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Teacher Candidate: _Julia Arcidiacono_______________________________ Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________________________ ________________ Group i!e: _1"_________________ Allotted Ti#e: __$%&'% #inutes____ u*+ect or Topic: __,ollution__________________________________________ _%-%_________________ Date: _3/18/14______________ Coop. Initials: Grade (e)el: __4th___________ ection:

TA.DA/D: 0,A Co##on Core1: 4.$.4.C. Descri*e ho2 hu#an acti)ities a33ect the environment.
I. ,er3or#ance 4*+ecti)es 0(earning 4utco#es1 The 3ourth grade students 2ill e5a#ine pollution and its e33ects through a *oo6 and guided notes. The 3ourth grade students 2ill in)estigate the greenhouse e33ect through a group in7uir8 acti)it8. II. Instructional 9aterials Candle/#atches :eat proo3 plate ,ollution and ;aste *8 all8 9organ and /osie :arlo2 Guided notes and2ich *ags Ther#o#eters Greenhouse e33ect te#perature sheets III. u*+ect 9atter/ Content 0prere7uisite s6ills< 6e8 )oca*ular8< *ig idea1 A. ,rere7uisite s6ills: 1. =no2ledge o3 3ossil 3uels and 2hat nonrene2a*le resources are -. General 6no2ledge o3 pollution 0that it is an en)iron#ental issue1 3. A*ilit8 to record notes and data 4. A*ilit8 to 3ollo2 directions >. =e8 )oca*ular8: 1. ,ollution: :ar#3ul su*stances that da#age the en)iron#ent -. At#osphere: An en)elope o3 air< 3%% #iles thic6< that co#pletel8 surrounds the ?arth 3. 4!one: A special 3or# o3 o58gen that protect the ?arth 3ro# har#3ul @ultra)iolet@ ra8s 3ro# the un. 4. Greenhouse ?33ect: The greenhouse e33ect is a 2ar#ing o3 ?arthAs sur3ace and the air a*o)e it. It is caused *8 gases in the air that trap energ8 3ro# the sun. These heat&trapping gases are called green o!"e g#"e". The #ost co##on greenhouse gases are 2ater )apor< car*on dio5ide< and #ethane. ;ithout the greenhouse e33ect< ?arth 2ould *e too cold 3or li3e to e5ist. C. >ig Idea: 1. There are #an8 2a8s 2e cause pollution in our dail8 li)es< *ut it is da#aging to the en)iron#ent. IB. I#ple#entation A. Introduction C 1. The teacher 2ill ha)e a candle< #atches< and heat proo3 plate read8 on the 3ront ta*le. -. The teacher 2ill start *8 as6ing< @;ho re#e#*ers 2hat 2e learned a*out 8esterda8D@ 0Eossil 3uels1 and< @;hat are the three t8pes o3 3ossil 3uels that 2e learned a*outD@ 0coal< natural gas< and oil1. The teacher 2ill also re)ie2 that 3ossil 3uels are nonrene2a*le resources and as6 the class 2hat it #eans 3or a resource to *e nonrene2a*le 0resources that ta6e a long ti#e to 3or#1.



The teacher 2ill then e5plain that coal is a nonrene2a*le resource< or 3ossil 3uel< that 2e *urn coal to use it as 3uel. The teacher 2ill then light the candle and sa8< @.o2 pretend that this candle is *urning coal. IA# going to hold this plate o)er the 3la#e 3or 3% seconds. The plate 2onAt touch the 3la#e< *ut a change 2ill still occur. I 2ant 8ou to thin6 to 8oursel3 and tr8 to predict 2hat 2ill happen to the plate during the 3% seconds.@ The teacher 2ill then hold the plate o)er the 3la#e 3or 3% seconds and then sho2 it to the class. The plate should ha)e a *lac6 residue on it. The teacher 2ill as6 students to raise their hand i3 their prediction 2as correct. The teacher 2ill then e5plain that the *lac6 residue on the plate is car*on that 2as collected 3ro# the *urning candle. The8 2ill also e5plain that 2hene)er things are *urned< li6e coal that 2e use as 3uel< car*on and other gases are released into the air< e)en though 2e donFt see the#. This is an e5a#ple o3 pollution< 2hich is 2hat 2e are going to learn #ore a*out toda8.

