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Web Sources for 3rd Grade Science

SC. 3-4. Heat and Changes in Matter: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the changes in matter that are caused by heat. Indicators 3-4.1 Classify different forms of matter (including solids, liquids, and gases) according to their observable and measurable properties. Type Teache r +tudent +tudent (ideo Web Resource http !!""".nhusd.#$!&'()!media!virtual*science%.htm (provides teacher information and student can be interactive in learning about changes in matter) http !!study,!study,ams!,ams!science!matter!solidsliquids-gases.htm (includes detailed e.planation on changes of matter, tests and #arao#e ) http !!"""!online!solids/.s"f ( interactive categori0ing for students) http !!"""!"atch1v23n4v*'5(I6I (+ong on +olids, 'iquids and 7as)

3-4. ).plain ho" "ater and other substances change from one state to another (including melting, free0ing, condensing, boiling, and evaporating). Type Teache r +tudent :oem Web Resource http !!"""!'6T+!Chem!sub!boilingcond!boili ngcond.htm (information on condensing, boiling, and evaporating) http !!"""!schools!scienceclips!ages!8*9!solid*liquids*fs.shtml (interactive practice on melting and free0ing) http !!!sciencepoems!evaporate.asp.;.5#.fW9<#p95 (poem discussing evaporation)

3-4.3 ).plain ho" heat moves easily from one ob,ect to another through direct contact in some materials (called conductors) and not so easily through other materials (called insulators). Type Teach er +tuden Web Resource http !!"""!vie"*activity.php1 url2http !!"""!collection!"pi*!activities!"pi*the*bes t*insulator!the*best* (full and detailed lesson plan on =What is the 3est Insulator1) http !!"""!schools!scienceclips!ages!8*9!circuits*conductors*fs.

t (ideo (ideo

shtml (interactive "ebsite for students to learn about conductors) http !!"""!"atch1v2l#.*TrhCqf) (Informative video on conductors and insulators. The video gives e.amples of both conductors and insulators.) http !!"""!"atch1v2)&>(s8?#o"# (Conductor and insulator ,am song)

3-4.4 Identify sources of heat and e.emplify "ays that heat can be produced (including rubbing, burning, and using electricity). Type Teache r +tudent (ideo Web Resource http !!!lessons!"hen-things-start-heating-up! (lesson on ho" and "hy heat is produced) http !!"""!science!"or#!physics!child!main.html (interactive "ebsite to teach students about electricity) http !!"""!"atch1 v25@fA+yvB5acClist2:'DE&&3@4E&C/F)E9D (song about friction

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