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ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EXPLOSIVES AND RELATED ITEMS PATR 2700 VOLUME 1 BY BASIL T. FEDOROFF HENRY A. AARONSON' EARL F. REESE OLIVER E. SHEFFIELD GEORGE D. CLIFT ASSISTED BY CYRUS G. DUNKLE HANS WALTER AND DAN C. McLEAN U.S. ARMY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT COMMAND TACOM, ARDEC WARHEADS, ENERGETICS AND COMBAT SUPPORT CENTER PICATINNY ARSENAL NEW JERSEY, USA 1960 Copies of the “Encyclopedia of Explosives ‘And Related Items” can be obtained by requesting CD ROM from the: ‘National Technical Information Service (formerly Clearinghouse) US Department of Commerce Springfield, Virginia 22151 1-800-553-6847 USA only 703-605-6000 wwwantis gow/FCPC ‘The contents of these volumes are UNCLASSIFIED ‘The distribution of these volumes is UNLIMITED [Neither the US Government nor any person acting on behalf of| the US Govemment assumes any liability resulting from the use or publication ofthe information contained inthis document or warrants ‘that such use o publication willbe fre from privately owned rights Al ights reserved. This document, or parts thereaf, may not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the Energetics and! Warhead Division, WECAC, TACOM, ARDEC, Picatinny Arsenal Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number: 61-61759 ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface Introduction Nomenctarure Physical Tests Used to Determine Explosive Properties Abbreviations, Code Names, and Symbols ‘Abbreviations for Books and P. Descriptive Text of Encyclopedic ems Table . Comparison of US, British and German Sieve Series Table II. Calibers of US and Foreign Ammunition Index of Subjects as Alternate Names of Items Pose vu Abbe 1 Abbe 66 AL to A673 A674 AGTS 4677 LIST OF FIGURES AND ILLUSTRATIONS Sand Test Bomb Taliani Test Apparatus ‘Vacuum Stability Test Apparatus Apparatus for Determination of Acetylene Flow Diagram for Synthesis of Ammonia Flow Diagram for Production of Ammooium Nitrate Apparatus for Determination of Moistuce rometer Apparatus for Determination of Nitrogen Apparatus for Determination of Nitrobenzene in Ani ‘Anvil of « Percussion Primer Lead Azide Normal Crystals Lead Azide Needle Shaped Crystals Apparamus for Lead Azide Content by US Ordnance Corps Gasometric Method Appatatus for Determination of Lead Azide Content 2x xxv XXVE A75 298-9 316-7 asm A374 Aa16 Aa73 S67 A568 A369 Ase2 A613 PREFACE ‘The widespread interest in explosives during and since orld War If has re- sulted in the need for a comprehensive coverage of the field of explosives and re ated igems, In 1941-1944, Dr B, T. Fedoroff in collaboration with G. D. Clift had published a ‘Laboratory Manual of Explosives" in four small volumes (Lefax Co), for which there were numerous requests. Since the printed editions had been ex hausted and the plates were no longer available, Dr Fedoroff decided to write a revised edition. As the work progressed, it became evident thar additional help ‘would be needed, not only because of the tremendous expansion of the literature, bur also because it was decided to broaden the scope of the work This Encyclopedia is intended to cover the following items: a)Military and industrial explosives, explosive compositions, propellants and pyrotechnic compo- sitions b)Explosives and explosive compositions which have aot been used for mnilitary or industrial purposes c)Analytical procedures for the more common explosives, propellants and pyrotechnic compositions d)Compounds which def- Iagrate or may possibly explode because of the presence of plosophoric groups e)Ammunition items, such as projectiles, bombs, grenades, detonators, fuzes, ete HCalibers of weapons and projectiles used in the US and foreign countries g) Brief definitions of ordnance terms h)Names of scientists who made important contributions in the fields of explosives, ammunition and weapons Over he years a number of works, including dictionaries, have been published in the field of explosives, propellants, etc, which are of general or limited scope. None of these has attempted to include in one work a comprehensive coverage of the broad field of items listed above ‘The authors hope that this Encyclopedia will be of value not only in saving many bouts of library work but also in reducing the need for much laboratory work in order to obtain information alzeady available. It is hoped that some of the data and even lack of data may stimulate additional work in the fields covered Tn compiling this work, the authors have freely consulted with, and had the cooperation of so many individuals that a listing would be impractical. Any ar- tempt to do so would surely result in some embarrassing omissions. We therefore take this opportunity to thank all those who have been consulted or who have help- ed in other ways in the preparation of this work, Throughout the Encyclopedia information received from individual's is acknowledged in the text. Picatinay Arsenal Technical Information (Library) refereace works, such as journals, periodicals books and unclassified reports, were made available through the cor operation of all Library personnel. The complete copy of this manuscript was Vari-typed by Miss Margaret Dee, Mrs Sylvia Griffin and Mrs Bertha Kelly with the cooperation of Mr Joseph Farkas & Mr John Noonan, whom we consulted freely (all of the Technical Publications Unit, Felrman Research and Engineering Leaboratories). Special acknowledgement is due to the officials (both military and civilian) of Picatinny Arsenal for encouraging this work and for obtaining ics financial support Although considerable effort has been made to present this information as ac= curacely as possible, mistakes and errors in transcription do occur. The inter pretations of dara and opinions expressed ate the responsibility of the auchors and are not necessarily those of the Deparment of the Army or of Picatinny Arsenal, This report has been prepared for information purposes only and the Department of the Army of Picatinay Arsenal shall not be responsible for any events of decisions arising from the use of this information INTRODUCTION The user of this Encyclopedia is urged to read this Introduction to obtain an understanding of the authors’ way of treating and covering the subject matter. Be- tcause of the broad scope of the work and the vast amount of material available, discussions of most items are brief. Theoretical and physico-chemical aspects, except for a few constants, are usually covered by the refereaces. Items of dis- since military oF commercial importance are discussed in more dev to all sources of data, as well as references for broader coverage, axe given fol- lowing each itew. No claim is made to complete coverage, but the authors believe that, in general, few pertinent ceferences have been omitted 'No attempt has been made vo cover the large volune of material included in classified reports and no information from such reports has been used. However, for the benefit of those who have the right of access to classified information, some references to these sources may be given. Arny regulations declassi most of the classified reports originating before January 1, 1946, were not issued in time to permit review of the large aunber of these reports for information which would have been included under the letter A and covered ia this first volume. Sub- sequent volumes may include subject matter rom these declassified reports. In some cases, reports listed here as classified, may subsequently have been de- classified ‘As was mentioned in che preface we have Listed not only compounds which have been reported as explosive, bus also compounds which have been or may be pre- “pared and which, because of the presence of plosophotic groups, may possibly be ‘explosive. This has been done because, unfortunately, many workers who have prepared compounds which may be explosive, have not made tests for explosibility. Many substances ordinarily not considered explosive, have exploded accideneally ‘or been caused to explode experimentally Because of the potential hazard ftom compounds containing plosophoric groups wwe have included compounds which, in ou opinion, contain a sufficient percent- age of such groups to make them dangerous under certain conditions. Such com pounds may possibly find use as components of explosive mimures, fuse compo~ sitions, ete. In the case of nitro compounds, this percentage was azbisratily set at about 14% NO, and/or NO nitrogen, although some compounds with lower nitzogen content have been exploded. High sitrogen compounds on combustion yield large volumes of gas which may contribute to the ballistic potential of a propellant composition coasaining such compounds. If these compounds are not in mnicity may be of value in reducing che flash ‘of propellent compositions. We have, therefore, decided to include compounds ‘which contain about 40% of more nitrogen In addition to a given explosive compound, we have included references to whae may be consideted as the parent compound of azido, nitro at nitroso derivatives. This is done because some information concerning the parent ie usually needed for the preparation of explosive derivatives. References (mostly Beilstein) to intermediate non-explosive derivatives are included for the same reason. For ‘example, naphthalene and its various mononiero and dinitroderivatives, which are not explosive are listed and references given References In order to make the Encyclopedia ascompact as possible we used abbreviations, many of which ate the same as used in Chemical Abstracts except that periods after abbreviations are omitted. A list of abbreviations symbols, code letters and special designations of items connected with explosives, propellants, pyrotechaics, ammuaition and weapons is included in this work. This list is placed immediately before the Encyclopedia proper (see Abbreviations, pp Abbr 1-59) and also in- cludes abbreviations and code letters for various Ordnance establishments, in- dusteial installations and scientific institutions, both US and foreiga. Some addi- tional abbreviations are given in a supplementary list (see Abbreviations, pp Abbr 59-65), Wherever we have been able to do so and are permitted by security regulations, the meaning of code letters on ammunition, weapons and other military items is briefly explained Following the above lists, the journals, books, and other reference sources most frequently used ate given, together with our abbreviations for them (See p> Abbe 66-76), Journal abbreviations, not included ia our list, are the same as given in the “List of Periodicals Abstracted by Chemical Absteaces,"” Ohio University, Columbus 10, Ohio (1956), except that we do not use periods and leave no space between abbreviated words. Although the French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese books and journals do not capitalize the words in titles (except the first word) wwe use captials, as is the practice in abbreviating US and British journals Nomencloture Since most organic compounds can be designated by several names, it was necessary in each case co decide under which name to list a particular compound. Not only are different names used by different writers, but frequently the Ab- stractor for Chemical Abstracts used another name and in the Chemical Abstracts Indexes the compound is often indexed under a still different name, In general, the Chemical Abstracts Index name is here given preference. However, when @ trivial name or an older name is used, the compound may be listed under one of these names. In every case where more than one name has been used to design: 3 compound, the orhers are also listed. In addition, alternative names are or be listed and the various names cross-indexed. The reader will thus usually have Lule difficuley in locating the desited item under which the compound is dis cussed in this book. In most cases, shen a compound is described in the German literature, the German name is alse given. This should be of help to those who sseek information on the compound ia the German literature, particulasily Beilstein and Gmelin Azido, nitramino, nitro and nitroso derivatives are Listed under what may be com sidered as the parent compound. Thus all the moner, dis, and be discussed under toluene. For example, nitraminoterrazoles are discussed under aminotetrazole. With this system the various azido, nitro, etc derivatives iar cluded above are kept together and ate not scattered throughout the Encyclopedia. Since these derivatives of given parent compound are usually of some related meres from the poiat of view of properties, preparation and references, we be lieve that this arrangement ie the most convenient While most azido, nitroso, and nitro derivatives ate listed under their parent compounds, the amino, azo, azoxy, etc derivatives are listed as parent compounds, themselves, either individually or as a group. Similiely, alkyl, pheay! and other a derivatives are listed under their corcesponding alkyl, aryl, etc names, eg amyl derivatives under aryl, etc. Bis- compounds in general will be listed under 3, and tis- compounds under T. Halogen containing compounds will be found under the appropriate halogen; eg chlorobenzene uader C ete. Salts, peroxides, hydeo- peroxides, ete of organic conpounds ace Tisted under the corresponding oxganie patent compound, while metallic salts are discussed under the appropriate acids, such as chloric, nitric, perchloric, etc. An exception is Ammonium Nicrate which is discussed separately in this volume and net under Nitric Acid. Normal, iso, tertiary, ete, isomers of alkyl compounds are listed under the corresponding alkyl group. Thus isoburylperoxide will be found under butylperoxides hea the position of a substituent group has not been established or is in doubt, the doubtful position may be indicated by x ot followed by (7). In some cases the probable positions are given in parentheses, eg 4(or 7>aninobenzotriazole. Where two ways are commonly used to indicate the position of groupe or elements in a molecule, one of the alternative ways is usvally placed in parentheses ditectly after the lester or symbol designating the position, eg 2(or 0}, and a (or 1H). This is done to avoid repeating the whole name ‘The nomenclature,particularly of complex compounds, is not always satisfactory in spite of the good work of the nomenclature commissions of the laternational Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Occasionally, a competent chemist would fot be able to write the comect structure based on a given name. This is partic ‘ularly noticeable in the naming of open chain and cyclic polyaitrogen compounds and copecially when the molecule contains both types of structures. As a result of our work in this field we have evolved a aystem which we have been using and ‘which bas some advantege in reducing ambiguity. Whete it has seemed advisable, an additional name has been added, based on the system described below. This system was vorked ou ia collaboration with Drs H. Macsuguma and H. Walter of Picatinny Arsenal and is essentially a combination of those systems used in Beilsteins Handbuch der Organischen Chemie and Chemical Abstracts ‘The open chain polynitrogen groups include: Diazene -HN-NS Triazene NNN Teerazene(1) DN-NH-N:N~ [called herein isotetrazene as has been done by F.L.Seott et al, JACS 75, 5310(1953)] Terrazene(2) DN-NEN-NC (which herein will be called simply tetrazene) Pentazadiene Hexazadiene In these groups Beilstein designates the nitrogen at one end of the chain as N aad the one at the other end as N’, but there is no provision for naming the com- pound if some organic radical is attached to one of the aitrogens not at an end of the chain, The system used in US Chemical Abstracts consists of designating the nitrogens by the numerals 1,2,3,4 ete but there is no provision for differentiating these aumerals from those used in the ring structures (such as beazene, pyridine, triazole, tetrazole ete) which may be attached co one of the nitrogens of the open chain compounds. None on the above systems provides a ready, unequivocal ime ication of the position (in the ring) to which the aitzogen of the open chain com pound is aztached i=, ete Vv In the system we have adopted the nitrogeas of open chain compounds are designated as N',N?,N!,N'NN, etc. For instance, the compound C,H, -N:N-NH— NH-GH, would be called (N-ethyl, Nphenyl)isotetrazene and the compound cH, Ge NINNQH) NC" would be called (Nethyl, amino, Ntmethyl, Nt ‘Gos phenylisotetrazene. Slightly more difficult would be che oaning of a compound in which one (or several) hydrogens in an attached ring or in the straight nitrogen chain is substituted by one (or seversi) radicals, such as NHy, NOs, Cat, ete Let us name, according to our system, the compound NO, » so— tn. Bote oo ne Nemo i a fit ur ogy tre etn Se eater esta ee ge ere eee eee ak tre arranged clockwise, then the name of the compound would be (NM(2 16” dinitrotoluene-4’),N'-amino-a-tetrazole-5)).isotetrazene. Here, ~4°) indicates that Ni is attached to position 4 in the 2°67diniuotoluene ting, The -5) indicares that N¢ is attached to position 5 in the cetrazole ring. The cindicates the type of tetrazole to distinguish it from the S-tetrazole, In the compound the hydrogen ep ne pps erarep re riage neaaherre leita ee eaag cae tee Wee ever Someta ene ee ae ae mee ean eee Bagi tetpeeo taepee eee eto te ieee eee eee ee aco moles intone Sees ee eae pease AQUI A « We have adopted the rule ehat According to our system its name would be: IN(2% 6 “dinitrotoluene-4”),N-(2"*nitro-Btetrazole-5”), Naming, N*-(I-amino- eletrazole-5)}isoletrazene By adopting the proposed system it would be easier to arrive at a name corre: sponding to a given formula of to write a formula corresponding to a given name than by using the systems described in Beilstein, Chemical Abstracts or British literature ‘As another example may be cited the compound S-RH-CLNN-NH-NH-NN-CNHN yk aan Raat y which we would name [N',M-bis(a-tetrazolyl-5)]-bexazadiene, Let us now find a simple unequivocal name for the compoun cH ea Hy cH HONHTW | which has been variously named: abpyrido(2,.hclseriazole bysiazolo-pytidine ©)2,3diazopyrrocoline d)benztriazole and ¢)1,2,3-benzizo- iazole. Of these, only the Ist name would allow writing the cozrect scructural formula once one learns the significance of the letter c. This system, however, rot only uses numerals for indicating the position of atoms but also uses letters, asbyedseyete for cach side of a ring compound. On examiniag the above formula ie is evident thae the compound is a pyride-s-triazale, bur since there may be several such compounds, it is necessary to indicate the position at which the pyridine is connected to the s-triazole, If we adope the system of numbering each ting separately, and if the group on the right side of ehe formula has che numerals 1,2,3, ete startsg from NH and counting clockwise, while the group on the left side has the numerals 1/,2'3’, et starting from N and eountiag counterclockwise, then the formula numbering would be - no fPyor—tn o Hand th proposed name is (pyido-! 2b eds ee ie i It ehis compound had an amine group in position A’of the pyridine ring and a inecyl group in postion Lofts tlazle ring, then the name Would Be tminopytidine-1/2 >(lmethyl-seiazoled 3) In ehe ease of tevoroles te use the Chemical Abstact system of mueration, but the compa Heh ke q zo call ye and the sd HC RETNA known as Lihvercasale we call cetanote andthe comp. y—fh known as 2H-tereszole we call P-tetrazoleaMe retain the name isotetrazole for the compound HyC-N=N N In the case of tetrazi the compound HE:N-H is called by us stor sym NA GH 1 lor vie-btetrazine, The as-teteazine is not etrarine and the compound HE known ney vr nes, the compound HE=A-N is called by wy asriazine, HGeN-GH the compound HONK, wor vie--triazine and the compound néaiGi, HG-GH-N, feat slot sym-}triazine faeces Gath cor of trae, se congoun HES a called Wor vie-triazole and the compound HE-NH-A , sfor sym rile, If His in postion 1, we add y——GH ‘vin front of & of af w and if H is in position 2, che letter fis used and in the ‘case of the compound HG-N-N , our name is y-s-riazole AY —GH In the case of isotriazoles, the compound He A is called by us ulor vies CN isotriazole,and the compound Hi Lisotriazole In order to avoid the use of rings (which have to be drawn by hand) as much as possible, we adopted a system similar to thac used in Beilstein for such compounds tas benzene, pyridine, ceteazole, etc. For example, benzene is writcen as wt adindh atsied u J) and @tetrazole asf! ||, It should be noted that in these. ne-ciega — Formulas, az written, position I is always in the middle of the upper line PHYSICAL TESTS FOR DETERMINING EXPLOSIVE AND OTHER PROPERTIES (OF ITEMS DESCRIBED IN THIS WORK* Abel’ s Teat(KI Heat Teat or KI-Statch Test) (Epreuve 4’ Abel, in Fr.) A brief description is given on pA2 of this volume. The test ia alro described in TM 9-1910(1955),57—60 Ability te Propagate Detonction; Transmission of Detenetion or Extent of Propagat centy of an expl tw conduct detonation, which has beea started by an initiator, to neighboring layers is depend= ent on the props of the expl mainly velocity of deton and on some other factors(such as confinement, thickness of layer, diam af charge, desaity of packing, AN), the econ wave aight easily die out(or dampen) ifthe optinus conditions for propagation are not fulfilled Munroo(Ref 2) described several teate (or detn of propagation of deton in AN, For chese experiments, use was made of « wooden trough, appr 51(" square in croas-section and 10° loag, which rested on the ground. ‘Sach a tough held ce 125 tbs of AN. Use was made of both warm niteate(52°) and of cold aitrate(21°). The warm nittate was used 10 ineure deton and was placed at the initiating end of the tain. The effect wae detd by the size and extent of the crater produced beneath the box. Ax the isitiacion of AN could not be produced by detonarors(such as elecisic cetyl detonstor), it was aecessary to use sticks of Binsting gelatia, Wich this initiation complete detonation of AN could be obesined, except in cases when AN was 1" of smaller in diam ter. Warm AN detond easier than cold AN “The propagation test may also be conducted similarly to the pin method described by Cook(Ref 6) Refs: Iycolver(1918),639 2)C-E.Muaroe, ChemMetEngrg 26, 541/192) 3)J-L.Sherick, ArOrdn 24, 329 & 3931924) 4)G.W.Jones, ArOrde 5, $99(1924) _5)D-B.Gavthrop, ArOedn 6, 47(1925) 6)Cook(1938),29—31 Absorption of Moistore by Explosives, Propellants ond Pyrotechnic Compositions, See Hygroncopicicy ‘Action of Light on Explosives, ete. See Light, Action on Explosives, ete Aptitude & Pinflemmetion, Essol, Same a2 Capability to Inflane Test ‘Armor Plote Impact Test(Shell Impact Test). This test was developed during WW IT co provide an additional sensitivity test for HE s commonly used, and to supplement data obrained by impact and cfle-bullet test ‘The teat is supposed to duplicate the conditions which take place when «HE projectile hits a haed surface For this test # modified GO mm Mortar Shell is loaded with the test expl, drilled about f inch, and closed ‘with a accel plug screwed into the shell to give a cloge fit between the plug base and the charge. The igr iter and propelling charges ate londed into the "gun"? through a simple breech plug. The loaded shell is fired from a 3 foot length of Shelby atcel tubing against rigidly-nounted mild ateel plates. Velocities of the thelle are measuced electronically and whether ot nat flash o¢cuts on impact is determined by observation. ‘The value reported ig the velocicy in fe/gec at which the expl is unaffected in 50% of the erials. Refs! 1) DPATR 1740, Rev 101958) Maximum Available Work Poten sche Mérver, Probe ia Get) (Fasai au mortier éprowverte, in Pr) is a measure fof pomer. tis uaed in the US in preference to the Teauzl Teac which is standard in some European coun- tries. The Ballistic Mortar Test consists of firing various cherget of teat explosive in a heavy steel mor tar, atched to a pendulum bar and suspended on baile edges, and comparing the degrees of swings pro- Guced with that obtained on detonation of 10 g samples of TNT. From the values for TNT and from the eights of charges of sample producing nearly the same deflections at 10 g of TNT, the ant of sample pro- Gucing exactly the same deflection a2 10 g of TNT ie calculated. Then the Ballistic Mortar Value is derived from the formulas BM Valve ~ 10% 100___ 5, of 2NT e (Seo also Mortar Test). Refs! 1)US BurMinesBell 346(1951),46—9(Ballistic Morcar, DuPont Type) 2)¥. ‘Taylor & K.Mortis, TranaFaradSoc 28, 545~58(1932) 2a)Vennin, Burlot & Lécorché(1932),189 3)Stettbacher (1933),370__ 4)OSRD Rept 803(1942),19~21 5)Picatinny Arsenal Testing Nanvsl No 721950) 6)TM 9—1910 (1955),69 (Described as Ballistic Pendulus) T)PATR 1740, Rev 1(1958) Bollistic Pendulum Test(Exssi au pendule balistique, in Fe) (Ballistische Pendel Probe, in Get). This is the Official Test for the power of coal mine expl both ia the US and GtBaivaia, The pendulum woed at the US BusMines Testing Station, Beuceton, Pa consists of a mortar( 12.2" diam and weighing 31600 Ibe), attached to 4 pendulum, as described in Ref 3, p 43. The test exp! ig loaded (6 02) in a borehole 2" 1D & 2/5" deep) fof « steel cannon (24° OD x 36" long) and the chatge is stemmed(tamped) with 2 Ib of clay. The eannon is then mmoved on & wack £0 within "fy" of the morcar and afver adjusting the bote exactly oppesite the mortarmuzzie the chatge is fired by means of an electric detonator. The impact of products shooting fom the cannon against the mortar causes deflection(ewing) of the pendulum. The swing ix measured and compared with that produced by che same ame(@ 02) of 40 per cent steaight Dynamite(NG 40, NaNO, 44 woodpulp 15 a CaCO, 1%), which is designated ae PTSS(Pitabutgh Testing Searion Seandard) Dynamite. ts swing is 2,7 t0 3.1" For meaning of abbreviations, see pp Abbr to Abbe 76, which follow vin By means of trial and failure the weight of the eample(W) that gives approximately the same awing 2 8 of fof the standard is chen decd, and chree abota are fized with thie we. The exact awiag of che aample(Ss) | ‘caled from the formula: Sx =8 2D, where Sp is e ing given by 8 ox of the atandard(Refs 1,2,3 & 4) ‘The pendulum in usc at che Britinh testing station at Rochesha weighs 5 tons and ia suspended by at sode from an oveshead axle having roller beatings. The bore-hole of the caasoa(gua) ia 30" long and 174" diam. The charge consiata of 4 07 of exp! well-tammed with 2 Ibe dry clay saoved to withia 2" of the mortarmuzzie and the charge i ‘and compared with 3,27" which ie the ‘moadmeal 8%) (Ref 2,p 183-4) ‘The ballistic pendulum teat ie also used in GeBricain for determining performance of military explosives. For thie « 10 g sample of expl ie detonated ¢ condition under light confinemeat at the center of @ heavy hollow cylinder, closed at one end, and euspended so as to form & peadulum, The swing is com ‘pared with that produced by 10 g of picric acid. The resulte are expressed as petceatages of the perform face of picric acid(Ref $) Refs: YMarahall 2(1917),473 2)Barett(1919),182—4 3US BandinesBoll 346 (0931)40-6 30)Veanin, Burlot a Lecorche(1932),269 4)Scettbacher(1933),368 5)Blart,0SRD 2014(1944) Behavior Towards Heat Tests. See Sensitivity to Flame, Heat, Sparks, Elecuostatie Discharges, ete Teste, ‘an well ae Burning Teste, Combustion Teate aad Lex of jflammability Teota Bergmann-dunk Tast has been used widely ia Europe and to aome exteat in the US for testiog the exabilicy ‘of NC. In thie method NC is heated at 132° for 2 hours which action cause of the acln is detd by the Schulze-Tiemnon method. More detailed description will be given io Vol Tuader B Re/s: VE.Bergmana & A.Juak, ZAngChen 17,982,1018 & 1074(1904) 2)Reilly(1936)83—5 3)KaseMetz (1944),218-20 & 312 4PATR 1401,Rev 1(1950),19~25 Bichal Bomb or Bichel Pressure Goge ia a device for measuring the press of an expla and for collecting and ‘examining the gaseous, lig, and solid products formed. The apparaten consists of two atout cast steel hori= zontal cylinders, oe of 15 | and the other 20 1 capacity. Each cylinder can be cloued with heavy lide pto- ‘vided with lead gaakete and cecured in place by heavy stad bolte and aa iron yoke. Three(or more) amall diam holee ate drilled through the upper pert of cylindere: the Iet hole is connected to the tube of « vacuum ump, the 2nd accommodates an insulated plug chat provides means for conducting the electric cwreat to the electric detonator inside the bomb and the 3rd le connected co a press gage provided with a registering drum For examination of an exp! « charge(utually 30 t0 300 g) ia placed inside the bomb, and, after closing the lid, the air in evacuated by means of « vacuum pump. Thea the chge le fired electrically and the pee ‘sure diagram ia obtained. Method of computation of reauite in given ia Ref 2. The reaule thus obtained i termed the ‘‘mazimum pressure of the explosive in its oum volume ‘apparatus alae affords a means for collecting and examining the producte formed oa expla. The swethod of sampling in described ia Ref 2, pp 92-3.Re/s: I)C.E.Bichel, "New Methods of Teatiag Explo- * Geitfin,Londoa(1905) 2)US BurMine Bull 246(1931),64—95 _3)Vivaa, Feigenepan & Ladteda, + K1944),98—10d(Linder the name “Wedidor de presion de la cua Carhonit’’ ) Water will be deactibed in Vol I under B.Re/s: 1)TM 91910(1953),72-6 , Initiating Efficloney. See under initiating Etticiency of Primary Explosives, Blasting Caps ead Detonacore Bomb Drop Tests(Bomb Functioning Test) are urually conducted ueiag bombs antenbled ia the conven onal manner, as for service usage, but provided with either inert or simulated fazea, The target ie uevally 1Ordsance Proof Manual, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Nos 9-11(1949) & Now 10— 80(1957)_2)PATR 1401,Rev 1(1938) Booster Sensitivity Test involves measuring the relative sensitivities of various expla to aa arbitrary graded eerien of becaters. This teat was designed to classify expla on the basis of theit ease of deton by boosters. The source of the ahock consists of retry! pellecs of varying weighta which may be degraded by was epacere of Acrawax B. The booater charge ls initiated by a No 8 demaator. The weight of cetyl 1e- ported an a final value is the min we which will produce 50% detoaatione through che thickness of wax io inches, as indicated ‘tees in considered as one of the Detonation by laflueace(Sympathetic Detouatioa) Tests. (See sleo Gap Test, Halved Cartridge Gap Teot and Was Gap Test)-Re/e! I)OSRD Rept 5146(1948) 2)PATR 1740, Rev 10938) Brisanca or Shattering Effect(Brisance, in Fr) (Beisans, in Get) (Poder compedor or Brisancia, in Spea) (Potere dirompente, in ial) can be approximately meantred by the following methode: a)Compression Tests [euch a0 Lead Block Compression Test(Heas Test), Copper Cylindet Compression Test(Grieance Meter of Xaut Test) and Compreasion of Snali Lead Blocks] b)Pragmentation Tesi(qr) c)Fragment Density Tesiqv) Wail Tesiiqe) e)Plare Teststqr) (Cutiag ot Dentin ‘such ao brane, copper, ton, ead and steel) Quinzn Teetiqr) g)Sand Test(Sand Brisance Value, calted ia Ger Beisuazwert(Refs 1&4), A detailed discussion oa beisunce will be given in Vol Il, uder B. (See also under Compression Teats)Re/s: DH.Kast, S$8, €9(1913) 2)Macahall 2(1917)495 3)Barner(1919),184 4H. Kast, SS15, 181(1920) s)Scerebachex1933)49-50 6)Reiliy(1938),68.7)Davia{1943),3 @Vivae, Feigenspan & Ladreda, 4(1944),58-62 & 118 9)Belgrano(1932),39-41 10TM 9-1910(1953},60-3 11)Cook(195@),17 & 34 7" for the dieect expel meaaurement of the dynamic bolk modulus of ‘solid was developed at the NOL, hice Oak, Mé(Ref 1). Some data obtained, on eeveral HE’, osing this ap- pacatus ace given in Refe 2 & 3. Re/s: DNAVORD Rept No 1534(1950) 2)NAVORD Rept No 4380(1936) B)PATR 1740,Rew (1958) jot Impact Sensitivaness Test er Rifle Bullet Test(Eeasi au choc dee ballen, in F Probe, in Ger) (Prucbe al choque de Ins bales, io Span) will be discussed in Vol Il, under B. Refs: 1)Vennin, Burlot & Lecorche(1932),215 2)0SRD Repts 803 a 804(1942),15 3)Meyer(1943),374 4Vivan, Feigenspan 4 Ladreda 4, (1944),115 " 5)OSRD Rept 5745(1945) 6)Okar{1946),31 7)E.Burlot, NAF 23, 185(1949) 8)L. t, MAF 23, 195(1949) 9)A.LeRour, MP 33, 283(1951) L0)TM 9-1910(1955),AN{deactibed (BeschuseSicherhelt Buming Rote Tests ate diacussed in US BurMinceBull 246(1931),30-1 Burning Teste, Aa aurplua expl in deaizable to kaow thei charac unber of dffereat methode falgred at the US BurMoes. One of the teats, designated as V—466 ie ound, the cartridges, the we of Inyer on the paper After saturating the expl with kerosene, a charge (ea 25 g) of black bi placed on the edge of the layer and an igslees, conaected to a firing machine placed at a dietance of act lese than 60 fe, ie placed in contact with blk pie. The duration of buraiag of the expl is recorded. (See aleo Com- bastion Tests, Index of Inflanmability Test and uader Sen to Flame, Heat, Spa, Electrostatic Die charges, ete Tests), Re/! US BueMineeBull 346 (1931),31 Colerimetrie Tests for Explosives, Propellonta and Pyrotechnic Compositions, These teats include detemsia- tions of heat of combustion(designated x Q_), heat of explosion(Q, ), Beat of fomation(Q,), beat of fusion (Q fan), beat of sublimation(Q eubla) and beat of vaporization(Q vapza) “Thi subject will be diactened in Vol I, under C- Refs: Marshall 2(1917)440~2_2)Bameti{1919,197 23)US BarwineeBall 346 (1931), 100-4 4)Veania, Burloe & I-écorche(1932),60-7 "3)Stettbacher(1933},83 @A-Schmide, $8 29, 259 & 296(1934) THOSRD Rept 2931941) 8)OSRD Rept 7021942) 9)OSRD Repts 03 1% 804(1942),32 _10)Vivaa, Feigenapen & Ledreda 4 (1944),73-84 11)Physico-Chemical Uni Rept No 52-HI-595(1952),PicAzea,Dover,N.J.12)F.D.Roosiai, ‘Experimental Thermochemietty,’" Interscience. NY (1955) 13)H.W-Seatoa, "The Calorimetry of High Explosives,"* ARDE Rept (3) 4/56, Apr 1956(Coaf) (Not tuned as « source of information) 14)Part Oxygen Combustion Bombs, Description af bombe and operation procederes aay be cbtained Goa the Part Instrumeat Co,Melliae,LL Copabiliey te Burn Teste. Seg Burning Teste ‘ Copcbility te inflame Testa(Epreuves de Vaptitude de 1” inflanmacion oe Epceuves de combustion, ia Fr). See Combustion Tests, Index of laflanmabillry Test and also under Sensitivity co Flame, Heat, Sparks, Electrostatic Discharges, etc Testa Covity Charge Performance. See Sbaped(or Hollow) Charge Elliciency In thie section ‘Cholon Test permits simultaneous deca of the brisance and poteatial. I is discuoued by Pepin Lehallew 1938),64 Ghereterste Produc of Sette Produ characeiatique de Deel, in Fe) wil be under C- Ref? Mataball 2 (1917).417 Closed Vessel Test(Essai en vase clos or Epceuve & la bombe, in Fr) will be described in Vol 11, under C. Refer HMucaons, "Posdres et Exploaive,’* Pressea Universitaites de France, Pasie(1947),73-4 2H. Maraoue et al, MAF 22, 517~93(1948) 7 Covfftclont'd’Uriliection protlque(CUP or cup) (Epreure de travail epécifique). It is « modification of Traus] ‘Test(qe) designed by Danasiche and uned as an official French teat Briefly the teat consiata of pecking the ccavity(25 mm diam & 125 am deep) of Transl lead block(200 mm diem & 200 mm bish) with 15 g of cryatal- line PA(picric acid) ia wich « manner thar che height of chatgeis exactly 38 mm. In an identical block i placed euch an ant of expl to test, that it would produce an expansion of cavity as clone as possible to that produced by 15 gol PA. Aftes alightly comproaring the charge aad lnsertlog « perforated cork with « No ® jecussed lo Vol Ul, detonator, the cavity is filled to the top with dry sund aad the sane is done withthe chge of PA. After Bring. the charges, che cxpaasioas of cavities are detd and compared. If expansioa(V' cc) produced by C' g of eam ple is aot exactly ideaticel with the expansioa( Vee) prodsced by 15 g PA, but does aoe differ mach, the exact ‘et of expl(C g) aeceanasy to produce expansion Vee can be found from the equation @ nt ON thende x ¢ bd) sceanary t produce the oame lee ‘value of CUP ig obtained from the formule where Cie wt of expl ¢ ‘expansion ao produced by 15 g of PA(Ref 6). It hav been clained that thio method gives mote reliable r ‘haa the regular Trauzl teat, Refs: IMarahall 2, (1917),472 , 2Veanie, Burlot & Lécotch6(1932)171 3)Scercbacher{1933),363 4)Pepin Lehalleur(1935),66 6)L.Médard, MP 33, 344(1951) Combustion Texte( i i in Fe) Freach official combux tos teats for expla and ps s)Combuation en gouttitre de 20 ma Combustion in a trough of ‘on ene conigue(Combuetion in « coaical pile), k ‘preuve de ene toa(S casitivity to iguition teat) are deactibed by L-Médard, MP 38, 329-30(1951) Compression Tests, such ae Copper Cylinder Compression or Crusher Tesi(Bristnce Meter of Kast Test), Lead Block Compression ot Crusher TastiHees Apparates Test) and Compression with Saal! Lead Blocks will be discuased in Vol I, under C. Re/s: 1)Marcball 2, (1917),495—501 2)US BurMinesBull 346 (19: 106-8 3)Stettbacher(1933),365-7 4)Pepin Leballeus(1936).63 & 78 Concrete Test will be discussed ia Vol Il, under C. Ref: Marshall 2, (1917)273 Cookoff Test is briefly discuased in this volume, under Ammonium Nitrate, A334, Note a. Ref: Spencer Chemical Co, “Safety Data," Feb 4, 1960 Copper Cylinder Compression for Crushing) Test, Sune ae Beisance eter of Kast Test will be diacunsed ia Vol l, wader B Cratering Effoct or Earth Cratering Tost(Es Refs: 1)Pepia Lehalleat(1935),67 _2)Meyer(1943}379=80 | 3Vivan, Feit 4)MMuraour, “Poudre et Explosifa,"” Patio(1947),80-15)Belgrano(1952) Crawshow-Jones Apperotus for teating coal mine explosives for per ‘under C. Refi US BurMinesBull 346, (1931),95 i dane In cerre, in F#) will be discussed in Vol 1, ander C. span & Ladceda 4, (1944),117 30 6)TM $—1910(1953), 76-8. ‘discuaeed in Vol Il, a) Test aze used fot eaeimation of the brieance of explosives cup Test, See Coefficient d'utilisation pratique Doviriche Method for Determinetion of Velocity af Detonation i ‘he Detonation Velocity Test Deflogrotion Test or Deflagretien Temperature Test, See Ignition Temperature Teet in thi Daliquescence Test. See Hygtoacopicity Test in thin ection Density Determinations will be discussed in Vol I, under D Detonation by Influence or Sympathetic Detonction Tests( Transmission of Detonation at a Uistance Test) (Aptitade & tanenettre Ia edtoaation & diatance, Essai or Coefficient de selfercitation, Esai, ia F®) etooationailbereraguag Probe of Schlagmeite Probe, io Ger) (Decemiaacida de ls ione per simpatia, Prova, ia Ital) include the following method: ‘nsilivity Test(qy) b)Four Cartridge TesilSee PATR 251QPB 161? "| (1958),p Get 521 Gap Tesiiqe) d)Halved Cartridge Test qe) and e)Wax Gap Test(qv). Refs: _1)Maraball 2 (1917),430 2)Barnerx(1919),212 US BurMiaesBull 346, (1931),59 4)Perex Ara(1945),112 $)L.Medard, MP 33, 342 1951) 6)Belgranel1952),43 Detonation Pressure ia, according to Cook(Ref), « property of great importance in detonation technology. Ite direct measurement cannot be made due to ite ranaient nature and ita exceedingly high magnitudes, at least in condensed explosives, The detonation presauce is, however, accurately defined by the hydrodynamic 2a the Rel, Note: The "dtoation pretere” weet nt be coated wth "Present of 32 Tare Doernineton or Votocty of Deleon TestGlesucs de vteoe de déznatioe, a F0) (Detonationsgeachwindigkeit Probe, in Get) (Medida de la velocidad de detonacida ia Spaa) (Decerminazione della velocich di detonezione, in [eal can be approx calcd, but more reliable reauite are obtaized experi ‘mentally by one of the following methoda: a)Mettegang b)Dautriche c)Rotating Drum Streak Cameran ‘Remtng Mor Cannsnnene og Semen RCs Ceck-Dowing Poms Becknas& Ther, Iss AEC-Bowse Mechod Miniature Chasge Techaiques, ecc- Refs: 1)Maraball 2, (1917), 477 2)Barnett(1919),185 3)US BurlinesBall 246, (1931),160 4)Vensin, Burlor & Lécorehé(1932),158-61 5)Seettbacer(1933),53-61 6)Reilly(1938),68-9 T)OSRD Repes 603 & 804(1942),22—3 _8)Davie(1943),16-18 Wives, Feigenapan & Ladceda 4, (1944),62~7210)PATR 1463(1943)_11)L.Médard, MP 33, 352(1951) ‘L2yBelgrano(1952),30-9 | 13)TM 9-1910(1955)-4114)Cook(1958),22-35 & 41-2 Detonetors ng Cope, Initiating Eiitons Blasting Capa and Detonncore Diawibutlon of Shell Frognert Mostos was detd at ERL, Beaceton, Pa by firing sells in » Fragmenction Pit filled with oawduat The fragmenta were recovered by « magnetic seperntat.Detlle of procedace ace given Jn OSRD Rept 5601(1943) See lao OSRD Repes 3606 and 3608 Orop Test. Saae an impact Scavicvcy Test Earth Crotoring Tot. Seo Cratring Elect Tes in Voll, under C Erosion of Gon Barrell Eronioc(ou ante) des bouches A fet, in Fe] (Eroslon der Gewebrlfafe; Bobrabontsssg, oc Boheesbreanang, in Get) Teat wil be diacanned in Vol ID, under &. Refer tMarobal 2 (917)315 ‘2Vennia, Burlot & Lécorche(1932),274 3)Marshall 3, (1932),93 4)Stettbacher(1933),211 _5)Pepin Leballeur {935} 102, iiMuteour, “Poadece e Explocife,"" Pasis(i9i7) 118-16, PAIR 2510161270) (1958), pow son's Test fr Eticlney of Detonotors, devised by K.Esop of Ausra, in 1889, consisted of che following operations: A'50 suaple of ualform grain PAGpictic acid), wea made lato « carsidge and, after inserting fee detoator, it ae placed ona neal plate covering two thal! [vad cylinders(eraabers steel beac, Alter the chge maw fired, the compression ofthe cylinders wee teawuted ad thi salve indicaing complece detonation. Thi same eype of detonator was chen ccated in lata of PA with tary ‘mts of coon seed oil andthe wax an of ol atill pemiting complete deton was ded. The larger the more ecient was the detoazo(Ref 1) “Tal tee wae Europe sftr WH aed found co be more reliable shan other es the sand evined at the CheciechcTechaiache Reicheeaataly 10 SLTNE vith perttin wax sad later of ENT wth tale conpeesoedicte pelle, screed as inert exple for teting detonators. Complerenves of jlged by fing the pellet with the tent deonutor ia a mall lead Mock(Travel teat) and peawusing che enlacgemeat of cavity ce Groen ‘eat and Miniature Caruidge Test) Refer Uharaball 2 (1917)332 DHcKaat te Adlai, SS 18, 16(1924) 5)Jahrenber CTR ¥,112(1926) & VI121(1927)-4Narsball 3 (1932) 163-4 Explosion by Influence(or Sym Hi See under Initiating Efficiency of Primary Explosives, ion. See Ability to Propagate Detonatioa in thie section Exudation(or Swaoting) Testa(Exandation Esatis, in Fr) (Ausachwitzungeproben, ia Ger). The paspose of the exudation tent ito determine whether expla, wvch DNT, TNT, ete would re ‘storage, eopecially in hot climate Following teata ate descsibed ia Ref 1, pp 25-7: a)Centrifuge Test _b)Forty-Degree Te (Of chese the ceawifuge teat waa adopted by the BurMines as being beat auited for aucertaining the iabiliey of dyaamites to exude ‘The French teot, called exsudation par dtuvage, is conducted aa follows Weigh co the nearest mg a tall Krafe paper container 30 mm in ditm and 0.2 ma thick, Pack the costainet ‘with the sample(100 g) and reweigh. Tare to the nearest mg a piece of porous cardboard 5X5 em aquare and 2 mm thick. Place che container on the cardboard and insert the ensenble ia an oven, themmostatically mai tained at 401° of 504 1°. After 21 days, remeigh the cardbousd, the sample + container, and the empty coo- If the loas in wt of sample is P, incteane ia wt of container p and increane in wt of cardboard ia p's thea (p+P') in the wt of exudate and P-(p+p') the loos in volatiles. Mulsiply che wes by 100 to expreea in perceat- ageiRet 5) “Another French method le descitbed ln Ref 3a odin Rel 7 ‘Arsenal, but exedatica bas been observed or induced ia iode of heating and cooling or to con at 160°F(71°C). There ia no record of TNT exudation from US shell smaller in caliber chan 105 mam of from Composition B loaded sell stored at ambient temp. However, moat TNT and TNT-contg explo can be caused to exade by stocing the loaded componente at 16°F(71°C) or in tempo which fluctaate sharply. In one aries of teata to induce exudation and to obcaln exudate sanples for analyaie and examination of properties, wafuzed ehell were placed in an inverted position in tempe up to 160°F(71°C) and the exudate wae ‘collected in « tated vessel. A summary of the pertinent results from exudation stadies conducted at PA has ‘been prepared by Seela(Ref 6). Ro/s: WMareball 2(1917).419-22 2)Barmeti(1919),215 | 3)US BurMinesDull ‘446 (1931),25~7 _3e)Papin Leballews(1935),61 4)Reilly(1930),65 $)L-Médard, MP 33, 326(1951) 6)PATR 24931938) | )PATR 2510(PB 161270) (1958),Ger. Folling Walght Test. Same as Impact Senaltivity Teat cehibiced by an exple detonated on ical shock is important because seasitivences largely determince the preceutis factusing, handling, and applications of the explosive. The difficulties uigned by De Rotter ofthe Research Dept, Woolwich, Eegland, By thin procedure reproducible accurate reaulta were ob- ‘ined, ot by personal observation of sound or flash prodaced, but by & quaatitative meneuremect ofthe pas produced at different beighte of fall whea the falling weight delivered sufficient energy to cause decompa ef fe expl The resuce are compared to a standard exp, such as petic acid, gunpowder of wercaryfulmiante, aad expressed as a ratio knowa as figure of insenstiveness. Thia ratio teprescate impact required t produce explosican of equal degrees of completencas fom initial decomposition t cow plete detonation. Picic Acid ia taken 28 100, aad explosives giving higher ounbers are lesa actaltive while thoue giving lower numbers are mote aeankive than plvie acids Ref! Reeberteas, JOS 119 11301921) Fire Resiatonce or Fire Tests ace desciibed undct Sensitivity wo Flame, Heat, Spake, Electfoetatic Die- charges, ete Flame Test(Leagth and Duration of Flame Determination) (Griese und Daves voo Spteagstolt-Flannen Prote, in Ger) (Medicida de In longitad y In duracica de In lara, in Span). The test ia based epon the belief that che greater she length ofthe flane an explosive eaite andthe loager the tne dutog whlch thet flane endures, the greater are the chances that such a faze when abot ito the atmosphere of coal nine will le alte inflanable or expl tists of mise gas and air; of coal dust and is; of of mine gen, coal dost, and ‘The flane-teat apparatus aaed atthe US BurMince Explosives Expetimeat Station at Bruceton, Pa conalata coseatally of « canton in which an explosive is fied of detonated, The eaanon, identical with that employed for the ballistic peadulumcio mowsted vertically on « concrete foundation located ia s datk building. By eane ofa photogrphic canem equipped with suitable devices to cut olf all extraneous light rey, the ame ia coo tiauoualy abserved auch that ie apex in inthe field of view. The flame in recorded 00 « aeaaitized film wrapped shout a dru that revelvca ata prodetermined rate of speed: The length ofeach flame fe indicated by fee helght inthe photograph, aad de duration by ihe length of photgeaph ‘When teeting dctonsting exple, cortsidgeo 1%" in diam are used, the wt of charge being 1000.5 g, includ- ing the wenpper, When teacing black bla the borehole tad the igniter la ibedded ecaually ia the tp of the charge: Refs!" 1WUS BusMinesBull 346, (1931567 Zistertbacher 1933) 63-8 3)Reily(1938,694)Vivee, Felgenapan & Ladteda 4 (1944),108-11 "5)Perem Ara Floah Point Test, See Ignition(or Explosion) Temperature Teet, described ia this section Flosh Test for Cope, See Optical Method for Teatiog Cape Forty. ‘See under Exudation Teta pecribed in PATR 2510(PB 161270) (1958), iterprobe, in Ger), The fragmentation test consists of static functioning of the exp! filler of « projectile, rocket, bomb or mine for the purpore of determining the aumber and weight groupieg of the recovered fragments. The teat gives a meaaure of the brivaace and efficiency of an exp! as well as the efficiency of the test item Teste used abroad ate belefly diact Refs 2,5,6,7,889 ‘There are four general types of fragmentation teata used by US Ord Dept: «)Closed Chamber or Pit Test, byOpen Pit Test, )Panel Test, and d)Velocity Measurement Test. The Closed Chamber Test, as conducted at Pleatinay Arsenal, ie described in detail in Ref 7. The other three testa, as conducted at Aberdeen Prom ing Ground, ate described in Ref 6. More information on fragmentation will be given in Vol Ul under F Refs? VStertbacher(1933),50—1 & 218-19 2)L.V.Clark,IEC 26, 1389-91933) 3)AMajcich a F-Sorm, ‘SS 30, 29891935) _4)A.Stettbacher, Protar 8, 90(1942) 5)Obert{1946)33 & 213 6YOrdaance Proof Manual ‘OPM 40-23(1947) 7)PicAren Testing Manual 5~1(1950) 8)TM $-1910(1955),63—4 9)PATR 1740, Rev 1 (1958) 10PATR 2510(PB 161270) (1958),p Ger 32 Fragment Density., Fragment Cancantrati PATR 2510 1938),p Gee 52 Frogment Gun was originally developed by the British ae « convenient instrunent for impastiag high velocity ‘ controlled feugmeate in order to study their performance. The "gun"? coneiote merely of a ateel tube Into which ls iaserted « fat shug, of aay desired ahape, cast in u Wood's metal ma:rix. A cylindrical ch ‘expl is inserted into the other ead of the eabe oo chat it fit smoothly agalnet the diac of slug and Wood" ‘metal surround. The charge le then detonared, from the end opposite to the alng, using « teuryl booster and ‘auleable detonncor. Wich a given type of rabe and lug, the velocity impared co the ahig is s measure of « property of the expl closely related wo Brisence, The velocity in determined by neading the slog through tee wise scsecas and determining the time intervale by means of « Mertegang recorder of other euitable device Re/st IOSRD Rept 803(1942),27-8 2)OSRD Rept 804(1942),27-—-8 ed in Refa 1,3,489, while the trots used in the US are described in wu Progment Velocity Measurement of statically detonated projectiles provides dats for analysis of the effective: 1eun of projectile fillers and sbell desiga. Evaluation of the lethality of fragments also dependa upaa the deta of feagment velocity ‘The basic techaique for detg fragment velocity consi model shell (such as 3*) filled with a teat HE againat a mild sree! panel(ouch plete camera which alec records elapsed time. By comp: stance taveled, as o¥ ‘elocity is obtained(Ref 2) In teate conducted at ERL, Bruceton, Pa, 18 expla were iaventigated using the “Braceton Fragment Retardation Apparatus.'* Damage to steel panele was also detd. Refs! 1)OSRD Rept 3622(1946) 2)0rdaance Proof Manual OPM 80—16(1957) Freezing Testa(for Dyn ‘The freezing of exple, auch as dynamiten, lends ns a rule to an inctense in the cigidity and beitdeneas of the cartridges, as evidenced by cracka in the sample. The extent of th Seite Das bon mennaed atthe US Buhne by means of ax appar calles ihe “'Cuaher Boao” The consists of a wooden bave with » superinpon ioum plate provided with « bole ar each of ite four com tere by obta euty Be made we adc op or down on veal hee ple tds mich wr sacked tee coe neta of the wooden base. The sample of expl to be teated(a section of « cartridge, previously frozen at de red temp, 10 em long cut from the center minus wrapper) ide in the central position of the ‘wooden base aad the aluminum plate is ‘on the sample. Both ends of cartridge are observed for the cracks. If one appeare in either end in 10 seca a 100 g weight in added to the center of the Al plate and if a0 eracke appear in 10 sece an adda! 100 g wt ie added. These operations ae continued uauit the first ctack ia ween oo either end of the sumple. The eoeal wr oa top of the place plas the ‘we of the plarc(911 g) is taken as a measure of the compressive strength ‘Exple that do not freeze when exposed to temps aa low ae 35°F(+1,67°) are called L¥(loweeezing), those aot freezing at OPF(-17. 8°) are EL F(extts low-treezing) and thoee not freeringat lower tempe ate NF(acorfreexing)» Refi US BareanMinesBall 346, (1931),27—29 Senaitivity Test. See under Friction Sensitivity Teat FRICTION SENSITIVITY TESTS(Reibungeempfindlichkele Probes , in Ger) (Es (Prachas 2 la friction, in Fe) ‘sensibilidad al rozamiento, in Span}. The teats may be divided inco quaticative nnd quantitarive Frietlon Teste: a)French Tesi No 1. Place a gram of expl in a porcelain mortar and rub with Ie detonates or deflagsaten(Rele 7 & 10) b)Freneb Test No 2. Place « small wample oo pla weasitive to these teste are considered aa dangerous 10 handle and if used in mining abould not bbe tamped even with « wooden tamper e)German Test of Imperial Railway Commission consisted of rubbing ‘¢ omall quantity of expl in a wmall uoglazed mortar with an unglazed porcelain pestle(Rele 1,2 & 6) British Tests of Dupré are glancing blow teeta, They are deactibed ia Ref 6, > 79 jpparatue which coasiste of ewo steel 19.20 kg can be placed on the opper dine, chus malataining it at varionn peensures, The to be tenced ia mined with finely pulverized enad ead then « amall potion in placed on the lower ite lowered to touch the eample andthe rxatioa ia it le removed from the apparatus aad « new por ‘ested in che same manner. Ino decooations occur eter 6 inl, the expl ie couniderediauensizive to liclon. I any detoaations are observed with a 20g load, the tente are eepeated using succeasively ttoaller loads antl the we in teached with wich ao expla taken place Toe #v aumber of revolutions required 10 dewaace an expl when rented 6 nce with de sini then recorded(Refe 5 & 1D S305 Bureau of Mines Penal Friction Apparatus waa devined ia 1911 by C. E. Monroe, C.Hall & S.P, Howell aad three models of different sizes were built at Hat tine. The appatarus consiata of s pendalun to fhe lower ead of which io arached « 20 kg shoe, with an interchangeable face of steel or fiber. 1 a too potsible w use oubertypen of shoes, such an « wooden one with/or withous carborundaa cloth atached to Ite stiking aurface, The shoe in pecmited to fall fom 1 height of I a and to sweep back aad forth on a stech Anvil, dhe pollahed face of which le provided with tree grooves ca" deep cut at sight angles tothe line of ‘ving. The grooves ate designed to preveot the ample of expl, sptend wpon the anvil for testing, from being uated off the warll by movement of the shoe across it. The peadulum lo adjused, before placiag the sumple on the anvil, to owing 1841 dimes before coming to rest ‘Flth a steel shoe tained tothe height of I ty spread 6 7g sample ofthe esplocive evenly 1a and abour che nooved portion of the anvil, aad allow the shot to strike che sample with glancing blowe wal it comes to eat. Clem the anvil and shoo, place another Portion of he same expl aad contiave the test Repent eset & total of 10 tes wad report che number of snaps, cracklinge, igsitions, and/or explosions. Ifthe sample als, diacontave the tcst in order vo prevent damage tothe apparatus. Sach an explo- sive ie considered as aot peaning the penaiasihlity tort. I the expl femine waatfected le 10 lala wich the aay reel sboe, it in considered to pase the test, I some triale with the steel shoe produce barnings of ctackliage, fepeat the teet uning the haed fiber sboe. If la 10 wials with this ohoe there is no more unfavorable result shan, tm almost cadongiobl oel acta, ce ex l conadera ce pssing the tat fo penile 3,6,8,12,13,14 & 15) e)Laboratory Mode! of Pendulum Friction Apparatus, Ae the repulas Busha ‘speanive and requies large ataples of exple. Taylor & Riakenbach used a anailer aodelica the ae of the B of N app). The shoe meished 74 g and samples 0,005 #0 0.05 g, Ove of theoe modela io at che B of M ‘Tenting Station and another at PicAeao. This emall model ie coneidered particuladly suitable for testing iai- sting expla(Ref 4) d)impact-Friction Pendulum, waed by the Spencer Chemical Co(Ref 16) consists of « baz tier with «9 f handle and = 400 Ib hend, The hammer delivers energy t0 4 sample of explosive by falling = specified detance before striking the sample. Variation in energy delivered io achieved by adjusting the Deight from which che hanmer is released. The hammer ls drawa to chia heighe in an ate, by an electsie winch and released from « distance by « lanyard connected to a tigger e)Rifle-Bullet Sensitivity Test ie described in Ref 15, p 49 as one of the teats for “Sensitivity to Frictional Impact’. Refs: 1)Marohall 2, (1917)423 & 437 2)Barnete(1919),216 _3)US BusMines Tech Paper 234, (1919) 4)C. A.Taylor & V.H,Riakeabach, JFraak Inst 204, 369(1927) 5)H-Ratheburg, ZAngewChem 41, 1264(1928) 6)US BurMinesBull 346, (1931),79-84 ‘TWenaia, Burlor & Lecorche(1932),212 Marshall 3, (1932),125 _9)Stectbached(1933)370-1 _10)Pepi Lehallew(1935),75-6 LDR, Wallbaun-Witreaberg, SS'34, 162-3(1939) _12)0SRD Repte 803 & 604(1942).16, 1p) tex Ara(1945),107 14)PleAran Testing Manvel 7~1(1950) 15)TM 9-1910(1935),47—4916)Spencer Chemical Co, "Safety Data,"? Kaaoea City, Mo(1960) Fuse Test is one of the Fire Resistance Teats desctibed under Seasitivity to Flame, Heat, Sparks, ete Teste le Explosives (Galeries d' canai, in Fr) (Schlagwetter-Verauchetreckea, in Ger) are deacribed in the following Refs: 1)Maraball 2, (1917)585-95 2)Barnen{1919) 3)US Busines Bull 346, (193149 4)Vennia, Barlot & Lecocche{1932),235-435)Scettbacher(1933),248-52 6)PATR 2510(1958) @B 161270),p Gee 215(Verauchsetrecke DoremunchDeme) Gop Test in one of the detonation by influence( sympathetic detonation) teste. The purpose of this teat ic to determine the aensitivity of « charge of expl to initiation by another charge located n certain distance from che tat chge. The larger the distance, the more sensitive in the exp! Ta the teat waed ia France, wo cartridges 30 mm diam, each weighing 50 g, are placed upon two lead plates spported on two vertical ateel cylinders. The eartidges ate placed « knows diacance apart with axie colneid- ing(in line), nd thea one of the cartridges is detonated. After finding the max distance at which there are 3 1eceanive detonations by lafluence of the 2nd cartridge, the min distance is detd at which there are 3 auc- ceasive failurea, The mean of che ewo distances ia designated aa CSE(coefficient de velfexcication) Refe 1, 34d ‘The US Busttinee uses the following teat, known ax the Halved-Cantridge Gap Method? By menns of = ‘wooden device(auch yanch a cavity in the ceater of one end of a 11," diam cartidge to receive [No 6 electiie detooator, which will be inserted when che opecator i randy to fire, Cut the cartidg ‘ance apart by rolling them on a flat autface ia « piece of manila paper 0,005 eo 0.0055" thick, eur to auch « 4" liom the end of the paper and to such a width chat ic will weap exactly 3 times igen. Hold the tube thus formed in place by means of carpet tacks aad briag the cemp of nam ple to 225°C, lasert the detonator and fire ‘The greatent distaace between the halves at which both of them detonate in four shots ie temed the “seasi- " and is expcessed ia cau; the min distance at which no explosion occurs in four tials is alno detd. inal, by four trials at each intermediate distance, the number of explosions’? and "ao explosiosa’™ chat ‘occur is noted and recorded Ia the gap te2t described ia Ral 5, p 68, cyliadsleal cartidges of exp! 8 in length aad 1.25" ia diam are -prepd by pressing or casting equal wis of the expl int paper shells, Two of these ate suapeaded vertically so that there io aa e between them aod their axial lines are coi cideat, The apace betwees the faces of ccartidgen io alwaye a multiple of 1". A detonator iu embeded azlally in the lower end of the lower cartsidge ind used to initiate detonation in this cansidge. By repeated teats with varying alr apaces, there is detd the hich the upper canddge ean be detonated by the lowet. This will be 1" lees than the mia three successive testa fail to detonate the upper caridge ‘The interposition of aolid barticrs such an wood or concrete decreases the max distance (or sympathetic deton and thie effect is very significant when anall charges are involved (Ref 5) ‘Application of the gup test to deta of efficiency of detonscore ia described by Claik a8 one of the ropagation Tests" (Ref 2), For chis cert a 0.50g chge of DADNPh (dinzodinizophenol [No B detonator shell and pressed under a eeiaforcing cape at 3400 pi ‘contg 0.50 and 1.00 g chgea of MF(aercurie fulainate) ave prepa. The test detooator ia placed centrally ia 4 cylindrical oaken shield, with ies long azin pamllel co and coinciding withthe lou ax sand with its base flush with che end of the ohield, A cartridge of 407 etrnight dynamite with ite cut end facing the deconator acrows an air gap of known leagth, iw wrapped togethet with the detonator in three turns of heavy paper. The max gap over which detonation cas be tanatemred with certainty from the detonator 10 cartsidge of dynamite is detd by fou trike. (See also Boooter Sensitivity Test and Var-Gap Test). Re/st TDE.Burlor, MAF 9, 799(1930) "2)USBuMinesBll 346 (1931), 59. 2a)L.V.Clark, IEC 25,668 (1933) 3) M.Datowr, MP 31, 74(1949) )L.Médacd, NP 33, 342-1951) | 5)TM 9-1910(1955),67-8 132° German Test (Eshitzungoprdfung bei 132%ia Gen). Thia tect, originally designed to be conducted at 135° to determine the stability of NC aad propellants, was used to a considerable extent ia Germany and in other sample of NC or of saokeleas propellant is placed ia u tear tube 350 mm long, 16 mm ID tad 19 mm OD. A strip of blue litmus paper is inserted 90 that it in 25 mm above the expl. The tube iv loosely ‘cloned with a cork, and inserted in one of the otifices in the cover of the bath coatg boiling xylene and pro- vided with « ceux condenser, The orifices are ia the form of tubes 11 om long, closed at che bosom and coats glycetia. The time of heating tequited to turn the litiux paper ed is takeo ax an indication of atabilicy, ‘Thea beating ie coatigued until the appearance of brows fumes and may be further continued ustil explosion eceurs Refs: 1)Reilly(1938), 82 2)Kase-Metz (1944), 233-4 Granulation Test. The purpose of this vest is to detemine particle-size distribution, For this superinpose the required cumber and sizes of US Standard Sicves as required by the opecification, in the order of de- creasing size, placing the largest mech oa top and a receiving pan at the bottom. Place a 50 g portion of the and hake mechanically (at 300415. gyrations and 150410 taps) or by hand, retained on each sieve and calculate the perceatage of che sample through ‘Spee MIL-STD-786(1956), Method No 506.1 sced on a lead plate 1.5% 1.5" and 0,25" thick, ‘caused to the plate. Ie was found thar the so- (compa detonscors contg MF,High,*TNT) produced complete crs (contg only MF) gave 90% of misfire (Compare with one in 100% of teste, while simple deo Esop's Tew and Misiorse Careidge Test) Holved Cartridge Gop Tost. See under Gap Tese Woot of Combustion (Q,), Heat of Explosion (Qe) ond Haat of Fermation (Qh) Calorinecric Teme ia Vol I Heat Tests (Thermal Stability Tosts) include amoog others the fllowiag: 1)Abele" or KI Test (qv) Aretican Test at 65:5° or 80 (See Ref 2 p 80 and under Surveillance Teats inthis secon) —3)Angel ‘Teat (See Ref 2, p 90 and p A403 of thie volume) 4)Bergmuna-Junk Test (0) _5)Brame"s Teet (Ref 2, p88) OBranewig's Test (Ref 2, p 86) TChiaravigio & Cosbino'a (Ref 2, p88) "B)Conductivity Nethod (Ret 2, p91). 9)Gontinuous Seability Tes (Ref 2 p70) 10}Desmarousx Test (Ref 2, p 90) 11)Depe» Vacomm Trout (Ret 2,» 87) 1Z)Ducch Teet (Ref 2, p 85) 13)Germen 132° Tent (qn) L)Guttgana’s Test (Ref 2, 9 78) A3)Haid, Becker & Ditzmar's Test (Ref 2, p 92). 16)Hext Testa a 100°, 120° & 134.5° (qn) (Compare with, Gevman 132° Test) I7Heae! Test (Ref 2, p78) 18)feituema’s Test (Ref 2 p 76). 19)Horm-Seifert's Test (et 2,» 79) 2)lacemacioaal 73° Test (qe) 21)Jeasen'e Test Ref 2, p 80) ZMarqueyrl's Test (Ref 2, 7.90) "23Mecracheide-illesscn'® Teste (Ref 2, 9p 85 & 85) 24)Methyl Violet Test (Ref 2, p 79). 25) Witeasch's Method (Ref 2, p 87) 29Meive Test (Ref 1, p 224) 27}0bemmiller’s Method (Rel 2, p 87) 28) PH Measurements (Acidity Measuremente) are made on « 3g sample of expl after heating from 73° t0157" ‘cording to the nature ofthe expl, and the chaage in pli ix noted. 29)Pollard'a Test (Ref 2, p 80) 30) Resistance to Heat Test (qv) 21'Silvered Veesel Test (qv) 32)Sioon Thomas’ Test (Faltham Abbey Test) (Ret Lp 225 8 Ket 2,» 80) 33\Spica’s Test (Hef 2,p 78) 30Surcillance Testa at 65° or 0° (qr) 35) Sy's Teoe (Ref 2, p 83) 3 )Tallinl Test (qn) 37 Taylor's Tese (Ref 2, p 82). 38)Tomonati's Teot (Ret 2p 91). 39WVacuan Sabilicy Teste (qr) )Viclle's Teo (Ref 1, p 224 & Ref 2, p 78). 41)Barmr Ingermethode 75° (Ref 2, p 61) 42)¥ill'e Tost (Ref 1, p 225 ® Ref 2, p86) 43)Zinc lodide Teat (Ref 2, p 72) Refs: I)Baroee (1919), 217-225. DReilly (1938), 7693 3)PATR 1401, Rey | (1950), 12-8 100° Hect Tost ia one of the US standard stability eats, Traalet four weighed 0.60g portions of sample of own moisture conteat to ench of fou teat cubge, 75 mm loog and 10 mm diam, two of which have been tared Place all cubes in an oven maiatined at 100%1°. After 48 hte temove two tard tubes, cool in « desiceator tod weigh each tube. Replace the tubes inthe oven and heat forthe Zod 48 hr petiod. Cool ina desiccator sad weigh, Calculate che percentage lors in we during each 4hr period of beetlag and vabtcact the known percentage of moisture fom wt lost dusing the Let 48 br period, Allow the uotared test tabea to remaia ln the treo for 100 hr of continuous heating and aote if ignldon or expla takes places Rojo; I)PATR L401, Rev 1 (1930), 13 2yM 9-1910 0195), 55-6 120° nd 134,5° Hout Tests. The 120°cest is ed for teating che stability of HE"s & double-base propellacts, while the 1343° testis woed for slagleberc propellaate and for sitroceliaione. ta either ease, weigh five 2.5g portions ofthe sample and place each in« heavy Pytex teat tube, 15 am 1D, 18 mm OD and 290 mn loop. Insert piece of std, normal methyl violet paper 70 na long and 20 mm wide, verically ia each sabe oo thet, bbe diecwased unde XVI the lower edge of paper ie 25 mm shove the sample. Stopper each tube with a cork through which a hole 4 am in diam bas been bored to prevent build-up of pressure inside the tube, Place the tubes in the appro ‘const teap bath at 120.040.5° or 134,5#0,5%, which io 40 designed that no more thea 7 mm of the tube project, Stove the cover. The bath ix inthe form of a cylindsical tube, provided with a perfocated cover and reflux ‘condenser, The bath is filled with aq glyeeria d ca 1.21 for 120° and d 1.24 for 134,5° bath, Examine at 5 ‘ins incervals each tube by lifting ooe-balf of its length aad replaciag quickly. Recotd the time at which the test paper in any of the 5 tubes changes to a pink salmon color. Coatinue heatiog until any of the cubes become filed with red fumes. Heating may be continued further to det whether sample in any of the cubes explodes. Ref: PATR 1401, Rev 1 (1950), 16-17 2)TM 51910(1955), 243 & 245 Hamispherieal Iron-Dish Test ie oae of the Fite Resistance Teats described ueder Sensi Sparks, etc Testa Haas’ Brisance Test. See under Brisance (Shareering Effect) in Vol 11 High Speed Optical Davices Used for Meorwring Detonetion Rates are mentioned under Detonation Rate Determination. Ref: Cook (1958), 22-35, High-Speed Rediogrophy may be subdivided into; 1)Flath Radiograpby and 2)Contiauous (or Seresk) Radiography. The Lat has been vety useful ia studing the behavior of the collapsing liner und the jets from shaped charges, while che 2ad has been used ia the study of solid explosives Reft Cook(1958), 35-6 Mollow Charge Eficiency Test. See Shaped Charge Elficieacy Test 's Pressure Bar Tost. The quantitacive measurement of the press developed by expls over small intervals of tine, which ia a measure of ezpl violeace, was made possible by application of the method conccived by Prof B. Hopkinson. The application of Hopkinsoe's priaciple co a wide field of research; ouch of deton, properties of the deton wave, and the design of detonators & fuses; and the design of crugents were cartied out by physicises of the Res Dept, Woolwich, England is based depends on the fact that whea @ charge i¢ ficed against the cod of a cylindsical steel bat ballistically suspended, « wave of compression travela along the bat and is reflected at the far ead as a tension wave. In ardes to investigate the properties of the wa short leagth of the bas farthest ftom the charge is cut off, che ends are surfaced, and the pieces are joined by a fila of vaseline. The compression wave travels unchanged through the joist into the abort bar (kaowa 3 the timepiece), but the Gila is unable to wancait the tension wave. Heace, when the amplitude of the rellected teosion wave reaching the jolat becomes gteater chaa that of the original compression wave, the timepiece is projected with a momencun which depends on the exp] press developed and the time to t the short bas. By the use of time-pieces of different lengths, it is possible to approximate the maximum preasure developed, and to calculate meaa pressure values ovet vatious time intervals, la order to pmtect the rumeat ir is necessary to incerpose a pellet of standardized material berween the test expl and the pressure bar, Re/s: 1)B. Hopkinaoa, PhilTrans 213A, 43711914) 2)R.Roberraon, JCS 119 1, 19:241921) 3)J.L- Sheciek, ArOrdn 24, 330(1924) )Marsball 3 (1932), 155-7, Humidity Test. See Hygroscopiciey Test Hygrescopieity (or Humidity) Test (Absorption of Noistare Test) (Repeise dbunidiee, Essai, in Fi) (Hygroskopizitic- or Feuchtigheit Probe, ia Ge, The byge aarute or property of « material 10 absorb moisture from ite environment must be koown if an expl io to be considered for ailitary or commercial use, Absorption fof moieture can have aa adverse effect on the sensitivity, stability, or reactivity of exple. Tale property should be negligible to very low absorption for most expls In one test procedure a weighed sample of knowa granulation, if solid, is exposed to predetemined com ditions of temp and bunidity uatil equilibrium ie attained. ‘rate of absorption: low, oF large amouacs of water aze picked up, the sample is exposed for a stared tine, for example, 24 h ‘The exposed sample is then reweighed and the moisture absorbed is expressed as % hygroscopicity French hygroscopicity tests, knows je dhunidité de Wexplosif en vec (Taking up moisture by an explosive ia bulk) aad b)Reprine e'humidité en atmosphire aaturce d'eau dea explosife encanoucht = (aking up moisture by cantidged explosives in atmosphere saruraced with water) are described ia Ref 4 Refs: WMarsball 2(1917), 416-9 2)Baraert(1919), 214 3)Davie(1943), 313 A)L.Médacd, MP 33, 325-7 Gas sry 91910095, 10-2 SPATR 1740 Rev 11958) ition (or Explosion) Temperature Test; Ignition Point Test (De/lagration Temperature or Flash Point Test) (Enucndngerenpeverar Eoposionncnperntuot Eatsindang pals Poke, ts called Verpatfagatempertee Probe, io Ger (Eeani de detlagration, in Fe). Hest causes the decompn of all exple at erate which varies th the temp. Almost all expla have « critical temperature below which the rate of decoupa is small to ‘egligible. One meaeure of the relative sensitivity of expla to heat ie detd by meane of the ignition or explo- sion temperature test ‘The procedure, in one test, is to immerse to a fixed depth in a bath of Woods" metal, a metal blasting cap containing 0.02 4 expl sample. The molten bath is maincalaed at a coatrolled temp by means of an electric Furnace. A aumber of teate ie made with the bath at vasioun terpe 0 a2 t0 produce flashes of explosion over a range of 2 o 10 seconds. The data so obtained are plotted as a tine-temp curve and from thia curve in found the temp to-cause igaitioa or explosion in 5 seconds (Refs 5,7,8,9,1081) ty to Flame, Heat, xv Auother method ia to place aa expl sample directly on the molten Wood's metal bath or other metal sur face heated at « controlled temp. The temp of the metal surface is increased until « value of 0.1 sec for ignition ot explosion ie cetimaced by the observer an an alnost inatantaneous interval of cine(Refs 9,10 & 11). Ocher methods are deacribed ia Refs 1,2,3,38 & 4). Re/er Waarshall 2, (1917)435—7 2)Bamert (ipi9)213 "3b. Kowcevitch, SS 23, 156(1928) _30)Vensin, Burloc @ Lécorch6(1932},211 4)Stenbacker (29339,373 _5)LV-Clark, IEC 25, 668 a 1389(1933)_6)Reilly(1938),66 & 83 T)Davie(1943),21 $)OSRD Rept No 1986(1943) 9)PATR 1401, Rev 1(1950), 10)TM 9-1910(1955),50 11)PATR 1740, Rev 1(1958) Ignition(or Explosion) Time Teste(ot Canstont Temperotures)- Ia sone casea che explosive is maintained at coner temp and the time to explosion is measured. Same eype of apparetus can be wocd as for Igaition ‘Temperature Test, Patterson(Refe 183) decd the relationship between time to ignition and temp and showed that the lower the teap the longer waa the time read for ign of propeliaat e. Wiggam & Goodyear(Ref 2) have made a critical study of the explooion-time teat. Refs: 1)G-W.Patteraon, $8 5, 41910) 2)D.R. jam & E.S.Goodyear, IEC, AnalEd 4, 771932) _3)Reilly(1938),83 Inpact-Friction Pendulum Tost is briefly deacribed, p A354, Note d), under Ammonium Nitrate Ref: Spencer Chemical Co, "Safery Data,"" Keasas City, Mo(1960) Impact Sensitivity or Shack Sensitivity Test(Drop Weight or Palling Weight Test) (Sensibilieé an choc da mouton, in Fs) (Stossempfindlichkeit or FallharmerProbe, ia Get) (Prueba al chogue or Prueba de la cuide de un peso, in Span) (Determinazione della seasibilith all’ urto or Saggio alin Berta, in Ieal). Thie test wae designed dcemine te snstivityesience) of explo shockinpact) The ifomaton chained by ives assurance of safety 0 Essentially, the vil) and thea striking the sample by allowing tive to impact is the expl Te seems that one of the fiat auccesaful impact machines was constructed ia Germany by F. Lense, who deaceibed it in Ref 1, Thin apparatus ie alec brietly discussed by Marahall(Ref 2). Stettbacher(Ref 8) p372) ives a brief dercription of the apparatus called Fallbanmer nach Kasi(See also Ret 11) ‘The US Bureau of Mines constructed several models, amall aad lnrge(Refa 5,13815), which acem to be ‘similar to the German machines. 