Eocsampler 2

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Algebra I EOC Practice #2

SPI 3102.1.2: Write an equation symbolically to express a contextual problem. 1. Timmy Johnson is a salesperson who is paid a monthly salary of $600 plus 2% commission on sales. Write an equation that represents Timmys monthly salary. . %. &. '. ! " 2# $ 600 ! " 600# $ .02 ! " .02# $ 600 ! " .06# $ 2 0. 1rs. 2entry is plannin3 to place a fence around her )ac+yard. The fencin3 costs $1.45 per yard. !he )uys f yards of fencin3 and pays $..60 in ta#. 6f the total cost of the fencin3 is $4..607 write an equation to represent the situation. . %. &. '. ..60f $ 1.45 " 4..60 1.45f $ ..60 " 4..60 1.45 f , ..60 " 4..60 ..60f / 1.5 " 4..60

For questions 2 and 3, use the following information. Dollywood irst opened in 1!"1 as a small tourist attraction named #$ebel $ailroad.% & ter se'eral name c(an)es* Dolly Parton became co+ owner in 1!," and t(e par- was renamed #Dollywood.% 2. (et y represent the num)er of years after 1*61 that the par+ was renamed 'ollywood. Write an e#pression for the year the par+ was renamed. . %. &. '. 1*61 , y 1*-6 , y 1*61 $ y 1*-6 $ y 5. 'urin3 a one,hour episode of 8um).rs7 the entertainment portion lasted 15 minutes lon3er than 0 times the ad9ertisin3 portion. 6f a represents the time spent on ad9ertisin37 write an equation to represent the situation. . %. &. '. 0a $ 15 " 60 0:a $ 15; " 60 a:0a $ 15; " 60 a $ :0a $ 15; " 60

.. Write an equation to represent the year the par+ was renamed. . %. &. '. 1*61 $ y " 1*-6 1*-6 $ y " 1*61 y , 1*61 " 1*-6 y / 1*-6 " 1*61

6. !hel)y wor+s for $4 an hour. total of 25% of her salary is deducted for ta#es and insurance. !he is tryin3 to sa9e $550 for a new car stereo and spea+ers. Write an equation to represent how many hours !hel)y must wor+ to ta+e home $550 if she sa9es all of her earnin3s. . %. &. '. 4h / 0.25:4h; " 550 4h / 0.25h " 550 4:0.25h; " 550 550 $ 4h " 0.25:4h;

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