Matthew Ing Website Resume

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Matthew Ing

Chicago, IL 60616 E-Mail:

December 2013

Uni e!"it# o$ Illinoi" at Chicago Bachelor of Science: Marketing

%&ill" and Inte!e"t"

Communication: - Seasoned public speaker - Able to communicate complex ideas and topics with ease - Exercises healthy team communication and collaboration skills Art and Design: - Practiced motion-picture director - Experienced video equipment operator - Proficient in Final Cut Pro !icrosoft "ord PowerPoint and Publisher Exploration: - #ifelon$ fascination with ecolo$y wildlife and technolo$y - Avid filmmaker% speciali&ed in adventure fantasy and documentary $enres - En$a$ed in social media communities' Facebook (witter insta$ram and )ou(ube

)ot *o&" Cool %u"hi, Chicago IL Ma# 201+ , -!e"ent Marketing Intern - *esi$ned distinctive advertisements for placement on tourist rickshaw carria$es - Composed business cards that embodied the restaurant+s style and atmosphere - Strate$i&ed patron interaction throu$h social media outlets such as Facebook and )elp E e!#.%&# -!oduction": %tudent .!gani/ed C!eati e %e! ice", Chicago IL .cto0e! 2011--!e"ent Co-founder, ro!ect Manager, and Motion icture Director - *irected edited and produced small-scale video productions - ,urtured client relationships throu$h electronic communication - Sample work available at' http' %atu!da# En!ichment -!og!am 1%.E.-2 ia 3o!thwe"te!n Uni e!"it#, Chicago, IL 2011- November 2011 "eaching Assistant - Explored topics in /obotics Astronomy and Physics - Adapted lesson plans to better suit the learnin$ styles of individual students - Coordinated semester events to showcase student accomplishments April

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