125 Small Impact Apparatus, teate ate conducted ae dencribed in Refs 5,13 & 16, One of euch machines ia installed at Picatinay Arscaal. The max wt of the ia 2 kg and the maximum beight in 100 ca. This app uses uacoafined samples of expl, exch waigh- ‘This machine givce consistent results for fairly sensitive expla, but for expla such ae TNT, the seaulta ate oot very fellable, Nove: Considerable efforta were made doring WWII to place impact testing on & more fundamental basin both from the auicability of che apparame used to give reproductbility and the re icy and mathematical iacerpretation of resulta(See Refa 10,13 & 17) jaceat revulte than some obtained with the B of M machines are obtd with aa apparatus uaed for chine, kaowa ax Picatinny Arsenal Impact ‘Apparatus, eamples a er in 2 kg for HE’ and smaller wee of 1 Ib'or 6 oz for initiating exple, For. description of apparares ead procedure, see Refa 13,15 & 16 ‘Both the US B of M and PA Impact Machines have been used at Picatinny Arsenal for the teating of liqald expla, with a wodification in sample handling required oaly ia the case of the BM apparatua(Refe 12a & 16) De Rotter of the Research Deps, Woolwich, Eaglaad, designed an apparatus acd « method of teating(Refe 3 1&6), which ie claimed to be move accurate than other Laowa methode, This ie now an official Britiah ceut ‘and the value obtained ia known as Fi(Pigure of Insensitiveness) (qv) ‘The Freach testa, knows as essais au choc du mouton(deucribed in Refs 7,9 & 14) ate subdivided into; ajeseai au choe da petit nouton, which snes amall wen, such aa 2 kg and Djessai au gros mouion, which ioe large wre, auch a0 30 kg. A detailed description of thene teate in given in Ref 14. Re/s: I)F-Lenzey ‘SS 1, 287-93(1906) 2)Maraball 2 (1917),423—4 _3)R.Robertaoa, JCS 119, 16-19(1921) _4)H.S.Deck, Army ‘Oede 7, 33-1(1926) $)US BushinesBull 246, (1931),71-8 6)Maraball 3, (1932)127 | 7)Vennin, Burlor a Lecorche(1932),213-15 s)Scertbacher(1933),371~3 | 9)H.Maraoer, MAF 12, 560-i(1933) _10)0SRD Repee 803 a 804, (1942) Feigenepan & Ladreda 4, (1944),105—7 | 11)Petex Ara(1945),104—7 12. Murnoue, "Pondren ot Explosife,"? Pasin(1947),81-3 124)PATR 1738(1949) 13)PATR 1401, Rev 1 (1950),2~6 4)L. Médand, MP 33, 3504(1951) 14a)Belgrano(1952).49-81 15)TM 9-1910(1955),43~7 IOPATR 1740, Rev 1(1958) | 17)C2ok(1956),30-40 & 332-4 Index of inflommability. This is « measure of the likelihood that « bare charge will catch fire when exposed "The teat ia made by bringing an oxybydrogen flame in concact with the sample, The mezimen time ‘The index of inflammability is 100 divided by the mean of the ‘have high indices, auch as 2.50. (See aleo Sensitivity to Flame "ATR 1740, Rev 101358) xvar Inflammability Tost. See Index of inflammability T static Discharges, ete Influence Tests. See Detonation by Influeace Teste Initial Velecity(Muzale Velocity) Determination. Inltieting EAlcloney (ot Strangth) of Detonators by the Minloture Cartridge Test, This teat developed at the US BurMinee, consiecs of loading, at a const packing den ive expiieuch as homogeneous TNT-Iron Oxide Mixture) into a paper cartsdge };" ID and 2%” long. After inaceting the deto- nator to test into the cartidge, the ensemble to fired ia the ceater of 1000 g of Ottawa atd sand placed ‘tee! bomb of 3" ID. The crushed send which pasaca through a No 30 US Sed Sicve(see Table I, p A674) is weighed and from thiv ie subtracted the value for detonator alone(Siank), which le obtained by similarly fie ing » miniecate cartridge contg 5 g of pure iron oxide and the same type of detooator. The difference i crushed sand thue derived cepreacate the inititing efficieacy of the detonator. Ref: US BuinesTechPaper 8771945) INITIATING EFFICIENCY (INITIATING VALUE OR STRENGTH) OF INITIATING EXPLOSIVES, BLAST- ING CAPS AND DETONATORS, DETERMINATIONS(Esaais des anotces, in Fe) (Grenziaizisle, in Ger). Initiating efficiency(auengt or value) can be expteaned in terme of min wt of peimary(otiaitistiag) expl or in ‘amallest No of blasting enp or detonator required to cause max detonation of a HE. This can be detd by one of the following methads: s)Esop"s Testqv) b)Gap Test(qv) c)Grotta’s Test(qr) d)Lead Plate Test (see under Plate Teate) Miniature Cartridge Testace previous item) Nail Teakqy) s\Optical Methodqv) b)Sand Test(uee next item) i)Small Lead Block Compression Test(oce Enop'« Test) j)Small Lead Block Expansion Test(aee under Traual Tests) k)Sound Test(qe) (Compare with Sensitivity 0 Ini« Hlation by Initiating Explosives, Detonators and Boosters Tests). Refs: I Macsball 2, (1917) 530-2 2)H.Kast a A.Haid, S519, 146 a 16501924) _3)L-WBbler, $S 20, 145 & 165(1925}; SS.21, 1, 35, 55, 97 & 121(1926) 4)W.Friedetich a P-Vervoorst, $5 21, $1(1926) S)L.Wéhlee et al, S$22, 95(1927) 6B. Ceermecaky, SS 24, 169-72(1925) 7)A.tisid a H.Koenen, SS 25, 393, 433 & 463(1930) s)Maroball 3, (0932),163-4 9)Stertbacher(1933), 361 10 Reilly(1938)69-70 | L1)Pérex Ara(1945),121-3 12)PATR 1401, Rev 1(1930),12 _13)TM 1910(1955),64(latiating Value) Initiening Eflictency(ot Strength) of Primory Explosives by Sond Test, Using 0.400 g charges of tetry! and 0,400 x of the initiating exploeive under teat, det the wee of saad crushed by initiator alone aad by initiator + teuyl. Subtract fom the last va 3 eruahed by 0.400 g of initiator aad tecord thia as the value ‘crashed by cetyl. Repent the teat with initiator + ceuyl a total of 5 times and compare the reeulte, Ifthe for teuyl do act vary by more chan 3.0 ihn 2.0 go the ay vale fo eel ‘obesined with 0.300 g of LA 5t using amaller ames {€.350 g, 0.300 g et) of iniiatoaad altaya 0.400 of tery) nel the lata ie tasched (Cropere ak ‘Seasitiveneas to In by Detonatore, ete) Re/s? I)L-V.Clase, LEC 25, 666(1933) 2)PATR 1401, Rev 1(1950),12 Initioting Power. Same as Initiating Elficiency ef ¢ and under Sensitivity to Flame, Hest, Spaske, Electro by Sporke. See under Sensitivity to Flame, Heat, Sparks id Electrostatic Discharges International 75° Test ix one of the common stability ceate (ot expl taced weighing botles 35 mm diam igh. Hear the loosely coveted boetles for 2 bra at 75°, cool ia a desiceator and evel gh. Calculate the logs of wt as % of volatility of sample. Note ifthe material adergoes decompa ot is markedly volatile as indicated by discoloration, the appearance of brownish fumes, ete. Refs: 1)Reilly(1938),80 2)PATR 1401, Rev 1(1950) 13 3)TM S-1910(1955),55 Ino Onide-TNT Test for Detonatore. See Grotta’s Teat aad the Initiating Efficiency of Detonatora by the Miniature Cartridge Teat Kast Belsance Meter is an apparatus for m: det. Ie will be diacuseed ia Vol It, wader Bri Kost Valve or Brisonce Valve of Kest will be diecussed ia Kl-Hoet Tasts or KI-Storch Tests, See Abel Test, p A2 of thi Krofteahi(KZ) Probe(Sérength Nuaber Test) is a Geman modification of Traual Test. Re/: PATR 2510 (PB 161270) (1956), p Ger 102 Lead Block(or Cylinder) Compresston(or Crushing) Test(Lend Block Test or Hess Test) (Stauchprobe nach in Ger) (Eprauve au block de plomb, ia Fr) in one of the Germaa teats for beisaace, alae called per~ force. 1 will be described ia Vol i, under Compression Teste k Expanaion Tost, See Tcaual Test te Tout, See uader Plate Tests Length ond Duration of Flame Toa(GzBese und Dauer von Sprengetoft-Flammen Probe, ia Get). See Flame Teet 1ce ewo sammplen of 10 g each In xx Moximum Available Work Potontiol is diacussed in Cook(1958),36-7 Maximum Potential Work is the sume an Brisance Value of Kaat Moximum Prosaute of Explonian(Mazinum Pressuse of Gases Developed on Explosion) (Maximale Explosions ruck or Gaadruck, ia Ger). See under Preaaure of Explosion Mechonical Shock may be of two eypes: shock due to friction and shock due w i sctibed ander Friction Teste and under Impact Tests. Ref: Baraetx{1919),208, Miniature Cartridge Test. cy of Detonatora by the bi ly diacusaed in Cook, 1958) 41-2 in Fr) (Miraerptobe, in Ger). A device Tnsge castriron, solid cylindrical block securely 0 and aet with ite axis at elevation of 43°. The upper face of the block coataiae ' cylindrical bore, 125 mm diam and 85 mm deepyand on the botiom of tis bore ia « smaller bore serving an & receptacle for 10 g charge of expl to seat. A 15 kx cylindrical cast-iron shot 123 mm diam aad 125 mm high, ‘perforated in the center o allow the paasage of fuse, ie inserted ia the bore above the charge of expi and (ed Inatend of a fuse an elec detonator with wires passiag through che perforation in the ahot jeaoured and compared with that obtained with 10 g of vice blacting gelatine gave 240 meters, gelatine dynamite 188 and 4 otd explo the same sature, Brit pemitced exple 80 to 120 m(Ref 1) Same method as ia France has bees used in Spain and the device is called mortero probei{Rele 3 & 4). According 1 Rel 3, she teat with morter permite calculation the travail utile de I explosif(wsetal work of the explosive). This ia called ia Ref { medida del potencial 0 efecto util de un explosivo Vennia et al(Ref 2) do not recommend thie teat for brieant expls. (Compare with Ballistic Nortar and with Ballistic Pendulum Teats), Re/s: 1)Bamett(1919),181~2 2)Vennin, Burlor w Lécoreh4(1932),189_3)Pepia Leballeus{1935),66-7 Vive, Feigenepan & Ladreda, Vol 4(1944),116=17 5)Pezex Ara(1945),120 Munroe-Noumonn Effect Test. See Shaped Charge Efficiency Test MuzaleVolocity(Miaduagageschwindigkelt, in Ger)ot Initiel Velocity Determination will be dis under Ballintics, Extemal Noil Teat(Eseai ou clou, in Fr) (Nadel Probe, ia Get) (Prucba de Ia puntlla, ia Span). A simple, cheap, and at o determine the relative efficiency of detonators nad one suitable for ute in the field ia called le of a detonator suspended borizoncally in che air tod the detonator ia fired. The angle to which the nail ie beat ia meaouted to the acatcet 0,25° and the aver. sage of five teats ie the computed feoule. Fourich wite finishing asile of approsimately the same length, ‘sage and weight are used in the teat. Refs! 1)US BusMinesBull 59, (1913),25 2)US BurlineaBull 346, (1931),113 _3)Stetebachen(1933),354 4)Davia(1943),421 _3)Pérex Ara(1943),123 Normal{or Specific) Volume. See under Volume of Gases Evolved on Detonation(or Explosion) Optical Method fer Testing Cepe consiato in photographing the flashes produced on explosion. (Compare with Flame Test). Refs: 1)H.E-Brownadon, JSCI 24, 381(1905) 2)W.D.Borland, JSCI 25, 241(1906) 3)Reilly (1938),70 lulum Frietlon Device Tost, See under Friction Sensitivity Testa cussive Force of an Explosive can be defined aa the capacity of a2 Aisruption whea it explodes ander aemoupheric confinement only. Petcust sed in Vol force fe manifest oaly ia HE"® nod cea be measured by detonating ancoafined exple on top of a steel plate covering a amall Iead block. 31 block is approx proportional wo propuleive force(Ref 1). According to Refo 2 & 3, the “eletve pereuanive force’’ la ideatical with “eelative brieance.'? Re/e: US BarMiaesBull 346, (1931), 106-7 2)Vennin, Barlor & Ldcorché(1932),190 3)L.V.Clark, IEC 25, 13851933) ‘tn Gollerlen ace described in Refs listed under Galleries For Testing Permissible ‘Bushines Tests are described ia Bull 346, (1931),49-59 and other publications of che Explosives, The ot Plete Denting Tests, although not actually involving shattering by expls, are uscd as measures of brisance, In these tence che effect of a cylinder of expl when devonated in contact vith a steel plate, in detd oder uch conditions that the more powerful exple depress and deat but never puncture or shatter che plate, while lees powerful expla merely deat or bend it Plate deating teats ured at ERL, Brucetoa, Pa have been conducted by two methods Method A. A 20 g charge of reraed i a copper eylinder of (* ID aad "4" tube ia placed versieally on a 4" aquare piece of colé-olled steel plate,‘ ported by a shoct eagth of heavy steel cublog, placed in a vertical position. The exp! chasge ia boostered by a 5 g pellet of tetsyl which ia turn i initiated by « No 8 detonator(Refs 1,3 & 4) Me hod B, A modification of Method A involves firing a 1% diam by 5 loag wicased charge of expl on & jahtly greaned 1" thick, 5° equare cold-rolled accel pia te or mote of alnilae plates weed as back- ing. The charge ia initiaced with « No @ detoantor and two 17f' diam, 30 g ceuyl pellets ax boostere(Refe 2a ‘The depth of deat in both test methods is measured withia 0,001 to 0.002" and:a measure ofthe relative brisance or plate denting value, X, is calculated from the formula X = Test Sample Deat Depth 195 Dest Depth for TNT Daca obtd by Method A are summarized in Refs 1,2,3 & 4and data obed by Method B are given in Refs 2 « 4. Refs: 1)OSRD Rept 804(1942),29-31 2)OSRD Repe 5746(1945),20-2. 3)TM 9-1910(1955),61-2 4)PATR 1740, Rev 1(1958) Plote Teste include Plate Culting and Plate Danting Taste(Platcenproben or Durchachlag- ued Struhluage- Probea, in Ger) and use beasn, copper, ioa, lead and steel as materiale for plates. ‘The testa are used cither for deta of brizance of expla or for deta of efficiency of detonators. Eauentially the teote coasist of detooat- tem in the ceatet of a plate supported at both cade. This may either dent the plate or cut i(pare- ‘tre), and theee damages eecve ns criteria of briannce of efficiency. Wen testing 2 detoaator on a lead plate le made, bu: even more from the number and depth ‘capaale of detonator (Ref 1a) (See also Refa 2a & 6) ‘The Stee! Plate Deating Teste used in the US are described above, in the followiag references: Refs: 1)Marshall 2, (1917),501(French method involving detonation of « charge 100 #0 200 ¢ of expl in the middle of a aoft atcel plate 500%500°25 em thick, seating on two supports 400 mm apart, oad measariog the depeh of deat produced) La)arshall 2, (1917),330(Teatiog of detonators by lead place ceut). 2)B.Grotta, ChembecEngrg 26, 1126~32(1922) (The lead plate teet a ra) 2a)H.Kaat & A-Haid, SS 18, 166(1924) 3)L.V.Clask, IEC 25, 1386-7(1933) (Same lend plate in Ref 2) 4)Stettbacher(1933),361( Brief dincussi Sivas, Feigenapan & Ladreda 4, (1944) (Lead plate te planchae de plomo'') 6)Pérex Ara(1945), 121-—4(Lead plate e pplace de plomo,"* described ia devail) | 7Stextbaches(1948), 89(Plate test using 10 mim thick iroa plate) B)Seetebacher(1952),115 a 141 9Belgrano(1952),51~2(Sceel plate teet, called in Ieal, “Prova della piaatra qual to QX425 kee ‘Thie wait is identical weight of the explosive where Qi the hear evolved on decomposition of 1 kg of explosive and 428 ie the mech equiv of heat, Refs: WMarshall 2, (1917),469 2)Pepin Leballew(1935),43 & 64 3)H.Muraour, “Poudres et Explosite,"* Paring 947,76 Power of Explosive is defined by Bacnete(Ref 2) as “tite capacity for doing useful work,'* Power may aiso be defined ao energy Xtime, The value called in Frence rendement pratique or e/fet wile correspaads approx to “power.’? The Fr value can be calcd as haw been done ia France cither ax potentielipoteatial) or aa produit cbaracteristique de Berthelot(characteriatic product of Berthelot) Power ia usually defined in terme of one ot several of the following experimental methode: a)Ballistic Mortar Test(qe) ) Ballistic Pendulum Testqv) e)Cratering Effect Test(qe) d)Mortar Tesi(ar) ©)Quinan Test{av) f)Traus! or Lead Block Expansion Test(qr), and ite modifications CUP and Kraftrabl. Refe! I)Maeohall 2, (1917),463 2)Barnett(1919),178 3)Veania, Burlot & Lecorche(1932),166—89 & 192-3 ‘A)Marshall 3, (1932),143,_5)OSRD Repte 803 & 804(1942), 18-21 6)Vivas, Feigenspan & Ladreda 4, (1944), I-15 __7)Belgrano(1952),23-8 Prensure-Bor Apparatus of Hopkinson, See Hopkinson Preaure-Bar Apparat ‘combustion in a closed vessel{combustion Explosifs,"* Pasia(1947),73—4 Pressure of Gasar Developed on Expl imearure of the capacity of an expl to do work, although the characrer of che work this pressure is baile w reaaure of gauce can be cither caled or approx detd experimentally by detonatlag a aample in one of the following devices: Bichel Bomb, Krupp Bomb, Noble and Abel Recording Pressute Gage, Petavel Recondiag. Macometer, Piesoclectric Gages, ete, (See aloo Bichel Bomb and Detonation Pressure). Re/s! I)Maraball 2, (1917)444_7- 2)US BurllineaBell 146, (1931),04 _3)Marshall 3, (1932),133 4)Veanin, Burlor & Lécarché, (2932),50-3 & 72-86 _5)Stettbacher(1933),69 6)Vivas, Feigenapan & Ladreda 4, (1944),20~29, 85-6 & 98-104 Prinory Explonives, Initiating EFficloncy. See under Initiating Efficiency of Primary Explosives, Blasting Cape ‘and Detonators Produit Charoctertatique(Fi). See’ Characteristic Product Propagation of Detonation: See Ability to Propagate Detonatioa, in this section lon oF Detonction is an important factor because it serves etd by che rate at xn = Under thie name in described by L.V.Clask, IEC 25,668 & 1389(1933) aa application of the ‘g0p test(qe) for eating the efficiency of deronstors Propulsi « According to L.V.Clatk, IEC 25, 1380(1933), the relative propulsive force ean be detd cither by ballistic pendulum teot oe by Traual teet, the uaual ceata for deta of power of explosi Qvickness{Vivocite, in Fr) of Burning of Propellan’s, Determination is deactibed by H-Mursour, “Posdtes et Exploni 1s de France, Paria(1947),90-92, an well ax in his other papere published in MP sad MAF Guinan Test pemite determiaation simulcaneovely the brisance and the work performed on detonation of an cxpl. This value is called in Fr “potential”* aod may be conaldered a2 being approm proportional to power. ‘The apparatus coasiate of rwo cylindrical stee! blocks placed one on top of the other and guided vertically by four atecl rods imbedded in the bace. The top of the lower block is provided with a ceatral cavity to hold tn2 g of expl and a small electric deroaator, The upper block is perforated ia the center to allow the passage of elec wires aod i is also provided with a device(such ae a ratchet) permitting the block to be held io aay positive, but aot interfering with its movement upwaris. A steel plate is placed on top of the base and a ‘mall solid iead eylinder(cruoher) ia inserted betw the plate and the bottom of the lower ateel block, After ia- serting the charge with deronator, the upper steel block ia lowered oc top of the lower block and the charge fired. The pressure of expln will push the lower block down compressing the lead cylinder located underaeath will Lf siaaleaneously the upper black eo some position in which it will be held by the ratchet. The dia 32 ig height of lead cylinder is taken an @ measure of briaance and the height to which the upper block i ‘ensure of poteatial or work, which ia practically the anc ae power. Re/s? 1)Venaia, Busloe & Lécorch (1932),192-3 2)Pepia Lehalleur(1935),63 3)Petex Ara(1945),118 Rete of Deton Rate Teste Red Iron Test is one of the US BurMines "Fire Resi Sparke, Ete Relative Percussive Relative Propal si mance Tents." See under Se vity to Flame, Heat, ce of on Explosive, See Percustive Fotce of an Explosive ores of on Explosive. Sce Propuleive Force of to Explosive Reprise d*homidite, Easei(Fe) See under Hiygrocopicity Teste Restatones Yo Hoot Test(Epreuve de la rceietance sla chalew) This Fr “Oficil!’ cea for deen of stailiy Of NC or of amokeless propellants fe cooducted in « themnostatically controlled oven, “type. @'Arsoovel ”” NC in tested at 108.5° and propellants at 108.3° aed 105", box) with std blue litaus paper The tert in coo- ducted inthe following ovo stages: s)Fest to the Piet Real epeeure du premier rougd. Place ia exch of five clean test tubes, near he totem, a rolled step of blve lita paper, followed by a 10 g sample of propellant voall graioes Stopper the tubes sad place them in the oven, Note the ine of Beginniag change of color of paper tored, Cool the sample aad aave it vtil next day. b)Test for Total Resistance(Epreuve a la eéaiat- ance totalis¢e). Replace the blue litmus paper with a nem strip and continue heating ia the oven until the change in color eo ed. Record the time and leave the sanple at RT for at least 2 brefprefecably overight) Change the paper and heat the sample as above, tc: During these tests, oae will bacrve that the fncrvale berw beginsiog of beating and appearance of red color become aherter and shorter Aa toon ae thie Becomes one hous ot lesa, atop the teat and diacard the sample, Coune the total time of heating required to ative thie poine and this gives RT. Do act count the tine between heatings. Re/: Book of Insertions lewied by the Conmission des Substances Exploriven,"” Chaplare Hl, Arielen 95-107 and Chapite 1, Articles 230-1 This book may be obtained from the Etat Major de I" Atince, 2° Bureau, Paris ifs Bullet Teat(Beschusapecbe, in Cer) See Bellet impact Sensisrences Test Rotter fmpact Tost. See FI(Figute of loseasisivences) and also under Inpact Testa Sond Test or Sond Crashing Test(Sandprobe, ia Ger) (Esai aa table in F) (Prueba de la arena, is Span). This tens, devived by W.0,Snelling i 1910 sad stalled extensively by C.G,Stocm & W.C.Cope(Re! 1, sidered to meastze the shaticting eruptive) power of so expl called drisance.* This characteratic portant because it determines she effectivencae with which ax explcaa fragment a shell, boul easing, gFea- de or warhead ofa rocket, “The cand tect consiote eoseatially in detg the ant of standard sond( supplied by the Ottawa Silica Co, Coxeuwa, il, crashed by a ned wi(esually 0.400 g) of expl, The otigial eand passes trough No 20-mea SieveiUs Sud) tad costaine ao paitcles salle: than No jO-nesh. The tet ia conducted io eylidvieal sec bomb, 395" in diam, 8" with cyliedrical cavity 14" diam aad 6° deep. Procedure: Traneler an a= tutately weighed 0.400 ¢ portion of block. Innere in each shell «teiaforcing cap provided with 2 small hole in che center and by means of eet the charge(previcusly placing it behied » barricade) to a pressure of 3000 pai for 3 nin prick the powder tain in one ead of a piece of mines" black ponder fuse 8~9 long and crinp to the pricked end ove of the above Loaded No 6 capa, taking care that the fuse io held firmly agsinat TAecording te W.R.Tomlineon, Jr, formerly of PlcAran, oand teat det “energy’" rather than 2001 ‘charge la the cap. Pour into the bomb SAND TEST soroa gated dad ily (BOMB) the cop inv the boub so ar he copie centered at the azis of che bomb aad june couches che sand, Pour 1200.1 8 of sand being careful act to dietucb the position of che cap. Pass the upper end of the fuse through a tightly fitting rabe ber tubing which ia then inserted ia the RUSSER TUBE hole of the bomb cever. Lewer the cover into position and fasten it securely by 120 Gr STO | tue of wn tla ich ous pie oe a OTTAWA SAND fore aod ster cpl of cues eoove he 4] | 20-30 MESH coves. Transfer the contents of the bomb Se roaron tou rlece of slosed paper cieing bomb and cover thoroughly. After tenor 60. Ding picces of cap and burat fase, trans 8 za fer the sand to a No 30 sieve fiteed with ~ bottom pan and a cover and ehabe for 5 mine on a mechanical shaker. Weigh to 0,1 g the sand which passed through the sieve and cecord the average of all five valuea. Thie wt in the sand test value of brisance value is prensed without insertion of the reinforcing cap. Thea @ 0.300 4 chge of LA is placed on top of she exp, followed by the reinforcing cap and another compression at 3000 psi. Thea the fuse hove. After detg the amt of sand cruched by these eaps, sulract the ceruahed by 0.300 led alone fa No 6 cape ‘A modification of ‘able to ligaid exple ix described in Ref 9, pp 9 & 11. Te sand test m also be applied wo detg the amt of LA and/or cetyl, that must be weed as initiator or booster to iamure that the somple crushes the max act wt of sand. This is desigaated as sensitivity to initiation test. (See ale lai tiatiog Efficiency of Primary Explosives by Sand Test.) Re/e: US ButhineeTechPaper 125(1916) 2)US BurMines RI25§8(1923) 2a)H.Kast & A.Heid, S$ 18, 166(1924) _3)US BusMines RI 303911930) ‘US BarMinesBull 346, (1931),109-13 _$)L-V.Clatk, IEC 25, 664 & 1387(1933) 6)OSRD Repte 803 & 804 {0942),24-7 TYDavie(1943}422-3 B)Pecex Ara(1945),1249)PATR 1401,Rev 1(1950),7-12 9)TM 9-1910 1OPATR 1740)Rer 101958) by Sand Test «) of Explosives, Propellonta ond Pyrotechnic Comporitos a)Sensitivtty t0 Detonation by Initiating Agente. See Sensit Boosters Tests described below b)Sensitivty to Explosion jrom Glancing Blow. See under F tiviey, Qualitative Tests, ia Sensitivity to Plane, Heat, Sparks, Electrostatic Discharg Friction Sensitivity Tests tivity to Heat. See under Seasi emsitiviey t0 Enflammation( Sens Vinflanmation, ia Fe). See Combustion Tests j)Sensiivity 19 tn tiation by Detonators and Boosters Tests. See below )Sensitivity to Initiation by Electrostatic Discharge, See wader Sensitivity co Flame, Heat, Sparke, Electroseatic Discharges, ete I)Sensitivty to Initiation by lame, Heat, Sparks, exe m)Sensitivity 10 initiation by Influence, See Detor ‘a)Sensitivity 10 Rifle Bullet Impact. See Bullet Impact Sensitiveacas Teat eat Spake, Elecuowaic Dischiges ec Sensitivity w Sympaee Desonation. See Deteaton by tr Incace Tests SENSITIVITY TO FLAME, HEAT, SPARKS, ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGES, ETC. These teste may be found laced in the licerature under titles Burning Teste, Combustion, Fire Resistance Tests, Fire Teste, Index of Inflanmability Teae, Iaflammability Teatn and other oan 'US Bur of Minea(Ref 3) describes che following tests, uader geaceal title Fire Reslstonse Testa: a)Fuse Test. Invert aa 8° long piece of aquately cut burning fove into a teat rube %,"'X7"(elamped oa « stand) with apie end againne 3 of the expl. Ignite the projecting end of the fase and observe the behavior of the cexpl behind a safety glass b)itemispherical fron-Dish Test. After heating an iroa dish of hemispherical fore 4 in diam with a bottom 0.03320.007" thick, to a red heat, dtopiby means of a mechanical charging device operated behind a wafery gl cchge does ddetd by tials ia which a0 expla occurs with a point of expla’ occuring for a sample 0.5 ¢ high ‘)Red Hot Iron Test. Heat to cheerp-red(ea 900°) aa izon bar 15 am in dian over 10 em of ite length and bring i ia contact with a amall quantity expl placed on an asbestos board. Ifthe expl burna without detoaation, te peat dhe test using ex 100 g charge placed on aa aabestos board. A perm ge of expl, sor more thaa 0.5 g. If the lat nal elantRet 3 to Hest the following tects originated by apBehavior at Temperatures Near tbe Ignition Point and b)Behavior Towards Direct Heating. Sink are described by Reilly(Ref 4) as Inflanmability Tests. Medard(Ref 6) described the French Offi- cial teote, Thece testo aze Hated in thia section wader Combustion Testa, TM 9-1910(Ref 7) discussce the Sensitivity to Heat and Spark, and the Sensitivity to Initiation by Electrostatic Discharge ie dincuased ia Refs 5&8. Refs: Marshall 2, 435 2)Bametx(1919),216 3)US BurMinesBull 346, (1931),31-2 4)Reilly (1938),66 S)F.W.Brown et al, "Scasitiviy of Explosives to laitiation by Electrostatic Diachargee,”" US BM RI 3852(1946)_“6)L.Médaed, MP 33, 329-30(1951) 7)TM 9-1910(195),49~ Rev 1(1958) SenstVvty to litiatton by Primary(orIniticting) Explosives, Detontera and Sensitivity 10 Detonation by initiating Agents) (Ses A Pamorce E: Fx) [Ziind-(Initiier-VermBgen Probe, in eal (Eficcacia como agcateineindor, Procba, in Spas) Seeaibiich all” innencacento, Soap, in Teal), Stuativig to initiation of « HE cam be exprececd ae the win weight of aa initiating explosive requieed for complete detoacion. Ir can ala be expresed in the analles No of # detonetor required for complete dt- ation, If initiation of « HE canner be achieved by a detonator alone and soqniced, the min we St booster cxpl and ite same sa be ladiented The cent nceenseatally the same as loted onder Initiating Efe ing Eaplosives I he US the senniiviy o nitinion in conducted bythe anad toot using divinishing wes of an initiator, svch an LAMlond snide), wail cheve fe stained the min ant wach wil eaurc complete detonation of OO § af ordered HE's when prenved in «bleating cap shell under a preenure of 3000 pai. When « HE(ouch ae tmvoniam picrate) caoot be detonated by L-Alor by other initiating expe) alone, the tet ia eepeated dcionatng 0.400 g of HE witha conposicedetonaro consisting of 0.200 ¢ LA sod twtyl we a tase charge By repeatiog the teats with diminicbing wes of cotryl, the win we requised to detonate the HE is detd(Refe 1 =) In che Fr test, called “sensibiitd 2" amorce,"* described in detail by Médard (Ref 2) 8 50 g sample of ‘eat HE contained in a Kraft paper cartridge, 30 detonator and pictic acid boceter is laid horizostally on a lead place 12% 15 em and 15 am thick, resting o0 ‘steel plate at Least Lem thick. After fcing the earttidge, the appeatance of the lead plate ia observed. If the detonation is complete, the inpress ‘what deeper. Ia this case it ia zequized to repeat the teat using either booster, Ifthe detonator is to small to achieve complete detonation, complete. Refs: 1)PATR 1401, Rev 1(1950),7—11 2)L.Médard, MP 33, 339—42(1951) 3)TM 10(1955),52-3 (See aleo Refa under Initiating Efficiency of initiating Explosives, ete) Point Detersinotion ia described under Sodium Azide, Plaat Analytical Procedures, p A613 ‘Charge or Hollow Charge Elficlency (Cavity Chacge Performance of Muaroe-Neunaon Effect). Thie applied co explosive chaeges with lined ot walined cavities formed in the charge opposite to the end of initiacioa. The lined or unlined hollow charge effect is sometimes refered to ae siaply cavity effect. A Hat ead explosive of high brisance produces « deat in « hard atee! plete; the same explosive using the wa- lined cavicy effect of Muntoe-Neamtan, eroden the tazget forming a smooth challow crater; and # lined cavity in the sane explosive aad charge size producce a deep, aarrow V-shaped bole ia the accel plate, The appli Cation of thia phenomenca repreaenta one of the major advances ia the use of explosives ding TEDL ‘The penetration action of a shaped charge ie dependent spon a aumber of factors, euch at aythe explo sive used, blype of liner material and its thickness, c)cone angle and other shape of cavity and d)stond off distance o¢ dintaace between the base of cavity and target. Tneve factors must be detemnined expeti- ‘meataly for each explosive and for each type of shaped chasge design ‘This rear ia conducted by placing che asseably vertically, at a keown standvoff diatance, above aeveral layera of 0.5 iach thick amorplate atcel and deronating the charge, After detonation the depth of bole, ite ‘average diametet atthe top, and ite volume are determined, Refs: 1)TM 9-1910(1955),78-85 2)PATR 1740, Rev 101958) 3)Co0Kt1958),226~-64 SilbergefSasprobs, in Ger), denigned for testing condi conducted ae fol cut into pieces %" Long, is placed into a vacuuarjacketed round-bottom flask,’ ‘with a piece of eubing fused at the lower part of the neck aad meana for observing coler of gases evolved duting heating of cordite. After closing the flnak with a perfor statically controlled airbath ar 80+ ace observed at cegulatintervale and the time of appearance of red funes ie recorded, A few houra after the temp of cordite begins to rise tnd 4s soon as dhe tise seaches 2, the teat le considered compleced. A good “service’* cordite will stand this tent for 500-600 hrs. Refs: " 1)F.L-Nathen, JSCI28, 443~6(1909) zMtacebal2, (1917,663-4 3)RellyC938) 81. AKave Mews i944) 318 ell Lead Small Lead Block Compression Test for Detonctors, See under Esop' # Test mn Test for Dotonators. See under Trausl Test ra detooadores, in Span). Macti(Ref 1) proposed to compase ance of detonators by observing the action of their sound w: ‘Oxher proposals have beea qade to measure the intensity of the sound by meane of a microphone and sen tive galvanometer, Inthe opinion of Marshall (Ref 2) aad of Pérez Ata(Ref 3), che weak poiat in ch ‘methods in chat chere is 20 necessary connection berw the intensity of sound and the efficiency of anor, Refs: 1)F.Martin, ChemZeg 37, 90(1913) 2)Maraball 2, (1917),532 3)Pérex Ara(1948),124 Specific or Normal Volume. Sce uader Volune of Gases Evolved on Detoastion(or Explosiea) ‘Stebilley(Theemel) of Explosives end Propellente, See under Heat Te: Steol Plate Denting Test or Stool Test. See Plate Denting Teste and under Plate Teste Strength of Detonctors, Determination. Sane as Initiating Elficieacy of Detoantors, Tea ‘Strength of Dynomites. According te Davia(1943),338-9, the atrength(explosive force) of = eteaightaitro- slycetin dynamite in expreazed by the petceat of NG which it contains. Thus "40% etealght NG dynamite’ ‘cooeainn 40% NG buc "40% ammonia dynamive,"* "40% gelacia dynamite,” tre suppored to have the same streagth or explosive force a= 40%; etraight dynamite. Scrength of dyaami ‘can be decd by Traual Test(qe) ‘According wo Marahall 2, (1917) 469 "“Trauel’ « lead block teat affords a ready ‘means of ascertaining che approximate relative atcength of explosives.'’ As power of explosives is alse etd by the same reat, it seems chat there ia no difference berween strength and power 465.3° ond 80° Surveiliance Teste are standard US arability cesta for propellaacs, Transfer a 45 g sample to « ‘dry 8 05 Mint-glase bottle provided with an airtight ground-glase stopper, Place the bottle in an oven or secial chamber(such as is cepreneated by Fig 81, p 244, Ref 2) maintained at 65,541°. After heating for 24 hrs, seseat che stopper and cootioue heating. Observe the botdle every 24 bre aad aote the number of days. ‘required to cause the evolution of red funes(orides of nitrogen). Teat values of 20 days or leas indicate « ‘condition of hazardous instability calling for immediate disposal of the sanple. Valuce of 90 days or leas cate insufficient stabilicy ‘The teat can be conducted at 80° when anticipatory data are cequited quicker than by the 65.5° teat Refs: DPATR 1401, Rev 1(1950),15~16_2)TM 9-1910(1955),243—4 78° desctibed by D.R.Wiggam & E-S,Goodyeat, IEC, AnslEd 4, 73(1932), lbove teats, except the temperature of heating ie different Sympathetic Detonation Test. See Detonation by Influence Test for detg the thermal stability of NG, NC, and NG propellante was firat described in 1921(Ref 1). ‘The app consiata ofa glase tube, ia which 1,3 g of sample io placed, closed with « ground-glans top and com ected with a paraifi tap, the top of which ie connected to a Hg manometer. The entire app, except the man foneter, is heated in « epecially constructed oven a: 120° for NG ot NG coatg propellants, aad at 135° for NC. ‘Afvet 30 ai of beating the sample, the mtopcocks ca the sample tube and on the manometer are closed to keep the enmple ia contact with ite decompa products. The pressure developed rured at suitable intervals tnd the iodex of etabllity adopted ia the time in minutes neceucary to attain pr "Ae frat desciibed the Taliaai teat was considered a good quantitative test of thermal etability but it was tedious and time consuming. Numerous investigators have aubaequendly modified the initial procedure, Goujon (Ref 2) heated NC, previoualy dried at 100° for 2 hes, io a coast vol at 135° in the preacace of ite deconpa products and noted the time acceseacy co develop « press of 100 am Hg. Thia tine characterized the stability of the aample aad the teat was completed in 2 hts. Wiggam & Goodyear(Ref 3) made molificatioas in the Tali= ‘ani app aod conducted the test 00 double-base powders at 120°. Haid et al(Ref 4) studied the time-preas rela- onskipa of NC and HE’ » at 75°. Tonegutti(Ref 5) conducted chia test at 120, 125 & 130° oa NC, NG, NGu aod other exple. Berl et al(Ref 6) used the ‘glaserfeather’” manomerer,st 135° of higher ia Vol or esearch prone ail scale ecro-Talial opp has bee TALIANI APPARATUS aciciel and spilict tothe aly of HE wel 8,98 10) Ad dow of thio ap and the procedure ieee wil be peed in w PA tent ster inp povedaee, Refer Ie alan, Gaze st Lise SUSE) & Cate, MECL92D D)coufon, MAF 8 837690211929) $5 260917, 36, op 30, 361.8 4OMISST & CA 26, TUNIDSZ) SOR ggaa Ee Gondpen, AEGyAGaE 4, 731932) & CA hy TUAQUSSD Dl al, SS 30, 66-8 & 105-8(1935) & CA 29, 4585(1935) 5)M.Tonegutti, indaetinchinicn 9, 1334-4201954) @ CA 29, SOL 19599, Chie ¢ Id 1, 517-210933) & Ch 95 136211936 ad $699, 105-8019) & CA 2 SUGAD38). EE Bel te ay ECan 10, 2200030) & CA 3, Ssega8) DReiliyco3eyee" ONL Mewokepe 10788950) (Con? SIRAVORD nope 27050899) (Coal) HOA eRepe MR 33930), can ‘Temperature Devoloped on Ostonation(or Explosion) can be detd eaperimcotally with a fair degres of accuracy by optical methods and can aleo be estimazed by calca as discussed in the following: Re/s: 1)E,Sarrau, “Theorie des Exploci 16-17 2)Marshall 2, (1917),453 & 459-60 yBarnere{1919),200 _4)Vennin, Buslor a Lécorche(1932),36~30_5)Stettbacher 1953),85 _6)H-Mursous, * Patix(1947),71~3 7Stettbachen{1948) 14 )Stersdacher(952).17 _ See Galleries for Tests ‘See Heat Tests ‘Time of Ignition(ar Explosion) Test, See Ignition(or Explonion) Test Trenemiasion of Detonation Through Air. See Detonation by Influeace(Syapathetic Detonation) Tronamtssion of Detonation Through Explosive Cherge(Extent of Propagetion of Explonios). See Ability to Propagate Detonation, in this rection ‘Trovzl Test; Traval Laod Block Te bloc de plomb de Teausl, in Fr) (Teauslache Probe or Bleiblockauebachung Methode, ia Ger) (Prueba Teaual ‘Prueba del blogue de plome, io Span )(Metodo del Traual of Metodo del bleeco di piombo, ia Ital. Accord- ing to Ref 5, this teat measures the "comparative disruptive powes'” of an expl through enlargement of a cavity in a cylindeical lead block under carefully standardized conditions. Std conditions for conducting thie feet were defiged by @ Comm of she Fifth International Coagress of Applied Chenietry(Ref I). Although one of the oldest tests known for detg powet, ic is will widely osed today but more common ia Excope than io the USA Procedure. A sample of the teat expl(approx 10 g) is detonated io « cavity or borchole, 25 am in diam and 125 min deep, ia a etd lead block 200 wr in diam and 200 tight, The borehole ie made centrally in the upper face of each block, previously cast in # mold from desi t quality. An electric blast- ‘cap is placed centrally ia the chge. After the chge and detonator are placed ia che borehole, 40 ce of (Octawa sand ate added and tamped lightly. An addal 10 ce of eand are added aod tamped more thoroughly. The ‘volume of the hole made due tothe peas exerted by che exploding chge is then detd; and the diateasioa(expan- ion) is caled by subtracting from this value, the vol of the borehole before the chge is detonated. Thee auch ‘teste ate made aad the results averaged, Expanaiona foc equivaleat wee of expla are calcd, aod che teat value of tof INT ‘procedure although dimensions of the lead block are the Initiating efficiency(strength) of primary expla can be approx deed by small chge(such at 1.0 4) io ‘nail [ead block, auch as 100m ia height aad 100 mm in diem. For tearing detonstore in uch block, « hole is bored in the block of the exact diam of the detonator aad of euch « depth chat the cop of the detonator ie Flush withthe top of the block(Ref 5, p 106 & Ref 52, p 666) xxv e/a: 1)FikhltConghppldChem Vol 2 (1903).256 2)M.Newnana, ZAagChew 24, 22341911) 3)Macsball 2 (1917,469-724Baeneta1919),179-81 59S BuMineaBull 346” Sa)L-V.Clae, IEC 25, 6661933) ©iSeertbacher(1933),361-5 6u)Pepin Lehalleur(1935),64-6 T)OSRD 803 and 804(1942) 18-21 8)Davie (1943),24-5. SuyVive, Feigenspan fe Ladkeds 4, (1940,111=14_ab)Pééex Ara(1945),113-17 | 8e)Belgeano (4952).23-8 9)TM 5-i9101955),10-1_IO)PATR 1740, Rew 1(1958) Yocuom Stability Test wan designed by Farner(Ret 1) for dei of aabilityof explosives aad propellants. To thie tout the thermal decongn of « sample ix followed by observing the ree in prensure of the genes aivea ‘off fa yacuua, The rest can be conducted at tenpe ranging from 80° te 180°(Ref 1), br i te 90° for popellaate and 100° ot 120° for HE VACUUM STABILITY, [aissareetniinat cpl te hee hndey abec Meee ee ee se ares APPARATUS Sp ieiar Slat eae) cera poe ore ce a connected. Place in the cwp(D, apillary,c8 7 wl Hg and lavert a rubber stoppet with « aeeted o 4 rack pum. Capillary openiag ofthe cup (D) aed evaccace the appacaras ust c the plese is reduced toc sim. This mill force the Hig to rive ia (©, nearly tothe top. Disconnect the panp, add co 1 Bl of Hg to (D) and manure the total vertical beig of the coluna in (C) 8 Meaoure aad subtract the vertical height of the columa of Hg (D)- Note the RT and stm press. Insert he rube(A) in bath alae tained at desired semp 49.5° and heat for 40 hee unlene fant of gan(1I¥ al) will be evolved fale ‘cal height of the columa of Hg in the capillary(C) and subuact the vertical height of the column ia the cup(D). Calculate the vol D offiberated gas from the difference berw che initial and final ler ‘ls, aa well as the sol of the capillary per soit of length, che vol of tabe(A), and the atm press and temp conditions at the begianing and end of the test. The formula for this cealen Ref 3, p 14, Refs: I)R.C.Faraer, JCS 117, 1434~-40(1920) 2)Reilly(1936),92 3)PATR 1401, Rev 101950),12 & 1415 TM 9-1910(1955),56—7 oper wo thelt ‘scription can be found ia the followiag : Re/ VasNostrand,NY, © 1(1944),117 2)}.Strong, “Procedures in Experimencal Physic (1945),Chap 3 3)A.Weiesberger, "Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry,’” loteracieace,NY, vol I,pare 2 (1945),141-251 | 4)J-HPerry, Edit, "Chemical Engincera’ Haadbook,’* McGraw Hill, NY(1950),98 & 149-73 Velocity of Dotonetion Tests. See Detonation Rate Teets f Burning of Propellaate, Determiaation ‘be expreased by the Love of we pet uait of ite exposed ‘surface at n given temp and in wait time. Two of the volatility ceute used in che US are: 100° Heat Test(qr) sand 79° Intemational Tess(qv) R.Colsoa, MP 30, 55(1948) describes « French vol container of « knowa ‘days and then reweighing, The lo tied ‘of Gases Evolved on Expl be either caled of detd experimentally by explod- ing tateriel in one of the bombs, euch ax Bichel Bomb(g), and shen collecting and meastring the volume. ‘The wolume(ia liters) evolved by 1 kg of expl, measured at NTP, in called specific volume or normal vol- une(Vo). Refs: YMatsball 2 (1917)443,_2)Pascal(1930),15_ 3)Veania, Butlot & Lecorehe(1932) ‘AStercbacher(1933),69 _5)Stertbacker(1948),13 _ 6)Stettbacher(1952),16 Wolthom Abboy Silvered Vessel Test. See Silvered Veasel Test Wox Gop Test is one of the Detonation by lafluence teate(qe) and is similar to the Booster Sensiciviey ten(qe). The ex Gap Test in described briefly under Ammonium Nitrate, p A354, Note c and in mote derail in Spencer Chemical Company, "Safety Data,"? Kansas Ciry,Mo( 1960) Abbe List OF ABBREVIATIONS, CODE NAMES AND SYMBOLS. USED IN THIS WORK AND IN MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS, ‘OF THE USA AND OF VARIOUS OTHER COUNTRIES tems not listed here are given in the text. For German abbreviations see PATR 2510) (See also Supplement, pages Abbr 5947) 4 ASM ‘Association of American Steel Manufacturers Aor Abstr abstract AaTeC American Association of A acid (as MA, mixed acid) Temtile Chemists and A aniline Colorists A argon AAW Australian Advisory War A Amy Council A tonic AB Auticbolaget (Swed)(same as A after Get A-G) standardized variation of a AB sbamba(RusXaetial bomb) standard item ‘ABBG Adtiebolaget Boforb—Gullsping A(gonma) Ieal gelatin type expl contg NG (Swed) A Aogetron ABBN Aktiebolaget Bofork—Nobelkrut ae absolure temperature (Swed) AL frst class; excellent sbbea abbreviation ‘Al(Monobel; British explosives free ee ereea cee! ‘Al(Roundkol); ‘see the text a ures ‘ ) ABC ‘Association of British Chem - ical Manufacturers va fe ae Abel's Expl see Pietic Powder me nee aBL ‘ilegany Ballistie Laboratory Cumberland, Md A wugusta Ara ost, amen iH ete eae ABMA ‘Army Ballistic Mispile Agency, AAA tatiaicceafe artillery Redstone Arseoal, Huatsville, AAAAW antiaircraft artillery nocoms Ala(aee also ONL) ‘weapons ABNP aac antiaircraft cannon : AAD ‘htillery Ammunition Develop: A8NT Avtiebolaget Nora Tendrofs- ment Laboracory, PicAeso, fabeik(Swed) Dever, N Jlaow AARDL) ABSAY Aktiebolaget Svensk Automat AAE Ametican Association of Vapen(Swed) Engineers ABSKF Aktiebolaget Svenska Krutfak- AAE Aeroplane and Armament torieroa, Landskrona(Swed) Establishment (Brit) ‘absol of abs absolute AAF Amy Air Forces sbepo absorption AARCE Allied Air Forces, Centeal abstr or A abstract ame Aled Cheneal, New Yok AAG antiaite Allied Chemicals, New Yor jin ce Symbol for hydrogen. aicto-ac missile syabal Fes ‘AANG antiaizerafe machine gua a€etyI(CH,CO- pot CHCOO- ) AARDL Anillery Ammunition Rocket he acid Development Laboratory, ac adjusted charge (Brit) Arsn, Dover, NJ (formerly AADL) ac AC or ac Ale AC AC AcAa Acad ACC acc ACCCE acedg Ace of F ACD acer ACNA Ach ACHEMA Aco Ac,0 ‘AcOH acs Acs CSIRO: ACT-5 Actg ad AD AD AD Acday ADC Add adda adda! ADE adj Adj ADL Abbe 2 Air Corps; aircraft aleernating current armored cat Army Corps symbol for 1,9-diacetoxy- pentamethylen2, 4,6,8° Academy American Cyanamide Co, New York Army Chemical Center, Maryland (See also EA) Association of Consulting Chemists and Chemical Eng- according; accor accuracy of fire acetic acid Aziende Chimiche Nazionsli Associate (Cengio) (Its!) acetaldehyde Ausstellung fiir Chemisches Apparatewesen Army Corps Ordnance (Brit) acetic anhydride acetic acid Allied Chiefs of Staff American Chemical Society ‘Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization see the text ‘Acting advertisement Aic Defense; ASTIA Document Ammunition Depot or Dump Anno Domini (after Christ) Army Day ‘Ait Development Center addenda addition Ital time & percussion fuzes used ‘with aerial burst or impact pro- jectiles (OP 1168, p63) adjective Adjutant Arthur D. Little, Inc, Cambridge, Mass Adm Ady adem ade AEA AEC AECL AEDC AEF AEG acrod AESC AEU AF AF AF AF AFAC AFB AFBND. AFCA AFBDC AFCRC AFFTC AFNTC AFNOR AFOSR AFOTC AFPTRC AFR ARS AFSWC AFSHP Admiral Admiraley aisdrome adverb ‘Atomic Energy Act Atomic Energy Commission Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd, Canad: Arnold Engineering Development Center, Talahoma, Tenn Allied Expeditionary Forces Allgemeice Elekteizities Gesell- sschafe (General Electric Co of German Aeronautical Engineering Laboratory (US Naval Base, Phila, Pa) comic Energy Research Esta Harwell, England aerodynamics ‘American Engineering Standards Committee Amalgamated Engineeriag Union after firing(Brit) Air Force Armored Force Aviobomba, fugasnaya(Rus)(demo- lition bomb) Ait Force Armament Center, Fglin, Fl: Ait Force Base Ait Force Ballistic Missile Div, Inglewood, Calif Anmed Forces Chemical Association Ait Force Base Development Center, Eglin, Fla Ait Force Cambridge Research Center, Bedford, Mass Air Force Flight Test Centet, Edwards AFB, Calif Ait Force Missile Test Center, Patick AFB, Cocoa, Fle Association Frangaise de tion(Fr Assoca for Standatdization) Ait Force Office of Seientifie Research, Washington,DC and Pasadena, Calif Ait Force Operational Test Center Ait Force Personnel and Training Research Center Admizalty Fuel Research(Brit) Army Field Services, Fort Monroe, Va Alc Forces Special Weapons Center, Kirtland Air Force Base, NM Armed Forces Special Weapons Project (changed to DASA) AFT AFUS AFV AG AIG Ag Aga AGARD AGB AGE asey AGDNY AGE Agta AGI agita AG](Comp) Age agel AHTCo AIC AIC AICHE alge ania AR ATE alse AISI ‘ACko) Al ALA Alba Albanite Albite ale ALCAN ALCAN Abbe 3 adiabatic flame temperature Armed Forces of the Uniced Seates armored fighting vehicle (Brit) assault gan antigas; airto-ground argentum (silver) silver azide Advisory Group for Aeronautical Research and Development(NATO) American Glycerin Bomsee the tert) Aerojet-General Corp, Azusa, Calif agency Akciengesellschaft Dynamic Nobel, Wien (Aust) Admiralty Gunnery Establishnent (rie) Aktiengesellschaft fir Anilin- fabrikation(Ger chemical firm) ‘Ace Glass, Inc, Vineland, NJ dovble-base propellants developed by ABL Agriculture sgriculeoral ‘Archur H, Thomas Company, Phila 5, Pe American lastitate of Chemists Ammunition Identification Code ‘American Instiate of Chem Engineers ‘Amezican Institute of Electrical Engineers imetican Industrial Hygiene ‘Association Air Intelligence laformation Report American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers American Institute of Sceel Construction ‘American Iron and Steel Instirute Jap explosive(see text) alunioum American Library Association Alberca, Canada Beit propellant (see the text) Ital expl(see the text) alcohol, alcoholic ‘Alaskan-Canadian Highway Alomioum Company of Canada ALCOA ald Aldorfit alk Alle Alkalices alley ALRL. Alsilite Alsk alt Alta Alumatols alm aM Am of am AM or am AM AMA AMA amal Amatex Amatol A/MB AMC AMC AMES AMILAT AML AML Aam Ammonals Ammonara Ammonia keut ‘ammoaiaku Ammonites AmmP of AP ‘AmocoCe amp ANP ‘mph Aluminum Compnay of America aldehyde Swiss expl(see the vext) alkali, alkaline alkyl Belg safety expis(see the text) alkaliniey Aluminum Research Laboratory (f AL.coa) Belg exp! (see the text) Alaska altieude ‘Alberta, Canada see the text above mentioned (Brit) Air Minitry(Bi) any! when added to the designation of Fr propellant, means chat amyl alc was used as a stabilizer (eg Bam, BFAm, etc) ante meridiem(Latie for’before nos’) Army Maoual(Brit) ‘American Medical Association American Milicary Attache! amalgam aayl alcohol see the text see the texe anti-notorboat ‘Amy Medical Ceater ‘Aumy Medical Comps ‘ic Ministry Experimental Station (Brie) American Military Attaché Admiralty Materials Laboratory (Brie) Aeronautical Materials Laboratory ws) ammoniua(Ntt,) see che text Jap for Ammonal fee the text Jap exp! (see the text) See the text ammoniua picrate ‘Attoco Chemicals Corp, Chicago, m amorphous amperes Applied Mathematical Pane! amphibian amp-he ANPS AMRL ANSEF ame ANT. AMTRAC(s) AMVETS AN AN AN AN AN-507 ANC AND ANG ANG anhyd Aailite ‘Antigeisou(explo- sifs) ‘Antigrisous Favier ‘Antigrisoutew Cexplosits) antilog AO AOA AOAC AOD AOD Abbe 4 0D ampete-hour foe Army Mine Planting Service 40RG Army Medical Research Lab- oratories ‘ eee! anti-mine sweeping explosive 4Qy float(Brie) amount ae anti-motor torpedo boat ce amphibious tractor(s) Aye aap ‘American Veterans of WI Ap ammonium nitrate Gein ammoniu nitrate based arc propellanes Oe ‘Aemy-Navy APCHE after an Ordn term designates APCI fa standardizeditem for use by APC-LC both the Army and Navy APCE-T see the text ‘Argentine Naval Commission, APC-T New York 19, NY AP-FS-DS ‘Auny & Navy Desiga ‘ir National Guard APG. code name for nitroglyceria(NG) pHa plus altroglycol(NGe) pian ashy drous APHEBC lig expl (see che text) ‘Azgonte National Laboratory apy Annals _ anomalous ae avonynous feaee anisole tal el (Anieansontesee py ‘Amny-Navy Safety Board, Wash- 4pLn ington 25, DC ANB antifreezing AP/NECL Belgian safety expls (see the text) a0 app of appar a ppd Fr pemissible expls ceria secs ppla antilogerichn arp aviobanba, oskolachnaya tera dame (Rus\fengmentacion bomb) ped ‘Army Ozdnance Association, Spal Washington, DC foe Association of Official on Agiiculeure Chemists prion ‘Anniston Ordnance Depot, AP-T ‘Anniston, Ala a Army Ordnance Depot ‘Arsenal Operations Division ‘Amy Ordnance Regulations ‘Amy Operational Research Group (Brit) Amy Ordnance Service ‘Alabama Ordaance Wotks,Childers burg, Ala American Patent(see USP) fee AnmP(anmonium pictate) antipersonael ammor-piercing amor-piercing, ancicank arnor-piercing, capped Adas Powder Co, Wilmington 99, I acmor-pierciog, capped.high explos armor piercing, capped, incen: famor-piereing capped, loag case semor-piercing cappedincendiary ch tracer amorpiercing capped with tracer amor-piercing fi-stabilized, dis ‘carding sabor (@r0") ‘Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md American Public Health Associat armorpiercing, high explosive armor-piercing, high explosive, ballistic amor-piercing, byper velocity ‘American Petroleum Insticute amor piercing, incendiary armor-piereing, incendiary with Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University armorpiercing, long nose amor piercicg, monoblock dtdeet Plant of Nobel’s Ex- plosives Co, Led, Scotland ‘Army Post Office apparatus spproved applied application appropriate approsinate(ly) sgpoined approval append armor-piezcing, round nose appoiat(sce the text) tmor-piercing with tracer ‘Association of Public Works Officials Abbr 5 apeaay ‘Amet exptl expls contg EDNA —ASDIC Antisubmarine Detection APX5A (see the tex) Investigation Commitee “a aqueous (Code aame for ultrasonic aq reg aqua regia underwater detector) aq soln(s) aqueous solution(s) ASF Amy Service Forces AR analytical grade reagent ASHVE, American Society of Heating Ar aryl radical sad Ventilating Engineers AR Amy Regulations ASM sir-to-surface missile AR sutomatic rifle ASM ‘American Society for Metals, ARC ‘Aeronautical Research Council Cleveland, Ohio (Brie) ASME ‘American Society of Mech ARC Atlantic Research Corp, Alex- cal Engineers andsia, Va ASN teal exp! and propellant Arcite plastic propellane ASNE American Society of Naval ARD ‘Armament Research Dept Engineers (Brie) ASP Ammunition Supply Poi ARDC Ait Research and Development ASP Army Supply Point Command, Baltimore, Mé asph asphalt ARDE. ‘Armament Rescarch and De- ASRE Admiralty Signal Research velopment Establishment, Escablishment(Bcit) changed to ARE (Bric) ASSE ‘American Society of Safety ARDEC (changed _Armiament Research and De- Engineers to CARDE) velopment Establishment, Canada assoc associate ARE ‘Armameot Reseasch Estab- assocd associated lishment, Fort Halstead, Kent, Assoen England asstd ARE/RA Amaments Research Estab- ASTIA ‘med Services Technical Hishmeat, Royal Arsenal, ion Agency, Woolwich, Engl Aslington Hall Station, ARF Armour Research Founda Arlington 12, Va ASTM ‘American Society for Ate Testing Marerials ARGMA ‘Army Rocket and Guided Missile ASTM American Seandard Test ‘Agency, Huntsville, Ala Method ARL Admiraley Research Labora asv Active Service tory (Brit) asv airctaft searching apparatus ARL ‘Aeronautical Research Lab- A/S antisubmarine warfare oratory(Australia) asym o asynmettical ach asithmetie(al) aT Sr eompecature ‘Asso Arsenal aT ‘Rus for amatol Arsol code name for trimethylene- A/T ot AT antitank ‘tinitrosamine AT Any Ascillery a as. Air Service (Brit) ATA ays anti-submarine ATC As Arsenic ATE ASA azide-styphaate-alunioun ATG (Beit initiating mize) ATG ASA Tal expl(see the tex) ATIC ASCE American Society of Civil Center(changed-sce below) Engineers ATIC Aerospace Technical ASD ‘Ammunition Sub-Depot Intelligence Center, at/a0 ATO Ace ATT aren at vol ATX Au fu aut Av av or avg avdp Avigliana 3 ava AW AWC AND AvL AWOL AWRE Az or benz, vuebeoe o Bigomma) Besalty 5, Bipoudte) atmosphere atomie number assisted take-off Attaché arcenuated ballistie(#) atcention atomic volume atomic weight symbol for 1,7-diniroxy- 2h, Getrinitz0-2,4,6+ triazabeptane auram(Lat) (gold) Rogatrom unie ‘au armored vehicle average avoirdupois(1 Ib =453.59g) Ital expl (see the text) automatic weapon ‘Arnstcong-Whitsworth Co, England acoustic waming device absent with leave absent without official leave ‘Atomic Weapons Research Establishment (Brit) azimuth azote (French for nitrogen) azoxy base (of a bomb) battery benzene blind or dud (Brie) bomb (er) bore brisance caled by Kast formula(see the text) broneprobivnoy(RusXamor- piercing) ised after an Orda term, de- notes a standardized item for use by both Army and Navy Ital gelatia type expd contg NG one of Amer designations for ethylenediamine dinitrate Jap incendiary expl (see text) Fe propellant named in honor of Gen Boulanger; formerly called Vipoudre) becaise it was invented by Vieille Abbr 6 Ba BA BA BA BA BA BAC BAC Bac bacter BAD Bal Bakufun Bakuhatsu-sei bal Balistica Ballistites BalMore Bala BalPend BAM or Bam BangT Baratol Barisutaito Baronal BAS. BAS. BAS BA/T Baten BB BB BC BC BC Bec BeD BCIRA BCNL BColRA BCRA BCSO(NA) BCURA Barium ia Arsenal, Benicia, Calif benzaldehyde British Academy British Admiralty Bureau of Aeronautics, Wash- ington, DC Bell Aircrafe Corp, Buffalo NY Bristol Airplane Co (Bric) benzoic acid bacteriologic: Base Ammunition Depot base and increment Jap primary expl (see the text) Jap blasting cap ballistics Ital double-base propellant double-base propellants ballistic mortar Fr ballistite(see the text) ballistie pendulum Fr propellants stabilized with amyl alcohol bangalore torpedo Mil expl conta Ba nitrate & TN’ Jap for ballistice Mil expl contg Ba nitrate, INT wAl Bessemer aeti Ieal projectile Bulletia of Atomic Scientists battalion anti-tank battalion battage ballon ‘buoyancy bomb(Brit) Before Christ British Columbia, Canada Fr propellant (see the text) Baker Chemical Co, Phillips- burg, NI Beceo Chemical Div, Buffalo, steel Cast Iron Research Asse Fr cannon propellant (see the text) Cotton Industey Research Association Scientific Office(North America) British Coal Uti Research Association BD BD BD B/D Ds BDSA BDU BE Be Be BEAIRA Belg Bellites benz Berger(explosifs| BESA BESS Bess BethStCorp beew BF BF BF BFF BFNL, BFP,BFP, BG BG, BG, BGC} BG or BIG BGOD BGR BH BHC BHOD BHP BHRA BI Bi BI BIB bibl BICERA bioch Abbr 7 base detonating bomb disposal Fr propellaat coatg DPBA bulldozer Bomb Disposal Squad, now called EODT Business and Defense Service ‘Administration (Commerce Dept, Vashington 25, DC) bomb disposal unit base ejection(chemical shell) Bauné beryllium British Electtical and Allied Industries Research Association Belgium, Belgian older Swed expls benzene Fr expla(see the ext) British Eogineering Standards Association base ejection smoke shell Bessemer Bethlehem Steet Corp between barrage fire before fiing( Brie) poudre B fusil (Fr NC propel- laos for military rifle Beretta Francese e Figli(Iealfien) Fr military rifle propellants (see the text) Birmiagham gauge, for wire Fr propellants (see the txt) blasting gelatia Blue Grass Ordnance Depot, Richmond, Ky bombing and guaaery cange Brinell hardness benzene hexachlotide Black Hills Ordnance Depot, (aloo, SDak British horse-power British Hydromechanics Re- search Association base inititiog; base ignition biamueh Board of Investigation baby incendiary bomb bibliography h Internal Combustion biochemical biol BIOS BIPM BISC Bisoflex 102 BISRA By BySM bl ot bile BkPde BKhV BL BL BL BL Blastia BLC bldg. bik BLMRA bla BM BN or BurMines BM(poudres) BNG BM bne BNRC BMT MTS BN BNA BNF BNF BNFMRA BNL BNO British Intelligence Objectives Subcommitee Bureau International des Poide ‘et Mesures(FeX(Iaternational Bureau of Weights and Measures) British Intelligence Sub-Committee Bris for triethyleaeglycol dicaprylate British Iron and Steel Research Association brass jacket British Joint Services Mission, Washington 6, DC black black powder boyevoye khimicheskoye veshchestvo(Rus)(CWA) base-loaded (shell) breech loading (separate loading ammo with bagged propelling charge) Burnside Laboratory, E. DuPont de Nemours & Co, Peans Grove, NJ blue ‘Swed expl(see the text) base-loaded capped (shel!) British Leseher Manufacturers Research Association balloon breech mechanism Bureau of Mines, Pittsburg,Pa Fr Navy(mariae) propellant, Browning machine goa Battelle Memorial Institute bomber British Manufacture & Re- search Co British Mean Time see BurMines TS poudre nouvelle(Fr modified propellane) Brisish Naval Attaché bomb nose fuze poudre nouvelle, fusi(Fr modified riffe propellant) British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Association Brookhaven National Lab- oratory, Upton, NY British Naval Officer BNP BOAC BOAC BOD BOD BOD BoD Bol Bolovon Bonit BOP Boronices Bow BP BP BP BP BP BP BP-152(polvere) BPB BPCVMRA, BPD(polvere) BPP BPZ Br or Brit Br Br431(polvere) Abbe 8 Bureau of Naval Personnel Braz British Ordnance Ammunition Corps Brit British Overseas Airways Company 8. blown oue(Brie) beghd Base Ordnance Depot BRL biochemical (biologicalloxygen demand (capacity of water to bra absocb oxygen) Bros Birmingham Ordaance District, BrP ot Brit Biemiagham, Alo BRRA Boston Ordaance District, Boston 10, Mass Bes Bolivia ‘Austr liq expl (HNO, + m-DNB) BRS ‘Swed for expl contg RDX & TNT Burlington Ordnance Plant, Brsed Burlington, NJ e expl mizts of amatols with boron Bs sales (suitable for press-loading of ammo) (see PATR 1292 and BS\poudre) the text) BSA boyevoye otravliayoushcheiye veshchestvo(Rus)(War poison Bst substance) (poison ges)(CWA) BSI browa oil of virial (tech sulfuric acid) Badger Ordnance Works, BSIRA Baraboo, Vise Base Ordaance Workshop base poiat BSO boiling point Bolea Products, Lawrence, Mass BSP(poudre) tion) BSRA British Patent (see BritP) broneprozhigayushehii(Rus) BSS (buen through armor) (shaped BSS charge) Eller poot ast brown powder used by Italians in cannons prior toiavention of BSX smokeless propellant black power bag British Paint, Colour & Varaish Manufacturers Association Ital sporting propellant Bsx black powder pellet bronebrozhigayushchit- zazhigayushchii(Rus) (shaped Be charge, incendiary) TEU British BIL bromine brown powder used ia Ital Nary BINES prior t0 the invent less propellant of omoke~ Brazil British bearing bridgehead Ballistics Research Lab- oratory, Aberdeen, Md brown brothers British Patent British Rayon Research Association Brown & Sharpe Manu» facturing Co (wite gauge) Buildings Research bomb sight Bureau of Standards (see NBS) Fr propellant (see the ces Birmingham Small Arms ¢ Bibliography of Scientific sad ledustrial Reports (WS Dept of Commerce) British Scientific Ia- struments Research As- sociation broadside on impact of projectile Fr propellant (see the text) British Shipbuildiog Re- search Association Britiah Standard Speci- fication British Standard Wire Gauge symbol for 1,7-diacetory tetramethylene-2,4,6- tiniteamiae of 1,7- fincecoxy-2,4,6-tcinitro 2,4,6-triazaheptane symbol for 2,4,6- tinitre-2,4,6-ttiazahep- tane-1,7-dial diacerate boat-tailed (bullet) bis-(trinitroeehylyurea Bell Telephone Lab- bis(etiniteoethyl)- Abbr 9 Bay bareery (4 guns) ca Chemical Abstracts BIS Bellini-Tosi System ca circa (about, approximately) (ot radio dizection) ca Coase Anillery BITN or Bul TN cA ‘Contra-nereo (Ital antiaircraft) BTU Board of Trade Unit (kilowat/ C/A counter-attack hour) CABCA, coton azotique 1 et 2 BIU British Thermal Unit(s) (FEANC contg ca 12%NYsee the Bu or Bur Bureau tex) Bu or but bbutyl(aormal) CAA Civil Aeronautics Admin BuA Bureau of Aeronautics, Tash- cac Coast Artillery Corps ron 25, DC cab Ceneeal Anmunition Depot Bucks Buckiaghamehice(Brit) CADO. Central Air Documents Office, BuGDN butyleneglycoldinitrate now ASTIA Bulg Bulgaria cal Caliber Gnside diameter of a Ball bullecia weapon) Buna Butadiene-Nattium (synthetic eal Teogth of « cannon in calibers cubber) Cal see Cal BuOrd or BUORD Bureau of Ordnance cal gran-calorie BurMines Bureau of Mines, Pitesburg,Pa Cal ‘egrealorie (see keal) BusMinesTS ot) Bureau of Mines Test Station, caL Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory BMTS Bruceton,Pa eale calculate Buships Bureau of Ships ealed caleulated but ale bury! alcoho! caleg calculating BY Biological Warfare calco calculation BY(poudre) Fe propellant (aee the text) Calif California BWC board wood cellulose (Brit) CalTech, California lastitute of Teeh- ave Birmingham Pire Gauge Caltech, or C1T} nology, Pasadena, Calif BYRA British Welding Research (see also CIT) ‘Association cAM ‘Cento Armamento Marinha aw Biological Warfare Yeapons (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Bz benzoyl, Cyi,CO- Cambs Cambridgeshire, Engl Bai benzaldehye. C.tHpCOH cant camouflage Bal benzyl, CH, Ci Can Canada, Canadian Bz0H benzoic acid, CHeCOOH can canister ep capital leccer c Carbanite Brit for centealite CARDE Canadian Amanent Research °c degree centigrade and Development Establish- c capacitance ment (formerly ARDEC) c capped c Caribbean c Carbonaee(Bele for ceneralite) Carlsonites older Swed expls c catboa con € cellulose cas c centigrade Washington 8, DC c Commanding CASE Canadian Amy Sigoals Cor Conf confidential Engineering Establishment € constant Cary ‘Clexplosif) Fr explosive (see the text) @ C-2{potvere) Ital propellant similar to cB Consteuction Batcalion (ies Brit cordite MD members, during WW II were o7 Teal sponta an called Seabees”) Ga brace eet CBR chemical, biological and ca cathode radiological (warfare) ce cca car cen cau ca DB DEE corp ce cE cE cEC CEE ces CEL Cellamite comf ‘CENCO eollodion cotton cubic centimetes Celanese Corp of America, New York 6, NY Joint) Congressional Committee of Atomic Energy Chemists Club Library, 50 ‘Ase St, New York 6, NY Charlotte Chemical Laboratories, Inc, Chaelorte, NC cadniun Companhia Dinamisos do Brasil Rio de Janeizo, Brazil) Chemical Defence Experimental Establishment(Brit) ‘Chemical Defence Research Department Corps of Engineers “Composition Exploding” (Brie For eetzyl) Companhia Explosivos Cheddice (Brazil) Canadian Expeditionary Force (in France) Chenical Engineering Group, London Commissariat & 1'Energie Atomique (Fr Atomic Energy Commission) Fe expl contg AN, NG, CC aad cellulose counter electromative force Central Scientie Co, Chicago 13, UL centrifugal ‘Centralite (US); carbamice (Brit Belg AN expl (see the text) Central Experimental & Proving Establishment (Canada) European Council for Nuclear Reseach Centro de Estudios Tecnicos de Maceriales Especiales (Span) compare with; refer to Canadian Field Anillery compare above Centeal Fighter Establishment Grit) cubic feet per hour cubic feet per minute compare after exbie feet per second centigram Abbe 10 cc cc €G-13,CG-14 cos cas cas cos cow cH ca char ch DAE Chakatsuyaku Chanayaku Chaoyaku Chauyaku Cheddites chem Chemico ChemSoe ChenWart chemy cchge Chikkaen Chin Chishokicanin cle Chujo-kayaku a a a ca IBA cic cn. cINCAF cnceur cos clos Commanding Genecal ‘code name for phosgene gas (CHA) Teal double base propellants (ee the text) centimeter gramsecond Central Gunnery School Chief of the General Seatt Goast Guard Station Corning Glass Works, Inc, Corning, NY Case-haedened chapter character, chavacteristic Chacgé d*Atfaires Jap for TNT Sanshoi tervoru) Jap expl (see the tex) Jap exp! (see the rext) jap for cyclotol Fr, Kal a Swiss chlorate expla chemical Chemical Construction Corp, New York 1, NY Chemical Society, London, Eng! See cw chemistry charge Jap for lead azide Chinese Jap expl (see the tex) chloroform Jap for cordize cast ito Chemical Inspectorate (Brit) Colow Index (Society of Dyers and Colowists (Brit) Central Intelligence Agency Chemische Industries Basel (Swiss) Chief Inspector for Gun Nounting(Brie) Canadian Industries Led, Montzeal, Canada Commander in Chief of Allied Forces Commander in Chief (of the US Forces) in Europe Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee Comité International de Orga Scientifique (Fo) (iaeznational Commitee of Scientific Organization) ar cr cIt/GAL crryypL cK crgp CNR CNRS cus CNTR densiey(g/ec) dextrororatory differential when added to the designation of a Fe propellane, means that DPbA is used as stabilizer (eg BD, BFD, etc) Dunnite, Explosive D of ammonium picrate "desensitizer 2" (see Comp D-2) decontaminsting agent delay(ed) action Department of the Army formerly pare of War Depe) Dewroit Arsenal, Centerline, Mich dizection action(point detonating faze) (Brit) Divisional Acillery d action bomb ammunition dump cophenol Dept of Aeronautical Engineering Research (Brit) delayed action fuze Dept of the Air Force (formerly pare of War Depe) direct action impact(tuze) Dakota DAM Dan DAN DanP DART DAS DASA DATNB DAV DB DB DB DBP or DBuP DBT pBx pe DC or de Dc DCA pec DcDA DCDRD per Dp pp Dp 60/40 DPBSA Deday DDNP DEA Dee dec or decomp Dechema or DECHENA decomp or dee decompd decompg, decompn deconta def defgs defgre defgra Abbr 14 delayed action mine deg Danish DEG decontaminating agent, DEGDN “4 non-corrosive DEGN Danish Patent DEGMN Code name of an Amer missile dehyd Direction of Armamen: Supply(Brit) debyda Defence Atomic Support Del ‘Agency (lormerly AFSEP) dela 1,edianino-2,4,6risiteobenzene dela Disabled American Vereronsdelvd depth bomb demo dive bonber DEMS double bareled Denb Densites diving band (rotating bana) diburylphehalate Rus exp! contg DNB & TNT depth bomb explosive(coarains AN, RDX, TNT & AlXsee also Minex) depth charge direct current District of Columbia ‘défense contre avion(Fr) (anti- aircrafe defense) deriv Dow Chemical Co, Midland, Mich deriva dicyandianide deserpa Director of Chemical Defence desgn Research & Developen(Brit) desi depth charge thrower Designolte Design Depe(Brit) destn Fr expls contg PA & DNPH DETA (see also NBT) ee(d) Fe expl contg 60/40-PA/DNPh dete Dupoot do Brasil Sociedade deen Andina Iodustrias Quimicas ton Duperiol) detond Beginning of the action day detong see DADNPh(diazodinitrophenol) deton vel diethanolamine Dets December DEUCE decompose Deutsche Gesellschafe fir dev Chemisches Apparatewesen, devel Frankfurt a/Maio, Germany devel decompose deva decomposed a decomposing ae Sceontaminnion DF or at defence DF deflageates DER ei deg deflngrating - deflagration degree; ° diethyleneglycol diethyleneglycoldinitrate diethyleneglyéotmononitcate dehydrace(a) denydeation Delaware delayed deliquescent delivered dewolition defensively equipped merchant s Deabigshice, Wales older Belg mining exple (see the text) departure depot depacement deparemental deputy see deriv Destroyer Escort Radar (vessel) Derbyshize, Engl derivative derivation description designation desiccator Fr expla(see the sex) destination dicthylenetriamine deteemine(a) eecermining decermination econation; detonstes derouated deconating detonation velocity derachmence digital electronic universal com iting engine device develope(s) developnest deviation Devonshire, Engl dexttinated dextororatory direct fire direction finder Director of Fuel Research(Brit) citing decigran pGeM dant D/H DGOF DewRD Dina DINA Dinamaito Diaieryl Dinol air(a) DPrGeDN dise discon discond discont (4) Abbe 15 Director General of Guided Missiles(Brit) diagonal direct hit Director, General of Ordnance Factories(Btit) Director of Guided Weapons Research & Development (Bio) degradation increase (of cellulose) Ger & Swiss desga of DNT dingonal diameter Ger for ethylenediamine- dinitrate (EDD) dictaphone dictation dictionary Ger & Swiss desgn of DEGDN difficule(ly) lifference digest diluee dilueed diluting dilution diminution dimension Deuterium Moderated Pile, Low Energy, Harwell, Engl Deursche Industrie Normen (German Industry Seandards) Ger for dinitronaphthalene diethanolnier Jap for dynamite code name for glycero-a- 2,4edinitrophenylether di nitrate designation for diazodiniteo- phenol direct (ed) dipropyleneglycol dinicrate Director direction dissolve(s) dimethy| ammonium aiteate (see PATR 2510, p Ger 37) discouse disconnect disconnected discontinue (@) ine dinitrate died Disol disp displ dissec dissocd distg disen Distr Ditewry! or Octyl Dithekite 13 diy Diva diva dk or dk dk, dk ake pL dlvd dm DMD DMXRD DN DN or Da DNA DNAcet DNAas DNB DNBA DNBAc DNC DNCPB on DNCB DNCPH or} DNCH DNCrs or DNC DND pra} DxDwOEm DNbMorn discolved Ger & Swiss desga of DNAns dispersed displacement dissociate(s) dissociated dissociation district code names for N,N'- (hexanitzodipheayl)- ethylenedinitramine ‘code name for lig exp! ‘contg NB & nitric acid dekagram dekalicer dekameter dead load delivered decimerer Dept of Miscellaneous Weapons Development (Brit) Director of Materials & Explosives Research & Development(Brit) dinitro- Fr for DNN (dinitronaphtha- lene) dinitroaniline dinitroacetone dinizoanisole dinitrobenzene dinitrobenzaldehyde dinitrobenzoic acid Dept of Naval Construction dinitrochlorobenzene dinitrochlorohydrin dinitroereso! Dept of National Defence (Canada) dinitrodiazophenol dinitroe..serhyloxamide (eee alse NNO) DNDMSA or: DNDMeSA DNDPhA DNEU or DNEteU DNF DNG DNG DNGeU DNM or DNNe DNMeA or DNMA DNN DNN DNO DNPF DNPh DNPN DNPS DNPT DNPTB DNR DNT DNXx bo doc bop DOFL. dom Dom Donarit Dore Dos Dos Dor Dov DovaP doz pp DP pp DPA dinitrodimethylsulfamide dinitrodiphenylamine dinieroechyleneurea dinitrofurane digycerindiniteate code name for NG,contg di- alycerindiniteate serving as diniteoglycoluril dinitromethane dinitromethylanitine dinitronaphthalene dinitronaphehol Directorate of Naval Ordnance bis(dinicropropyl)-fumacate bis(dinitropropyl}aitramine dinieropropylsuccinate (see the rex) see DPT dinitropropyl-tiniteoburyrate (see the rex) dinitroresorcinol dinitroxylene Defence Order document Detroit Ordnance District, Detroit 31, Mich Diamond Ordaance Fuze Laboratory, Washington 25, DC domestic Dominion expl contg AN, TNT, NG, CC & vegetable meal (see the text) Dorsetshire, Engl Dept of State Director of Ordnance Services (Brit) direct oxidation test distilled oil of viteiol (96%,80,) Déppler Velocity and Position (see also EXRADOPSKOTAR and UDOP) dozen deck-piercing displaced person degree of polymerization distribution point (for supplies) see DPhA(diphenylamine) Aube 16 DPB DPE DPEHN DPG DPhA DPT or DNPT de ap de av DRB DRBC DRCL RD DRD DRF DRI atk DRKL DRML DRNL dite Ds Dsi DsR DsiR/TIDU sis psp DSR pst pst pswv DIM Dualines duct DUKY Dumb deep penetration bomb (Brit) dipentaeryeheitol dipentaerythritolhexanitrate Dugway Proving Ground, Usah diphenylamine dinitropentamethylenetetramine; 2,6-dinitro(bicyclo)pentamethylene: 2,4,6,8tetramine or 3, -diniteor 13,5, Mretrazarbicyelol3,3,1] nonan Doctor dram apothecaries (0.0355 deci dram avoitdupois (1.7718 gram) Defence Research Board (Canada) Defence Research Board of Canada Defence Research Chemical Laboratories (Canada) Desiga Research Division Directorate of Research and Devel- ‘opment (US Air Force) Deutsche Rezeptformeln (German Pharinacopeia) Denver Research Institute, Univ of Denver, Denver 10, Colo dark Defence Research Kingston Laboratory(Canada) Defence Research Medical Laborarories(Canada) Defence Research Northern Laboratory(Canada) tam troy arding sabot duration of custained injection (Rocketry) Dept of Scie; Research(Brit) DSIR Technical Information and Documents Unit(Brie) Defence Scientific Informacion Service(Canada) Direction du Service des Poudres(F ‘and Industrial double set trigger Directorate of Special Weapons and Vehicles(Brie) older Swed expls(see the text) ductile "Duck" (amphibian vehicle) Dumbartoa, Scotland Dont Dunnize dupl duPont bv DVA Dvv Dewave DYE DWR(D) dee Dy aya Dynamic F Dz bz oo moma E EA EAON EB E-boat EC EC(Blank Fire) ECARL Abbr 17 Dumfried, Scotland ‘Amm pictate ot Expl D duplicate E.L.duPont de Nemours & Co, Wilmington, Del ‘dymoobrazuyushcheyiye vesh- chestvo(Rus)(smoke agent) Department of Veterans Affairs drobiashcheye varyvchatoye veshchestvo(Rus) (beisant explosive) detonation wave Director of Weapons and Equipme at(Brie) Director of Weapons Research (Defence) (Brit) pennyweight(1.55 geam) dysprosium dynamite Swiss dynamite with 65%NG diazole dropping zone East electromotive force (sulfix) denotes an experimental vatiation of an ordnance item electron or its charge enerey eg Jap & Swiss explosives (wee che text and PATR 907) Young's modulus each Edgewood Arsenal, Md (eee also ACC) ‘except as otherwise noted Encyclopedia Britannica enemy boat (torpedo) “Explosive Company” (Brit propellant invented in 1880) (see the text) propellant contg GC, Ba & K nitrate, starch, DPbA and Aurine) ‘expandable cluster aircraft rocket launcher Echos of Escho ECNR ECPI Ecrasite ECS ed ED ED edd EDD EDF eda EDNA EDNATOL, EDTA EDVAC EEL EES EF EF EF EFC effi effy EFM EGDN EHP or ehp EL eject EKC Ekrasit EL elec or elecer elem(s) eleva EP emf EMFWK Fr & Ital expl(see the text) European Council for Nuclear Research Eastman Chemical Products, Inc, Kingsport, Tena Amm trinitroeresylare Electrochemical Society effective dose electron device ced ethylenediaminedinitrace European Defence Force edition ethylenedinitramine(same as Haleice) EDNA*TNT ethylenediaminetetracetic acid electronic discrete variable auromatic calculator Edison Electric Institute Engineering Experiment Station, Annapolis, M4 effective fire Expeditionary Forces Fr propellane for blank fire equivalent full charges (ounber of fitings with (ull charges: a Brit term used to assess the life of a gun) efflorescence efficiency Engineering Field Manual ehyleneglycoldinitiate effective horsepower ‘end of injection (Rocketry) ejector Eastman Kodak Co,Rochester, NY Ger for Amm trinitrocresylate Eastern Laboratory, Gibbstown, NJ (@uPone Co) celectric(al) element(s) elevation electric electromotive force Eidgendssische Muniti und Waffenkonirolle, Aitdor! (Swiss Govt Munition Plant and Arms Inspection) emgey ENMET Emp Eneye