>. De)elop#ent C 1. The teacher 2ill hand out the guided notes and e5plain that the8 are going to read a *oo6 called ,ollution and ;aste *8 all8 9organ and /osie :arlo2. :e/she 2ill continue to e5plain that the8 2ill 3ind the in3or#ation needed to 3ill out the notes in the *oo6. The teacher 2ill encourage the class to 3ollo2 along and 3ill out the notes. -. The teacher 2ill put the *oo6 under the docu#ent ca#era and *egin to read. The8 2ill stop periodicall8 to discuss< #a6e connections< and to #a6e sure the students are 3illing in all the necessar8 in3or#ation on the guided notes. The8 2ill pause a3ter the page titled< @Things Are :eating Gp@ 0page 141 to start the in7uir8 acti)it8. 3. The teacher 2ill e5plain that the8 are going to do an e5peri#ent to see ho2 the greenhouse e33ect 2or6s. The teacher 2ill tell that students that their group 2ill recei)e a ther#o#eter that the8 are going to place so#e2here outside in the sun. Also< that the8 2ill lea)e the ther#o#eters outside 3or 1%&1$ #inutes *e3ore 2e go *ac6 outside to chec6 the te#perature. The teacher 2ill then hand out the ther#o#eters and lead the class outside. 4. 4nce *ac6 inside< the class 2ill continue reading the *oo6 and 3illing in the guided notes 3or the ne5t 1%&1$ #inutes. >e3ore going *ac6 outside< the teacher 2ill e5plain to the students that the8 2ill recei)e a sheet o3 paper to record the te#perature on. 4nce the8 recorded their te#peratures< the teacher 2ill gi)e the# a plastic sand2ich *ag to put their ther#o#eter in. The teacher 2ill e5plain that the *ag needs to *e pu33ed out to let a lot o3 air in and de#onstrate 2hat the8 #ean. The class 2ill then go outside to record the te#perature 2ithout the *ag. $. 4nce *ac6 inside< the class 2ill continue reading the *oo6 and 3illing in the guided notes 3or another 1%&1$ #inutes. '. ;hen itAs ti#e< the class 2ill go *ac6 outside 2ith their te#perature sheets to record the ne2 te#perature. 4nce all the students ha)e recorded their groupAs te#perature< the class 2ill go *ac6 inside to discuss. The te#perature 2ith the *ag should *e higher. The teacher 2ill e5plain that this is *ecause the plastic traps the unAs heat inside and that this is si#ilar to the 2a8 greenhouse gases trap heat 3ro# the un inside the ?arthAs at#osphere. H. 4nce done discussing the in7uir8< the class 2ill 3inish the guided notes i3 necessar8. Eor 7uestion 1%< the teacher 2ill *rainstor# ideas 2ith the class and record the# on the *oard. 8. ;hen co#pleted< the teacher 2ill collect the guided notes to chec6 3or co#pleteness and accurac8. The teacher 2ill return the notes the ne5t da8. C. Closure C 1. The teacher 2ill re)ie2 *8 as6ing the class 7uestions li6e 2hat pollution is and 2hat causes it< 2hat alternati)es are< 2hat the greenhouse e33ect is< ho2 did 2e de#onstrate the greenhouse e33ect< or 2hat can *e done to reduce pollution. -. The teacher 2ill as6 students to share 2hat the8 thin6 a*out pollution and ho2 learning all this #a6es the# 3eel. 3. The teacher 2ill 3urther e5plain that there are #an8 things 2e can do to li)e healthier and help the en)iron#ent< and that the8 2ill learn #ore a*out things the8 can do the ne5t da8.

D. Acco##odations / Di33erentiation & Eor Tre)or: a1 ,re3erred seating 2ill *e i#ple#ented 2ithin the group #e#*ers and classroo#

*1 Gse o3 cooperati)e learning/partner sharing ?. Assess#ent/?)aluation plan 1. Eor#ati)e a1 Guided notes *1 Greenhouse ?33ect acti)it8 c1 4*ser)ations -. u##ati)e a1 ./A B. /e3lecti)e /esponse A. /eport o3 tudentsF ,er3or#ance in Ter#s o3 tates 4*+ecti)es 0/e3lection on students per3or#ance 2ritten
a3ter lesson is taught< includes re#ediation 3or students 2ho 3ailed to #eet accepta*le le)el o3 achie)e#ent1 /e#ediation plan

>. ,ersonal /e3lection 0Iuestions 2ritten *e3ore lesson is taught.10/e3lecti)e ans2ers to

7uestions recorded a3ter lesson is taught.1 Did the students alread8 ha)e *ac6ground 6no2ledge a*out pollutionD Did an8 o3 the in3or#ation see# to *e too co#ple5 or not eas8 3or the students to co#prehendD Did the students 3ollo2 along 2ith the guided notes and get do2n all the in3or#ationD

,lease note:
Do not tr8 to 3it 8our lesson plan into the spaces on this 3or#at sheet. can this 3or# or ret8pe it. Ad+ust the spacing to #atch the needs o3 8our indi)idual lessons. A3ter the cooperating teacher has appro)ed and initialed the plan< an8 reco##endations or re)isions should re#ain on the plan.

BI. /esources :arlo2< /.< J 9organ< . 01""$1. Pollution and waste. .e2 Kor6< .K: =ing3isher.

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