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Express the following statements in symbolic notation, using logical connectives and the statement variables, p1, p2, p3,.. If I work hard in my theatre class then I get to go to Hollywood. If I get to go to Hollywood then I will get rich. I will get rich if and only if I am able to buy my own island. If I am able to buy my own island then I will start my own airline. I will get rich and I will buy my own island. If (I work hard in my theatre class and I am able to buy my own island) then I will start my own airline.

p1 : I work hard in my theatre class p2 : I get to go to Hollywood p3 : I will get rich p4 : I am able to buy my own island p5 : I will start my own airline p1 p2 p2 p3 p3 p4 p4 p5 p3 p4 ( p 1 p 4 ) p 5
1(b) Using any method justify whether the given argument is valid or invalid.
p3 p4 p4 p5 T T T T T T T F p3 p4 T T

Assume, contrariwise, that the argument is invalid. p1 p2 p2 p3


( p1 p4) p5

So we have contradiction as T F is T which is impossible. Hence, the given argument is valid.

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