Energa eng, Engl Engr enges, Engrs ENIAC Eal Eonayaku Ens FO EOC OCD EoD EoDT EOR EP EP EPA EPF PE EPFW pm EPS methane Percussion fuze Picrylfluoride privace first class Phamacopeia Germanica pivot gun Proving Ground page parageaph Pictsburgh Polvetificio Giovanni Stacchini (real) pentaglycerin teinitrate (same as TMNT) phenyl, phenol ayabol for the logacithm of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion concentzation telephone; phone pharmacological pheaylbromide phenylehloride Philosophiae Doctor(Lat) (Doctor of Philosophy) plastic high explosive(Brie) Phitips Electronics, Ine, Mouat Vernon, NY pheaylfluoride phenyliodide amphibian Philippines: Philadelphia, Pa pressurized heavy and light water (Reactor) photometry phenelphthalcin Public Health Service ethylenediamine dinitrate phenerole Pharmacopeia of the US physical physical chemistry physiological Abbe 40 1 BI Par PD Pie Pic Arsa Piccmide Peel Pieie Powder oraoare | Explosive Plein Piet Picansan Pine Frew hie Pionbie Pre Pkary pl Plancastica plase Plastic Plastica Plastolie Plar Plomoplastrita Plumbatol Pluto PLW PLY PM PM PM PM PM PN PNA PNDPhEth PNDPEd PNDPASfo PNG PNP Po Pop oD Philippine Islands poiac initiating projector infantry anti-tank Polytechnic Institute of Brookly! Parr Instrumeat Company, Noline Picatiany Arsenal, Dover, Nj same as TNA mixt of Amm P & TNT (US) Bric exp! concg AmmP, Al,-saue dust & crude petroleum Span for picrie aci Bric for nitroguanidine Jap for PA(Oshokuyaku) Jap for ammonium picrate ‘Swiss blasting expl(see the text Percentage Initiation by Grit (Br Teal mil expl of WI(see the cex Amer expl contg PETN & Gulf Crown E oit pack artillery plural Span expl(see the text) plastic Swiss expl Span expl Swiss expl platoon Span expt ‘Amer expl contg Pb nitrate & TD reconnaissance & rescue plane, ground based Pressurized Light Water (Reacto Picatinay liquid explosives (aiccomethane ethylene-diamine) parachare mine Post metidiem(Lat) afternoon powder metallurgy Prime Minister(Bric) Provost Marshall performance number pentanitroanitine pentanitrodiphenylether Pentanitrodiphenylsulfone persona non grata(Lat) undesirat person Ital exp! contg PETN, AN & Way polonium Iadelphia Ordnance Districe, Phila 2, Pa Pitesburgh Ordaance District, Prgh 22, Pa Pop polym PoP pos pose pot Potentite Porencites. Pouike B Pouite NB Poudre NB JK Pow powd PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PP PPB: PPC(B) PPC(NeG) PPD ppm PPP PPRI(Can) PPSh pe ped Pete, ppm PQ Pe Pr Pe Prot pe PR PR Pra/s & Peaoa } prac pract Abbr 41 Pueblo Ordnance Depot, prale Pueblo, Colo PeBe polymer prcht Pantex Ordaance Plant, PrCl ‘Amarillo, Tex Pref positive(as an adjective) prel possible aa potential Prep(d) Belg expl, same as tonite Preps mints of NC & K nitrate used prepa in Fe as propellancs and as pres demolition expls Pres see Bipoudee) press see NB(poudre) Pri see NB JK(poudre) prim prisoner of war rin powdex(ed) proe pages prod percussion primer Proda picric powder prof pistoler-pulenét(Rus) Prog. (machine pistol) proj(s) pilotless plane pron Polverificio Piemonte se(Ital) Prop(s) power plane proplac(s) proof paperttiring report) (Brit) propa pin point bonbardment PRP Phillips Petroleun Co, Bartlesville, Okla Phillips Petroleum Co, PRS McGregor, Tex pistolerpulemét Degtiaréva preg, us) Pruss paste per million pry plastic protective plate(Bris) PS Pulp & Paper Research ps Institute of Canada PS pistoler-pulemét Skpagina us) Ps precipicate PS precipicated Ps precipitating PSA precipication Province of Quebec, Canada pseu paie psf praseodymium PsG Proceedings propyl(normal) public relations Puerto Ieal propellante(see the text) practice practical propyl alcohol propylbromide parachuce propylchloride preface preliminary Premier prepace(@) Preparing preparation presence President pressure private primary prin procedure, proceedings produce, product Production professor progression projectile(s) pronoun Property(ies) propellaat(s) propulsion petrolatun, rosin & paraffin wax (used in the USA for coating AN exysts) Pacific Rocket Society, Los Angeles, Calif princing Prussian priority percussion shrapnel Per second point de sol (exting poise) Police Sergeane Post Scriptum(Lat) private secretary Pacific Science Association (awaii) pseudonym Pounds per squire foot Perceatage Sensitization by Grit (Brit) (see the texe) pounds per square inch ication(Fe) w #8 Gabsolure) + Gauge) Polverificio Stacchini di Roma (Ital) Pacific Standard Time pint(s) (0.568 1) placinom Pe Pt Pr PT-boat PTC Pr-Div Pre pte PTRD PTRS PIX! & PTX? pty Pu PU Pu Publ publ(d) abla ubla(s) pulvia) pulva PUNS Pv PVA PVA Pvale Pvc Pre Pw Pv PVA P¥c PYD PWP Pwr Px Py or py pye pyr Pyro Pyro or pyror Pyrolishes Pyronomes: Pe Abbr 42 point(s) port rimary carget(Arty) patrol torpede-boae patrol torpedo-cratt patrol corpedo-boat division privare(soldier) private protivotankovoye suzhid Degtinréva(Rus) (A/T rifle of Degtiarév) A/T fle of Seméaov (Rus) Picatinny ternary expls (RDX, teuryl & TNT or RDX, PETN & TNT) pay plutonium Princeton University, Princeton, NJ Purdue University, Lafayere, Ind published) Publishing publicaeion(s) pulverize(@) ulverization Permanently unfit for Naval patrol vessel polyvinyl acetate ‘Amer expl consg polyvinyl acetate, RDX & DBuPh polyvinyl alcohol polyvinylchloride private ponder weight(in @ charge) prisoner of war Public Works Administration Brit for “paper wood cellulose” (contg 85% of a-cellulose) Petroleum Warfare Development (Brie) plasticized white phosporus propulsion wind runnel Post Exchange; Army Exchange Pyridine or pyridyl pycnometer| Pyrometer pyrocellulose, pyrocotton pyrotechnics Belg black powder type expls Piezo 20200 Qor Qe Qboat or Qship Qe & Qelearance od OFA FG ltd QM or Q uc MG Qoc OPN R Sship es) qual qualy quant uanty Que quota Q sgunnes’s quadrant(Acty) Guaatity of eleesticity, Coulombs quaatity of heat {quebrachitol quartermaster vessel for trapping boats heat of combustion heat of combustion at constant pressure heat of combustion ax constant volume clearance for classified atomic information; issued by AEC quadzant clevation (angle of cleva of a gun above horizon) (J heat of explosion heat of formation heat of formation at constant pressure heat of formation at constant volus quick firing(of guns using fixed or semisfixed cartridge cases) (Brit) rapid firing(ys) quick firing ammunition quick-firing gun(Brit) qualified quartermaster Quartermaster Corps (Quartermaster General(Can) Quaker Oats Co, Chicago 54, I] quebrachicol penraniteate Queen’s Regulatione(Brie) same as Q-boat quarts) (or liquids 0.946 1 in the US and 1.136 1 in GeBric) qualitative; quality qualitatively Quebec, Canada quotation quer vide(Lat) (which see) quay gas constant(1.9885 cal/degree) RA ot RSA RA RA RABRM RAC rad RADAR RADC RAE RAF Raibun Raiko RAOC RAOD Rary Ra-Th RATO RB Rb RBT RC RCA RCAF RCAT Abbr 43 revolver Reynolds aumber(Physics) theostat rifle Russia(n) ruzhid or vintovka(Rus) (rifle) ribbon propellant (Brit) Fr sporting propellant symbol for Fivonite Radford Arsenal, Radford, Va Raritan Arsenal, Metuchen,NJ Ravenna Arsenal, Apco,Ohi Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, Alabama Royal Arsenal(Brit) Royal Artillery Research Association of British Rubber Manufacturers Royal Armoured Corps(Brie) radio Radio Detection and Ranging Rome Air Development Center(us) Royal Aiscraft Establishment Brie) Royal Air Force(Brit) Jap primary expl(see the text) Jap for ME Royal Army Ordnance Corps (Brit) Royal Army Ordnance Depox(Brit) Royal Artillery(Brit) radium-thorium rocket assisted take off, called also “booster rocket"; more common name is JATO rifle bomber robidiom Rifle Bullet Test Rand Corp, Santa Moai i Radio Corp of America Royal Canadian Air Force radio controlled airplane target RCh RCL coc RD RaD Rd rd(s) RD RDB(cordite) RDB rds/m RDX RE Re RE ree(a) recogn recryt() reerysta red redox Ref(s) relg refga refl Reg Regl reinfd Reinhold Reintri rel rela Rep regia) RES RESB resp reed RETMA seduced charge Radiation Counter Laboratories, Chicago, Il Royal Canadian Ordaance Corps Research Department Research & Development road round(s) (of Ammo) rural delivery Research Department "B” (rit propellant used during wp ‘fle double-base(propellant) rounds per minute Research Depareneat Explosive yclonite, hezogen or eyclor trimethylenecriniteamine) Réaumur thenium Royal Engineees(Brie) receive(d) recrystallize(d) recrystallization reduction reduction and oxidation Reference(s) reftigerating reltigeration reflux regiment regimental reinforced Reinhold Publishing Corp, New York 22, NY Ger & Swiss for purified TNT relative relation Republic require(@) Reynolds Experimental Station, of Atlas Powder Co, Tamaqua, Pa Royal Engineers Sandards Board (Brit) respectively restricted retuned Radio-Electronics-Television Manufacturers Association Review(s) revolution RE f REA RFA RFAmmo RFC REF REG REN RFNA Rg RG RG RGb RGF RGM RGn RH Rh RHB RHC) RHC(Pb) theo thm RHN RI RIA RIC Rio RPE R) Rie RL RLG RLT Rlwy RMAry RNC RNC RMD/TCC RMI Ra Ra rapid firing; rimfie tifle radio frequency amplification Royal Fieid Arcillery(Bric) tintice ammun Reconstruction Finance Comp Royal Firearms Factory, England rifle fine grain(propellasc)(Beic) red fuming nitric red fuming nitric acid range rifle grenade ruchnaya granata(Rus\(hand grenade) river gunboat Royal Gun Factory(Brit) rounds per gun per minuce recoilless gun relative humidity rhodium radar homing beacon Rohm & Haas Co, Huntsville, Ala Rohm & Haas Co, Phila 5, Pa sheostat thombie Rockwell hardness number refractive index Rock Ieland Arsenal, Rock Island, 11 Royal Institute of Chemistry (Brie) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Amer expl contg RDX & Gulf Crown E oil ramjet rocker rocker launcher rifle, large grain (propellant) rocket, light tube nilway Royal Marine Autitlery Royal Marine Corps(Brit) Royal Milicary College(Brit) Reaction Motors Division, Thiokol Chemical Corp Reaction Motors, Ine, Rockaway,NJ radon sange(Brit) Abbr 44 RN RN RNPRC RNZA RNZAry RNZN RO RO ROD ROD ROF Robtri Rom Romite ROP ROP ROP ROR Rossite Rorc ROW Roy RP RP RP RPD pe ‘ospd tpePm on 2a et be R's RR RRA RRC RRE RRL RRL RRL RRS. RS round nose Royal Navy(Bris) Royal Naval Personnel Researc Commictee(Brit) Royal New Zealand Army Royal New Zealand Arillery Royal New Zealand Navy tadar operator i operator Rochester Ordoance District, Rochester, NY(See NYOD) Royal Ordnance Depoc(Brit) Royal Ordnance Factery(3tit) Ger & Suite for erode TNT Roman Kral cheddite cype exp idgewood Ordnance Plant, Cincineati, Onio Riverbank Ordnance Plant, Riverbank, Calif Rockford Oriaance Plant, Rockford, it rocket on rotor code name for guanylnitrourca (nitrodicyandiamidine) Reserve Officers Training Corp Radford Ordnance Works, Radford, Va Royal rocker projectile rocket propellant rocket projector Rocket Propulsion Departiteat rounds per gua rounds per gun per diem rounds per gun per minute revolutions per minute rounds per minute reprint revolutions per second rocket projectiles teilrood Red River Arsenal, Texarkana, Rolls-Royce Co, England Radar Research Establishment (Brit) Rocker Research Instituce Reysolds Research Laboratory, ‘Tamaqua, Penna(Adas PC) Road Research Laboratory (Brit) Reaction Reseach Society, Gtendale, Calif rolled steel RSigR RSL. RSM RSOP RSVP. R/T ae or sym naga S1;S2 ete sa SA Sa SA SA SA Abbr 45 cyclotrimethylenetrinitrosamine rocker, signal, green rocket, signal, red Royal Society, London rocket sewmarker reconnaissance, selection and ‘organization of artillery po- répondez s'il vous plait(Fs) (please answer) radio telegraphy or radio telephony(Brit) room temperature Reilly Tar & Chemical Corp, Indianapolis 4, Ind uchenium Rumania; Rumanian Beaz expl manufd by SAER Russia; Russian remaining velocity railway(s) Railway Batealion railway junction second secondary(as applied ro a ype of organi compound) single slotted tubular propellant (Brit) solventless propellant(Brit) south; southern aif sulfur symmettical Fra leal expls (see the €ex0) Fr sporcing propellant Ger & Ieal expla wsed in snderwater anmo(see PATR 2510, pp 170 a 212) samokhodnaya arillesiya(Rus) Gelt-propelted artillery) Satuday Secretary of che Amy small ame SA SA SA SA sais2 SAA SAA SAA Sabulites SAAC SAAD SAB SABPD Sabulite SAC SAC SAC SACNA SAD SADN SAEF SAEH SAEPC SAEPC SAEPCM SAER SAFA SAFAT SAICE Sociedad Anénima(Span) Socie:3 Anonima(ttal) Sociéeé Anonyme(F) Sociedade Anénima(Port) (Joint Stock Company) South America Space Agency(US) Springfield Armory, Springfield 1, Mass kal propellant(ebsolete) small arms ammunition Sociéeé Anonyme d'Areadonck (Belg) Seandards Association of ‘Australia Belg & Ital expls of various compas Scientific Adviser to che Army Council(Brie) small arms ammunition depo svetiashshayacia avicbomba (RusYillumination eerial bomb) Societh Anonima Bombrini- Parodi-Delfino(ieal) Belg safety expl(sce the text) Scientific Advisory Council Brit) ‘Serategic Air Command Supreme Allied Commander Societd ACNA(Ical) Sociedade Andnyma de la Dinamita(Poreug) Societ’ Aronima Dinamice Nobel Avigliana(lzal) Explosifs Favier (Belg) Société Anonyme des Explosifs d'Haveé(Fr) Societk Anonima di Esplodenti ¢ Prodotti Chimiche(Villafranea) eal) Société Anonyme d’Explosifs cet de Produits Chimiques Societa Anonima di Esplodenti «¢ Prodotti Chimiche, Monte catini(leal) Sociedade Anonima Explo: Rupreriea(6 Societd Anonima Fabbrica Armi(ieal) Societd Anonima Fabbrica ‘Aci Torino(tal) Societd Anonima Consomatori Esplosivi(Orbetello)(teal) SAM Sakuma dainamaito Sakura-dai- saly SAM SANCN, SAME SANACC Senshi ween) sect Sa sare sepa ie spn ar Sek waa woe sect te s Fa 3 3 s 8 sas sec Sac Se or Sei Sc or Sch SCA Sed Societd Anonima Italina Micce (Ponte Stazzemese) (Ital) Jap for gelignice Jap dynamite(see the text) salvage surface-to-air missile Societd Anonima Munizione ¢ Carcuccheria Martignoni eal) Society of American Milicary Engineers State Army-Navy: Air Cor ating Commitcee Jap for tetryl (same as Meiayaku) Jap for TNT semi-armorpiercing ‘saponification, sapo saponified saponifying saponification value semi-automatic rifle Saskachewan, Can sarurate savurated saturating satisfactory saturation Selection Board shell bullet(exploding bullet) Siege Bactery smocthrbore stibium(Lae) (antimony) submarine boat standard beam approach system slow burning cocoa powder (see the tex0) scandium Schaar & Co, Chicago 7, Ill science shaped charge schneiderite (Fr, Ital & Rus cexpl) short case solveatless, carbamite (Brit propellant contg ceatralite) South Caroli Seacoast Artillery Scientiae Doctor(Lat); Doctor of Science Abbr 46 sce sch ‘Sch of Se Schiesswolle 18] or TSMV 1-101} Sei or Se Scr sclt Sem SC/RDL serng Sey sD SD SD sD SD SD sD SD or SDak sD SD spc spc SD NEO SD Ngl ‘spo sDvM Se SE SE Sébomites sects) Sec or Secry SECI Séeurices seg Seguraaga Seigaca SEM Sen Sea Sengite seasy ‘Stautfer Chemical Co, New York schedule; school schneiderive(Fr, Ital & Rus exp) expl contg HNDPhA, TNT & Al (see PATR 2510, p 172) science Society of Chemical Industey ‘scarlet Mascer of Science Signal Corps, Research and Development Laboratories screening Secretary Salvage Depot sans dissolvant(Fr) (solventless) sawduse selfedestroying Service Depot shell dressing Signal Department(Brit Navy) South Dakora staight dynanite Submarine Department Shell Development Company ‘Special Devices Center Fr solventless propellant based ‘on DEGDN Fr solveneless propellane based on NG synthetic drying oils (used in some incendiaries) Societ} Dinamite Villafranea- Mulazzo(ltal) selenium Society of Engineers southreast Fr chlorate expls of pre VWI second(s) Secretary , Sociésé d'Etudes Chimi ques pow Mindusteie(Fs) Belg expls of various compas (see the text) segment Braz safety expls manufd by CNI Jap expl(see the test) Socier’ Esplodenti e Munizione Roma, Italy) Senator Senior Belg expl(see the cext) sensibility, sensitivity SEPC sep(d) sere. sepa SEPR Sepe seq Seranin Serg Serj Maj SERL ‘Serv SES SET Sévranites SEX SF SF SF SF SF of SF SF SF SFE SFHEPC ‘Sti SFIEC SFMCTG Sto SFOD SGACI Abbe 47 Societd Esplodenti et Prodotti Chimiche (Torino) (eal) separated) separating separation, Société d'Etude de 1a Propulsion par Réaction(Fr) (Society for the Study of Propulsion by Reaction Technique) Septenber sequence older Swed AN dynamite Sergeant Sergeant-Major(Brit) Signals Engineering Research Laborazory Service Suffield Experimental Station (Can) Société d'Explosits Titanite Fe plastic expls contg PETN and Amm perchlorate symbol for I-acerylocta- ydeor3,5, 7eriniteo 1,3,5,7- safety fuze San Francisco sans flammes(Fr)\flashless) sans funée (Fr)(smokeless) Santa Fe selt feeding semifized sigaal flare supersonic frequency Société Frangaise des Explosife Société Franco-Hellénique a*Explosifs et Produits Chimiques(Ktipito, Greece) sulf Société Franco-Italienne a"Explosifs Cheddice Société Frangaise des Munitions de Chasse, de Tit ex de Guere(Fr) sulfone San Francisco Ordnance District, Oakland, Calif smoke generator specialise in gunnery Scientific Glass Apparacus Co, Inc, Bloomfield, NJ ScD SGEC SGEM SGINC SGM SGP SGR Sh SH ShCh or SC SHAEF Shakunetsuzai SHAPE shell Shellive SHE Shimose; Shimose- bakuyaku or Shimosice / Shoanbakuyaku Shosnyaku Shabenyaku Shoeiyaka Shokamen Shokayaleu Shonayakee SHORAN ‘shoe Shoroyaku Showyake SHQEA she heh hehe sh/w Si Sl SI straight gelatin dynamite Societé Générale d'Explosifs Cheddive Societa Generale di Esplosi Monizione(Ieal) Societa Generale per I’Industria Mineraria € Chimica(Ieal)(see also SAPCM) ship-eo-ground missile Sécurite-GrisowPoussitre (Belg expls safe to use in gaseous and dusty coal mines) sodium graphite reactor shrapnel” (Rus) (chrapnel) Squashhead(Brie) (see also HE/ SH and HEP) shaped charge Supreme Headquareers, Allied Expeditionary Forces Jap for thermite Supreme Headquarters of Atlantic Powers in Europe hollow projectile filled with expl or other material Brit expl contg PA 70 & DNPh 30% Gee also Tridite) super high frequency(3000 to 30000 egacycles per second) Jap cast PA prepa by a specia method Jap AN expt Jap coal mining expls Jap expla(see the texe) Jap for PETN Jap for NC(Menkayaku) Jap propellant Jap expl Shore range navigation solid projectile of slug Jap 50/50 amarol Jap for eyelonite and some of its expls(see also Tanayalu) Supreme Headquarters of the European Army short ¢on(907.18 kg or 2000 Ib) (US) sheath sheathing short wave silicon specific impulse start of ignition(of lig propellants in rockets) SIA Sib sIB SB SIDB Siem STEP Simplonit sing SIPE Sipe Siperite SIPRE SIT sied Sixolite Sixonite 8} sjoD SL. al s/ SLEEP SLoD S/Lr ‘1 sol sly Sm SM s/M SMAC suc Sociecad Italiana Ansaldi (Ieal) Siberia Special Intelligence Bureau Special Investigation Board Societa Italiana Davy Bickford at Taino(ieal) Societi Italiana Ernesto Breda cat) Ial sporting propellant Sociecd Italiana dell" Esplosivo Prometheus. Schweizerische Industrie- gesellschaft(Neuhausen\Swiss) signal Signal Corps signature; signify older types Fr & Ital cannon propellants Swiss expl(see the text) singular Sociec Italiana Prodotti Esplodenti(Milano) Ital sporting propellant ‘same as MNDT Snow, Ice and Permafrost Research Establishment situate spontaneous ignition temperature sieuaved situation code name for tetramethylol- eyclohexaaolpentaniteate code name for tetramethylol- cyclotiexanonetetranitrate steel jacket San Jacinto Ordnance Depot, Channelview, Tex separate-loading slight(ly) streamlined ‘Swedish Low-Energy Experimental Pile San Louis Ordaance District, St Louis 1, Mo Second Lieutenant slightly soluble slowly samarium strategie missile submarine Senate Military Affaire Committee Sten machine carbine(Brit) Abbr 48 SMG ‘Smith Inst mk sh amk sig SMLE sms ‘empl SMRE SN SN Se snafu SNECMA SNF SNL SNM SNSE so SOA soc soc sOcoNY Socy SoD sop sop sop sop sopc SOF AR Sofranex A sol Solenit soln solv soly solys ‘Some Son SONAR sop submachine gun Smithsonian Institute, Washingron, DC ‘smoke shell smoke signal ‘short magazine(or model) Lee~ Enfield(eitle) (Brie) seamless sample Safety in Mines Research Establishment(Brit) ‘saponification number sodium niteate stannun(La0), tin situation normal, all fouled up (Amer slang) . Sociéeé Nationale d'Etude et de Construction de Moteurs a’Aviation(Ft) Sociéeé Nobel Frangaise Standard Nomenclature List Society of Nuclear Medicine Society of Nuclear Scientists and Engineers Stationery Office(Brit)(see HMSO) School of Artillery Shell Oil Co, San Francisco, Cali Standard Oil Co, Whiting, Ind Standard Oil Co of New York Society Savanna Ordnance Depot, Savanna, Ill Seneca Ordnance Depot, Romulus, Sietza Ordnance Depot, Herlong, Calit Sioux Ordnance Depot, Sidney, Ne Springfield Ordnance District, Springfield 1, Mass ‘Standard Oil Development Compan sound fixing and ranging Fr plastic exp! contg NG, CC, AN Al & lig DNT soluble al rifle propellant solution solvent(s) ‘soli solwbilit Somersetshice, Engl ‘Sonora, Mexico Submarine Sound Operation, Navigation and Ranging ‘Scranton Ordnance Plant, Scranton Abbe 49 sos smoke obscuring screen sqmorn square mexer(s) 08 sniping, observation and scouring $4 i square mile(s) disteess 54. square willimeter(s) sos international distress signal = S374 square ya(s) sow Sunflower Ordnance Works, se Senior; Sefior(Span) Lawrence, Kan SR short rifle sp self-propelled SR sound ranging sP Service des Poudres(F) SR Special Regulation(s) SP single-perforaced(propellant) SR Special Repoct(s) sP smokeless propellant Se strontiae = solidification or setting point SR syntheric rubber SP solid propellants(Rocketry) - SRDE Signals Research and Development sp speci Establishment se Supply Post SRED Scientitie Research aad Experi SP,;SPy;SP, black powders used by the ments Department(Naval) Freach in cannons prior to SRI Southwest Research Institute, invention of smokeless pro- San Antonio, Tex pellaces SRI Stanford Research instieute, SPAR Super Precision Approach Stanford, Calif Radar SRMLE shor rifle military, Lee SPAT self-propelled antitank Eafield(Brie) SPCEBC Société des Produits Chimiques SS single shot(ficearm) erd’Explosifs Bergts, Corbin SS star shell et Companie(GrenobieXF) ss steamship sPCGM self-propelled caterpillar ss supersensitive sgurrmount SSA Selective Service Ace SPE Society of Plastics Engineers SSA Social Security Administration Spects) Specification(s) ‘SSAGCD Schweizeriseh Sprengstolf sbG self-propelled gun Aktiengeselischaft Cheddit & Spe specific gravity Dynamic (Liestal & Isleton, spht specific heat Switzerland) SPL Society of the Plastics SSEGB Société Suisse des Explosits, Induseey Gamsen-Bricue SPIA Solid Propetlanes Information SSF Schweizerische Sprengstoft Agency, Johns Hopkins Fabrik, AG, Dortikon, Switzerland University, SilverSpring, Ma SSG submatine guided missile splty specialey SSLI Sargent Scientific Laboratory SPM self propelled mount Instruments, Chicago 30, IL spone spontaneous ssM ship-to-ship missile spe ‘sapper ss surface-to-surface missile sp vol specific volume SSME Societd Sarda Materie Esplodenti Sew Special Yeapon (Cagliesi, Sardinia) (ral) SPXEC Special Executive SSN symbol for nuciear powdered sped specialized submarine Sq Squadron ‘SSN Specification Serial Number sq square ssP start of sustained preseure sQ superquick(Brit) Rockeuy) sec Saldie'e Qualificesioa SSPF Staatliche Schwarzpulverfabriken sqemorent square centimerer(s) (Aubonne & Chur) (Suiez) Sq) dive squadron SSR symbol for radar picket submarine sq ft ‘square foot(feet) a ‘starting time 8q in or in? ‘square inch(es) Sea Seab sq km square kilometer(s) STAF (seas sed sede sedzn sté stqyne stl STP stig, STR su Sub ‘sub oF subm eb sub-cal subd subj subl ssuble ‘subm or sub subs Subsea subs Sue SucON SUE suff Suff Sug ‘SUM und Superforcite supers: Suplas SUPO auppl ‘supra ‘Supe ‘SuptDoe ‘suet Sure ‘Strategic Air Force Staffs, Staffordshire, Engl after Matk as MeV* denotes a minor design modification in Orda icems(Beit) standard standardize standardization Société (Fr) Society) Sociésé Anonyme(Ft) (Joint Stock Company) stilbene standard temperature and pressure strength, strong Submarine Thermal Reactor (2s in the Nautilus) “solventless, wethane"” Brie propettane) Subaleera(Brit) submarine subway sub-caliber subdivision subject sublime(s) sublimation submarine svbsidiary subsequent subseance, substitute sucrose Sociéeé Universelle des Explosifs sufficient Suffolk, Engl sugar surface-to-underwater(guided) nissile Sunday Belg gelatin dynamixe supersarucaced ‘Supreme Headquarters ‘Super Power Water Boiler (Reactor) supplement Lat for “abore''-used co refer 0 earlier pares of the book Superineendent Superinzendeat of Documents surface Surtey, Engl Abbe 50 suspd suspa Suss suv sv SVB sw sv sw swe Swed ‘SwedP SmG SwissP Switz ‘yen oF symb sya Syod ‘synth oye syty syst 4 Haasan T(poudre) suspended suspension Susser, Engl Saybolt Universal Viscosity ‘saponificat striking velocity(Beie) Societd Vuleania di Brescia (Ieal) short waves South Wales South-west Special Weapons Center Sweden, Swedish Swedish Patent ‘Standard Wire Gauge(Brie) Swise Patent Switzerland symmetrical symbol synonym syndicate synthetic syrup. syrupy system T cank target angle technical temperature tertiary(as applied to type of organic compound tine coluene(Fe & Ieal) ton, shore(US) = 2000 1b =907. 18k, 0.8929 1g ¢ ton, long(Brit)=2240 lb = 1016.05 1.1200¢ (shore) metric ton= 1000 kg = 2204.62! 1.1023 ¢=0.9842 Ig t rorpedo with tracer(Brie) troril of tol(Rus)(TNT) Troy (weight) (1 tb =373.2418) tubular propellaat(Brit) followed by a number (eg T28) signifies an experimental ur standardized item Fr sporting propellant with eacer(Brit) Tac TACAN ACC TAM/DNLC tan Tanayaku Tanoyakw TAP TAPPI TATNB TAX 1B ‘Tb 1B TBD Teis Tc 1c TCA Tec TeAA tech Tech Abbr 51 Fe & Ital for MNT Fr & Ital for DNT. Fe & leal for TNT Fe & eal for RDX entalum ‘Tables Anavelles Inter nationales de Constantes et Donaées Nunérigues (See in Abbreviations for Books and Journals) Technical Ae: Committee Tactical Air Navigation Gystem) Tactical Aie Contol Ceater Titanium Alloy Mid, Div of National Lead Co tangent Jap RDX expls(see also Shouyaku) Jap expl contg RDX, TNT we texryl time and percussion (fuze) Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry triaminowrinitrobeazene 3,5-dinitro-s-triszine Technical Bulletin tracer bullet torpede-boat destroyer Fr pistol propellant Tennessee Corp, Atlanta, Ga tracer composi Twin Cities Arsenal, Minneapolis, Mian Thiokol Chemical Corp, Trenton, NJ and Elkton, Md (see also RMD/TCC) tank destroyer torpedo detonating ‘Termination of War Day ‘Technical Development Establishmeat( India) telluriun tetranzylazide techaical Technician(a specialist rating) TEE TES TEGDN or TEGN TEGMN TEL teleg teleph Telsit TeMeAN temp TEN TeNA TeNAns TeNAzB TeNB TeNBPh TenCbl TeNCbz TeNDG ‘TeNDMBDNA TenDPhA TeNDPhESa TeNDPhEtA TeNDPhEtla Tene Tene TeNWA or: Tenwved Tena Tenn TeNOx of TNO TeNPHAINA Tenbhnenh’ } Tent TeNTMB or TenTMes } TePaur TERI Tee TETeA Tetracene TerraDi-Sale Tecralica Terra-Sale Tetra-tetryl ‘Torpedo Experimental Establish meat triechyleneglyco! triethyleneglyco! dinitrate triethyleneglycol mononitrate tetraethyllead telegram telephone ‘Swiss dynamite tetcamethylammonium nitrare temperature Rus designation for PETN tetcanitroanisole tetranitroazoxybenzene tetranitrobenzene tetranitrobiphenyl(same as TeNDPh) cetranitrocarbanilide tetranitrocarbazole tecranitrodiglycerin tetranitrodimerhylbenzidine- dinitramine tetrasicrodiphenylamine ‘tetranitrodiphenylethane tetranitrodiphenylether cetranicrodiphenylethanolamine cetranitrohydrazobenzene tetsanitromethane tetranitcomethyl Tennessee tetranitronaphthalene teteanitrooxanilide tetranitrophenylmethylnitramine tentative tetranitrotoluene 3,5,3! 5" -tecranitre-4,4' -cetra- methyldiaminobiphenyt tetraphenylucea torpedo effective range ‘Swed plastic perchlorate type ‘expl(see the cext) tertiagy triethylenetetr guanylnitrosaminoguanyleetrazene tetramethylammonium dinitrate Span for tetry! cetcamethylammonium niteace (see PATR 2510, p Ger 197) tetca(2,4,6-trinitro}pheayl- nitcaminomethy!) methane Téxéehy! reug. etch, Tetroxyl Terryl Tetryeol Tex Tez TF oc TF Tg 1 TsB TGsc Th theor therm therm thermo thermoch thermod Thional ‘THOD Thue T Ti TB TB TIc ™ Tu TiFe TILs Tis Tiranites Th, tk or T Tk Tl TLP TLY ™ ™ ™ Fr for ethyleetryl cetragonal teteahedral 2,4,6-trinitrophenyl- methoxyaitram’ N,2,4,6-cetranitromethylaniline mix of cetryl & TNT Texas arget trotil-gheksoghen(Rus for TNT-RDX mixts) torpede gunboat Texas Gulf Sulfur Co, New York 17,NY thorium theoretical thermal thermometer thermostat thermochemical thermodynamics code name for pentanitrodiphenyl- sulfone Terre Haute Ordnance Depot Thursday ‘echnical information titanium target identification bomb Technical Information Bureau(Brit) temperature of initial combu Technical Information Division Technical Intelligence Doew ments Unit time fuze Technical Information and Library Services(Brit) ‘Technical Information Service (Canada) Fr expls contg AN, TNT & charcoal from curcuma tank tracked vehicle thalium torpedo land plane (Navy; Coast Guard) (US) troop landing vessel tactical missile technical manual technical memorandum Abbe 52 Tm ™ ™ ™ ™ T-Man T™MB Tc TMD ‘TMEMT TMG TMMMT T-Mor Two ™ TWorTa TNA ‘TWAmPA TWAns NB TNBA NBA TINBaN Nc TNCIB o TNCB TNCrs “TNDMA of} TINDMeA } ‘TNDPhA ‘TNEB of TNESB ‘TNEDV or ) ‘TNEDNV } TNETB of ‘TNECTNBY ) NG CTNM or TNMe TTNMA or TNMeA TNMel TNies INN No TNPE mPa ThPhe TNPABENA TPIDA TNPRERA oe tapreana | TAPIINA or} muPhiena TNPRARINAPA cr TNPRMeNAPR thulium time, mechenicalfuze) trade mark training manual trench mortar treasury department man trench mortar bomb Thompson machine gun Torpedo and Mine Department trimethylolethylmethane tinites curret machine gua trimethylolmethylmethane trinitrate trench mortar trench munition total nitrogen Fefor TNN (trinieronaphthalene tinitroaniline trinieroaminophenol trinitroanisole triniteobenzene trinitrobenzaldehyde trinitrobenzoic acid trinitrobenzy! niteare see TeNChz trinitrochlorobenzene tinittoeresol tinitrodimethylaniline trinitrodiphenylamine trinitroethylbenzene trinitroethyldinitrovalerate trinieroethyleei (Classified) ttinitroglyceria trinitromethane trinitromethylaniline isobutyrate ‘tinitronaphthalene ‘see TeNOx tetranitro de pencat (PETN) trinitrophenol (PA) ‘tinitrophenetole trinierophenylbutylnitramine trinitrophenylenediamine jtcophenylethylnitramine trinitrophenylmethylaitramine crinitrophenylmethylaitraming= Phenol ‘TNR TNRS ‘TNS INT ‘TNTAB TNTCIB TNTMNA TNX To To Top Tol of Tolit Tolanite Tolite Toa(Brit) Tonite TopSec Tor ‘TORPCN Torpex Tort co Tocalit tory Te a Tp TPC TPEON Tek 1P-T tort Te ™ Tei Trialen Tridices Abbe 53 trinitrocesortsinat sviatsa Rus) (lead styphnate) trinitrostilbene srinitrotolene(INT) rinitrottiaxidobenzene stinitroteichlorobenzene trinitrotolylmethylaitramine trinitroxylene Technical Order (US Air Forces) (corresponds to TM of US Arny) seelge Tooele Ordnance Depot, Tooele, Utah Rus for TNT Fr plastic expl contg NG, CC, AN, liq DRT & Wood meal Fr for TNT Tong ton of 2240 Ib Belg & Brit expl contg GC and Ba & Na nitrates cop secre torpedo torpedo counter measures and deception expl contg RDX, TNT & Al torpedo tube total Swiss expl contg AN & pacaftin toxicity saak piercing caxget practice ‘00 Trojan Powder Coy Alleatowa,Pa tripentacrythrital cctanitrate (classitied) turnpike target practice, tracet tansactions fue range actor Ger & Swiss for TNT Gee & leal expls (see PATR 2510, p 203) ielinie il expls contg PA & DNPh in various propns(sce also Shellite & Nellite) trigonal Span for TNT same as TNT Trimonice Trinal Triniee Triogen TrisSale Trisol Tritolo Triton Tritonal Tri-Teinol erasla Trojan(explosive) Teotil Troryl Ts Ts TG T/Sge TSMG ‘SMV 1-101 TSP TsQ TsQ TSR T.Stoff TSvP 1 Tr 1 TTE Tu Tu Te Tube (of ammo) twp WV tv TVA °Tw TWA wimetric nil expl contg PA & MN same as TNN code name for glycerol-a,2,4,6 ubnitrophenolether dinitrite a term proposed by Dr H.]. ‘Matsugoma of PicArsa for cyclocrimethylenetrinitrosamine (Resale) imethylanmoniunaitrate Ger & Swiss name for TNAns same as TNT ‘expl contg TNT, AN & AL Ger expl(see PATR 2510, p 209) translation nitrostarch expl contg Na nitrate, Ba nitrate, oil & a stabilizer (see the tex) Rus for INT Brit, Ger & Swiss for TNT top secret torpedo shell Technical Service Group Techical Sergeant Thompson sub-machine gun see Schiesswolle 18 torpedo seaplane time and superquick torpedo seaplane(Navy) torpedo-spotterreconnaissance (aisplane) Ger designation for 80-85% H,0, tournez s'il vous plah(Fr)(over) teletype torpedo tube towed target Tropical Testing Establishment (Brie) University of Texas, Austin 12, Tex Tuesday primer used with separate-loadiag ammo and firing through the breech mechanism of the gua(Brit) ‘turpentine television terminal velocity Tennessee Valley Authority degree Twadell(concentration) Trane-Wotld Air Lines uce vcDwR UCLA UCRL UDMA upoP wu UEESA UERL UFla une uk UKAEA UKSM. ae we uM Abbr 94 Fr designation for Tetryl 1 opi Jep en typographical typewriver triazole u ‘unclassified underground unicamyi(Rus)fixed round) University Uial Vnited Aic Lines underwarertorait niesile submatine(from the Ger Unter seeboot) undercharge University College(London) University of California, Berkeley, Calif Union Catbide Corp, New York Union Carbide Chemicals Co, New York 17, NY University of California, Dept of ar Research University of California, Los Angeles University of California Radiation Laboratory uneymmettical dimethyl hydrazine Universal (wira hisrequency) Dbppler(supersedes DOVAP) ‘Underwater Demolition Unit Union Espafiola de Explosivos, Sociedad Anénima(Span) Underwater Explosives Research Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla ultearhigh frequency(300 t0 3000 mepacycles per second) University of Wlinois, Urbana, ML United Kingdom(GeBriain) United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Uniced Kingdom Scieatitic Mission(in USA) altimace undermentioned(on Brie firing records) University of Michigan, Ana Asbor, Mich Umbrite UMC sr UMA UN wuaabr ‘unace UNAEC uoexp! Univ ‘unpub unsacur lunsym= of u uoD uP uP w? UPRB uN Ital amatol-type expl Universal Match Corp, Mayaas Mass and Ferguson, Niss Universal Military Training Uniced Mine Workers of Ameri United Nations unabridged unaccompanied United Nations Atomic Energy Commission unexploded uniform University unpublished unsymmetrical unsatisfactory unsaturaced unstable ‘unsymmetrical Unatilla Ordnance Depot, Ordaance, Oregon Union Pacifie(Railroad) Uoited Press University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa vnrotating projectiles (former Brie name for rockets) Usines des Poudreries Réunie de Belgique Uruguay ultrasonic(or supersonic) Under-Secretary United Services(Armed Force: United Seates Union of South Africa United Seates Army United States of America United States Army Air Corps United States Atomic Energy ‘Commission United States Aic Force United States Army Force United States Air Forces Institute of Techaology United States Bureau of Mine United Seares Buteaw of Seand (see NBS) United States Coast Guard United States Civil Service Commission United States Department of Ageiculture, Washington 25, D USEF USG or USGovt USGPO or USGowPrg- Off USI usis usm usm USMA usc USCA USMCEB USMP USN USNA USNAD USNAOTS USNAS UsNATC USNEL USNG USNRDL, Abbe 55 United States Department of Commerce, Pashingcon 25, DC United Stares Engineers United States Expeditionary Forces United States Gage(wire caliber) United States Government United States Government Printing Office, Washington 25, DC United Services Institution (Brit) Usited States Industrial Chemical Co, New York 16, NY United States Information Agency United States Information Service United States Lines (Gceamship Co) underwaterto-surface ile Uniced States Marines United States Milieary Academy, West Point, NY United States Marine Corps Uniced States Marine Corpe Aviation United States Marine Corps Equipment Board, Quantico, Va United Seates Military Police United States Navy United States Naval Academy, Anaspolis, Md United States Naval Ammer nition Depot, Crane, Ind Uniced States Naval Aviation Ordaance Test Station, Chincoceague, Va United States Naval Air Service United States Naval Air Test Center, Pacuxant River, Md United Scares Naval Electronics Laboratory United States National Guard United States Naval Radio logical Defence Laboratory United Services Organizations Unit Security Officer(Canada) United States Parent use USPO USPO UsQMc USRC uss uss USSAF ussG. USSed Sieve USVA usw usw vu we UWE Ux UXAA UXB UXIB uxPM UxTGM Vor veb Vor vel Vor vol V(pondre) vA vA United States Pharmacopeia United States Pacent Office United Stares Post Office United States Quartermaster Corps United Stares Rubber Co, Passaic, NJ United States Seaate United Seates Ship United Seares Seandard United Seates Steel Corp, Piresburgh 30, Pa United States Strategic Air Force United Seares Standard Gage Uniced Seares Standard Sieve United States Veterans ‘Administration ultra short waves United Scares Weather Bureau of Utah, Sale Lake ab ultraviolet sproshchenny! varyvacel” (Rus) i pull fuze) University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wise underwater explosive unexploded unexploded aatisircraft(shell) unexploded(HE) bomb unexploded incendiary bomb unexploded parachute mine unexploded gas-type mine v value vanadium vehicle velocity very -wole(s) vintovka(Rus) (rifle) volume vystrel razdel’aago zariazheniya (Rus) (separate-loaded cound) “pouire V,"" original name of emokeless propellant invented by Vieille; the name was changed to “poudre B” in honor of Gen Boulanger, then Minister of War YVererans Administration Vickers-Armstrong(Brit concern maaufg arms,ordoaace aod ships) Va or Vir VAL ‘Van Nostrand VAP vapzn VAR vB vB VBF ve vd yD V-Day vor vor VE VEB VE-Dey yeh vel Veltétine Veltex VEPE Vergé vvet(s) VF VF VG va vH EF VHN VI Virginia volt-ampere Vickers-Armstrong, Led England D.VanNostraad Co lnc, Princetoa,NJ(publishers) ‘vapor inylacetylene polymer vaporization Volunteer Air Reserve vaseline(See also PG) variable bomb(guided bomb) code name for a bomber of the Naval Air Service code name for a fighting bomber plane of the Naval Ait Service valeur ealorimésrique(Fs) volt-coulonb vapor deasity velocity of detonation Victory Day Verein Deutscher Ingenieure Abbr 56 Victorite Vie vide ance Vigorine Vinceanite ve (Association of German Engineers) VM variable dénsity cunnel(aero- dynamics) volume in ce occupied by Ikg of an expl ata given density(Fe) Volkseigener Betrieb(E Ged) (People’s Own Concern) Vietory in Europe Day vehicle velocity see Wéleerine older Swiss dynamites vessel(s) ‘veteran(2) veterinary code name for a fighter plane of the Naval Air Service Fr ballistite(see the text) ickers gun(auromatie)(Bric) intovochnaya granata(Rus) Gifle grenade) code name for a helicopter of the Naval Air Service very high frequency(130 to 300 megacycles per second) fckers hardness oumber Vancouver Island, Can VPA PB vPH ver ver. VS & ML vsv ve Virgin Islands viscosity index lal expl(see the text) vicinal View Iral sporting propellant Ital cheddite type expl Victor La for "see above" older Swed expl poisonous mixt used duriag WW in Fr chem shells violet very important person (eg, Vice President) Virginia Ital black powder type exp! viscosity Span expl(Resina explosiva) videlicet(Lat) (aamely) very low frequency(10 to 30 kiloeyeles per second) voles per meter code name for the Masine Corps Aviation Vickers machine gun iaylnitcare polymer itial velocity initial volume Voice of America Vickers Ordnance Co, England vocabulary volume volatile, volatilizes volatility volume seanning(Radio system) volt-ohmmeter Volunteer Ordnance Works, Chattanooga, Tenn Vice President Véry pistol ammunition code name for the Navy Patrol bomber Vickers plate hardaess Virginia Polytechnic Institure, Blacksburg, Va code name for the patrol torpedo plane of the Naval Air Service versus Vickers Sons & Na very short waves vacuum tube(sadio) Vermont Led, Engl VIF vx aa yateaces ‘Wpovdee) WPulver) vA WA WA WAA WAAC WAAF WAASC WAC or Vac WADC WADF WAL Wallonites WAPD Warme Wacws WAS Was Wash, DC WAVES Abbe 57 variable time fuze(proximity fuze) WBNS ‘varyvchatoiye veshchestvo(Rus) (expl subst) code name of an experimental plane of the Naval Air Service Wales Waltham Abbey Arsenal, Ess, Engl Var wart(s) Vest Westinghouse with wolfram(tungsten) propellant méd ae Waltham Abbey(Brit) an old Belg black powder manutd at Wecreren an old Austrian black powder Warertown Arsenal, Water town 72, Mass jatervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, NY Woolwich Arsenal, England 1 Assets Administration Women’s Army Auriliary Corps (Brit) Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (Brit) Women's Army Auxiliary Service Corps(Brit Women's Army Corps(USA) ‘Wright(P accerson)Air Devel- ‘opment Center, Patceison Air Base, Ohio Wester Air Defence Force Watertown Arsenal Leboratory older Belg mining expls Westinghouse Atomic Power Di with armament Warwickshire, Engl Washington Academy of jashington Washington, District of Columbia Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service we Ww we we wee wee wee wee wesac wD woe WE WE Wed Wélterines of Véternes | WE WFAGS WEN or WFNA ve ¥G wa wh whe hit ‘WHOL WP or WP whe WI w wi Wiley Wise wr weg wily 7M ‘WMEBC Water Boiler Newron Source (Reactor) War Cabinee(Brie) War College war per candle ‘weapon cartier War Claims Commission War Crimes Commission World Council of Churches Wyandotte Chemical Corp, Wyandotee, Mich War Cabinet Scientific Advisory Commictee(Brie) War Deparinent (aow DA & DAF) Western Defeace Command Western Electric Westinghouse Electric Wednesday Belg expls based on Amm t1i- nitrocresylate wave frequency Waffenfabrik Aktiengesellschaft Salochwo(Swiez) ‘hice fuming nittic acid weighiog Western Germany wire gauze white “White Compound” (di ccarboxy-24,6,8-teteanicro- Phenazine-Noxide) White House, Washingtoo,DC Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Mass white phosphorus ware-hour(s) Wese India West Indies ‘wrought iron J.Wiley & Sons, New York 17 Fiscoasin Washington Institute of Techaology Ger for synthetic toluene work working weekly wood meal modified propellant mid at Falthan Werkzeugmaschinentabrik Biahele & Co, Oerlikon-Zrich (Switz) War Oifice(Brit) vo WoAS woo. Worcs wo/w WP WP or WhP: WP " WPAFB wep wee wpe wpig spats) TRAC WRAMA WRC ‘WRD/ES. WRE RNS WROW ws WSEG WSMR wsow WsPG ss Wine ww wuDo wore Ww WVa o WV wow ww Warcane Officer withoue when on active service Wingate Ordnance Depot,Gallup,NM Worcestershire, Engl ‘with of without without weapon ‘West Point (US Military Academy) white phosphorus ‘wood pulp Wistelpulver(Ger cube or die shape propellant) WrighePatterson Air ForceBase, Ohio Wor Production Board War Problems Commitee watt per candle waterproofing weapon(s) Women's Royal Army Corps(Brit) Warner Robins Air Matériel Area War Resources Council Woolwich Research Depe/ Explosives Section, England Weapons Research Establish: mmene( Australia) Women’s Royal Naval Service (Brin) Wabash River Ordnance Works, Newport, Ind Wireless Station Weapons System Evaluation Group White Sands Missite Range, Las Cruces, NM (lormerly WSPG) Weldon Springs Orénance Works, Mo White Sands Proving Ground, Las Cruces, NM (ow VSHR) War Savings Stamp War tax weapon training weight Wallace & Tiernan Ine, Buffalo 5, NY(Gee also LDWI1) Western Uaion Western Union Defence Organization Western Union Telegraph Co Women's Volunteers West Virginia West Virginia Ordaance Works, Pr Pleasant, Wa ‘with weapons Abbr 58 wt wn yo wWyoUair Yb ya yel Y-gun yla YMCA Yonckites Yorks yes) Ya Yue Yugo YTS yu YWCA yy or YY NeNN Zac World War 1 World War IT ‘Wyoming University of Wyoming, Laramie, 9 x experimental explosive(such as RDX) code neme for the beginning of action(see also H-hour and Z-how Jap unkeown name expls(see the tex) experimental bomber Xenon Rus for TNX Chrisemas Fr for TNX Y year yetsiu yoerbium yard(91.44em) yellow code name for « depth-charge launcher yield ‘Young Men's Christian Associatic Belg coat mining expis(see the te Yorkshire, Eng! yeas) Yukos, Canada Yucatan, Mex ‘Yugoslavia ‘Yuma Test Station, Yuma, Ariz Yale University, New Haven, Conn Young Women’s Christian Associa yellow-yellow (double star rocket) (AC signal) Zz zazhigacel'oyi(RusXincendiary) zenich zone 2enitnaya arilleriyatRus)(AA acillery) zazhigatel'saya aviobomba(Rus) (incendiary aerial bomb) Zacatecas, Mex 2zariadporokhovoy Rus) (che Propellant)” - ZEEP zero energy experiment pile ZF ot 2/F zone of fire Zehour Zero hour(Brit) same as H- bour(US) 20 ine 2 code name for a small dicigible ze Zirconium ZsF Zindschaurfabriken ia zw zazhigatel'noye veshchestvo (Rus) incendiary substance) References: 1)British Standards Institution, “Chemical Symbols and British Standard No 813," Londoa(1938) 2)H.J.Stephenson,"A Dictionary of Abbreviations’Macmillan,NY(193) —3)Bames: ibsom Raymond, Division of Associated Spria Corp;"A Civilian Dictionary of Wartime Abbrev etroit I1,Michigan(1945) 4)E.F.Allea, “Allen's Dictionary of Abbreviations and Symbols Coward-MeCann,NY¥(1946) _ 5)H.Bimey;Cross Reference Dictionary of Abbreviations and Symbols? Ordnance Department Research and Development Division, FortBliss,Texas(1949) {6)Anoa,US Ordnance CorpsComplere Rounds Charts)’ No 5981(Jaa 1950) 7)Anoa,US Department of the Arny;’Special Regulations SR 320-80-1° Office Syabols, Washington,DC(May 1951) _§)Anon, US Depr of the Army"Army Regulations AR No 320- 5, Military Terms, Abbreviations and Symbols,” Washington, DC(1952) _9)Anon,US Dept of the Army “Special Regulations\SR No 320-5-1(1953) 10)Dixto, SR No 320-5-5(1953) 11)Diteo, SR No 320-80-1 (1953) 12)R,].Schwared,The Complete Dictionary of Abbreviations;’Thomas Y.Crowell, NY (1955) 13)An0n,US Dept of the Army,"Army Regulations AR 320-50,Military Terms, Abbreviations and Symbols * Washington,DC(May 1957) 14,Gerald Pawle,’ The Secret War 1939-45;W.Sloane.NY(1957) (Brit) | 15) V.0.Bluvshtein,N.N.Ershov & Yu.V.Semenov, "Dictionary of British and American Abbreviations, Gosizdar Moseow(1957) (31,000 items; 76790119 refs) (Russian & English) | 16)Chemical Abstracts, 5th Decennial Index(Authors)(1938) _17)A.B. Schilling,Picatinay Arsenal, Dover, NJ; private communications(1958) 18)V.M.Busiooy & V. P.Savelov, “‘Anglo-Russkii Arclleriiskii Slovar', Voyenizdat, Moscow(1959) 19)¥.¥.Holler, Edi, “Glossary of Ordaance Terms”, OEHO, Duke Univ, Ducham,NC(1959) 20)Henry Voos & H.M.Nechi, PicArsn; private communication (960) Abbe 59 SUPPLEMENT TO ABBREVIATIONS ABC somic, bacteriological, chemical (warfare) nck-acke antiaircraft (originared among Brit ssignalmen) Acrolein Fr CWA of WWI, desgnd P: Adamsice Beit design for diphenylamino- chloroarsine (CWA) ADCC Air Defence Control Center ADE auxiliary deconating fuze ADGB ir Defence of Great Britain ADRDE Air Defence Research and De- velopment Establishment (Brie) ARE Atay Field Forces AFR after flame ratio AFSC Armed Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va. AR aicarming impact rocket Ala Alabara Alas Alaska ALBM airlaunched ballistic missile AMSCE ‘Army Map Service, Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC ANPD/GE Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Deparament, General Electric AM Army Ordaance Missile Command AOTS Aviation Ordnance Test Station, Chincoteague, Va APC-BC armorpiercing capped, ballistic cap APCC Americal Potash & Chemical Corporation APD Atomic Products Division APDS armorpiercing, discarding sabo Aquinite Fr desga for chloropicrin (CRA) AR aircraft rocket ARDC/BMD Air Research and Development Command, Ballistic Missile Division, Palo Alto, Calif ARL raft rocket launcher ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency ART Army Research Task ART automatic range tracking ARTS Army Research Task Summary ASAES Army Small Arms Experimental Station AStoff Ger desgn for chloroacetone (CWA) ATAR antitank aircraft rocket ATRAN automatic terrain recogoition and gation (system) UW orunderwater aw above water (Brit) BA BAR BASF BDF BENELUS on} Benelux BER Berthollite BEP Bibi Blaukreuz a: . are ae Soe a Burrowite Bueps Camite Campieltire ce cca DA Abbr 60 US despa for bromoacerone (CWA) Browning automatic rifle Badische Anilin & Sodafabriken, Germany base-detonating fuze Belgiun-Netherlands ~ Luxemburg British experimental rocker Fr for chlorine (CWA of WI) Bureau of Fice Prevention Fe desga for dibromomethylether (CWA) Ger desga for some CWA's (See Blue Cross Ammunition in the text) base-loaded, capped (shell) breech-loading, converted (Brit) blind loaded and plugged (inert loaded proj with plugged tracer cavity) blind loaded with tracer (inert loaded proj with tracer) Ger desga for bromomethylethylacecone (cra) Bureau of Naval Weapons Fr desgn for iodoacetone (CWA) Bjorkscen Research Laboratories, Incorporaced Ger desgn for bromoacetone (lacheymator) Bureau of Aeronatuies (US Navy) (now pare of BuWeps) See PATR 2510 (1958), p 271 Bureau of Ordnance (US Navy) (now part of Bueps) Mil expl contg AN, TNT & Al (see the text) Buceau of Naval Weapons (which assumed the responsibility of the Buder & BuOrd) c centi = 10% commen to both Land and Naval Service (Brie) US desga for «-beomobenzyleyanide (CRA) Fr desgn for CA (CWA) Ital desgn for cyanogen bromide (CWA) Brit abbra for eyanozen bromide (CWA) ‘Chemical Corps Intelligence Agency US desgn for Clark I1 CERCHAR cr com ac Ciel x Clark t Cla cn enc Cottongice combstn coMP conda cred cs cs CSeoff cuLR Cyelite Cyclon goe DA DAG be DEFA Dr Dick Diphosgene Centre d'Etudes et de Rechere! des Chasbonnages, Verneuil, F ‘center fire (Brit) Committee on Guided Missiles Combat Information Center ‘symbol for cyanogen ehlori Ger desga for biphenylehloroar (cA) Ger desgn for biphenyleyanoar ccwA) US desgn for chloroacetopheno (rear gas) (CWA) symbol for chloroacetophenone in chloroform Fr desgn for phosgene and diphoszene(CWA) ‘combustion Charlowe Ordoanee Charlotee, NC condition crucible cast steel (Brie) common shell ( Ger CWA of WHI, dimethylsulf 75 & methylchlorosulfonate 25 Chemical Warfare Laboratories Repors Fr desga for benzylbromide (C Ger desge for mixt of tech met & ethyleyanoformates with ca of esters of chloroformic acid ( sile PL D deci = 10 Dir, such as Dinitrobenzene in jaco unit nomenctaeure designates a cast double-base propellant US desgo for biphenylehloroar: (cwa) Dynamit Aktiengesellschafe, Germany ‘symbol for biphenyleyanoarsin Direction et Etudes des Fabri a’Armement (Fr) dark ignition Ger deaga for ethyldichloroars «cway symbol for perchloromethylfors (cw) dk Du DME/RD DMIC DN Do Do DP DR DR DRE DRL DSFS D-Stoff br DWM ED EDS EL elecy EOD EODS-NPP Exten fl E-Stolf Ew FFAR FG FM FOCOL Vieceaae f Abbr 61 deka = 10 US desgn for Adamsite (diphenyl- aminochlocoarsine) (CWA) Directorate of Materials and Explosives, Research and De- velopment (Brit) Defense Metals Information Center, Barelle Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio Department of the Navy dissolved oxygen Department of Defense (US) symbol for diphosgene (trichloro- rmethylchloroformate) (CWA) direction ranging distant range Defense Research and Engineering Defense Research Laboratory discarding sabot fin stabilized (projectile) Gern desgn for phosgene and diphosgene (CWA) day tracer (1 Deutche Waffear uad Munitionsfabriken, Germany US desga for Ger CWA “Dick” (ethyldichloroarsine) Explosives Development Section, PicArsn, Dover, NJ Experiments Incorporated (US) electricity Explosive Ordnance Disposal Explosive Ordnance Disposal Service ~ Naval Propellant Plant Erleameyer flask Ger desgn for cyanogen bromide (CA) Electronic Warfare F folding fin aircraft rocket Fine grain (Brie) fulminate of mercury (see MF) field of fire, observation cover & concealment, obstacles, lines ‘of communication Fr desgns for hydrocyanic aci ccwa) FOURA FP FPC FQ FR Fraissite FS FS F-Stoff Gargoyle GASM GB cB GBs GD Gelbizeuz GF ccs aiga GNcM Goco Goco GO0sE cow Griinkreuz cy forwacd observation unit, Royal Artillery (Brit) Hlashless propellant Fite Prevention Code a flash eanging Fr desgn for benzyliodide (CWA) fash spotting forged steel (Brit) Ger desgn for TiCl,, smoke- producing agent of WWI fuze 6 gigas 1? symbol for ethylphosphorodimethyl- anidocyansdace or Tabun (see PATR 2510, p Ger 204, under Tritons) (CHA) See KUD-I guided cirto-suface missile + green stat, blinker, pacachute (US) syasbol fr isopropylneth Phosphonofluotidaee or Sorin (see PATR 2510, p Ger 204, under Teilons) (CWA) slide bomb (see the text) ‘symbol for pisacolylmethyl- phosphonofluoridare or Soman (see PATR 2510, p Ger 204, under Trilons) (CWA) Ger desga for Mustard Gas and for some other CWA's (see Yellow Cross Ammunition in the text) goatie Gardner-Gatling (Brie) ayco gunsight w suided nissile couarermeasure Government owned, contractor operated Government owned, government operated code name for air to-sit missile ‘with eubojer engine Gopher Ordaance Works, Rosemont, Minnesota Ger deaga for some CWA's (See Green Cross Ammunition in the text) greemyellow, double sear (US) 4 ecto = 10° HA HAPO uc HEF HEL HEL HES HL HN Homomartonice HOP HT HumRRO HVAPDSFS HVTP-T HWarhead reED IGFarbenind ™ IMED INS invest invesed investe IRENA v JANN Be cs, kilo Klop Abbe 62 high angle (Bris) Hanford Atomic Products Operation US desga for smoke-producing agent of WWI: Zn + ZnCl, + ZaO high energy fuel high-explosive, light (shett) Human Engineering Laboratory, Aberdeen PG, Md high-explosive, smoke (shel!) desea for Mustard Gas-Lewisite smixt (CWA) desgn for nitrogen Mustard Gas (CWA) Fe desga for bromomerhylethylacerone (CWA) Hoosier Ordnance Plant, Indiana Arsenal, Charleston, Ind ‘symbol for "Mustard Gas-Agent T” (CWA) Human Resources Research Office hypervelocity armorpiercing, dis- ‘carding sabot, fin stabilized (pro jectite) hypervelocity, target practice, tracer warhead contg a nuclear fusion device ering Division (changed to IMED), PicArsn, Dover,NJ Interessengemeinschaft Farben industries, Germany insoluble matter Industrial Maincenance and Engineering Division, PicArsn, Dover, NJ International Notational System to investigace investigated investigating investigation iehibited red fuming nitric a initial velocity 4 Joint Army-Navy Munition Board ‘an Amer version of che Ger Vel (see PATR 2510, p Ger 213) (called also Loon) Joine Chiefs of Scaff kK 10 Ger desga for chloropicrin (CWA) K-Stoff R2.Soff or} KIFStoft KT KUD-1 KW L LA Lacrimite Leche LEDC LEL Lewisite LG LM LMNR LMR Loon Lost or Gelbkreuz Loz 1S 0 {LL LP M MA MAA MAA MAC Vicente Maconive wats Neurite o Vie} uo we uD Ger desgn for CWA of WHI: no chlocometbylearbonate 91.4 & chlocomethyleatbonete 8.6% Ger desga for phenyl-ise-eyanc chloride (CWA) Brit desgo for SnCl, used as s producing agent 2 remote controlled glide bomb called Gargoyle symbol for signal pistol L Lewisice (CWA) igh actillery Fr desgn for thiophosgene (CW launcher low energy detonating cord lower explosion limi US desga for vinylchloroarsine large grain (Brit) Lee-Metford (rifle) (Brit) lead mononitroresorcinate light machine sifle see JB-2 Ger desgns for Mustard Gas (C liguid ozone (oxidizer for some rocket fuels Land Service (Brit) Launch Vehicles Progeams, Washington, DC “ mega 10% medium actillery Mathematical Association of ‘America, Univ of Buffalo, NY medium antiaircraft (artillery) maximum allowable concentrat (in determination of coxicicy) Fr desgos for hydrocyanic aci Fr desga for CWA of WWI: bro acetone 80 & chloraaceone 2 Military Air Transport Fr deogat for cyanogen chlor (CRA) ‘missile battalion muzzle cap US desga for methyldichloro~ arsine (CWA) day NDF MDS MDT NE MED mega MethylDick MISUM ML MLD MLE Me MLM NLRG MRC MTF Mustard Gas WDD NAADC NARL NAS NASC NDCA NE NFPA NFSAIS NOLC NP Abbr 63 the day shall begin mild detonacing fuze modified strip cordite modified eubular cordite Martini-Enfield (cifle) (Brie) Materials Explosives Division (Bric) 1 Gee desgn for methyldichloro- arsine (CWA) Mactini-Henry (rifle) (B: lot 10 Nonthyl Intelligence Summary smecal lined (Bris) inimum lethal dose (toxicity) magazine Lee-Enfield (cifle) Brit) Modale (Fr for Model) magazine Lee-Metford (Brit) muzzle-loading rifled gun Mathematics Research Center, US Ary, Univ of Wiseonsia mechanical time fuze Brit desga for dichlorodiethy!- ‘sulfide (CWA) (See also Yperite) iscellaneous Weapons Development Bepartmeat (Brit) which mobilization e) N nano“ 107 North American Air Defense Command 107 meter millimicron Naval Aeronautical Rocket Laboratory National Academy of Science National Aeronautics and ‘Space Council Nuclear Development Cor poration of America nose ejection National Fire Prevention Association National Federation of Science Absteacting and In- dexing Services Fr abbreviation for numéro Caumber ) Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Corona, Calif Napalm NPGS NQ Ne NS NSF NT NTS NEL ‘OARP oasD OASR oc OEHO ‘OMRO OMTF ont Opacite ‘oRDP osrD OsFP or orcu ono ons ovF ozTcqHA) > Pac PANAGRA Naval Post Graduate School, Monterey, Calif nitcoguanidine flashless (propellant) (Brie) Ger abbeeviation for Nummer {number} Naval Service (Brit) (see also /N) National Science Foundation sight teacer (Brit) Naval Torpedo Seation, Newport,RI Naval Weapons Laboratory, Dablgeen, Va ° Office of Advanced Research Programs, Washington, DC (superseding OASR) Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense Office of Aeronautical and Space Research (now OARP) Ordeance Come Ordnance Engineering Handbook Office, Duke Univ, Durham, NC Ordnance Material Research Office Ordnance Missile Test Facility, White Sands, NM Office of Naval Intelligency Fr desga for SaCh, smoke- producing agent of WWI Ordnance Pamphler Office of Space Flight Development (now OSFP) Office of Space Flight Programs, Washington, DC (superseding ‘OSFD) ordinary temperature Ordnance Technical Committee Minutes Ordnance Technical Intelligence Office Ordnance Technical Intelligence Service (Aberdeen Proving Ground, a) Overhead Organization and Training Center (Heavy Artillery) (US) P pico 107% jorless nirceaf BaneAmeriear-Orace Aways Papite PBAA Pb Per Phosgene pico picon PIR Pk How pleles ples P(Mixture) PN posa PPCo prpat or propine PS, PT QB or gb Fc RAD Abbe 64 Fr desgn for acrolein used in WHI as a lachrymator polybutadiene acrylic acid (used in some Thiokol propellants) symbol for phenyldichloroarsine (CWA) Ger desga for trichloromethyl~ chloroformace (CHA) desga for carbonylchloride, COCh (CWA) 10" 10“ meter ™ micromiczon pressure-arning impact rocket ack howitzer placelees plates a mixeure of pebble and fine arain propellancs (Brit) Percussion nose Pacific Powder Company, Tenino, Wash propellant US desgn for chloropictin (CWA) percussion tube (Brit) Q chemical agent of specialized application guick burning (propellant) quick firing converted (Bri radiation absorbed dose (a unit of absorbed dose of ionizing radiation) rocker-assisred torpedo Fe desgn for smokeproducing mixt of WHI: chlorosulfonic acid & dimethyleultare led breech-loading gun reduced charge (ammunition) a system of interior ballistics used by the Brie radio direction finder yy Royal Gua Factory (Brie) Royal Gunpowder Factory (Brit) Royal Laboratory (Brit) sifle medium light (Bric) RNTF ROD ROD RPE RR RSAF S(sizture) s20 SAE saw sc sc SCAR SCEL sD SDT SEM SFG sD Sk SLOP smkls SMLE sww ‘SPCGM SSR STRAC Sulvaaice Surpalite SWAC smc Royal Navy Torpedo Facto Brit) Rochester Ordnance Distric ‘now absorbed into NYOD Rossford Ordnance Depot, Toledo, Ohio Rocket Propulsion Establis (Brie) recoilless rifle Royal Small Arms Factory smoke-producing agent nitrate 45, pitch 30, sulfur 12, borax 9 & glue 4) an Ital expl (see the text) Society of Automotive Engi Smith & Wesson (cevalver) solid case (Brit) solventless cordite (Brit) ‘subcaliber aircraft rocket Signal Corps Engineering Laboratory short delay self-destroying tracer Station d’Essais de Montlu Fo sulfurless fine grain (powd (Brit) Scientific Intelligence Dige Brit & US desgn for ethylio acetate (CWA) ‘Sc Louis Ordnance Plant, ‘St Louis, Mo smokeless shore model Lee-Enfield (ci (Brit) ‘School of Mine Warfare, Yorktown, Va self-propelled caterpillar gunmount ‘spinrstabilized rocket Strategic Army Corps Fr desgn for ethylchlorosul imate and for bromine (CWA) Fr desga for trichloromethy ‘chloroformate (CWA) Special Weapons Ammunitic Command Special Weapons Center Abbe 65 T Vicastrong Villantite T tera = 10% T symbol for CWA of Vincennite or) specialized spplicstion Nangeaite f TA tractordramn acillery vINITL ‘TCBM transcontinental ballistic nissile cera 10" TH symbol for incendiary CWA Vierite “chermace™ THI symbol for specific compar VERPF sition of CWA “themite” THR symbol for specific compn Voniting Gas of CWA “thermate”” vs ™3 i vTOL T) ML cetramethy! Tead ‘TTNTBP nize of TNT with black v powder WAAC Tonice Fe desgn for chloroacetone WASAG (CWA) Top total obscuring power (area in sq fe coveced by the 77 smoke produced by 1 Ib of ¥F sacerial) Yor T-Seott Ger desga for nylylbromide wsc (ray WP u UERD Underwater Explosions Yperite Research Division, Norfolk Naval Shipyard vos Underwater Ordnance Station, Newport, RI UsAONC, Uniced States Army Ordnance Missile Command, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama Note: Subordinate units included ABMA, ARGMA and TSMR ust. Underwater Sound Labor ratory, New London, Coan USPHS US Public Health Service UUM underwarer-to-underwacer v VAR vertical aireraft rocket YGFAG Vereinigte Glanzstoff- Fabriken Aktiengesellschaft Vickers-Armstrong (Brit) Fr desgn for ethylchlorosulfonate (cwa) Fr desgns for hydrocyanie acid (cra) Veesoyuznyi Institoot Naoochnoi i ‘Tekhnicheskoi Informatsiyi (Rus) (AIL Union Instieute of Scientific & Technical Information) Fr desge for cyanogen chloride (cma) Vereinigee Kéln-Rottweiler Pulvecfabriken, Germany Brit desgn for chloropicrin vent sealing (Bric) vertical cake-off and landing w chemical agent Woolwich Arsenal Westfalisch- Anhaleische Sprengstoff Aktiengesellschafe, Germany white star, bliaker, parachure ‘wood flour wheat floor white star cluster white starparachute Y Fr desga for dichlorodiechyl- sulfide (CWA); Brit desgn Mustard Gas; US desgn HS aod Ger desgas Lost or Gelbkreuz Abbe 66 List oF ABBREVIATIONS FOR BOOKS AND PERIODICALS USED AS REFERENCES IN THIS WORK (Abbreviations not included in this List are the same as used by the American Chemical Society in Chemical Abstracts)(See also supplement to thi list, pp 75-6) Note: When the name of a journal was changed, the words, “changed to,"" “formerly,”” “'aow,”” ete ate followed here not by the full name of the journal bue by the abbreviation used in this dictionary. This is done because the journals are arranged alphabetically according to their abbrevis ADL Puach Cards AFCAY ARThCatalog AIChE ALLBEDEsp15(1946) AmChen} AmjPhys Anal ‘AnalChem AnalChimActa AngChen Ana Ann Actas AanChim(Patis) ‘AnaChim(Rome) AnaChim Anal ‘AnaChim Appl ‘AnaChimPhys ‘AnoPhys ‘AnaPhy sik APG ArchParm ions and not according to the full names of the journals Achar D. Little Inc, “Puach Card Recording of Data on Explosives," Cambridge, Mass (1954) Armed Forces Chemical Journal (Washington, DC) Archue H. Thomas" Cacalog.of Apparatus and Reagents, Philadelphia ‘a950) American Institute of Chemical Engineers (Joumal published beginning 1955) APG, “Allied and Enemy Explosives,"" Aberdeen, Md (1946) American Chemical Journal (disconticued in 1913) American Joumal of Physics Analyst(Cambridge, England) Analytical Chemistry (formerly 1EC,Anal Ed) Analytica Acta(Amsterdam) Angewandte Chemie, formerly Zeitschrift fir Angewandse Chemie (Berlin) Annalea der Chemie (Justus Liebeg's) Anaales de l'Association Canadienae—Francaise pour I’ Avancement des Sciences (Montreal) Annales de Chinie (Patis), formerly AnnChimPhys ‘Aanali di Chimica(Rome), formerly AnaChim Appl Annales de Chimie Analytique, Paris ‘Aanali di Chimica Applicata(Rome), now AanChin(Rome) Annales de Chimie et de Physique(Paris), now AanChim Annales de Physique, Patis Anaalen der Physik, Leipzig Aberdeea Proving Ground, Maryland Archiv der Pharmazie(Berlin) suspended in 1944 and resumed in 1950) ArchToxicol ArmamentEngra(1954) Arms & Expls ArOrda ARSJ ASTMBall ASTMProc ASTMStds AttiAceadLinceiMem AttiAceadl inceiRend AtiAceadTor Barnett(1919) Bebie(1943) Beil Bei 1.350170, (2001) 1550) Belgrano(1952) Ber Beyling&Drekopf(1936) Bichowsky & Rossini (1936) BIOS Rept Blaster's Hdb(1952) Blinov(1948 - 1952) Bra Br) ApplPhys BrP or BritP Bruaswig, Expls (1912) Bruaswig, Props( 1926) Budnikov et al(1955) BullBelg Bull BurSeds BullFr BurMines BurStde c cA CanChemProcessing CanJChem CanJRes CanJTech CanNaelResCouncilRepts ‘CEARapp Cellulosechem Abbr 67 Archiv fir Toxicologie (Beslin) Anon, “Elements of Armament Enginceting,"” US Military Academy, West Poiat, NY (1954) ‘Arms and Explosives (Brid (discontinued Dee 1920) ‘Army Ordnance, changed in 1947 to Orda American Rocket Society Journal, formerly JetPropn and before that JARS: American Society for Testing Materials Bulletin ‘Ametican Society for Testing Materials Proceedings ‘American Society for Testing Materials Standards Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Memorie Rendiconti (formerly Atti della Reale Accademia dei Lincei) Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino E. deBarry Barnett,” Explosives,"Van Nostrand, NY (1919) J. Bebie, Manual of Explosives, Military Pyrotechnics and Chemical War- face Agents;*Macmillan, NY, 1943 Beilsteia’s Organische Chemie, 4th ed Beilstein vol 1, p350 of the Haupeweck; p(170) of the Festes Ergiinzung; 1p [200] of the Zweites Erginzung and p 1550) of the Drittes Exgiiazung €. Belgeano, “Gli Esplosivi,"” Hoepli, Milano (1952) Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellechafe, now called ChemBer C. Beyling & K. Drekopf, Sprengstofteund Ziiadnittel, Springer, Berlia(1936) E.R.Bichowsky & F.D. Rossini, "Thermochemistry of Chemical Substances, Reinhold, NY (1935) British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Report Blascer's Handbook, E.l. duPont de Nemours & Co, Wilmington, Del A.D.Blinoy, ‘Artillery Courses," Voyeaizdat, Moscow ((1948 - 1952) British Abstracts (discontinued Dec 1953) British Journal of Applied Physics (London) British Patent H.Brunswig, Explosives, Wiley,NY(1912) (Translated by Muacoe & Kibler) H.Brunswig,’Das Rauchlose Pulver;"V. De Gruyter, Berlia(1926) M.A.Budaikov et al, “Explosives and Propellants,"Oborongiz, Moscow (1955), Bulletin de la Sociéte’Chimique de Belgique(Brussels) Bulletin of the Bureau of Standards Bulletin de ta Sociéed Chimique de France US Bureau of Mines, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania National Barcau of Standards, Washington, DC See Cont Chemical Abstraecs Canadian Chemical Processing (Toront0) Canadian Journal of Chemistry(Ortawa), formerly Can)Res,Sect B Canadian Journal of Research(Ottawa). Its Sect B is now the CanJChem and its Sect F, Can}Techa Canadian Journal of Technology(Ottawa), fomerly CanadjRes,Sect F Canada National Research Council Repos Commission Energie Atomique Rapport (France) Cellulosechemie (BerlinX discontinued in 1936) ‘CHEN Chem Chemage ChemAnal ChemBer ChemEngts ChemEngrgProge Chenalad Chemind Chemindeek ChemMerEagrg Chen ‘ChemObzor ChemPrimyst ChemRevs ChemRubHdb ChemWbl ChemWeek Chenzsg Chenzee Chinatad(Paria) Chime IndMilae) 10s Rept Clatk & Hawley(1957) Colver1918) CondChemDicr(1956) CondChemDiet(1950) Conf of C cR Ceanz(Vol & year) Cunditl(1899) Daaiel(1902) Davis(1943) Degering( 1950) DoktAkaaN Dorée(1947) DRP Durrans(1957) Elkins(1950) Ephraim(1949) Abbe 68 Chemical and Engineering News Chemise(New York) Chemical Age (London) Chenist Analyse(Phillipsbucg.New Jersey) Chemiache Berichte (supersedes Ber) Chemical Engineering, formerly Chem & MetEngrg, Chemical Engineetiog Progtess(New York) Chemistry and Industry(London), published together with SCI, but is now GRRE! industries, changed to CheminéWeek, 02 Jan 20,1951 Chemical Industries Week, changed to ChemVeck on June 2, 1951 Chenical and Netallurgical Engineering, now ChemEngrg Chemical News and Journal of Industrial Science Chemiky Obzor(Chenical Review, Prague\(now ChemPrinysl) Chemick} Peimysl(Prague) Chemical Reviews(Baltimore, Md) ‘Chemical Rubber Publishing Co, Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, ‘Cleveland, Ohio, 38th ed (1956-7) Chemisch Weekblad( Amsterdam) Chemical Teek(fornedly ChemladWeek) Chemiker Zeitung (Kéthea, Anhalt). In Jan 1951 the name was changed to “'Chemiker Zeitung chemal sk&then""(Stuttgart) andin Jan 1954 to “Chemiker Zeitung mit Chemische Apparatur und Chemie-Bérse’"(Heidelberg) Chemisches Zentralblate(Berlin) Chimie et Industrie(Paris) Chimica e I"ndusteia(\ila Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee Report G.L.Clark & G.G. Hawley, Edits,"The Chemical Encyclope NY (957) E,deW.S.Colver, “High Explosives,"” Van Nostrand, NY (1918) A. & E-Rose, ed;"The Condensed Chenical Dictionary,"Reiahold, NY(1956), formes edition 1950) was dicected by F.M.Tamer Confidential Comptes Readues de I'Académie des Scieaces(Patia) K.J.Ceanz,Lehsbuch der BallistikSpringer, Berlin( 1925-1927) J-P.Cundill," Dictionary of Explosives,"London(1889). The French trans- lation was published in MP 5,235-354(1892) and 6,7-132(1893) J.Daniel,"Dictiounaice des Matiéres Explosives:"Dunod, Paris (1902) T.L.Davis;'The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives,’ Wiley, NY¥(1943) E.FDegeriag,"Aa Outline of Organic Nitrogen Compounds,"Uaiv Lithoprinters Ypsilanti, Mich(1950) Doklady Akademii Navk(Proceedings of Academy of Science,Russia) C.Dotde,"The Methods of Cellolose Chemistry:"Chapman & Hall, London (194 Deutsches Reichs Patent(German State Patent) .H.Durrana,"Solveats,''Van Nosteand, NY(1957) H.B.Elkias, “The Chemistry of Industrial Toxicology," Wiley(1950) F.Ephraim, “Inorganic Chemistry,” Interscience, NY(1949) Reinhold, Erikson, Wiley a yscrach(1956) } Eseales,NG & D(1908) Eseales, Ammonspr(1909) Eseales,Chloratsp1(1910) Escales, Schwarzpulver re) } Escales, Niteospe(1915) Escales, Initialspr(1917) Explosivse ExplsEngr Faith, Keyes & Clask(1957) Feodos'ev & Siniarev: 0336 } FIAT Fieser & Fieser(1950) FM Franklin(1935) FP Gazz GeP Gilean(Vol & year) Gina, Dizionario(Vol & year) (Syst Ne & year) Goayt1907) GorayiZh Gorst(1957) Groggins(1958) Hackh’s(1944) HAcsIR Hayes(1938) Helv Heusex(1944) Hickinbottom(1948) Houben (1941) 1A ict TEC TEC, AnalEd 1GFarbeniad IndChem Abbe 69 J.G.Brikson, P.F.Wiley & V.P-Wyottach, “The 1,2, and 1,2,4-Triazines, Teuazines and Pentazines," Iateracience, NY(1956) ReEscales, "Nitsoglyzeria und Dysamit,"” Veit & Co, Leip2ig(1908) ReEscales, ‘“Ammonsalpetersprengstoffe,”” Veit,Leipzig( 1909) RiEscales, “'Chlocateprengstoffe,”” Veit, Leipzig( 1910) ReEscales, “Schwarzpulver und Spreagselpeter,” Veit, Leipzig (1914) R.Escales, "Nitrosprengstoffe,"” Veit, Leipzig(1913) ReEscales, “Initialaprengstofie,”” Veit, Leipzig(1917) Explosivstoffe, formerly Sp:Tech(Munaheia) ‘The Explosives Fogineer, Hercules Powder Co, Wilmington, Del W.L.Faith, D.B.Keyes & R.LClark; Industrial Chemicals, Wiley,NY(1957) V.J-Feodos'ey & G.B.Siniarev, “Ineroduction to Rocket Techniques, Oborongiz, Moscow(1956) Field Information Agency, Technical jeser & Mary Fieser; Organic Chemistry,” Heath, Boston(1930) Field Manual E.C.Fraaklia;’ The Nitrogen System of Compounds,’ Reinhold,NY(1935) French Patent Gazzetta Chimica Traliana(Rome) Gemman Patent H.Gilmaa, Edit;' Organic Chemistry; Wiley, NY v1(1949), ¥2(1950), ¥3(1953), (1953) M.Giva & C.Giva-Lollini,""Dizionario di Chimica Generale ¢ Industriale,” UTETT, Turia, vols 1-3(1948-1950) Gmelin-Keaues Handbuch der Anorg Betlin,8th ed(1928-1958) L.Gody,"Teaite des Matiéres Explosives; Weamael-Chatliet,Namu(1907) Gorayi Zhurnal(Mining Journal, Russia) A.G.Gorst, “Propellanis and Explosives," GIOP, Moscow(1957) Ph.H.Groggins ed, “Unie Processes ia Organic Synthesis,"* McGraw-Hill, NY(1958) Hackh's Chemical Dictic 2, Philadelphia( 1944) Honorary Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research(Canada) Hayes, ‘Elements of Ordaance)Wiley, NY(1938) Helvetica Chimica Acta(Basel,Switzerland) E.Heuser,"The Chemistry of Cellulose; Wiley,NY(944) ¥.J.HHickiabottom,” Reaction of Organic Compounds;Longmans-Green, London(1948) J.Houben, “Die Methoden der Orgatischen Chemie," G.Thieme, Leipzig, 4940) Tron Age International Critical Tables, McGraw-Hill NY, v 1(1926), ¥ 21927), v3 (2928), ¥ 41928, ¥ 5(1929), ¥ 61929) & ¥ 711930) Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Analytical Edition(changed to AnalChem) Interessengemeinschaft Farbeniadustrie Industrial Chemist(London) jigchen Chemie, Verlag Chenie, Inorgsyath(Vol & year) Inste Insten TevestAkadN T2z0, Pirotechnia( 1950) Izzo,Minatore(1953) Jacobs(1949) yacs TAgrEChem JapP. TApplChem(London) TApplPhys JahresberCTR: TAoAC JARS Jchenkdve JChemPhys JChimPhys jes JeePropa JFeanklase tec T1sI(London) JMaksChem Joc JOil & Col JOpcSocAm Jordan(1954) JPhChem JPhCollChem JPolymerRes JPolymerSci TPeakechem JRNBS JRussPhChemSoc Jscr Jsciase Karees( 1950) Kase(1921) ast-Metz(1944) KhimReferatZa Khimstioi Abbe 70 Collective, Inorganic Syntheses,’ McGraw-Hill, NY, vols 1-4(1939-1953) Tnstrumencs(Pitesburgh) Instrumeneation(Philadelphia) Tevestiya Akademii Navi(Bulletin of Academy of Science, Russia) Aslzzo, “Pirotecnia ¢ Fuocki Antificiali,"” Hoepli, Milano(1950) Avlzz0, “Wanuale del Minatore Esplosivista,”* Hoepli,Milano(1953) M.B.Jacobs, “The Analytical Chenistry of Industrial Poisons, Hazards and Solvents," Interscience, NY,(1949) Joumal of the American Chemical Society Journal of Agricultural aad Food Chemistry Japanese Patent Journal of Applied Chemistey(London), called J SCI prior to 1951 Journal of Applied Physies, formerly called Physics Jahcesberiche der Chemisch-Technischen Reichsanstalt Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists Journal of the American Rocket Society(changed to JetPropa and then Journal of Chenicl Education, ATs Fe*Prepn and then co ARSy Journal of Chemical Physics Journal de Chimie Physique(Paris) Journal of the Chemical Society(London) Tet:Propulsion(formerly JARS, now ARS]) Journal of the Franklin Institute Journal of Industrial Engineering Chemistry,changed in 1923 to LEC Journal of the Iron and Steel Instituce(London) Journal fir Makromolekuliie Chemie, formerly JPrChem. Called MakrChem ince 1947 Journal of Organic Chemistry Journal of the Oil and Color Chemists Association(Londoo) Journal of the Optical Society of Americn T.B.Jordan, "Vapor Pressure of Organic Compounds," Interscience, NY(1954) Journal of Physical Chemiotry, except the yeats 1947-1951 when it was called JPhCollChem Journal of Physical and Colloid Chemistry (See JPhChem) Journal of Polymer Research, now JPolymerSci Journal of Polymer Science, formerly JPolymerRes Journal fir Praktische Chemie, discontinued in May 1943, Continued as JMakrChem, then as MakeChem, Resumed as a separate journal siace March 1956 Journal of Research of the National Bureat of Standards See ZhRusFiz-KhimObshch Journal of the Sociery of Chemical Industry, called JAppIChem since 1951 Journal of Scientific Instruments P.Karre#;Organic Chemistry; Elsevier, N¥(1950) H.Kase;Spreng- und Zindstoffe;’ Braunschweig(1921) H.ase & L.Metz;’Chemische Untersuchung der Spreng- und Ziindstoffe," Vieweg,Braunschweig(1944) Khimicheskii Referativayi Zhuroal, now called ReferatZhKhim Journal for Projecting and Construction of the Chemical Industry (discon- tinued in 1935) RhinTeiaaTopiva ie a Otimer (vol and yews) oleh rolizn Kollese Kanatt Tans Bose (lt yeu) Lange(1956) MAF MakeChem Marshall 1(1917) Marshal! 