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Haivas Math Group Project Cereal Box Design

Due Date: Monday, December 2, 2013 Corporation Members: You may work in groups up to 3 Scoring: The project will be scored using a rubric - Grades will range from a high of 4 and low of 0 (see sample) Material: Graph paper, construction paper, art supplies, ruler, pencil (you may use a computer for graphics) There are 4 main sections to this project that will be scored evenly. Every student in the group will have responsibilities in each section along with individual drawings and calculation results. Section 1: Cereal Box GROUPS RESPONSIBILITY

Each group will hand in a physical model of a cereal box GROUPS RESPONSIBILITY

Section 2: Calculations (see sample)

Each group will be required to hand in a calculations page which should include o Volume of chosen design (should meet the minimum requirement 3000 cm3)) o Surface area of design o Profits made from design (this will come from surface area) Each group will be required to hand in a design drawings page which should include o A NET (done with a ruler) on graph paper including all surfaces of your design with the dimensions clearly labeled to scale (ie: scale: 1 block = 2cm) INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY

Section 3: Design Drawings (see sample)

Each member of the group will be required to hand in 2 practice sets of calculations which will include volume and surface area calculations (for volume of 1500 cm3) Each member of the group will be required to hand in two sets of design drawings that correspond to the practice calculations

Section 4: Report (see sample)


Each group will be required to hand in a report page o Typed o 1-2 pages in length o Should include the name of your company

Your report should include the following: ! Answer in paragraph and/or point form.

o Opening statement; who your group members are and background knowledge (Please be entertaining) o The name of your cereal o Why you chose the design you did? o What are the advantages and disadvantages of your design/cereal? o How will you market the cereal? ! Using celebrities ! Athletes ! Commercials ! Billboards ! Radio o To whom will you market the cereal? Why? ! Older people ! Kids ! Teenagers The report will include a Profits/Calculations section o The required volume for design (3000 cm3) o The volume of the cereal package o The amount of surface area of the cereal package design o A few lines stating the profits made; ! ! ! Per box Per Grocery Store For all of New York City

Anything else creative you would like to add!

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