !urther their web #esign knowle#ge by learning $Web -.&' basics in .lash an# then !inally in /SS. Stu#ents are e0pecte# to complete the online assignments an# rea#ings1 an# also participate in the #iscussion boar# posts an# Skype calls.

he e"er changing worl# o! web #esign can best be #escribe# as a 2ack,o!,all, ra#es pursuit. 3o longer can one rest on their laurels o! co#ing1 or simply toss an eye catching image an# e0pect a rele"ant website to blossom. o#ay4s web architects must ha"e knowle#ge o! all the elements that go into a success!ul website. o#ay4s web #e"elopers must know how to manipulate a "ariety o! tools in or#er to get the most eye catching1 yet not o"er bearing1 website they can possibly create. he website must be uni5ue1 but con!orm to some #esigns o! /SS. It must be roote# in simplicity yet ha"e .lash control some o! its more ambitious !eatures. It must harken back to the simpler times o! ( )*1 but ha"e the sophistication o! co#e that woul# be nigh impossible to type. his course will pro"i#e you the knowle#ge an# t is able to han#le the #ichotomy that is the internet au#ience. Materials: 6e!erence Websites: (tml utorial: //S utorial: 6e5uire# 8ooks: +#obe .lash /S7 Pro!essional /lassroom in a 8ook By Adobe Creative Tea +#obe9 Photoshop :.& /lassroom in a 8ook By Adode Creative Tea !earning "utco es:

%. Stu#ents will able to use an# implement the !un#amentals o! ( )* into the creation o! their websites. -. Stu#ents will be able to become !amiliar an# pro!icient in using +#obe Photoshop in ai#ing the creation o! their website. 7. Stu#ents will be able to use +#obe .lash to assist in web interacti"ity. ;. Stu#ents will able to become pro!icient in the use o! /SS to create appealing websites in our current era. #tudent $esponsibilities: %. /omplete assignments at the #esignate# times. -. o be a"ailable !or the Skype calls. 7. 3oti!y the instructor o! any complications with pro<ects1 sche#ules1 or assignments.

Instructor $esponsibilities:
%. +n instructor who respon#s promptly to their responses within -; hours. -. +n instructor who will gra#e them !airly base# on pre"iously establishe# criteria.

%rading #cale:
=our gra#e in this class will be weighte# accor#ing to the !ollowing categories an# using the stan#ar# scale below:

-&> Discussion 8oar# Posts %&> ( )* Web Site -&> Photoshop +ssignments ?&> .inal Website

%&& @ A& BA @ B& :A @ :& CA @ C& ?A , &

+ 8 / D .

&lagiaris : Working together is a great 5uality in website integration. Plagiarism goes against the main !ocus o! this course. 3o work shall be copie# or #uplicate# unless it is !or a gra#e. I! plagiarism is suspecte#1 a case shall be ma#e to campus authorities an# the #ean o! the school.
*( )

Course "utline

Week %

Intro#uction to ( )*



E0plain what websites grab you as being $goo#' websites an# whyDE%st #iscussion postF Post a picture !rom the internet that sums up yoursel!1 an# whyD /reate an ( )* website

Week -

+#"ance# ( )*

/reate an a#"ance# ( )* website

Week 7

Intro#uction to Photoshop

Intro#uce an e#ite# photo onto website. Discussion Web Design Post

Week ;

Photoshop 8asics

Seamlessly integrate an multiple e#ite# picture into a website

Week ?

Intro#uction to .lash

)ake a .lash animate# on your website. Discussion Web Design Post

Week C Week :

.lash 8asics +#"ance# .lash )ake an a#"ance# .lash trigger on your website. Work towar#s your !inal re5uirements. Discussion Web Design Post

Week B

//S Intro#uction1 Part I

Week A

//S Part II

Work towar#s your !inal re5uirements.

.or one assignment you will nee# to collaborate with a classmate to recreate a website that will be shown to you. =ou will each recei"e to #i!!erent gra#es that will be combine# into one gra#e. ?&> o! your gra#e will be on the !inal pro#uct an# how accurate your website mirrors the one that was shown to you. he other ?&> will be base# on how well you worke# with each other1 an# how appropriately you place# the co#e in or#er to get the #esire# result.

Bi'Weekly Assign


E"ery two weeks you will be re5uire# to seek out websites that #isplay best practices in web #esign. =ou must then e0plain why you picke# your selection1 an# what the particular website #oes in or#er to stay rele"ant in our mo#ern times. he site can show e0amples o! .lash1 clean #esign1 best /SS practices1 an# eye catching #elie"ery o! content1 in or#er to be accepte# as criteria !or a $goo#' website. 6esponses shoul# be at least !i"e sentences1 with three elements present on why the selection was ma#e.

(TM! Website &arts 1 and )

=our !irst assignment will be to construct a ru#imentary website with a !ew common elements that are present in all web #esign. +!ter you construct your !irst ( )* website1 you will be aske# to construct another. =our secon# ( )* website ha"e all the elements o! your !irst1 with some a##e# elements to make the transition o"er to /SS more logical an# manageable. =our secon# website will #eal with bor#erless !rames1 lists1 an# image maps.

*inal Website
=our !inal website will account !or ?&> o! your gra#e. his will be the ultimate culmination o! all the skills you ha"e ac5uire# into one !inal web site. he site will ha"e all the elements o! /SS1 .lash1 Photoshoppe# Images1 an# will be optimiGe# !or

a mobile #e"ice. .or a !ull break#own on the gra#ing1 please see the +ssessment Hui#e.

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