2(1917) Marshall 3 (1932) Meller, (Vol & yeas) Mellos( 1946) MemRepe of MR Mezek(1952) Mertiam-Pebste#s(1951) Meyer 1943) MikeChem Molina(1930) Monatsh MP MR of MemRepe MSCE Naodm, Expls(1927) aod, NG(1928) Navare NavOrd Rept NBSJR NC NDRC Rept NOtd or NORD Rept OffGax on} ‘Oharx(1946) ONRRR ‘OpNav(Publications) Orda ‘OrgSynth(Vol & year) OSRD Repe Abbr 71 Khimia i Teknologiya Topliva (Chemistry and Technology of Fuels, Russia) R.E.Kitk & D.F.Othmer, eds, “Encyclopedia of Chenical Technology, Intetecience, NY, vols 1 to 15(1947-1956) and Supplements Kolloid-Beihefte, merged in 1943 with KollZxs Kolloiday Zhurnal(Colloid Journal, Russia) Kolloid-Zeitschrift, formerly Kolloid-Beih Xunstoffe (Munich) Landolt-Bérnstein, Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen, J.Springer, Betlin, seh ed, v 1(1923), ¥ 2(1923) and Supplements; 6th ed, ¥ 1(1950-2), ¥ 2(1956) and v (1956-7) (vol 3 was not available) N.AcLaage;"Handbook of Chemistry,"Handbook Publishers, Sandusky,Ohio, 9th €4(1956) Mémorial de 1 Artillerie Francaise(Patis) Die Maktomolekulice Chemie(Munich), formerly JMalerChem ‘A.Marshall;'Explosives,"Chrachill, London,vel 1 (1917) Ditto, vol 2 (1917) Ditto, vol 3(1932) HsMellot,"A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chem- ery?" Longmans Green & Co, London and N¥(1922-1947) G.D.Parkes & G..Mellor, “Mellor’s Modern tnorganic Chemistry,"Longmans— Green, London (1946) Memorandum Report ‘Anon, The Merck Index, Metck & Co, Inc,Rabway, NJ(1952) “Merriam: Webster's Unabridged Dictionary,” Merriam Co Springfield, Mass(1951) M.MeyeriExplosives;’Crowell, NY¥(1943) Mikrochemie(combined with Mikrochimica Acta) R.Molina, ‘"Espledenti e Modo di Fabricasli,"” Hoepli,Milano(1930) Monacshefte fir Chemie( Vienna) Mémorial des Poudres(Pasis) Memorandum Report i Mémorial des Services Chimiques de I*Etai{Paris) P.Naoli, "Schiess- und Sprengstofte,"Steinkopf, Dresden & Leipzig( 1927) P.NaodmNitzoglyceria and Niwoglyccrin Explosives," Williams & Wilkins, Baleimore(1928X Translated by Symmes) Nature(London) Naval Ordnance Repost Navional Bureau of Standards, Journal of Research (sce JRNBS) Nitrocellulose (combined with $5 in 1943) National Defense Research Council Report Ordnance Report OfficialGazerte, US Patent Office, Dept of Commerce, Washington 25,DC Official Journal(British Patents) T.C.Obart;"Elements of Ammuni Office of Office of the Chief of Naval Operations(Publications), Washington,DC Ordsance, formerly ArOrde “Organic Syatheses;Wiley,NY, Coll Vols 1941), (1943), 1955) and in: dividual vols 30(1950), 31(1951), 32(1952), 341953), 34(1954), 35(1955) & 3601956) Office of Scientific Research and Development Report te (1954-1955) P or Pat PA ot PicArsn PACLR PAGLR PACT PAMR or PicArsaMemRept Partiogroo(1950) Paseal(1930) PATR or PicArsoTechRepe PATR 1401(Rev 1), (1950) PATR 1740(Rer 1) (1938) PATR 2510(1958) PB Rept PBL Rept Pepin Lehalleur(1935) Pérez Ara(1945) Pesey(1950) Philag PailTe PHS Repr PhysRevs PhysZSow PicArsa Prchsoe PromOraKhim Protar PrfieySoe PreChem QuartRere Quim y Ind Ror Repe Reagent Chemicals(1950) Ree ReferatZhxhia Rellly(1938) Rept of R Rept lava ot RI Res(London) RerChimiad RL oF Reptiav Riegel,ChemMach(1953) Riegel fodChem(1949) RoezChem Abbe 72 E.Otyed,/Cellulose and Cellulose Derivatives,"Iaterscience,NY, vol 53 Past 1(1954), Part 211954), Past 3(1955) Patent Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, NJ Picatinay Arsenal Chemical Laboratory Report Picatinny Arsenal General Laboratory Report Coouéles Techniques(Broxelles) ay Arsenal Memorandum Report J.R Partington, '"A Textbook of Inorganic Chemistry,"" Macmillan, London(195 P.Pascal,"Explosifs, Poudres, Gaz de Combat,"Hermann, Patis(1930) Picatinay Arsenal Techaieal Report, Dover, New Jersey Wm. H.Rinkeabach & A.J.Clear, Picatinay Arsenal Technical Report No 1401, (1950), “Standard Laboratory Procedure for Sensitivity, Brisance and Stability of Explosives” W.R.Tomliason, Jt & O.E,Shetfield, Picatinay Arsenal Techaical Report No 1740, Revision 1 (1958), “Properties of Explosives of Military laterest”” B.T.Fedoroff et al, Picatinny Arsenal Technical Report No 2510(1958) ictionary of Explosives, Ammunition and Weapons" (German Section) Publication Board's Report (of the US Office of Technical Services) Ditto, Library of Congress J.Pepia Lehalleur, ‘‘Traite des Poudses, Explosifs et Actifices,"” Ballidre et Fils,Paris(1935) A.Pérez Ara;'Tratado de Explosivos;"Culeural, La J.H.Perry,’Chemical Engineers’ Handbook}MeGra Philosophical Magazine(London) Philosophical Transactions of dhe.Royal Society of Loadon Public Health Service Repore(USA) Physical Revi Physikalische Zeitschrift der Sowjerunioa(Leipzi)discontiaued in 1938) See PA Proceedings of the Chemical Sociery(London) Promyshlennost? Organicheskoy Khimii(Organic Chemical industry, Russia) Protar (Soiothuro, Switzerland) Proceedings of the Royal Society(Londoa) Preemys! Chemiczay(Warsaw) Quareetly Reviews(Londoa) Quimica y Industria(Barcelona)(discontinued in 1941) Report “Reagent Chemicals,"" ACS Specifications, Washington, DC(1950) Recueil de Travaux Chimiques des Pays Bas( Amsterdam) Referacivayi Zhurnal, Khimiya (Abstract Joumal, Chemistry\Russia) J.Reilly," Explosives, Matches and Fireworks,"Van Nostrand,NY(1938) Report Report of Investigation Research(London) Review of Scientific Instruneats Report of investigstion E.RsRiegel; Chemical Machinery;’Reiahold,N¥(1953) E,R.Ricgel,"Industrial Chemistry:Reinhold,NY(1949) Roczniki Chemii (Chemical Anaual, Poland)(formerly ChemikPolski and Chem ‘Sancho(1941) ‘Sanford 1896) Sax(1957) Sei ‘SciAbs SciAm Seidel! 1(1940) Seidell 21941) Seidell Suppl(1952) Shidlovskii(1954) Shilling( 1946) ‘Shreve(1956) Sidgviek Orachen of 8) 4937) Sidgwick, ChemElems 1 950) Since Dobro! ai 957) Sprgtech BS ‘Stettbacher(1933) Stettbacker(1948) Sukharevskii & Pershakov 93) Sutton(1956) SrenskKemTidske Tables Anauelles 5(1926) TAPPI Taylor & Gay(1958) ‘TechMan or TM TechOrd ot TO ‘TechRept or TR Tharaldsen(1950) ‘Taorpe(Vol & year) Thorpe 41949) ‘Thorpe(1917) ™ To TR Teery’akow( 1946) TrFaradSoc TeRoySoe U Ugol* Abbr 73 E.E.Sancho, “Qlmica de Explosives,"” A.Aguado,Madtid(1941) P.G.Sanford, ‘'Nitro-Explosives,”’ Crosby-Lockwood, London( 1696) LSax, "Dangerove Properties of Hezardous Materials,” Reinhold, N¥(1957) Science(New York) Science Absteacts Scientific American ASeidell, "Solubilities of Organic Compouads,"” Van Nostrand, NY, v 1(1940) ¥ 21941) and Suppl (2952) A.A.Shidlovokii, “Pyrotechnics,”” Oborongiz, Moscow(1954) A.D.Shilling, “Explosives and Loading of Ammusition” Oborongiz, Moscow, (1946) (ia Rus) RLNShreve ‘The Chemical Process Industries,”* McGrawsHill, NY(1956) N.V.Sidgwick,/Organic Chemistry of Nitcogen,"Oxford Univ Press, London 937) N.V.Sidgwick, ''The Chemical Elements and Their Compounds," Oxford Univ Press London, v 1(1950) G.B.Siaiatev & M.B.Dobrovol’ ski Oborongiz, Moscow(1957) ‘Sprengtechnik (Manhein)(See SS and Explosivst) Zeivscheife fit das gesamce Schiess- uad Sprengstoffwesen-Nitrocellulose, suspended ia 1944 and followed after FW II by Sprengtechnik(1952) and since 1952 by Explosivstoffe(Miinchen) A.Stettbacher,"Die Schiess- und Sprengstoffe;”Barth,Leipzig(1933) A.Stettbacher,’Spreng- und Schiesstoffe;"Rascher Verlag, Zitich(1948) M.Sukharevskii a F.Pershakov, “Explosives,"” Moscow(1932) “Liquid Propellant Rocket Motors,”* G.P.Sutton, “Rocket Propulsion Elements, "*Wiley,NY(1956) ‘Svensk Kemisk Tidskrife(Scockholm) Tables Anouelles de Conscantes, Gauthier-Villars, Paris v (1926) Technical Association of the Palp and Paper Industry G.Teylor & P.F.Gay, “British Coal Mining Explosives,” G.Newnes, Londoat 1958) Technical Manual(US Aeny) ‘Technical Order(US Air Force) Technical Report ‘Th.Tharaldsen, ‘'Ekplosivstoffer,"* Deeyes Vorlag, Oslo, Norway(1950) ‘Thorpe’ Dictionary of Applied Chemist-y;"Loagmans-Green, London vols 1-12(1937-1956) Ditto, vol 41949) Ditto, old edition(it contains some information not given in the new edition) ‘See TechMan ‘See TechOrd ‘See TechRept G.M-Tret'yakov, “Artillery Ammunition," Veyennizdae,Moccow( 1945) ‘Transactions of the Faraday Sociery(London) Transactions of the Royal Society(London) Unclassified ‘Coal(Moscow) Ullmann (Vol & year) usMIP UspKhim Van Gelder & Schlatter, (1927) } Vennia,Butlot ae Lecreneis32)} VestnikoskovUniy Virus eigenen Ladreda Walker{1953) ¥arre0(1958) Feaver(1917) Webster's Collegiate(1953) Feichele(1953) Whetand(1949) Zako shchikow(1950) ZAnalChem ZAngChem ZAnorgChem ZavodLab ZElektrochem ZhAaalkhim ZhFi2Khim ZhKhimProm ZbNeorgKhim ZhObshehKhim ZhPrik Khim ZbRusFiz-KhimObsheh ZhTechaFiz ZKrist ZPhysChem(Frankfurt) 2PhysChea\Leipzig) zPhisiolChen [See also “‘List of Pe: Abbr 74 F.Ullmaoo;Enzyklopiidie der Technischen Chenie,"Urban & Schwarzenber Berlin, 2nd ed, vol 4(1926) and 3ed ed, vol 1(1951) aad following volumes United States Naval Institute Proceedings Uspehi Khimi (Progress in Chemistry Russia) A.P.Van Gelder & H.Schlattes, “History of the Explosives Industy in America Columbia Univ Press, NY(1927) L.Vennia,E.Burlot et H.Lécorché, “Les Poudres et Explosifs,"" Ch. Bérange Paris(1932) Vestnik Moskovskago Universiteta(Bulletin of University of Moscow) M.Vivas, R.Feignespan & F.Ladreda, "Polvoras y Explosives Moderos,"* Morata, Madrid, v 1(1945), ¥ 2(1946), v 1948), ¥ 4(1944) and ¥ 5(1947) J.F.Walker, “Formaldehyde,” Reinhold, NY(1953) F.A.Warrea, “Rocket Propellaate,”” Reinhold, N¥(1958) E.MWeaver, "Military Explosives,” Wiley NY(1917) “Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary,” Merriam & Co, Springfield, Mass(195, F.Weichelt, “Handbuch der Gewerblichea Sprengtechail,”” Mathold, Halle-Saal 0953) G.H.Wheland, “Advanced Organic Chemistry,"" Wiley, NY(1949) A.P.Zakoshchikov, “‘Nitrocellulose,"” Oborongiz, Moseow( 1950) Zeitachtift fir Analytische Chemie, Fresenius(Miinchen) Zeitachsift fir Angewandte Chemie, called AngChem since 1932 Zeicschrit: fir Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (Leipzig) Zavodskaya Laboratoriya( Factory Laboratory Journal, Russia) eclia) Journal of Analytical Chemistry, Russia) Journal of Physical Chemistry Russia) Zhuroal Khimicheskoy Promyshlennosti( Journal of Chemical Industry, Russia) ‘Zhumal Neorganicheskoy Khimii(Joumal of Inorganic Chemistry, Russia) Zhurnal ObshcheKhimii(Joumal of General Chemistry, Russi Zhurnal Prikladaoy Khimii{Journal of Applied Chemistry, Russia) Zharnal Russkago Fiziko-Khimicheskogo Obshchestva( Journal of the Russian Physico-Chemical Society)discontiaued in 1930) Zhucual Teknicheskoy Fiziki(Jourcal of Technical Physics, Russia) Zeitschrift fic Kristallographie (Frankfurt a/M) Zeitacheft fir Physikelische Chemie(Leipzig) Zeiseheift fir Physiologische Chemie(Berlio) ieals Abstracted by Chemical Abstracts”, The Chemical Abstracts Service, The Ohio State University, Columbus 10, Ohio (1956)] Abbe 75 ‘SUPPLEMENT TO THE LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS FOR BOOKS AND PERIODICALS Blate OSRD 2014 A.H.Blatt, "Compilation of Data on Organic Explosives," OSRD Report (1944) 2014(1944) Charlor & Bévier (1957) G.Charlot & D.Bézier, "Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, Methuen, London 957) Clit & Fedortty G.D.Clift & B.T. Fedoroff, “A Manual for Explosives Laboratos (Vol & yea:) Lefax, Phila, Pa, vols 1-4(1942-1946) CLR Chemical Laboratory Report (Picationy Arsenal) Cole, Underwater (1948) R.H.Cole, "Underwater Explosions," Princeton Univ Press, Princeton, NJ (1948) Colter's Bacyel} Coll, "Collier's Encyclopedia,” P.F Collier, NY, vols 1-20(1957) (Vol & year) Compt Rend Acad Sei(USSR) See DoklAkadN Cond Chem Dict (1942) | F.M.Tumer, Edit, "The Condensed Chemical Dictionary,”" Reinhold,NY (Editions 1950 & 1956 are } (1942) (Contains table of expls, pp 287-92 not given in newer editions) listed on p Abbr 63) Cook(1958) M.A.Cook, “The Science of High Explosives,""Reinhold. NY(1958) Dokl AkaaN See p Abbr 63 Usted sometimes in CA and in some papers as Compt Rend Acad Sci (USSR)] EncyelBrianaica) Coll,"“Encyclopaedia Britanniea,”” London, vols 1-23(1952) (Vol & year) GLR General Laboratory Report (Picatinny Arsenal) | Gorst(1957) A.G.Gorst, "Porokha i Veryrcharyiye Veshchestva’” (Propellants and Explosives), Gosizdarobororprom, Moscow (1957) Inorg Syath 4 Coll, “Inorganic Syatheses,"” McGraw-Hill, NY, vol 1 (1939); v 2 (1946); (Vol & yeas) } v3 (1950); v 4 (1953) & v 5 (1957) Mangini, Esplosivi (1947) A.Mangini, “Quaderni di Chimica Industriale No 14, Explosivi,”* Plitron, Bologea (1947) Org Anal ysis Coll, "Organic Analysis,"” Interscience, NY, vol 1 (1953); v 2 (1954) & (Vol & yeas) v3 (1956) Olsen & Greene (1943) L.A.Olsen & .G,Greene, “Laboratory Manual of Explosive Chemistry,’ Wiley, NY (1943) Scott & Furman (1939) W.W.Seott & N.H.Furman, "Standard Methods of Chemical Analysis,” VaaNostrand, NY (1939) Shidlovskit (1954) A.AShidlovskii, "Osnovy Pirotekhoiki"” (Fundamentals of Pyrotechnics), Gosizdatoboroaprom, Moscow (1954) Shtiner, Fuson & R.L.Shriner, R.C.Fuson & D.Y.Curtin, "The Systematic [demification Curein (1956) of Organic Compounds,"” Wiley, NY (1956) Siggia (1949) Snell & Bitfen (1944) Seettbacher (1952) Sutton & Grant (1955) TM 9-1910(1955) Toboleky & ewan} 1954) ‘Treadwell & Hall 2 } cap49) ' Webscer's Unabridged } Dictionary (1950) Yaremenko & Svetlov 1957) } ZhEkspTeorerFiz 2PhysChem or i ‘ZPhysChemLeipzig) | Gee also p Abbr 74) | ZPhysChem (Frankfurt) Abbe 76 S.Siggia, “Quantitative Organic Analysis via Functional Groups,” Wiley, NY (1949) F.D.Snell & F.M.Biffen, “Commercial Methods of Analysis,"” McGraw- Hill, NY (1944) A.Sreubacher, “Pélvoras y Explosives," G.Gili, Buenos Aires (1952) F Suton & }.Grant, '"A Systematic Handbook of Volumetric Analysis,” Burrerworth, London (1955) ‘Anon, “Military Explosives,” Department of the Army Technical Manual TM 9-1910 and Department of the Air Force Technical Order TO 11A-1-34, Pashingcon, DC(1955) AN Tobolsky & R.B.Mescobian, “Organic Peroxides,”" Interscience, NY (1954) F.P.Treadwell & W.T-Hall, “Analytical Chemistry," Wiley, NY, vol 2 1949) ‘See Merriam-Webster’s (1951) N.E.Yaremeako & B.Ya.Svetlov, “Teotiya i Tekhnologuiya Promy shlenaykd Varyvchatykh Veshchesto" (Theory & Technology of Industrial Ex: plosives), Promstroyizdat, Moscow (1957) Zhurnal Ekpetimental’noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki (Joumal of Experi- mental & Theoretical Physics) (Russia) Zeitschtife fOr physikalische Chemie, published in Leipzig({ must not be confused with the journal published in Frankfurt since about 1953) Zeitschrift fie physikalische Chemie (Frankfurt a/M) AL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EXPLOSIVES AND RELATED ITEMS "106" ", Code designation for 1,9-Dinitroxy ~2,4,6,8-tetranitro~2,4,6,8-tetrazanonane described under Dihydroxycetrazanonane "121", See Firing or Igniter Composition in PATR 25101958), p Ger 49 Acexplosif). A Fe expl prepd by mizing Amm perchlorate 94 & CC(collodion cotton), in the form of jelly 6% Ref: Commission des Substances Explo- sives, MP 12, 1819034) Aseries). Ger rockets, A(Raketen) (see PATR 2510, p Ger 1) Ai(Monobei)Brit permitted expi: AN 60, NG 10, #M 9, K chloride 20 & moisture 1%; max cherge 28 o2 and Bal Pead Swing 2.72" Ref; Barnett 1919),134 Al(Roundiol). A currene, granular Brit pee ited coal mining exp: AN 53.6-56.5, Na nitrate 9-11, NG & NGe 9=11, vegetable fibers 11-13, Na chloride 11-13, Amm phos phate(dibasic) 0-0.5, resin 0-0.5 & moisture 2%. Power 61% of BG and d 0.70 | Refs: 1) Thorpe 4(1940), 556 2)]. Taylor, Detouation ia Coodensed Explosives, Caren doa Press, Oxford(1952), 20 A%lMonobel). An eatlier type of Brit mining, expl: AN 59, NG 10, FM(wood meal) 9, K loride 20, Mg carbonate 1 & moisture 17%; sax charge 22 02 and Bal Pend swing 2.44" {See also Monobe! No2) Refs Barmete(1919), 134 A-dRocket). Same as V-? described ia PATR 2510(1998), p Ger 213 ‘Ag Fascheads) See PATR 25101958), P Gert A-9/4—10(Guided Mis (2958), p Gert Abbeites, Brit permited expls: a)AN78-82, le). See PATR 2510 NG 9-11, WM(dried ar 100°) 8-10 & moisture 0.5-2.5%(Ref 1) b)AN 58, NG 8, DNT 2, WM 9 & Na chloride 23% Re/:Escales, “Ammonsprengstoffe(1909), 187 Abbreviations of Ordnance and other terms are given at the beginning of the volume. jons of German Ordnance terms are given in PATR 2510(1958), pp Gee 309-45 Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus( 1827-1902), ‘was a leading Brie seicatist in the fields of propellants and explosives. Introduced the practice of beating nitrocellulose to effect stabilization, devised a stability test for explosives which is named after him, and was the author of numerous patents and publications on explosives Refs: 1)} Spiller, JCS 87, $65-70(1905) 2)T-Uebadski, MAF 13, 837—41(1934) 3)Pérez Ara( 1945), 362 4XGiua, Dizionario, 71(1948), PT Abel & Dewor Smokeless Propellant, invenced in 1889, consisted of high aierogen NC gela- tinized by acetone of ethyl acetate & NG Ref: Cundill’ s Dictionary, MP 5, 279(1892) Abel Powder or Picric Powder, A mixt for priming PA(pictic acid) invenced in 1869 by Sir F.A.Abel: Amm picrate 40 & K nitrate 60% (Ref 1), French used a similar compn called Brugere(poudte). in Ref 2, the compn of pierie powder is given as Anm picrate 43 4 K nitrate 57% yel soliddee without mele= ing; brisance — less than TNT; ballistic strength ca 75% TNT; deton rate ca 3500 m/s ‘v5 6900 for TNT; sensitivity to impact, cifle bullet and initiation ~ comparable co ceeryl; stability and compatibility with mecals — comparable ro Amm picrate. Was used during WUTI by the British as a booster in AP projec- tiles filled with Shelite(qv) Refs: 1yThoxpe 4(1940), 483 2)All&EN Expls(1946), 104 Abel’ = Researches on Guncotton are de- scribed in JCS 20, 310-357 & $05~576(1857) Abel Srokeless Propellant, invented in 1886, consisted of a mixt of AN & NC coated with petroleum « of xo camphor Ref Cundill’ s Dictionary, MP §, 2791892) Abel’ s Test or Kl-Storch Test was designed by Sit F.A,Abel to determine the stability of propellants and explosives. It involved heat ing a small sample of an expl in a test tube closed with a stopper provided with » hook ‘on which is suspended a strip of KI-Search paper, moistened at the upper half wich 30% slycerin in wates. The tube is heated in a constant temp bath and the time necessary 10 produce a slight brownish (or other) eolorar tion at the border between the moistened and dy areas of the indicator paper is observed. The longer the time required the greater the stability of substance under test. The test is usually conducted either at 65.5° oF 82.2, bur other temps may also be'used. More de- tailed descriptions of the test are given un- er propellants and under some expls, such as TNT Notes: a)Although his test is one of the oldest in existence, it is still used very extensively b)ln this test, nitrogen dioxide, ‘hich stars to evolve at the moment of decompa of a propellant or an expl, forms, fon contact with wetted portion of the test paper, a mixture of nitrous and nitric acid. The acids accack KI and the liberated iodine colocs the starch paper c)Koehler & Mar querol(Ref 2) do not recommend the use of Abel’ test for NC propellants contg Ca carbonate — Bergmann—Junk test(qv) gives more reliable results Refs: 1)Marshall 21917), 644 & 657 2)A. Kochlee & MMarqucyrol, MP 23 11~18(1928) 3Macshall 3(1932), 213 4)Reilly(1938), 71-7, 5)A.L-Olsen & J.9.Greene, Wiley, NY(1943), 28-30 6)Kase—Merz(1944), 227— 32,3079 & 458-60 T)PATR 1401, Revi- sion 1(1950) 13 & 17-18 az Abolite. A type of Bric dynemice patented by Sir F.A.Abel: NG 65.5, GC(gue cotton) (finely divided) 30.0, Na nitzaze 3.5 a Na carbonate 1.0% Re/s: 1)Daniel, Dictionnaire (1902), pt 2)Perez Ara(1945), 330 Abelite No. 1. A cype of Brie “permicced’” expl: AN 68, TNT 6,7, DNR(dinitrobenzene) 7.0, Na chloride 17,5, moistuce 0.5 & woac 0.3% Refs Barnen(1919), 132 Abelli, Modesto( 1259-1911). Ital scientist who specialized in expl. Was director for a oumberofyears of the Nobel Dynamite Plant at Avighiana Ref: L.Cesatis, SS 6, 381-2(1911) Abelli Propellant? NC 30-45, NG 45-30 NGu 20-25% Ref: M.Abelli, USP 899,855(1908) & CA 3, 377(1909) Noje: ke seems that incorporation of NGu in propellants as a cooling agent was not otigi- tally a Gemnan idea but dat of Abell [See PATR 2510( 1958), p Gers (Gudolpulver) aod Ger 121(Sitroguanidia of Nigu] Aberdeen Chronograph . See under Chronograph s Aberdeen Proving Ground is the US Ordnance Proving Ground located in Maryland, near Baltimore, Is mission is outlined in Ordnance Comps Order 4-57, 11 Feb 1957 and in Change 1, 25 July 1958, Dept of the Amy, Chief of Ordaance, Washington 25, DC Abietetes, See under Abietic Acid and Deriva- ABIETIC ACID AND DERIVATIVES Abietic Acid or Sylvie Acid (1,2,3,4,4a,4b,5, 6,10,10a-Decahydro-7-isopropyt+-1,4a-dimethyl- L-phenanthrene-catboxylic Acid), CyoH;, COOH, a3 MW 302.44, Leaflets, mp 174-5°, bp 200° at Imm, d 1.132 25°, 0% 1.514, [a] 115.6°, Insol in m, very sol in ale & ett, May be obtained from the resin of piae spec- ies(colophony) or by other methods (Refs 1, 2& 5). A lab method of prepa is described in Ref 6. les toxicology, fire hazard, storage and handling are discussed in Ref 7. It was laimed (Ref 3) that the ignition sensitivity life of ignicer compds contg cuprous acery- lide(or other metallic acerylides) is improved by the addition of small amounts of abietic cid Rejs: 1)Beil 9,1424] 2)L.F.Fieser & W.P. Campbell, ACS 60,159 & 166(1938) 3).F. Rolland, USP 2,388, 368(1945) & CA 40,1036 (0946) 4)Kisk & Othmer 1(1947),148 5)H.H. Zeiss, ChemRevs 42,163—4(1948) 6)0rg ‘Synth 32(1952),1—4 7)$ax(1957),227 Abietic, Azido Derivative, Ny -Cie Hs COOH — ‘ot found in Beil or CA through 1956 Abietic Acid, Diazide Derivetive, (Ns), CHa -COOH = not found in Beil o CA through 1956 Dinitroabletic Acids. The dinitso compd of the formula (O,N), C,H -COOH, mp 178~ 184°, ceported tobe obtained by Johansson i acid (Refs 1 & 2)could by later investigators. Goldblatt et al(Refs 3 & 4) repomed that by niteating abietic acid with nitric acid(d 1.42) in AcOH ot in boiling alc, they obtained white eryste, mp 171.2— 171.42, comresponding to the formul (0,8), Cally, COOH, Fieser & Campbell (Rets 5 & 6) prepa the compd (O,N), Cul +COOH, nds decomposng at 178-185%, by rating dehydroabietic acid, CyyH,y-COOH, with fuming nitric or mixed nitcie-sil futie acid, This compd was identified as 6,8- dinitrodebydroabietic or pyroabietic acid and had the same props as comp reported by Jo- bansson ns dinitroabietic acid Rejs: 1)Beil 9,{428] 2)D.Johansson, AtkivKemi Min Geol(Stockbolm) 6, No 19, 20pp(1917) & CA 12,583(1918) 3)Beil 9, [430] 4)A.Goldblatr et al, JACS 52,2133(1930) 5)Beil 9,{448] 6.L.F.Fieser a W.P.Campbell, JACS 60, 165(1938) itroabietic Acid,(O,N),CysHl COOH. ‘This compd, crysts, mp 177-8, claimed to bbe prepd by Dubourg(Refs 1 & 2) proved to be identical with 6,8-dinitrodehydroabietie (O,N), CH, » COOH prepa by Fieser & Campbell(Ref 3) Re{s: 1)Beil 9,{428} 2)].Dubourg,Bulllnse- Pin( Ft) No 41,241-6(Oct 1927) & CA 22, 593(1928) 3)L.F.Fieser & W.P.Campbell, TACS60,165(1938) Polynitre Derivative of Abietie Acidao forwila given), yel amorphous solid which exploded on heating and gave bright red Na, K & Amm salts, sol in w. It was prepa by dissolving sbietic acid in foming nitric acid heated, if necessary) and pouring the sola into a large amt of ice cold water Refs: 1)Beil 9,{428] 2)]-Duboutg, Bulllnst~ Pint) No 41,241~6(Oct 1927) & CA 22, 5941928) Abietic Acid, Orgonie Derivotives(Abieta tes): Ichas been claimed char the incorporation of 510% of an sliphs (egethyl, methyl, phenyl or benzyl abietates) in single- or double-base propellants reduced the temp of burning and eliminated the muzzle flash Ref: $.G.Nomton,USP 1,788,438(1951) & CA 5,1086(1931) Following are some organic abiecates: Benayl Abietate, Cy sCO, «CH, CH Semi-lig, bp 294-297° at 4mm, d 1.036 at 15/4°and my, 1.551. Used as a plasticizer and was recommended as a flash ceducer in smokeless propellants Ref: 1)Beil 9,{431) 2)C.C.Kesler, JACS 49, 2902—3(1927) 3)S.G.Norton, USP 1,788,438(1931) Exhyl Abjerate, CM, » 0, -C,H,. Yel oil freezing at ~45°, bp 204-207°at 4m, 4 1,032 ae 15/4°, np 1.5265, Used in lacquers and recommended as a flash reducer in smoke less propellanes Refs: 1)Beil 9,{431) 2)C.C.Kesler et al, JACS 43,2901(1927) 3)A.C Johnston, IEC 21, 6881929) Ethyl Abietate, Nitration with HNO, (4 1.42) in alcoholic sola produced a solid, mp 157.5~ 157.8°, corresponding to the formula CyHygN 0, with N=6.90%. The same compa ‘was obeained by refluxing an alcoholic sus- pension of the Na salt of CygHl,gN,O, with diethyl sulface Refs: 1)Beil 9 not found 2)L.A.Goldblatt et al, JACS 52,2135(1930) Metbyl Abjetate, CygHl CO, -CH,. Lig, bp 225=6° a 16mm, d 1.050 at 15/4° and a, 1.3344. Recommended as a plasticizer for NC Refs: WyBeil 9,(430] 2)C.C.Kester et al, JACS 49,2902(1927) Phenyl Abietate, CygH CO, -CyHy. Semi- solid, distilled ae 330-333° at 4mm giving 1 dark-colored gum which did not become lighter ia color on redistilling: d 1.056 at 15/4° and np 1.5354. Recommended as a flash reducer in propellants Refs: Beil M431} 2)C.C.Kesler et al, JACS 49,2901(1927) Ablation. According to Nicholls et al(Ref 1), there is considerable contempornry interest in the phenomenon of ablation, or mass loss from solids as a cesult of their immer: ‘an environment from which chere is a large rate of energy transfer ‘The study of ablation in shock tubes con ducted in Canada is briefly described in open literature (Ref J), whereas the seudies of ablation conducted in the USA are clas: fFied(Ref 2) Refs: 1)R.W.Nicholls ex al, JApplPhys 30, 797--8(1959)16 refs) 2)N.Beecher,National Research Comp, “‘Ablation Mechanism Study", Contract DA~19~020-ORD—4689, Progress Report No 7(1959) and previous cepts(C) Abnormal Temperature Testing of Propellonts is discussed in the US Ordaance Proof Manual No 40~32(1949). The purpose of che'se cests iss to determine the effect of extreme temps (as low s ~70°F and as high as 160°F) 00 ballistic uniformity of a propellant and the adequacy of the ignition system. In these testsythe projectiles are fired at various temps to determine the felationship of velocity/temp and pressure/temp Abonachit 2. A Ger expl used during WWII for filling grenades. See Fillet No 57 in PATR 2510(1958),p Ger 47 Abrasive. Any grinding oF polishing material, such as emery, ground glass, carborundum, infusorial earth, pumice ete. Some of these materials are used in priming compositions in order ¢o increase the sensitivity of other components (such as MF, KCIO, ete) co feietion or impact. Crystalline Sby5, used in priming compas functions not only as 2 fuel bur also as an abrasive(See under Primers) Refs: 1)Kitk & Othmer 1(1947),1~12(12 refs) 2)Riegel, Industrial Che misery(1949),334~41 Absolute Method of Measurement of Power of Explosives. See under Power of Explosives, Measurements Absolute Rete Theory(also known as Transi- tion State or Activated Complex Theory). 4 theory of reaction rates based on the postu: late that molecules form, before undergoing reaction, an activated complex which is in ‘equilibrium with the reactants, The rate of reaction is controlled by the concn of the complex present at say instant. In general, the complex is unstable and has a very brief existance(See also Collision Theory of Re- action) Refs: 1)H.Fysing, JChemPhys 3,107~15(1935) (The activated complex in chemical reactions) 2). Wynne-Jones &H.Eyring, JChemPhys 3, AS 492~502(1935XThe absolute rate of reac tions in conden sed phase s) 3)C.F.Pratton & S.H.Maron, Fundamental Principals of Physical Chemistry, MacMillan, NY (1951), pp642—3 4)A.A.Frost & R.G,Pearson, Kinetics and Mechanism, Wiley,N¥(1953) pp85~90 5)E.S.Freeman & S.Gordon, JPhys ‘Chem 60,867-71(1956) (The application of the absolute rate theory to the ignition of propagatively reacting systems)(10 refs) Absorbent, Any body ot substance which imbibes or takes up another either by pene- tration into the pores, erevices, of capillary spacesof the absorbent, or by dissolving it. Energy of various kinds may also be taken tup by the absorbent. The absorbent may be a liguid or a solid and the absorption (qv) may occut with or without chemical action. Milusteative examples are: wood which ab- ‘socbs water, water which absorbs gases solid anhydrous Ca chloside which absorbs water, liquids which absorb light rays (see Absorption Spectros- copy) colored solutions which absorb lights of different wave lengths than the calor of the absorbent (See also Absorption and Adsorption) Absorbent Mate rials te Contre! Exudation were discussed by R.W.Hleinemann, FREL, EDS, PicAtsn, Dover, NJ, May 1959(See also under Exadation) ‘Absoebont(Adsorbont) Materials in Dyno: mites, See Dopes Absorbent(Adsorbent) Materials for Li Explosives. See under Liquid Explosives (Oxyliquits) Absorbent Materials for Nitrogen Oxides, A satd soln of K bichromate or 0.02M Kper- manganate in coned sulfuric aci advantageously used co replace PbO, ia analytical organic combustions for the de- termination of C, H and N can be Ref: P.J.Elving & W.H.McElroy JEC, Anal Ed 18,660(1941) & CA35,6896(1941) Absorbent Materials from Potatoes. A fibrous material, obtained by washing potatoes until the zemaining fibers contain 15% or less starch and chen deying and commiauting the fibers, was proposed as an absorbent for liquid explosives (such as NG),ete(Ref 1) In another patent by the same fim, the abe sorbent is prepd by evaporating the liquid used in washing potato starch, followed by drying and pulverizing the residual fibrous mass, which contains but liele starch(Ref 2) Refs: 1)N.V.M.A.Scholten’ 5 Aardappelmeel- fabrieken, BrieP 506,929(1939) & CA 34,550 (1940) 2)ibid, GerP 726,376(1942) & CA 37, 6462(1943) Absortiometer, an apparatus for analysis of metals, and probably suitable for analysis of metal-contg expl & pyro compns, is described in the book by F.W.Haywood& A.A.R. ood, ‘Metallurgical Analysis by Means of the Spekker Photoelectric Absorptiometer,” Hilger & Waets,London( 1957) Absorption(see also Adsorption) is an act or process of taking up (incorporating) gases, liquids or solids inside a liquid or solid sub- stance which may be called the “absorbent” Absorptions may be classed principally as physical, chemical, thermal (radiation), elec tical and physiological. Only the first tno are treated here In physical absorption ne chemical reac- tions take piace and the absorbed material (absorbate) is held by the absorbing material (absorbent) only by the forces of cohesion or capillary ction in the pores of the solid. Physical absorption is a reversible process. As examples may be cited the absorgtion of gases such as and absorption by soda lime or KOH of car bon dioxide agen ot oxygen ia water, In chemical absorption definite chemical bonds are produced between the atoms and molecules inside the “absorbents’? and the atoms and molecules of the “‘absorbates”” ‘This is usually accompanied by considerable ‘evolution of heat and the reaction is very difficule co reves: platinum sponge is held in the vapors of alco hol absorption proceeds with enormous evolu- tion of heat = the sponge becomes red hot and ignites the alcohol. This property has been used in some “lighters” . For inseance, shen cold From the point of view of industry, the book ‘of Browa on Unit Operations(Ref 4,p32) de- fines absorption as “an operation in which significant or desired transfer of material is from the vapor phase to the liquid phase". Absorption usually, but not always, desig- ‘nates an operation in which the liquid is sup- plied as a separate stream independent of the vapor being treated Refs? IH.C.Carloon et al, LEC 38, Jon 1948 and following years under Unit Operations sorption and Humidification”” 2)Kirk & ‘Othmer 1(1947)14—32(25 references) 3)Perry (1950),667-711 4)6.G.Brown, Edie,"Unit Operations)"Wiley,NY(1950) 5)T.K.Sherwood & R.L-Pigford, “Absosption and Extraction,"* MeGraw-Hlill,NY(1952),pp 115-390 Additional Rejerences on Absorption: «)M. Voogd,CanP 362,060(1936) & CA 31,1563, (1937) Absorption of nitrogen oxides from gases leaving the acid absorption system of ‘a nitric acid plane by coneace with sufficient gaseous NA, to neuttalize the N oxides in the gas stream and tender it slightly alkaline) b)S.N.Ganz & L.J.Mamon, ZburPriklKhim 26, 1005~13(1953) & CA 48,7982(1954)(Absorp- tion of NO by FeSO,) €)G.Cherubin, Bull Ft 1954,192—5 & CA 48,5684(1954)(The nitra- tion of celivlose with mixed HNO,—H, SO, depends on the absorption of acids into the 8) Absorption Cocfficient. See Coefficient of Absorption Absorption, Electronic. See under Absorption Resorption Spectroscopy is the technique de- voted to the study of radiations absorbed on passing through matter of various forms. Es- sentially, the method consists in placing a transparent solid ot liq material of sola in AG quartz containers, called cells, between the source of light (visible, ulteaviolee exc) and fa spectrometer, and observing which lengths of radiation ate absorbed. Absorption spec= troscopy is used in anaylsis of expls and propelllanes ‘The technique which determines the relation ship becween the wave lengeh(frequency) of radiation and its ateeneuation by absorption upon passage through a particular medium, is called absorption spectrophotometry Following are selected refs on absorption spectroscopy, absorption spectrophotometry, elecitonie spectroscopy, ete: 1)F-Twyman & C.B.Allsop, "The Practice of Absorption Spectrophotome try, Adam Hilger,London( 1934) 2)H.Moblec, “Absorprionsspekteum der chemi- ‘chen Bindung,"teproduced by Edwards Bros, ‘Ana Arbor, Mich(1943)_3)L, Pauling,OSRD Rept5953(1945) "Absorption Spectra of Ex- plosives and Oher Compounds of Interest in the Study of Smokeless Powder” (Conf)(not used for this dictionary) 4)G.R.Hartison, R.C.Lord & J.R.Loofbourow, "Practical Spectroscopy, ‘Preatice-Hall, NY(1949) 3)¥. West in Weisberger’ s "Physical Methods of Organic Chemisteyilnterscience NY v1 ,patt2 (1949,pp 12951312 6)G.F.Lothian, “Ab- sorption Speetrophocomerry" Adam Hilger, London(1949} 7)M.G.Mellon, et al ‘*Analyti- cal Absorption Spe etroscopy"”, Wiley,NY(1950) 8)K.Dobriner, "Infrared Absorption Spectra’’, lacerseience,NY(1953) 9)J Deschamps, MSCE 38,335(1953) (Uleraviolet absorption spectra of nitronium and nitrosonium ions) IONN.Nortish et al, PeRS A227,423-33(1955) 4 CA 49,7391(1955) (Explosive combustion of hydrocarbons — comparative iavestigation and seudy of continuous spectra) 11)H.MHershen- 00, “Ulteaviolet and Visible Absorption Spectea’', Index for 25 years ~ 1930 to 1954, Academie Press, NY(1936) 12)A.Gillam & E,S.Stem, "An Inuroduetion to Electronic Spectroscopy in Organic Chemistry”, St Martins, Londan(1958)See also Infeared Sp txoscopy, Ulraviolet Spectroscopy and Spectroscopy) ble Absorption Towers or Columns are tall cylin~ drical structures designed for absorpcion(qv) of gases by liquids. There are several types of towers, such as: b)Plate towerThe simplest type consists of a closed vertical cylinder the inside of which is partitioned by a set of horizontal trays in- stalled one above the other, Each tay has ‘two openings, ane in the center for a bubble ‘capythe other on the side for an overflow cube. The liquid moves from the top to the bottom of the cower while the gas passes counter current. The liquid flows across the first eray and then falls to the second tray. It flows in this teay in the opposite dicection and falle ‘co the third tray, thus following a twisting path down the column b)Packed tower consists of a closed cylinder filled with differene solids such as pieces of stone, brick, glass, coke, Raschig rings, Berl saddles, Lessing rings, Nielson propel- let packing, Hecheableikner blocks, Stedmaan packing, Bregeat multiple spirals etc. Here, as in the case of plate toners, the Liquid flows from the top of the tower aad the gas enters at the bottom ‘)Spray towers contain fine-spray nozzles through which the liquid is forced under pres~ ‘sure against the incoming gas to be absorbed. Another method of atomizing’ * che Liquid consists of impinging the liquid against a disk rotated at very high speed. In the so- called “‘cyclone-spray scrubber’? the gas centers tangentially and is forced into a spiral path by a system of deflector plates, wh the absorbing liguid (such as water) enters @ perforated tube located in the center of the colunn and is sprayed againse the particles of gas. This method is very suitable for re- ‘moving dust, fumes, ete from the air, Plate ‘and packed towers are also used in the fractional distillation of liquids . Refs: 1)Kitk & Ochmer (1947),15—18 2)Peery (1950) 3)Riegel, ChemMach(1953),254—8 & 501 4)G.A.Morris & J.Jackson, Absorption Towers, Butterworth, London(1953) AT Acaci ‘See Gum Arabic ‘Achn. Code nane for 1,9-Dincetoxy-2,4,6,8- ieto-2,4,6,8euazanonane, described under Diacecoxyceteazanonane. Ie is also called 1,9-Diacerorypentamethylene-2,4,6,8° teteaniteamine and 2,4,6,8-Tetranitto-2,4,6,8" reerazanonane-1,S-diol-diacerate Acopnie. An Teal sporting propellaae(polvere a eaceia) similar to Schultze Prope lant: fomerly manuf by the SocisteIalicane poor In Fabrication de? Acapaia Re{s: 1)Daniel, Dietionnaire(1902),2.2)Bel- ¢an0(1952),292 ACARDITE OR AKAROIT Acardites are compds developed in Germany ‘as stabilizers-gelatinizers for NC in smoke- less propellants, There are three acsedices ‘of which Acasdie I was developed first Acardite | (asya-Diphenylurea ot N,N= Diphenylurea)(Akardit I or Scabilit in Ger), (GH) N-CONH, , mw 212,24, N 13.20%, OB to CO, ~ 233.7%, OB to CO ~ 135.7% Col adls, mp 189°, d 1.276.Can be prepd by one of the methods mentioned in Refs 1 ot 2 by the method used in Germany during WWI and communicated to us by Dr Hans Walter (Ref 9). The manuf in Germany was conducted in ewo stages: a) Teeatmene in the cold of iphenylamine with phosgene in the presence of soda ash in an autoclave under atmospheric pressure: (Cyii,)NH + C1LCO.Cl + 1/2 NajCO;-*(C,H,},N-CO-Cl + NaCl * CO, b)Treatment of the resulting diphenylearbamyl chloride with ammonia gas, in the presence of soda ash, conducted in the same autoclave bat under pressure and at a tempof about 100°: (Hy ),N-CO-Cl + NH, + 1/2Na,CO,-* (CH)),N-CONH, + NaCl + CO, Following are some props of Acardite I: solubilities(eppr) at RT, 2/100 m! of solvent (Ref 6a & other sources): acet 1.50, benz 0.305, carbon disulfide 0,24, chlf 5.80, alc (95%) 0.94, ethylene chloride 2.31, eth 0.209, methanol 2.93 toluene 0.105, & petr eth 0.175 ry nearly insol in «; heats of combsta 1605.4 kcal/mol at Cy, 18°, HO lig(Refs 7 & 8) ot 1606.2 at Cp(Ref 7); heat of formn 28.3 kcal/ nmol at Cy ot 32.6 at Cp(Ref 7) Acardite I wae used in Germany as a sta- bilizer -gelatinizer and as 2 muzzle flash re- ducer in NC smokeless propellants. When used in small quantities(say 0.8%), acaedites served as stabilizers, while in larger quanti- ties they acted as moderators of buming cate and as flash reducers. Acardite I was con sidered inferior in all eespects to acar- ites I and I(Ref 6). According to Ref 5, Acardite I does not exercize any gelatinizing action on NC, especially if NC is of high nitrogen concent Reudler(Ref 5), studied the aiteation of Acardite Land obtained asymedinitrodiphenyl- voreas and asymetetranicrodiphenylurea Analytical procedures for acardites are briefly described following Acatdice IT Rejs: 1)Beil 12,429,(255) {241} 2)H.Kast, Spreng- und Ziindstoffe, Braunschweig(1921), 181 3)J-F.L-Reudler, Ree 33,49~55(1914) 4)Sterebach er(1933),197_5)Anon PB Rept 115441944) 6)0.W.Scickland et al, PB Rept 925(1945) 6a)R.Dalbere & J.Tranchant, (MP 30,338(1948) 7)L.Médard & M.Thomas, MP 34,422,430 & 439-40(1952) 8)P.Taver: ier, MP 38,307—8 & 329(1956) 9)Dr Hens Walter, PicArsa,Dover,NJ; privage communi= cation(1958) Acardite I or Methylacardite(N' -Methyl-N,N- diphenylurea)(Akasdit Il in Ger), CHy-NH-COF (Clg )y mw 226.27, N 12.38%, OB to CO, 240.4%, OB to CO ~141.4%. White crysts, rnp 170.5° for a tech sample and 171.2° for samples recrystallized from chloroform or ethanol. Soly at RT in chif 15.2gper 100g of solvent and in methylene chloride 14,9g(Ref 3a). It ‘was prepd in Germany by treating equimolecu- nz quantities of DPbA and methylamine, dis- solved in CCly, with phosgene in the presence of Limestone. This was followed by fractional distillation, The reaction proceeded as follows: CH,NH, +COCL, + NH(CH,), # CaCO,_y, CH,-NH-CO-N(C\H,), + CaCl, + CO, +H,0 (Ret 2) Heat of combusen 1771.5 keal/mol at C 18° & H,O lig or 1772.6 at C,(Refs 4 & 5); hear of forma 24.1 keal/Avol at C, of 29.1 at G(Refs 4 & 5) Acardite I was proposed in Germany as a stabilizer-gelatinizer in NC smokeless pro- pellants. As a stabilizer, it was considered superior co Acardires III & I and as a gel- atinizer inferior to Acatdite I but supe to Acardite I(Ref 3) Refs: 1)Beil - not found 2)Dr Hans Walter, PicArsa; private communication 3)0.W. Stickland et al, PB Rept 925(1945),18 3a) R.Dalbest J. Tranchant, MP 30,340(1948) <4)L.Médurd & M.Thomas, MP 34,423 & 430 (1952) 5)P. Tavernier, MP 38, 307 & 329(1956) Acardite Il or Etkylacardite (N! -Eehyl-N,N ‘iphenylurea)(Akardit I, in Ger), GH, NH-CON(CH, ),» ow 240.29, N 11.66%, OB CO, 246.4%, OB ro CO “146.5%. Whice cryst, mp 72.3° for a tech sample and 73.19 for samples reeryed from ethanol ot chll(Ref 4), le was peepd in Germany by treat. ling with phosgene a soln in carbon tetra- chloride of equimolac quantities of ethyl- amine aad diphenylamine in the presence of limestone. This was followed by fractional distillation. The following reaction took place Hy NH, +COCI, + N(CH), + CaCO, CH, -NILCONE,H,), + CaCl, + CO, + HO(Ref 2) Heat of combusin 1922.7 keal/ol at Cy, 18° & HO lig(Refo 4 & 5) oF 1924.1 at Cy (Rel 4) heat of formn 35.0 keal/inol at Cy oF 40.5 at G, (Ref 4) Acatdixe III nas proposed in Germany as a stabilizer-galatinizer in NC smokeless pro- pellants. As a stabilizer it was considered ‘superior to Acardice I and inferior to Acardive and as a galacinizer superior to Acardite IL a9 Refs: 1)Beil ~ not found 2)Dr Hans Walter, PicAran; private communication 3)0.¥. Stickland et al, PB Repe 925(1945),18 4)L. Médard & M. Thomas, MP 34,423 w 431(1952) S)P-Tavernier, MP 38,3078 & 329(1956) Acardites, Analytical Procedures. Following methode are based on Refs 1,2,3 & 5: Method 1 (when only acardite I is present and no urethanes, DPhA of centralites): a)Extract ‘ith chloroform or methylene chloride(S~10g) 4 finely divided propellant using a Soxhlet a other extractor(ea 15 hrs for complete ex- traction), Evaporate chif under reduced pres~ sure and weigh the dry residue(we 1) b)Check the mp and if is close to 189°, no fader analysis is necessary eff mp is not 189°, shake the residue with 50ce CCI(in which acardite Tis only sl sol), add S0ee of N/5 K bromide-bromate sola, and 10ee cone’ HCI: HN-CON(C,H,), + 231, —» HyiCO N(GHBN, + 2HBr. This bromination is com- plete if conducted in the dark for 6 hrs. 4) Determine the ame of uazencted bromine by adding K iodide sola: Bt, + 2KI_ 2KBr +, and titcatng the liberated iodine with N/5 Na thiosulfate solo in presence of starch. Caleue late the ame of acardite I, knowing that ice of N/s thiosulfate = 0.0106 4 of akardize we 2)- the we 2 is smaller chan we 1, some impurity is present(Refs 2 & 5) Note: According to Dalbert & Tranchant(Ref 3) the above direct bromination of acardite I is fot as convenient as their method, which con- sists essentially of: a)saponiication of acardite I(extracted from propellant) by boile ing with 3N NaOH soln for 2 hrs: H,N-COr (GHA), + H,0 —e CH, NHC, + CO, + NH,” B)Bromination of the cesulking di- phenylamine with bromide-beomatet he): CH, NHC, + 2Br, —e BrC,H NH-CH Be + 2HBr c)Determination of unreacted bromine by adding to the sola KI and titrating the liberated iodine with N/10 thiosulfate in presence of starch. Cale the amt of akardite 1 knowing that 1ccof N/10 thiosulfate corzes- ponds to 0.0021g DPhA of 0.0053g acardite 1 Method when acardite I and a centralive are present): a)Exuact the finely ground sample of propellant, as in Method 1, evapor ate the solvent and weigh the dry residue (we 1), which is equal eo centralite & scar dite b) Treat the residve with aq ACOH at will hydeolize the centralize, jte I intact ¢)Wash the residue ith w, dry, and weigh(wt 2). We 2 is equal to acerdite I and we 1— we 2 is equal to ceneralite d) Det mp of acardite I and ca 189°, no further analysis is necessary elif mp is not 189°, deta che ame of acazdice either by dizect bronination, proc dof Method 1 or by the method of Dalbere & Tranchant(Ref 3) Method 3{ehen acardite I and substituted urethanes are present in propellants not contg NG or DEGDN) ; a)Extract with chlf for methylene chloride) a large sample(ca 10g) of finely ground propellant, evaporate the solvent and weigh ie(we 1). This is equal co acardite I & urethanes b)Stir the residue with 50ce of toluene, previously saturated with acardite I and filter cough sintered glass crucible, under vacuo. Rinse the residue with few ce of w, dey, and weigh (wt 2). We 2 is equal to acardite I and we 1 = wt 2is equal to urethanes such 20 di- phenylurethane, ethyiphenylurethane, ete (Ref 3, pp 338-9) Method 4(when acatdite I alone is present as stabilizer and gelatinizer): a)Extract finely divided sample of propellanc(ca 10g) with methylene chloride or chlf and evap the solvent b) Dry at 110° and weigh(we 1) (acardite Il is not volatile at 110°) Dee the mp and if it is ea 170.5%, the identity of acardite Il is established. If mp differs from 170.5°, boil the residue with ethanol and ag sulfuric acid to split the acardite Ut: CHyHN-CON(C,H,), HOH, co, + CH NECA, + CH,NH, d)Distl off quancica- tively methylamine into a flask contg AcOH and save the residue contg DPhA )Treat Alo the soln of methylamine with aq Na nitrite: CiiyNH, + NaNO, + CHCOOH ——. Ny + GH,COGNa + CH,OH + H,0, and collect the liberated nitrogen into a gas burette. Cale irom the ant of N, the ame of acardice I (nt 2). If we 2 is smaller chan we 1, then something else than acardite I is present fla order to establish thar the sample coo- tains acardite Mand noe acardise Ul, tear the soln(atter removal of N gas) with cheomie acid mixtK, Cr, O, + i, S0,) to oxidize the mmethanel to formaldehyde, The pungent oder of formaldehyde indicates the presence of acardite I in propellants. Moce definite results ttre obtained by treating the oxidized soln with fuchsin, previously discolored by reatment with SO, the presence of formaldchyde(and of acardite 11) and che intensity of coloration can be detnd in a colocimerer_g)Another way to check the results of analysis is to det the amt of DPhA in residae of proc (2). For this wash the residue and dry & weigh i(wt 2° DPhA) hyVeriy the identity of DPhA by dissolving the residue in coned sullaric acid and dec che at of OPhA colorimetrically without delay Using as reagent aq KNO, soln(Refs 3 & 5) Method s(when acardite Ul & centralites ate present): a)Extract with chif or methylene Ghloride ca 10g of finely divided propellant, ‘evap the solvent and weigh the dried exteact (we 1 = centealie + acardite Il) byTreac the cextraceed material with aq AcOH at pH ca 4 and filter the mixt through tared sintered lass crucible. Rinse the residue, dry it const we and weigh(vt 2 = acardice IT and wt L—we 2 centralites) €)Continue dhe analysis as described in procedures (c) to (@) of Method 4 Method 6(when acardite IIf alone is present ‘as stabilizer and gelatinizer):Procs a) to ¢)~ same as in Method 4 f)ln order co establish thac the sample contains acardite II and act acardite Il, treat the soln(after removal of N gas) with chromic mix(K, Ce,0, +H, SO,) in order to oxidize ethanol to acetaldehyde. ‘Treat the oxidized soln with fuchsin, previously divcolored by treatment with $O, gas. No change in coloration indicates the abseace of formaldehyde, which would form in the presence of acardite Il Proce g)&h)—same as in Method 4 Method (when acardite Il and centralites are present): Procs a)@b)~same as in Method 3; ©), d) & e) — same as in Method 4; 1, 2) &h)~ same as Method 6 Method 8(when acardite I and diphenylamine sce present): a)Extact ca 10g of finely divided propellant with methylene chloride or with chlf, evap the solvent and dry and ‘weigh the exacted residue (P= x+y, where x is the we of acardite IL and y is the we of DPhA in propellant) b)Dissolve the extracted material in 50ce chlf, add 300cc water and an excess of K bromide-bromate sola of known concn c)AVter brominating for 4 hrs at RT, add aq sola of KT and citrate che iberaeed iodine with N/10 Na thiosulfate (ee of thiosulfate is eequiced for 0.0021 g of DPhA) Alf the caled we of DPhA is equal to P', mol wt of DPhA = 169 and we of 2 mols of acardite Il is equal o 452, the Pt = 169/452 x+y = 0.374 x+y Eg: If P = 2.5000 g and P' ~ 1.8000 g, then x ty = 2,300 and 0.324 x + y = 1.800, then £1.19 g and y = 1.381 g (Ref 3, p 342) Method uben acardite 1H and DPhA ase present) same as in Method 8 except the foemula in proced(d) shall be P, ~ 1693/480¢ ty s0.3sarey Note: In Ref 4 aze given colorine tions with aq K nitrate—sulforie acid for dcardite (color of ring bm-red & violet and color after mixing gra-bea ting into yel-bro) and for acerdite Ii{color of ring blue-gra, aad colo after mizing blue-grn turning into violet) Re/s: UF. Becker & G.A.Huncld, SS 28,285(1933 2)KaseMetz(1944),165 3)R.Dalbert & J chant, MP 30,335-42(1942) 3a)T.C.].Ovensron, Analyst 74,344-51(1949) (Chromatographic deta of acardizes in propellants) 4)F.vonGizyki & L.Reppel,ZAnalChen 144, 110-11(1955) (Color factions of acardites [& 111) $)Dr Hans Walter, All PicArso; private communication(1959) Accolerogeaphs, Accelerometers and other devices for experimental study of movement of projectiles in guns are described by P. Libessare, MAF 11,1077-1117(1932) Accenzione(ltal). Ignition Acceptable Explosives belong to the group of “Dangerous Chemicals'"(qv), as defined by the ICC (laterstate Commerce Commission), ‘hich may be safely transported by railroads, motor vehicles and steamships subject to certain regulations Acceptable explosives may be divided into thee classes: Gloss A: dangerous explosive s(detonating a otherwise) of maximum hazard, Their dis- tinguishing characteristic is the susceptbil- ity to deton by a blasting cap. Typical ex- amples are: dynamite, PA, TNT, NC, NG and AN and chlorate expls. Black powder is also includ in this group although it cane aot be detonated by a commercial blasting eax ICC See 73.53) Class B: less dangerous explosives than A. In general they function by rapid combustion rather than by deton. Typical examples: some smokeless propellants, some pyrotechnic powders(flash powders) and signal deviees ICC See 73.88) Class C: relatively sate expls(minimum haz- ard). They are defined as certain types of manufd articles which contain class A or class B expls, of bath, as components but in cestticeed quantities. Eg: small arms am- reunition and certain types of fireworks (ICC See 33.100)(See also Forbidden Explosives) Refs: 1)US War Dept Tech Manual TM 3-250 (1940),pp 4~5 2)Agent H.A.Campbell’ s ‘Taviff No 10, publishing the “Interstate Com- merce Commission Regulations for Transpor- tation of Explosives and other Dangerous Articles by Land or Water”, 30 Vesey St, New York 7, N¥(1957) Accessibility is the ratio between the por tion of a cellulose sample which is accessi- ble to a given reagenc (such as Ac, 0, Ac, 0 + HINO, AcONO, etc) and the partion ‘hich is not accessible Ithas been claimed that the: eryst(or of- dered) regions of cellulose resist che pene- tration of reagents while the amorphous re- sions are mote reactive. This definition is only approximace Refs: 1)).Chbdin & A,Teibot, MSCE 36,42 (1951) ets) 2)0tt, 5, part 1(1954),pp 7 % 266 3)E.Dyer & HVilliams, TAPPI 40, No 1,14-20(1957)(16 refs) Acctais(Ieal). Seeel Acciaie fuso(Ieal). Cast steel ‘Accidental Explosions in Process Industry Plonts, Causes of such explosions may some- times be determined by a study of resulting missiles as well as of say cozpees Ref: C.Field, ChEng 54,102—4(Jan 1947); 125--8(Feb 1947); 118-20(March 1947) Accidental Scientific Discoveries. Title of a booklet by B-E.Schaar, published in 1955 by Schaar & Co, 754 W.Lexington Se, Chicago 7,lll. Among many interesting items in the booklet, mention is made of the accidental discoveries of dynamite, acerylene, the ben- zene ring, iodine, oxygen, petroleum jelly, plastics, radioactivity, and X-rays, All these substances and phenomena are of importance in the expls industry Accidents in Indvstry(Laws, Prevention, Statistics, etc). See the following publications: 1)G.C. Whalen, Chemlnds 54,852~3(1944) “Accident Analysis in Wartime Chemical Plants" 2)E.H.Judson & J.M,Brown, "Occupa- tional Accident Prevention", Wiley N¥(1944) 3)C.G.Daubney Meta largia 33,41-4(1945) “Accident Investigations” 4)US Army, Corps of Engineers Safety and Accident Prevention Div, Safety Requirements, Pamphlet,US Govt Printing Office( 1946) 5)H.W.Heinrich,"In- dusteial Accident Prevention; A Scientific “Approach 3ed ed, McGraw-Hill, NY(1950) 6)National Safety Council, “Accident Preven tion Manual for Industrial Operations,"2ad 4, Chicago,IU(1951) 7Waderwricers Lab- ‘oratories lnc’ Lists Relating to Accident Equipment;NY(1951) 8)National Fire Pro- tection Association, ’National Fire Codes for the Prevention of Dust Explosions,” Boston(1952) 9)¥.M.Kunstler,"The Law of Accidents;"Oceana Publications NY(1954) 1O)US Bureau of Mines,"Accidents from Exe plosives at Metal and Non-metallic Mines," Taly(1956)(See also Safety Measures ia la- asery) Accumulotors(Scorage Batteries) are fre= quently used in Ordaance planes and labora tories, Since they represent certain explo- sive hazards some knowledge of their han- dling is desirable, The following references contain such informatio: Refs: 1)G.W.Vinal,"Storage Batteries; Wiley, NY(1940) 2)G.W.Jones et al, USBurMines Tech Paper 612,pp 1141940) & CA 34, '8284(1940}(Danger of explosion in storage battery rooms due to evolution of hydrogen and formation of explosive mixtures with air) 3)J-Reilly & W.N.Rae,"Physico-Chemical Methods}"Van Nostrand NY (1943),pp 228-36 4)Kink & Ochmer 21.948), pp 340-60 under Batteries (17 refs) 5)Perry(1950),pp 1792-3 Accuracy Life, The aunber of rounds a particular weapon can be fied before weat- ing of the bazcel (cube) would cause inaccu- racy of firing to exceed the permitced voler- Accuracy Tests of Small Arms Ammunition ave described in Ordnance Proof Manual 7-14(1945)(13 pages) ACENAPHTHENE AND DERIVATIVES Acenepthene(ylnenapbialee ot 7 Ditydroncenapthylee), CoC] cit, An mw 154.1, col adls, mp 95°, bp 227°, 4 1.0678. Icis one of the products of coal tar distillae tog; insol ia w and so! in hot ale; used ia org synth in the manuf of dyea(Ref 3). Its prepa & props are discussed in Beil(Ref 1). A qua tative est for aceaaphthene by nitrating it eo S-nitroacenaphthene) is given in Ref 3 Refs: 1YBeil §,586{274) & [494] 2)G.T-Mos- gaa & H.A.Harrison, JSCI 49,413T to 421. (1930) 3)Hackh(1944),5 4)C.Y.Vanag & E.A.Zalukaeva, ZhurAnalKhim 8,315-18 (1930) & CA 44,10605(1950) 5)E-D.Bergmana & J.Czmuszkovicz, JACS 75,2760(1953) & CA 49,5408(1955)(A new syathesis of Note: M.Berthelot, CR 65,508(1867), tried to obtain an explosive by nitration of acenaph- hene but the highest product of nitration was non-explosive dinitro compd which melted decompa at 205°, The same product was later prepd by F.Sachs and G.Mosenbach, Ber 44,2850(1911) and identified as 5,6- dinitronaphthene(see below) Acenaphthene, Azide Derivative, Ny-CysHes mw 195.22, N 21.53% — not found in Beil, bat one isomer, 4-Triaxodeenaphthene, col crysts, mp 56-8, is described by G.T.Morgan & H.A. Harrison, JSCi 49,4151(1930). Its expl props ‘were not examined Acenapbthene, Diazido Derivative, (Ny)CyHy not found in Beil or CA through 1936 Aconophthone-4-diazonium Chlarocurate, Ci, HN, Cl,Au, pale yel ppt decomp violently on heating Refs: 1)Bell ~ not found 2)G.T-Morgan & H.A.Hatrison JSCI 49,415T & 419T(1930) Mononitroacenaphthene, 0,N:C,,Hy — not found in Beil, but two isomers 2 and 4- nitroacenophthenes are described by G.T. Morgan & H.A.Harrison, JSCI 49,415T & 419T(1930). Another isomer S-nitroacenaph- thene is described by T.lshii & Y.Yamazaki, Memor Faculty Technol, Tokyo MetropolUniv, No 1,21-91951) & CA 47,2159 1953) As Dinitroacenaphtbene, (O,N)xCsHy, 244.20, N 11.47%. Following isomers are described in the lireratar 2,5-Dinitroacenaphthene, yel adls( {rom AcOH), mp dee 205~6°(Ref 2,p 4197) 2,7-Dinitrocenapbtbene, bawyel nls (From AcOH), mp 155~6° (Ref 2p 419T) 5,6+Dinitroacenaphthene, cxysts, sinter a 210° and melt at 220-4°(Refs 1 & 3) Refs: 1)Beil 5,588,(277) £498) 2)G.T.Mor- gan & H.A.Harrison, JSCI 49,619T(1930) S).Hlonda & M.Okazaki, JSocOrgSyathChew apan) 7,25~9(1950) & CA 47,692201953) ca, 2h Trinitroace naphibene, (O,N),CxHls< | mv 289.20, N 14.53% ~ not found in Bs CA through 1956 ‘Acenophthene Picrate, C,H + CdHsNiOrs mw 383.31, N 10.96%. Orange-red prisms, mp 161=162.5°(Rets 1,2,3 & 5), expl ae 418° (Ref 4), Can be prepd by mizing equimolecular quantities of acenaphthene and pictic acid ia hot alc, followed by cooling Refs: W)Beil §,(276) 2)A.Behe & W.A.van Dorp, Ann 172,265(1874) 3)R.Meyer & A. Tanzen,Ber 46,3193(1913) 4)R.L.Dacta & N.R.Chatterjee, JCS 115,1008(1919) 5)E.D. Bergmann & J.Szmuszkoviez, JACS 75,2760 (1953) & CA 49,5408(1955) Acerit, Same as Polygalit(1,5-Anhydrod- sorbitol) ACETAL AND DERIVATIVES Acotal or Acctaldehyde-diethylocetal(Acetol, Echylidene Diethyl Ethe r ot 1,1-Diethoxy= ‘edhane),CH,CH(OC, Hy), , mw 118.17, OB co CO, 230.2%, OB to CO -148.9%. Col Lig 8 1.3819, d 0,825 at 20°/4; s! sol in wy sol in eth, miscible with ale(See also Ref 8). Heat of combsta at Cy ca 929 keal/mol or 60 930.5 at Cpi spec heat 0.51 cal/g/°C - Can be prepd by treating acetaldehyde with fi ethanol in the preseace of anhyd Ca chloride (Ref 2) oF by other methods(Ref 1) Acetal is stable under neutral or st alka- Tine conditions, but hydrolyzes in the pres ence of acids to form acetaldehyde thas been used as a solvent and as an intermediate in the mmf of chemicals used in the expl industry and of synthetic rubber (Ref 4). Daring WIL, acecal(as well as acetaldehyde) was used in Germany as hyper- gollic fuel in liquid rocket propellaets in ‘conjunction with ted of white fuming nitsic acid which served as an oxidizer. Acetal was later replaced by catechol(Brenzcatechin ot Brenzol in Ger)(Ref 10) Acetal is dangerous when exposed to heat ‘or flame and it can react vigorously with oridizing materials. Its toxicity, toxicology and fire hazasds are discussed in Ref 7 Acetal is a poor solvent for NC but its ad- mixeure with anhydrous alcchol(see Acetal Solvent) greatly increases ies solvent power (Ref 8) Refs: 1)Beil 1,603,325) & (671-2) 2)0tg- Synth, CollVo! 1(1941),1-2_3)W.J. Huff, US BiiMinesReptiavese 3669(1942) & CA 37, 1869-70(1943)(The lower linit of inflanma- bility of acetal at atm pressure and at 25° is 1.65% by vol and the ignition temp at 0° is 230° in air and 174° in oxygen) 4)UlImann ‘K1953),13=17 5)P.Dugleux & P.Laffiee, CR 221,661-3(1945) & CA 40,3951(1946) Geudies of spontaneous inflammation of mix- tures of acecal with air) 6)Kitk & Othmer 1 (1947),40-5. 7$Sax(1937),228. 8)Duerans(1957), 116 9}Carbide and Carbon Corp, Bulletin “The Physical Properties of Synthetic Organic Chemicals’! 10)Dr Hans Waleer,PieArsn, Dover,NJ; private communication Acotal, Analytical Procedures ace discussed in: DKink & Odhmer 9(1952),507,2)Ullmana 3 (1953),17 3)Organic Analysis, lacerscience, NY, 11953) 309-328 Ald Acetal Solvent consists of a mixt of acetal and abs ale. The 90% mixt has d 0.82, boil- ing range 75~85° and fl p 38°. Acetal solvent gelatinizes NC much better than straight acetal and also dissolves many resins Ref Ducsans(1987),116 Acetal Compounds of Pentacrythtitel ace described by A.Serabal & S.Kalpasanow,Ber 618, 55~78(1928) & CA 22,1328(1928) (See also under Pentaerythritol) ACETALDEHYDE AND DERIVATIVES Acetoldehyde ot Aldehyde(Eshylaldehyde, Ethylidene Oxide or Ethanal), CH,CHO, mw 44.05, OB t0 CO, = 181.6%. Col lig freez~ ~123.5%, bp 20.8%, d 0.7833 at 18/4°, 2° 1.3316, QF 281.9 and @ 47.9 keal /aol (Ref 1a). Ie is wiscible with w, ale and eth (See also Ref 7). Various methods of prepa are given in Refs 1,3 & 9. In Ref 2 is de~ scribed the catalytic production of acetalde- hyde from acetylene and steam over activated carbon aad promoted by phosphoric a Yields of 85-90% of theor were reported. The reaction of acetaldehyde with sulfuric acid is exothermic and when uncontrolled proceeds with almost expl violence. Mixts of acetalde~ hyde vapor with air(4 to 57% acetaldehyde by vol) are highly inflammable and expl. Uses and applications of acetaldehyde ate listed in Ref 3,pp 32 & 39. It was used extensively during WWI as an intermediate for making acetic acid, which was transformed to acetone AcetMlehyde(as well as acetal) was used during WWII in Germany as a hypergolic(qw fuel ia Liquid rocket propellants in conjunc- don with oxidizers, ced or white coned-nittic acids, These fuels were later replaced by catechol(Brenzcatechol or Brenzél, in Ger) (tel 5), Acetaldehyde (together with formalde- hyde and hydrated Line) has been used for the prepa of pentacrytheitol(Ref 4) ‘Toxicity, toxicology and fire and exp! haz- ards are discussed in Refs 7 & 8. Ies exp! hazacd is severe when exposed Co flame. Expl range in air is 4.0 to 57% of acerakle- hyde(Ref 8) ‘Typical US specifications for a technical grade acetaldehyde are: color—water white; acetaldchyde (minim) 99%; acidity as AcOH 0.52003), sp gt 0.70 to 0.790 at 20° Acetaldehyde shows a great tendency to polymerize. A few drops of concd H,SO, added to anhydrous acetaldehyde causes it to polymerize to: Paraldebyde or 2,4,6-Trimethyl-1,3,5:trioxane (CH,CHO),, mw 132.16, OB to CO, -181.6%. Col liq with pleasant odor, fr pea 12.5°, bp 124°, d 0.9943 at 20°, nB° 1.4049, fl p 42°, abs vise at 15° 0.1359, sp heat 0.459 cal/g/°C and heat of fusion 25.2 geal/g. Sol in » (13.3% at 8.5° and 5.8% at 75°); sol in eth, ale & chif(Ref 3,p 42). It is used as a solvent for cellulose derivatives, fats, oils, waxes, gums, eccjas well as for many other purposes (Refs 6 & 7) At a lower temp and with a smaller quane of sulfutic acid a solid polymer Metaldehyde is formed. It is used as the solid fuel "Meta’” (See also Ref 4a) Refs: 1)Beit 1,594,(321) & [654] 19)J-Thomas, ZPhCh 52,347(1905) 2)4.Yakubovich et ai, ‘ZhurPriklKhim(Russia) ¥9,973-88(1946)(A_ complete English transtation,No RJ—64, is available from Associated Technical Services, PO Box 271, East OrangeNJ 3)Kitk ae Ochmer W(1947),32-39 & 42. 4)Walker(1953),222 4a) Dilmann %1953),12-13 5)Dr Hans Waleer, PicAtsn,Dover,NJ; private communication 6)}CondChemDict(1956),822-3 7)Durrans(1957), 116-17 8)Sex(1957),228 Faith Keyes & lask(1957), 1-7 Additional References on Acetaldebyde: s)¥. Huff, USBusMinesRepelavest 3669(1942) & CA 37,1871(1943)(Ignition temp of acetalde- hyde at 0° in air is 165° and in oxygen 159°) b)Saburo Yagi, RevPhysChemJapan 19,105-30 (1945) 8 CA 44,2346~-7(1950) Oxidation reac- tions of acetaldehyde and explosion of AcH mixtures with oxygen ©)P.Gray & A.D-Yotfe, JCS 1950,3184(Inflammation of acetaldehyde nittogen dioxide mixtures) d)A.G.White & E.Jones, JSCI 69,205—12(1950)(Limits for the propagation of flame in acetaldehyde- oxygen-nitrogen mixtures) ¢)J .d'Ans et al, ‘AngChem 66,633~5(1954) & CA 49,10832 (1955)(Petoxide derivatives of aceealdehyde, peepd by treating AcH with peroxy acids. All the compds are highly explosive)(I6 refer- ences) Acetoldehyde, Analytical Procedures are discussed in the following references: 1) Beil 1,601,(326) & [668-70] 2H.A.Iddles & C.E,Jacksoa, AnaiChem 6,454-6(1936) (Precipitation of acetaldehyde as hydeazone using 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine as a ceagent) 3)Kirk & Othmer 1(1947),38(Qualie quantitative methods of determining hyde) 4)Jacobs(1949) 4768 Qualitative and ‘quantitative methods of deta) 5)Ulimann 3 0953), Acotoldehyde-Nitrogen Dioxide Mixtures, wich a large propn of dioxide, expl vigorously ‘shen heated to 350-400". The expla may be considered to be the result of a chain-thermal process Ref: P.Gray & A.Yoffe, JCS 1950,3184 Acotaldehyde, Arido Derivative(Azidoacetal- dehyde or TriazoacetaHehyde), N,-CH, CHO, ‘very unstable oil, expl mildly on heating. Was prepd in impure state from chloroacetaldebyde hydrate and Na azide. Dec by KOH with vio- lent evoln of ammonia a nitrogen Refs: 1)Beil 1,627 2)M.O.Forster & HE. Fierz, JCS 93, 1870-1(1908) Mononitroacetaldebyde, (O,N) CH, CHO, was prepd according to Beil 1, {684), in aq soln bur not isolaeed Dinitroacetaldebyde, (0,N), CH-CHO ~ not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Acotoldchydepicrylhydrozone or Ethylidene- [2,4,6-tinitrophonylhydrazine), (0, N),CH,= NHN: CH.CH,, mw 269.18, N 26.02%. Bra Als Ifkes, mp 119-20%; v sl sol in w, sl sol io eth, fairly sol in ale & AcOH. Was peep by heating 2,4,6-tinitrophenylaydrazine with acetaldehyde Refs: 1)Beil 15,495 2)A.Purgotsi,Gazz 241, 375(1894) & JCS 68 1,28(1895) Acetoldeh yde Superoxi Diperozide See Diethylidene ACETALDOL AND DERIVATIVES Acataldol or -Hydroxybutyraldehyde also called Aldol, CH, CH{OH)CH, CHO, me 88,10 Col liq whea freshly distilled ar reduced press, bp 72° at 128m, d 1.103 and sp heat 0.737 cal/a/°C. May be prepa by the aldol ‘condensation reaction(qr) of two acetaldthyde molecules ia the presence of a small ame of Other methods of ptepa and props ace given in Refe 1,2,3 & 4, Aldol is used in solvent mixts an alkali During WWII aldol was used in Germany for the prepa of 1,3-butyleneglycol (by hydro- genstion) hich was either dehydrated to form butadiene or aitrated to the expl 1,3-butylene- alycol dinitrate On standing aldol changes to a viscous dimer from which paraldol, (CH,CH(OH)CH, CHO], septraces. Wh triclinic eryst, d'1.345 at 15.6/4°, mp 95~97°, Ie boils in vacuo, under which con- dition part of itis reconverted to aldol. Sol in w ot ale, sl gol in eth. Unlike paraldehyde it shows some props of the aldehydes. Used as a aw matecial for making resins for plastics and syath cottings(Ref 4). Acetaldol may be hydro- senated to form 1,3-buryleneglycol from which the expl 1,3-butyleneglycol dinitrate may be prepl.(See also Aldol and Aldol Condensation) Refs: 1)Beil 1,824,(419) & [868] 2)Kirk & Ochmer 1(1947),p 41 3)Ullmann 1953), 169-73¢under Aldol) 4)CondChemDict(1956),823, Acetaldol, Analytical Procedures ate briefly discussed under Aldol in Ullmann °3(1953),172 ACETALDOXIME AND DERIVATIVES Acetaldoxime or Aldoxime(Acetaldehydeoxime Als or Ethanaloxime), CH,CH(:NOH), mw 59.07, N 2.71%, Néls, mp 47°, bp 114-5, d 0.955 at 20/4°, a9, 1.4278, QP, 340.6 keal/mol, Q 12.8; sol in H, 0, miscwith ale, eol in ‘eth, acet and sl sol in gasoline, Was dis covered in 1882 by V.Meyer, described by Petraczek(Ref 2) and thea by Feanchimont (Ref 3). Can be prepa from acetaldehyde, hydroxylaminehydrochlotide and Na, CO, in aq soln or by other methods. Some of is props ‘were demnd by Landsieuw(Ref 4) Refs: 1)Beil 1,608427)81675} 2)].Petraczek, Ber 15,2783(1882) 3)A.Franchimont,Rec 10, 236(1891) 4)P.Landrieu,CR 140,867(1905) 5)Kirk & Othmer 5(1953),692(under Oximes) 6)Merck(1952),p 5 Acetaldoxime, Analytical Porcedures aze not discussed in Organic Analysis,incerscience, vols 1—3(1953,1954 & 1936), but identitica- tion of oximes in general are discussed by R.L.Shriner & R.C.Fusoa, "Systematic Mdenti- fication of Organic Compounds" *, Wiley,NY (1940), 167-8 Acetaldoxime, Azide Derivative, NyCHly? CHGNOH) ~ not found in Beil or in CA through 1956 Mononitroacetaldoxime or Methozonic Actd, (,N) CH, CHGNOH), mw 104,07, N 26.92%, cxysts, mp 79-80%; sol in w, ale, eth, acee and warm benz ot chif. Can be prepd by weat- ing aitcomethane in aq NaOH ot by other nnethods(Refs 1 & 4). Its ammonium salt, C,HAN, O,-NH, obtained by the action of am-_ monia on nieromethane, dec on heating with evoln of poisonous hydrogen cyanide(Ref 3). Its K sale C,H,N,0,K, yel ppt expl on heating ‘with evola oft Bue flame’ Ref 2 and its Ag salt, CHIN, O, Ag, pale yel ppt, expl ca 100°(et 3) Rejs: 1) Beil 1,627 2)0.Schuleze,Ber 29, 2289(1896)_ 3)W.R.Dunstan & F.Goul Ber 42, 2030-1(1909) Nitroaceteldoxime, Anhydtide,C,H 172.10, N 32.56%. Two isomers, a>, mp168-72° (dec)te Bo, mp 121-2° are deseribed in the lie erature. Ag&Na salts of a-isomer were re- ported to be mild expla Refs: 1)Beil 2,332) & (6841 kopf, J PrakeChem 81, 228(1910) and, Ann 444, 15(1925) 2)W.Stein- 30H. Wiel- ACETAMIDE AND DERIVATIVES Acctamide, Amide ot Ethanamide (Acetic Acid Amide), CH,CO NH, (abbreviated to AeNH, ) mv 59.0, OB to CO, 149.2%, OB to CO ~94.91%. Hyge eeyst mp BI®, bp 221.2%, 41.159 20/20, nf83" 1.4274 and vapor pres at 105° 10.0 om Hg. Sol in w, alc and other solvents. Solys of several subst in acetamide were investigated by Stafford (Ref 2). Various methods of prepa are listed in Refs 1& 4. The method from Amm acetate is described in Ref 2. then heated to decompn it emits highly toxic fames of cyanides (Ref 6) Nomerous uses of acetamide are discussed in Refs 4 & 5. Accotding to Ref 4, p 47, the neutral and aniphoterie characceristics of acetanilide make it valuable as an anti-acid in expl compas Refs: 1)Beil 2, 175,(80) & [177] 2)0.F, Seafford, JACS 55,3987(1933) 3}OrgSyath, CollVol 101941), 3-4 4)Kirk & Othmer 1 (1947),45-8 4a)Giua, Dizionario 11948), 464 4b)Ullmann 6(1955), 802 5)Cond ChemDiew1956).5 6)Sax(1957), 229 Acetanide, Analytical Procedures ate dis- ‘cussed in Kitk & Othmer 1(1947), 47 and in Organic Analysis, Interscience, 3(1956), 188 a 192 Acetamide, Azido Derivative (Azidoacetamide or Triazoacetamide)N,.CH, .CO.NH, mw 100,08 NS5.99%. Col ndls(for benz), mp 58° expl on further heating; easily sol in ale & w, diff sol in benz & petr eth. Can be prepd by shaking azidoacetic ester with aq ammonia Refs: Beil 2,229 2)M,0.Forster & HE. Fieez, JCS 93,80-1(1908) Mononitroacetamide O,N.CH, .CO Nit, , mw 104.07, N26.92% crysts, mp 102-32. Was prep by introducing ammonia into an ethereal sola of nitoacery! chloride (Ref 4) Ie forms salts, some of which are expl Distillation of Amm nitroacetamide with concd KOH gives a cribasie acid, CHyNiOe and the Amm salt of this acid gives with Ag nitrate a yel solid which is expl. Another nitroacetamide deriv, CH,N,Os, gives with Ag nitrate a wh cryst compd, AgC HNO, ‘which expl violently on heating Refs: 1)Beil 2, 226 & (100) 2)F.Ratz, Monatsh 25, 716 & 739(1894) _3)W.Sceinkopf, ‘JPraktChem 81,207,Anm 2101910) 4)¥. Steinkopf & M.Kiihnel, Ber 75,1328(1942) & CA 37,4687(1943) roccetomide, (0,N), CH.CO.NH,, nw 149.07, N28.197%~n0¢ found in Beil or CA sbrough 1936 Note: However, this compd is listed ia ADL Punch Cards and Reports as Compound No 351 and also ie the following confidential feports: DJ. Farago NOrd 9951(1950) 2N.D.Mason, NavOrd 1589, NOL(1950) J.Farago et al, NavOrd 483,Bu0rd(1952) 3» Trinitroacetamide, (ON),-C.CO. NH, ~not found in Beil or CA through 1956 ‘Acetamidine or Etheneamidine. Same as a - Aminowa-iminorethane ‘Acetamido=6~amino-uracil or 5-Acet amino- S-amino-2,4-dloxy-pyrimidino, C.H.N treated with 70% perchloric acid give! diperchlorate, C,H,N,O, + 2HCI0,, exysts, decompg at 205-7° Refs: 1)Beil 25,(387) et al, Ber 86, 853(1953) ACETAMIDOANISOLE AND DERIVATIVES Acetamidoanisole, Methoxyacetanilide, Acetaminoonlsole or Acetaniside, (Aceramino- methylither or Essigsiureanisidid, ia Ger), CH, .CO,NH.Gii,.0.CH,. Three isomers are listed in Beil 13,371,416,461,(113,133, 160) & 172,243] 2). Bredereck Acetanidoanisole, Azido Derivative, GyHyy N,O,—e0t found in Beil er in CA through 1956 Aly Acetamidoanisole, Diazide Derivative, GHN,Oy ~not found in Beil of in CA through 1956 Mononitroacetemidocnisole, CH, .CO.NH: C.H,(NO, ).0.. CH, Several isomers are listed in Beit 13, 388, 389, 390, 422,521, 522, (136,137, 186) & (192,193, 194,195,216, 287} Dinitroacetamidoanisole, CHy.CO.NH.Cz H,(NO,), .0.. CH. Several izomers are listed in Beil 13,393,394,425,526,527,528, 530,(123,137,138,139)4(290,292] Trinitroacetamidoanisole or Trinitrescetomino- anisole, CyHWN,O,, mv 300.19, N 18.672. Following isomers are listed in Beil: 2,3,5+Trinitro-4-acetam idaanisole or 2,3,3+ Trinitro-4-acctaminophenolmethylether, o.cH, | AEERE.NOy, vb nd 0,N.C-C=C.NO, I NH.CO.CH, (called by Lorang 4-Methoxy-2,3,6trinitra: L-acetylanino-benzene), mp 242%trom dil AcOH or aq ale( (Ref 2), mp 246%from ale) (Ref 3). Was first prepd by Reverdin (Ref 2) from 2,3,5-trinitro-4-amidoanisole and acetic anhydride in the presence of a litele coned sulfuric acid. Lorang (Ref 3) peepd ic by nitcating 2,3-dinitro-4-acctamidoanisole wich mixed nicrie-sulferic acids. Its expl props were aot examined Refs: 1)Beil 13,(195) & [294] 2)F. Reverdin,Ber 43,1851(1910) _3)H.Lorang, Rec 46,638(1927) & CA 22,230(1928) 2,3,6-Trinitro -4-acetamidoanisole or 2,3,6-trinitro-4-acetaminopbenot-methylether oor “j -¢! \ N NO, -NO, HCO. CH, (called by Meldola & Kuntze Methyl Etber of 2,3,5-Trinitro-4-acetylaninoanisole), ‘wh ndla(feom alc), mp 194°. as prepd by treating Ag sale of 2,3,6-trinitro-d-acecamino~ phenol with methyliodide(Refs 1&2), les cexpl props were aoc examined Refs: Beil 13,197) D)R.Neldola & H.Kuntzen, JCS 97,455(1910) Tetranitroacetamidoanisole, CH, 0, ‘not found in Beil or in CA through 1956 Acatamidobenzene- See Acetanilide ACETAMIDOBENZENEDIAZONIUM HYDROXIDE AND DERIVATIVES: LAcetamidobenzene—3-diazoniumbydroxide or I-Acetamino-3-diazonium bydroxide- benzene (N-Aceryl-3-diazoniumbydroxide- aniline; Acetanilide-3-diazoniumhydroxide), NH.CO.CH, *\ N, On Keown only in the form of salts, some of hich are expl. For inatance, its chromate (CH,-CO.NH . C,H, .N, O(C:0,H) violently explodes whea pressed by a spatula ot by the action of cold ammoaia(Ref 1). The -ombination of its chloride with antimony chloride, 2CH, CO NH. CHAN, Cl # SbCI,, melts ca 94° with slight decompn (Ref 2) Refs: 1)Beil 16,1306] 2)W.H.Gray, JCS 1926, 3180-1 IAcetamidobenzene-4-diazoniumbydroxide oF 1-Acetamino-4-diazoniumbydroxide-benzene (N-Acetyl-4-aniliediazonium-hydroxide or Knows only in the form of salts, some of which are expl. For instance, its bromide, imp ca 116°, explodes when heated on a platinum piace; its cbromate, CH,CONK CaN, O(C1O,H), has mp 136? with mild ‘expla; is picrate, CHyCONH.CH,., {C,H (OHXNO, ], has mp 146.5° with mild Als cexplon (Ref 2). les perchlorate is also known but its expl props have not been investigated [Ref 1, p (372) ke acetate and chloride are unstable and siowly evolve N, at 100° Refs: 1)Beil 16,603-4,(372) & (507) W.H.Gray,JCS1926,3180-1 2) ACETAMIDODIPHENYLETHER AND DERIVATIVES Acetamidodiphenylether, Cil,. CO.NH.Ce tts 0. Cyl is described in Beil 13,414,(161) & (172,245) Acetamidodiphenyletber, Azide Derivative, N,--CjdlygNO, ~nor found in Beil or CA through 1956 Acetamidodiphenylether, Diazido Derivative, @,),CytlNO, -n0t found in Beil or CA hrough 1956 Mononitroacetanidodiphenylether, Cidli,N; Oy. Tao isomers are described in Beil 13,(285,287) Dinitroacetamidediphenylether, Cy Oe One isomer 2,4'-Dinitro-4-acetanido: dipbenylether, CHy.CO.NH. CH. 0. Cy (NO, ), is described in Beil 13, 463 Trinitroaceramidodiphenylether, Cyd yyNOv -not found in Beil or CA through 1956 ‘Tetranitroacetamidediphenylether,C,,HN; ‘nw 407.25, N 17.20%, OB to CO, ~88.4%, Following isomer is listed in Beil: 3,5,2'4'—Tetranitro-s-acetamidodiphenyl- ‘ether or 3,5-Dinitro-4-ccetanidophenol- (21,4'dinitrophenyll-etber, CH, .CO.NH. Cai, (NO, .0.C,HCNO, ), , ¥h ndls(from lac AcOH). Can be prepd by warming 3,5,2',4! joamidodiphenylether with acetic aa- side and some coned sulfuric acid. ks ‘expl propo were aot examined Refs: 1)Beil 13,530 2)F. Reverdin & A Dresel, Ber 38,1595(1905) Pentanitroacetamidodiphenyletber, alg uhiN0,, ~not found in Beil or CA through 1986 Hexanitroacetamidodiphenylether, CythyN;Oye~ riot found in Beil or CA through 1956 ACETAMIDOFURAN AND DERIVATIVES Acetamidefuran or Furylacetami i described in Beil 17,248 HNO, Acetamidofuran, Azide Derivative, Ny-Cy4.NO, not found in Beil of in CA through 1956 Acetamidofuran, Diazido Derivative, (Ny), «CH, NO, —20t found in Beil ot in CA through 1956 Mononitroacetanidoftean, (O,N) C,i,NO, — not found in Bi 3,5-Dinitro-2-ocetamidoturan, ON, 6-0-6 NH. CO-CH HC—C.NO, saw 215.12, N 19.54%, pale yel crysts, mp 155°, dec 160°. Was peepd by gradually add- ing acetamidofurancarboxylic acid to # stirred mixt of AC, O and nitric acid cooled 10 ~7°, les expl props are not discussed in ca Refs: 1)Beil=not found 2)T.Sasaki, Bell TnetChemResearch, yor Uaiv33, 39-48(1955) (Gn English) & CA 50,14705(1956) ACETAMDOGUANIDINE ‘AND DERIVATIVES ‘Acetamidoguanidine, CHy-CO.NH.NH.C(:NH)> NH, teported in Beil 3, 120 & [95] in the forme of ite nitrate and picrare Acctamidoguanidine, Azido Derivative, N,.C)H,NO-not found in Beil or in CA sheough 1956 Acetamidoguanidine, Diazide Derivative, (Ny), « GGHN,O-not found in Beil or in CA through 1956 ‘Acetamidoguanidine Nitrate, CH,.CO.NH.NH. C(:NH).NH, +HNO,, mw 179.14, N 39.09%. Cryst s(from abs alc), mp 145,5+146.5%Ref 2), 142-3%Ref 1), Sol in w and ale, Can be prepa by heating aminoguaai- line, AcOH and a trace of nitric acid on a ‘water bath (Ref 1). Q¥ 471.55 keal/mol and Q 118.04(Ref 2) Refs: _1)Beil 3,1208& [95] 2)M.M.Williams et al, J]PhChem 61,264 & 266(1957) N-Acetamido-N'-nitroguanidine or 1-Acetamido- Snitvoguanidine(called in Ref 3, p 264, 1- ‘Acetamido-2-niecoguenidine)CH, .CO.NH. NH. C(:NH).NHNO,, mw 161.13, N 43.46%, OB to CO ~34.8%. Crysts(from w), mp 194-5° (dec). Can be peepd either from nitro: guanidine, AcOH and Ac, 0 or from acethydea~ ide and methy itrosoaitroguanidine(Ref 2). QF x 475 keal/mol Q, (46.3(Ref3). May be sirable as an ingzediene of propellants Refs: 1)Bell—nor found 2)R.A.Heary, JACS 72,5343-4(1950)3)M.M Williams et al, TPhChem 61,264 & 266(1957) ‘-Acetamidomathythexenine Nitrate, Gy Ny me 274.28, N3O.64%, erysts, ap 183-42 ‘One of the compds obeained by Bach- mann et al in the course of investigation of the action of acetic anhydride oa heramioe ‘mononierate, under a contract recommended by NDRC fr W.E.Bachmana, E.L.Jenner & L.B. Scott JACS 73, 2775-71951) ACETAMIDONAPHTHALENE AND DERIVATIVES Acetamidonaphthalene, AcetyInaphthylomine, Acetonaphthalide, or Naphthylacetamide, CHyNO.. Several isomers are described in Beil 12, 1230, 1284,(524,538) & [684,719] Acetamidonapbthalene, AzideDerivative, Ny-CygHeNO,-not found in Beil o CA through 1956 Acetamidonaphthalene, Diazida Derivative (Cia HyNO-not found in Beil of in CA through 1956. A20 Mononitroacetamidonaphibatene, (O,NYC,,HyyNO. Several isomers are de- scribed in Beil 12,1258,1260,1261,1313, 1315,(530,544) & [704, 705,731, 732,733] Dinitroacetamidonaphtbalenes, (O,N), C,,H,NO. Several isomers are de- seribed in Beil 12,1263,1264,1316,(532) & {709, 751 Trinitroccetamidonaghthelenes, (0,N),CjoH,-NH.O.CH,, mw 308.21, N18.18%, OB to CO, -98.6%%. Following isomers are described in the literature, but cheit exp! props were not sed: 2,4,5-Trinitro--acetamidonaphtbalene, exyst, dee ca 2752. Was prepd by 2,4,5-triniee-I-aminooaphthaleae with acetic anhydride & coned sulfuric acid Refs: 1)Beil 12, [709] 47,356(1928) 2)B.H.Talen, Ree 2,4,8-Trinitro-I-acetamidonaphtbalene, creamy plates, mp 207°. Was prepd by treating 2,4,6- trinitro-l-amisonaphthalene with acetic a hydride & coned sulfuric acid Refs: 1)Beil-oot found 2)E.R.Ward & L. A.Day, JCS 1951, 785 & CA 45,9014(1951) 1,6,8-Trinitro-2-acetanidonapbthatene, yel crysts, mp 239-40°, Was prepd by treating 1,6,8-trinitro-2-aminonaphthalene with acetic anhydride & concd sulfurie acid Refs: 1)Beil 12,(739] 208. Rec 45,72%(1926) Tetranitros, Pentanitro- and Hexanitro- acetamidonaphthalenes—are not found in Beil cr in CA cheough 1956 wan der Kam, ACETAMIDOPHENETOLE AND DERIVATIVES. Acetamidophonetole, Ethoxyacetantlide or Acetaminephenolethylether, CH,.CO.NH.C\H,.0.C,H,. All isomers are listed in Beil 13,371,416,461,(113,133, 160) & [172,244] Acetamidopbenetole, Azido Derivative, Ny+CjoH,,NO,~not found in Beil or ia CA through 1956 Acetamidopbenetole, Diazido Derivative, (Ny), CH,.NO, not found in Beil or in CA theough 1956 Mononitroacetamidophenetole, CH, CO. NH: CiHy(NO,).0.C, Hy » All isomers are listed Beil 13,388, 389,391,522,(136,137) & (193,194, 285,267) Dinitroacetamidopbenetole, CH,.CO.NH: C\H, (NO, ), .0.C, Hy. Several isomers are listed in Beil 13,394,525,(139,193) & (290, 292) Trinitroacetonidophenetole, CH, .CO.NH: GHNO,),.0.C,H, mw 314,21, N 17.3%. Following isomer is listed ia Beil: 2,3,5-Trinitro-4-acetamidopbenetole of 2,3,5- Trinitr-d-acetaninophenolethyletber (called by Lorang 4-Fthoxy-2,3,6trinitroacetanilide), cerysts (from ale), mp ca 260° (dec), sol io acct & AcOH, diff solin hot ale or benz. Can be ptepd by nitrating 2,3-dinitro-4-acetamino- phenctole with mized airic-sulfuric acid at RT. Ies expl props were not examined Refs: 1)Beil 13,(196) & [295] Rec 46, 6441927) 2)H.Lorang, Tetzanitrodcetamidophenetole, CygH,N, 0, not found in Beil or in CA through 1956 ACETAMIDOPH ENOL, ‘AND DERIVATIVES Acetamidophenol or Acetaninophenol CH,.CO.HN. C,H,.OH, mw 151.16, N9.27%. All existing isomers ate described in Beil 13, 370,415,460,(113,132,159) & (171,213, 243) Acetamidophenol, Azido Derivative, Ny. GHyNO,—not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Acetamidophenol, Diazido Derivative, Aan (N)sGH,NO,-not found in Beil or CA through 1956 B-Aride-2,6-dinitro-A-acetamidophenol (called in Ref 2 2,5-Dinitro-4acetylamine-}-ttiaze- phenol) CHy CO. NH. GHONsXNO,), OH, ‘nw 262.18, N29. 