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Student Feedback Form

Version: 1.3 Administered: VET Quality Officer Approved: Manager Accreditation and Quality Ne t !evie": #ecem$er %&1'

!efer to: Assessment (ystem

Trainer/Assessor Name: .


Unit Code/Unit Name:

This evaluation form is to be completed by the candidate at the completion of delivery and assessment of a unit of competence or module. Its function is to monitor and evaluate training and assessment with an aim to continuously improve current strategies.

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements:
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree

About TRAINING My trainer had a thorough knowledge of the subject content My trainer communicated the subject content effectively My trainer provided opportunities to participate My trainer understood my learning needs I was treated with respect It was clear what was expected of me Training sessions were interesting rinted resource materials were appropriate !acilities and resources were appropriate The training was well organised I was advised of the opportunity for " # About ASSESSMENT I received clear information about assessment at the commencement of the unit / module Instructions were clear and easy to understand I knew exactly what was expected of me The assessor used appropriate language The assessor was professional The assessor$s comments were helpful I was regularly informed of my progress I agreed with the decision I was told about the %rievance rocedure


(hen completed) please hand it in to the lecturer/trainer/assessor

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