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Celestine Prophecy Insight No 2

Doctrine V Knowledge
Worksheet 3 Finding the new paradigm alternatives to your old preoccupations.
Old Independence Intellectual accomplishment Self criticism Security Resistance to Authority Emotional Dramas ear "ontrol $aining appro!al "onformity Addiction %!erspending &nderearning 'hysical Image Lack of Lo!e Anger $uilt 'erfectionism Re!enge New Interdependence Wisdom Acknowledgement of strengths Adaptability Sharing Leadership Self-actualisation Lo!e #rust Self-trust "reati!ity self-security healing depri!ation realising worth Intrinsic worth Lo!e within empowerment lo!e with wisdom self-acceptance forgi!eness

Look at what you circled in worksheet ( and see the new-paradigm idea) *ow do you think you+ll react to the new way, If you circled 'hysical image in worksheet (- how are you going to achie!e realising other people+s intrinsic worth, *a!e any of the old ways been a learning . cur!e in the past,

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