79%. Ocher-colored ads or golden yet seales (from alc), mp 167-8". Can be prepd by creating 2,3,6tritro-acetamide- Phenol with Na azide in warm ®. Its expl props were not examined Refs: DBeil 13,(198) _2)R.Meldola & H.kuatzen, JCS 99,43(1911) Monon itroacetamidophenol, CH NeOx, m¥ 196.16,N 14.28%. All possible isomers are described in Beil 13, 422-3, 520-1, (136-7) & (191,193-4,285,287] Dinitroacetamidophenol C,H,N,0,, mw 241.16, 17.43%. All possible isomers are listed in Beil 13, 396,425,528,530,(193-4) & (197,216, 290,292) Trinitroacetamidophenol, CH.NOy, mw 286.16, N19.58%. The following isomers are ibed in the literarure: descei 2,3,5.Trinitro-sacetamidophenol, CH,CO = NH. C,H(NO,), . OH, Ie bra scales (from AcOH), ap 191-Ptdec), easly al in ale & AcOH, Can be prepd by treating 3,5-dinitto- 4-acetamido- phenol with fiming nitiic acid ar0®erby other nnethods. Jes explosive props were not exanined Refs: 1)Beil 13,(195) 2)F. Reverdin & R, Meldola, ,JPrChem 88, 798(1913) & JCS 102, 1493(1913) 2,3,6-Trinitro-d-acetamidophenol, CHyCO: HN.C.H(NO,),.OH, yel ndls (from AcOH), mp-178-9" dec); sol in ACOH and hot ale; diff sol in hot w. Can be prepa by treating 3-niero-d-acetamidophenol with fuming nitric ‘acid (Ref 2) of by other methods (Ref 1,4 &5). Forms numerous salts of which the cobalt, kel, and silver sales are mild explosives (Ref 3) Refs: 1) Beil 13, 533,197) & [296 2) R. Meldola a J.G-Hay, JCS 95 1380(1909) BOR, Meldola & H.Kuntzen, JCS 97,449-51 (1910) 4)F.Reverdin & R.Meldola, JPr ‘Chem 88,797(1913) & JCS_103,1492(1913) 5)A.Girard, Bull [4] 35,776(1924) & JCS 126i, 9591924) 3.5.6-Trinitre-2-acetamidophenol, 2-Acetomidor 3,5,6-trinitrophenol or 2-Hydeoxy-3,4,6-ti ritroccetanilide, It yel leaflets mp 151°, Was prepd by adding 2-acecamido-S-nitrophenol to nitric acid Refs: 1)Beil—nor found 2)G. Heller et al, JPrakeChem 129,242(1931) & CA 25,2129 (a931) Tetranitroacetamidopbenol, CH, N, Oye, m= 331.16, N 21.15%—not found in Beil of CA through 1956 ACETAMIDOTETRAZOLE. ‘AND DERIVATIVES S-AcetamidotH-tetraxole, called by Thiele & Ingle Acetyl-(5-amino-tettazoll and in Beil Tetrazolon-(5)-anil, CH, .CO.NH.C~NH-N I I ——_N or CHy. CO.N:C-NH-N i i HN——N , mw 127.11, N55.10%. Wh leaflers (from w or alc) or prisms({rom acetanhydride), mp 269%dec\Refs 1,283), mp 271%(Ref 4); easily sol in alc, acetanhy- dride & hot w, nearly insol in ether. Can be ptepd by hearing 5-aminotetrazole with an excess of acetanhydride or acetylehloride. Ics X-ray diffraction purtern is given in Ref 5 Refs: 1)Beil 26, 405 & (243) 2)].Thiete & H.lngle, Ann 287, 234(1895) 3)R.Stollé, Ber 62,1121(1929) | 4)L.Birkofer, Ber 76, 7731943) & CA 38,970(1944) 5)L.A.Burke bards & D. W. Moore, AnalChem 24,1583(1952) & CA 47,2010(1953) Acetamidotetrazole, Azido Derivatives—not found in Beil or CA through 1956 An Acetamidotetrazole, Nitro and Dinitror Derivatives—nee fourd in Beil or CA through 1956 ACETAMIDOTOLUENE ‘AND DERIVATIVES Acetanidotoluene, Methylacetanilide or Acctoluidide, CH,NO. The three isomers are described in Beil 12, 782,860,920,(379, 400,420), (439,468,501) Acetamidotoluene, Azido Derivative, Ny GHgNO-net found in Beil or ia CA through 1956 Acetamidotaluene, Diazido Derivative, (9),GH,NO-not found in Beil or in CA through 1956 4A-Keatomidotol vene—4—diozoniumhydroxide ot 4-Aceter szoniumbydroxide-tolvene (N-Acetyl-¢-methyl-3-diazoniun-hydroxide- aniline of 2+Me thyl-5-acetamino-benzenedia- zoniumhydeoxide), creme , = Koown only in the Snow a form of ie sles some of which are stable tn «few expl. For intanee, the bromide, Eii,.CO_ NH CQI4(CH,). Ny. Br, prepd by Wallach fom Zamino-€acetaninotelucne (Get 3) and designated by him ao ""acerpaae foluidineediazabromide” (Rete 1 2) a yeleolid which explodes on pid esting ‘The cblonida, designated a8 eetparacler Hincodiazochlorle™ sad prepe tom tcctaminatoluee:2-diazopiperide (Ret 4), tise emplodes on hesting Refs: 1)Beil 16,608 2)0.Wallach.Ann 235,249(1886) 3yBeil 13, 133,(41) & [62] ‘Beil 20,91 Mononitroacetamidotoluene, CyHiN;Os- Sev eral isomers are described in Beil 12, 843, 1845 ,847,849,876,877,998, 1002,(392,393,394, 408,440) & [458,459 460,476,477,534,536] Dinitroacetamidotoluene,CyH,N,O, . Several isomers are described in Beil 12, 851,1010, 995-409,442) a [462,463,479,480, 481,482, 534 Trinitroacetamidotol vene, CyHyNy O,, mw 284.19, N19.72%, OB to CO, -80.9%. One isomer is listed in Beil 2,4,6-Trinitro--acetanidotoluene, - chy (ON) Cot » NH.CO. CH,, microscopic ndls(from ale), mp 249° (dee). Was prepd by vwouning 24,Gtrinitro-3-amidotoluene ¥ith scetie ahydride and some coned sulfuric acid. Its exp! props were not discussed Refs: Beil 12, [482] 2)).¥.Cook & O.L.Beady, JCS M17, 752(1920) Tetranitroacetamidotoluene, C,H;Ny O,— ‘was aot found in Beil or in CA through 1956 ACETAMIDOTRIAZOLE AND DERIVATIVES A-Acetamide-osym-triazole, called by H&S “Acetylehydrotetrazia, C=N-N | fee CHy.CO.NH. N— CH 126.12, N 44.43%, apparently cryst compd, very sol in w & ale and insol in eth, ligroin & chif, Was prepd by heating 4-aminc-asya- triazole with acetyl chloride Refs: 1)Beil 26,19 2)A.Mantzsch & O. Silberrad, Ber 38,84(1900) BENCH COMM shiny plates, mp 185 N @. Was obtained from ethyl-1,2,4-triazole-1- acetate in methanol satd with ammonia at RT Refs: )Beilenot found 2)C. Ainsworth & R-Jones, JACS 77, 622(1955) & CA 50,1785 (2950) Acetamidotriazole, Azido-Derivative-not found in Beil oF CA theough 1956 Acctamidotriazole, Nitro and Dinitro-Deriva- tives~not found in Beil or CA ehrough 1956 ACETANILIDE AND DERIVATIVES Acetonilide, Acctamidobenzene or Acetyl- aniline (N-Phenvlacetamide, Antfebrin ot Acetanil),CiHy NH. CO. CHy, mw 133.16, 08 to CO,~231%, OB to CO “136.1%. Col exysts, mp 114.2%, bp 303.69, d 121 at 4/2, OL 1014.4 kcal/mol, heat of 23 ation at 154° 136 eal/g, mean heat xy (Gom 0° 0 99.6%) 0.339 eal/s°C, sol in w, ale & eth, Can be prepa by heating ne with AcOH of by other methods. A lab prepa from aniline and (CH,CO),0 is de- setibed in Ref 2. lesfire hazard is small when exposed £0 flame(Ret 6) Various uses of acetanilide, among them as a stabilizer for hydeogen peroxide and for cellulose, are listed in Refs 4 & 5. Accord- ing to Ref 4, p 52, a considerable quantity ‘of acetanilide was used during WWI for the manuf of acetylsulfonyl chloride Note: According to one of the Hereules Co Laboracory manuals,acetanilide was used as one of the ingredients of smokeless pro- pe llants. Some nitrated acetanilide deriva- tives are explosive Refs: Beit 12,237,(190) & [137] _ 2) ‘OrdSyach, CollVol 1(1941),352 _3)H.E.Fiere- David & L.Blangey,"Grundlegende Operationen der FarbenchemieWien(1943),125 Kirk & Ochmer 1(1947),48-52 4a)UMmann 3, (1953), 653-4(under Aniline) _5)Cond Chem Dict (1956), 6 63Sax(1957), 229 & Clask(1957),610 Acetonilide, Analytical Procedures are dist cussed in Refst 1)Kitk & Odhmer 1(1947), 52 and 2}0rganic Analysis, Interscience, NY, 2(1954), 44,133, 142,162, & 2(1956),186, 188,190 Acetonilide, Azide Derivatives, GINO, tow 176.18, N 31.80%. Following isomers ace described in the literacure: Faith Keyes Aszidoacetanilide or Triazoacetanilide, City .NH.CO.CH,.245 adls, mp 83-83.5°. Was prepd by treating aniline with azide acetamide Refs: 1)Beil 12, 245 2)M.O. Forster & ReMiller, JCS 95,201(1909) 4-Azidoacetanilide, Acet-{4-azidol-ani of Acetyl-p-aminotriazobenzene, Ny .C NH. CO. CH, eryets, mp 122.5-124°. Was prepd by creating p-acecamide-benzenedia- ide Zonjumperbromide with ammonia Refs: 1)Beil 12,772 2)H.Rupe & K.von Najewski, Ber 33,3406(1900) _3)0.Silberrad & B.J.Smart, JCS 89,170(1906) Acetanilide, Diazido Derivative, Ny. Celt NH. CO. CH. N,~not found in Beil or CA through 1956 MNononitroacetanilides (NAA), C4HN,O,. All isomers are desctibed in Beil 12,245,691, 703, 719,(193,342,347,351) & [371,380,389] ‘A new method of prepn of p-MNAA is given in USP 2,406,57Q1948), by E.H.Bart,CA 4}, 153¢1947), Note: nitration of acetanilide has been dis- cussed in the following refs: LAP. Terent’ev & B.M.Kedrov, SciRepes- MoscowUniv 1936, No 6,213-14 & CA 32, 25191938) 2)H. McCormack, IEC 29, 1333-5 (1937) 3)P.P.Shorygin et al, ZhObshKhim 8, 981-5(1938) & CA 33,3781(1939\Nitcation of acetanilide with an excess of liq nitrogen jioxide) Nitronitro soacetanitides, C4H,N,Qy Several isomers were prepd by H. France et al, JCS 1940,370 & CA 34,3700(1940) Dinitroacetanilides (DNAC), GHNOs, mw 225.16, N 18.66%. Several isomers are listed in Beil 12,447,754,758,759,(362) & (405,410, aud) Note: B.B.Dey et al, }ScilndianResearch 10B, 140-4(1951) & CA 47,3257(1953) discuss the prepa of 3.4-DNAA, mp 145-6” and of 2,3. DNAA, mp 186-7 2.4-Dinitro-N-nitrosoacetanilide, (0,N)~ Cyl, NINO). CO.CH,, mw 254.16, N 22.05%, oil, prepd by treating 2,4-dinitroaceranilide with nitrosyl chloride in the presence of K acetate. Its expl peops were not investigated Refs: 1)Beil—not found _2)H,France et al, JCS 1940, 370-1 & CA 34,3700(1940) Dinitro-N-nitroace tanilide, (O,N),CHy « NINO,)- ‘CO.CH,, mw 270.16 N 20.74% ‘hot found 424 in Beil of in CA through 1936 Trinttroccetanilides, CH,N,O,, m¥ 270,16, 120.74, OB to CO, ~71.1%, OB to CO ~23.7%. Following isomers ate described in the Ticeracare: 2,3,5-Trinitroacetanilide or N-Acetyl-2,3,5- trinitroaniline and 3,4,5-Trinitroacetanilide or N-Acetyl-3,4,5-Trinitroaniline, (O,N)y Cy, -NH.CO.CH,, were prepd by acetyl- ation of corresponding trinitroanilines(TNA’ s) Refs: 1)Beil-not found —2)E.Maciotes, AnaChimappl(Rome) 36,212(1946) & CA41, 411501947) 2,4,6-Trinitroaeetonilide or N-Acetyl-2,4,6- Trinitrooniline, solid, mp 235° (with decompa). Was prepa by treating 2,4,6-trinitroaniline with acetic acid and a little coned sulfuric acid, Ies expl props ate aot mentioned in Refs 1,2 & 3. Forabsorption spectra sce Ref 4 Refs: 1)Beil 12,767 & (423) 2)0.N. Wier & E.Wiree, Ber 41,3092(1908) _3)R-Bocsche, Ber 56, 1940(1923) _4)K.Masaki, BullChem Soe Japan 7, 3521932) & CAZ7, 904 1933) Trinitro-N-nitrosoacetanilide, (ONC, N(NO).CO.CH,-208 found in Beil or in CA through 1956 Trinitro-N-nitroacetanilide, (0,N),CiH,~ N(NO, ). CO. CH,—not found i Beil or CA through 1956 2,3,4,6-Tetranitreacetanilide or N-Acoty!- 2,3,4,fetetronitro-cniline, (O,N),C,H -NH. CO.CH,, mw 315.16, N 22.22%, OB t0 CO, ~48.2%, OB to CO ~7.6%, Yel néls(from benz +AcOH), wp 169-70° (with decompa). as prep by heating 2,3,4,6:tetcaniteoanil~ ine with acetic anbydide and a litle coned sulfuric acid, TeNAA is an exp! and was proposed by Fliecheim(Ref 2) a8 an in- gredient of expl compas. It is rather unstable, even at low temp and sensitive to shock (Ref 3) Refs: 1)Beil 12,372) & 428) Fllirscheim Chem2er 1912, 1, 184 28.J- BGP. vanDuin & B.C.R.vanLeanep,Ree 39,149 (1920) & CA 14,2708(1920) 4)B.).FRiescheim & EsLsHolmes, JCS 1928,3046 Tetranitro-N-nitrosoacetanilide,(O,N),CqH = N(NO). CO. CH,, mw 344.16, N24,42%—not found in Beil or ia CA through 1956 2,3,4,6-Tetranitro-N-nitroacetanilide or N,2, 3/4,6-Pentanitroacetanilide, (0, N),C,H.N (IO, ). CO.CH,, mw 360.16, N23.34%. Yel solid, unstable; decomp slowly in air and in boiling w. Was prepd by treating 2,3,4,6- etranitrophenylnitramine with acetyl chloride Refs: 1)Beil-not found 2)R-Macciotta & Z.Orani, Gazz 60, 409(1930) & CA 24, 4280 4930) Acetaniside, Same as Acetamidoanisole . See under Acetic Acid and Deriva- Acotot Acetatopentamminecobalt (nitrate, [CO(NH,),C,H,0,] (NO,),, crysts. Its lab method of prepa from carbonatopentammineco- Dalt(UDaicrate is described ia Inorg Synth 401953),175-6 Acetoto-plunbe Complexes. See Diacetato- plumbo Complexes Acetozidine, Azidine or Acethydrazidine, Beil 2, p 4 gives its formula as: HNN S.Ct, ba ite pep ie at ven HN According to Beil 16, pp 4-5, the hypothetical ical, HNN, "= is called formazyl and the HN aw sypuberet cmpneae BS, ypothetical compound, is called Hwa formazan ot formazylbydride (Formazyl- wasserstoff). This means that acetazidine may be called C-metbylformazan. Acethydrazidine or Azetozidine. SceFormazans and Formazyls ACETIC ACID AND DERIVATIVES ‘Acetic Acid (Ethanoie or Acetonecarboxylic Acid)(AeOHXEssigsiiure, in Get), CH,COOH, ‘Bw 60.05, OB to CO, ~106.6%. Col lig, ap 16.7°, bp 118.1°, d 1.049 at 20°/4°, flp 104°E, Qf 208.5 keal/mol(Ref 4). Miscible with w, ale & eth; insol in CS,. It is found is the products of distn of wood and for this reason is called "pyroligneous acid ". Can be prep by the oxidation of acetaldehyde, by the action of CO oa mechanol of by other methods (Refs 1,5,7 & 8). Dangerous a high temps in contact with oxidizing agents, such a2 nitric of chromic acids. Ite vapors can pro- duce in air a moderately severe expln above 11° F(44.4°(Ref 32). Toxicology and five & expl hazards of acetic acid ate discussed in Ref 9. Freezing points of mizts AcOH/ H,O and AcOH/Ac, O-are given in Refs 2& 3, Note information on chemical and physical props of AcOH is given in Refs 5 & 7 Various uses of acetic acid are discussed in Refs 5 & 7. Ies principal use in explosives industry is the manuf of eyelonite(RDX) by the Bachmann process. It ean also be used fot the prepa of high-nisrogen(ca 14%N) aitro- cellulose. US specification JAN-A-465, covers the requitements for acetic acid used in Ordnance (see Acetic Acid, Analytical Procedures) Recovery of acetic acid used in the pro- ductioa of cyelonite and of other aitramines iss discussed in Ref 6 Refs: 1)Beil 2,96(39) & (91] _ 2)Land- BSense,HW 11,1443; Erg 1,749 & Exg U,Teil I, 1472. 3a)A.L.Brown,CA 22,166(1928) 3) ICT 4,108 4)E-Schjanberg,ZPhysChem W72A,228(1935) & CA 29,358% 1935) 5) Kirk & Ochmer 1(1947),56-74 6)}HACSIR, BrieP 626,926(1949) & CA 44,3258(1950) 7)Ullmann 6(1955),778-90 8)Faith, Keyes & Clark(1957),11-20 9)Sax(1957),230 Additional References on Acetic Acid: a)M.Usanovich & S. Abidov, ZhucObshKhio. Aas 10,223-6(1940) & CA 34,7285(1940) (Nie: tion of toluene in the presence of acetic acid and nitrobenzene) b)).Chédin & S.Fendant, MSCE 32,92-100(1945XMolecular composition of HNO,—ACOH mixtures; studies by Raman spectroscopy) ¢)J.Chédin et al, MSCE 34, 289-90(1948)Mixtures of HNO,, AcOH, H, 0 and metallic nitrates) _d)M.Kitsch & C.A. Winkles, CanJRes 28B, 715-1%1950XNitroby sis of hexamine in acetic acid) e)E.D.Hughes et al, JCS 1950,2405-09(Mechanism of aro- matic aitrations in the presence of AcOH) £.Féaéant-Eymard, MSCE 31,297-346(1952) (Physico-chemical studies of AcOH) g) A.V. Titov,ZbObshKhim 24, 77-9(in Engl) & 7B-81Cin RusX 1954); CA 49,7338( 1955)(For- ‘mation of slightly stable compd CH,COOH . HNO,) Acetic Acid, Anolytical Procedures. Acetic acid intended for use in the manuf of expls ‘must comply with the following chemical and physical requirements of Purchase Descrip- tion PA-PD-572 (superseding Spec JAN-A~ 465): a) Acetic Acid Content minim 99.8%, as detd by immersing a glass-stoppered weighing bottle contg 5 £0,002 g sample in 250 mi w (previously neutralized to phenol-phthalein by adding few drops of 0.IN NaOH! sola) and citrating to a pink end point with 0,1N NaOH 2005 XV XN acon = S:005*V XN where V =vol of NaOH used in titrating sample, N =normality of NaOH soln and W = grams of sample byAcetic Anbydride Content—max 0.03%, a5 detnd by treating a 10 ml sample (mensured by @ pipette), dissolved in 50 ml w (contained in a 250 ml iodine flask with 10.00 ml of an approx 1,25% Na bisulfite sola) and titrating (after allowing the mixt to stand for 15 mins) the excess of bisulfite with 0.IN std iodine soln, using starch as an indicator ‘%Ac,O in AcOH = (A ~B) x N * 0.220, where A= ml of iodine sola used totitrate 26 10.00 ml of Na bisulfite soln treated as above but without the sample (black); B= ml of iodine soln used for bisulfite sola ccontg sample and Nu normality of iodine soln ©) Formic Acid Content—max 0.15%, as detnd by treating 2 10 ml sample (measured by a pipette), dissolved in 109 ml w (contained 44.250 mil iodine flask) with 10 ml of 20% Na acetate soln and 25,00 ml of 0.01 N Na hy- pobromice soln. After allowing the mixt w stand 15 ming at RT and adding 5 ml of 25% KT sola & 10 al of concd HCL, the liberated iodine shall be titrated with 0.1N std Na thiosulfare soln ‘RH COOH in AcOH = (A ~ B) x Nx0.230, ‘where A = al of Na thiosulfate soln used 0 titrate 25 ail of Na hypobromite soln treated as above but without using the sample (blank); B =] of thiosulfate soln used co titrate the mixt concg the sample and N-normality of iodine soln Freezing Point=min 16.2%, as decd by nneans of O° to 50° mercury thermometer graduated to 0.1° and standardized against one having the Bureau of Standards calibra tion, The test is conducted in 100 ml cy linder immersed in an ice-water bath. After super cooling the sample co ca 1°below the as- sumed fr p, the cylinder is removed from ice water and its inner side scratched and the contents stirred by means of the ther- rmometet neil the supercooled liquid partly solidifies. Then the ouside of the cylinder is wiped dry and the thermometer watched very closely. The temp rises quickly and then remains constant for about 30 secs. ‘This comp'is taken as che fe p of sample ¢)Lead Content—max 10 ppm, as detd by ‘evaporating a 5 ml sample on a steam bath, diesolving the tesidue in 2 ml of 0.1N NCI ola, transferring the soln quantitatively (by rinsing with w) into # 25 ml Nessler tube and filling the tube 10 the mark with w. A second Nessler tube shall be filled to 25 ml mark with the standard soln (which was pee- viously prepd by dissolving 3.2 mg of lead nieate and 5 ml of pure AcOll in 11 of w) and 10 ml of satd hydrogen sulfide water added to the contents of each Nessler tube. After allowing the tubes to stand for 10 mins, the color in the 1sc tube shall not be darker than that in the 2nd cube ‘fron Content—max 10 ppm, as detd in the manner desctibed fot lead deta, except that soln of the residue in 2 ml of 0.1N HCI sola shall be rade alkaline by Amm hydroxide sola before pouring it into the Ist Nessler tube and that the standard soln for the 2nd Nessler tube shall be prepd by dissolving 0.43g of Fe(NH,)'$0,), . 12H, 0 and 5 ml of AcOH in 1 1 of w. Same teagent, hydrogen ‘sulfide water, a8 above is used in both tubes a)Cblorides Content-max 0,001%, a8 detd by compating the turbidity produced of mix- ing in a 50 ml Nessler tube a 10 al sample, 35 ml m, 3 ml coned nitric acid and 1 ml of O.1N silver nitrate soln with that produced by 10 ml of standard sola(prepd by dissolving 15 mg of NaCl in UL) with 35 ml w, 3 coned nitrie acid and 1 al of 0.1N silver nitrate sola. The eubidity produced in the 1st tube shall be aot greater than that ia the 2nd one h)Suijates Content—max 0.001%, as detd by evaporating co dryness a 50 m! sample contg 10 mg of Na carbonate on a steam bath, dis- solving the cesidue in 5 ml of w, filtering into a 10 ml Nessler tube and diluting to the mark with w, A 2nd 10 ml cube shall concain 10 ml of standard soln, previously prepd by dissolving 82 mg of K sulfate in 1 1 of w. After adding to each tube 1 ail of 1:20 hydro cleric acid & 1 ail barium chloride soln and allowing to stand for 10 min, the turbidity produced in the st tube shall be not greater than dhat in the 2nd cube inSulfurous Acid Content—max 0.001%, a8 deed by titrating 300 ml of w contg some starch indicator with 0,01N iodine soln to Azz ‘end point, adding 50 ml of sample and con- tinuing titration to the same end point 1% Sulfurous acid = V x N x 0,082, ‘where V = total ml of iedine soln minus mi used to titrate w and Neaormality of iodine sola Slightly more rigid requirements are for the reagent grade acetic acid (see Ref 2) For more information on snalysis of acetic acid see Refs 1 & 3 Kick & Othmer 1(1947), 68-92) ReagentChemicals (1950},20-3 3}0rganic Analysis, Interscience, 2(1954) & (1956) (Various methods are described, Deta of AcOH ia anhydride is in v 3, p 24) Acetic Acid, Azido Derivative (Azidoacatic Acid or Triazeacetie Acid), N,. CH, «CO,H, ‘aw 101.07, N 41.58%, Col hygrose plates, mp ca 16°, bp 93° at 3 mm, d 1.354 at 33°. Detonates violently on heating in a capil- lary tube; exp! mildly with evoln of flame on heating on a hot plate. Can be prepd by shaking ethylester of azidoacetic acid with ag 20% KOH soln Its silver salt, C,H,O,N,Ag, N 20.2%, dls, deflagrates on heatiog Refs: 1)Beil 2,229 & (100) 2)M.Forecer & H.Fierz, JCS 93,76(1908) _3)¥u.Sheinker & Ya,Syrkin lzvest AkadN,SerFiz V4,478-87 (1950) & CA 45,3246(1951\Uleraviolet,Raman and Infrared spectra) 4)Yu.sheinker,Dokl- ‘AkadN'77, 1043-5(1951) & CA 45,6927(01951) Ultraviolet spectra of azidoacetic acid) 4)J.H.Boyer & J-Hamer, JACS 77,9531955) & CA 50,1826(1956) Acetic Acid, Diozlde Derivative (Azido- acetic Aeld Azide er Triexacetle Acid), N,.CH, «CO.N,, mw 126.08, N66.665. Col oil with unpleasant smell; mp explodes; insol in w, Bas prepd by weating azido- aceticacidhydrazidehydrochloride with Na nitrite in cold aq sola Refs: 1)Beil 2,230.& (101) 2)T.Curtius, fet al, Ber 41, 354 & 1036(1908) Nitroacetle Acid (Nitroithansaure or Nitro essigséure, in Ger), 0,N.CH, .COOH, mw 105.05, N 13.337. Ndls, expl on heating; sol in ehif, benz & toluene; insol i petr eth; decomp by w; yields nitromethane when heated with w. Was prepd from the dipotas- sium salt (see below) and dry HCI in ether (Refs 1&3) Is dipotossium salt, C,HK,NO,, ndls, sol in w and insol in ethyl m methy! ales, can expl on contact with m(Ref 2). Can best be prepd by treating nitromethane with KOH (iY Ref 6). Other methods of prepa ate given in Refs 1& 2. Itisapowerful expl(Ref 5) ‘The aq soln of the sale yields with Pb acetate a white ppt and with Ag nitrate and mercurous chloride yel pts. These salts deflagrate in a flame (the Ag sale the strong- fest) (Ref 3) Refs: i)Beit 2,225 2)W.Steinkopf, Ber 42,2029-31(1909) _3)Ibid,A2, 3925-01909) 4)Adlantzsch & R.Voigt, Ber 45,108(1912) ‘(Absorption spectra of nittoacetic acid in ale, ether & aq alk solns) 5)D.A.Lyetle & Dil-Weisblaee, JACS 69,2118(1947) & CA 42, 114(1948\ The chemistry of nieeoacetic acid and its esters) 6)H.Feuer et al, JACS 71,3079 (4949) & CA 44, 29151950) 7)D.A.Lytele, C& EN 27, 14731949) & CA 43,4855(1949) (Approx 3 Ib diporassium nitroacecate in a 10 gal stainless steel can, moistened with w and covered with about 7 Ib dry K nitro- acetate exploded after 30 mins at RT) Acetic Acid—Perchlerie Acid Mixture. See Perchloric Acid Acetic Acid ACETATES. ‘Ammontum Acetote(Normal), CH,COO. NH, mw77.08 Wh deliq crysts, mp 114°, bp decomp, d 1,171 at 25°/4° (see Note). Sol in w & alc, s} sol in ‘acet. Can be prep by neutralizing acetic acid with ammonia or Amm carbonate. The commercial salt contains some acid sale (see below). The pure saltis usedasa lab reagene, ete 28 Note: According co most chemical handbooks the density of Amm acétaté is equal to 1.073. This seems to be impossible if the densities of aqueous solns, as given in Ref 2,p 810, are 1.077 for 40% sola and 1,092 for 50% soln at 16°/4°, The d= 1.171, cited here, was detd by Bilz & Balz (see Ref 1, p 113) Refs: 1)Beil 2,107,(47 1113] 2)Kirkew Odhmer 1(1947),810-11 3)UImann 61955), 791 4yCondChembict( 1936),69 ‘Ammonium Acetate(Acid), CH,COONH CH; COOH. Long deliq ndls, mp ca 66°. Sol in w 4 alc. Can be prepd by disen of the normal salt in acetic acid Refs: 1)Kitk & Ocbmer 1(1947),811 Ullmann 6(1955),791 Colcium Acctate(Acetate of Lime), (CH,COO)r Ca, aw 158,17. Cryst from w as col adls contg 2 mols of water of crystn. The transition of the dis co the monchydrate(89.77% of anhyd salt) takes place at 84°. The normal com- aercial sale contains 82-85% of anhyd salt. The anhyd sale decomp when heated at moderate temp, It is 301 ia w & ale, Can be prepd by neutralizing the pyroligoeous liquors from hardwood distn with Ca earboa- ate followed by evapa, deying and purifica- tion, Until about 1932 it was the only i portant source for prepa of acetone and acetic acid but the development of the Weiz~ mann fermentation process (yielding acetone 2» and synthetic acetic acid), as well as direct acetic acid processes have relegated the sale to a place of minor industrial importance Monohydrate of Ca acetate is used as analy- tical reagent and its requirements when used in military installations are listed io US Spee MIL-C-14000 Refs: 1)Beil 2,111,(48) & [116] 2)Marshe all 1(1917),340-4 3)Kitk e Othmer 2(1946) 447/50) 4)UlImann 6(1995),792 s}Cond ChemDier(1936),202 Cotlulose Trlacetate, See under Acety! Cel Iuloses Dipotossium Nitroacetate. Seep A27 Lead Acetate (Sugar of Lead of Plumbous AcctateXBleiazetat of Bleizucker in Get), PL{CH,COO), . 31,0, mw 379.35. Wh monoe! cxyses, d 2.55, mp loses 31,0 at 755 for the anhyd salt, PB(CH,COO),, ms 325.35 imp ca 280°. Sol in w and glycerin; 61 sol in ale, chlf, CCL, & benz. Can be prep by dis- solving litharge ia hot coned AcOH or by treating @ mixt of lead and AcOH with air under peess. Its lab method of prepa feom red lend oxide (Pb,0,), AcOH and chlorine is described in Ref 2 Uses of lead acetate are discussed in ef 2. US spee MIL-L-15172 lists the re- quirements of tech grade used in the manuf of antifouling paine for ship bottoms. The material shall be whiteyerystn and contain 14.89% of (CH,COO), Pb which corresponds 0 995 of the trihydrate. A'S g sample di solved at RT in 8 ml of recently distd w shall be no moze than sl turbid and shall become clear on the adin of 20 a distd w and 2 drops of AcOH Note: According co one of the Hercules Powder Co laboratory manuals, lead acetate is used in the peepn of test paper for detection of hydrogen sulfide. Setips of filer paper are dipped in 10% Pb acetate soln and then dried in atm free of H,S. The moist test paper, in the presence of even tnces of H,S, gives @ black color Refs: 1)Beil 2,115-64(50) & 11201 2Moorg Syath 1(1939) 47-9. 3)Kirk & Odhmer 81952), 268 4)CondChemPier(1956),640 Lead Acetates (Bosic) are obcained ty dis- solving lend oxide in aq solns of sugar of lead. White solids, very sol in w. Ullmann (Ref 2) gives theie formulae as, (Pb, (Olt) - €H1,CO0), and PICO), (CH,COO), Refs: )Kitk & Ochmer 8 (1952), 268 61955), 791 2ULlmane, 29 Leod Sub-acetete, CH,COOPD and (CH,COOPS), .H,0. Wh powd, sol ia w. Can be ptepd by reaction of lead sub oxide and acetic anhydride in atm of nitco- gen, Its ag sola is used in lab for pptg colloidal substs from solns Refs: 1)Beil 2, (50) 2)8.G.Deaham, JCS V15,109-11(1919) Load Tetrecetate, PL(CH,COO),, mw 443.39. Col monoel ndls, mp 175%, d 2.228; decomp in w to form PbO,, Can be prepd by adding warm glac AcOH to red lead followed by cooling(Ref 1), Icis used as an oxidizer in some chemical reactions (Ref 2) Refs: 1)Kitk & Othmer 8(1952),268 2) ‘Ullmann 6(1955),791-2 Lead Aceto-Bromate, Pb, (CH,COO), (BrO, plates, expl when heated ro ca 165° or on inpace {Beil 2,221) Lead Aceto-Chlorate, Pb, (CH,COOXOH)- (C10,), ,244, 0, scales, expl violeatly on heating {Beil 2, (121) Lead Aceto-Chlorate, Pb,(CH,CO0),(OH),- (C10,), .3H, 0, places, expl very violently 0 heating { Beil 2,(121)} Lead Acoto-Perchlorate, Pb, (CH,COO); (C10,),,H, 0, plates, expl violently on heat- ing or on inpact [Beit 2,[121]] Leod Acsto-Sodivm Perchlorate, PH(CH,COO)- NaClOy prame, explode on heating ell 2, (rz Sodium Acetate, CH,COO.Nay mw 82.04. Th geliq monocl crys d 1.528, mp 324% 230” 1,464, Sol ia ws sol in ale, Can be prepd by neutralizing acetic acid with Na, CO, or with NaOH and heating the resulting ti hhydeate to remove water of crysia (Refs 1 & 2), Can alao be absained from wood sul- fiteliquor andNaOH or CAOH),(Ref2). Its uses ae listed in Refs 2,5 & 6, According to Violette (Ref 3) mists of equal pasts of Na acetate with K salepeter explode violently when heated. The same applies to mixts of Na acetate and salepever (Ref 4) Refs: 1)Beil 2,107-8,(47) & [113] 2)Kirk ‘& Other 12(1954),599-600_3)Violetee Ana ‘Chim [4] 23,306( 1871) 4)Daniet(1902), 786-7 5)UtImann 6(1955),794 6)CondChem Dict 1956),992 ACETIC ANHYDRIDE AND DERIVATIVES Acetic Anhydride, Ethenoie Anhyiride ‘or Acetyl Oxide (abbreviated 10 ‘Ac, 0), (CH,CO), 0, me 102.08, OB eo CO, -135.4, c0l lig, fe» =73.15, bp 139.5%, d 1.0838 st 20°/20°, nf 1.3004, sp he 0.434 eal/g/°C, Qvapen 66.1 eal/g, fp 12°F (closed cup), Qe 431.9 and QF 130.8 keal/nol (Ref 2); ol in cold » (127, at 20%), decompd by hot w, sol in ale & eth. Various methods of prepa ace given in Refs 1,5 & 18, Iehas been used in the acetylation of cellulose and other substs,in eke manuf of RDX and i ean be used, together with HNO, and ACOH, in dhe prepa of bigh aitrogen content (14%) NC (Refs 3,7 & 13). The phy: props of the system HNO, AcOHAc, 0 have been studied(Refs 4,7,11,14, & 15),US Spee JAN-Acds9 lists the requirements for Ac, 0 used in the manuf of RDX and of some other wchem iteamines. Toxicity, toxicology and fi expla hazards of Ac, O are discusse: (Ref 17) ‘The concn of Ac, 0 in ait in the range 2.67 t0 10.13% is expl. Ac, 0 reacts vigorously in contact with w, steam and oxidizing substs. Ik is parcicularly dangerous in contact with chronicacid, Na,O, and HNORefs 5, 16 & 17). An expla of a tank, cong 150 gals pet- ehlorie acid (HCIO,) and 50-60 gals Ac, 0 in an electroplating plant, killing 16 persons and wrecking 116 bldge was reported by Kuney (Ref 6). Shock sensitivity and exp! response to heat and flame of HCIO,~Ac, O—wacer nixts have been investigated by Médard et al (Ref 8). The mixe contg 66/32 by vol of HCIO/Ac, 0 is most expl. A mixe contg less tae 35% by vol of HCIO, is incapable of Sax deton or one with HCIO, of d less than 1.50 g/cc has no expl props (Ref 9) ‘The safe use of Ae,0-HCO, as lectrolytic polishing bath has been in- vestigated by Hikita s Asaba (Ref 12) and by Médard & Sartorius (Ref 10) r= salting ia a 3 phase diagram to show the dangerous zones Refs: 1Beil 2, 166,075) & [170] 2)J. Thomas, ZPhysChem 2,34711905) 3). Pecigpas, MSCE 30, 245(1943) _4)R.Van- doni & R. Viala, MSCE 32,8046 (1945) s)Kirk & Othmer 1(1947), 76-87 6)]-Kuney, € & EN 25,1656-5(1947) & CA 41,530%1947) 7)J-Chédin'ex a MSCE 35,fase 2,53-62(1949) B)L-Médard et al, RevMet 46,549-60(1949) & CA 44,330(1950), _9)P-A.Jacquet,Mecal Finishing 47, No. 11,62-9(1949) & CA 44, 459( 1950) ‘10)L-Médard & R. Sartorius, MP 32,179-96(1950) & CA 47, 9013(1953) 11)]-Chédin & A. Teibot,MSCE 36,fasel, 31-6(1951) 12)F.Hikata & T-Asaba, JChem Soc Japan,IndChemSect 84,253-5(1951) & CA 47,2981(1933) _13W.G.Harland, Textile Inst 45,1678-91(1954) & CA 49,607-8(1955) 14)T-ViMal’ kova, ZhObshchKhim 24,1157 64(1954) & CA 49,21670955) _13)T.V. Nal’ kova,Referat ZhKhim 1954, No. 33882 & CA 49,9373(1955) _16)Ullmann 6(1955) 804-15(under Essigsiure) —17)Sax(1957) 230-1 18)Faith Keyes a Clark(1957)21-6 Acetic Anhydride, Analytical Procedures. Material intended for use in the USA for the manuf of expls(such as cyclonite) shall comply with the cequiremeat of Spec JAN- A+459, as determined by the following tests: 4@)Color. Prepare $00 ppm of platinum stand- ard by dissolving 1.245 g K, PrCl, and 1.000, CoCl, .6H,0 in ng HCI(1:5) contained in 11 volumetric Flask and dilute to the mack. Pipette 1 ml of this soln into a 50 ml Nes- sler tube and dilure with w to the mark. Fill 1 2nd Nessler tube with the sample and ‘compare the color of solns in both cubes. The intensity of color of the sample shall be no greater than that of che standard 430 Save the sample for procedure (b) b) Suspended Matter-none. Odserve the sample in the 2nd Nessler cube of proc (a) there shall be no suspended matter €) Acetic Anbydride Content (Purity)~ninim 97.07%. Have two dry glass-stoppered Erlen~ meyer flasks, the first 500 ml and the 2nd 250 ml. Pipette 50 ml of approx 0.3N carbonate- free NaOH into first flask and 20 ml of freshly distilled aniline into 2nd flask. Seopper both flasks. By means of Lunge weighing bottle weigh to 40.0002 g, 0.9 t0 1.0g sample into 1st flask and 1,6 €0 1.7 g into the 2nd one. ‘The samples shall be added deopwise and the flasks swirled to prevent local overheating. ‘Stopper each flask immediately and, after 3 to 5 mins of standing,wash down the contents of 1st flask with 100 mt w (neutral to phenol phehalein) and titrate wich N/2 HCl to phphe tend point. Cool 2nd flask, wash down the con- rents with 109 ml of aq_methanol (75:25) (neueral to phpht) and titrate with N/2 cat bonate-feee NaOH to a pliphe end point. Tix trate a blank soln consisting of 100 ml of aq methanol and 20 ml aniline using 0.1N carbe- nate-free NaOH where V,=ml NaOH added to Ist flask; V, =ml HCI used in back titeation of contents in the 1st flask; V, = ml NaQH used in citeating 2nd Cask; V, = ml NaOH used in blank; N= normality of NaOH added to 1st flask and used In citrating contents of 2nd flask; Ny = normality of HCI used in back titration of 1st flask; N,=normality of NaOH used in blank; W, =g of sample in Ise flask and W, og of sample in 2nd flask S)Cblorides—none, Dissolve 2 ml sample in 20 ml chloride-free », add 1 ml eoned nittie shake and add a few drops of IN Ag niteate sola. No turbidity or opalescence shall be observed ¢)Sulfates-none, Dissolve 2 al sample ia A31 20 ml sulfate-free w, add 1 ml coned HCl, shake and add a few drops of 10% Ba chlor- ide soln. No turbidity shall be observed £) Heavy Netals—none. Dissolve 10 ml sample in 100 ml w and $ ml coned HCl. Sarurate the sola with hydrogen sulfide gas and aove the appearance of a ppt, which is indicative of the presence of Sb, As, Bi, C4, Cu, Pb,Hg or Sa, Dissolve another 19 ml sample in 100 ml w, neutralize with NH,OH (using. litmus paper indicator) and add $ ml in excess. Coo] the sola, saturate with H,S ‘gas and note the appearance of a ppt, which \dicative of the presence of Co, Ma, Nior Zn Acetic anhydride intended for use as a reagent shall comply with the requirements listed in Ref 3 ‘Analysis of acetic anhydride is also dis- cussed in Refs 1, 3& 4 Refs: 1)Kitk & Ochmer 1(1947), 86-7 2) Jacobs (1949),652-4 3)Reagent Chemicals (1950), 22-3 4)0rganie Anslysis,laterscience 1956) Acetic Anbydride, Azido Derivative (Azido- acetic Anbydride of Triazoacetic Anhydride, H,C-0C,0.CO. CH, .Ny-not found in Beil OfCA through 1956 Acetic Anhydride, Diazide Derivative o Diazidoacetic Anbydride, N,-H, C-0C.0.CO. CH, .N,, me 184.12, N45.65%. Col oil, bp. 110° at 0,2 mm. Indexed in CA as Triazo- acetic Acid Anhydride Prepd by shaking an abs ether suspension of the Ag salt of azideacetic acid with a soln of azidoacety!- chloride ia abs ether Refs: 1)Beil-not found et al, Ber 65, 11911932) Acetle Anhydride-Perchloric Acid Mixtures. See under Perchloric Acid Acetic Ether (Essigetther, in Ger). See Ethv! Acerate ACETINS AND DERIVATIVES 2K. Freudenberg Acetins are esters obtained by reactions of glycerin with acetic acid. There are mono-, di- and tri-aceting Monacetin or Glyceryl Monoacetate, GH, (OH), (0, C.CH,), mw 134.13, OB to CO, ~71.6%%y Mize of two isomers is a col ge 4 1.205, at 20°/4°, bp 130° at 3 mm, N 1.4499 QE. 595.6 kcal and Qy 214,5(Re! 6); very sol in w of ale; sol in ehif; si sol ie ‘eth or pete eth and insol benz. Can be prepd by heating at 170°, equimolar quantities of anhyd glycerol and glacial acetic acide in the preseace of HPO, or P,O, (Refs 1 & 3). Vender (Ref 2) proposed using water sol acetins as gelatinizing agents for NC in the prepa of smokeless propellents. Acetins were also used ia manuf of some dynamites (see also Refs 4 & 5) Refs: 1)Beil 2, 146,069) & [159] _2VV. Vender, Ger P 226,422(1905) & CA 8, 1517 p11)" 3)H-A.Schuetee a P.P.T.Sah, JACS 48, 3162-25(1926) _4)Kitk & Othmer (1951) 3)226-76)P. Tavernier & M. Lamouroux, MP 38,84(1956) Diacetin or Glyceryl Diacetate, C,!1,(OH) (©,C.CH,), , mv 176.17, OB to CO, -136,2% OB to CO~72.75. Mixt of ewo isomers is 4 a ay 1.177 a€ 20/207 bp 175-6° at 40 mm, 20 1371, Qf 801.8 kcal/mol and QF 264.8 (Ref 6); sol in w oF alc; al ol in eth; very sol in benz. Can be peepd in mixt with other ‘comps by heating at 110% anhyd glycerol wih glacial acetic acid and eoned sulfuric acid (Refs 1& 3). Vender (Ref 2), roposed ies use as gelatinizer for NC. According to Refs 4a 5, diacetin has been used as 4 solvent, plasticizer and softening ageat Refs: 1)Beil 2,147,(69) & [160] _2)v- Vender, GexP 226,422(1905) & CA 5,1517 (1911) 3)H.A-Schuetse & P.P.T.Sah, JACS 48,3161(1926) 4)Kisk & Othmer 701951), 227 5)Durrans(19$7),186-7 _ 6)P. Tavernier & M.Lamouroux, MP 38,84(1956) Telacotin (TA) or Glyceryl Trlacetate, GH, (0, C.CH,),, mv 218.20, OB to CO,, “139.3% OB to CO ~73.38. Col lig, fe pea ~78°, bp 258-60%, d 1.163 at 20/20°, N’ 432 1.4307, Q¥ 1008.6 keal/mol and Qf 314.5, (Ref 6); sf sol in w, miscible with ale, ech, chif of benz: nearly insol in C & sulfide o ligroin, Ie is hygroscopic. Caa be prepd by treating glycetol with ac aahyéride at 100° (Ref 2) or by other methods listed in Ref 1. Its toxicity and fire & explo hazards are discussed in Ref 7 ‘Triacetia has been used as a solvent for _ acetocellulose and as a plasticizer ia che pytoxylin industry (Ref 3). Ie was patenced by Hale & Cameron (Ref 3):a6 a flash ducing ageat ia NC propellants. According to Ref 4, triacetin acts as a gelatinizing and waterproofing agent. Ic has been used successfully as plasticizer and coolant in single-base propellants and in ease double- base propellanes (see Noce) Notes: a) Composition of one of the single base propellants contg TA is given in Kirk & Other 6,(1951), 83, 4s follows: NC(I2.68N) 79,0, TNT 15.0, TA 5.0, DPhA 1.0 and graphite (added) 0.2%. Compositions of double-base cast propellants OGK and O10 are given in PicArsn Purchase Description 182(1952), which is classified con- byBuming characteristics of liq mixt triacetin-mettiol trinitrate was stodiea by D.L.Hildeabraad ec al, JPhChem 58, 1130- 31954) & CA 49,2805(1955) )Burning characteristics of liq mixe etiacetin with 2,2 dimethy ol-I-propanol trinitrate, also called 2,2ebis(hydtoxymethy )-I-propanol trinitrate ‘was studied by R. Steinberger & K.E.Catder, JPhChem 59,255-7(1955) & CA 49,7935(1955) Refs: 1)Beil 2,147,(70) & [160] 2)F. Baeyer,GerP 347,897(1919) a JSCI 41,3474 (1922) 3)G.C.Hale & D.R.Cameroa, USP 2,035,471(1936) & CA 30,36501936) 4) AIL & EnExpls(1946), 42. 5)Kirk & Othmer 951),227 5a)Merck(1952),967 6)P. ‘Tavemiet & M.Lamourour, MP 38, 84(1956) 7)Sax 1957),739-40 8)Durrans(1957),187 Acotins, Analytical Procedures. Analyses of mixts of mono with diacetin and of mono- with ttiacetin are described in Ref 1. An infrared method for detg triacetin is described ia Refs 2&3 Triacetin incended for use in the manuf of US smokeless propellants shall comply with che requirements of Spee JAN-T-301, a deed by the following tests )Golor Prepare the standatd by adding 0.5 al of 0.1N iodibe soln & 100 ml w and visually compare the color in 25 ml Nessler cube with that of sample. The color of sample shalt be no darker than that of standard b) specific Gravity—1.153 20.003 at 25/4°, as detd by pyenometer or Restphal balance c)Acidity as AcOM-max 0.005%. Neutealize about 400 ml of 95% ethanol, with 0.IN NaOH soln to faint pink coloration, using 1 to 2 ‘drops phphe indicator, and cransfer about half ro a $00 ml Erlenmeyer flask contg 100 ml sample. Mix thoroughly and titrate rapidly with 0,1N NaOH to ation. Disregard gradual fa: color ACOH where Vial of NaOH soln requi tion; Nenormality of NaOH soln; W-g of sample (vol * gravity) 4)Asb—max 0.002%. Weigh a portion of ca 10g in an accurately tared small porcelain ‘and evap to near dryness over a low flame ‘or of a hot plate. Ignite the residue to const wwe at a red heat, cool ia a desiccator and weigh e)E ster Content as TAmin 98,07. Take ewo 250 ml flasks which can be firced by means of ground joints to teflux condensers. Ac- ‘curately, weigh by means of a Lunge pipettes 1.8 +0.2g sample into the Ist flask, add 100 tal of N/3 NaOil soln and connect to the Ist reflux condenses. Add to the 2nd flask (blank) only 100 ml N/3 NaOH soln and con- ‘ect t0 the 2nd reflux condenser. Boil gently each flack for ca 1 br with occasional ‘swirling (saponification takes place in the 433 Ist flask). Wash down the sides of each condenser and the ground jpints, with about 25 ml w, cool the flasks rapidly co RT and citrate their contents with N/3 sulfuric acid 27% ¥ OxN TA D where Vem of acid used to titeate blank; v= al of sulfuric acid used to titrate excess of NaOH after saponification and Nenormality of sulfuric acid Refs: 1)P. Fuchs, ZAnalChem 121, 305 (1941) & CA 35, 6205(1941)_2)A.H.Castelli et al, PATR 2021(1934(Q)—_3)A.H.Castelli et al, PATR 2222(1956KC) Note: Above classified references 2 and 3 ‘were not used in this descripcion of analytical procedures itroacetin or Glycerylmenoacotate Git, (OHMONO,XO,C-CH,)-a0t found Dinitroacetin, Glycerylmonacetate or Glycereldinitroecotate, called in Beil Glycerin-acetat-diniteat,CyH, (ONO,),(0,C> CH,), mw 224.13, N12,50% OB to CO, - 42.8% Le yel oil d 1.45 at 15°(Ref 2) d 1.42 at 15° (Ref 3) fr p < -20°, bp 147° at 15 mm (dec); ingot in w, benz & CS,; easily sol in ales, acet, ether & NG.Can be prepd by aitrating rmonoacetia with mixed nitric-sulfarie acid or by acetylation of dinieoglycerin. tt easily gelatinizes NC at RT, is insensitive to impact but is can be initiated by detonator-Power by Traual cest 450 ce (Ref 2) and 202 ec(Ref 3) Note: Accotding to Naoiin( Ref 3) ehe sanple of Vender Ref 2) probably contained NG Loss of we in 24 hes at 75° was 1.4% (Ref 3) 1k was proposed as an antifreeze addition to NG in dynamites (Ref 2) Refs: 1)Beil 2, 148 2)V.Veader, SS2, 2101907) 3)Naodm, NG(1928), 193-7 Mononittodiacetin, Glyceryldiacetate Ni Diacetin Nitrate, called in Beil,Glyc @,Bedicacetatynitrate, C,H, (ONO,)(0,C* CHy),, mw 245.19, N5.71%. Crysts, mp 18-20°, insol in w. Was prepd by acetylating glycerine-a-monositrate. It is not mentioned as an expl Refs: 1)Beil 2, 148 2)¥.Will, Ber 41, 1120(1908) Acetoacetyldiphenylomine. See N,N- Diphenylaceramide Acetocolluloses. See Acerylcellulose 2 ‘Aceio-1,9-dlocetoxy-2,6,8-Hinito-2,4,6,8- janonane. See 24) Aceryl-1,9-diacetoxy- 256 Srtsiniteo-2,4,6,8-tewazanonane, under ‘Acctyldiacetoxytettazanonane 1-Acoto-3,7-Sinitro-S-nitroso-1,3,5,7- tetrazacyclosctane. See under Acctotettaza- eyclodctane and Derivatives V-eoto-3,5 3,S-triaxecyel See under Acetotriazacyclohexane aad Derivatives Acetal (1-Hydroxy-2-propanone, Propanclon, Acetylearbinol or Pyruvic Alcohol) (a-Oxy= B-oxopropan, Oxy-aceton, Acetonytalkohol of Beenztraubenalkohol in Ger), CHsCO-CH,OH, ims 74.08, OB 0 CO, ~151.2%, OB to CO ~86.4%. Col, pleasant smelling lig, bp 145+ 7, 1,024 at 20°/20°(when freshly distilled), 130° 1.4295, Miscible with w, ale & eth. Io dustrial methods of prepa are given in Refs 1,2 & 3 and the lab prepn is in Ref 4, Ie is used as a reducing agent in org chem(Ref 5) and as a solv for NC(Ref 6) Refs: 1)Beil 1,821,(418) & {866] _ 2)E. Holmes, BrP 428,462(1935) & CA 29, 6908 (1935) _3)R.W.McNamee, USP 2,143,383 (1939) & CA 33,2914(1939) _4)OrgSyach, CollVol 2(1943), 5-6 $)Hackh(1944), 7 OCondChemDict(1956),8 ACETONE AND DERIVATIVES Acetone or Dimethylketone (abbreviated ro acet(2-Propanone, Methylacetyl or Pyroacetic Ether), CHy-CO-Ci,, mw 58.08, OB to CO, =220.4%, OB to CO 137.7%. Col, mobile, flame lig, frp ¢a ~94.6°, bp 36.5%, d 0.7698 3¢ 2097/4", of0"1.3591, wap pres 180.3 mm He a 20%, sp het 0.5176 cal/g at 20°, vise 0.00337 egs units a 15°, Qe 435.3 (Ret 17) As ex! 0.9 eon nl pps Tine ae a eles er Srreshoss les gsi cee 12,16 & 18), cellulose acetate, nitrocompds ca rf phy bis Sy dics tga ead ol tS by oomedt ah fed nk sets wacom rei ti EASTRAURT TS 2 Thee a many ete fore pepe of acest uch ty in of Goes has conan tee eer Bot hc ebb rman a Cito eu ies ets) ah. byt ge a wn he ion pelted pee my Cisopdpend te 1 08 fer Ftd cay eee 1S. Gay Lees ped 9 Jaton fc pees co 400%Ref 31). There are also other methods of prepn(Refs 1,2,3,4,10,14,31,33,42,47, & ra Acetone is very flammable and should aot be exposed to heat or flame. Mixts of acet vapor with air are expl if the acet content is 2.55 to 12.8% at RT. The ignition temp of cet vapor in aie at 0° is 567° and in oxygen 485° (Ref 20). The expl props and hazards of cet air mixts and precautions against thei propagation to expla aze discussed in Refs 5,6,7,8,9,19,27 & 28. The expel detma of weak shocks in ligs, such as acet, ethanol and ether is discussed in Ref 45. Brooke (Ref 40) detnnd che flash points of acet- waver mixts and has shown that they are ignitable even when the acet content is a3 low as 2%. The fl p of a 2% acet-water mixe is 444° and of an 18% sola is 7.1°, The fl p decreases rapidly with an increase ia the facet content. Ia pouring acet down the drain, ic is advisible to add enough water to male the acet conen less than 2% ‘The toxicity and toxicology of acct are discussed ia Refs 17,28,31,42846. In ‘general there seems to be no indication that acet produces any roxic effects in workers ‘who use it in well ventilated buildings Osmotic press data for solns of NC in acet have been obtained by Huggins(Ref 21), vapor tensions of gels by Schult2(Ref 15) and by Calvet(Ref 22), sedimentation rates by Moisimann et al (Refs 24& 25), viscosity vs NC concn by Wissler (Ref 36), thermodynamic props by Minster (Ref 41), and various other props of NC-acet solas are discussed in Refs 13,23, 26,29,32,34,35,38,39& 44. The absorption spectra of acer are recorded by Pauling (Ref 30) and the reaction with 1,3,5-TNB, in the presence of an alkali, to give a black solid complex has been noted by Kimura (Ref 43) ‘The principal use of acet in the expl iar dustzy is as.a soly such as, in che prepn of pemolite from PETN ard TNT, in the purifi- cation of RDX and other exple, and as a sgelatinizer for NC in the prepn of some pro- pellants (eg cordite) (See spec, Ref 49, for Ordn use of acer). Acet is also used ex tensively in labs as a solv and for the washing of glassware Refs on Acetone: DBeil 1, 635335) & [692] 2yV.Meyer & K. Locher, Ber(1) 8, 216 (1875) 3)M, Berthelot & M.Delépine, CR 130, 1045 & 131, 745(1900)4)Barnert (1919), 85, 87888" 5)A.1.Brown, QuartNat FireProtAssoc 21, 47-54(1927) & CA 22, 166 (1928) )F-Riteer et al, Jahcesber CTR 8, 201-2(1930) & CA 26, 4474 (1932) 7) E.Bed & K-Barth, ZElekwochem 39, 73-5 (1935) & CA 27, 20361933) 8)G.W. Jones ‘et al, Bur Mines Tech Paper 544, 26 pp(1933) & CA 27, 28121933) 9)G.W. Jones et al, Bur MinesTechPeper 553, 24 pp (1933) & CA 27, 4401(1933) _10)M.Mathiew, CR 199, 55-7(1934) & CA 28, 36591934) 11]. Desmaroux & M. Mathieu, MP 26, 180-203 (29345) 12)}.Desmaroux, CR 199, 148-50 (1934) & CA 28, 5659(1934) —13)T.H, Durrans & D.G.Davidson, Chem & Ind 1936, 162-9 & CA 30, 31161936) 14)].N.Crahay, Ingéoieur Chiniste 20, 13-22(1936) & CA30, Aas 7539(1936) _15)G.VSchulz, Natutiwissen- schaften 25, 346-7 (1937) & CA 31, 8917 (0937) 16. Inoue et al, Cellulose Ind (Tokyo) 16, 37-48(1940) & CA 35, 2719(1941) 17)G.B.Mills & H.Hune, JPhChem 45, 1358-9 (1941) 18)E,Caivet, CR 213, 126-8(1941) & CA 36, 6073(1942) | 19)].D.Mlles- Hillebeand, AvtogeneMetallarbeit 34, 83-90 (1941) & CA 40, 763101946) 20). Huff, BurMines RI 3669(1942) & CA 36, 4357(1942) 21)ML.Huggins, JACS 64, 1713(1942) & CA 36, 5407(1942) | 22)E.Calvet, CR 214, 767-8(1942) & CA 38, 2546(1944) 23)E. Calvet, AnnFaculté Sci, Marseille 16, 17-35 (1942) & CA 41, 2303(1947) _24)H. Moisimaan, Helv 26, 61-75(1943) & CA 37, 65221943) 25)H.Moisimana & R.Signer, Helv 27, 1123-7(1944) & CA 39, 3476-71945) 26)A.AKinster,KollZte 105, 1-9(1943) & Z Naturforsch 1, 311-20(1946); CA 38,4494 (2944) & 41, 499601947) —27)M, Hu, Bur Mines RI 3745, 49 pp(1944) & CA 38, 54011944) 28)A.R.Smith & M.R.Mayers, IndBull(NY State Dept of Labor) 23, 174-6 (1944) & CA 38, 5613(1944) _29)S.N. Danilov & N.E,Dyn’kin, ZhurObshkhim 15, 50-64(1945) & CA 49, 4582-3(1946) 30) L.Pauling, OSRD Rept No 5953(1945) 31)Kick & Ochmer 101947), 8893 32)) ‘Chédin a R. Vandoni, MSCE 33, 205-18(1947) & CA 43, 4927-81949) 33)Giua, Dizionatio 100948), 28-33 34)D.Fensom & J.H.Greem blate, Can JRes 26B, 215-25(1948) & CA 42, 4818(1948) _ 35)8.A.Glickman & L.A.Rooz, DoklAkadN 65, 701-4(1949) & CA 43, 6044-5 (1949) 36)A.Wissler, MakrChem 3, 5-12 (1949) & CA 43, 68851949) 37)H.Campbell & P.Johnson, JPolymerSci4, 427-63(1949) & CAB, 8244(1949) 38)S.M.Lipatow & S.L. Méerson, KollZh 12, 122-30(1950) & CA 44, 56931950) _39}5.Newman, JPLColl Chea 54, 964-6(1950) & CA 44, 8740(1950) 40) M.Brooke, ChemAnal 40, 92(1951) & CA 46, 9311(1952) 41)A.Minster, JPolymerSei8, (683-49(1952) & CA 46, 7845(1952); ZElec- trochem 36, 899-903(1952) & CA 49, 7928 (1955) ‘42)Utlmann 31953364143) N.Kimura, JPharmSoc( Japan} 73, 1216-23 (1953) & CA 48, 1269911954) 44P.C Scherer & N.J.Crookston, jPolymer Sei 14, 129-34(1954) & CA 48, 14187(1954) 45) W.M.Flock & D.F-Homnig, JChenPhys 23, 81G-210955) & CA 49,11346-701955) 46) Sax(1957), 2323 47)Dusrans(1957) 67 & 112-21 48)Faith Keyes & Clark(1957),2> 33” 49)US Spec JAN-A-465 ACETONE, ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Detection of Acetone. ‘The presence of acetone may be detected by the iodoform test, hich depends on the fact that when acet is treated with iodine and Na hydroxide, iode- form and Na acetate are formed: (CHy-CO-CH, + 31, # 4NaOH= CH, + CH, COONa + 3Nar+3H1,0 The presence of iodoform is detected by its characteristic odor of by formation of erysts. ‘Other ketones, as well as aldehydes and alcohol interfere and should be detd separately. Description of qualitative est is given ia Ret 16, p 619 Other qualitative tests for acetone include: a)Dénigts' mercuric sulfate test, described in Refs 2 & 19 b)Dinitrophenylbydrazine test, described in Refs 10& 19 and ¢, The Faught sodium nitroprusside test, described in Ref 16, p 685 (see also Ref 12) Quantitotive Determinations of Acetone. The oldest and still widely used method is the “"Messinger test”, based on the iadofor reaction described above. This test originally described in 1888 (Ref 1) was also described in detail by Goodwin (Ref 5), Friedmann (Ref 6) and Bonnex(Ref 13). Jacobs (Ref 16, pp (685-6) describes the test and its modifications and gives some additional efs. The modifi= cation of Baet(Ref 17) described below under “Determination of Acetone in Smokeless Prom pellants Also Containing Alcohol” was successfully used at PicArsa The quantitative test, known as the bydro- xylamine bydrocbloride test (Refs 8 & 16) of as the oximation method (Refs 15 & 20) is based on the following equation: 436 (CH,), CO + NH, OH-HCL, (CH,), C= NOH + HCI +H,0 Tn aq sola this reaction goes (in cold) to 95% completion and the same applies to some other lower ketones. For higher ketones it is necessary to heat the mizt to complete the renction and this might decomp the hy- droxylanine hydrochloride Procedwe: a) Weigh» sample contg acetone into 250 ml vol flask and dil wich w to che mark(conce, of acet after diln shall be ca 1% b)Take @ 10 ml aliquot io 125 mi Erlenmeyer flask, add few drops of bromphenol-blue indicat (0.1% soln in 30% ale) and neutralize any alkalinity with 0.1N HCl soln e)Weigh out approx 0.5e ep bysronylamine hydrochloride, dissolve it in 5 ml w, add a few diops of bromopheno! indicator and neutralize any feee acidity with 0,1N NaOH sola dJAdé the hydroxylamine hydrochloride soln to the above acetone soln in 125 mil flask, stopper it and allow to stand for 45 mins €)Titrace the liberated HCl(see the above equation) with O.1N NaOH and eale dhe ame of acer, a9 fol- lows: AN x 0.05808 « 100 Wx 0.95 Where: Aan of approx 0.IN NaOH used to neutralize che aliquot; N=normality of NaOH soln and W ~total wt of sample ‘Quantitative tests other than Messinger and oximation methods ate described in Refs 7,10 & LL. Detns of acet in propellants are described in Refs 3,4,6,7,13 & 17. The proc of Ref 17 is given below under Determination of Acetone in Smokeless Propellants Con- taining also Alcohol 1% Acetone = Speciticotion Requirements for Acetone Used in Ordnance. Acetone intended for use as a solvent in prepn of propellants and pencolice shall comply sith the requirements of US ‘Spec JAN-A~489 and shall be tested accord- ing to the procedures outlined below: 9) Appearance. Acetone shali be colorless, transparent and show no turbidity when mixed with distilled waeer in any proportion, ‘This test is conducted in acest rube of cylinder b)Distillation Range. Acetone shall distil completely(ceach the dry point) withia a range of 1°C. The temp 56.1° shall be in- cluded within che distillation range at 760 mm Hg. The method in sect 100.1 of Federal Spec VV—L~791 shall be used ‘\Nonvolatite Matter — max 0,002 per 100 mi sample, is demd by evapg a 100 ml sample in ‘ platiaum dish on a steam bath, followed by drying the dish to const we at 105—110° 4)Permanganate Reduction. The pink color shall persist for at least 30 mins when 0,5 ml of O.IN K permanganate soln is added to a 100 mi graduate contg the sample. The gradv- ate is stoppered and the soln is thoroughly mixed before ie is allowed to stand at 15° Note: According to Mr G.D.Clitt, the fol- lowing precautions shall be observed during this test: a)Only glass stoppers shall be used for the sample bottles and the graduate byThe geaduate shall be rinsed with HCI, distilled w and a portion of sample just be= fore the test c)Onty freshly prepd soln of K permanganate shall be used as the lower oxides present in old solns catalyze the re~ action, and discolor the permanganate d) Sample shall not be placed in the sunlight and e}Theze shall be no oxides of nitrogen cr sulfur dioxide presene eNSpecific Gravity shall be 0 7915 to 0.7935 ‘ac 20/20° when decd by a Westphal balance, chainomatic balance, sp grborde or pycno- ()Alkalinity as NaOH — max 0.001%, when detd_ by titrating a 50 al sample dissolved in 100 ml water with N/10 standard acid, using meehy! red as an indicator BAcidity as AcOH — max 0.001%, whea deed by titrating with N/10 NaOH soln 300 mi sample(previousiy reduced by vigor ‘ously boiling t0 100 ml) dissolved ia 300 ml distilled water neutral to pophe h)Aldebydes — max trace, when dete by shaking a mixt of 10 al acetone and 10 ol w 37 with 1 ce of the vest solution(see below), allowing co stand for 1 he and filtering the mixt. The filtrate cested with 1 ml of a 10% NaCl soln shail not give mote than a trace of surbidity Note I: The “'test solurion’” is prepd by mixing 1 ml of NaOH sola(9 g ia 100 ml ¥) with I ml of Ag nitcate soln(9 g in 100 ml ¥), followed by adding dropwise enough Amm hydroxide(d 0.90) to just dissolve the ppt ‘completely Note 2: Acetone used in manuf of pentolite may contain, according to G.D.Clift, the following amts of impurities: CO, -up to 0.05%, mesieyl oxide 100,000 ppm, fermalde- hyde 18500 ppm and tar(such as produced by the action of alkalies on TNT) 1,000 ppm Acetone Intended for Use os o Reagent shall comply withthe requirements and undergo the tests described in Reagent Chemicals (1950),24~5(Ref 18) Determinotion of Acetone in Smokeless Pro- pellants Containing Also Alcohol. This me- thod developed by M.Baer of PicArsn ic de- ‘scribed in Ref 17. Propellant used for this det contnd NC(13.2%N) 54.6 NG 35.5, Et Centr 0,9,carbon black 1.2, K chlorace(contg 0.5% Mg stearate & 0.5% Mg oxide) 7.6 and rolatiles 0.2%. After investigating several existing methods of detn of acetone and finding most of them unsuitable for analysis of the above propellant, Baer decided that the most suitable would be Messinges's me- thod(see Refs 1 & 5), and for alechol — ‘quantitative oxidation to acetic acid with an excess of K, Cr, 0, in H,SO, and titeating the iodine liberated by the excess of dichto= ‘mate when i is allowed to react with KI Following is the procedure: 4) Assemble the digestion apparatus, which shall consist of two condensers vettically placed and connected at their cops by an in verted U tube. To the lower end of the 1st condenser is attached a 1500 af flat bottom flask and the tip of the lower end of 2nd con- denser is extended ta the bottom of = 250 mi flat bottom flask. All connections shall consist of std ground glass joints byCut the sample into ca %" in diam and 1¢" in length as rapidly as possible, wei gh in @ stoppered bottle(5 g in case of finished pro- pellant and 25 g in case of green one) and transfer to the 1500 ml flask of the digestion apparatus. Add 500 ml m, 100 ml of 30% NaOH soln, several pieces of porcelain to prevent bumping and a small piece of paral fin to peevent frothing ¢)To the 250 ml flask of the digestion apparatus(which is ‘marked to indicate vol of 150 ml), add enough ww to cover the bottom with a 4" layer. Con nect the digestion app. Immerse this flask in ice-water and let tap w sun through the 2nd condenser, but keeping the Ist condenser juse full but the w not running — d)Heat the 1500 ml flask slowly so that 3—4 hes will be required to collect 150 a! of distillate. At che end of this period propellant should be completely disintegrated,and if not con- tinue the distillation €)Disconnect the 250 ml flask(receiver) from the 2nd condenser and add 10-15 g of anhyd Na sulfate. Con tioue to keep the distillate in the icesbath for 15=20 mins longer and then filter by means of aNo 41 Whatman(or equivalent) catching the filteate in a 250 al volumetric flask. Rinse the receiver flask and filter paper with ewo 25 mil portions of w catching the washings in the above vol flask Allow the flask and contents to come to RT and fill the flask to the 250 ml mark Estimation of Acetone: g)Pipette 25 ml ali- ‘quot to a 250 mal iodine flask contg 50 ml of N/1 NaOH sola, stopper and allow to stand 5 ming h) Add from a burette about 25% ex- cess of 0.1N iodine soln while continually and vigorously swirling the flask. Stopper the flask aad allow to stand at least 10 mins (20 mins in cold weather) Note: If the flask is not swirled vigorously while adding iodine soln and if iodine is not added in 25% excess, the reaction will not {50 to completion and much iodine remains uncombined. This will requite 3 times as much thiosulfate on back titration of A38 iodine. The excess of iodine may be either ‘caled or detd by preliminary titration iNew tralize the NaOH by adding 25 ml of 2N sul- furic acid and then 0.30.4 ml in excess. Note: If larger excess of acid is added, more thiosulfate will be required to tierate the excess of iodine than necessary. The ‘exact amt of acid necessary fot neutraliza- tioa of caustic may be established by pre- liminary titration of 50 ml N/1 caustic with 2N acid in preseace of phpht indicator Add from a burette, while swirling the flask, 0.05N Na thiosulfate sola until the yel color just zemains visible; then add some freshly prepd starch soln and continue titration to the appearance of a bluish color ‘)Run a blank using the same vol of iodine soln but no sample (AnB) N « 0.96747 w where A = ml of Na thiosultate soln used to titrate a blank, B= wl Na thiosulface soln to titrate the sample, N= normality of thiosulfate soln and W = g of sample repre- seated by aliquot portion % Acetone = Note: Analysis of alcohol is included here because it can be run simultaneously with acetone, using the same distillate Estimation of Aicobol: g!)Pipette-25 al aliquot of procedure (f) 9 # 250 ml flat bot tom flask contg 25 al w, cool the flask for 15 mia in an ice-water bath, add ca 0.20 g of K, Cr, 0,(accurately weighed) and 6 ml coned H,SO, h*)Ateach to the flask (by means of a ground glass joint) a reflux coa- denser» Bring the contents co a boil in 10 15 mios aad allow it to boil for 5 mins iPisconnecteve Dasi from the condenser and cool to RT. Dilute the contents eo €2100 al with w, and add 34 g KI j)Stop- per immediately, agitate by swirling and, afier allowing to stand 3 mins, titrace the liberated iodine with std 0.1N'Na thiosulfate sola in the manner described in proc (j) {A ~ (0,049 x B x ND] x 23.44 v where A = g of K,C1,0, used; B = ml of Na thiosulfate soln used to titrate the sam- ple; N= normality of thiosulface and W + g of sample represented by aliquot taken % Aleokel = Refs{Acetone, Analytical): 1)ANessinger, Ber21,2366(1888) & JSCI18,136(1889) 2) G.Dénig’s, JPharmChim9,7(1899) & Analyst 24,92(1899) (Det of small quantities of et, such as in air,by eating the sample with a large excess of acidic merewie sul- fate and heating € 100°. An insol compd (2HgS0, . 3490), (C,H,0), is deposited. ‘This methad is also described in Ref 19) 3)A.Pieroni, AttiAceadLin 27 1,52-7(1918) JSCI 37, 49A(1918) & CAT3, 78900919) 4) C.FvanDuin et al, Rec 38,163-9(1919) & CA 13,2596-711919) _>)L.F.Goodwin, JACS 42,39-45(1920)(Anaiysis of acet by the Messinger method was found to be accurate) OOF Friedmena,SS 16,121~31921) & CA16, '34X(1922)(Dem of acet in NG propellants conducted by passing a slow current of CO, 1, through a U eube filled with fine shar- 8 of sample and immersed in a water bath at 75°. The acet of sample is volatilized and passed into burerte filled with 23% KOH soln, where ie is absorbed. The soln of KOH is ditwed to 100 ml and a 20 al aliquot is placed in iodine flask where acet is detd by the Messinger method) 7)M.Marqueyrol & P.Loriette,MP19,362(1922) & CAI7,1717 (1923)(Dem of acet based on the adda to a soln contg sample K iodide and Na hypochlo- rite in the presence of alkali, until the Ist appearance of free iodine, which may be de- tected by starch-bicarbonate indicator) £8)M.Morasco,TEC18,701(1920)(The air contg cet is deawn through bubblers coneg 0.25% hydroxylamine hydrochloride soln and the ant of acet is estimated by titrating HC! liberated through the formation of acetoxime, with std NaOH in the presence of mechy! orange indicator)(see also Refs 15 a 16) 9)C.A.Adams& J.R.Nicholls. Analyse 54, 39, 5-9(1929)(Analysis of mixes comtg acetone, ethanol & isopropanel) 10)H.A.tddle & C.E. Jackson,AnalChem 6,454~6(1934)(Acet, 05 well as other carbonyl compas, reacts quanti- tatively with 2,4-dinitophenythydrazine with formation of solid hydrazone. This procedure seems to be only approximate) 11)E-K.Niki- tin Zh PrikiKhin 9,1543~5(1936)(in Fe) CA’ 31,2126(1937)(Rapid deta of acetone in w conducted by mixing 1 ml of sola to test with 1 ml of 0.2% furfural and 1 ml KOH soln. ‘Treat in a similar manner 1 ml w concg 0.05% and 1 ol w contg 0.025% serving as standards. Compare the sates of potn of sample with those of standards and cale conen of acet from the formula given in paper. The accuracy of the method is 35%) 12)Kick & Othmer, 111947),92( Analytical procedures and spees for acet) 13)T.G.Bonner, Analyst 72,434-39 (1947) 14) W.B.Hluckabay ec al, AnalChem 19, £838—41(1947)(21 refs )(Optimum conditions for titeimetric detn of teaces of acet in liquer fiea gases) 15)R.Dalbert & J.Tranchant, MP30,343~-51(1948)(Detn of acet & ethyl acetate in propellants) (36 refs) After briefly describing and criticizing the principal me thods of deeg acet in propellants, such as those of Messinger Merqueyrol g Loriette and Bonner, D & T giveson p349,theit modification of the oximation method described in Refs 8 & 16. D& T claim that theit modification gives accurate results and that alcohol and echy! acetate do not interfere) 16)Jacobs(1949), 619 & 685~7 (Estimation of acetone by the jodoform method, by the Messinger method sad by the Morasco method, called by Dalbert & ‘Traachant the oximation method)(See also Refs 1,5,8 & 15) 17)M.Baer,ChemLabRept 130,159; PieArsn,Dover.NJ(1950)__18)Rea ‘ent Chemicals(1950),24~5 19)A.Boulegue, NSCE %6,257-8(1951)(Micro detn of acet in ait by the method of Déniges, described ia Ref 2nd by the method dinitropheny lbydea- 2) 20)]-P.PilleyMP. 36,267-75(1954) Cnaylsis of mixts contg.acet, ethyl acetate and ale employed for prema of some Fr pro- pellants and for recovery of some discarded propellants. In the method of Pillet, first the density of mixt is detd at 18°, then acetone by oximation(see Ref 15), ethyl acctate by saponification and ale by difference) Acetoneallylozonide. See Allylacetoncozonide ‘Acetoneallylperoxide. See Allylacetoneperoxide ‘Acetone, Azide Derivative( Azidoacetone, Tri azoacetone, Azidopropanone of Acetony/lazoi- mide), NCH, -CO-Clly, mw 99.09, N42.41%. Col, very refractive gil'bp 33-5? at 1 mm 21,1132 at 25/4%, dh 1.4515(Refs 1 & 2); bp 42=3° at 2 mm (Ref 4),bp 38° ar 1 am (Ref 5); 201 in v, Detonates on heating and Gecomps in storage. Can be peepd by shaking chloroncetone with concd aq soln of Na azide tnd a small amt of AcOH Refs: Beil 1,661 (7201 2)M.Forster & H.Fierz, JCS 93, 81(1908) _3)H.Lindemann a H.Tiele, Ber 61, 1529(1928) & CA 22, 3598 1928) 4)J-H. Boyer, JACS 73,5252 1951) &CA 47, 490(1953) 5)J-H.Boyer x J.Hamer, JACS 77, 9531955) & CA 50, 18771956) Acetone, Diazido Derivative or 1,3-Diazido- 2-propanone, Ny+CH, «CO-CH, Ny, mw 140,11, 39.99% = not found in Beil or CA through 1936 Acetoncazldoscetylhydrozide, called in Ger Acetyl{azidoacet-hydrazid of Isoptopropyliden- [azidoacery!]