Inside Interior DR 2012 11 Nov

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EDITORIA\ Welcome to the biggest issue of (inside) in six years. 'm very happy to present 188 pages of the best local and international design, including the winners of IDEA 2012. Flip the ‘magazine around and you will be introduced to the IDEA ‘winners’ supplement, showcasing the most outstanding. Australian interior and object design selected by a jury of esteemed experts and professionals. Itwas my pleasure to be involved as IDEA 2012 jury chair, and I'm sure you will agree that the projects awarded are fine examples of what this ‘country’s design practitioners do best Specially commissioned photography features prominently. in this issue, Peter Bennetts’ photo essay (oage 43) captures highlights from the 13th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice, and Felix Forest has photograhed the London Design Festival 2012. Felix also photographed Faye ‘Toogood while in London (poue |}, and to round out our British supplement, Debbie Pryor interviewed Faye for this issue's Discourse ( Domingo Antonio Robledo reviews March Studio's new Paris fitout, Damir Doma {og £0), which is also our cover story. And Gillian Serisier visited the new QT. Sydney, featured on|page 82, with specially commissioned ‘photography by Felix. I enjoyed writing on A Cantina, a hospitality/retail project by Estudio Némada (page 75) and winner of the international 2012 Restaurant and Bar Design Awards, ‘This issue also has a strong focus on new Australian design, initiatives, which is something T am passionate about supporting. My interview with Alexander Lotersztain on page 440 sheds some light on the recently formed One Third, which not only promotes our Australian design identity, but also. reinvigorates our local manufacturing industry. eis an excellent model and one that I hope sparks interest and influence. Mat Ward also writes about Assemble (900% 73), a young Melbourne-based company that is raising awareness on the benefits of small footprint living and affordable housing, ‘You will also notice that the look of this issue has been refreshed and this is thanks to our new art director Michael Bojkowski. It was a pleasure collaborating with Michael on this redesign and his experience and keen eye for graphic design trends and developments is an asset to (inside)’s pages. Finally, [have to share some news and let you know that T «will be moving on from my position as editor of (inside) and that this issue will be my final one. It has been an absolute pleasure working with the (inside) team, contributors, designers, architects and photographers on this dynamic industry-leading publication and I have very much enjoyed my time at its helm. As I continue frcelance work I hope to cross your path once again, but in the meantime please enjoy this, issue of (inside). — Leanne Amodeo, Editor

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