-hydrazine(CHt,),C:N «NH -CO-- CH, «Ny, mw 155.16, N45.14%. Wh nds (from cet), mp 114°. Was ptepd from azidonc: anhydride and acetone. No info on exp! prope Refs: 1)Beil 2,(101) 2)TH.Curtius & A.Bock= Ber 45,1033(1912) Acetone-[4-bromphenylhydeazone}-peroxide (Peroxyd des Acetompbromopheny lhydrazons, in Get), (CH), GANIC HBr, mw 259.15, 9, N10.81%, OB to CO, ~152.7R, OB to CO~77.1%. Yel,uastable prisms from 1 mp 43-47" with decomp; expl on heating. Sol in most org solvents. Can be ptepd by passing air through cold, agitated acetone-[4-bromo pheny lhydrazone], suspended in ligroin(Ref 2) Ato Refs: 1)Beil¥5,435 & 117 2)P.C. Freer,Ber 30,737(1897) _3)M.Busch & W.Dietz,Ber 47, 3289-90(1914) Acetone Compound, C, ,Hy,NysOy (No strue- tural formula given), mw 658.56, 38.29% height yel Its. Was prepd by pouring acet into ice cold nitric acid (4 1.5), cooling and adding to the resulting oil an exce ss of am- monia, les tinitra derivative, C, dyN,O, (So structural formula given), mw 753.59, N 37.07%, yel adls, mp 193-5, was prepa by dissolving compd Cy bly gNyO, ia nitsie acid (€ 1,5) and pouring immediacely into water. No expl props of either compd were mentioned Refs: 1)Beil 1,647 & 648 2)H.Apetz & C.Hlell, Ber27,939 & 942(1894) Acetone Compounds of Pentaerythritel are described by L.Ordiaer,Ber 61B,116~18(1928). None of them is an explosive Acetonediperoxide. See Acetoneperoxide, Dimeric Acstoneditetranyi Atide, See under Aceronyi azidotewazoles 5-Acetonshydrazone-a(1H)- tetrarole, called Acetone S-tetrazolylhydrarone by Benson, (Teteazolon-iso-propyliden- hyérazon, in Ger), (Ct CN-NH-C HA, mw 140.15, NN N 59.97%, OB 0 CO, —137.0%. Cryst, mp 181,5°. SI sol io w; sol in acet, ale and Et facet. Was prepd from S-hydeazinotetrazole hydrochloride and acetone in the presence of Na ace tate. les expl props were not examined Refs: 1)Beil26,425 2)}.Thiele & H.Ingle, ‘Ann287,237(1897) 3)F.R.Benson, ChemRevs 41,8(1947) Acetone Insoluble Test is one of the stand- ard teses for detg the purity of expls and pro- pellants. It is conducted by dissolving a weighed amc of sample() in measured vole of acer at RT and filtering the sole chrough a tered sintered glass erucible({,). After rinsing the re ctucible in an oven to const wt, it is re weighed(®, ) 1e with acet and drying the W, ~¥,) x 100 W Gee also under individual compounds) % Acetone Insoluble Acetonemonotetrorylozide. See under Acetonyt- azidotewazoles Keauz & Stepanek(Ref 1) ateempted to prepare tetranitromethane by nitration of acerone, but failed. Instead, they obeained (after treating the resulting produce a silver salt) a very expl solid claimed wo be Ag salt of "acetylmethylnitrolic acid’, also called a-nitro~ -isonitroso-acetone. Hass & Hud gin(Ref 3) nitrated acet, using a vapor-phase nitration techaique described in Ref 2. The high-boiling fractn from the tion gave an odor of acetic acid, an acidic reaction in aq soln, a red color with ferric chloride and a yel salt with Ag nitrate soln, which was water sol and partially decompd ‘on distil, Attempts at ite further purifien and prepa of other derive were unsuccessful, pri- marily due to instability of te compd. The paper(Ref 3) does not give the compa of high boiling fraction of nitration and does not erate whether the substance was solid of liq wid (See also Nitroacetone, described below) Refs: \C-Krauz & J.Stepanek,ChemObzor 10,137-40(1935) & CA 30,3403(1936) 2)H.B. Hass, E.B.Hodge & B.M.Vanderbile, IEC 28, 339(1936) 3)H.B.Mass & D.E.Hudgin,JACS 78,2693-4(3955) 8 CA 49,8786(1955) Acetonenittile, See Acetonitrile Acotone, Nitre Detivative(Nitroacetone ot Nitropropanone), CH,-CO-CH,NO, , mw 103.08, N13.59%, OB t0 CO, -85.4%, OB co CO -38.8%. Plates or ndls, mp 49-50%, bp 103—104° at 24 wm or 185-190" with decompn ‘when heated rapidly in small quantities under um press. SI sof in w, sol in'ale & eth and very sol in benz. It was peepd io 1899 by Lucas(Ref 4) rom iodoacetone and rate in ethereal sola 9¢ 0°. This is an indi- rect method of prepa as were the methals of Harcies(Ref 5) and Wieland a Block(Ref 6). Te was claimed by Henry(Ref 2) that 0. de Battie peepd nitroacetone in 1895 in Bel- sium by oxidation of aitcoisopropanol with chromic mixcure. Henry described the compa as a col, mobile lig with a sharp odor, 4 1,070 at 14°, bp 152° at 767 me and insol in w. Lucas elaimed(Ref 3) that the compd de= scribed by Henry was act nitroacetone, but this statement was disputed by Heary(Ref 4)- Harries also claimed(Ref 5) that the compa described by Henry is not aitroacetone Nore recency, Hass & Hudgin(Ref 7) claimed thar they had isolated some nitto- cotone from the high-boiling fraction of the vapor-phase niation of acetooe bur ie is not clear fcom their paper whether the substance was lig or solid. Hurd & Nilsoa(Ref 8) prepa nitroacetone as pale-green crysts, mp 47°, by oxidizing [-nitro=2—propanol dichtomate and sulfuric acid. Th 1667 of theoretical. The explosibility of this compd was not mentioned Refs: 1)Beil 1,661 2)L.Henry,Recl7,399- 402(1898) _3)A.Lucas, Ber32,604 & 3179(1699) 4)LHency,Ber32,865(1899) 5)C.Harries, Aan 319,251 & 255(1901) 6)H.Wielond & S. Block, Ano 340,83(1905) 7)H.8.Hass & E. Hudgin, JACS76,2694(1954) & CA 49,8786(1955) 8)C.D.Hlurd & NLE-Nilson, JOC 20,931(1955) CA 50,6310(1956) Acetone Oxime. See Acetoxime ‘Acetone, Ozonization. According to Schroeter (Ref 1) 4 product contg active O was prepd by treating acetone with ozonized 0 or aiz. No compa was given. Briner & Meier (Ref 2) atempted to ozonize acet in a gaseous form, bur instead of prepg an acet ozonide, they ‘abtd CO,, HCOOH & HCHO, Doevre (Ref 3) conducted ozonization of acet in solns. Schroeter (Ref 4) conducted ozonization of acet in the presence of org catalyses, partic: ulacly ether. No compns of resulting products were given adi Refs: 1}6.Schroeter, Ger P 495,021(1927) & CA 25, 1922(1931) 2)E.Briner & R.Meiet, Helv 12, 552(1929) 3)}.Doewe, Bui {41 45, 140(1929) 4)G. Schroeter, GexP 597,516(1933) & CA 28, 783(1934) ACETONE PEROXIDES ‘Two peroxides are known, dimeric and Acetonepetoxide, Dimeric or Diacetone Di- peroxide(Acetonediperoxide, Dimeric Ace- toneperoride, Acetonedimer Peroxide, Cyclo= dincetone Perozide ot Dicycloacecone Perox~ ide) (Was called in Ger Dimolekulires- aceton-superoxyd, Polymeres-acetonsuperozyd or 3.3 6.6-Tetramethyl-, / ‘oo (oH),c. + mw 148.16, 08 to CO, -151.2%, 0B to CO -¥6.475. Col prisms(fom Et acee), mp 131.5~133%, very volat, Insol io w and dil acids & alkalies, unaffected by boiling ia » for 6 hes. Was peep by Baeyer & Villiger (Ref 2) by treating a cooled ethereal soln ‘of acet with Caro" s reagent(prepd by rub- bing K persulfate with coned sulfuric acid and chen adding K sulfate). Pastereau(Ref 3) prepa the petozide by treating acetone with 2% hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid soln. Other methods of prepaCincluding ozonization of acer) are given in Refs 4,5,7,8 and in some of the addal refs Phillips(Ref 6) attempted to peepare the dimeric acct peroxide by the method of Ref 2 bot obrai ned the wineric form instead. How= ever, he succeeded in preparing the dimeric form by using the folloving method: 5 al of acetone was mixed with 2 al of 30% hydeo- sen peroxide(Baker's Analyzed) and cooled to 5° in an ice bath. Then 3 ml of dil sul- frie acid(4:1), was added at such a rate that the emp rose to 50° but was not al lowed to exceed 60°Cby temporarily cooling the mixt in an ice bath). The material sepa sated as an oily liq which tended to float on the watery layer. It was purified by dis- solving it in ether, washing the ethereal soln chee times with w and finally evaporat- ing on a steam bath with a slow current of ai. The resulting white solid was dried for 42 2hrs and bottled. I explodes violently 00 heating, impact o¢ friction Following props(Ref 6) of dimeric acetone peroxide were detd at PicArsn: action sith match flame ~ a slight pull; brisance by ‘sand test ~ 30.1 g sand crushed whea 0.4 § of peroxide was initiated with 0.2 g MF, vs 48.0 g sand crushed by 0.4 g TNT; impact Sensitivity, BurklinesApp with 2 kp wt — 7-em, ¥2 60+ for TNT; minimum detonating charge ia saad test - 0.19 g MF; volatility = 66.4% loss of we at RT afcer 14 days and complete volatilization without cesidue after 3 hrs at 75° Tes toxicity is uaknown and fire & expla hhazards ate modecate(Ref 11) Robelich & Sauernilch(Ref 6a) say that sensitivity and extreme volatility of dimeric peroxide exclude it from practical considers tion. Tt was recommended, however, by Nahsen (Addol Ref a) for use in fuzes, detonators and caps and by Thiemana(Addel Ref c) as an additive to Diesel fuels ind Refs: 1)Beill,645 & [714) and 19,435(under the name of 3,3.6.6~ Tetramethyl-1,24.5— tetroxan) 2)A-Baeyer & V-Villiger,Ber32, 3632(1899) & 33, 124, 854 & 24801900) 3)]-Pastereav, CR140,1592(1905) & JCS 881, 572(1905) 4)A.Rieche, “‘Alkylperoxyde und Ozonide,'* Sceinkopf,Dresden(1931), 84(Re~ produced by Edwards Bros, Ann Arbor, Mich) S)A.Rieche & K-Koch Ber75,1016~-28(1942) 6)A.J-Phillips, PATR 12021942) 6a) N.Robrlich & W.Sauermilch,$S 38,98(1943) DK-Lvanov et al,ZhucObshKhim 16,1003 (1946) 8)R.Criegee et al,Aan 565,9~13(1949) 9)Kirk & Othmer10(1953) a0 found under Peroxides) 10)Tobolsky & Mescobian(1954), 171 & 179 11)Sax(1957), 234(liq peroxide which is probably a mixt of di- and timeric peroxides) Addat Refs on Dimeric Acetone Peroxide: a)sprengwerke Dr R.Nahsen, GerP 423,176 (1925) & BritCA, SectB(1926),p 613(Use of acetone peroxides in fuzes, detonators and caps in liew of MF) b) Bataafsche Perroleum Maatschappij, BritP 444,544(1936) &CA30,5588(1936); GerP 671,0121939) & CA 33,3399(1939)l Acetone peroxides, as well as peroxides of higher mol wt ketones, may be peepd by treating a ketone with hydrogen peroxide (obeained by hydrolysis ‘of 5,0, of a persulfate in the reaction bath) at low temp in the presence of a strong acid and a stabilizer, such as uren, The re- sulting peroxide is extracted with gasoline) ©)A.E. Thiemann, AutomobileechaZ 45,4547 (1942) & CA 38,2803(1944) (Acet peroxide dimer and timer are claimed to be effective ignition promoters when added to Diesel fuels) AJLN.Nazarov & LN.Azerbaiev, ZhuObskhim 18,414~23(1948) a CA 43,114(1949)(Dimeric acet peroxide, together with other compis, ‘was obtained on ozonization of 3,3—dimethy allylehloride in methyl chloride soln) ) Y.MSlobodin et al, ZhurObshKhim 23,1873-7 (4953 )& CA49,192(1955) (Dimeric acet perox- ide was obtained together with other products ‘on ozonolysis of 5~chloro-2-methyl-2=pentene) OR. Criegee & G.Lohaus,Ana $83,6-11(1953) ‘CA 49,1588(1955) (Dimeric acet peroxide ‘was obtained by ozonization of freshly prepd tewamethy ethylene in Et chloride at ~60°) BM.Kolobielski, CR 237,1717—18(1953) & CA49,1696(1955 {Ozonization of one of the acetylene derivatives gave mixts of a dimesie and trimeric acet peroxides) bJN.A-Milas et I, JACS 77,2537(1955) & CA5O(Prepn of diaceione peroxide by ozonization of olefins in the presence of carbonium ions) Acotoneperoxide, Trimeric ot Trlacetone Trlperoxide (Acetonetriperoxide, Trimerie Acetonepetoride, Acetonettimer Peroxide, Cyclotriacetone Peroxide, or Teicycloacetone Peroxide)(Called by Wolfenstein Tricycio- aceton-superoryd and by Robrlich and Sauer~ nileh Trizycloazetonperoxyd), 0-C(CH,), -0 \ \ ° ° 1 I (City, C0 — 0 -C(cHy),» mw 222,23, OB to CO, ~151.2%, OB t0 CO 86.45. Col wolat ceysts(From eth), mp 94—5° (Ref 3); adls, mp 96.5°(Ref Iyp 714 or exysts, np 98.5%tRef 9); d 1.2(Ref 4); volat with w ‘vapor; nor-hygroscopic. Insol in w, acids & alkalies and unaffected by boiling in w for 6 brs; decompd by hot dil sulfuric acid. fe is diff sol in methanol, glycerin & isoany! ale. Its soly in some org solvents at 17° is, as follows: absol ale 0.15, ether 5.5, acet 9.15, C disulfide 9.97, C tetracloride 24.8, ichloroethylene 22.7, benz 18.0, pyridine 15.4, chlf 42.5 6 pete eth 7.35%(Ref 13) Trimerie acetone triperoxide was first prepd by Wolfenstein(Ref 2) from acet, 50% hydrogen peroxide and a small amt of phos- Phoric acid. This method cequired 4 weeks. Much simpler and more rapid was the method of Baeyer & Villiger(Ref 3), which consisted of adding(with cooling) concd HCI to a mixt contg equal amts of acet and 50% hydrogen petoxide. More recent methods of prego are siven in Refs 7,9,10,11,13,14 and in some of the additional references. The method of prepn used at PicArsn is described in Ref 10. In this, $ wl of acet were mixed with 2 ml ‘of 30% hydrogen peroxide(Baker’s Analyzed) and cooled to 5° in an ice bath. Then 3 ml of 4il sulfuric acid(4:1) was added dropwise, the temp not being allowed to tise above 10° ‘The white flocculent ppt which formed in- stantly was shaken out with ether and the ethereal soln was washed 3 times in a separ satory funnel with cold w. The ether was on a steam bath using a slow current and the exysts of peroxide were air dried for 3 hours ‘The proced used by Ficheroulle & K (Ref 13) consisted of adding in small portions a total of 5 cc of concd sulfuric acid to a small flask contg 16 g of acet (welleooled in ice w). The flask was shaken vigorously af- ter each adda and the temp was not allowed to rise above 25°. A total of 32 g of 45% hydrogen peroxide was added in small por- tions while the flask was kept in ice-v and of a ache 43 then the mixt was allowed to stand overnight. ‘The erysts were then separated by filtration and, after rinsing them wich a large amt of ice w, were dried in a desiccator ovet an- hyd Ca chloride Trimeric acetone peroxide expld violently fon heating, impact ot friction. Ie is highly brisant and very sensitive, It may be detond under water or when it contains up to 25% of moisture(Ref 15) Its expl and some other props were deter- mined in Germany(Refe 4 & 11), France(Refs 7 & 13), USA(Ref 10) and Russia(Refs 12 & 13) Following are some properties: Action of flame, burned violently and some- times detond Action of heat, as detd by Patry(Ref 7) by acing small samples of ea 0.005g on a block Maqueane,"” the sample melted at 97° and then up to 245° ic vaporized without decompn; between 245 & 250°, it either de- compd without flame, bumed with smoky flame, or deton; between 250 & 285° it deton vigorously; betewen 285 & 305° it behaved jin a manner similar to that described for the 245~250° range; over 305° ie ignited with a smoky flame without deton Brisance by the Lead Plate Test was deed by Robrlich and Sauermilch (Ref 11) with ‘caps contg as top charge: 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 oF 0.3 g trimeric peronide(compressed to 250 kg/em*), an intermediate charge of 0.3 g PETN(compressed to 250 kg/cn*) and a base charge of 0.5 g PETN(compeessed to 500 kg/em*), The holes punched by these caps were comparable to those produced by No 8 caps Brisance by the Sand Test was detd by Phil lips(Ref 10) using 0.4 g sample initiated with 0.2 g ME. The amt of sand ctushed was 34.1 g(TNT 48.0 8) Burning rate at 1 atm of a highly compressed cylinder of peroxide — 0.95 em/sec(Ref 12) Aad Conpatibitity with explosives, Equal we of peroxide with PA, TNT, RDX, PETN, reel, KCIO,, AN, of Sb, S,, stored for 40 days at 50°, registered loss of wt equal to about 50% due eo complete volatilization of the peroxide; there was no decompe of PA, TNT, etc(Ref 13) Compatibility with metals. Strips of metals (Ca, Al, 2a, Sa, brass or Fe) stored with per- oxide for 15 days showed no signs of corro- sion: a slight corrosion was observed with lead(Ref 13) Detonation velocity ~$290 m/sec as detnd in column 6,3 mm diam and d 1.2Ref 4); 3055 m/sec, as demain a column 15 mm diam and with d 0.68(Ref 11); 3750 at d 0.92 and 3300 at d 1.18(Ref 5a) Friction sensitivity. Extremely sensitive (Ref 4a) Impact sensitivity with Bur of Mines App and 500g wt, 10 em(Ref 10) Impact sensitivity with the French app called “peti mouton"” using 50 g vt, 15 em for 50% detonations(Ref 13) Note: Results of impact sensitivity tests show that acetone triperoxide is one of the most sensitive explosives known Initiation test, A 0.05 g charge of peroxide, compressed at 250 kg/em?, caused PETN to detonate. Whea compression of the peroxide was increased to 500 kg/cm? partial failures eegulted(Ref 11}; min chge of peroxide to detonate TNT at d 1,35 in Cu tube 0.16g(Refsa) Power by the Trauzl Test A 10 g sample gave expansion of 250 ce vs 285 ce for TNT(Ref 11) Minimum detonating charge of ME ia the sand teat 0.19 g(Ref 10) Toxicity, Fire 6 Explosion Hazards are dise cussed in Ref 18 Volatility. Sublimes even at ord temp(l4—18°), losing abour 6.5% of its we in 24 hrs(Ref 10); loses 68,6% of its we in 14 days at room temp(Ref 10); loses 1.5% in 2 his at 50” (Ref 11), loses 100% in 3 hes(Ref 10). At 100° i volatilizes very rapidly, depositing fine needles on the cover(Ref 11) Uses. Ie has been recommended for use ia peimers, detonators, etc(Refs 13,14 & a), but due to its high volary and high sensi- tivity it does not seem very desirable for nilicary use Refs on Trimeric Acetone Peroxide: 1)Beil 1,645 & (714) 2)R.Woifeastein,Ber28,2265 (1895) 3)A.Bueyer & V.Villiger, Ber32, 3632(1899) & 33,859 & 2680(1900) 4) Anon, Jahresber CTR §,111(1926) & 6,100(1927) 4a)F Schoofs & M.Bohes, CA 23,3008(1929) S)A.Rieche, "Alkylperoxide und Ozonide,"* Steinkopf, Dresden(1931) (Reproduced by Edwards Bros, Aan Arbor,Mich) Sa)Hl.Muraour, Bull Fe{4],51,1157(1932) _5b)Pepin Lehaileur (1935),137, 6)A.Rieche, “Die Bedeutung der organischen Perosyd fur die chemische Wissenschaft und Technik,"* Bake Seuregare (1936) 79M. Patry SS 32,177 & 2311937) 8)N.Dilthey et al, JPrChem154,21%1940) 9)A.Rieche & K.Koch,Bet75,1016~28(1942) 10)A.}-Phillips, Picatinny Arsenal Technical Report 1202(1942) 11)M.Rotirlich & W. Saver~ mitch, SS 38,97-9(1943) _12)A.F.Belyaev & E.E,Belyaeva, DokIAkadN 52,503~5(1946) 13)H.Ficheroulle & A.Kovache, MP 31,20— 211949) 14)C.EMavrodi,BritP 620,498 (1949) & CA43,6418(1949) _15)K-L.Tvanow eal, ZhurObshKhim16,1003(1949) _16)Kisk & Othiner10(1953) (not found under Peroxides) 17)Tobolsky & Mestobian(1954),172 & 179 189$8x(1957),234 Addnl Refs on Trimeric Acetone Peroxide: a)Sprengstoffwerke Dt Nahsen,GerP 423, 176(1925) & Brit CA,Seet B, 1926,613 (Use of acet peroxide in detonators, caps and fuzes in lieu of MF) b)A-E-Thiemana,ChZe 194211,2757—8(Acet peroxides are claimed to be effective ignition promoters when added te Diesel fuels) ¢)R-Acree & H.L.Haller, 445 JACS65, 1652~3(1943) (Small quantities of the trimer are claimed co be present propy! alcohol left standing for several years. ‘This peroxide might be a cause of explosions of stored isopropyl alcohol, oceasionally re- ported in Literature) a)Gévelot & Gaupilat, FrP 893,941(1944) &CA 47,8374(1953) (Trie meric acet peroxide combined with PA and EDX gave explosives of high power and velocity of detonation. Such mixes were less sensitive to shock than ordinary primary ex~ plosives. A still higher vel of deta may be achieved by ceplacing the metallie(Cu ot brass) container for explosives by a flamma- ble plastic tube which incorporates some ex- plosive, eg NC + black powder) e)F-L.Bere- zovskaya et al, ZaurFizKhimIB, 321 ~8(1944) &CA39,2024(1945) (Effect of catalytic addns on the decomp of acet peroxide is discussed) ‘\M.Kolobielski,CR 237,1717-18(1935) & CA 49, 1696(1955) [Mixt of trimeric and dimeric peroxides may be obtained by total ozoniza~ tion of 2,2,3,5—tetramethy!-2~( 8,8 ~dimethy- vinyl)~2:3dihy drofuran] Acotonepicrylhydrotone or Acetone=(2,4,6~ ttinitrophenythydrozone)(CH,), C:N-NH Cell, (NO, },y OW 283.20, N24.73%, Yel or ben nls, mp ca 125°, dec ca 130°. Was prepd by hheating picryl hydrazine with acetone in ale or AcOH soln. No info on expl props Refs: 1)Beil 15,495 2)T.Curtius & GM. Dedichesi, JPraktChem 50,274(1894) Acotonetetrozyl Azide. See under Acetonyl- tetrazoles and Derivatives Acctonetriperexide. See Acetone Peroxide, Teinerie ACETONITRILE AND DERIVATIVES ‘Acetonitrile, Cyonometha ‘or Methyl Cyor nide (E¢haneaitrile or Methanecarbonicrile), CH,CN, mw 41.05, N34.12%, OB to CO, ~216.4%, OB to CO ~136.4%. Col ig, f p 41° to ~44°, bp en 62°, d 0.7828 a 20°/4°, 2 369° 1.3496, vap press 100mm at 27°, fl p(Cleveland open cup) 55°F, Q 304 kcal/mol, Q, ~16 keal/moltRets 2& 3) QS detd at PicArsn, 1324 cal/g with © lig (Ref 3a), Miscible with w, ale & eth, Can be prepa by dehydration of acetamide ot by other methods. Used as a solvent for many ‘org compas(among them RDX, HMX, etc) and as a starting material for the prepa of some ‘org compds. Its toxicity and fire hazard are discussed in Ref 6. The expl hazard is ‘great when acetonitrile is exposed to heat, flame or chem reactions wich oxidizers. It forms an azeotrope with water Res: 1)BeiL2183,(84) & [181] _2)J. Thomas, ZPhysChem 52,348(1905) 3)P-Lemoult, CR 148, 16021909) 3:) L-E.Newman,PACLR123, 718(1948) (U)_4)Kitk & Other 9(1952),367 SpMerck(1952),8 6)Sax(1957),764 & 888-9 Acetonitrile, Azide Derivative (Azidoaceto- nitrile or Triazoaceconitrile), N,+CH, »CN, my 82,07, N68.28%. Col liq, bp 33° at 12 mm, deflagrates when dropped on hot plate. Was prepd from chloroacetonittile and Na azide in agale Re/s: 1)Beil ~ not found 2)K.Freudenberg etal, Ber 65B,1188(1932) &CA 26,5071(1932) (no other refs in CA through 1956) Nononitroacetonitrile, Nitrocyanomethane of Nitronethyleyenide (Nitcoethanenitrile) O,N-CH, +CN, mw 86.05, N 32.56%, OB to CO, =35.8%, OB to CO ~18.6%. Yel volat cil, bp-dee on heating, d 1.36 at 18°. Can be prepa by acidifying with sulfurie acid its ‘Ama salt, which in eurn can be obtained by ‘weatiog aitroacetaldozine(methazonic acid) with chiony] chloride(sulfurous oxychloride), SOCI, in ether(Ref 2). It can also be peepd by dehydration of nitroncetaldozime, Its lead block expansion value, according to Blaee Ref 3)is 90% of PA Niweacetonieile forms sparingly sol sales some of which are expl, eg, silver salt, ‘ABC, HN, O,, bea ppe, obeained by eeating ‘Ann itroacetoniteile with Ag nitcate ANG Refs: 1)Beil 2,227 & (100) 2)¥.Steinkopf et al Berd], 1048-9(1908) & 42,619(1909) 3)A-H.Blatt er al, OSRO 2014(1944) Dinitroacetonitrile or Dinitrocyanomethane (Dinitroethanenitrile), (0,N),CH «CN, mw 131,05, N 32.07%, OB t CO, ~6.1%, OB to CO +18.3%. Solid, expl on heating or impact, Ie was peepd in impure state in 1861 by Schisckoff on acidifying its Amm sale with aq sulfuric acid and extracting with ether. ‘The Amm salt was obtained by weating wit nitroacetonitrile(qu) with hydrogen sulfide: C,NONO, },+ 41,5 = C,N(NO, ), (NH) + 45 + 2H,0 Dinitroacetonitzile forms salts, some of which are expl, eg, silver salt, AgC,N,O,, expl violently on impact Treatment of dinitroacetonitrile o ‘Ammm sale with fuming nitric acid gave the trinitoacetonitrile described below Refs: 1)Beil 2,228-9 _2)L.Schischkoff, ‘Ann 119,249-50(1861)(a0¢ in CA through 1956) Trinitroocetonitrile or Trinitrocyanomethone (Teinitcoethanenitrile), (ON), CCN, me 176.05,N 31.83%, OB to CO, ¥18.2%, OB to CO 136.4%, Yel wolke cxysts with pungent coder, mp 41.5° and expl on tapid heating ca 220°(Refs 1 & 2} sol in eth, decomp by w or ale, Was first obtained in 1857 by Schisehkoff on treating Na fulrainurate with mixed fuming nitric—sutfuric acid in the cold (Ref 3). The same investigator obtained it in 1961 from dinitroacetonitrile and ies Ann sale(Ref 3) According to Blatt(Ref 4) its lead block expansion value is 182% of PA and Fi(ig- re of insensitivityyon PA Following props were detd at PicArsn nad given in unclassified repoces(Refs 5 & 6): 1326 cal/s with w ig and 982 cal/e with w vapor; impact sensitivity, BurMines app with 2 kg we15 om or less ‘Trinitroacetonitrile is a very powerful expl, and may be suitable for use in primers and detonators Refs: 1)Beil2,229 2)L-Schischkoff, AnaChim Phys(3},49,320(1857) & Ann 101,215(1857) 3)lbid, Ann 119,250(1861) _4)A.H. Blatt ee al, OSRD 2014(1944) _5)L.E.Newman, Pic AcsnChemLabRept 123,718(1948) _ 6)H. Anderson a H.Vaughan, Ibid 123,975(1948) ACETONYLACETONE AND DERIVATIVES Acetonylacetone or 1,2—Diocetylethane (2.5-Divetahexsae ot 2,5-Hexanedione), H,C-CO=CH, +CH, -CO-CH, mw 114.14, OB f© CO, ~210.3%, OB to CO -125.2%, Col tig, 4 0.9737 at 20°/4°, mp ca -9°, bp 1945 pt 754 mo, vap press 0.43 mm at 20°, a°f 1.4232. Sol in w, ale & eth. Can bbe prepd by gently boiling 2,5—dimethy furan for 36 hrs with an aq soln of AcOH and sul- fatic acid, followed by adda of Na acerate co convert the acid to Na sulfate(Ref 2) Its chromium salt was proposedas @ compo- nent{up to 3% by we) of some nitrop: compas(such as prepd by blending 1 with 10-50% NC) used either as steadily burn- ing rocket fuels or as expls. In the latter case, a sensitizer, eg an org amine, can be added. Ic is claimed that Ce acerylacetonate improves the ignition of nitroparaffin gels(Ref 3) Refs: 1)Beil 1,788,(405) & [841] | 2)OrgSynth, CollVol 2(1943),219-20_3)#.Maisner, USP. 2,712,989(1955) & CA 49,14325(1955) Acetonylacetone,Azide- and Diazide-Derive. tives not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Mononitreacetonylacetone and Dinitroacetony!- ‘acetone ~ not found in Beil or CA through 1956 ACETONYLTETRAZOLES AND DERIVATIVES 5-Acetonyl~a(1H)-tetrazole (C—Acetonyl— tetrazol oF Acetessig—teuazotsiure, in Ger), (CHy-CO-CH, +C-NH-N, mw 126-12, N44.43%, i ul NN 08 to CO, -126.9%. Cryses, mp 114°, easily sol in w or ale. Can be prepd by heating 1,3— dioxotettamethy leneotetsazole~2~ carboxamide a7 with w, eliminating 2 molecules of CO,(Ref 2) Refs:1) Beil — not found 2)G.Schtocter & E.Finck, Ber 71,683—4(1938) 3)F.R.Benson, ChemRevs 41,6(1947) Acetonylozidetetrazole or Azidoacetonyl- tetrazole, called by Friederich Acetonemono tetrenylozide, C,HyN,O-N, (90 structural formula given in CA), mw 167.14, N 58.67%, OB (0 CO, -90.9%, OB to CO -52.7%. Solid, explodes on heating. Can be prepd by inter- action of monochloroacetone with cetsazyla- Ie was claimed by Friederich & Dynamit AXG co be a powerful expl, which can be used either alone or in combination with other expls, such as RDX, PETN & tetryl, of as primacy compd in detonators. Usual consti ‘tuents of primary mixts such as tetracene, Ca silicide, glass powder, Sb sulfide, Pb dioxide, Ba nitrate, etc may be admixed with acetonylazidotetrazole Refs: 1)W.Friederich USP 2,170,943(1939) &CA34,265(1940)2)Dynamit A~G,FrP 841, 768(1939) &CA 34,4574(1940) 3)Dynamie A~G,BrP 510,992(1939) &CA 34,5664(1940) 4)¥.Friedetich GerP 695,254(1940) &CA 35, 53181941) , called by Friederich itetrozyloside, (N,CN,)-H,C-CO- CH, (VCH), mw 276-19 N 71.0156, OB to CO, ~63.7%, OB to CO -34.8%. Solid, expl on heating. Was prepd by interaction of sym- ichloroacetooe, Ci+H,C+CO-CH, +Cl with 2 mols of eetrazyl azide Ie was patented by Friederich & Dynanit AGG for the same purposes as acetony! azidotetrazole Refs: — same as above Acoto-Perchloric tic Acid—Acetic Anhyé ACETOPHENONE AND DERIVATIVES Acetophenone or Methyl phenylketane( Acetyl benzene ot Hypaone (AcPh or MeCOPh), Mixtures, See Perchlo- ide Water Mixeures CH, -CO-CyHy, aw 120.14, 0B t0 CO, 253.0%, OB to CO ~146.5%. Col erysts, mp 20.5°, bp 202°(83.5° at 12 mm), d 1.0266 at 25/25°, 020° 1.5337, fl p 221°F(140.5°) (Ref 5), nsol in w but miscible with all common org solvents. According to Kirk & Odhmer(Ref 2), it was first peepd in 1857 by Friedel by distn of a mizt af Ca beazoate and Ca acetate. Commercially, acetophenone is prepd by the Friedel-Crafts reaction us- ing benz,Al chloride and acetic anhydride, Ieis an excellent solvent for NC(Ref 3), 48 well as for other cellulose esters & ethers (Ref 2). les wriciey is unknown and ies fire hazard is slight when exposed to heat or flame, fc can teact with oxidizing materials Refs: 1)Beil 7,271,(146) &{208) 2)Kiek & OthmerI(1947),95~-73)Durrans(1957),186 4)8ax(1957),235, Acetophenone, Azide Derivatives, HNO, nw 161.16, N26.07%. Two isomers are de~ scribed i the literature: ~Axideaceto- phenone, Triezoecetephenone, Phenacyl Aside, Benzoylazidomethone, NCH, «COr Cally Places (fom eth + pets eth), mp 17°. Reacts very explosively with concd sulfuric ‘cid, Was prepd by prolonged shaking of @-bromoacetophenone with Na azide inag ale, vith cooling Refs: 1)Beil7,(154) 2)M.O.Forster & R-Mil- ler, JCS 97,140(1910) & CA 4,1605~7(1910) 3)J H.Boyer, JACS 74,4507(1952) 2-Axidoocetophenone or 1-Acetyl—2- benzene, CH, “CO -Cqll,-Nyy crystslfrom , mp 22-22.5%, Can be prepd by treat ing (2-acery -benzenediaz0)-bydroxy lamide CH,-CO-C,H,-NiN-NH-OH with dil sulfuric ‘Acid, No ref to ies expl props Refs: 1yBeil7,{225~6] 2)).Meisenheimer et al, Ber 60,1746-7(1927) _3)].H.Boyer & D,Straw,JACS 75,2684(1953) & CA 48,7583, 0954) ido a Dictidoacetophenone, C,H.ON,, mw 202.18, N41.57%. One isomer, called o-azidophen- acylazide, N,-CH, +CO+C,H,+Ny, #h ndls, mp 378° was prepd by Boyer & Straw by txeating a dil acid soln of diazotized o- amino-phenacylazide with a sl molar excess of Na azide, Analysis was not attempred because the compd immediately showed signs ‘of decompa Refs: 1)Beil - not found 2)J.H-Boyer & D.Steaw,J ACS75,2684(1953) & CA4B,7583 4954) Mononitroacetophenones, CyHl;NO,, mw 165.14, 8.48%. Following isomers ate listed in Beil : 2-3-,4rnitroaceto-pheaones, CH,=CO-~ CQH,-NO, ,pp 288,153) & [222-3] and o- altronacetophenone,(0, NYCH, «CO Cys, Pp 289 & (153). None of these compds or their salts is expl. The 5-nitro-isomer listed in CA46,8630(1952) is actually che J-isomer listed in Beil Dinitroacetophenone s,CyH.N, O,, mw 210.14%, 13.33%. Following isomers are Tisted in Beil 7: 2,4-Dinitroacetophenone, CH,-CO-CyHy(NO, )y yel oil, p 154 3,5-Dinitroacetophenone, CH,» CO+CiH,(NO, )5 dls ot plates, mp 82-4, p 290 400 -Dinitroacetopbenone, (0,N)+CHy»CO CHUNO, ), It yel plates, mp 148-148.5°, 291. No expl props were reported Teinitroacetophonones, CilyNOy, mw 255.14, N16,47%, OB-to CO, ~72.1% & OB to CO =21.9%. Only one isomer is described in the literarare: 2,4,6~Trinitroacetophenone, Ci!, CO” CH, (NO, )y, orange-red crysts, mp 99-2°(dee); in hot w with decompa and in most org solvents except eth, Was prepd by the action of an ethereal soln of diazomethane oa tin teabenzalichyde. Its exp! props have not been deca Refs: \)Beil7,{225]_2)A.Sonn & W.Billow, Ber58,1697(1925) & CA20,376(1926) Tetranitroacetophenone, CH.N,Qy ¥as not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Acetophenone=(4—bromophenylhydrazone)= peroxide ealled in Gee Povo des beet Hub isenren nn os NC-N NH: CdH,- Br, mw 321.18, N on, 70 10.25%, OB ee pa P, caplon heming oe standings el ia son org aslvens, Car be peep by passing tie throogh cold ngitsted accophenene (4 tromophcnylbpretonc)unpended i ptt eh, Noveteco lee exp pope Refs: 1)Beil\5,437 & (118) 2)P.C.Freer, Ber30,737(1897) 3)M.Busch & W.Dierz, Ber47,3290-1(1914) 5-Acetophenonchydrazone—a(1H)-tetrozole ‘or 5-[( Methylphenylmethylene)-hydrazine]- a(1H)-tetrazole, called in Ger Tetrazolon— a~pheniithylidenhydrazoa or $—a—Phenithyli- denbydrazinoterrazol, cH, NON-NH-C-NH-N, pw 202.22, ’ u cH N——N 41.56%, OB to CO, =182.0%. Crysts, ‘mp 235°; el sol io ale & nearly insol in w, Was prepd by treating S—hydrazino—e(1H)— tetazolehydrochloride with acetophenone at RT. No refs to its expl props Refs: 1)Bei126,406 2)). Thiele & H.lnge, ‘sn0287,236(1895) _3)F.R.Benson,ChemRevs 41,8(1947) Acetophenoneperoxide Dimerle, or Dice enone Diperoxide,cH, 0, CH, ‘ ia SN c ONAN eynaeianeancla: a9 mw 272.29, OB t© CO, -211,5% Col erysts, mp 185-6°(Ref 3), 182-3°(Refs 2& 4), 181-2° (Ref 5), Was fist prepd by heating I-methy! [-pheayl ozonide in AcOH (Ref 2). Other methods of prepn ate given in Refs 3,4, & 5 No refs co its exp! props Refs: 1) Beil—not found _2)C. Harries, ‘Ann 390, 265-1912) 3)W. Dilthey et sl, JPraktChem 154, 2341940) 4)N.AMilas ec al, JACS 77,2537 a 2540(1955);, CA 50, 551211936) 5)T- Yokoyama w ¥.Yukaw MemlnstSeilndResearch,Osaka Univ 12, 159(1955}(in Engl) & CA 50, 167161956 ACETOPHENONEOXIME AND DERIVATIVES Acetophenoneoxime or Methylphenylketoxime, GH, .C:NOH). GH nds, mp $8.5-59% is described in Beil 7, 278-9, (150) & (2161 Acetophenoneoxime, Azide Derivative (Azido acetophenoneoxime or Triazoacetophenone- oxime), Ny. CH,. C(:NOH). GH, mw 176,18, NN 51,808. Pale yel oil which could not be crystallized. Yas peepd from azidoaceto- phenone and hydroxylamine as described Ref 2. No refs to ics expl props Refs: I)Beil 7,(154) 2)M.0. Forster & R. Miller, JCS 97,141-2(19 10) & CA 4,1607 (1910) Acetophenoneoxine, Diazide Derivative, GH,N,O-n0t found in Beil or CA through 1956 Mononitro acetophenoneoxines, C4H,N,O., mw 180.16, N 15.55%. Several isomers are listed in Beil7, 288, 289,153) & [2221 Dinttroacetopbenoncoximes, Cy!NjO,, 06 225,16,N18.66%, Several isomers are listed in Beil 7,290,291 & (154) Trinitroac etophenoneoximes, CyHN,Oy, mw 270.16, N20.74%.Not found in Beil or CA though 1956 Acotophenylamine. See Aminoacetophenone ‘Acetophenylnitramine. See Nitraminouceto- phenone under Aminoacesophenone ACETOTETRAZACY CLOOCTANE OR ACETYLOCTAHYDROTETRAZINE AND DERIVATIVES, L-Aceto-1,3,5,7-tetrazceyeloictone or VAcetyl-1,3,5,7-te & 158.20, N 35.42%. May be considered as the parent compd of derivs shich follow Rejs-not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Y-Acoto-3,7-diniteo-S-nittoso-1,3,5,7-tetro- aacyclodetane or 1-Acetyl-3,7-dinitro-5- nitro so-1,3,5,7-telrazacyclosctane, 7 CH. NNO). CH. W,¢.00.6 NNO», > cH, .NeNo,). CH,” rn 277.20, N 35.30%, OF to CO, ~66.4% OB t CO “31.8% Ceysts, mp 180° with frothing, volat completely at 190°% It was prepd by sticring, at 25° for 15 hes, a sus pension of 1,$-methylene 3,7-initto-,3,,7- fetrazacyelosctanein a mint of nite syl chloride and Ac,O When oxidized it yields the expl product which follows Refs: 1Beil-not found 2)¥.E.Bachmann & N.C. Deno, J ACS 73,2778(1951) J-Aceto-3,5,7-trini tro-1, 3,5, Betane or T-Acetyl3,5,7-tin tetrazacyclodcta! cH, .N(NO,). CH, H,C.CO.NT “ N(NO,), * cH, NOVO). CH,” designated as SEX and ODX and also called J-Acetyl-3,5,7-trinitro8ctohydro-s-tetrazine, J-Acetyloctchydro-3,5,7-te 5,7 tetrozocine, or Octahydro-]-acety!-3, 5, Winitra-s-tetrozocine, mw 293.20, N33.44% 0B t CO, ~57.3%4, OB to CO 24.6%. Crysts ‘mp 224,2-224,7° with frothing; ean be detoad 430 by a hammer blow (Ref 4). SI sol in pyridine, acet # sivomethane; nealy insol in ale, benz, AcOH & eth, Ie is usually formed dating nitrolysis of hexamine (Refs 3 & 4, but can also be prepd by other methods, such as oxi- dation of L-aceto-3,7-dinito-5-aitts0-1,3,5,7- texrazacycloctane, either with absol nitric acid at 49° or with a mi of absol nite with hydrogen peroxide (30% strength) (Ref 6). Goes over (25m) to HIMX on treatment with 98% niesic acid ac 3° (Refs 3 & 4). Xray difleaction spectra of SEX ae given in Ref 2, UV absorption spectra in Refs 5&7 and analytical procedures in Ref 8 Refs: 1)Bellbot found 2)A.Soldate & RuNoyes, AnalGhem 19, 44241947) & CA 41,6105(1947) _ 3)¥.J.Chure et al, CanJRes 278, 513(1949) JE. Atistoft et al, Thid 27B, 533-4 1949) __ 5)R.N.Jones & D. Thora, Thid 270, 831(1949)_ ¥.E.Bachmana et al, JACS 73,277 1951) _7)¥-Schroeder etal, AnalChem 2317421951) _&)E.W. Malmberg et al, AnsiChem 25,901(1953) Acetotetrazanonanediolacetate and Der tives,See Aceryldiacetoxytetrazanonane and Derivatives Acetotoluide or Acatotoludide. See Ace amidotoluene and Derivatives ACETOTRIAZACYCLOHEXANE OR ACETYLHEXAHYDROTRIAZINE AND DERIVATIVES, V-Acotyl- mw 129,16, N32.54%. May be considered as the parent compd of the dinitro-deriv which follows Re/s: not foun Beil of CA through 1956 T-Aceto-3, 5-dinitto-1,3,5-triazecyclohexane, I-Acetyl-3,5-dinitto-striazine; 1-Acetyl- 3,5-dinitro-1,3,5-triexecyclohexone or 1,5- Dinitro-3-acetyl-1,3,5- designated as TAX, HANNO) H,C.c0.N cH,-R(N09 mw 219.16, N 31.9% OB to CO, ~€9.4%, OB to CO 329%. Cysts, mp 156-8°, sol in acet, ale and acet-ale mixts. It is one of the products of niuolysis of hexamine and was frst prepa in Canada, It also can be prepd from 3,5-di- nites -3, -diazupiperidiaium aitzate and by other methode desctibed in Rete 446. Cy clonite in 38% yield may be obtained by treat ing TAX with nitsic acid as described in Ref 3. Ics UV absorption spectea ate given in Rels 5827 and analytical procedures ia Ref 8 Refs: 1)Beilnot found —2)¥.J.Chute et al, CanJRes 278, 515,517(1949) & CA43, 9074 1949) 3)E.Anistoff et al, CanJRes 27B,534:5(1949) & CA 43,9075(1949) EF Chapman et al JCS 1948, 1640 & CA Ad, 14121950) _5)R.N. Jones,G.0. Thom, Can JRes 278,84 1949) & CA 44 28481950 6) K.W.Downing & ¥.J.Downing, JCS 1950, 2923,2930&CA45, 6443-41951) 7). Schroeder et al, AnalChen 23,1742(1951) & CA 46,5434 1952) 8)E.WMalmberg et ab ‘AnalChem 25,901(1953) & CA 47, 12095(1953) Acetottinitretetrexacycloctone, See under AcetotetrazacycloSctane and Derivatives ACETOXIME AND DERIVATIVES Acetoxime or Acetone Oxime(2-Propanone Oxime of Dimethyl Ketoxime), mw 73.00, N 19.16%, OB t0 CO, 164.2%, Col eryses, imp 61°, bp 136.6%, 40.97 at 20°/20° 490.5 keal/nol, Qs 12.6 keal/mol; sol in w, alc, eth & pet eth, Can be ptepd by shaking an ag sola of hydroxylamine with acet and extracting acetoxime with ether (Ref 3), The product cannot be obtained in a perfectly dry ‘condition without considerable loss by volatilization (Ref 2), Ie can be used as a solvent for cellulose ethers; as an intemediate ASL in org synthesis and as « primer for Diesel fade Acetoxime is the simplest ketoxime. It ‘occurs in two isomeric forms: Rr-CRanand R “eRe, Now HON ‘where R’ is a radical of greater weight than R Refs: 1)Beil 1,649,(344) & (716) 2. Landrieu, CR 140,867(1905) 3)OrgSynth, CollVol 1(1941),318-20 Hackh( 1944), 9 s)Merek( 1952), 9 6)CondChemDict( 1936), 10 Acetoxime,Arlde Dasivetive (Azidoacetoxime, Triazoacetoxime or I-Azido-2propancoxine), CH, ENON). CH, Nyy wT 14.11, N49.10% Gol oil, bp 84° at 2am with partial decompn. Was prepd from azidoacetone and hyéroxyl- amine hydrochloride in aq soln contg some soda ash, When an attempt was made to distil 50g of azidoacetoxime at 2am, about 25 & 4istilled off at 84° while the residue in the flask gradually darened and then violently exploded Refs: 1pBeil 1,661 £2, JCS 93,8(1908) Acetoxine, Diaxido Derivative, C4H,N,0— not found in Beil oF CA through 1956 Mononitroacetoxime, CH, . C(:NOH) CH, .NOy, ‘mw 118,09, N23.72% is listed in Beil 14661 Dinitroacetoxime, O,N. CH. C{:NOH). CH. NO,, mw 163.09, N 25.77%=n0t found in Beil or CA through 1956 2)M.O. Forster ac HE. ACETOXYDIPHENYL AMINE ‘AND DERIVATIVES Aceloxydipbenylamine, CH, . COO. CH, = NH. GH. May be considered as the patent compd of di-, tr-, and tetranitto- derivs, Histed below Refsanot found in Beil or CA through 1956 Azidoacetoxydipbenylamine, CuflyN,O, and Diazidoacetosydiphenytamine, CuhyN,O,~ not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Mononitroacetoxydipbenylamine, Cyall,,N,Og= ‘not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Dinitroacetoxydiphenylamine CyHsN,Os. Several isomers are listed in Beil 13, 366 & 446 Trinttroacetoxydiphenylamine, CydHseNsOy, mw 362.25, N 15.47%, Ser ‘eral isomers are described in Beil 13, 3646 & 446, none of them explosive Tetronitroacetoxydiphenylamine, CHiN, 0.0, fw 407.25, N17.20%, Following isomer listed in Beil x42! ,A!-Tetranitro-4-acetoxydiphenylamin CH, . COO. CHXNO,),- NH. GHYNO,)» ye dls (from aq acet), which brown at 155° & melt at 161% ool in acet, chif, benz & AcOH; diff sol in alejsl sol in eth and insol in tigeoin, Was prepd by witeating 2',4*diniteo- acetoxy diphenylanine with foming nits No ref to its empl props Refs: Beil 13,532 DF-Reverdin & E. Deletra, Ber 37, 1731(1904) Note: No higher nitrated compds are listed in Beit of CA thmugh 1956 ACETOXYETHOXY TRIAZAHEP TANE AND DERIVATIVES acid, L-Acetoxy-T-etboxy-2,4,6-triazabeptbane, CH, .COO-CH, . NH. CH, .NH. CH, .NH.CH,~ ~O.C; Hy smay be considered as the parent ccompd of the trinitto- deriv described below Refs- ot found in Beil or CA theough 1956 Ve Acetoxy-T-ethoxy-2,4,6:trinitro-2,4,6+ triaxcheptone, CH, . COO-CH, . N(NO,) = CH, .N(NO,). CH, -NONO,).. CH,~OC,H,, mw 340. 26, N24.70%, OB to CO,~70,5%, OB to CO 32.9%. Crysts, mp 106-7°. Was obtained by Chute et al as one of the products of aittolysis of hexamine. No refs wo its exp! props Refs: 1)Reit—not found 2)¥.J.Chute et al, CanJ Res 278,504 & 31X1949):CA 43, 9074 1949) ACETOXYMETHYLTETRAZACYCLO- OCTANE AND DERIVATIVES 1-Acetoxymetbyl- 1, 3,5,7-tetrazacyclodctane, HeE-N(CH, .OOC. CH)-GH, may be r HN— CH,—NH—CH,—NH considered as the parent compd of trniteo detiy described below Refs: not found in Beil or CA through 1956 1 -Acetonymethyl-3,5,7-trinitro-1,3,5,7- tettaracyclosctone HyE-NUCH, 006. cH)-CH, fl O,N.N- CH= N(NO)—~CH,N . NO, ‘mw 323.23, 30.34%, OB to CO,~61.9%, OD to CO -27.2%. Crysts, mp 152°(when heated rapidly), No suitable solvent for its recrystn has been found. Ie was obtained on nittolysia and acetylation of DPT (1,5-methylene-3,7- dinitro-1,3,5,7-tetrazacyclosetane) Acetoxynethyltinitetriazacyclosctane reacts with a mixt of HINO, and AcjO to give a linear tetcanitramine, 1,5-diacetoxy-2,4,6,8- 4,6,8-tetcazanone( qv) (scission of the Semembered ring takes place). ‘hea AN was present in the IINO,-Ae,0 mixt, the sing remained intact and the cyclic teteanitramine, TMMX(1,3,5,7-teteaniro-13,5,7-tettazaeyclo= Sctane) was formed in good yield Refs: 1)Beil—not found 2)W.E.Bachmano & E,Jenner, JACS 73,2773-4(1951) & CA 46, 2085(1952)_ 3)W.E.Bachmann & N.Deno, JACS 73,2778(195 1) & CA 46,2085(1952) ACETOXYMETHYL TRIAZACYCLO- HEXANE AND DERIVATIVES, L-Acetoxymetbyl-1,3, H,C-N(CH,.00C.CH, CH, 1 1 sriazacyclobexane, HN — cH,—— NH may be considered as the parent compd of, dinitto- deriv described below Refs: not found in Beil or CA through 1956 L-Acetoxymethyl-3,5-dinitro-1,3,5: cyclohexene, As H.EN(CH, 00C.cH)-CH, 0,N.N CHW. No, + mw 249.19, N 28.11%, OB co CO, ~73.8%, OB to CO 35.3%. Cysts, mp 143.7-144., ‘01 in acet, insol in w or pete eth. Was ob- tained by Chote etal wsoncof the products of Mitoiyelsof enamine, Noretstoserexs! props Refs: 1)Beil-not found 2)¥.J.Chute et al, CanJRes 278, 506 & 517-18(1949}; CA 43,9074 1949) ACETOXYNAPHTHALENE AND DERIVATIVES Acetoxynapbihatene of Napbthylacetate, called in Beil Essigsdure -napbibylester, CH,COO. CH. Two isomers a- and fi are described ie Beil 6, 608, 644,(307, 313) & (580, G00! Acetoxynapbibatene, Azido Derivative, CH. COO.C,H,.N, and Diazido Derivative CH. COO. Ciel (N,),not found in Beil oF CA theough 1956 Nononitroacetoxynaphibatene, C,,H_NO,. Four isomers: 2-nitro--acetoxy., Senitro-I- acetoxy, t-nitro-2-acetoxy- and, B-nitro-2- acetoxy-naphthalene ate described in Beit 6, 615, 616, 654 & 655 Dinitroacetoxynapbtbatene, C ,HaN,O,- One isomer, 2, ¢-dinitro-t-acetoxynapbthalene is listed in Beil 6, (587) Trinttroacetoxynapbtbalene, CH, COO. Cyell (NO,),, mv 321.20, N13,08%-n0t found in Beil of CA theough 1956 cotoxynaphthalene, C,,H,N Oe mw 366.20, N15.30% Following isomer is ted in the literature: (2,4,5,7-napheby!-(1)} acetat, CH, COO. CHINO), :C,HyNO,),. Cysts (from AcOH), mp 165-5°(dec). Has prepd by treating d-benzeneazo-aenaphthyl- I-acetate with nitce acid (41,42). No ref to its expl props Refs: 1)Beil 6, [587] 2)R.Meldola & G. ‘T.Morgan, JCS 55,609(1889) Note: No higher nitrated derivs were found in Beil of CA through 1956 ACETOXY TRIAZAHEPTANE AND DERIVATIVES. Acetony-24,6-tazabeptane, (CH,.CO0} i, .NH.CH, NH.CH, NH.CH, ity be considered os the parent conpd of ics toitroderiv described below Re/s~not found in Beil or CA through 1956 1V-Acotoxy-2,4,6-Hinitro-2,4,6,-triaxcheptane; NIN" N"- Trinitro(acetoxymethylaminomethy!) -(mothyleminomethyl)omine; 2,4,6-Trieze- 2,4, 6-trinitro-heptan- lol or MSX, (11,C-OOC)+— CH N(NO,)-CHy-N(NO,)-CHy-NONO,)CH, mv 296.20, N28,38%. Col rosettes or prisms; imp 193-42, Was prepd from 1,5-dinitro-- methyl-hexahydeor1,3,S:triazine, #,C-N(NO,)-cH, 1 eee ©,N.N-CH,—— N.CH, added along with a soln of AN in 98% nittic acid t AcOH + Ac,O, sticting and adding w (Ref 2.No eef to its expl props, Ultraviolet absorption spectra ate given ia Ref 3 This compd was examined in connection with a study of the eeaction leading to the production of cyclonite Refs: 1)Beitnot found 2)F.Chapman et al, JCS 1949, 1648 & CA Ad, 1412(1950) 3)R.N. Jones & J.D.Thorn, Can] Res 278, B35(1949) & CA 44, 2848(1950) Acetozone. See Acetylbenzoylperoxide ACETYLACETONE AND DERIVATIVES Acetylacetone, 2,4+Pentanedione or Di acetyimetbane, CH,CO..CH, .CO. CHy mw 100. 11. col lig. 4 0.9721 at 25/4° fp =23.2%, bp 137-140%, af 8 1.4513, Can be prepd from acetone, ethyl acetate and Na ethylate or by other methods, Itis an ex: cellent gelatinizer for NC Refs: Beil 1,777,401) ee [831] 433 2)L-Claissen & E.Ehthardt, Bet 22, 1010 (1889) and many other Later refs listed in Beil and in CA Chromium Salt of Acetylacetone or Chromyl- acetylacetone, Ce(C, H,0,), ced-viol crysts, 1.34, mp 214°, bp 340° (withour deeompn). Was prepd by Urbain & Debierne by treating chromic nitrate with acecylacetone (Refs 1 & 2) [es UV absorption speceea are given in Ref 3 and crystallographic structure by X-rays in Ref 4 Maisner (Ref 5) claims that incorporation of Lup t0 3% Cr acetylacetonate in rocket peo pellants prepd by gelling aitroparaffins (such as nitromethane) with NC, renders them ‘easier to ignite. These mixts can vary from syrupy to solid gels, depending on the amt of NC used, When gels are solid (large ants of NC), they are suitable for use as regular propellants. Same mixts can be used as expls, especially when an org anine (such as methyl amine) is incorporated to serve as a sensi- tizer, All these mixts can be prepd at RT Refs: 1)Beil 1, 782,(404) & (8361 2G. Urbain & A.Debi@me, CR 129,3041899) & JCS 76,1,78%1999) _3)G.T-Morgan & HV. Moss, JCS 105,200(1914) 4)¥.T. Astbury, ProcRoySoe 112A,449,456(1926) & CA 21, 842(1927) _5)H.Maisner, USP's 2,690,964 (2955) & 2,712,989(1955 CA 49,618 & 14325-61955) Acetylacetone, Azido Derivative, N,.CH,.CO. CH,..CO. CH, and Acetyl: ‘acetone, Diazido Derivative, N,CH, . CO. CH. CO. CH,.N,-n0¢ found ia Beil Mononitroacetylacetone, (ON). CHy,CO.CH, CO. CH, and Dinitroacethylacetone ,N. CH, .CO.CH, .CO.CH,.NO, ~n0t found in Beit Acetylocetone Peroxide, Polymer, (C, Hy.0,)x, mv (134.13)x, OB to CO, -131.2%, OB CO ~71.5%. Glassy syrap, not volatile with steam very expl. Was prepd by Pastures from acetyl acetone and hydrogen peroxide in sulfuric acid soln Refs: 1)Beil 1, 785 2J-Pasturesu, ASA Bull Fr [4], 5, 228(1909); JCS 96, 2081909) & CA 4,191(1910). No other refs in CA 1920- 1956 N-Acotylamidomethythexamethylenetetra- ‘minemononitrate; 1-Acetemidomethylhexa- minenitrate or 1-Acetamidomethylhoxamethy!- enctetraminenitrate, designated as H,, CH, .NH.CO. CH, I AC cH, cH, | of Ss 4 \ no— cn; N -No, mw 274,28, N 30.64%. Large col platesymp 183-4° (Ret 4). les prepa by theee different methods was not described until 1951 by Bachmann et al (Ref 4), but the compd was mentioned and used in 1949 (Refs 2 & 3). Ref 2 deseribes studies of the aitrolysis of H, resulting from the prepn of RDX and HMX, while Ref 3 gives UV absorption spectra of H. Neither of the papers discusses the prepa of Hof gives any previous refs con this subject. It seems that Bachmann prepe'H; prior to 1949 but did not publish his methods of prepa and physical props, such as mp of H until 1951 (Ref 4). Spectro photometric data and the structure of H are given in Ref $ Refs: IyBeitmaot found —2)E. Aristo et al, Can]Res 27B, 541-5(1949) & CA 43, 9075(1949) 3R.Jones & G.Thore, Can} Res 278,832,851949) 4)¥.E,Bachmana et al, JACS 73,2775-11951) & CA 46, 20851952) 3)¥.Schroeder etal, AnalChem 23,1741-21951), compa No19 ACETYLALANINE AND DERIVATIVES Acetyl-dl-alanine or Acetamidopropionic Acid, CH,..CO.. NH. CH(CH,). COOH, plates or ndls, mp 132-137.5°, Can be prepd by creating d,l-alanine with acetic anhydride or by other methods Refs: Beil 4,394,495) & [B11] A. de Jong, Rec 19,282(1900) and several other refs in Beil and in CA Aaldoecetyl-dl-alenine, CH,-CO.N(N,).CH(CH,). ‘COOH, mw 172.15, N32.55%. Long fine ndls, mp 101°. Was peepd by Freudenberg & Keller from dl-alanin by a procedure described in Ref 2. In che course of prepn of this compd an intermediate, Azidoacetyl-di-alanine chloride was obtained, This chloride could ‘ot be pusified because it decompd explos- ively at ea 30° Refs: Beilnot found 2)K. Freudenberg & Rekeller,Ber 718, 3341938) & CA 32, 2905(1938) Note: No niteated derivs of acetyl-dl-alaaine Beil o CA cheough 1956 Acetyloniline. See Acetanilide ACETYLBENZOYLPEROXIDE ‘AND DERIVATIVES ‘were found Acetylbenszoylperoxide; Benzoylecetylper- oxide; Acetozone of Benzorone (formerly called Acetylbenzayl-cuperoxyd in Ger) Gii,..CO.0,..CO. CHy. mw 180.15. Fh ‘erysts mp 37-419, bp 130° at 19 mm (might ‘explode); expl violently at 85-100° and also by friction or compression; stable, when dry at RT. but decomps in the presence of moisturesorg matterortraces of ale, eth ot acids; al gol in {0.064 g in 100 ml at 258 )ale & mineral acids; sol in CCl,, chlf, eth & olla, Was first prepd by Nef(Ref 2) from benzaldehyde and acetic anhydeide. Other methods of prepa aze listed in Ref 1. ASS, Caruthers (Ref 5) patented a method of prepn in which benzaldehyde and acetal- dehyde are esused (6 react at ca 35° with an O-contg gas in the presence of dibenz- oylperoxide Thermal decompa of acetylbenz0ylperox- fide is discussed in Ref 3 and the decompn by UV light in Ref Ailes fire & expla hazard, coxicity and shipping regulations are dis cussed in Refs 6 & 7 Acerylbenzoylperoxide is used in Lab and industry as 20 oxidation and polymerization catalyst in a number of reactions Refs: 1pBeil 9, 179,053) &L157]_2I-U. Nef, Ann 298, 280(1897) 3)F.Fichter & H.Edlenmeyer, Helv 9,146 1926) & CA 20, 1585(1926) _4)F-Ficheer a F,Willi, Hel V7, 1173(1934) & CA 29,1013 (1935) 5)T.F. Caruthers, USP 1,985,886(1935) & CA 29, 11041935) 6)CondChemDict(1956),137 79893(1957), 235 Acelylbenzoylperoxide, Azido Derivative, N,. GH,0,=a0t found ia Beil or CA through 1956 ‘Acetyl--altrobenzoy!)-peroxide of mNitre- benzoylacetylperoxlde (called by Nef a nitrobenzoylacetylhydroperoxya), CH, . CO 0.00. CH, .NO,, aw 225.15, N6.22%. CCl nals (Hom bot methanol), mp 68% expt at higher temps; sol in most org solvents; Aff sol in cold methanol & ligtoin, Was prepa by tceating acetylbenzoylperoxide wich fuming aie the cold Refs: 1)Beil 9,381 2)J.U.Nef, Ann 298, 2861897) Note: No later refs were found in CA through 1956 Acetyl-(dinttrobenzoy!)-peroxide, Cif, .CO.0,, CO. GHy(NO,), not found in Beil of CA though 1956 Acatylbonaylperoxide; Bonzylocetylperoxide; Benzylperocetete or Peracetlc Acid,Benzyl- fester, CH,..CO. 0, CH,. Gy powder. Ie was patented in 1927 by Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co (Ref 2) for use as a catalyst in polymerizing vinyl compds particularly vinyl chloride and acetate. Sax (Ref 4) lists this compd without giving its formula fr method of prepa bu states that powerful oxidizing agent; its toxicity=details unknown, fice hazard-moderate by spontan- cous chemical reaction, expla hazard—mod- erate when shocked ot exposed to hest and disaster contrl—daagerous; shock will cause deton with evola of toxic fumes; will react with w and steam to produce heat; can react vigorously with reducing materials Refs: 1)Beil~not found _2)Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co, Fr? 748,972(1933) & CA 27, 57551933) 3)Tobolsky & Mestobian (2954)=n0t found 4)Sax(1957),236 ‘Acetyl Bromide or Ethanoyl Bromide, CH,COBr, mw 122.96, OB t CO, -38.6%, OB to CO ~45.5%. Col lig fuming strongly in the ain; d 1,663 ae 16° mp ~96.5, bp 76° at 750 mm, np 1.4537 at 15.8°. Miscible with th, benz & chlf, decomp violently by w and ale, Can be prepd from acetyl chloride and fa excess of HBr of by other methods. Its toxicity, fire & explosion hazards ace dis- ‘cussed in Ref 3 Refs: 1pBeil 2,174, 79) & (176) DH. Staudinger & E,Anthes,Ber 46,1421(1913) 3NSax{ 1957), 236 ACETYL CELLULOSE ‘AND DERIVATIVES ‘Acetyl Celluloses (AC) (Acctates of Cel- lulose or Cellulose Acetates). According to Dore(Ref 3) the action of Ac,0 on cellulose (called acetylation) should theoretically yield the triacetate [CyH,0{00C. CH,),}o. Actually, the products of acetylation are a inisture of tris, di- and mono-acetate, A characteristic property of the lower acetyl- ‘ced acetates is their sol in acetone, whereas the triacetate can absorb acetone only to the extent of causing swelling Lab and industrial methods of prepa of AC are described in Refs 2,3,486.AC is used in the manuf of rayon, films, unbreakable windows (Ref 4),a8 2 component and as an inhibitor coating of rocket propellants (Refs 5. 7). The Ieslians claim that AC has the property of slowing down the fate of buraing of a propellant and sendecing the combsta more waiform Following aze Ital military spec require- eats for AC: ash £0.15%, free acid none, foreign matter <0.1, ether 2.15, insyl in cet <1.0 and acidity (caled as AcOH) 30.15%, deed by 132° Heat Test using @ Bergmanc-Junk tube Refs: 1)Beil-not found 2Heuser(1944), 226 3yDorée(1947),272-92 _4)Kitk & Othmer ¥1949),3726 5)Capitolaro Tecnico Generale per 1a Fornitura di Esplo sivi Propelenti, MD Esereito CTF 35 6)0te S,part 2(1954),7677)P.Tavernier, MP 38, 328(1956\ Thermodynamic props of aceryl- celluloses) _7)J-A.Rolfe & N.J-Mottis, RPE(Rocket Propulsion Establishment), Gr Britain, TechNote No 171, October 1938 Nitroucetylcelluloses (NAC) (Cellulose Acetate Nitrates). Oddo (Ref 2), being die- ‘satisfied with che chem stability of NC's decided to det whether acerylared NC's would be any better. He took 10g of NC CLLG6AN), died it at 90° and gradually introduced 300g of acetic anhydride free of ACOH. After 12 hrs at RT the mixt was heated on a sand bath, under reduced pres- sure andunder a reflux condenser (sealed with a sulfuric acid valve),until about two- thirds of the acetic anhydride was distilled. ‘The residual liq was filtered and pouced into large ant of w. The resulting It yel product was dried, dissolved in AcOH, filtered and repptd by pouring the soln deop wise with ag itation into a large amtof cold w. The dried purified produce was white and could be easily pulverized. les mw was (290.5)q and N ca 9.65%, which corresponds approx to ,H,0,(0N0,)(0Ac), ealed mw (294.0 q- Iedecomp at 185,5° with the evoln of gas. ‘The product waa easily sol ia et acet, ‘AcOH & pyridine and could be gelatinized by I:kether/ale 56 Dorée(Ref 3) prepd several NAC's (some of them with a N content as high as 13.8% and an AcOH content 32.3%) by gradually adding cellulose to an ice-cooled bath contg mixt of acetic anhydride and fuming acid, Kellger (Ref 4) studied the aitration- acetylation of cellulose with mixte of acetic anhydride-nittie acid-acetic acid, Werner (Ref 5) studied a method of prepn of NAC by nitration of fibrous cellulose triacetate with nitric acid contg less than 9% w. He also studied prepn of NAC by acetylation of NC. A brief description of NAC is also given in Ref 6 NAC with N ca 11.5% has been used ia Italy as an ingredient of DEGDN propellants (polveri al aitroglicol). Following are Teal nilicary specification requitements (Ref 7): nitrogen content 11.20-11.70%, fineness £90, acetyl content > 1.59% ash <1%, lime €aled as CaO <0, 30%, stability by 80° Abel test > 25 min, by 135° Ger test 50 min and by 131° Bergmana-Junk test < 1.75 c¢ of NO Refs: 1)Beil-not found 2)B.0ddo,Gazz 49 1,140-5(1919) & CA U4, 1330(1920) | 3) Doree(1947)308 _ 4)D-Kriger,Cellulosechem 11,220930) _ 5)K. Werner, AngChem 50, 177-3219 37 New method for making snd utilizing cellulose eiacetate) —6)Heuser (194,301 7)Capicolato Tecnico Generale pet Ia Fornitura di Esplosivi Propellent, ND Esercito, 1951,CTF 34 ACETYL CHLORIDE AND DERIVATIVES Acetyl Chloride or Ethanoy! Chloride, CH,.00.Cl, mv 78.50, OB w CO, 91.7%, 0B to CO ~71.37, Col lig which fumes in air feis fam, d 1.1051 at 20%, mp -112% bp 51-2, N20 1.3808, Miscible with eth, benz, chlf, glacial AcOH & petr eth. Decompd violently by w ot ale. Extcenely ierieating to the eyes, Can be prepd from glacial AcOH and phosphorus trichloride (see also Ref 6) or by other methods listed in Ref 1. Used ao an acetylating agent and for the detn of w in organic liquids. tes wxicity, fire and ex plosion hazards ate discussed in Refs 4&5 Its nitrocompound is described below As Refs: 1)Beil 2,173 79) & [175]_ Le Orthner & L.Reichel,Organische Chenisches Prakctikum,Beslin(1929),73 3)Merck(1952), 11 4)CondChemDice(1936),11 5)Sax(i957), 256-7 6)R.D.Coghill, ACS 60, 488( 1938) & CA 32,2355(1938\ Explns take place some- times during this method of peop. Coghill atcributes the formation of phosphine, PH, as the cause of such explns) Arldoacetylchloride or Triczoacetylchlorid Ny. CH. CO. Cl, mw 119.52, N 35.16%. Col pungent smelling liq, decomp by moi sture; bp 43-44° at 14 mm & 55-60° at 18 mim; ex pl at higher temps; d 1.303 at 25°, n3f"1.4634 Was prepd by Forster & Miller by the action of phosphoryl chloride on azidoacetate sus: pended in abs eth (Refs 1 & 2). Other methods of prepn are given in Refs 3 & 4 Refs: 1yBeil 2,229 & (101) 2M.Forscer & RMilles, JCS 95,200(1909) & 97, 1061(1910) 3)E.D.Nicolaides et al, JACS 76,2809 (1954 & CA 49,10184.1955) _ 4)F.Huber, JACS 77, 11% 1955) & CA 50,804(1996) Diazidoacetylebloride, (N,),CH. CO.Cl-not fouad in Beil or CA chrough 1936 Nitroacetyl Chloride,0,N. CH,..CO. C1, mw 123.50, N 11.33%, OB to CO, ~25.9%, OB to CO 10%, Lig, frp ~35%, bp 68° at 12 mm; slow dista is accompanied by an expla. Was ptepd in poot yield by nitration of ketene in ether, cooled in solid CO, + alcohol(Ref 2) Refs: 1)Beil 2, not found —2)¥.Steinkopf & MKihnel, Ber 75B, 1328(1942) & CA 37, 4687(1943) Nitroazidoacetylcbloride, (O,N)N,.CH.CO.Cl— not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Dinttroacetylcbloride, (O,N),CH.CO.Cl-not found ie Beil of CA ehrough 1956 ACETYLDIACETOXY TETRAZANONANE AND DERIVATIVES 2-UA)rAcetylt, Sediacetoxy-2,4,6,8-tetra- zanonane of 2-(4-)Acetor2.,6,8-tetrazanon- ane-1,9-diol-diacetate, ,.C0-0.CH-N-Chy-NH-CH, NICH, NHC. 0-C0.CH, | coc, may be considered as a parent compd of tsinitrocompd described below 2.(4-\Acetyl-1,9-diacotoxy-4-(2.) 6,Brinitro 6,8-tetrazanonane; 2-(4-)Acet0-4.(22),6,8: trinitre-2,4,6,8-tetrezanonane- I. diacetate; 1,9-Diacetoxy-2-(4-Jecetyl-4-(2-), 6,B-tinitro-2,4,6,8-tetrozanonane of H-16 COOH ERICHNEHNEH, OC. eee €.cH, NO, No, 80, cco eH MCHC HH HEH. O-CoH, Ho,, No, Noy mw 425,32,N23.05%. According @ Arist: off et al (Ref 2), this compd was prepd by M.Camack et al(private communication} when they treated heramethylenctetramine with nittic acid and acetic anhydkide, fee expl props were not investigated. Schroedet et al(Ref 3) give the absorption spectra daca and Malmberg et al (Ref 4) the chrom ato graphic data Refs: \)Beil=not found 2)E. Aristoff et al,CanJRes 278, $26-7(1949) 3)W.A. Schroeder et al, Anal Chem 23,1740, 1745 (0951) E.W.Malmberg et al, AnalChem 25,9031953) ‘Acotyldinitroglycerin. See Glycerin Acetate Diniteate under Glycerin sad Derivatives Acetyldinitrotriazocyclohoxane. See Aceto- diniwotriazacyelohexane under Acctotriaze cyclohexane and De Acetyldinitronitrosotetroxoeyelodetane See Acetodinittonitrosotettazacyclodceane under Acetotetrazacyclosctane and Deriv- tives ACETYLDIPHENYLAMINE AND DERIVATIVES Acetyldipbenylamine, C,4Hy,NO. Its N- acetyl-isomer (C,H, ).N-CO. CH, is de ed in Beil 12,247,(194) & (144) under the name of Essigedure-diphenylamid. P.Tavernier & L.Lamouroux, MP 38, 84 (1956) gives for it QY 1752 keal/mol and Of 9.64 keal/mol. Isomers in which acetyl gtoup is ateached co the ring, anilinoaceto- Phenones, ate not desetibed i Beil, although their nitro-, dinitro- and triniero- desivs are listed in vol 14. One of the anilinoaceto- phenones, was prepd recently by S.G.P-Plant &C.R,Yorthing, JCS 1955, 1279 & CA 0, 2457( 1956) and listed as é-acetyldipbenyl: Azidoocetyldiphenylomine, N.C,,H,,NO, mse 252.27N 22.21%. Following isomer is known: o-Azido-Neacetyl-diplenylamine or 2! -Azido- Nephenylaceranilide, eat My See ee pale yel ceysts, mp 99-99.5%, decomp therm ally to gums. Was prepd by diszotizing o- amiao-N-acetyl-dipheaylamine in aq HCI and treating the product with Na azide Refs: 1)Beil=not found —2)P.A.S.Saith € aly JACS 75,6336(1953) & CA 49,7571 0959) Diazidoacetyldiphenylariine, €8)4CauHyNO-not found in Beil or CA through 1956 Mononitroacetyldiphenylamine, CH,,0,N,- Tes Neacetyl-derivs are listed in Beil 12, (572,391, while the isomers with acetyl on one of the rings are given in Beil 14, [29,30]. The latter isomers may also be called nitroanitinoacetophenones Dinitroocetyldiphenylomine,C, ,,N,0,. Three N-acetyl-isomers are described in Beil 12,720,754 & (391,410), while one isomer with acetyl on one of therings. 2 4'-dinitto-4-neetyl-diphenylanine, CH, .CO.GyH, -NH.C,H,(NO,),,i8 given in Beil 14,{32) Trinitroocetyldiphenylamine,C, H,0,, mw 346,25, N 16.18% No N-acetyl-isomers are listed in Beil 12, but two isomers ith acerylonone of the rings ate given in Beil 14,428 47] Tetronitroacetyldiphenylomine,: HN, Ov mw 391. 25,8 17.90%, Following isomer is describedin the lieeraace 2.4,2",4° Tetra sitrN-acetyiediphenylamine, called in Get Essigsiure-bis{ 2, 4-dinitrophenyl}-amid, (OMAGH, N.00. Ch, OW0,608 exy9ts, mp 197% Was obsained by Pictet on tenting N-acetyldiphenylanine with diacetyl oxthonitsie acid,(H0),N(0.0C.CH,), Refs: 1)Beil 12,754 2)A.Pictet, Arche SciencPhy sat, Gendve,{1¥]16,701(1903) & ‘CheaZte 1903 I, 1109 Pentanitroacetyldiphenylamine, HN0,~ aot fouad in Beil o CA theough 1956 HN Ory, isomer is Hexonitreacetyldiphenylom mw 481,25, N 20.38%. Follo described in the Literature: 2,4,6,2' 4! 6! -llexanitro-N-acetylediphenyl- ‘amine, called in Ger Essigsiure-bis|2,4,6- ttiniteophenyl]-amid, CONGR, > N.€0.cH,. (ODGH,~ Le yel ceysts, ap 240° with decomp; starts to Blacken a 200% sol in ben & acet; insol in ligroin, Was prepd by weating silver sale of hexanitrodiphenjlamine with acerplchloride, No tefs wits expl props Refs: 1)Beil 12,767 2)A.Hantzsch & Se. Opolski Ber 41,1747(1908) N-Acotyldiphanylhydrasine. See N-Acetyl- Iydrazabenzene ACETYLENE AND DERIVATIVES Acetylene ot Ethine (Ethyne), HC:CH, mu 26.04. OB to CO, ~307.2%,, OB wo CO ~194.3°. Gol gas with garlic odor, fp -85° at 895 mm, subl p ~84° at 760 mm, d 0.91 (air =1.0), Qy-54.9 keal/mol. Beuni(Ref 19¢) gives bp -23° exit eemp +35.4° and tenp of tiple point ~83.6% Soly in w 1.7 vols per 1 vol of w at RT; soly in acet over the temp range ‘of 0°ro 40° and a partial press of GH, of 1 atm can be caled from the equation S = 13000/(T-185.3) -81.3 derived by Brameld & Clatk (Ref 7), Soly at higher press ix much greater Acetylene gas burns in ais with a very hot luminous flane. Whea burned in oxygen in an oxyacetylene lane) cemps of the order of 6000°F(33159 can be attained, According to Reppe (Ref 20g), acetylene tends to de- compose explosively into its elements even fata press of the order of 1 atm, evolving =p preciable quantitiesof heat. Compressing acetylene is a dangerous operation unless a special techaique is used (asia loading containers for oxyacetylene welding). For purposes of safe storage, acetylene can be dissolved in acet and kept indefinitely Mixzs of gaseous acetylene and air are ex: tremely expl. In dry air at atm press the expl limita are 2.6 t0 T7%40F even 80%) of acetyl- ene by vol Numerous explosions have occurred (see CA trom 1907 to present) which were at- tributed to acerylene or to acetylene liber- ated from Ca carbide ‘According to Sax (Ref 23) acetylene is al toxic and its fire hazard is great when ex posed to heat of flame. Its expl hazard is moderate when exposed to heat of flame or when it undergoes spontancous chem ce- actions. At high press it may decomp ex- plosively even at moderate temps, It can react vigorously with oxidiziog materials and it forms expl compds on contact with Cur Ag(see Acerylides) The discovery of acetylene in 1836(0F 1937 is attributed to Edmond Davy, but it ‘was not until 1860 that Berthelot definitely identified and named is(Ref 9, p 101 & Ref 16, p 469). The compd obtained by Berthe lot from cuprous acetylide was not pure because it contained some vinyl chloride. Acetylene was not produced comaescially uatil Ca carbide was produced in the lab in 1899 by Morehead & Willson, by heating a mixt of limeand coke in aa electric furnace. ‘They expected to prepare metallic calciua A39 but obtained the carbide instead Examination of the material prepd by M & 1 chowed that when it was brought into con- tact with water, a large ant of gas, identified as Gi, evolved. This gave impetus to the com production of CaC, for use in acetylene generames, At first CH, was used for in- ‘teasing the illuminating power and hestiog value of water gas, but since 1906 it has been utilized for welding and cutting steel. ‘The chemical utilization of C,H, began in Germany in 1910, then in Canada in 1914 and finally in this country. Research ia the field of acetylene chem was greatly expanded dur ing WW¥I & Il aad the use of C,H, increased tremendously (Ref 9) The industrial prepa of acetylene from Ca catbide is desctibed ia Ref 9, ep 102-7 and Ref 26, pp 34-41 Many other methods for the manuf of acerylene have been developed, especiaily during and after BW I ia Germany, such a3 fom hydrocarbons by the Hills arc-cracking process (Ref 9, pp 107-10), from hydrocarbons by the Waléf thermal cracking process (Ref 9, pp 110-11) and from methane by its partial ‘combustion (Ref 9, pp 111-12) In adda to the above mentioned processes for the production of acetylene, several others were devdoped, of which the Tenn- esse Eastman process (Ref 22) and the Société Belge de l"Amte (SBA)-Kellogg. process (Ref 27) are the most recent Purification of crude acetylene for lab pur poses is described in InorgSynth v 21946), 76 Uses: In addition to the extensive use of acetylene in oxyacetylene welding it is used AS a starting material for the manuf of inorg and org acerylides as well as many other ‘compds. Some of them such as acetone, acetaldehyde, acetic acid, acetic anhydride, te are indispensible in the manuf and testingof expls and ammo, Acetylene was also used to manufacture tetranitromethane by the method described in PATR 2510 (1958), p Ger 195, under Tecan Seraight acetylene can be used as'an ex: plosive when in liquefied or solidified form {see Acetylene as an Explosive) (See also Acetylene Condensation or Polymerization Products, Acetylene Derivatives, Acetylene Hydeoperoxides & Peroxides, Acetylene Nitric Acid Reactions, Acetylene Reactions, Acetylenie Compounds, Acetylides, Cuprene and Halogenated Acetylenes) Refs: (Acetylene): I)Beil 1,228,(100), (202) & (887) 2M.Berthelot, AnaChimPhys (3167, 6701863) J. A.Nicuwland a RR. Vogt, ""The Chemistry of Acetylene,"” Rein- hold.NY(1945) _ 4)P.Piganiol,"Acétyléne, Homologues et Dérivées, "Masson, Paris (1943) 5)R.L.Hasche,ChMetEng 52,No 10, 116-19(1945)(Acetylene industry ia wartime Germany) —68)¥.Reppe, "Advances ia Acetylene Chemistry'"(as developed at the IG Farbeniadustrie A-G), PB Rept 111(.C¥S IDR No 4149X{abour 1946) 6b). Reppe, "Synthesis of Intermediates for Polyamids on Acetylene Basis," PB Rept 2555Xabout 1946) 7)V.Brameld & M.Clatk, JSCL65, 58-61(1946) & CA 40, 3670(1946) 8). Johnson, ‘The Chemisty of Acetylenic Compounds," AenoldLondon, Vols 1 & 2 (1946 a1 1950) 9)Kik ae Orhmer 1(1947), 101-121 10)B.P.Bergmann,"*The Chemisty of Acetylene and Related Compounds,” Interscience,NY(1948)_11)C.J.Heatly, CAEN 27,2063 1949) The acetylene industry in America) 12)9.Reppe, "Neve Entwick- lungen aut dem Gebiet der Chemie des Acetylens und Kohlenoayds," Springer, Berlin (2949) 13)J.W.Copenhaver s MH. Bigelow, “Acetylene and Carbon Monoxide Chemistry,”” Reinhold, NY(1949) _14)J. W. Reppe “Acetylene Chemistry," Technieal Publics sions,NY(1949) Translated from dhe German by CAMeyer & Co,ine)(PB Rept 188528) 15)P. Piganiol, "Acetylene, Homologs and Derivatives,""Mapleton House, Brooklya (1950\ Translaced from the Feench by F.A. Hessel & J.B.Rust) 16)B.T.Brooks, “The Chemisty of Nonbenzoid Hy deocetbons," Reinhold, NY (1950), p 469-488 17)R.Owens & A.M.Johason, "The Acetylene Industry and Acetylene Chemisty ie Germany Dating the Petiod 1939-1943,""HMSO,London( 1951) 18) W.Reppe, "Chemie und Technik der Acerylen-Drack-Reaktionen,”” Verlag Chemie, Weinheim(1952)_19a)M-Konschak, Brena- stoft-Wieme-Kraft, 4,62-6(1952\ Explosive properties of acetylene and safety measures for its storage) 198)0.Nicodenus & K.Wi nacker ia E.Weingaeriner, "Chemische Tech- nologie,"" Miinchen, 1952), 614-73 196) G. Bruni, ldrsesebusi 1953, Nov 9-12 & CA 50,5350(1956) 20a)Ullmann 3, 1953)43-68 2b) E.RH.Jones, “Acetylene Chemistry,” Univ of Nowe Dame Press, Indiand( 1954) 20)P-Holemana,R.Hasselmann & G.Dix, ‘Untersuchungen aber die themische Zisdusg von Explosibelen Azetylenzersetzungen in Kapillaten, *Westdeutscher Verlag, K8ln (1954) 20d)R.Duff et al, JChemPhys 22, 1618-19(1934) « CA 49,617(1953)(Studies of detonation of puce acetylene gas in tubes) 208)W.W. Robertson et al, “Self Combustion of Acetylene,” in the"sth Symposium on Com- bustion; Reinhold, NY(1953), 628-349 refs) 2006. A.Westbrock et al, “Seif Combustion of Acetylene,"” in the’Sth Symp on Combsta” (1955), 631-3117 refs) 208)8-Reppe et al, ‘Ane. $96,6{1955) 21a)R.A.Raphael, "Aceeyl- enic Compounds in Organic Synthesis,” Academic Press, NY(I955) _ 2ib)Anoa, Explosiver 1956, 101(Ditections for avoiding accidents in handling acetylene) 21c) Forschungsstelle flr Acetylen,Dormund, Fxplosivst 1956, 14i(Invescigation of trans- formations ia the explosive decomposition of acetylene) 214)}-L.Romig et al, Ex: plosivet 1956,218(lavestigation of the eourse ‘of decomposition of acetonic sala of C,H) 2ieyTr2eciak, Explosivse 1956,219(Sources ‘of danger in the generation of acetylene) 21). Ebert, Explosivst 1956,245-8(0n the prevention of acetylene explosions) 72) ‘Anon, C&EN 35, 32 (Dee 23, 1957)[New process for prepa of C,H, designed by Tennessee Eastman Co is briefly described. Ic involves high temp breakdown of satd hydrocarbons (such as natural gas) conducted in 9 special famace (constructed of stabilized zirconium) Aol hich is capable of withstanding temps up t0 250°C. The process is different from any previously used] 23)Sax( 1957), 237 24)Faith, Keyes & Clask(1957),34-41 25)F.C.Stebling et al, “Carbon Formation from Acetylene." A paper repored in the 6th Symposium on Combustion, Reinhold, NY(1957),247-54(22 refs) 26)H.H.Nelson, “The Effect of Pipe Diameter on the Thermal Decomposition of Acerylenes.”” A paper re ported in the 6th Symp on Combsta, Reinhold NY(1957),825-20(17 fefs) _77)SBA-Kellogg Way 0 Acetylene, C&EN 36, 15(Jan 13, 1958) [Brief description of the manuf of C,H, from natural gas or naphtha by the process pat- ‘ented by the Société Belge de I’ Azote(SBA) using a special burner. This process was adopted in USA by the M.W.Kellogg Co, NY. Ethylene can also be produced by this method] 28) Many papers on acetylene and acetyl- ‘ene chemistry are listed in Chemical Ab- steacts, especially starting about 1940, There are Listed above only the more important papers ‘Acetylene-Alr Mixtures. Various C,l1,~air mixtures were detonated in rubber balloons by means of centeal elec detonators. Photo- ‘gtaphs of spherical extiosions thus produced ‘were made with a rotating-dnum camera and with a 6000-frae-per-sec movie camera. Deton vels measured by this method agreed with values obtained from measurements in tubes by std cechniques. For instance, the mixts contg 12.5% CH, developed a deton vel of 1920 m/aee ad multiple reflected waves were cleatly observed (See also ‘Acetylene-Oxygen Mixcures) Refs: WH. Freiwald & H.Ude, CR 236, 1741-1953) & CA 47,9617(1953) Ibid, ZElekerochem 57,629-32(1953) & CA 49, 860211955) Acetylene,Analysis.See Acetylene and Desivatives Analysis, listed after Acetylene Derivatives Acetylene as an Explosive. thea acetylene is liquified ie becomes an exp! which can be detonated by a blow, sparkor a detonator. The same applies w acerylene ia the slid state, According to Rimarski & Metz (Ref 3), solid acetylene is aa expl of considerable power as detad by che Trauzl Lead block test, although less powerful thao common HEs, Its brisance and deton vel (2270 m/ sec at d 0.503) ate also inferior to the common HE's, Sensitivity to heat, friction, shock and spark ace slight. By using solid Cl, with lig aic ot oxygen, a very beisuat expl is ob- tained, The disadvancages of using solid GH, lie ia the difficulties in storage and eansportation ‘Acerylene may also be used as an expl when io the gaseous state, but for this use ie must be previously mized with some oxy- ‘gen-contg gas, such as air @ create an expl nist, For instance, gaseous acetylene is used as a blasting expl in cases where me terials are desired to be reduced co Large pieces (Ref 1). In one application a lead pipe ‘vas separated into 3 scetions by evo Light, easily broken partitions. The first seezn (next to the tamping) was charged with CaCy in small grains, the second seetn contained wacer and the died an electtic exploder. After inserting the pipe into a borehole and tamping, the first partition was brokes from ‘outside by an iron bar thus allowing an in- flux of air and causing the CaC, and H,0 to form acetylene. The resulting press broke the 2nd partition bringing the C,H,-air mixt in contact with the exploder which, after a ‘suitable timehad elapsed caused the mixt t deronste According to British cegulations issued dosing WW I, acetylene when lig of when sub- ject w a certain degree of compression, of when ia admizeure with aem air or oxygeo, wwas deemed an exp] (Ref 2 Stertbacher (Ref 4) gives the following expl props for 74.75/24.55 mixts of lig O, with solid C,Hy: maxim d Leas thas 1, normal gus vol 634 I/kg, heat of expln 2760 keal/kg, dleton vel 6900 m/sec, maxim temp of expl (caled) 7290° and sen sitivity to impact 5 em with 2g wt The expl decompn of acetylene is dis cussed in Ref 5 and the effect of mixing with hydrocarbons and other gases upon the explosibility of CH, in Ref 6 (For more information on explosions of acetylene and its homologs, consule CA under Acetyl- ene) Refs: 1)Anon,Sprengscotte, Walfen und Munision 9,41(1914) & CA 9, 1115(1915) 2Bcitish Seatutory Rules and Orders 1919, No 809,"Acetylene as an Explosive" CA 14,460(1920) 3) W.Rimarskite L.Metz, Auto- gene Metallasbeit, 26,341(1933); Chem Zee 1934,1,803-4 & CA 29,494%1935) 4A. Sterrbacher, Protar 8,9 (1942) & CA 37,1603 (2943) 5)E.A.Blyumberg & D.A.Feank- Kamenetskii, ZaFisKhim 20,1301-17(1946) & CA 41,296 1947) G)G.W.Jones et al, US BusMinesReptlavest 4196(1948) & CA 42, 1739-40 1948) Acatylene Black. See under Carbon Blacks Acetylene Chloride or Chloroethyne. See tinder Halogenated Acetylenes Acetylene Condensation and Polymerization Products may be obtained by subjecting acetylene to the action of heat, lighs, elec trons, alphavays, elec discharge, etc wich ‘or without catalysts (Ref 1, 1892-311.One such products is cuprene(qy), which is 0 condensation product of acetylene and not polymer as it is usually called. The real polymerization product of acetylene is Gly which was obtained (wogether with other compounds) in 1866 by Berthelot by heating acetylene in retores of glass soften: ing a 400-500%Ref 1,p 232). The same investigator, prepd by silent electrical dis- charge in acetylene some unidentified prod- ucts of high mol wt which decompd ex- plosively dating their dista (Ref 1, p 232) YFohl (Ref 2) proposed to use the conden sation products obtained from C,H,(cither by the action of heat or by the silent dis charge in the presence of Gs,0) as com bureats for various blasting exple, such as hose based on Black powder, NG, AN, ‘Amm perchlorate, liq oxygen, ete Systematic studies of acetylene polym zation were conducted in the laboratories of the daPont Co and the results are described in namerous papers (see Ref 3). Studies of acetylenic polymers from the point of view of their utilization in solid rocket propellants has been conducted by Reaction Motors (see Ref 10). Polymerization under press is de scribed in Ref 4 and some industtial prod ucts obtained by polymerizing acetylene are listed in Ref 5 ‘Shimizaya & Kimura(Ref 6) proposed a smoke-producing mixt contg as the principal ingredient » product obtained by treating GH, polymer (consisting mainly of diviayl- acetylene) with 5-6 atoms of chlorine at 60-70%, Other ingtediencs of the smoke mizt are Al, KC10, and kieselgube ‘According t Saito(Ref 7), the acetylene ‘cimersobcained as byproducts in the prepa of CH,:CH. Ci CH by condensation of aceryl- ene are expl. They can be seabilized by by- drochlorination in the presence of a complex salt of CaCl and NH,CI to yield additive compds contg 1 or 2 mols of HCl, from which they are separated by disca, Nakagawa(Ref 6) eviews the chemistry of polyacetyleaes and gives 25 references. Polymetization of acetyl- ene is also discussed in Ref 9 (See also Capreng Refs: 1)Beil 1,232,(101), [211] & 1892-5} 2A.Rohl,BrieP 145,258 a 145,597(1920) & CA 14,353X192) 3)}-A.Niewwland, WH, Catothers and others, “Acetylene Polymers and Their Derivatives,” series of articles in J ACS 53,4197-4225(1931); 54, 4066-76 (1932); 55,786-95, 1094-1101, 1622-31, 2004 12, 2040-51, 2807-17, 4665-70 & 5077( 1933); 56,1167-70, 1625-8 (1934; 57, 1978-84, 2255- 59 & 2739(1935); 58,1747-49(1936) 11. Starkweather,"Polymerization under High Pressures" JACS 56, 1870-74(1934) _5)M. Piganiol,"New Industtial Acetylene Poly- metization Derivatives? BullFr 9,749-58 (2942) & CA 38,3248(1944) 6)N-Shimizoya & T-Kimara, JapanP 175,984(1948) & CA 63, 45,5341(1951) _7)H.Saito et al, Japan P 172,910(3946) & CA 46,50721952) _ 8)B.T. Brook ,"The Chemistry of Nonbeazoid Hy- drocasbons! Reinhold, NY(1950), 474 8a) MNakagawa, Kagsku(J=pan) 10,658-65 (1955) & CA 49,15721(1955) _9)R.A.Raphael, “Acetylenic Compounds in Organic Syathesis” Academic Press,NY(1955), 105,152 & 159-60 10)Reaction Motors Division of Thiocol Chemi eal Corp, Denville, NJ, Report RMD: 157F(Final Rept) by G.Golub & D.Perry, ““Acetylenic Polymers for Solid Propeliaats"” (1959),Contract NOrd 17851(Conf) (Was not used as a source of info) ‘Acetylenecyanide or Acetylen: Cyanoacerylene Acetylene Derivatives. Under this term are listed compds obtained by substituting the hydrogen atoms of acetylene or its homologs metals, with halogens of with organic or inorganic mdicals, In case of substitu- tion with metals, thecompds are called scetylides (qo), whereas the other derivs are usually called ocetylenic compounds Following examples of acetylenic compds, some of which are expls, were isolated by Tealian investigators from mixts obtained by passing acetylene into fuming nitsie acid (4 1.52): a)Steaw-yel expl substance melting a¢ 78° without decompn; when erystd from benz o¢ petiol eth, copious evoln of aitrous fames occur and transparent col crysts of @ neutcal compd, C,H,NOy, melting at 108°, separates’ b)Mono-basic acid, C,H,NO, sepg from toluene in Large It yel erysts melting at 149°, form a stable silver salt which expl mildly at 165° )Diezoimide HNO, a refeactive oil explg with greae violence on heating Ke/s: 1)G.Testoni & L.Mascarelli, Atti Reale Acad Lincei [VITO I, 442-4 1901); JCS 80 1, 4945(190); Gazz 31, 461(1901) 4% 33 Il, 319(1903) 2)A.Quilico & M.Fred, Gaze 60, 172-84 1930) & CA 24,3789 (1930) Note: More refs on acetylene derivatives are given under Acetylene—Nittic Acid Re setion Studies » See Acetylene, Acetylenic Compounds and Acetylides; Analytical Procedures. Hydrogen atoms adjacent to the triple bond cof an acetylenic compd are easily replaced by silver, cuprous of mercurous atoms and the resulting metallic derivs are usually insol in w Following methods are described by Siggia (Ref 7a, pp 48-58) ; A)Ammonical silver nitrate method, in which ’ the excess silver is detd volumetsically by O.1NNH,CNS soln. Ppt of AgC: CR which forms duting thi reaction is expl aad should be destroyed as described under Silver Acerylide B)Alcobolic silver nitrate method in which the following reaction takes place: 2AgNO, + HC! CR+AgCICR. AgNO, + HNO,, the liberated HNO, is titrated by std alla This method is especially useful for H,O- insol samples but it can also be used for H,0-s0l samples ClAmmoniseal silver nitrate method which is applicable to samples contg aldehydes; aldehydes ace serious interferences in methods ‘A&B because they reduce the silver ions present D)Ceprous method, described in Ref 78, pp 57-8, involves reaction of cuprous chloride with the acetylenic compd in a pyridine soln, according to the equation: Cu,Cl, +2HCI CR 2CoC!CR + 2HCI. The liberated HCl is tieeated with std alkali. This method isnot as accurate as silver methods, but it is applicable to samples with which silver ‘cannot be used because of interfering ce- Piganiol(Ref 8) also describes silver niteate and cuprous chloride methods, as well as the following addieional methods: F)Potassium iodo-mercurate reagent pfepd by dissolving 66 g HgCl, and 163 g KI in 160 ml w and adding 125 ml of 10% NaOH soln. Aceeylenes give,in ale, ppts (RC i= ©, Ha whose mp's are characteristic, For instance, (CHy-C!O,ltg has mp 205-8, whereas (C,H, -CiQ:Hg has mp 162-3°. This method permits detn in some cases of the structute of pptd compd, as doesthe Raman spectea method F)Raman spectra method is the only physical method used at present to detect an acetyl- ene compd in a complex mixt, The method is aot as rapid as chenical methods, but ix gives mote valuable info about theentize structure of the molecule (Ref 8) For deta of acetylene i air of other gases the following procedures can be used: a) For small conca of acetylenes (up 0 ca 2M), the measured vol of gas is passed through cuprous chloride or silver nitrate reagent until an appreciable ant of ppt forms. ‘An apparatus of the Orsat type can be used (Ref 8) by For high concas of acetylenes, the gas can be passed thmugh concd H,SO, using the Orsat apparatus. Olefins are also ab- sorbed. If silver niteate soln is used for absorption of gas, olefing do aat interfere uc ammonia and carbon disulfide do (Ref 8) ¢)Fractionation methods in columns of Pod: bielaiak or McMillan type, operating at slightly above atm press to eliminate the freezing of acetylene in the columa (Refs 4e7 In detn of disubstituted acetylenic compds, formation of ppts is observed only when us- ing mercuric salts (chloride, sulfate of sitrate), but this reaction is not specific because some ethylenic compds and compds ccontg certain oxygen and nitrogen groups also give pts. This method however, can be used in conjunction with the Raman spectea method (Ref 8) According to Piganiol(Ref 8), the problem of detection of various acetylenic compds ia 2 mixt is fairly complicated and must be solved individually for each particular case. Sometimes several methods must be tried before the problem is solved Following methods may be tied for sol ing each problem: 2) Deta of carbon and hydrogen atoms by combustion byAbsorption of C,H,contg gas by 80% sul- foric acid ¢) Measurement of d of mixt @) Use of mercuric cyanide for absorption of 64 some ingredients of mixt, such as di acetylene aad tetramers and detn of the amt of carton ia residue Analysis of acetylenes for imputities is briefly discussed in Kise a Othmer (Ref 7) Refs: 1)Beil 1,237-8,(103-4),(216-17] & {908-9} E.Berl in Berl-Lunge, "Chem sch- Technische Untersuchungen,”*Betlin 1(1931), 649; 3(1932),707 & 722 & U-Stolzenberg, Erg Bd %{1939)112.& 121 _3)C.Coulson-Smith & A.P.Seyfang, Anal 67,39-41(1942\Coloti- metric method for estimation of small quan- tities of acetylene in ait) 4)H.P.McKoon we H.D.Bddy, IEC, Anal Fd 18,133(1946)(Deen of traces of acerylene) 5)C.D.Wagner et a, Ibid 19,1031947\Detn of mono- and di- alkylacetylenes) 6)T.A.Geisman et al, Ibid 19,919-21(1947)(Deen of traces of aceryl- ene in ait) Kite & Othmer 1,(1947) LI 16 7a)S.Siggia, “Quantitative Orgenic Analysis Via Functional Groups "Wiley, NY (1949) 8)P.Piganiol, “Acetylene Homologues, and Derivatives,"” Mapleton House, Brooklyn (1950)(Tran slated from the French by F.A. Hessel & J-B.Ruat), 776-9(Numerous refer- fences are given) 9)1-Marszak & M.Koulkés MSCE %6,421-6(1951)(Detg the tue CH, functioning group by using Ag benzoate) 10M. Koulkés a 1. Marszake, BullFe(V]. 19, 356-7(1952) & CA 46, 10050(1952\Dets the true Gli, functioning group by using che AgNO,~C,H, diamine complex) —11)UlImann 3(1953),39_ 12)0rgAnalysis, v 2(1954), 40 & ¥H1956), 529 Acetylenedicarboxamide, Sce under acetyl- ‘enedicarboxylic Acid and Derivatives Acotylenedicorboxonilide. See Bis(carbox- anilideacerylene, also called Di(N-pheny!- catboxamide)-acerylene ACETYLENEDICARBOXYLIC ACID. ‘AND DERIVATIVES Acetylenedicarboxylic Acid (Acetylendi- carboasiiure or Butindisiiure, in Ger; Acide Acetylenedicarbosylique, in Ft), HO,C. CFC. CO,H, mw 114.06, OB to CO, 70.1% OB 19 CO ~14.0% Plates, mp 178-80Tdecomp). Very sol in w, ale and eth; cexysts from solns as a dibydrate, May be prepd by the method of Baeyer (rom a, a’ dibtomosuccinie acid und ale KON (Ref 3). A modified version of the prepa is given in Refs 4 & 5. Gillman & Haubeia(Ref 6) prepd ic by stisring vinyl bromide and o-butyl- lithium in ether for 15 mins and earbonating che resulting milley mixt with dry ice Ics silver salt deronates violently from heat of shock as was found by Gandeowski (Ref 2), This property is aot mentioned ia Beil, alehough the salt is Histed(Ref |, 2, 802) Refs: 1)Beil 2,801,(317) & (670 291, Band eowski, Ber 10,841(1877) 3)A.Raeyer, Rer 18,677-9(1885) 4)11.J-Backer & J-M.Van det Zanden,Ree 47,778 1928) 5)OeaSynth, CollVal 2(1943),10" 6)11.Gilman & AH Haubein, JACS 67, 1421(1945) Acetylenedicarboxomide or Bis{carboxomide)- ‘acetylene; H.N.OC. CC. CO. NIL, mw 120,09, N24.59%. Microerystallinie’ powder mp-dee at 294% sparingly sol in w, ale, eth chIf & AcOM. Was prepd by treating dimethyl- acethylenedicarboxylate with anmoni nt 0° Refs: Bell 2317) 2)Ch.Mourens & J Bongrand, AnnChin(P atis), (91,14, 121920) Mononitroacotylenedicorboxamide, (0,N)~ HN: CO. C#C..CO.NH,-not founcin Beil oF CA through 1956 Disitroacetylenedicarboxomide, (0,8). HN. CO. CC. CO. NIKNO,) ot found in Beil of CA through 1956 Acetylenedichloride. Sce under Halogenated Acetylenes ACETYLENEDIUREIN OR GLYCOLURIL AND DERIVATIVES Acetylenedivrein, Clycolutil of Teteahyste- imidox{dlimidozole-2,5(1H,3H)-dione (Acetyl enediuteide; Glyoxaldiureidey Acetylene di urée, in Fr) [Acetylendiurein, Glyoxaldiurein; afi a. -Piareylen-ithan; Dioxo-hexs hydro-(imidazolo-4'. 5°: 4 S~imidizoll; Gy- keolucl of Acerylenharnstoff, in Get, 465 _ NI-CHANI, oc segue » NH-cH-NI co, mw 142,12, N39.4¥%m OW t0 CO, ~101.3% OP to CO 56.3% Ws nals, mp 297° with decompn, dectepitates 00 heating above tmp; QF 465.4 keal/mol, QP 464.5, OY 4115.2 am QF 1118.6 keal/noRet 5, p 83) leis 8 gol in w and neatly insol in ord solvents Was prepd in 1877 neasly simultaneously by Schiff(Rel 2) and by Béttinged Ref 3) from slyoxal and utes, Several ather methods ace listed in Ref 1. Hilts & Schiemana(Ref 4) prepd it by heating a miatuce of glyoxs Na bieulfige and ueea in ay TICI, The compa was suggested ssn ingredient of propellants (tel 5) es silver salt, Ag,C,I,N,O, is explosive (Ref tp 442) Note: Numbering of acetylenediuzein sing includes theee different systems: a)Reil- YCA system prior w 1927 stein system and e)CA system since 1927, We are using system € Refs: 1)Reil 26,441-2,0131) & [2601 DH. Schiff, Ana 189,152(1877) _ 3)C.Béttinger, Bee 10,192X 1877) )H.Riltz & G.Schiemann, JPesktChem 113,98(19 26) 5)P. Tavernier M.Lamouroux, MP 3867-8 & 831956) Axidoacetylenedivrein, 11,N,0,-not found in Beil of CA through 1956 Mononitroacetylenedivroln, C.H,N, 0, found in Beil or CA through 1956 Dinitroacetylenediurotn or Dinitroglycoluril, CG\HNOg, mo" 232,12, 36.21% OB t0 CO, =17.6%, OB to CO = 0%. Franchimont & Klobbie assigned the structure, UNH. CH.N(NO) OG taut co: Swit. cir Seno,) is known. [tis awh pdt which deflagrates at 217° without melting, It was obtained by treating 1 part of acetylene diureine with 5 parts of abs nitric acid. The structure of this compd was noc definitely established. not One isomer to which Ie decompd on heating with w but was not atcacked by aq ammonia (Refs i & 3) Another dinitzo-compd, called by Fran- ‘chimont & Klobbie Isodinitroglycelurile, wh mictoscop erysts,iasol in ordinary ofg solvents and sol in concd nitric acid was also obtained from acerylenediurein and absol nitric acid. It was distinguished from the first isomer by the face that the Larcer ‘was not decomp on heating with w but was decompd by aq ammonia at RT (Refs 1 & 3) Refs: 1)Beil 26, 443 2)A.Franchimont & EXlobbie, Rec 7, 18-19 & 245(1888) 3) lid, 8, 290-1(1899) Note: No later tefs were found in CA through 1956 Trinitroacetylenediurein, C,lW,N,O, and Tetranitroacetylenediurein, Cy fot found ia Beil of CA through 1956 Acotylene, Halogenated. See Halogenated Acerylenes ACETYLENE HYDROPEROXIDES 'AND PEROXIDES A series of compds which contain both acetylene bonds and peroxide groups, was synthesized by Milas et al by using « modi fication of the sulfuric acid-bydrogen perox- ide method originally described in Refs 1 & 2, The procedure consists essentially in al- lowing an acetylenecarbinol, R,.R,-ClOH) CiCH oF glycol R,.R,.CLOH).C1CLOH).R,- R,, in which R, & R, are various hydrocarbon radicals, to react at low temp with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of sulfuric acid of suitable strength Following pes of compds were prepd: A) Acetylene hydroperoxides, R,R,.C.C#C, aon ach ae J, }-dimethyl-2-propynylhydroperos ide or 3-methyl-3-hydroperoxy-L-butyne, (CH,},C(OOH). CCH, oxygen 16.0% Lig, bp 42 to 52.2° at 17 mm, d 0.9540 at 25° and a} 1.4295; 1,tdiethyl-2-propynylhydro- peroxide or 3-methyl-3-hydroperoxy pentyne, (C ,H,),}OOH). CCH, oxygen 14.0%, Lig, bp 38-40” at 5 mm, 40.9547 at 287, 03514369 B)Acetylene dihydroperoxides, RAR,CCICCRR, 0d bon sach as 1,1,4,4+tetromethyl-2-butynylene- dihydroperoxide or 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-dihydeo- peroxy-3:hexyne, (CH), {OOH).CiG{HOO)C (CH,),, oxygen 18.4%. Solid, mp 107-9° (de- comp); 1,1" =dihyéroperony-1,1"-dieyelohexy!- ecetylene, fen, Cu, 00H onygen 12.6%; solid, mp 95° (decomp) 2,5-dimethyl-2,5:di-(t-butylperoxy)-3-hexyne, (iy G-€:6-4Hy, (CH,),000 OOQCH,) , Lig. bp 65-7° at 2mm, 40.881 at 25°, a” 1.4219 CDialkynyl peroxides, R,R,C-OO-CRR, i cecH! imethyl-2-propynyl)-perox- i{3emethylbutynyl)-3.petoxide, (diiy,c-00-(cH,), wcrc | C:cH Lig, bp 60° at 76 mm; bist L-methyl-- ethyl-2-propynyl)peroxide or di-(3-methyl- pentyny!)-3:paroxi (CHACHIC-00-4 HCH) Here CecH Lig, bp 55-559 at 2mm, 40.9030 at 25°/4° and 03 1.4390 These peroxides are stable but chey can be detonated by means of a blasting cap Refs: )N-AMilas, USP 2,223807(1940) & CA 35,18021941) DN. A.Milas & DM. Surgenor,J ACS 68,206-7(1946) 3N.AMilas 8 OL. Mageli, JACS 74, 1471-31952) & CA 48,545(1954) _ 4)Kitk & Othmer 10(1953), Manufoctute of Tetronitromethane, From. See PATR 2510(1958), p Ger 195, unde Tecan Acetylone-Nittic Acid Reactions Studi actions between acetylene and nitric acid ‘were studied in Italy as early as 1901 by Baschiesi,(Gazz 31 11,462), in 1902 by Tes- ‘oni & Mascarelli and in 1903 by Mascarelli ‘A.Quilico, M.Freti and other investigators found that che earlier work was incomplete sad questionable and for this reason they repeated some of the entlier work and pub: ished a series of papers in Gazz, beginning in 1929(vol $9). The products which they ‘examined, many of them explosive, were prepd by bubbling a slow current of putified acetyl- ene through fuming ittic acid. Following is a selected list of papers and the names of the ‘expl compds prepd by Q & Fi sGazz 59,930-41( 1929) & CA 24,3484 1930) (Aa expl compd presumably 5-isoxezolecer boxylic acid, This compd was reexamined in 1942 and the results were published in Ref m) ‘byGaze 60,721-44 1930) & CA 25,1247(1931) (Aa expl compd, CH,N,O,, which was not identifieadySee Ref h) ‘Gazz 61,484-500( 1931) & CA 26,454 1932) (The constitution of an expl compd, GH.N.O, was partially established). There was also prepd an expl oil heavier than water, CHON,, bp 147° at 155 mam Gazz 61,759-72(1931) & CA 26,1606 (1932\‘The structure of a previously prepa empl oil, C,HON,, was partly established) ‘Gazz 61,970-6(1931) & CA 26,2978 1932) (Prepa aad some props of aisoxazoleamine hydrochloride and diazoaminoi soxazole) )Gaz262, 436-44 19 32) & CA 26, 5361 (0932)(Mono aubstinured derivs of wisoxazde- carboxylic acid, ete) BN. Freti,Gazz 62,457-63(1932) & CA 26, 595219 32)(Some expl desis of « izoxa- aolecarboxrlic acids ond of a~ methyl- Isoxazolecarboxylie acid hyGazz 62,503 18(1932) & CA 62,5953-4 (0932(The structure of a previously prepd expl compd, C,H,N,O,, was esta ONICH.CHONIN.GNO,),. The compd was named qlsoxazoleezottinitromethane. Hen: encazouinitromethane and its nitrocompd pinitrobenzeneazotrinltiomethane were also prepd Gazz 62,912-27(1932 & CA 27,1348(1933) (lore info on benzeneazDtrinitromethane, p-nitobeazeneazotsinitromethane. Prepn an props of other expl compds ae given, such a -rophthylazottinitromethane and p,p« biphenylenebi sozotrinitromethone) i)Gazz 65, 1203-13 1935) & CA 30,5219-21 (1936 repa and establishment of structure of eulite. It decompd explosively when heated above its mp, 102.8°) ke)Gazz 66, 278-99 19 36) & CA 31, 1805(19 37) (Prepa of the mercuric selt of eullte, which ‘exploded violently on heating) Gazz 71, 327-421 1941) & CA 36,771 1942) (Nitze, amino ond diazo detivs of isoxazole ‘m)Gazz 72,458-74(1942 & CA 39,2753-4 (1945\(By means of a synthesis of isoxaz0l derive with fulminic acid, it was establish that the structure of the acid reported in Ref aisi carboxy! 8)Gazz 76,3: 291946) & CA 41,380-2 1947) (Foscher investiga of the compd described in Refs a and m. Prepn of some derivs of farazan, Silver salts of 44{3isoxozolyl)-3- furarancarboxylic acid and of 3furazanace A-carboxylic acid ace explosive) ©)Gaze 76, 30-43, 87-107, 195-1946) & CA 41,382-6(1947\ Further work on eulite) Acotylenenitrite, See Cyanoacetylene ‘Acetylene-Oxygen and Acetylene-Air Mixti were examined in Japan and the results ar reported in the following refs: A)R-Kiama et al, RevPhysChemJapan 23, 43:8(1953) & CA 48,8544 1954) (A mixt of 54% CH, and 46% 0, initially at 270° and 10,9 atm, exploded on being compressed rapidy(0,78ec) t0 56.1 atm. No expln was observed with mixts of CHy-air treated under similar conditions)" 2)R.Kiyama et al, RewPhysChem} apan 24,41-8( 1954) & CA 49, 120004 1955)(Miats of Gl, and O oF aie at 10 ky/em* were rapidly introduced into a heated vessel and the occurrence or nonoceuttence of an expla was noted. The min expln temp for Cyll,-O mixta was 220- 30° and for C,Hy-ait mixts ca 390°, Addn of a small ame of CCI, elevated the tenp of ‘expla about 25°, while adda of H,0 vapor clevated the temp even more. In both eases the resulting explns were more severe thon withoue the addns) 3) Teranishi, Rev PhysChem] anan 25,58-63(1955) & CA 50 8207(1956\ Previous work on the expla of nixts of CM, with O and air at 10 kg/em* press was continued. Explns of C,H, aic mixts were |¢ss violent than correspond: ing C,t1,-0 mixes. ‘The addnof small ames of 1,0 © Cll, mixts increased the temp of expla while adda of small amts of methanol increased the temp only for a CM,/0 ratio greater than 2. N retarded the propa of expln and an inezease in the press of either the air or the O mints deereased the temp requited for spontaneous expln) Acetylene Ozonide. Briner & Bunenburger (Ref 1) eeported that the action of ozone on acetylene cartied out in a gascous phase, resulted in expla, but few crysts of ozonide were obtained when reaction vas carried cout in soln and ot low temps. These crysts could not be properly investigated because they exploded violently a shoct time after theie prepa, Hurd & Christ(Ref 2) conducted cozonilzation of some acetylene derivs with 5-10% solns of ozone in chi. Jacobs (Ref 5) conducted ozo zation of some disubsti- tated acetylenes, Dallwigkeet al (Ref 4) ‘etd infrared spectea of ozonides of some acetylene derivs Refs: 1)F.Briner & R.Wunenburger, Helv 12,786-90(1929) & CA 23, 51561979) 2 C.D.lturda RLE.Cheist JOC 1, 1411935) TL Jacobs, JACS 58,2272 1936) 4) ns. E.Dall wigk, et al, Helv 35,1377-84 1952) & CA 46,8965(1952) Acetylene Peroxides. See Acetylene Hydro- petozides and Peroxides ‘Acetylene Reactions are described in the following references 1pBeit 1, 232-37,(101-3), (211-16) & ba92- 9071 2J.A.Nieuwland & R.R.Vogt, “The Chenistry of Acetylene,” Reinhold, NY(1945) 3)A.W.Johnson, "The Chemistry of Acetyl- enic Compounds,” Amold,LLondan, 1(1946) & 11930) 4)Kitk & Othmer (1947), 101-2 9)L.D.Rergmann,""The Chemistry of Acetylene and Related Compounds," Inter science, NY(1948) _6)].%.Copenhaver & MH Rigelow,"*Acetylene and Carbon Monox- ide Chemistry,”” Reinbold.NY(1949)7)C. Gardner, J.D.Rose, B.Weedoa, J.B. Batty, R.A.Gale and others made a special study of acetylene cenctions and the results of their work were published in JCS 1949,780. 796 6)P.Piganiol, "Acetylene, Homologs and Derivatives,” Mapleton House, Brooklyn (1950) Translated from the Freeh) —9)B.T. rooks, "The Chemistey of Nonben zoid Hydrocarbons, “Reinhold, NY(1930), 474-88 Acetylene Tetrochloride. A misnomer for 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane Acetylene Tetrourethane. See Ethane Tetrs- urethane ‘Acatylenic Compounds are organic om pounds contg at least one tiple bond C3 C- ‘They may be hydrocarbons, alcohols, acids, aldehydes, ete. The aceeylenie hydrocar bons include, ia addition w acetylene (4%), the higher members, such as allylene or propyae HyC.CiCH, erotonylene or butyne -2 H,C.C#C.CI,, valerylene or pentyne -2 H,C,.C#C.CH,, ete Considerable teseagch on acetylenic ‘compds was condveted before and during WW Il in Germany, especially by ®.Reppe et al, In more recent years, research on acetylenic compds was conducted by @ {0p of investigators in Gt Britain: K- Bowden, F.R Jones, Sir Tan Helbron, Ae E.J.Haynes, B.C.Weedon, E.A.Braude, F Sondheimer, M.C.hiting, H.B.Henbest, TY. Shen, EM,Fowles, G.Eglington, etc. Results of their work were described in ‘numerous papers published in JCS, begiar sing in 1946. Many acetylenic compds are described in refs listed under Acetylene and Acetylides Following are some additional references ‘on acetylenic compounds which might be of interest as explosives: DC.L.Leese & R.ARaphael, JCS 1950, 217, & CA 45,3324 1951}(l0 the course of synthesizing long-chain aliphatic acids from acetylenic compounds, some expl substances sere obtained, eg, methylnenylthturonium pletote, CisHysN,O,S, N 15.7% mp > 300% detonated violently on rapid hesting 2) J.B. Armitage et al, CA 47,1034(1953KI0 the prepa of monoaubstieuted dexivs of di- acetylene, a small quantity of an expl product corzesponding to the formula: HC: CH=CH, . CC. C#CH was obtained, Ie was aliquid, bp 42° at 150 mm, nf 1.4038 3). Herbertz, Ber 85,475-82(1952) & CA 47, 15741195330 the syncheses of acetylenic compds, starting with diacerylene, some expt substances were obtained, eg, CICH,C# CCH,CL, lig, bp 110% at 5-6 mm, expl decompn ca 120° Acetylanic Derivatives. See Acetylene De Acatylenie Polymers for Solid Propellonts. Tile of a series of the Reaction Motors Inc Reports, Project 157. Contract NOcd, 17851 (1957(Conf) (Were not used as sources of nfo) ‘Acetyl glycine, Azide (Azidoacerylglycine ‘or Teiazoacetylglycine), CH,-CO.N(N,).CHy’ ‘COOH, mw 158.12, N35.44%, Explosive, un- istillable oil. Was prepd from glycine and azidoacetic acid Refs: 1)Beil=not found )K.Freuden- berg & RKelles, Ber 71B, 3341938) & CA 32,2905(1938) T-Acetythexahydro-3,5-dinitro-s-tiazine, See I-Aceto-3,5-dinitio-ttiazacyclohexsne under Acetotriazacyclohexane and Derivatives N-Acetylhexchydrediphonylamine, See N- Cyclohexylacetanilide Acetylhexohydrettiazine, See Acetotriaze: eyelohexine ACETYLHYDRAZOBENZENE AND DERIVATIVES. N-Acetythydrazobenzene or N-Acetyl-N,N! diphenylhydrozine( Acetic 1, 2-diphenylhydta- Zide), poem Gly. N.NH. GH, mw 226,27, N 12.38%, OB to CO,~240.47 Nals (from hot ale), mp 159% Qe 1792.9 keal/ ‘mol(Ref 3); insol in w & alkalies, sl sol in alc & eth. Was prepd from hydrazobenzene and acetic anhydride(Ref 2) Refs: 1Beil 15,244,(64) & [93] 2D. ‘Stem, Ber 17,380(1884) 3)A.Pongratz,et al, Bet 77,651-4 1944) & CA 40,6068( 19.46) Azido-Diezido- and Nitroted Acetylhydrazo- benzenes—were not found in Beil or CA through 1956 ACETYLIDES AND CARBIDES (INORGANIC) Acotylides (Acetylene Derivatives, Inorganic) (Acerylenide or Catbide, in Ger). Acetylides are compas obtained by replacement of one or tno hydrogen atomsof acetylene or its homologs or derivatives by a metal. Their suruerure may be M CiCM of RCFCM', where M’ stands for a wonovalent metal and R for an organic radical, eg LiC:CH, AgC!CAg, CaC#CCx, ith divalent metals the fomulse would be GG eg CIC RE 68 IE x ca Cereain carbides (but aot ll) may be re- garded as acetylides, eg calcium carbide, cacy Note: Kitk & Othmer(Ref 4) list the acetylides 70 of Ca and of some other metals under carbides A general method for the prepn of acerylides is to pass Cli, through ammoniacal solas of the corresponding salts (such as nitrates) ot of oxides. For the prepa of alkali metal acecyl- ides, the metal(such as Na of K) is dissolved in lig NH, and the C,H, is passed through Most acetylides of the heavy metals are expls,very sensitive to mechanical action. Only one of the acerylides(cuprous acetylide) hhas found application in industy as an in- atedient of electric detonators. Some acetyl ides, as for instance, that of silver, are prob- ably suitable for use in primers and deto- ators. They also may be incosporaced i LA-based compositions for expl rivets in order w reduce their ignition point(Ref 6) ‘According to Sax(Ref 6) thetoxicity of acetylides is unknown, but their expla hazards are considered to be the same as those of fulminates and azides. The acetyl- ides must be handled with extreme care and in storage they must be kept cool and wet. Metal powders, such as finely divided Ca or Ag, should be excluded. Shipping regu- lations are the same as for other primary aad initiating explosives Refs: 1)Beil 1,238-40,(1046),[ 217-20] & 1909-14} 2J-A.Nieuwland & RR. Vogt, ‘The Chemistry of Acetylene,” Reinhold NY(1945)_3)Kise & Othmer 1(1947),121°3, ‘Albid 201948),877-46 _ 5)Kaattex 1950), GB 6)Sax(1957),239-40 ‘The following acetylides and carbides may be of interest Aluminum Acetylide, AL(C,),, wh solid, prepd by direct action of acetylene on Al pdr at 450-500®. Ie is a erse acetylide be- cause on hydrolysis it gives C,H, Refs: Beil 1,{220] J.-F. Durand, BullFe[4)35, 1141(1924} JCS 126 1, 1278 (1924) & CA'19,63%1925) Aluminum Carbide, AIC, pale yel hexag cxysts, mp 2200%, sublimingin vacuo at at 18008 reacts with = giving methane together with less than 10% bydrogea. This reaction was used in Germany for producing the gas employed in galleries for testing cezpls in regard to their safety for use in gaseous and dusty coal mines (Ref 4). Al,C, was first prepd in 1894 by Moissaa(Refs 1, 2 6 3) by heating an intimate mixt of alunioa (A1,0,) with carbon ia en electric are fumace, Other methods of prepa are also known Refs: Beil 1,39,(7,(11& (27) OH. Moissan, CR 119,16(1894) & JCS 66 11,450 (1894) | 3)Mellor §(1924),870 )Naoim, NG(1928),389 _5)Kick a Ochmer 2(1948), 828 6)Sidgvick,ChemBlems 1(1950),413-14 ‘Arsenium Carbide,As,C,, ben anorph ppt, which expl oo warming or geade mibbing. Was prepd by treating acerylene-bis-mag- nesium iodide, MgLC iC. Mg I, in ether with arsenium tichlotide Refs: Beil 1,(221] _ 2E.deMablet, Bulk Fe[4) 29, 10721921) & JCS 122 1,101(1922) Aurous Acetylide. See Gold Acerylide Barium Acetylide, also called Barlum Car. bide, BaC, greyish solid d 3,75. Was first prepd by Maquenne by treating Ba amalgam with carbon in a stream of hydrogen (Refs 1 & 2. Moissaa (Ref 2s) prepa it by heating in an elec furnace mixt of BaO with carton. Fischer(Ref 3) prefered to heat BsO, or BaCO, with methane, Vaughn et al (Ref 4) obtained an unstable product, corresponding to an approx formula betweee BaC, and BACH, by adding a soln of Ba in liqNH, 0 GH, ia lig NH,. Masdupuy & Gallais (Ref'5) prepa Bac, by heating to 120° Ba (H,0),40H,, which was obtained by treating Ba in liq NH, with acetylene Refs: Beil 1,244220] & 19131 DL. Maquenne, BullFe{317, 366(1892) & JCS 62 1, 695(1892) _2a)H.Moissan,CR 118,683 1894) ‘& JCS 66 1, 3141894) 3)F. Fischer, Breanstoff- chem 9.929(1928) & CA 23,26621929) ‘T.H.Vaugha et al, JOC 2,2-%1937) & CA 31, 3751(1937) _5)E-Masdupay & F.Gallais, CR 282, 1837-5(1951) & CA 45,7905(1951) Beryllium Acetylide, BeC, wh solid, prepa by passig puce dey C,H, over Be pur at a 450° Refs: 1)Beil 10218) J.F.Durand, BullFr (4 35,1145(1924); JCS 126 1,1278 (1924) &e CA 19,63% 1925) Beryllium Gorbide, Be,C, yel or bra-yel cerysts, 41.9 ac 15° Vas fist prepa by hea ing beryllium oxide with carbon in an lecttie furnace (Ref 2). Other methods of prepa are Listed in Ref 1. Henry (Ref 3) established its fomula as Be,C Refs Beil 17) 1271 DP.Lebeaw, ‘CR 121,496(1895) & JCS 70 I, 169(1895) 3)L-Henti, CR 121,600- 11895) & JCS 70 11, 165( 1996) Boron Catbide, B,C; coml prod called “Nor bide," mp ea 2375%, d 2.52 is prepd by heating anhyd boric oxide B,O, with earbon in graphite resistance furnace at ca 2500° Its special interest is due t its remadcable hhardaess which lies on the Mok’s scale beew that of silicon carbide and diamond. Used as aa abrasive. Detailed description of this compd is given in Kisk & Othmer 1948), 830-421 refs) Cadmtum Acetylide, CéC,(formula is not definicely| established) {twas prepd by passing pure dey C,H, over pulverized Cd at ca 500{Refs 1 & 2 ).Gebauer (Ref 3) prepd reo derivs, CAC,. CH, Cal, and CAC. GH, both of which parially de ‘compa by hot w but were stable in the ait even at 200° Refs: Beil 1,(220] J. F-Darand, Boll Fr 35,1142 1924) & CA 19,63% 1925) 3)K.Gebauer, ZAnorgChem 176,284 1928) & CA 23,815(1929) Caleium-t-acetylide, called in Beil Cal- ciumearbid-Acerylen, Ca{CH)., wh solid which decompd in 5 hrs. Was first prepd cither by passing C,H, into soln of Ca in liqNH, of by adding CaNH, soln to GH,-NH, sola Refs: Beil 1,242 & 19111 H.Meissan, CR 136,1524(1903) 3)T.H.Vaugha & J. P. Danehy, PioeladianaAcadSci 44, 144-8(19 34) an & CA30,425(1936) _4)TLH. Vaughn, et al, JOC 2, 2-3(1937) & CA 31,5751(1937) Colcium Acetylide or Calcium C Aw 64.10, OB t0 CO, and CaO ~75.0%. The pare prod is a wh solid, mp 2300%, d 2.155, ‘a heat (0 to 2000°)0.28 cal/g, whereas the coml prod ranges in color from steel-grey wo red-bm, It existe in four erysta forms of which the tetragonal predominates. Ic reacts vig orously with w producing acetylene and Ca hydroxide. only a small ant of wis used, the catbide becomes incandescent and causes sn expln of acetylene-air mixt formed on com tact of w with CaC,. Small quastities of ‘expl gas may form in CaC, druns during storage, and the opening of such drums by spack producing tols, such as steel chisel of screw-driver, is a dangerous operation. Many methods of prepa are known and listed in Beil. The earliest method is that of Wohler (Ref 2), who prepd CaC, by heating ‘ZorCa alloy(pteviously prepd by Caron) with ‘carbon at very high temp. Invention of an industrial method of prepn—heating quick- lime and carboa in an elect ace furnace at 2500-3000° is generally ateributed « Willson, ‘who ia collaboration with Lord Kelvin prapd CaCy in 199 Ref 3). Slightly Later (18945) and independently, Moissaa prepa CaC, by ccasentially the same process ae Willson. Bum (Ref 4) claimed that he invented a similar process easier than Willson and spplied for patent in 1891, but the patent was not issued until 1895, The electric arc furnace method invented in 1892 is ‘essentially the sane as the coment method of manuf of CaC,, Detailed desesiption of the method is given in Refs 5,6,7 & 8. The conl prod contains CaO, graphite and some other impurities For the lab prepn of pure CaC,,a small quantity of pure Ca cyanamide is heated inthe presence of catbox: CACN, + C+ CaC, +N, (see also Ref 5a) Toxicity, fire a expln hazards, storage & handling and shipping regulations are discussed in Ref 9 CaC, is used extensively for the manuf of acetylene, and Ca cyanamidelby fixation of aemospheric nitogen), as the staniag ma- terial for making the melamine family of resins, for the manuf of acetylene black and many other purposes Refs: Beil 1,242,(105), [218] & 19121 QF. Wahler, Ana'124,220(1862) 3H. Schweitzer, ZAngewChem 1898, 411-12 OL.K. Behm, ZAngewChem 1899, 1058-6 SDR. Tausig,"Die Industrie des Calcium carbids,”” Knapp,Halle( 1930) 3a)H.H. Franck et al, ZAnorgChem 232,75(1937) & CA 31,5289(1937)6)C.H Aall, "Con tribution & étude du carbure de calcium industriel,"" Dunod,Patis(19 40) 7)Kick & Othmer 2(1948), 834-46 8)UtImana § (2954, 143 9)Sax(1957), 425. Colcium Corbide—Ammonia—Acetyl en (Called in Ger "Calciumearbidammoni ak- acerylen)"” CaC, + 1,C, + 4N1,, wh prism exysts, which become incandescent in contact with v, Cl, CO, & SD, and yield on heating puire CaC,, It was prepd by Moissan by passing acctylene into a sola of Cain NH, (cooled at -40 80°) until the original blue color disappeared. When the resulting col liq was strongly cooled, of when the Nii, was allowed to volatilize, wh exysts vere obtained. The same method as used by Moissan for prepa of lithium, potassium and sodium carbide desivs Refs: 1)Beil 1,242 _2H.Moissan, CR 127,911-17(1898) & JCS 761, 241(1899) Cesium Hydrogen Acetylide: Monocesiom Acetylide or Cesium Acotylide-Acetylene, CSHC, oF Cs,C,. C,H wh erysts, mp ca 300, so in liq NH,; reacts explosively with some inorg compds. Was prepd by Moissan by ereating cesium hydtide with acetylene at 100° or by passing acetylene through Cs- NH, sola Refs: Beil 1, 240 DH.Moissan, CR 136,1217, 1524190 3) & JCS B4 I,545,595 1903) Coslum Carbide or Dicesium Acetylide, An C2,C,, le ben-ted leaflets; reacts explosively with some oxides. Was obtained by Moi ssan on rapidly heating CallG, in vacuo at 300° Refs: 1)Beil 1,240 2H.Moissan CR 136 1220(1903) & JCS 84 J, $46(1903) Chromium Carbide, CxC,, crysts, 4 5.62, prepd by Moissan on heating Cr with a large excess of carbon in a crucible in an electric furace. Another carbide, CixC was also prepa. Ie is harder than quartz and softer than corundum, According w Kick & Othmer chrom ium cacbides are aot used ia industry Refs: 1)Beil-not found _2H.Moissan, CR 119, 1850894) & JCS 66 IL, 4521894) 3)Kick & Other 2 (1948), 849 Cobaltous Acetylide [Kobalt ({l)acerylenid, in Geel, CoCy solid, prepd by treating CaC, vith CoC, Refs: 1)Beil 1,{220] _ 2)J-F.Durand,CR V7, 6941923) & CA 6511924) Copper Acetylide (Kuplersacetylenid, in Get) existe in both cuprous, CxyC, and cupric, CuG,, forms Cuprovs Acetylide or Dicopper Acetylide (Acetylene Copper ot Copper Carbide) {Di - kepfei(racerlenid, in Ge, CoC i anc aw 151.10 Beick-red,amot par which expl violently ttoen dey, on heating t0 ca 120° and sls by Note’ secording to Ref 5, CojCy flashes at ca 150° Klement & Kéddermann-Gros (Ref 8, p 21315) gave for 95% pure prod a expla temp of 170° in air and 265° in a high vac aC, is sl sol in w and sol in alkalies and aqKCN, The sual method of prepa isto pass dry Gi, into an ammoniacal zoln of a cuprous sal in the absence of ac. ft hhas been claimed until recently that mono- hydrate, Cu,C,. 1,0 is Gret obtained and this goesyon gentle heating, into the anhyd sale (Ref 4a) Klemect & Kéddemann-Gros, (Ret 8) prepd C,H, of 95% putity and studied ite oxidation products An Morita (Ref 11) prepd cuprous acetylide from a 5% soln of CuCl, and claimed that ies ignition temp was 260-70°. This cemp was lowered to 100° after the acerylide was oxi- ized by air. At che same time the color changed to black and the compd became very sensitive to impact. On further oxida the ign temp rose to 200° It is presumed that oxida transformed euprous aectylide into the cupric compa. Schlubach & Folf (Ref 9b) in attempting to prep CuCi CH by treating = satd sola of GH, ia w at 0° with an aq soln of 0x90, + NHOH+NO. NH,. HCL obeained in- stead the Cu,C, Vestia (Ref 10) claimed that there is 90 hydrate of Cu,C, and peeviously to this Dol- ‘pol’skit claimed that the monohydrate is actually dleuproacetaldehyde, Cu,CH. CHO. For its prepn D recommends passing pure GH(with exclusion of sit) iato a sola of ‘CaCl woe all dhe CuCl has reacted. The lig is decanted and the residue washed with abs ale and eth, previously saturated with Gi, The ppe is died by passing over it ay GH, at 50° until const we is obtained. ‘The resulting subst obtained by D was a red-bm powd which expld on heating or on exposure to mech action. When tested on an impact sensitivity apparatus with an & kg wt, the subst detond at 30 cn, compared with 15 em for a coml anhyd prod prepd by passing 2 nixtof tech gases from a low-tenp polymeri- zation of C,H, though che CuCl sola, The latter compd flashed with a bright flame when lightly couched with a glass rod. fts structure was not detd Cuprous acetylide forms whenever acetyl- ene gas comes in contact with copper, its alloys or sme of its salts. As the illuminat ing gas, made by dista of coal usually con- tains some acetylene, it should not be con- ducted through pipes contg Cu. If sich pipes are used, gteat cate and caution should be observed in cleaning the pipes inside (Ref 2 Mixts of Cu,C, with PBCIO, are extremely sensitive to friction (Ref 2) and Ca,C, expl fon contact with nittie acid, permanganates, sulfuric acid, bromine or chlorine, ete (Ref 8) ‘Toxicity, fire expla hazards and shipping segulations are diseassed by Sax (Ref 13) Cuprous acetylide is the only acetylide ‘which found application in the expl industry. Icis used in ign compns for coml elec detonators(Ref 5a) Chambionnat (Ref 9) in the course of ia- vestigation of the possible use of Cu,C, a2 a fungicide, prepd mixts of Cu,C, with inert subst, sich as talcum pds, and detd their expl props . The tests showed that tints of tale with as litde a8 16% Ca, can be initiated by an elec spate, bur it requites a minimum of 25% Cu,C, for initia tion by heat, such as a hot plaee, Mixes with as little as 35% Cu,C, can be initiated by rubbing in mortar at temp 55-60°, whereas at RT a minimum of 65-70% of Cu,C, is te uiced, Cuptous acetylide has been used also for prepa of induetdal catalyses (See Caprous Acetylide Catalyst, which follows) Refs: Beil 1,240(104,{2171 & I9101 Daniel 1902), 3 3)0.Makowea, Ber 1, 824 1908) 3a)}.Scheiber et al, Ber 41, 3816(1908) 11. Rape, JPraktChem 88, 791913) 4a)Toorpe 1401937), 82. 3)Dy~ amit A-G,BrisP 528,299(1940) & CA 35, 77161941) Sa)Bebie 1943),50 LM. Dol gopol’ ski, ZAP iidKhin 19,1281-90 (1946) & CA 41,6724 1947) 7)V.E. Brom ld et al, JSCI 66,346-7(1947) & CA 42, 17401948) 8)RKlenent & E-Kéddermanc Gros, ZAnorgChem 254, 2023, 205- 16{ 1947) & CA 43,21121949) _9)A.Chambionnat, BullSoeSciNatMamoe 28,77-9(1949) & CA 45,7791(1951) _ 9)E.Jones, ProcRoySoc T9BA, 525(1949) & CA 44,2244 1950) (1g nition of coppet ace‘ylide by bot wite) ObyHLHL Schlubach a V.Molf, Ana86B,152 (1950) & CA44 831% 1950) 10) R.Ve ‘SvenskK emi sk Tidékrift 66,80( 1954) & Beil 1, {910} LI)N.N.Polyakov, KhimProm 1954 457-62 & CA 49, 9260( 1955 Formation of copper acetylides in the low-temp ‘sepatation equipment for coke-ovea gas) 1ShMorita JSocHtghPressureGasiad 19, 167-76 1955) & CA 50,60471956) 13)Sax €957), 518 Cuprous Acetylide Cotolysts. Cu,C, supported on silica gel, kieselgubr ete can be used as a catalyst io some org reactions Refs: )W.Reppe, “Acetylene Chemistry,” Meyer, NY (1949), 80 _2)0.Pesta, Mitt ChemForschrinstOstese 3, 109-12 (1949) & CA 44, 4857(1950)_3)W.Reppe et al Ann 596, (1955) & CA $0, 16771(1956) Cuprous Acetylide-Chloride, C,Cu,+CuCl+H,0, de violet pdr, deflagrates very weakly on heating in an open flame. Was prepd by passing acetylene through CuCl in 0.2N HCL Refs Bell 14104) BWManchot & J.C. Withers, Ana 387 270-2(1912) Note: Some othe: cuprous acetylide-chloride compds(none of them seem to be expl) were described in Beil 11910} and in the Bllowing Scandinavian papers: DR, Vestin, ActaChemSeand 3,650-2(1949) & CA 44, 1000 (1950) DR. Vesti & C.L8iman, ‘ActaChemScand 7,398-425(1953) & CA 48, 13305(1954) 3)RVestin et al, ActaChemScand 7,745-63(1953) & CAA, 449(1955)4)R.Vestin, ‘SwenskeK enTideke 66,65-94 1954) & CA 49, 3795(1955) 5)R-Vestin et al, ActaChemScand 8533-71954) a CA 49, 1083711955) Coprovs Hydrogen Acetylide (Monokupfer scetylenid, in Ger), CuCt CH. Attempt t0 prepare this compd by adding with string satd sola of GH, in w ar 0° to an aq soln of CuSO, + NHOHVHO. HN. HC was unsue- cessful. Instead of this, the dicopper aceryl- ide, C2,G, was obtained. Refs: 1)Beil-not found _)H.Schlubach & V.Wolf, Aan 568, 15% 1950) & CA 44,8313 (3930) Cuprie Acetylide [Kupfer (H)-acetylenid, in Getl, CuC,, mw 87.56, OB & CO, 73.1% Black amors ppt, which expl violeatly on beating, impact or friction. According to Morita (Ref 5) ite ignition temp is 100-120%and ie explodes on slight impact even under w Am Ie was first prepd by SSderbaum (Ref 2), on passing acetylene thmugh an anmoniacal sola of a cuptic salt at ca 5°. The compa of the reaulting black pde was 12 CuC, +H,0. Durand (Ref 3) prepd Cu, by the action of Cac, on an aq sola of CuCl, andpurified the resuleing ppt with dil ACOH. Nast & Pfab(Ref 6) prepd CuGby treating KC! CH in NH, with [Cu(NH,),J(NO,), ia NH, Brameld et al(Ref 4) investigated the for mation of copper acetylides from aq solas of various cupric salts and acetylene, The resulting compds appeat co fall into two types: a)black anors ppts and bjlustrous, metallic appeating plates The type a) exp! sometimes with a report, sparks and flashes forn black G0. It could be fired by & dup of HNO, The ex plosibiliey of this type of acerylide is greater than thatof cupioas acerylide. This type in- cludes most acetylides, formed from the more common cupric saits, such as the chloride, sulfate and aicrate, and those formed from copper org salts made alicaline with alkaliesother chan ammonia, of also ‘vith ammonia, provided insufficient am- sonia ispresent to retain all the Go as 0 complex salt ‘The type 5) cupric acetylides expl on _gcatle tapping (sometimes even when touched under sola) with a bright flash and report w form metallic Ca. This type in- dudes seetylides fom Cu borate in strongly alkaline sola snd fmm Cu acetate in aci aad strongly anmoniacal solos Refs: 1)Beil 1,241 & [217] QH.G.SSder ‘baum, Ber 30,760 & 8141897) J.-F. Durand, CR 1774691923) & CA 18,657 (1924) OV.E.Brameld et al, JSC 66, 347-9(1947) & CA 42,1740(1948) _ 5)Sh Morita, jSocHlighP ressureGasind 19, 167- 761955) & CA 50,6048-9(1956) OR. Nast & W. fab, Ber 89, 420-1(1956) & CA 50, 146041956) Copy r Acetylides, Analytleal. According to Dr Haas Walter of PicAran, the following procedure was developed by the Liadé Co of Minch ‘A)Determinatlon of acetylene: a)Assenble 0 apparatcs ao represented on the drawing b)eigh a sample (W, ~ 0.0.5) Q O-FREE HCI \ I > place it in the flask contg a small ame of Osfree w e)Stopper the flask and pass a ‘current of O-free CO, of N, to remove air Continuing to pass CO,, add clowly from a separatory funnel O-free coned (20- 307%) HCL until the disappearance of am! color e)Collect the liberated CH, in the test tube contg O-free 5% aq soln of gel tin (used as protective colloid) with some NH,Cl and CuCl, (free of CuCl.) Boil the sola in the flask to expel residual GH, aad collect it also in the test tube Acetylene reacte with Cu, in the test tube giving CoC, which imparcs aa intense red coloration to the contents of the tube, Determine the amt of Cu,G in the tube by comparing the color with known standards of by using a colorimeter and cale the comesponding antof CH, (W,) ByDatermination of totol copper: #\Oxi- dize the cuprous copper soln in the flask to cupric state by adding KCIO, in slight deficiency to the HC present b)Boil the sola to drive out chlorine, cool, ans AIS fer to a volumetric flask and make up with w ©Take an aliquot, add an excess of KI and titrate the resulting bm soln with Ne thiosulfate inpresence of starch indicator Calculate copper content (W,) taking into consideration the following equations: 20C1, + AKI» 20a + 1, + 4KCI and 1, + 2NaS0, ~ Nal +NaS0, Estimation of Cull) and Cut) in copper acetylide can be accomplished by the fax direct method, which iavolves solving the following equations xtytan¥, 127. Lax + 63.579 = 63.57% 94 ,, 604, y, 151.16" 87.597 OLUTION where vis the we of sample, x is the wt of Cu,G,, ¥ the we of CuCy, z the we of imputi- ‘ies, ®, total we of Cx(procedure B) and ¥, total ant of GH,(procedute A) In the method described by Klement & KBddermann-Gros (Ref 4) total Cu is detd by dissolving a sample in HCL, oxidizing Cu(l) €© Cult!) with HNO,, boiling wich H,SO, (until the disappearance of NO, fumes), cooling, diluting with w and estimating Cu conteat electrolytically. For dem of Cu(l) content a 50 mg sample is placed in the flase of the apparatus descxibed on p 204 of Ref 4 and (after ronoving al: air by passing a stream of O-free CO,) itis treated with 10 ml Onfree coned HCI, Aker evole of GH, ceases, 70-80 ml wis added and the sola tiated ‘with 0.IN KB1O, soln as desetibed by Ziatl & Vartenberg(Ref 1). The acetylene content is decd gas-volunetically i a special apparatus (described on p 205, Ref 4) by treating a sample with 20% KCN soln; Cu,C, SKCN + 24,0 + GH, + 26,[CX(CN),] + KOH. The water conteat is deed by heating a aample in abigh vacuo to 149° in the presence of P05 Ia the method of Voronkow(Ref 3), Ca(ll) is reduced @ Ca(1) with NH,OH, the obtained Ca,C is decompd with HNO, and Cu deed volumetsically. The acetylene content is detd by a rather complicated method which isnot described here because its brief deactiption is given in CA 43,2972 1949) Dolgopol’skii et al (Ref 2) proposed two methods of detg copper in Cu,C,:a)The dichromate methods involves soln in 15-18% HCL, sola in boiling HNO, adding coned aliali(to ppt Cu as hydroxide), soln of the pot, addn of Seignerce sale (turing the color from greenish to It violet), of boiling with NH,OH. HCL to ppt-Cu,0, dissolving i in hot Fe,(50,), and rlerating with KyC40, in the presence (C,H, ),NH.H,S0,, a8 an indicator bThe iodometric method involves dissolving 90.1-0.2 g sample in 15-20% HCL, evaporating the soln w 23nl, treating it with ca 25 ml concd HNO, snd boiling © complete oxidation (color curing from gm to blue); this followed by boiling the sola vith coned H,S0, until disappearance of NO,, cooling, adding ammonia in excess, boiling to remove excess NH , cooling, adding H,S0,, adding 49-50ml 10% KI and tieating the soln with 0,25N Na,S,0, using starch indicator. These methods of analysis are also applicable to copper derivs of vinyl- acetylene and of acecylenedivinyl Siggia(Ref 5) gives some general methods of analysis of acetylene and acetylides Gaution: Copper acetylides are very exp! ‘when dry and should be destroyed, after ‘emeriments, in the same manner as ée- scribed by Siggia for silver acetylide (Ref 5). For this,tinse all pieces of used mparatas ‘with dil nittic acid, dissolve all solid de- posits in the same acid and pour the solns {nto a sink. Dolgopol' skii (Ref 2) advises destroying Cu derivs of acetylene, etc, a8 well a the technical gas mixts from acetyl- ‘ene polymerization, by treating them in the cold for about 1 he with a 15% HCI or by heating them to 80-85°for about 1 hr with 10% HCL Refs: 1)E.Ziotl & H.Wattenberg, Ber 55, 3366 1922) 2)LM.Dolgopol’skii etal, Zh- PrikiKhim 19, 1281-90(1946) & CA 41, 6721- AG 21947 3)G.Voronkov, ZhAnalKhim 1, 285-9 (1946) & CA 43, 4972-31949) 4R-Klement & E.Kéddemene-Gros, ZAnalChem 254,203 31947) & CA 43,21121949 5)S.Sggia “Quantitative Organic Analysis vie Fonc- tuoaal Groups,” Wiley, N¥(1949), 53 & 55 Gold Acotylide or Gold Corbide( Aurous Aceryl- ide), AnyG, mw 418.42. Yel ppt, mp- expl on rapid heating(various temps are reported ‘tanging from 63° to 157°). Very el in w, io ‘ol in ale. Cau be prepd by passing acetyi- ‘ene through an ammoniacal soln of sodium surothio sulfate Na, Au(S,0,),, which had been previously prepd by mixing aq soles of AuCl, and NaS, ‘Then thoroughly dried, aurous acetylide readily expl, not only on rapid heatinglsee above) but also on impact, fection of even when touched with a camel's hair brush. Several explas have occurred during its prepn in various labs, When expld,it produces a flame and leaves a black, pondered residue of gold. Reppe et al (Ref 3) found Au, C, as 1 suitable catalyst in prepn of some org compas Refs: 1)Beil 1,241 DJ-L.Mathews & LiL. Waters, JACS 22, 108(1900)_3)¥.Reppe €€ al, Ann 596,6(1955) & CA $0, 16771(1936) Halogen Substituted Products of Acetylene. See Halogenated Acetylenes under H's Iron Acetyllde (Ferrous Acetylide) (Eisen (M-acecylenid, ic Ger), FeC,; solid, stable in the ait or w at RT; deoompd by HCl with evoln of Gii,. Was prepd by Durand on treating CaC, with ferrous chloride Refs: Beit 1,(2201 J.-F. Durand, CR 177,693 (1923) & CA 18,657(1924) Iron Carbide Fe,C; brilliane wh crysts, ignites when heated, d 7.07 at 16°, not attacked by ww even at 150°, Was prepd by Moissen on heating pure iron with sogar-charcoal in an lec furnace Refs: 1)Beil 18) [11] 2H. Moisean, ‘CR Y24, 716(1897) & JCS 72 M1, 3751897) Lead Acetylide, PbC(probably), mv 251.21 Le grey powd, stable toward H,0 . Stated to be prepd by adding CaC, to en aq sola of Pb acetate and washing the with dil AcOH(Ref 2) Montignie(Ref 3) reported unsuccessful attempts to prep PBC, by calcining some org salts but he prepd a mixt of PDC, with ser- ral other compas by dropping methanolic soln of Pb acetate on CaC,, He reported that his prod wes stable ia air but hydrolized by acid or alk solas Refs Beil 1, [270] ford) AEF Durand, CR 177,693-5(1923) & CA 18,657 (192 | 3)E.Montignie, Bull (312, 1607-9 (2935) & CA 30,691(1930) Lithium Corbide or Monalithiom Acotylide, Lig wh cxysts, d 1.65 a€ 18% was prepd by Moissan on heating Li carbonate with 6 motsof sigurchattoal in an ciee furnace: Li,CO, + 6C + WiC, + 3CO(Ref 2), Leis a powerful reducing agent and reacts with w in cold to produce pure Ci, and the re- tion becomes violent at ca 100see also lithium Acerylide listed below Refs: Beil 1,238 DHMoissen, CR 122, 362 3 1896) & JCS 70 Ui, 419(1896) Monelithium Hydroacetylide or Monalithium Acetylide-Acetylone, LiHC, of Li,C, + GH. eis claimed if Beil I, p 238 thar this 360° Refs: syBeil 21,338, Ber 40,4798( 1907) 2,7-Dinitro.acridone, ery sts, mp 360° Refs: 1)Beil-nor found —2)A.A. Goldberg, BrieP 602,33 1948) & CA 42,8627( 1949) ‘4 S:Dinitroacridone, oraage exy sts, mp 257-8° Refs: 1)Beil=nor found 2)E.R.Klein a F.N.Lahey, JCS 1947, 1418 & CA 42,1277 948) 2F.Ullmann et al, 96 ne, Ci NO,, mw 330.21 N 16.97%, OI to CO, 106.6%, OD to CO ~43,Gs. The following isomer is listed in the literature 2,4,7-Trinitro-5(10H)-acridone, i No, 4 Yel ndls, mp 277%, It was isolacéd from the products of nitration of -aminoacridine Refs: 1pBeil-not found 2)A Hampton & D.Magrath, JCS 1949, 1008-9 & CA A4, 633 2950) lone, Cyl, NOs, m9 375.21, OB to CO, “85.2%, OB to CO =27.T%. The following isomer is described inthe literacure: 2,4,5,7-Tetraniteo-9(10H}-acridone, g ON NO, NO, 8 NO, 4 Yel erysts, mp >350° with sublimation (Ref 2), 337° (Ret 3%; diff sol in org solvents. Can be prepd by heating thioacridone wich fuming nitric acid ia 2 sealed tube at 240° or by other methods. ies expl props were 0t investigated Rejs: 1)Beil 21, 338 2A.tdinger w VF Amnold, JPraktChem 64, 488(1901) 3)C.¥. Poblmana, Ree $5, 747(1936) & CA 30, 7111 036) Acrolein or Acrylic Aldehyde (Propenal. Ally) Aldenyde of Fthylene Aldehyde), CHy: CH = CHO, mw 56.06, OB to CO,-199°8%, OB co CO~114. 2% Col Lig, mp 87.7, bp 52.5%, 440.8389 at 20°/4°, QY 391.5 keal/nol (Ref 3), Very sol inv, ool in ale or eth. ‘Can be prepa by heating glycerin with de- hydrating agents such as KHSO,. It is dangerous when exposed to heat or flame (Ref 5) ‘This poisonous, lachrymatory and highly obnoxious smelling substance is usually off az a vapor daring blasting operations in the “blow-out shots" (ge)(Ref 2) and has also been isolated from spent seide from the manuf of NG and PETN Refs: 1)Beil 1,725(377) & [782] Mars. all 1917), 739 3)C-Moureau, JChimPhys 18,333 1920) 4)Kitk & Othmer 1(1947), 1TES5)Sax 1957), 245-4 ACRYLAMIDE AND DERIVATIVES Acrylamide (Propenamid or Acryl stureamid in Get),CHy,: CH. CO. NH, ndls, mp 845% dec < 125% Can be prepa by saturating cooled bens soln of actylic chloride with dey NH(Refs 2.4 3) Refs: Beil 2,400,186) & [3881 Moureau, Bull Fe [31 9, 417(1893) & JCS 641, 6931893) 3)J.van der Burg, Ree 41,251922) Azidoacrylamide, N, . CH: CH. CO.NH,—n0t found in Beil or in CA through 1956 Nitroaerylomide, 0,N. CH: CH. CO. NH, fv 16.08, N24 145 yal este 165" eee) eiesialie vad O9 gullue seid at 30°59° for 7 hes, an Refs: 1)Beil-not found 21 Shechter, ACS 74,5056(1952) & CA 48,9912(1954) j-Nitroacnylnitramide, O,N. CH: CH. CO? NH(NO,)-00t found in Beil of in CA through 1956 Aerylote. 4 salt of acrylic acid (qe). Acryl- ates, such as emethylacrylate, ethylacrylate, etc, are desciibed under the leters M, E, ACRYLIC ACID AND DERIVATIVES Acrylte Acid or Ethylenccatboxylic Acid then pouting the mixt (Acwleic or Propensic Acid), CH,:CH.COOH, mw 72.06, OB to CO, -133,2%, OB to CO 66.6%. Col lig, 4 1,062 at 16°/4%, mp 12. 13% bp 141.2%. Miseible with w and ale. A detailed method for its lab prepn is given by Kasmubs, who used acrylonitrile(qy), hydroquinone, powdered Cu and H,S0,(Ref 2). ‘The directions given by K should be followed closely, keeping the ingredients well chilled, otherwise a vigorous exothermic reaction (or even an expla) may occa Ref 4), Other methods of prepa are given in Ref 3. Toxic- iy, fire and expla hazards are discussed in Ret 6 Note: Some acrylate polymers have been used in Ordnance icens Refer 1)Beil 2,397,(186) & (383) 2F.J. Kasauba, JACS 67,1277(1945) & CA 39, 4351(1945)_3)Kirk & Othmer 1(1947), 176 80 OF.J-Kaszba, C&EN3O,824 1952) & CA 46,5319(1952) _3)OrgSynthColl Vol 3 (1955), 30 & 33 6)Sax(1957),244 Acrylic Acid Trinittophenylester, such as Cy HhN,O,, polymerized by heating to ca 100° with dibenzoy! peroxide, yields an exp of readily combustible plastic Ref: H.A.Bruson & G.B.Butler, USP 2,407, 131(1946) & CA 41, 288(1947) Axidoacrylic Actd, N,. CH: CH. COOH—not found in Beil or in CA through 1956 Acryloylazide, CH,: CH. CO.N,, mv 97.08, WN 43.29%; wh unstable adls of Lachrymatory smell, mp 32 t0 35% Can be prepd by adding with intensive stitring acryloyl chloride in pataffin oil t ice-cooled suspension of NaN, inparaffin oil; stirting is continued until chloride is completely consumed (ca 24 hours), and the filtered soln fractionated in vacuo (6-9 mm) to give cmade product, which on cedistn yields pure compd. Ies expl props were not investigated Refs: I)Beil-not found —_T.Lieser, GerP 860,636 1952) & CA 48, 10060(1954) 3.Nitroseryli¢ Acid, 0,N.CH:CH.COOH, mw 117,06, N 11.97%; yel crysts, mp 136%. Was obtained by dehy drochlosination of A97 2ehlom-nitopropionie acid (mp 78-809 and aloo by hylolysis and deamination of Saitroucryloisile Refst 1)Beil-not found 2)H.Stecher et al, JACS 74, 3055-61952) & CA 48,9912 (954) ‘erylic Esters, Nonomette are discussed by ERRiddle, “wonomede Aenjlic Esters," Zl pp, Reiabold, NY(I954) (See alo Nedhy- acrylate and Bxhylaccylate) Acrylic Resins and Plastics are discussed im Kirk & Othmer (1947), 180-4 and in books on Plastics ACRYLONITRILE AND DERIVATIVES ‘Acrylonitrile (Propenenitrile or Vinyl Cyan- ide), CH,: CH. CN, mw $3.06, N 26.40%, OB t0 CO, ~226.2% OB to CO -135.7%. Col lig, 4 0.8004 at 25%, fp -82 to 84%bp 78° (Ref 2), 77.34Ref sop 1.3884 at 25°, QF 420.5 kcal/mol, £1 and fire point 0° + 2.5° (32°F (open cup), vap press 100 mm at 27, ‘9 heat 0,50 10.03 cal/g, vap ¢ LEXait = 1.0), ignition temp 481° in siz and 460°in oxygen (Ref 3); latent heat of evapn 7800 ccal/gmol at 0-80°(caled)(Ref 4). Soly in W 7.4% at 25°(Ref 4); soly in some common ‘org solvent is given in Ref 3; expln range is sit 3,05 t0 17.0% by vol at 25°(Ref 4); re acts vigorously with oxidizing materials. Was first obtained by Moureau (Ref 2). Cusrent methods of prepn include dehydration of B-hydroxypropionitrile or pyrolysis of eyano- echylacerate(Ref 5). It is somewhat poi son- ous and sustained exposure to its vapors should be avoided (Refs 4,5,7 & 8). Itis manufd on a large scale for use ia making oil-resistant artificial rubber of GR-N type, as well as plastics, ete (Refs 34,5 & 7). Absorption spectra and some other physical props ate given in Ref 4 Refer 1)Beil 2,400,(186) & [388] 2) ‘CMoureau, Bull Fe [3} 9,424 1893) & JCS 64 1, 6821893) 9)W.J-Huff, USBucMines Rept Invest 3669(1942) & CA 37, 1871(1943) & 0.E.Wiedeman, [EC 37, S)Kidke ae Othmer 1(1947) 4)H.S. Davis 483-5(1945) 3849. 6)Cyananid's Nitrogen Chemicals Digest, "The Chemistry of Acetonitile,”* American Cyananid Co NY(195 D(pamphlet: 580 refs) 7)ConéChemDict{1956), 19 8) Sax(1957),2445 Azidoacrjlonitrite, N,-CH:CH.CN-not found in Beil or in CA through 1956 3Nitrocerylonitile, 0,N.CH:CH.CN, me 98.06, N 28.57%; yel oil, powerful vesicant and Lacheymator, d 1.268 at 20/4%, bp 53-4° at 3.53.4mm, ap 1.492) at 29% Was prepa by adding dropwise 2chloro-3-nitropropion: ittite w a stizted suspension of anbyd Na acetate in absol eth. Its expl props were not investigated Refs: 1)Beilnot found _2)H.Schechter ce al JCS 74, 3056( 1952) & CA 48,9912 1954 ACT(Ardeer Cordite Tubular), A propellant manuld at Ardeer plant of Nobel’s Explosives Co and later by the Imperial Chemical In- dustries, Ge Brie ACT 5 (Ardeer Cordite Tubular No5). A batch No 320B delivered in 1938 for the Brazilian Navy had t0 meet ehe following specification requirements: NON» 11.8 10.2) 65.0 #1, NG 29.041 and centralite 6.0 10.5% Graphise could be added to the extent of 0. 2% and max moist content of ACT 5 was 1% Refi Adm Alvaro-Albero, Ric de Janeiro; private communication Oct 14, 1958 ACT 5, Erosion of, The erosive action of ACT $ as well as of some other propellants was iavestigated in Brazil by Admiral Alvaro- Alberto (Ref 2 from the point of view of Vieilles erosion theory (Ref 1). This theory was modified using some later data of Muraour and of other investigators. A brief resumé of Aivaro- Albert's work on erosive action of propellants is given ia CA MO, 2629-30(1946) Refs: \)P.Vieille, MP 11, 156-210(1901) 2)Adim Alvaro-Alberto, Anais da Acad emia Brasileita de Ciencias Rio de Janeiro), 14,247, 3271942) & 15,39, 187,329(19 43) ‘Action of Gos Explosions on Solid Propel lonts. in one series of experiments con- ave ducted in Russia, a glass ube, 25 am in Giam and 1.3m long, was filled (afcer evacy tion) with H-O gas (obtained by electrolysis of H,0) at atm press and a large exyst (or a solidified drop) of an expl was placed on piece of iron in the center of the ube. The gas mixt was derond by means of @ 15 mg chge of LA placed in a side am of the tube and the expln was photographed. None of the expls cested(PA, tet! and PETR) ignited or detond, even when they were preheated to 100% In the second series of ewperiments, a steel tube 28 mm in dian and 1m long was filled with HO mixes at various pressures, the fest of the conti- tions were the same as in the first series. None of the expls eested was affected by the exple of the mixes at aon press. AC 3 am, blasting gelatin bumed without deform ing the cube, but at higher pressures ic ex- pid and the tube was blown to bits. Cast PETW did not bum or expl a" 6 or 10 am but i did expl at 15 atm and higher pres- sures, Powdered PETN exploded at 10 atm and higher. PA was unaffected at 5, 10 & 15 atm, bus ie bumed at 2 ae 24 aem and exploded at 30 am Ref K.K, Andeéev & V.P Maslov, Dokl Akad- Nauk 25,195-7(1939) & CA 34,3495(1940) Action of Light on Explosives and Propellants. ‘See Light Sensitivity of Explosives and Propellancs ‘Action of Light an Explosives and Pro lonts, Tests. See under Light Sensitiriy Teste Action of Inorganic and Organic Selts in the Combustion of Carbon in an Atmosphere ‘of Nittic Oxide, See Catalysts in Combas- tion of Carbon Action of Radiation. Sec Radi ‘Action Time of o Propellant in « Rocket. ‘According to # definidon of the Hercules Powder Co, the action time isthe time in- terval of chat part of the dme-pressure curve which is above 10% of the max press of meket propellant. This value is Action idencical wich the 10% buming time, as used ae Pie Arse ‘Activated Catbon or Charcoel. See Carbon (ot Chateoal) Activated ‘Activeted Complex Theory. See Absolute Rate Theory Activation (or Radioectivation) Anclysis (Applications of Radiochemical Methods to Analytical ChemistryXIa collab with T.C.Castoriaa, PicAren). Activation analy sis ia the quantitative detn of elements by the measurement of the radioactivity produced in them by nuclear bombardment Measurement of radioactivity, as an an- alytical tool became possible after the dis- coveries of AH. Becquerel(ucanium radi- ation 1896),Pierre & Marie Carie (polonium & radium in 1898), Sit E-Rutherford (identifi cation of Becquerel rays as consisting of alpha, beta and ganmaparticles) and of F.Soddy(phenomenon of nucle disinte- aration, in 1902) ‘Since aot many nacutal radioactive ele ments ate in existence analy sis by radio- chemical methods was rather limiced until i becanepossible to "induce" radioactivity atificially ia someof the non-radioactive elements, as was first done in 1934 by 1 Curie & F.JolioRef 1), This discovery ‘greatly broadened the application of radio- chenical analy sis. The first application of artificial radioactivation for the identi- fication of constituents in a mixt was te ported by Meinke (Ref 16) «0 have been done in 1936 by Hevesy & Levi (Ref 2)- In the activation method an element under pes nuclear reactions by means of sone source producing sufficiently high thesmal neutron fux{ preferably by a auclear re- acto1) t yield radioactive isotpes. These isotopes are usually unstable and setuin to their ground state by releasing eneray in the fom of enitted cadiations. By measuring these radiations it is po ssible to identify, in most cases, one or several components in @ mixt, Such nuclear trmiitions are not affected by the state Ao, of chemical combination of the atom so that radiochemical measurement, can, ia many cases, be made directly without peeliminacy Separation, by gamma spectrometric methods. Attimes, however, it does become necessary to resort tm wet chemical methods for the more complete identification of the numerous com- ponents in the mixt Because of che extremely high sensitivity of the activation method of analysis detns of trace impurities (as low as 1 pat per billion) ace made possible. Such analyses can be made only with difficulty, if at all, by conventional chemical methods Activation analysis aow finds wide appli- cation in the identification of the rare earths and in the field of metallurgy. It has been also spplied to some Ordnance problems, whict are being reported in classified Literanure (Ref 19) Detailed deseription of activation analysis ‘can be found in many of the following refs Refs: IL Cutie & F.Joliot, Nacwre}33, 201 (1934)(Discovery of phenomenon of induced or attificial radioactivity) _2)G.von Hevesy & H.Levi, KglDanseeVidenskabSelskabttatiys Medd 14, (1936) 3)0.Hahn, "Applied Radioactivity," CornellUnivPress, Ithaca, NY¥(1936) 4)G.vonttevesy F.A. Paneth, "1A Manual of Radioactivity,” OxfordUniv Press, London( 938) 5)G.T.Seaborg, Chem Revs 27, 199-285(1940) (ca 600 refs) Arti- ficial radioactivity) 6)G.vonHevesy, “Kadio active Indicators," Interscience, NY(1948) DG.K.Schweitzer, “Radioactive Tencer Techniques,"" Van Nostrand, H¥(1949) 8) G. Friedlander & J.®.Kenaedy, “Introduction to Radiochemistry,” ¥iley, NY(1949) 9). F.Bale & J-F.Bonner, Jr, “Detemnination of Radioactivicy,” chap 30 in vol 1 of "Technique of Organic Gremistry,” edited by A. Weissberger, Interscience, NY(1949) 1O)A.C.¥ahl g N.A.Bonner, "Radioactiv- ity Applied to Chemistry,"" Wiley, NY(1951) LDK.E. Zimen, ‘Angewandre Radioaktivitit,”” Springer, Berlin( 1952) 12)LM.Kolthoff & E.B.Sandell, “Textbook of Quantitative Orga Analysis) Macnilan, NYCI9S2) 639 13)G.B.Cooke & J.F.Duncaa, tn Radnchemed Peace," Ovord Unie Press, NY(1953)_14)¥.J. Whitehouse & J-L-Putnan, “Radioactive Isotopes,""Ox- fordUnivPress, NY(1953) 15)G.Charlot & D.Bézier, "Méthodes Modemes d' Analyse ‘Quantitative Minérale,"’ Masson a Cie, Paris( 1955) 16)¥.W.Meinke, Science 121, 177-84(1955) and Rus translation by N.G. Polianskii, UspekhiKhimii 18,770-80(1956) (Trace element seasitiviey: compatison of activation analysis with other methods) 17)G.Chatlot & D.Bézier, “Quantitative Inorganic Analysis,"* translated from the French by R.C-Murtay, Methuen Co, London (1957), B59 )L.Meites, H.C. Thomas & RP. Bauman, ‘Advanced Analytical Chem- sey,” MeGraw-Hill, NY(1958),344:69 19) Samuel Helf, “Nacleonics Laboratory,” Pic rsa, Dover, NJ(1959); private communication Activation Energles of Elementary Reaction: See the dissertation of T. A. Vanderstice, Catholic University of Ametiea Press, ingron, DC{ 1956) Aloo Activation Energlesof Explosives. Ie is known that for most expls the following Ar thenius equation holds: log ¢ = E/RT + const, where cis the “induction period’ (dime Lag in secs prior to ign or expln after heating to a temp T in °K), R isthe gas constant aad E is the activation energy in keal/mol for the renetion in question The following table, taken from Ref 1, gives the activation encegies for some exple as caled from the above forwula and using T values from tables I to IV of the above work, The value E, represents the actm ceneray in the lower temp range for those expls which do not follow a straight line relationship over the entire temp range studied, while E, is the acta energy at the higher temp range Note: The values E are lower than those teported by others, such as in Ref 2 Refs: )H.Henkin & RMcGill, IEC 44, 13941952) DS Roginsky, PhysZSow 1, 6401932) _3)T-Urbadski & Rycheer, CR 298,900(1939) _ 4)A.J.B.Robertson, Tr- FaradSoc 44,677(19 48) ‘Toble (Activation Enerates) Explosive Black powder Diazodinitrophenol Exytheitol teteanitrate Ethylenedinitraniine Lead azide Lead stypbnate Mercurie fulminate Nitrocellulose (12.6-13 4%) Nitroglyceria Pentaerythritol tetranitrate Pictie acid Tetryl ‘Trinitrotoluene® 5 ne - po #0 28 51.0 10.0 80-85 21.2 - 58.8 - 2.2 38.0 26.5 oro 2.6 - 22.0 - 4 - 144 7 Not given ‘Ia Ref 3, the E value for TNT is given ae 14 Kea!/mol in the temp range 390°450% while in Ref 4 the value is 32 eal/nol for a lower temp Activotion Energies of Fuels in High Tem- ture Combustion are discussed in the paper presented by J.B.Fena & H..Calcotte at the 4th Symposium on Combustion, Tiams & Wilkens, Baltimore( 1953), pp 231- 947 tefs) Note: The paper gives, in addition to act tivation enetgies of vatious fuels with stoich- jiometsic anounts of air, the fame temps and the burning velocities Activetor (of & Land Mine). Same as Fuze of a Land Mine, also called Igniter Active Liat of Permissible Explosives and Blasting Devices. This lise approved by the US Bureau of Mines prior to Dee 31, 1945, may be found in the Bur of Mines Rept of Invest 310, compiled by J-F.Tiffany a Z.C.Gaugler. ‘There is also a supplement to this report. Earlier Repts of Investigations on the same subject ace Nos 3134, 3665 & 3736. No other info on this subject was found in CA though 1956 Active Oxy gen is oxygen of an org or inorg compd which is easily liberated in a free state, especially in presence of alkalies and heavy metals, like Pe. Such oxygen is found in peroxy compds, such as dibenzoyl peroxide, Na peroxide, etc. It liberates iodine from KI (Ref 1) Followiag method for the detn of active oxygen in dibenzoy peroxide is described in Ref 2 Weigh 0.605 ¢ pewxide into « 125ml Enlenmeyer flask, add 40 ml acetone and swiel gently until the sample dissolves (takes ca 2mins). Add 5 ml of KI soln (prepd by dissolving 33 g ep KI in 67 mi HO contg snall ant of Hg) and swirl for Yi min, Tieeate with N/10 Na thiosulfate toa colores end point % Active Oxygen = (al Na,§0,)x 0.1322 (See also Available Oxygeo) Refs: 1)Dr H.Walter, Pic Aran; private ‘ation 2)Bulletin No 9 of Lucidol jon, Novadel-Agene Comp, Buffalo, NY (ayay Alol Active Sheath ( Aktive Mantelpatrone). A type of sheath (see Sheathed Explosives), con: sistg of flameless, gas-producing mixts eap- able of self-sustenance of theit gas-produciag character, These sheaths usually eonsise of Nci(with/or without NGe) and inert ingredients, sich a8 NallCO,, NaCl, Kieselguhr, ete [See also PATR 2510(1958). p Ger Il Actuator, Explosive, See Explosive Actuator ‘Acyelle Mercaptans Contalning 1-5 Corbon Atoms were found to be hypergolic when used in combination with a strong oxidizer such as fuming HNO,. Such mizts were proposed for use in sel€igniting rocket fuels. In order to shorten the ign delay, the oxidizer was mixed with 220% by we of H,S0,, NO, of NOHSD,. In one example, » 1:3 mixt by vol of etbylmercapran(qy) and an oxidizer contg 15% by we of H,SO, gave an ign delay of 10 millisee ae -40°F Reft P.C.Condit & M.A.Pino, USP 2,750, 73% 1956) & CA $0, 1610-12 1956) Acylamine, Nittore, See Nitrosoacylanines and Diazo Esters Acylation (Acidylation). A reaction leading to the formation of an org compd contg one of several acyl radicals, RCO- Refs I)LassarCoha, "*Azbeitsmethodea fir Organisch-Chemische L aboratorien, L.Voss,Leip2ig(1920, 5-28 Kirk & Othmer 11947), 190 Acyl Hydroperoxides. See Peroxy Acide rates ond Perchlorates arc described Schacissee, AngewChem67, 193-501(1955) ‘Acyl Peroxides are peroxides contg one of more acyl(RCO-) groups. Such peroxides are described in this work under the names of the cortesponding acyl radicals, such as di- aceryl peroxide, diben ml peroxide, ee Following are some ecent refs: DK.Livanoy et al, ZHObshehKhim 22,2126-8 (1952) Gin Rus); 22, 2181 1952(in Engl) & CA 48, 1257,5084 1954) 2)K.SMinsker & L.V.Stupen, ZhObshehkhim27, 2875-71957) (in Ras); 27,29121957\in Engl) & CA 52, 80851958) Acyl Petoxides Reactions with Phenol were investigated by C.Walling & H.B.Hodgdon, ColumbiaUnivTechRept No 2, Sept 1954 Dee 1956. Project No TBZ-0001, Contract (Ca-11-57-ORD-1270 ‘Adams (Explosif). An exp!, patented in 1893 in France, contained: K nitrate 54, sulfur 2, flowers of sulfur 13, PA 1, cungstic acid 0.5, HgO 0.5, $b tsisulfide 1 & water 10% Ref: Daniel (1902). 5 ‘Adomsite. Same ac Diphenylaminechlorosrs- ‘Adopter. A metal collar or bushing wich ex: temal and intetnal threads, It is screwed into the nose of a projectile, when the a0se i af the the seat for a fuze. ‘The use of adapters pemits the attachment of various sizes of fuzes to one particular shell, It also pernits the use of a larger opening in the nose of a shell which facil tates the forming arid machining of the in- terior cavity io dhe expt toaded into che shell. Chemical shells have adopters in order to provide a means of seating the burster easing Refs: _ Haye 1938),595 Dept of the ‘Amy, Technical Manual, TM 9-1901(1950), 379 Note: Specifications for vatious adapcers are listed ia the,“Tndex of Specification s and Seandards,"" Dept of the Amy, ¥: ington, DC, vol 2, Oct 1958, pp 12 Adepter-Booster. A device chich consists of a bushing coatg a booster charge, usually etry pellets. The adapter-booster is screwed deep into the nose or base plug of a bomb. The device is theeaded on its protruding end t seat 2 standard nose ot tail bomb fuze Refs Hayes 1938), 606 Ohare (1946).217 & 273 39US Amy Spec 50- 16-3e (Requirements and tests for adapter boosters used in bombs) ‘Adopter, Cluster. Sce Cluster Adapter ‘Addo Explosives. Mixes of liq expls, px Alo2 daced by nitrating either aylene, cumene or gelatinized with NC and combined wich such as nitrates, perchlot ates, ei) t0 yield low freezing (ca -209 plastic expls. These expls were patented about 1912 by Symon Adde ia Sweden as well as in England Eg: AN32, Amm perchlor- ate 40, lig DNX of TNX , NG 5,NC 16 ferwsilicon 2% Rejs YS Adde, Bee 13,37K1912) Coles, 1918), 258 & 689 ADE, Designation of ial time and percussion fuzes used with aerial burst or impact pro- jectiles Ref: Bureau of Ordnance, Nary Dept, “Ital- ian and French Explosive Ordnance,” OP 1668, Rashington, DO(1946), 63 ‘Adenine, Same as 6-Aminopurine ‘Adesive (tal). Adhesive Adhesion is the sticking together of sub- stances in contact with each other. The subject is discussed in the following ret- DU.Wehl, ‘"The Theoretical Basis of Ad hesion,”” ASTM Proceedings 461946) 2N.A deBiruyne & R.Houwink, ““Adhesion and Ade hesives,”" Elsevier Press,N¥(1951) _3)Gol- lective, “Adhesion and Adhesives, Funda mental & Practice,” Symposium, Wiley,NY ‘ Adhesives are substances such a3 glue, plaster, coment, ete) that bind solid ma terials together. Adhesives ace used ex tensively in Ord items and in the explosives industry. For instance, the solid ingredients (such as AN, K perchlorate, etc) of gelatin dynamices are held together by means of a gel consisting of NG aad collodion cotton (see also Binders). ia the manuf of large grain rocket propellants, the so-called “in- hibitor stripe" (ge) ate usually attached by means of an adbesive( Ref 4). Adhesives ace also used in the packing of ammunition (see under Packing and Packaging) Testing of various adhesives and ad- hesive cloths for use in Ord is described in Refs 6 & 8 2 Al03 Refs: )P.L-Snith, “Synthetic Adhe vem Pub Co, Brooklyn( 1943) 2)T.D.Penry. "Modem Wood Adhesives,” Pisnan,Chicago (1944) 3)J.Delmoate, “The Technology of Adhesives,” Elsevier, NY(IOA) A.M. Ball, USP 2,643,611(1953) & CA 47,90 15 (1953X(lahibitor strips for large-grain rocket propellancs are attached by means of en ad- hesive consisting of NC dissolved in Et Lactate, cellosolve, mesicyl oxide, Bu ace- tate of diacetone alcobol. These solvents fact a8 a mutual plasticiser forthe material of che inhibitor stip and for the propellant ieself)9)G.Epstein, “Adhesive Bonding of Metals," Reinhold, NY(1954)_ 6)ASTH Committee D-14 on Adhesives, Standards on Adhesives, Specifications, Physical Tests, Definitions, Philadelphia, Penna(1954) 7) USOrdaance Corps, "Ordnance Materials Handbook ORDP 20-306," Washiagton, DC (0957) ByDapt of the Amy, “ladex of Specifications and Standards,” Washington, DE, wl 21958), pp 23. HLAPery, ‘adhesive Bonding of Reinforced Plasties,"" McGraw-Hill, NY(1959) 10)J.J-Veliky & MJ. Bodnar, “Adhesives for Bonding Com pressed Graphites to Steel," PATR 2504 1959) (See also Refs under Adhesion) Adhesive Tape for Packaging ond Packing of Ammunition. US Specitication JAN-P- 177 and Amendments cover the tequite- ments of the US Amy and Navy. The tape tnust be pressure sensitive ad water resistant Following are the tests described in this spec: wet tensile strength, adhesion at low temp, woistite- vapor transaission rate, ‘waterpenetiation rate; corrosion, acceler- ced aging, dry censile strength and tearing resistance ‘Adlabatic Compression of Entropped Gas Vapor as a Cause of Initiation of Ex- plosives. Ic has been shown by some Brit investigators that one of the important ‘causes of initiation of sensitive expls by mech action(ouch as impact) is the adia- batic compression of minute gas of vapor bubbles entrapped by che expls. These tiny ait spaces are heated by adiabatic compres- sion and ignite the expls. If precautions are taken t eliminate all bubbles, the exp! is comparatively insensitive. These bubbles serve ag “hot spots." Another important source of hot spots is the presence of small grit paricles{Ref 2, p 3) ‘This theory was tested by Yoffe(Ref 1) by comparing the energies requiced & i tiate NG and PETN with and without en- trapped ait. Samples prepared without air in the form of a continuous film required much higher energies of initiation than ‘samples with entrapped air, A simple method of jacluding a gas phase in an expl is co spread it a8 « small annulus on a flat anvil. When this is struck with a flat hammer, the amall amt of gas in the center is tapped and compressed In these experiments the size of the annulus was sich that the initial vol of the gas was ca 5x 10" cc. Amore detailed description of the theory of adia- atic compression and methods of testing are given in Ref 2 Refs: 1)A.D-Yofte, Nacute 161,349(19 48) 2E-P.Bowden & A.D.Yoffe, “Initiation and Growth of Explosions in Liquids and Solids, CambridgeUnivP ress; London( 1952), 3 & 3361 Adiabatic Explosion. Since an expla takes place in an extremely short time, it may be considered to be adiabatic. Assuming that an explosive is heated by the decompa of pare of the sample and that che rate of de- compn increases with increasing temp, KR, B.Patlin et al(Ref) derived the equation for the time-temp relationship in a purely thermal expla. A discussion of this equation would require undue space here Ref: R.B.Paslin et al, OSRD Report 2026 (1943)(Unclassified) Adisbatic Flame Temperoture is the maximum temp produced on combustion (of propel- lanes, pyrotechaic compositions, etc) assuming no heat is lost ro of absorbed from the surmundiags, The adiubatie Dame tenp is a caled value Ref Rocket Fundamentals, Appendix 2 OSRD Rept 3991944) Adicbatic Ignition of Propellants, Pyrotech nie Compositions, ote. Uhes iga of a subst is effected in a highly insulated condi wich a0 gain of heat from or loss of heat to the system, it is called adiabatic ignition The ign can be initiated by a spa, flame, incandescent wire, ete and the heat de veloped by these sources must be taken into consideration when calculating the heat of expla or deton ffom experimental daa Confidential OSRD Repe 4758( 1945) by the Explosives Research Laboratory, Briceton, Pa presents a theoretical reat™ iment of adiabatic ignition and also con- siderable expesimental data, The theory of adiabatic ignition presented spplies only to those decompositions which are not aurocatilytic Adiobetic Ignition Test of Propellonts was developed duting WOM by the Hercules Powder Co at its Radford, Virginia plant. ‘The testis desesibed in confidential Her cales repor RD 4 by W.SKoski, Dec 2, pe ‘Adinay Explosive. An Amer pre-W¥I exp: Ba niteace 69,3, TNT 28.7 & Pb chromate 2m Refs: 1). Adinau, USP 1,056, 389(1913) &CAT, 16121913) 2)Colver( 9 18),250 ADIPIC ACID AND DERIVATIVES Adipic or Adipinte Acid (Hexanedioic oF 1,4Butanedicarborylic Acid)(Hexandi- stlure, in Gemaa), (CH,),(COOH),, mw 146.14, OB to CD, ~142.3%, OB to CO <16.6%. Fine, wh ceysts oF powd, 4 1,360 a 78, ap 152, bp 357.5% lp 305°F (closed cup), vap press I mm at 159.5° vop d 5.04 (ait 1.00), Q2 668.6 keal/mol; reacts with oxidizing macetials: al ol in wor eth and very sol in ale, Can be Al04 prepd by several methods. One of them, given in Ref 3, uses cyclohexanol and nitric acid'in the presence of NH,VO,. The German method using teteahydofuran and CO is briefly described in Ref 2. Other methods ate given in Refs 1a 4 The toxicity, fice and expln hazards of adipic acid are dix ‘cussed in Ref 5. Properties, reactions and current and potential uses of adipic acid and derivs ace discussed in Ref 6 Adipic acid is used in the manuf of aylon and of someother plastics. Some of its esters are weehul gelatin zets and plasticizers (Refs 4 & 6) Is salts are called adipates Refs: Beil 264927) & [572] J.D. Rose, PBRept 25,553, translation of W.Reppe's Report, Ludwigshafen i941) 3)0zgSyath, GoliVol 1(1941), 18 Kise & Othmer 1, A947), 155-4 '9)Sax(1957), 246 6)Poly- chemical Dept, E.L.duPontdeNemours & Co, ‘adipic Acid and Ies Derivatives,” Wilming- ton, Del 195777 PP) Adipie Acid, Analytical Procedures are de- scribed in Organic Analysis, tnterscience, NY, vot 1954 and vol X1936) Adipic Acid Azide or Adipylexide (Adipinyl- aside), Ny. CO(GH,),CO. OH -at found in Beil oF CA through 1956 Adipic Acid Diazide or Adipyldieride (Adipinyldiazide), N,, CO(CH,),CO.Ny me 196.17,N 42.84%; col oil solidifying at -1° to wh crysts; bprempl viol on heating directly ‘orunder w; easily sol in alc or eth. Yas fist prepd in 1915 from adipyl hydrazide, NaNO, and HCI(Ref 2). Details of prepn ate given in Ret 3 Refs: Beil (278) 2)T.Cartius, ‘PrakeChem 91, 8(19 15) & CA 9, 160661915) 3)P.Fickert & E-Here, Kunstseide und Zeliwolle 25, 2041947) & CA 43,1564 1949) Adipocellulones and Cutocalluloses are nixcs of cellulose with waxy and fatty sub- sts, Code and some other basks consist principally of adipocellulose, whereas the epidemis of the leaves and twigsof some plants contain cutin{ combination of wares, A105 faey acids, eesing, higher alcohols, ete) and cellulose. The combination of eutin with cellulose has been called " cellulose” bur of adipocellulose) as a compd has never been proxen. Some investigators believe that adipo- and cuto-cellulose are identical When tceated with concd HINO, of mixed HNO,-H,90,, adipocellulose yields products resembling those obtained by nitration of cellulose and fats Pulvesized adipoceltulose (cork, batk, ete) has been used as an absorbeat for NG, NGe, eve in coal expls such as dysanites Refs: Marshall 1(1917),150 QDorée (1947)332 ‘Webster's New International Dictionary, Unabridged, Merriam Co, Spring: fieldMasg 1951),32& 652 Ot Spare 1 (1954),34 ‘Adobe Shooting. Same as Madcapping or Plaster Shooting (see uader Agriculture and Forescry Use of Emlosives) Adeorbonts. See Adsomtion and Adsorbents Adsomption and Adsorbonts. Adsomtion may be defined as the ability of a substance (adsorbent) to hold on its surface, induding inner pores or cracks, thin Layers of gases, liquids or dissolved substances (adsorbates), Adsorption is « surface phenomenon and should not be confused with absorption (q¥). Adsomption may be divided into physical and chemical (a1s0 called chemisorption). In physical adsoeption the forces are those beew the adsorbing surface ard the molecules of the adcorbate, and ate similar to Van der Woale forces. In chemi somtion, which in- cludes ion exchange, the forces are much stronger than those of physical adsorption and depend on chemical bond formation. One of the most effective phy sical adsorb- cats is activated catboo, Kieselguhe, form erly used in dynanites, is also an effective adsorbent. Other physical adsorbents i clude activaced alumina, clays, silica, charcoal, sawdust, wood pulp, vegetable meals, catbene and various salts. Some of these substances(sawdust, meals, AN, Na nieeate, ete) are used as absorbente for 5 existence (as well as the lig components of dynamites, while other substs (carbene, charcoal, ete) are used for liq air or liq oxygen expis, such as oxsliquidgy) (See also Chemisorption, lon Exchange and Surface Chemistry & Physics in this Die- onary and Absorption Analysis and Chroma: tography) Refs: DKitk ae Othmer 1(1947), 20632 (2 refs) DP.Meunier & A.Vinet, “Chrom- stographie et Mésomérie, Adsomption e Résonnance," Masson,Paris(1947) 3). B.Ray, TEC 39,1213 w& 32-35(1947)(114 refs) BiL.Hartis, TEC 41, 15-19( 1949) (167 refs) and uader "Unit Operations” in the January issues of succeeding years S)Perry (1950), 885-916 6)CL.Mantell, **Adsoeption,"” MeGraw-Hill,NY(1951) 7) J.W.deBoer, “The Dynamieal Character of ‘Adsorption,"* Oxford Univ? ress, ondon( 1953) BW.R.Diecz, “Bibliography of Solid Ad- sorbents 1943 1953,"" USBurStds Circular 566,Govt PregOff, Washington, DC 1956) Adsorption Analysis is discussed in the following books: 1)EO.Rraemer, edit, “Advances in Colloid Science," Interscience, NY, 1(1942), article by A.Tiselius, “A New Method of Adsom- tion Andysis and Some of Its Applications 2)A.Weissberger edit, “Physical Methods of Organic Chemistry,” Interscience, NY 5(195), +206 ADT and ADV Propellonts are described in confidential “Propellont Manual,”” SPIA/M2, Johns Hopkias Univ, Silver Spring, Maryland 1959), Unie Nos 394 & 395 ‘Advance Detonation. In 1941, Woodhead (Ref 1) observed that the velocity of detona- tion of unconfined columns of pressed tetryl pellets was higher by several hundreds ‘m/sec when there wasa continuous eylind:i- ccal cavity in the column. Later (Ref 2), the same investigator observed that this phenomenon takes place with HE’s more seasicive chan TNT (such as gelignite, mixt tetryl/ TNT, etc) but is not observed with straight TNT. He also discovered that A106 inside the det these conditions, a luminous shock wave of faicly const velocity travels neady twice as fast as the vel of deton of the expt under test. If the cavity is not blocked, this shock wave appears at the open end of the cavity as an intense flame having temporarily a higher speed thea when inside the cavity If this end of the cavity is blocked with a pellet of an adequately sensitive expl, the luminous wave on striking the pellet initiates in ic a deton wave which travels in two opposite directions. As the deton initiated in the pellet is ahead of che main ie is called che advance detona- tlon. The pellet dew wave which travels toward the oncoming main deton front collides it and with the luminous shock wave of che cavity producing a sham increase in the brightness of the flane and a peak in the deton pressure Some practical applications of bul ar charges and the phenomenon of advance detonation ate mentioned in Ref 2 Refs: 1)D.¥. Woodhead, Nature 160,644 (1947) Dbid, 183, 1756-72959) “Advanced” Missiles. This cerm may be applied to missile systems uader develop- ment for present or future use, These missiles are described in book's and papers on mckets, guided missiles, space wespons, missiles of the future, etc. See also R.B.Dow, ‘Fundamentals of Advanced Missiles."* Wiley, NY(1958) Aerial Bomb, Aerial Tomedo, etc are de- sexibed ia the following refs: 1)Willy Ley, **Bombs and Bombing," Modern Age Books, NY(I94)__2].R.Newmm, “Tools of Was,"" Doubleday, Doran & Co, N¥(1943), 357-62 _3)War Deparment Tech- ical Manual TM9-1900( 1945), 131+ 160 Acrtal Burst Fures are devices designed w initiate an explosive in abomb while itis still in fight. Taey were used by the Gemana during WWI Refs: )Dept of the Army, TM 9-1985-2 (1953), 152,168,171 & 1748 2)PATR 2510(1958), pGee 3 Aetochemical Device for discharging many incendiary units simultaneously from a plane of for laying down a shower of a persistent ‘esicant agent from the air was devised by F.shore, USP 2,422,381(1948) & CA 42, 6117- 181948) “Agro” Cyanamid. 4 trade name for the commercial Ca cyanamide manufd by the American Cysnamid Co Aerodynamics and Its Application in Bal- Hieties. Aerodynamice is the beanch of dy- namics which studies the motion of gases, the forces acting on bodies moving through ‘gases{such as ais), and the forces involved when gases move past bodies. Aerodynamics is invoived in exterior ballistics and in aeronautics tance, aot oaly because of friction with the gas but also because come energy has to be spent to compress the air immediately in front of the movitg projectile. As a result of this, the ait immediately behind the projectile be- ion mastitutes the called “shock waves.”” The existence of these waves were uoknown until the Freach ballistician, Genetal Moisson, in the eighties, published a paper entided “L'évaluation de Ia résistance del "aie," Another French ballistician, Hugoniot, also wosked on the subject of the resi i and shock waves( 1887), but the actual proof of the produced ia 1888 by Mach ia Germany, who photographed then Duet the face chae Hugo existance of sich waves W nas the first air to the flight of projectiles, he is gen- erally considered ax the founder of the modem science of "‘aerodyaamics."* The Principles of aerodynamics are ale» applied In earlier works on aemdynamies, it was believed chat the msistance of air was a A107 function of the velocity of the projectile. Sarcau disproved this and stated that the ce- sistance of air is a fonction of a certain value, now known as the “Mach Number” (eombre de Mach, in French) Developments in the science of acrody- nanics since WWI have been of consider- able importance and have cesulted in prac- tical improvements in the flight of aiplanes, projectiles and rockets (See also Aerodynanics, Supersonic) Refs: 1)¥.F.Durand, edit, “Aerodynamic Theory,” Springer, Berlin, 6 volumes (1934 1936)(Reprinted in 1943 by the Durand Re- printing Commitee, Califomia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif) QL. Gabeaud, CR 201, 1460-1(1935X Shock waves in an aerodynamic field) 3)RSauer, “Theo- retische Einfuhrung in die Gasdyoamik, Springer, Bectin(1943), English translation by R.A.Alpher & F.K.Hill, Edwards, Bro ‘Aan Atbor, Mich(1947) K.D.Tood, “Tectx nical Aerodynamics," McGraw-Hill, NY(1947) S)L-MMilae-Thomson, "Theoretical Aerody- anics,"* Van Nostrand, NY(1948) 6) Kuethe & J.D.Schetzer, “Foundations of Aerodynamics," Wiley, NY(1950) 7H. Hugoniot. Works published in the eighties ‘were reprinted in book form by the MAF, Imprimerie Nationale, Parig 951) 9)M Salmon, MAF 25,805-23(1951)( Aerodynamics and ballistics) | 9)0.¥. Eschbach,edie, ‘"Vlandbook of Engineecing Fundan entals,"” Wiley,NY(1952, “Aerodyeamics,”” pp 7- 01t0 7-128 10)L.Gabeaud, MAF 26, 169° 252(1952)(Evaluation of aerodynamic re sistance of projectiles) —11)M.Rauscher, ‘“Inerodaction to Aeronautical Dynamics,” Wiley, NY(1953)_12)FL- Frankl & B.Karpo- ‘y,""Gas Dynamics of Thia Bodies," «rans lated from the Rus, Interscience, NY(1953) 13)T. von Karman, ‘‘Aerodynamics,"" GomellUnivPress, Ithaca, NYCI9SA 14 E.Carafoli, "High Speed Aerodynamics, Pergamon Press, NY(1956) _15)G.Mueller, *4aezoduction to Applied Aewdynamics,” US Naval Institute, Annapolis, Mazyland’1957) ‘Aerodynamics, High Speed. See Aerodynanics, Supersonic ‘Aerodynamics of Propulsion are discussed in the following book: D)D.Kichemana, "Aerodynamics of Propul- sion,” McGraw Hill, NY(I953) EA. Booney, M.J.Zacrow & C.W.Besserer, “Aero dynamics, Propulsion, Structures and Design Practice,”” Van Nostrand, NY(1956) ‘Aerodynemics, Supersonte (High Speed) is treated in the following refs: H.U.Sibert, “High Speed Aerodynamics," Prentice-Hall, NY(1948) 2R.Courant & K. Fredericha, "Supersonic Flow and Shock Waves,” Ineerscience, NY(1948) 3) A.Ferti, “Elements of Actodynamies of Supersonic Flow," Macmillan, NY(949) 4)E-Miles, “Supettonie Aerodynamics, A Theoretical Introduction," MeGeaw-Hill,NY950) 5) A.E.Benney, “Engineering Supersonic Aero- dynamies,”” MeGraw-Hill,NY(1950) 6)¥.F. Hilton, “High Speed Aerodynamics," Long- mans, Green, NY(1951)__7)¥.R.Sears, “General Theory of High Speed Aerodynamics,’ PtincetonUnivPress,Prinecton,NY(1954) 8)Collective, "High Speed Aerodynamics and Jet Propul sion- Combustion Process Series of 12 volumes published by Princeton Univ Press, Princeton,NJ, beginning in 1955 Acroclasticity. This subject ie treated in the follo wing books: DYUan-chén Féng, ‘An Introduction to the Theory of Aewoelasticity,”” Wiley, NY(1955) 2)R.L. Bisplinghoff et al, ‘*Aeroclasticity,”” ‘Addison-WesleyPubCo, Cambridge, Mass 29559) Aerogels ate gels ia which the liq phase has been replaced by # gaseous phase in such a way as to avoid shrinkage which would occur ifthe gel had been dried dicectly from a liquid (Ref 1) Aerogele of Si0,, A1,0,, MgO, Sa0, and cellulose were recommended a5 ingredients (0.1 to 5%) of prining compas, such as: the conpler sale (1:1:1-Pb styphaate, basic Pb Aton styphnate & Pb hypophosphite) 48.5, tetra cene 5.0, diaandinitrophenal 7.0, Ph nitrate 19.0, ground glass 19.0, gum arabic 1.0 and aemgel 0.5%. It has been claimed that che addn of aerogel s pemits the use of more water in the compa than would otherwise be possible without the danger of the ingred- ents setding out, Ie aleo increases safety of handling and improves charging charac teristics (Ref 2) Refs! 1)RK.ller, “The Colloid Chemistry of Silica and Silicates,"" Comell-UnivPress, Ithaca, NY(1950),152__2W.J. Taylor, USP ‘Aerojet Engineeting Comoration, Aru California (A nabsidiary of Geacenl Ti Rubber Ca). This company has had a number of US Govt contracts, mainly to develop rockers, jams, weket fuels, ete Aerojet Propellants and Other Substances prepd by the Aerojer Corp are described in numerous feports, many of which are class Acroplex Propellaats(qv) (See also pA350) Awrtit (Acti. A Danish pemissible expl which had the following spprox compn: AN 78.1, K nitrae 7.5, beet suct 25, sulfur 8.8, sago flour 1.3, Ma dioxide 1.2 and resin 0.6% Rejs: i)A.S Aeroiit Co, Dan? i9e38, a> stracted in SS 10, 2951915) 2)Marshali 1, ‘Aeronautics is the art and science of flying and navigation in the air. The study includes noc only the flight of airplanes but also of guided missiles, apace ships, rockets, satel- Iites, ete, Following are come recent books on the subject: DK.F.Leidecker, “German-English Tech- ical Dictionary of Aeronautics, Rocketry, Space Navigation,” SF. Vanni, NY(1950) DB.Kucheror, “Acrontical Sciences and Aviation in the Soviet Union,"" A Bib- Tingraghy, Libeary of Congress, Washington, D955) HY. AHeflin, edit, “The United Seates Air Force Dictionary,” Ait Univ Press, GovePrintingOff, Washington, DOS MLL. Beckford, "An ABC of Acronautics,"" Cassell, London(1957) 5) H.W.Liepmann & A.Roshko, "Elements of Gas Dynanics,” Wiley, NY(1957) Acroplex Propellants are solid mcket pro- pellanes developed and manutd by che Aero- jet Engineering Com, Azusa, Calif. They conciat of 2 finely divided cryetalline 02 dizer (such as Anm or K perchlorate) dis- persed in a thermosetting resin(such as styrene, methyl acrylate, etc), acting as a fuel. In addition there are binders (such as resins)and other ingredients. Aetuples pior pellants differ from the usual NC of NC-NG propellants not only in physical and chem ical properties, bat also ia their methods of manut Refs: 1)Aerojet Rept 336(1948), “Tnvestix gation of Aeroplex Summary) Aerojet Rept 410(1949), “Basic Development of the Aeroplex Propellants and Associated Rocket Design and Production” (Volumes 1,2 and 3) 3) Wasren( 1958), 1 Note: In addition to the above uaclassified Aerojet reports reports, such as dealing with Acroplex propellants ‘A good descdiption of the prepa of a typical Aeroplex Propellant, including a flow-sheet ingtam, is given in the confidential rport of the 7th Joint Aemy-Navy-Air Force Meet- ing on Solid Propellanes Aerosols are colloidal systems with gas(aie) medium. Eg:smoke, fog of usedin chemical warfare, as in shells and for producing smoke screens. ‘The term aerosol is also applied to some forms of detergents, emulsifiers and werting agents. A generatot fot producing aerosols, smokes, fogs md layers of gas was patented recently in Feance(Ref 3) One of the substances which is used as an aerosol ie dicblorodifluoromethane. Ie first made its appearance during WWII in the so-called "bug-bombs,"" used extensively by the AmedForces(Ref 4) Industrial uses of aerosols include actor sol propellants, antifoam sprays, fire ex: tinguishers and paints. Heraka & Pickthal (Ref 5) describe aerosol propellants, con- tainers, valves, filling methods, Lab pro- cedures, emulsified systems, ete Refs: "Webster's New Collegiate Die- tionary, Mettian Co, Springfield, Mass (195315 DB.Jirgensons & ME Stax mmanis, ‘A Short Textbook of Colloid Chen- sty,” Wiley NY(1954),389 3)G.Reute & Frangois-Gilbert, FeP 1,070,458 (1954) & MP 38,401-8(1956) 4)Faith, Keyes & Clark(1957),3195)A.Herdea & J.Pickthal, “Pressurized Packaging(Aerosols)"" Ac adenic Press, N¥(1959) Aeine Explosives Company was organized before WWI by the consolidation of several smaller companies including Aetna Powder Coforganized in 1880),Key stone, National Brewester, etc. Then in 1921, the Aeta Explosives Co was sold to the Hercules Powder Co, Wilaington, Del Ref: Van Gelder & Schlatter 1927), 541 AEY Propellont is described in confidential Propellant Manuel,” SPIA/M2, Johns Hopkins Univ, Silver Spring, Maryland(1939), Unit No 396 (Cont) Affuate (Ital); AMfat (Fi); Afuste (Spa). Gan carsiage; mount ‘Atfut aurometeur (2), Selépropelled mount Afosite. A black powder type blasting expi AN 58-62, K aitrate 28-31, carbon 79 & sulfar 23% Ref: Belgrano( 1952),174 ‘Alter Tyne Powder. One of the older Brit “permitted” expl: NG + NGe 9, ANSB, MNN 1, wood meal 9, NaCl 22 & water 1%, It passed the Buxton gallery test and its swing was 2.52," vs 3.27" for Gelignice (Brit 60% dynamite, used as a standard) Ref: Marshall 3(1932), 120 After Flame Retio (AFR). Bichel gated the duration of a fexpls at night and photographing the flane through a quartz lens on a moving file. He found in all cases char the flame outlasted the time of deton and named the ratio: dare tion of deton to duration of flane, the "after: flame” eatio, Experiments with 100 g cart tidges of 30 mm diam showed that safety ex: plosives had a very short flame duration and consequently a high AFR. For instance, ‘Ammon-Catboaite had an AFR of 1/7.4¥8 1/883 for blasting gelatin, 1/660 for 75% gohr dynamite and 1/330 for black powder Ref: Bamett( 1919), 118-9 ‘Altor-Sepatation. In the manuf of NG, the mmixt after nitration (consisting of NG + spent acid) is transferred t© lead taok (separator) and allowed to stand so that the lighter NG may rise to the surface. After re moving the acid through a stopcock in the bottom of the tank, the NG oil (or NG + NGe) i run to another tank where itis washed with Na,CO, soln and chen with water. The oil ia then sent to a storehouse where it ie given further washing. Prior to the days of efficient reftigeration equipment and prior tw the use of “separating compounds"), the spent acid still contained aa appreciable amt of NG. To remove additional NG, the operation of separation was repeated by allowing the spent acid to stand for 23 days. ‘This was done not only to recover as much of the NG as possible for economic reasons, bur also to reduce the NG content of the spent acid below the point shere subsequent operations would be hazardous. This second separation was called ‘after separation.” te was conducted in a lead tank (Nachacheider in Ges) similar to the first separator. The NG ‘which floated to the top in the after separa tion was skimmed off. The spent acid was then nun to another building where it was Senicrated with steam Refs: Marshall (1917),211 2929), 345 AFU Propellant is described in confidential "Propellant Manual,” SPLA/M2, Johns Hopkins Univ, Silver Spring, Maryland( 1959),Unit No BT DBamert Alto ‘Agot-Agar(Japanese Gelatin), A yel-white macilaginous substance (hydrophilic poly- saccharide) extracted fom some marine algacot sea weeds. [¢ i insol in cold water but sol in hot w, after previous slow swelling (Ref 2). Its aq sola (hydroso!) cannot be easily coagulated by salts (Ref 3) ‘Agat-agar is used for the prepa of glue, asa culture medium and as a binding agent in some propellant and exp! compositions (Ref) Refer t)Daniel(1902, 6 & 61 _2Hackh (2944, 2223) 3B. Jiegenson & MLE. Steaumanis, “A Shore Textbook of Colloid Chemistry,” Wiley (1954), p 331 4)LMiz- ‘uko shi, JapP 61831954 & CA 50,209%1956) (Manuf of agarager) ‘Agar-Agar in Analytical Chomistry. Accord ing t E.J.Bogan & H.V.Moyer, TEC, Anal Ed 14,86-50(1942) & CA 37,575(19 43), ogee agar may be used as a coagulant for BaSO, in detn of sulfur of SO, by ppta with BaCl, ‘Agor-Agor Substitu flosidean(eed algae) starches Ref: H.kirachniek, Seifen-Ole-Fetce-Wachse, 82, 39-41{ 1956)(Review with 16 refs) Agave, An American aloe of the ordet Am- aryllidaceae, widely cultivated in Mexico aad Central America forits juice, which is tused to make an alcoholic beverage called “pulque,”” The residual fibrous cellulosic material, after expressing the juice, is suit- able for the prepa of cloths, cords, ers, ‘ete. In addition there is a green waste ma terial usually used for fuel and as a diuretic (Ref 3), bue which can be dried and nitrated to yield nitroagave, sa explosi to NC, The use of nitwagave in expls was patented by Trench, Faure and Mackie (Refs 1 & 2). The proposed mizt contained nizroagare, NO{dissolved ia a volatile solvent), resin, ozacerite, charcoal or soot and glycerin Refs: 1)BritP 2,74%1876) (190,77 Xunder Trench) B ‘AGB (Ametican Glycerin Bomb) is a time 1s caa be obtained from e similar 2Daiel 3)Hackh( 19 44), bomb used for blasting of shallow wells. ‘A brief description is given in Blaster's Handbook( 19 52), 449-50. The bomb is also mentioned by Cook( 1958), 280 Aged Propellante, Selubilities, solubilities of some aged gun propellants were recently detd by P.E.Gagaon et al and reported in IM 229/59 of ARDE, Canada( 1959) ‘Agelng (Aging) of Dynamites. The ter age- 's applied to the coral physical changes which dynamites undergo on storage in the course of time. With some dynamites(such as gelatin dynamites) as little as 3 months storage, even at ambient tmp, is sufficient ‘w reduce the sensitivity t explosion by in- fluence as measured by the gap test. This decrease in sensitivity might cause mis- fires of charges in bore-holes and for this reason the problem of ageing is of gteat importance ‘The problem of ageing has beea studied by many investigators and by such organize dons as the US Bureau of Mines. The com- position of dynamite is an important factor in ageing, Sawdust and woodpulp are hy- groscopic and as they absord moisture their absorbancy is reduced resulting in emda tion of part of the NG, AN is also hygwo- scopic and its crystallo geophic form is al tered(see under Ammonium Nitrate) result ing in changes in particle size and setting up with loss of sensitivity. Tanping thus becomes more difficult ‘The above discussion applies w “straight? (non-gelatinized) dynamices, but che greatest changes on ageing take place in the gelatin- dynamites, as was shown by tests conducted at the US Bureau of Mines{Ref 3). Accord: ing to these tests the decrease in the veloc- ley of detonation and of sensitiveness to ex- plosion by influence of gelatin-dynanites proceeds mote rapidly the smaller the di- ameter of the cartridge and the higher the percentage of explosive oil. For instance, low-freezing 60% gelatin-dynamites aged more rapidly than the corresponding 40% gelatia-dynamites ant If dynamite is aged to long, it may be come so insensitive that it will bar the borehole instead of deconating. This iss very undesirable (in addition to the economies involved) because burning dyna- rice usually gives off lacge quantities of nitrogen oxides, which ate very poisonous even in small quantities, The “misfire” of an aged gelatio-dynanite may be prevented if che charge is well tanped. This is be cause good confinement insures better and more complete detonation (Ref 3) Ie should be noted here that occasionally gelatin dyaamites stored under conditions of excessive humidity may leak NG due tw partial ppm of the NC from the NCNG colloid. Such dynamites ate very sensitive and hazaedous @ handle (Ref 6) ‘According to Del. A.Grageroff, formerly of the Apacke Powder Co, Benson, Arizona and of the Keystone Ordnance Works, Mead ville, Pennsylvania, the decreased sensi- tiveness to explosion by influence of aged gelatin-dynamites may be retumed dose (0 initial values ("'zejuvenated”) by pmo longed rolling of the cartidges on a flat surface(Ref 5). Many miners are familiar with thie method of “rejuvenation’” of getacin- dynanites ‘Thera seems to be to main theories of the causes of the agcing of gelatin-dynamites. The first theory, called the “air bubble theory" (Luftblasentheorie in Ger), accrib- utes ageing to the disappearance of air bubbles, aomally present in frestly prepd gelating, The second theory, proposed by ¥.AHargreaves, frmedy Inspector of Ex plosives in South Australia, states that a aelatin-dynamite has a webbed structure which does not possess sufficient sensitive: of free liquid NG between the webs. As soon as this liquid NG disappears (either by the formation of » gel with NC or by segreg™ tion, followed sometimes by exudation) the explosive becomes insensitive. In the opin- ion of Hargreaves(Refs 1 & 2), the gelatin is best prepd by first mixing the NC unless there is a considerable amount tboroughly in the cold with part of the NG and then, after gel atinization, adiing the rest of the NG, He claimed that in this way soneNG remained ungel ini zed and the resulting gelatin- dynamite was less liable to age quickly : br J.Mayer of Villa Maria, Argentina, dis cusses both the above theories aad seems to favor the second one(Ref 4) The following conclusions cited by De M ace ig agreement with Hargreaves’ theory: 2)Gelatin-dyaamites contg NG and soluble (low nitrogen contend) NC age faster than those eoatg either pattially soluble of com- pletely insol NC. As an example Dr M cites “Meganit” prepd with insol NC. This ex plosive shows practically no ageing on long storage _b)AS NC deteriorates slowly in storage, losing part of its nitrogen, solubil- ity in NG increases, thus “binding” mote of the canaining free NG in the explosive. This results in a decrease in sensitiveness ©) Substication of pare oF all of the NG by a Detter gelatinizer for NO{such as NGe) re sults in a more rapid decrease in sensitive ness thaa the corresponding NG gelatin- dynamites Note: Ie should be noted that NGe ie mach more yolatile than NG and some of the age- ing might be caused by the loss of some Ne by evaporation Storing of gelatin-dynamice in hot climates causes faster ageing. Thismay be partly due to an increase of solubility of the NC in the NG ot NGe and partly to evaporation of NG orNGe _eDynanites conte free NG and ao soluble NC{ouch as straight dynamites, an sonia dynamites, etc) show practically no age- ing effects QGelatia-dynanites which con- taic, in addition to NC and NG or NG + NGe, some other HE’s, which are gelatinizers for NC, such as DNT or TNT, age faster thea those cont INC, explosive oils and a noa-gelatinizing HF (such as PETN or RDX) Nofe: DrM ceconmends incorporation of 15-20% RDX in formulations of gelatin: dynamites as one way to prevent pid ageing, eopecially in hot climates Anz discussion includes only a part of the experimental work conducted by Dr Mayer, forthe remainder see his paper Ref 4) Author's Note: If Hargreave’# theory is valid and che “aicbubble theory” is wrong, what is the explanation for the fact that aged gelatio-dynamites can be “‘tejuvenated’” by prolonged rolling of the cartridges on a flat surface as was reported by ILA.Grager off. 1 seems that each theory may be parly Fight (See also Stettbacher, Explosivst 1954, 44) Refs DV. AHargreaves, JSCI 33, 337-40 (1914) Marshall (1917), 365 & 368 3) SP.Howell & J.E.Crawshaw,US Bureau of Mines Rept of lnvest No 24361922 J. Mayer, Explosivet 1953, 39-41 Dr L.A Grageroff, New York,NY; private communi ‘OMAM.Inskeep, Pic Arse, Dover. NJ; private commusication Ageing of Mine Explosives Containing Am monlum Nitrate and Chlorides was studied recently in Belgium. The results are re- ported in Ref, The authors attribute egcing of explosives contg AN and NaCl partly to ionic exchange from NH,NO, + NaCl to NH,CL + NaNO, and parly © a change in particle size as a result of the ionic ex change Refi AKreyenbuhl & R Sartorius, Industrie Chimique Belge 20, Special Namber, pp247- 37(1955) & CA $0,17451-2 1956) Ageing (Aging) of Propellents. Tais tem is very loosely used, meming detetioration of degradation ia storage sad sometines improvement of physieal, chemical and ballistic props which takeplace directly after preparation of the propell anc When cannon or rocket prop ellant grains prepd by extrusion ate allowed to stand bor several days to relieve strains or improve gelatinization in these grains, it is referred in the US as"aging’ On the other hhondswhen some pmpellants are “annealed” at 140°F in order to selieve stresses fom the grains the process is aot called aging buc‘turing? The tem aging is aloo used ‘when a propellant is cubjected to storage for some time in order to detect any changes in its compn or ballistic props. This is ac- ‘wally a test for degradation or deterioration of the propeltent (qs) In GtBritain the tem “‘ageing"* has been used for the procedure which involves storing the previously dried (at about 50° propellant stains in a humid am for one © two monks f raise the moist potent of the gains to the desired level. This is necessary because the diving treatment w remove the excess of volatiles results in a mo low moistare con- tent, A propellant aot subjected to would absorb moisture uaunifomly in storage aad give erratic ballistics, In case of nec- cesity the propellant might be “aged” rapidly by exposing the gains for afew lus w hot moist aun. This “arificial”” method of ogeing’” was claimed w be less satie- factory thaa the “oassral”" method Refs: 1)V.NHicks\H.J.Frigand & J-Lemes, PicArs privace communication 7)Marshall 1(1917),325 3)Bamert(1919), 84 Agesid 2. One of the Ger pre-WHl dynanites, Teis described in PATR 2510(1958), p Ger 3 ‘gfe. Abbe for the "Aktiengesell shaft fir Aailinfarben,”" a Ger fim which maaut dyes, fine chamicals, photographic films, reagents, ae Agsiantive (lal), Augmenting (charge for mortar ot subsidiary artillery charge) Agglutinant, Sane as Binder ‘sing of Dynamites. See Ageing of Dyas rites Aging of Propollants in Sto terioraion (Aging) of Propellants Agitation. See Stirring and Agitation ‘AGI ond AGK Propellants are described in confidentail “Propellant Manual,"" SPLA/M2, Johns Hopkins Univ, Silver Spring, Mary- and(1959), Unit Nos 398 & 399 Agriculture and Forestry Usen of Expl sives. One of the greatest of peacetime ‘beages of ex is for agricultural purposes ‘Acconding w Cotteney{ Ref 4,9 6) emple used in agriculture should postess the following properties: «)Faidy high biisace See De Storage Au3 and power bilnsensitivity w ordinary shocks and flame ¢)Good resistance t humidity Jjlts residue after explosion should be of value as a fertilizer ellts cost should be vey low ‘The most suitable expls for agriculture are the AN expls, such as coal mine per missible expls. Aromatic nitrocompds and some dynamites are not as suitable as AN cexpls but can be used. Expls contg chlor ates and perchlorates are not suitable for ‘most agricultural purposes because they develop poisonous gases. Chlorate and perchlorate explosives may be used, however, for clearing passes though jungles and forests and for the destruction of grasses and weeds in vegetable gardens and along railmads and highways Following are the in agriculture and fore: Planting of trees. This is usually done in dey hard ground where digging is difficult. For this purpose, nscrow holes, about 30" deep are drilled in the ground aad exp! charges, 14 to if 1b, ae fired. This noc only ‘enlarges the hole but loosens the surround ing soil so horoughly that when a young tteeis planted its mot growth is greatly facilitated (Refe 1 t 5 Ref 4, pp 43-54) b)Clearing the land of stumps. This is usually done by Biting an explosive directly in the woody mot of the stump. This shatters the stump aad blows it out. If it is desired to remove the stump intsex(as for instance in the case of stumps contg valuable sub- stance such as nuppentiae or resins) the charges are placed uader the mots of the stump (Refs 1,2 a 3; Ref 4, pp 70-78) c)Cleating the land of stones. This may be done, in the case of anall stones, by ex ploding the charge under the stone. This method dislodges the stone and makes it easier to remove. In the case of larger stones (boulders), one of several charges of expl ate placed on top ot on the sides of the boulder. Each charge is covered by athick layer of mud, clay of plaster and for this season the method is called cipal uses of exple mudeopping or plaster shooting. This method, also called adobe shooting, breaks the boulder into smaller pieces which are more coaven- iendly handled. The same purpose may be achieved by placing on a boulder one or sew eral "‘shaped” charges. In some cases boulder may be broken by exploding a length of detonsting cord (eg, one filled with de sensitized PETN) wound several times around the boulder and then mudeapped(Ref 2 & Ref 4, pp 55-63). See also Ref 3a Converting rocky ground into tillable Land This may be accomplished by drilling holes in various parts of the meky gund and ex- ploding charges of brisant and powerful expls. For more information on this subject see Ref 4, 6366 e)Levelling ground to make ie tllable, This is done ty exploding charges of various strengths in holes drilled horizontally and vertically in high spots of the ground (Ref 4, pe 67-70) Digging ditches. This may be done by punch ing, with the sid of an iron bar, a seties of holes epaced 18 to 24" and in the line of the desiced ditch, After placing one of more cart- sidges of expl in each bole sad placing sev- ‘eral extea cartridges in the center hole, the setup is fired by means of a cap placed in the center charge. This method of fising is called the propagation method and is suitable only for very wet ground which is free of sand. In cases of dry or sandy ground, the above method does not work and it is necessary © fire the charges simultaneously by means of electric blasting caps placed in each charge (Refs 2& 3) Drainage of ground (such as in swamps, etc), This may be done either by digging wells(vertical drainage) or by digging drain- ing ditches (horizontal drainage). Both methods ate described in Ref 4, pp 89-93 byConerlling erosion. Ts wlling councry, such as in Georgia and the Carslinas, this may be done by firing charges of dynamite in the soil in order t loosen it. As a result, the waters from heavy rainfalls would soak into theground insteadof runsing off rapidly and Auld cartying away the tp soil(Ref 2, p 41) jOther agricultural uses of explosives in- clude: diversion of the courses of worer streams(Ref 4, pp 96-7); digging of well s (ef 4, pp 100-101); digging of ponds for ‘watering cattle(Ref 4,pp 100-101) and ia other rural constriction (Ref 4,pp 97-100) j) Forestry uses of explosives. These uses are much the same as those for agricul- tural purposes: eg, removing trees or tree seumps, etc, described in Ref 4,pp 94-96. Other forest uses of explosives are the ‘construction of roads through forests and lumber camps(Ref 3, p 38) and stripping ‘of badk from trees. This latter is often nec essary for the contol of insect pests. For this work detonating cord (cordeau) is merely wrapped about the trunk of the trée and fired with a detonating cap. The stripped back is thea removed aid burned, wgether with the insect pests (Ref 2, p 400) Refs: 1)Daniel(1902,6-7 Meyex{ 1943), 398-400 3)J.J-Bedliner & Staff, 349 Broad- way,NY 3, Pamphlet No 392 entitled “Explosives’” (ao date), pp 39-41 3a). Taylor, “Detonation in Condensed Explos- 1e5,"" Clarendon Press, Oxford (1952) p 22 ‘Ajean Cottenet, “Les Explosifs au Service de l' Agriculture," La Maison Rusti que, Pais (1956\ 104 pe) A-Gun, Same as Armic Gan A.Gun Shell. Same as Atomic Gun Shell AHH Propellant is described in confidential “Propellant Manual,"" SPIA/M2, Johns Hop- kins Univ, Silver Spring, Maryland{1959), Unie No 400 Aimable Cluster. This consists of a number of incendiary tombs held in a single con- tainer. Uhen dropped from a plang, at a high altinade, the container opens a few thousand feet above the ground and allows the bombs © scatter over an atea. For this reason called the delay opening type, and is disti guished from the quick-op en ing or short-delay type, which opens and scatcers che bombs almost immediately below the airplane. As the parts from the quick-opening clusters constituted major hazard to the planes which followed in formation Bights, the USAF, after 1942,tequited the use of simable clusters Ref: W.ANoyes, Jr edit, "Science in World War II," Office of Scientific Research and De velopment, Chemistry, Little, Browa & Co, Bo ston( 1948), 395-6 Air Anclysis ‘and Ait Sampling. The air of many explosives, chemical and ammunition plants is frequently contaninated with im- purities which may be gases, mists, vapors of volatile solvents or high expla, dusts of high expls of other materials, etc. As most of these impurities are more or less toxic, itis necessary w insure that they are never in excess of the ante considered safe by the health authorities for breathing by human beings For this ceason analysis of plant air is of the utmost importance. Ait analysis is also necessary for the detection of leaks oF other abnormal conditions of manuf ‘Two general methods for testing air im- purities ate in use. One involves direct: reading instruments (such as themal indi- cators, test paper indicators and other devices described ia Ref 16, pp 245-5 the other involves removal of the impurity from a given vol of air and determination of the impurity by a suitable Lab method. The second method is more reliable ‘The simplest and host widely used method of air sampling is t pass a continuous stream of ait, by means of & punp or a suc: tion boule, ftom a fixed spor in bldg chough 4 volume-measuring device connected to a series of two or three bubble bottles contg 1 solvent for the impurity to be removed from the sir (Ref 16, pp 260-64), Instead of these devices, U-tubes filled with absorbers, such as activated charcoal, of silica gel may be used (Ref 16, 2647). Sampling is followed by cesting the removed impuriey by colori- metsic of other methods. For instance, ‘ither TNT or teteyl produce a red colora: tion in the presence of NaOH, whereas DNT gives a blue color Dusts, especially those insol in common Ans solvents, can be evaluated by passing a measuted vol of aie theough cared filters (paper, asbestos mat or sintered glass) as described in Ref 16, pp 255-6. Collection of dusts can also be made by an electro- ‘static method (application of the Cotteell precipitator ptincipley Ref 16, pp 236-7) or by an impinger (a device for collecting dest by impingement at high velocity against a glass surface, followed by en- teapment in water or other suitable liquids) ‘Two types of devices, the "'standard’” impinger and the “midget” impinger aze described in Ref 16, pp 257-60 Sometimes "grab samples’ of the air are taken in suitable glass containers (sizes up 2500 ml) and wansferred to the lab for examination, but thie method ie not as satisfactory as the continuous sampling briefly described above In cesting the amosphere of various buildings of a plant manufg emle (as for or evo ingredients, characteristic of exch bidg, For instance, in the so-called “te house," ic is necessary to know the concn fn air of extremely toxic TeNM. fe is alsa desirable to know the concn of INT. In the bldg where nittic acid is cecovered from the mono-waste acid, it is desirable t0 know the content of TeNM and of airogen oxides. In the bldg where spent sulfuric acid is concentrated by passing hot gases, of bucaing peuoleum through the acid, ie is desirable know the content of SO, in the aie Some of the analyses are described in thie refs listed below, others are given under the descriptions of manuf of indi- vidual expls Refs: 1)0.Martienssen, BritP 237,930 (1924) & CA 20, 173% 1926) Apparatus contg an electrically heated cataly st which glows more brightly if combustible co: explosive gases are present in the ais) DHLF.G8dlaches, Chem Fabrik 1935, 32 & CA, 7077(1935) Apparatus using a themocouple for detecting exp! gases and vapors in ait) 3)J.SHaldane & J.1.Graharn, ‘Methodsof Air Anslysis,"” Griffin, London (2935) OW.Deckert & B.Prathithavanija, ZAnalChem 113,1829(1938) & CA 32,7858 (1938(Colorimettic procedure using dimethyl: swiline for detg snali quantities of chioro- picrin in ais, water, etc) 5)L.SSheresher skaya, PromOrgKhie 6,5924 1939) & CA 34, 5017 1940)(Dera_ of small quantities of aro- matic nitrocompds in air using colorimetsic and nephelometric methods) 6)J.B.Ficklen, Manual of Industrial Health Hazards,"* Service to Industry, West Hartford, Connecticut (i940\(lacluded are methods for dem of over 90 noxious vapors, gases and dusts) 7)K. Kay, Coa] Res 19B,86-9(1941) & CA 35,3562 (1941) Analysis of air for the presence of TINT is conducted by drawing the aie from fone point in the rom through two sintered glass bubbling cubes see up in series and contg ca 150 ml acetone, at arate of 0.5 Use, for a period about The. After a partial conen of acetonie sola by evapa at temp below 82% the vol of concentrate is measured and 1 ml is withdrawa for test. After adding 0, 1 al of 20% aq NaOH sala 1 Lal of concentrate, the resulting red coloration ix compared with standards prepd by dissolving known ants of INT in measured vols of acetone) 8) ¥.F. Oettinges, USPublicHealthBull No 271, ‘Washington, DC 1941), 11% Detn of TNT in sit by the method of Kay)(See ret 7) 9). ‘SPinto & J.R.Fahy, JIndily gToxicol 24, 2419.42) & CA 37,847(1943 Dern of TINTin ait by collecting the sample in propanol by means of a midget impinger, reducing the TNT wo tiaminotoluene with TiC, and estimating the teiamino compd colorimetrically after diazoti zation and coupling as described in the paper) 10)F. H.Goldman, Jad HygToxicol 24,121-2 (2942) & CA 36,5349(19 424 Analy ses of atmospheric samples contg OPhA, MF, NG, PETN, dimethylaniline, cetryl, TNT and DNT, collecced by an impingcr in suicable solvents are described) I1)Kranke & von Gizyckifno initials given), SS 38,32(1943) & CA 38,5085(1944)(Deen of nitrocompds, especially TNT, by drawing 50-100 1 of ai through three wash bottles placed in series, each contg 10 ml of metharol, mixing the contents of the ist and 2nd botties, adding to the mize 2 ml of 2% aq NaOH soln and sllowing t0 stand 10 mins. Meanwhile the contents of the 3rd borele are rested by ad- ding ag NsOH-no coloration should be pro- duced. The ted color of the soln in che Ise and 2nd bottles is compared with standard sofas of TNT ia methanol. The eese is claimed to be very sensitive: 0.5 mg TNT perm! may be decected by using a 100 mi sample. If only a qualitative test is ce- quired, a piece of filter paper impregnated with 5% NaOH sola is suspended in the 12)F.H.Goldman & D.E-Rushing, JindliygToxicol 25, 2164-71943) & CA 37, 59272943K TNT is detected by passing the air chrough diethylaminoethanol, as 2 col- lecting mediun. A red-violet color is pro duced even by traces of TNT) 13)F-H. Goldman & D-E.Rushing, JIndHygToxicol 25, 195-6(1943) & CA 37,5827(1943)Teeryl ig detected by passing the air echylaminoethanol as the collecting medium. Ated color is produced) 14)Th.E.Cone, Je, USNavalMedBull 41, 219-20(1943) & CA 38,529(1944XA modification of the Kay method deseribed ia Ref 7. The method can be used for the deta of TNT, DNT and texryl) 1S)W.M.Cumming & W.G.D.Tright, BritJIndMed 2, 83-5(1945) [Colorimetric detn of airborne TNT, cexryl and DNT. This method is briefly described in CA 39, 5209(1945)] | 16)H.B.Elkins, “The Chem istry of ladustrial Toxicology,” Wiley,NY (1950), 17-18(Air analysis) and 245-73(Air sampling) I7)E.Effenberger, ZAnalChem 34,106-9(1951XQuancitative deta of oxi 4izing impurities in ait) 18)).Raubal et al, CeskoslovilygEpidemiolMikrobiollmunol 2," 300-3(1953) & CA 48, 13548(1954) (Polaro- graphic dem of TNT in aie) TDMLY. Alekseeva et al "Determination of Harnful AuI6 ’ ‘Substances in the Atmosphere of Industrial Plants,"” Goskhimizdar, Moscow (1954Xin Rus) 20)N.Strafford, G.R.N.Strouts & W.V.Stubbings, “The Determination of Toxic Substances in Air,"” W.Heffer, Cambridge, England(1956) Ai Blast produced by jets of air suidenly ‘escaping from compressed air pumps, pipes, etc, may cause expt of firedanp Ref: R.Loison & M.Giltaire, CA AY, 9279 & 16436(1955) Air.Blost Effect; Air Blast Energy; Blost Impulse and Air Blast Pressure. See under Blast Effects of Air, Earth and Water Air-Blest Moter. See under Blast Effects, ete Air-Ble Prossure from Small Charges of Explosives are discussed in OSRD Rept 34791944) st Pressures from Some Large Bombs are discussed ia OSRD Rept 3046(1943) ‘Air-Burst Effects of the Blast from Bombs fend Small Charges are discussed in OSRD Repe 4246(1944) Air Conditioning is the branch of engincer- ing devoted to the study of factors affect- ing both the physical and chemical condi tions of the atmosphere within any structure. ‘These factors include temp, humidity and motion, as well as distribution of dust, bacteria, odors and toxie gases. In air con Aitioning ic is desirable that all factors be controlled but, if this is not feasible, at least the first three should be simul- taneously controlled (see also Reftigecation and Ventilation) Air conditioning is desirable in the manuf and storing of tome exple,eg black powder Refs: 1)B.H.Camier et al, “Modern Air Conditioning, Heating and Ventilacing,”” Pitman,Chicago(1940) 2))-R.Dalzell & C.Ldubbaed, “Air Conditioning, Heating ‘and Vertilating,”” AnTechSoc, Madison, is(1944) 3)Kik & Ochmer 14947), 238- 5219 refs) §)Pery(1950),77686 5)Aix Conditioning and Refeigeratiag Machinery Asso: publications inc, Washington,DC; various AUT “‘Aircrolt and Missile Propulsion."" Tide of the book by M.J.Zucrow, Wiley, NY (1958) Airctalt Armament. See Air Warfare and Air craft Amament Aircraft Amoment Tests are described in the US Ordnance Proof Manual No 16-16 Alreraft Flares. See under Flares craft Float Lights, See Night Drife Signals Air, Liquid, Explosives. See Liquid Ait and Liguid Oxygen Explosives Altplane Toke-off Apporatus. A device patented by Taylor et al includes a ga ‘generating charge consisting of 2 compact smokeless propellanc and a separate oxi- izing charge comprising one of more com- pressed masses, formed by casting an Ovpositive mix of AN with chromate compd and a solid nonalie ronoxidizable AN fusion promoter Refs: 1)J.Taylor & R.Watk, Bri 570,210 (2945) & CA M,5254 1946) DJ. Taylor & R.D.J.Owens, BritP 570,211(1945) & CA 40, 5548(1946) Ait Pollution (Atmospheric Pollution) is ob- jectionable because ic is a danger to the health of people and animals, causes damage to vexetation, corrosion of matecials and unpleasant odors In explosive industries, as for instance in the manufacture of TNT, pollution may be caused by TNT dust, the strongly acid fumes of oxides of nitrogen and sulfur and the vapors of tetranitromethane. All of these are harmful tw both man and vegetation Refs! 1)CM.Christion, “Air Pollution Lie ‘erature Review; Elimination of Ait Pollution Due t Oxides of Nitrogen from Acid Mane facture at OAC Installations® Project No 56-151, Atlas Powder Co, Wilmington, Det BC ELopple, "Dust and Mist Collection,” 1013 in Petry (1950) (numerous refs) 3) L.CMcCabe et al, “Proceedings of the US Technical Conference on Ait Pollution, MoGraw-Hill,NY(1952) Collective, IEC 44, 1339-8819 52)(Sympo sium on ai pollution) (9 papers and aumerous refs) 5)A.R.Meetham, “Atmo spheric Pollution; Tes Origin and Pre- vention,”” Pergamon Press, London( 1953) OC. A.Gosline, Edit, “Air Pollution Abate- ment Manual,"’Manufacturing Chemists Ass, Inc, Washington, DG 1954) 7)F-SMallerte, “Problems and Control of Air Pollution,"” Reinhold, NY(1955)_@)P.L.Magill, Edie, “Ait Pollution Handbook,"* McGraw Hill, NY(1956) _9)Clask & Hawley(1957),25-7 (See also Air Analysis and Sampling) Ale Reduction Sales Company, Murray Hill, New Jersey. This company has had several US Govt contracts, mainly in the field of high explosives, polymers, etc. As their re ports are classified confidential no dis cussion of their work is possible here Air Resistonce to Projectites in Flight is discussed in the books and papers listed under Ballistics, Extetior and Aemdynanics, asforinstance: 1)C.Cranz, "Lehrbuch dex Ballistik,"” Springer, Bedlin, vol 1(1925) BFAbschnit, ¥ 2L.Gabeand, MAF 15, 1220( 1936 Recherche sur la rési stance de Pain Airdox is a Masting device activated by compressed air aad manufd by the Cazdox Co, Chicago, Mlinois, It is particularly suie- able for beeaking down coal ia fiery mines. Descriptions of various types of Airdox are given in the book of J.Taylor & P.F.Gay, “British Coal Mining Explosives,” G.Newnes, London (1958), 137-42 Air Drying Treatment of Propellants. See under Propellants, Manufacture Air Lifts are devices for lifting liquids by means of compressed ait without the use of valves, cylinders, plungers or other mechaa- isms, The first air Life was invented by Cael Lischer in 1797. Later developments were made by Frizell( 1880) and Poble( 1892) Essentially, an airlift consists of aU tube with Legs of uneven length. Liquid such as an acid) eaters the shorter leg and is cartied over into the longer leg and thea discharged by means of compressed air in- toduced near the base of the longer leg. ALB ‘The rise of liquid io the longer leg is due to the face thatthe air and liquid mixture i lighter than the liquid alone ‘The pulsometer, one kind of si lift, is a sneck, bolelike pot (made of chemical ‘ware of Pyzex) with the first neck entering one sideof thebottle at ite bottom, the 2nd neck entering the other side past-way down and the 3ed (middle one) at the tp of the pot. Liquid (such as acid) enters through the first neck (bottom) aad is met by com- pressed sir entering though the 2nd neck. The resulting air-bubbles lift, under pres: aureythe Liquid through the Jed neck f the desired height up a vertical tube set in the top outer Pulsometers, used ia Acid Recovery Houses of explosives plants, are sometimes called nigger beads. They serve for trans: erie acid from the bottoni ‘ir Lifts were formedy used for anspor ing corrosive liquids from one part of a plant to another, but have now mostly been re placed with acid of alkali resistanc centsif ‘ugal pumps Refs )F.C.Vilbrands, “Chemical Eo- gineering Plant Design,”” MeGra (0943, 7 D).HPeny, Edit, “Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,"” MeGraw Hill, NY (1950),1438 _ 3)E.R.Riegel, Chemical Mackigery, Reiahold,NY(1953), 171-3 ‘ir, Thermodynamic Properties arc discussed in OSRD Rept 3691942) and OSRD Rept 35501944), Air Tightness Test. Some explasives;pro- pellants, pyrotechnic compositions and sumunition used at the present time de- teriorate much quicker if they are stored under atmospheric conditiona(especially in the presence of moisture) than if the con- tainers in which they are sored ore air fight, As airtighe containers are cueodly inuse, itis necessary m west them t9 de temine whether there are any leaks in them. ‘This can be done by pumping air into = closed container until a pressure of 3 2 5 Ibs is reached and then noting the vatie- ons in the readiag of the gauge attached © the air cesting apparams. The pump is con- nected t the metal container by a special test hole with which all che containers are provided, These holes are closed with ait tight plugs, while the tects are being con: ducted: The tests should be conducted at Teast once a year, oftener if there is a sus picion that the container leaks Al containers which aze Leaking should be repaired, of the contents teansferted to airtight containers. Lesks due w defective covers and gackete can wevally be rep without cenoviag the contents, but Leaks in other pares requise the transfer of the contents to airtight containers and removal of the defective container from the magazine, for xepairs. These may be made either in a building containing 90 explosives ot in the ope tainera by soldering, the insides should first bbe thoroughly cleaned @ remove all dust Note: In openingor closing containers, only nonspacing tools (such as those made of ‘copper alloys or beryliun-bronze, etc) should beused Ref: US Amy, Chief of Ordnance, "'Safery and Storage Manual for Explosives and An- munition," OOFom No 5924, Washington, DC{ 192), Sectn HIV, p 4 ‘Air Warfote and Aitcraft Armament. War io the air is conducted by sizcraft equipped with the following weapons: bombs, guns, machine guns, mckets and guided missiles. General discussion oa this subject is given fn thefollowing refs: )J.C.Boyce, "New Weapons for Air Warfare, Fire Control Equip- ment, Proximity Fuzes aad Air Guided Mis sles,” Lietle-Browa, Boston, Mass(1947) 2ST:Possony, "Strategic Ait Power, the Pattem of Dynamic Secusity," Infancey Joumal Press, Washington,DC(199) 3) APdeSevershy, "Ait Power, Key © Sur vival,” Sinon & Schuster.N¥(1930) RT. Finke, Ordo 39,160-1(1954( Airetafe armament) Aixcle-Chapelle (Poudre @). One of the older French blasting expls, which was a mixt of deueceseey eeewaiaecr AUD finely pulverized Chile saltpeter (Na aitrate) and carbon Ref: Daniel(1902) 8 Ajox Powder. A British “pemitted’' per chlorate explosive: NG 223, GC 0.75, TNT + DNT 30, W 10.5, KCIO, 37.5, Amm ox alate 25.0 and H,0 0.75% powertewing of ball pend) 2.69%, maximum chge 12 02 Ref: Bameti{ 1919), 137 AJZ Propellant is desctibed in confidential "Propellant Manval,"” SPIA/M2, Johns Hop- kins Univ, Silver Spring, Maryland (1959), Unit No 404 AK-14 and AK-14(Mod 1) Rocket Fuel Ox- Mdixeta ace descibed ia confidential “Pro pelle Manual," SPIA/M2, Johns Hopking Unie, Silver Spring, Md1959),Unit Nos 1 & 352 Akardit. Ger name for Acasdite ‘Afke) of Type A Explosive. A Japan expl similar t Ger Hexanit: TNT(ot TNAns) 60, HINDHA 24a Al powder 16%, It was intended for use in torpedo wacheads anddepth charges to replace the Type 94 snd Type 97H Exe plosives (See Japanese Type Explosives) Refs! 1)R.A.Cooley et al, PBL Rept 53045(1945) p 9 2)Anon, OpNaw 30-3M, “Handbook of Japanese Explosives Otd- nance,” Washingtoa, DC{1945), 32 Akromite, An explosive, patented by Maumee Collieries Co of Terra Haute, fadiana, suit able for all open operations—stripping, open mining, quarrying, etc. [t consists of @ com mercial grade AN and catbon black shipped in separate polyethylene containers to the place of operation and mixed there as needed. The mizt is put into a blast hole so that there are no air pockets around the exp! hich is then devonated with a small “booster” charge of a cap-sensicive expl, such as gelatia-dynamite Since neither the raw materials nor the finished mixture aze cap-sensitive expls, they can be shipped at commercial freight rates rather thaa at the higher rates for empls ‘The effecciveness of Akremice in actual mining operations was described in Coal Age, May 1955 Ref: Anon, ChemEngrg 62,No 6, 108(1955) AL-31 Rocket Explosive is described in confidential “Propellant Manaal"" SPLA/M2, Johas Hopkins Univ, Siver Soring, Ma(1955), Unie No 352 Alba,Chemical Co of New York patented, in 1900, @ dynamite contg NG, AN, Na nitrate, wood meal & vaseline Ref: Daniel 1902), 8 Albenite. A white Gashless propellant de- veloped doting PUI in che USA for use in large Naval gons. The history ofits de- velopment is given in Ref 1, pp 106-108, sad in Ref 2, p 129-31. Ie is actualy the Brit Cordite N (a tiple base propellant con- taining a large proportion of NGU with the remainder chiefly NG & NO) but contg-DIVA in place of NG. Ies composition and some properties were as follows: NC(12,6%N) 2.0, DINA 19.5, NGu 55.0, DBuPh 4.0 & Et Cente 1.5% to this may be added an amtofK,S0, ehich varied with the weapon eg 1.5%K,S0, fot the 6 in/47 gun); vol solvent ca 0.2% & moistuce 0.1%, For compa coneg 1.5% Ks80, the adie batic flame cemp i= 2390°K, che pocential (Gyo) 870 cal/s, the force 987 of pyz0pr0- péllane and baming rate 75% of pyro During BW Il Albanite and Cordive N were considered anong the Least exosive propellants ‘According t Riegel (Ref 3), Albanite is a better flashless propellane chan FNH aad has low sensitivity © shock Refs: 1)Sommary Technical Reporcs of Dic vision 8, NDRG, vol 1 “The Preparation and Testing of Explosives,”” Washington, DCLI945), 106-10 DW. ANoyes, Je Fait, “Science in Korld War Ml, OSRD, Chemisty, "” Lite, Brown & Co, Boston i948), 24 & 129-31 4)Riegel,IndChen( 19499,709 Additional Refs om Albanite: ‘A)fimplosives Division, Bumside I_aboratory, E.L.dsPont de Nemours & Co,Inc, OSRD 3726(1944)(Flashless propellant for Navy, anion) BYE. L.duPont deNemours & Coy OSRD 4035 1944X Analytical procedure Ain for chem analysis of Albanite) CE-L duPont deNemours & Co,lne, OSRD 5475(1945)¢Al- banive cannon propellant manufd at Finnipeg Works of Defence Industries Led) D)F.H. Westheimer & R-H-Kallenberger, OSRD 5592 (1945 Substiruces for Albanice) EFL. duPont deNenours a Co,Ine,OSRD 6215 (29 45, Final rept on flashless propellant for Navy canon) Alblonite. According co Daniel(1902),8, i¢ was an expl manufd by the Nobel Explosives Co, Led, Tes compa is nat given Albit. A Ger blasting expl, such as Gesteins Abit (“Rock-blasting Abbie"), Te contained Na perchlorate g0, DNV 12, wood meal 3, phenanthrene 3.& NG 2% Refs: DNaotim, Expls{ 1927), 129 2PATR 2510(1958), 69 vented by Bernardini & NGu 19.1 & GuN 22.3%, Te was used during WW Il for filling some Teal projectiles Refs: 1)RMolina, “Esplodenti,”’ Hoepli, Mil ano(19 30),343 - 2)0rdaance Sergeant, ‘Aug 1943, p 16 3)All & EnExpls( 1946), 1 _4M.Giua, "Dizionasio di Chimica,"” UTET, Torino, 21949), 128 & 165 C. Belgeano, “Gli Esplosivi,"” Hoepli, Milano (2954, 131-3 Albumin and Protein, Nitrated. See Protein sod Albunin Nitrated Alcohol (Span), Alcohol Alcohol. An organic alkyl compd contg @ hydroxyl gmup. It is also the common ane for ethyl alcohol or ethanol. This and other alcohols, as well as their nitrated desivs, are described under individual names, such as allyl-, amyl-, butyl-, ethyl-, methyl-, propyl, ete Alcohal, Nitrate alcobols Alcohols, Heats of Combustion and Ferma tien. See F.D.Rossini, BurSedsJ Res 13, 189(1934 and under individual alcohols Alcohols, Nitrated, Heats of Combustl and Formation. See RM.Cutie et al, IEC 44,329-31(1952K 15 refs) and under See under individual , Nitrated, Preperation from nits: paraffins by condensation with aldehyde: in the presence of aa alkaline cataly ste is discussed by H.A. Aaronson ia PATR 1125 Tribesie. See Glycerin of Glycerol Aleool (Fr.or Teal). Alcohol Aldehyde is an organic compd contg the monovalent ~CHO radical. [tis also the common same for acetaldehyde. This and other aldehydes are described under in- dividual names, such as benzaldehyde, formaldehyde, ete ‘Aldehyde-Amine Condensation Products. tc was observed in 1850 by Laurent and Gerhardt that benzaldehyde and aniline react with the formation of the compound GH, CH: NCH,, now called a Schiff's base. Tehas also been called an azomethine be: cause it may be considered as a deciv of szomethine, H,C:NH, also known as metby?- eninine. The Schiff's base may be regarded as the condensation product GH, CH(OH) = HNGH,, from which a molecule of #0 has been eliminated. A few years later (1864), Schiff found that many aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes can condense with aniline in a similar manner, The conden tion may be effected by waming the compas together in approximately equimoleculae pro- portions, either diluted with a suitable sol- ‘eat{such as alcohol of AcOH) of without diluents. The azomethines derived from the lower aliphatic aldehydes and primary aro- matic amines are less stsble than tho se from aromatic aldehydes. Only compacatively few aldehydes and anines yield simple ad dition compdsof the general fomnula R.CH- (OH).HN. RY, the majority give the cor responding azmethine R.CH:NR’ Formaldetyde reacts with primary and secondary aliphatic amines but not with tertiary amines. Thereactions with methyl and dimethy] anines proceed as follow: HCHO + #,N. CH, = 1. CHOW). HN. Cis HCHO + HN(CH,), « HCH(OH).. N(CH, The reaction of formaldehyde wich ammonia results in the formation of hexa- methylenetetramine, (CH,),N, used for the prepa of RDX ‘Some azomethines, eg H,C:N.CH.CH, have a tendency to polymerize to di- or i= metric forns For moze information oa this subject see Refs 23, & 4 ‘Some of the aldehydeanine condensation products have been recommended as ingted- ents of aondetonating, deflagrating, exp! compns (similar in properties to Black pow det) for use in the delay combustion-train devices of fuzes, Other ingredients of such compas ate non-explosive, such as alkali metal nitrates and charred carbonaceous compounds(Ref 1) Refs: NRCPayn et al, Brit? $76,107 (0946) & CA 42, 142401948) )Hickine bottom, 1948), 158-60 3)Waleer(1953),281- 90 4)Clark & Hawley(1957),846-7 AldchydeNitroparaffin Reactions. The re- action between an aldehyde and a nitro- paraffin usually proceeds as follows: RCHO +R! NO, + RCH(OH). CH, NO, + RCH:CHNO, + #0 ‘The first studies on this subject were ap- parendly made by Haitinger (Ref 1) and then by Priebs(Ref 2). These were followed by Henry(Ref 3), Posnes(Ref 4) and others. More recently Boileau(Ref 5) made alde- byde-nicoparaffin reactions the subject of his thesis, By means of these reactions he prepared a number of aliphatic aiero- sloobols. He also studied the kinetics of sldehyde-ajtroparaffin reactions conducted in a homogeneous medium and in the pres: cence ofbasic catalysts Refs: 1)L-Haitinger, Anal93, 3661878) DB-Priebs, Ann 225,319(1684) DL. Henry, CR 120, 1265(1895) & 121, 210(1895) ‘4T.Posner,Bet 31,6564 1898) ou. Boileau, “Contribution 31’émde de La réaction des aldéhydes sur les nitzoparaf- fines,"" Thise, Série a° 2586, presented at the Faculté desSciences, Université de Pasis to obtain the degree of "Docteur ts Sciences Physi ques.” Imprimerie Nationale, aia. Paris, 6 June 195376 pp and 72 refs). This thesis is ceprinted in the Annexe of MP 35 (1953) ‘Adchydes, Oxidation ond Ozonizction is die- cussed by H.Wieland & A.Wingler, Ann 431, 301-22(1923) & CA 17,2558(1923) Aldehydes, Polerogrophie Method of Determin- ation is discussed by M.B.Neiman, ZhAnal- Khim 2,135-46(1957) Aldehydes, Role in Oxidation of Hexane. It ‘was reported by C.F.Callis, Bull Fr 1950, 863-8 & CA 47, 2689-90(1953) that an expla might take place if a temp of ca 227°is reached during oxidation ‘Aldol ond Aldol Condensation Reactions. An aldol is a compd of the general formula RCH, .CH(OH). CHR’. CHO, where R and RY are alkyl radicals, Aldols were first studied by Butlerov who in 1861 obtained some sugerlike products later proved co be aldols ‘Aldols can be obtained as result of the so-called aldol condensation reaction. This takes place between an aliphatic aldehyde and another aldehyde or ketone. The second aldehyde has at least one ~CH,CHO group. Formaldchyde is the most frequently used aldehyde for this reaction. A small amount of weak alkali serves as a catalyst. The reactions may be represented as follows: {CH . CHO # RY CH. CHO + RCH, . CH(OH) = GR'.cHO and RCHO + GH, . CO. CH, + RCH(OH). CH, = (00. CH,» RCH: CH. CO.CH,+#,0 ‘The first member of the group is acetaldol (qv) which condenses on storage w paraldol Some aldols serve for the prepn of ex: plosives: eg, paraldol, which on bydrogens- tion gives the 1, :batjlene glycol, yield ing on nieeation the explosive 1,3-bulylene- alycol dinstratel qe) Refs: 1)Hickinboctomt 1948), 160 & 179 2Kacrer(1950),164 3) Walker(1953), 164 Aldol Condensation Product of 5-Amino- tetrazole. See under Anigoretrazole 5-Aldolimino-(a-tetrozole), ain CH, HOM. Cty: NoE= NH —N mw 155.16, N 45.16% OB t 09, -139.2%, OB & CO -87.6%. Le-col, shiay leaflets (from ale) or prisms (from water); mp 170% Fainy sof in'w; at sot in hot alc; insol in eth, acet ot chit. Was prepa by adding 0 $-amino-(e-tettazole) (mp 03) aa excces of anhydrous acetaldehyde, previously di- stilted in a stream of CO, was, After the resulting foaming had subsided, the mixt ‘vas hesteduader ceflux for several hrs on a water bath and then cooled. The hardened mass was washed with cold ale and then re crystallized several times either om ale or fom w ‘The silver salt of aldolinino-tetrazole, G,H\N,0 Ag, is a mild explosive Refs: 1)Beil-not found P.Stollé, JPrChem MB, 219°20(1937) 3)E.R-Benson, ChemRevs 41,7(1947) Aldolnaphthylomine Condensation Product (00 forma is given). A solid which can be prepa f ‘aldol-anaphehylamine and 0.5 mol of aldol- enaphthylanine in 1.5 mols of dil HCL with LS mols of acetaldeiyde. This was followed by neutralization, filveing, purification and drying Then 2 ps of thismiature were milled for Bhours vith 100 psof black powder con sisting of KNO, 75, alder charcoal 17 and sulivr ux, the resulting product burned ia fuses atthe rate of 251-300 see/yd (Hef 1), ‘whereas ordinary fuse powder buros at the fae of 129 sec/yd (Rel 2. This aldol- naphthylamine condensation prodact was ‘a soln of a mist of 15 mal of proposed as an ingredient of slow burning fuse ponders: Refs: 1)K.CPayn et al, USP 2,423,427 (1947) & CA 41,6030(1947) DBlascers* ab 1952),88 Aldonic Acids, Their Derivatives ond Nite Esters. Aldonic Acids are hydroxy: contg aldehyde groups (pentose, hexose, etc), The acids can be obtained by mild oxidation (with silver sales of bromine) of aldoses, eg: oxygen CH,OH(CHOH),CHO + CH,ON(CHOM),COOH glucose gluconic acid A number of such compds were prepd and then converted to the corresponding nittic esters by Wolfrom et al of Ohio State Univ while working uader a US Ordnance Comps contence(Ref 5 & 6). They found thac all the pentmittares prepd by them could be deto- nated by gentle heat or by a hammer blow on steel, Thermal stabilicy cests have sho wn that the aldonamide pentanitrates aremore stable chan aldonic acid pencanitrares or their methyl esters and that the esters were less stable than the corresponding acids. all of theit purified nitrates underwent rapid ecompn at their mp's, accompanied by violent bubbling aed evolution of nitrogen oxides. No residue was visible after de ‘compa In a surveillance petiod of 8 10 months the purified nicrates, maintained at 20-35° dence of decompn Some of the pentanitrates were suggested for use in propellants. To detemine the svitabilicy of these nitrates for this purpose, compatibility tests were made with NC (12,.6%N), The aldonamide pentanitrate and the methyl ester of aldoaic acid peats- nitrate were found to be compatible with NC in film formation(employing ethyl acetate 4s the solvent) and the stability of the film was comparable to that of the free penta: Aldonamides{ such as d-galactonamide and dgluconunide) were prepd by the method of Glatefeld & Macmillan(Ref 2) ‘This involved treating the corresponding lactones with liguid aomonia and aitration of the products by nitrogen pentoxide, as described by Caesar a Goldfrank( Ref 3), Methods of prepa of individual compés are given in Ref 6 Following are examples of pentanitrates of aldonamides, of aldonic acids and of aus methyl aldonstes. These compds resemble INC in their explosive and combustive prop- 2) d.Galactonamide Pentaniirate, CN aw 430.17, N 29.01%, OB t0 OO, 0.0%, 2 CO 129% Long, slender eyets, mp 168°{decomp); insol im eth, petr eth, chif and water; sol in ae, methanol aad dioxane. Method of prepa ad more information on properties are given in Ref 6 1B) é-Gluconamide Pentantiate, C.HN Os nw 420.17, N 20.01%, OB t9 CD, 0.0%, OB {0 CO 22.9% Caysta, mp 147%decome) oly characteriscies ate same as for pre- tious conpd(Ref 6) ©) d-Galactonic Acid Pentanitrate, CN, On tne 421.16, 8 16,637, OB t CO, 15.7%, OB to 00 128.5%. Crysts, mp 138° (decom); gol in eth, aces, alc and dioxane; al sol in chif; insol in w & benz{Ref 6) {) d Gluconie Acid Pentantiase, CEN, Oy, taw 421.16, N 16.63%, OB tw CO, 5.7%, OB 0 CO +28,5%. Crysts, mp 122{decomp); soly characeeritics are same ae for previous compe Ret 6) ) Metbyl-d-galactonate Pentonitrate, GH,N, Oy, mw 435.18, N 16, 10%, OB to CO, 75:58, 08 w C0 +20.2%, Caysts, mp 197°C decor); sol in chf, ale, eth and acer, insol in light pee eth (Ref 6) 6) Mesbylnd-gluconate Pentanitrate, GyH,8,0,,, mw 435.18, N 16.10%, OB © Cy =5.5%, OB to CO +20.2%. Crysts, mp 58° (decomp); soly charncveristics are same as for previous conpd (Ref 6) Refs: DBeil3, 2 —2.Glatteld & Mace millan, J ACS 56, 248 1-2(1934) (Preparation of aldonic and sacchatic acid amines in liquid anmonis) —3)G.V.Caesar & M.Gold- frank, J ACS 68,372-5(1945xNieration of starches with nierogen pentoxide in presence of sodivm fluoride) 4)Karrex(1950), 325 a 331 5M4L.Molfrom et al, US Ordnance Coeps Contract No DA-33-019-ORD163, Project No TB 301105) Ohio State Univ Res Fouda, Columbus, Ohio, Ineerin Tech Rept(1959 and Final Tech Rept 1952), 9 2 QML. Wolisom & A.Rosenthal, JACS 75, 3662-4 1953)(Nitsaced aldonic acids) (20 refs) Aldor or Aldorfite [speed by Eecates (Ref 1) Aildorfit]is a pemissible expl developed snd manufd by the SSF(Sehweiz- erische Sprengstoff-Fabrik) A-G,Dottikon, ‘Switzedland. Several formulations are known of which the Aldorfitpulvertérmig is the oldest. It contains AN 81, TNT 17, and wood eal 2% (Refs 2,4,5,6 & 7), les loading 40.9-1.05, mp~deflgr >360% Qe 1010 1046, kecal/mol(H,0 vapor), calcd vol af gases at NTP 90 I/kg, temp of expln 2900°, max vel of deton 4500 m/sce, impact sensitivity with eg we 100 om, Traud test value for log sample 363-375 cc vs 311 cc for TNT, compression of copper cylinder (7.0 X 10.5 ma) 1.89 mm vs 2.86 mm for TNT (Ref 4, pp 104, 114 & 123; Ref 5, p 133, 144, & 153; Ref 6, 40), Some props are also given for Aldorfit contg 21.27% INT(Ref 4, p 14) ‘Armethod of prepn of Aldorfit is desetibed in Ref 3 Some cecent formulations of Aldorfit con- tain aluminum, a8 for instance Aldorfit LL, clominiumboaltis. Stettbacher (Ref 4, p 114 w Ref 5, p 144 reports its Trauzl value as 432 ce but gives no compa (See also Gelatin-Aldoefit) Refs: WEseales, Amonspx(1909), 105 QNaodien, Fepls(1927), 118 sySeeee bacher( 1933), 302 ‘ASeerebacher( 194), 14, 86-7, 104, 114 & 123 5)A.Stettbacher, “Pélvoras y Explosivos,"” G.Gili, Buenos Aires(1952), 113, 133, 144 & 153 On seettbacher, Explosivst 1954, 40 7)Schweize Sprengotoff—Fabrik AG letter dated Dec 10, 1953. Dr A, Stettbacher, Zitich, Swit zerland and transmitted to the authors 8) PATR 2510(1958), p Ger 3 Aleurltyl Azide, C, H,(OH), .CO.N,: solid mp-dec on slow heating ca 52% expl when heated rapidly w ca 50°, insol in w & pett ceth sol in chif g ale and sl sol in eth & bens, Was prepd by refluxing aleuritic acid (9, 10, 16-tikydeoxypalmitic acid), Cy Hl ‘COOH with 30% NJH,.H,0 ia MeOH ‘and sweating the resulting sleurityl hydrazide, A124 Gy Hiy(O7D,..CO. HN. NH, with NaNO, ia al acon & Win.M.Gardaer, J ACS 64,19025(1942)& CA 36,5770 1942) Alexander's Explosive Compesitions con- sisted of napbehalene{ with one or more other solid hydrocarbons), K picrate and oxidizers such as KNO, or KCIO, in various proportions Reft Danie! (1902), 8 Alexander's Primary Explosive consisted of amorphous pho sphonis 83 and Pb(NO,), (or'other oxidizing meval salt) 17% f Candill, MP 5, 280(1992) Alpin ar Alginle Acid ix apmrein of marine algae and is found in many seaweeds, Its principal source of pzepn is as a by-product of the extraction of iodine from kelp, prin- Cipally from Laminaria digitata. It has been used maialy in Japan, for the peepn of films, and for thickening jellies. rmucilage (Refs 1 & 2) Kes sale, sodium olgincte, is used in the manuf of ptiming compas and in loading ainmo, The requitementa of che US Amy and Navy (Ref 3) are; a)noisture—not mnore than 207, when detd as prescribed in paragraph F-4a of Ref 3. b)viscosity of 21.25% aq soln at 20° shall be not less than 45 secs aad not more than 60 secs, when detd a8 presctibed in par F-46 ©) Water and methyl alcohol insolubles shall not be above 1%, when detd az prescribed in par Fede Refs: Hackh(1944) , 30 DJ-T. Marsh & F.C.Wood, “Introduction to the Cher iauy of Cellulose,” Chapman & Hall, London (1945), 104 3)US Specificar don JAN-8-541(1947) Algodén fulminante or Algodén pélvera (Spanyfalminating corn), NC with abour 13.4% Ref: Pérez: Ata 1945), 358 tie Alkonolamine Perchlorate Selts. ‘These compounds, according to the US NavOrdLab Memorandum 10066, 3/24/19, are characterized hy stability and moderate sensitivity Aliphatic Amines ond Imines, Nitrated Derivatives. A nunber of these compds are of interest in the field of explosives and are discussed under che individual compds, such as aminomethane, aminoethane, amino- ‘Some aliphatic amines ond imines sad theie nitcated derivs were prepd and gated before and dhring WWII by Division B of NDRC Reft J.R Johnston et al, OSRD Rept 161 (PBL Rept 31093) (1941) Ailphotic-Aromatic Nitramines. See individual compds Aliphatic~ Aromotic Nitrocompounds.See individsal compds Aliphatic Nittocompounds. See individasl conpds include perlornic (peroxyformic), peracetic (peroxyacetic), pempropionic (peroxypro- ionic), etc acids, They are described in the book by A.V.Tobolsky & R.B.Mestobian, “Organic Peroxides,"* Interscience NY(1954), 356 & 167, Some of these compds are expl Aliphatic Perocids (Peroxyacids), Analyses. As these acids have similar props, the same analytical procedures can be applied co all of them. The following cwo methods huve been used for detg the contents of these acide: 4) The method of d’ Ans & Frey (Ref 2) based on the procedure of Baeyer & Villiger (Ref 1) consists in tierating of a soln of a peracid with std K permanganate to a pink color adding to the resulting mize an excess of KI sola and titrating the Liberated iodine sith std Na thiosulfate b) The method of Greenspan % MacKellar (Ref 3) is based on the use of std ceric sulfate for the initial hydrogen peroxide A125 thas been claimed that this method gives nore reliable vesults than the method of Ans & Frey Refs: 1)A.Baeyer & V.Villiges, Ber 34, 854(1901) 2)].d°Ans & W.Frey, Ber 45, 1845(1912) & ZAnorgChem 84, 145(1913) 2)F-P.Greenspan & D.G.MacKellar, Anal- (Chem 20, 1061-1948) Alkali and Alkeline Earth Metals explode when brought into intimate contact with CL, $, 0, and some other compds as by a song impact. This propery can be of use in producing emplas for blasting or burst- ing projectiles (Ref 1). In Ref 2itis stared that the alkali metals act as powerful deto- ators with org halogen compds such a6 CH,C,, CH,Br,, CH], CHCL,, etc. In Ref 3 are described cests for the reactivity of various combinations of alkali and alkaline ‘earth metals with halogen substication compds. Many of these systems were found to be highly scositive w heat of impact and those which are less sensitive react ‘explosively under the influence of a deto- nator, It is suggested that che expl props of such mixts may be explained by the in- temediate formation of small amts of highly expl compds (sich as halogen acetylenes) swhich cause the exp! decompa of the entire system Refs! H.Staudinger, USP 1,547,076 1925) & CA 19,287% 1925) 2)H.Scaudinger, ZElek- trochem 31,549-5 1925) & CA 20,537 1926) 2)F.Lenze & L.Metz, SS 77,2558, 936, 373-6{ 1932) & CA 27,844 1933) Alkolies, Action on Aliphetic Nitrocompounds, ‘Comps with hydrogen atoms attached t0 3 primary or secondary catbon stom linked fo an NO, group show weakly acid properties. ‘Such compds dissolve of react slowly in strong alkalies to fom salts. This foma tion of salts is usually comparatively slow, Itis infemed that these nitrocompds exist in two forms: a normal aitto fom, which is themote stable bat less acidic, and a aci(or iso) form which is less stable. The aci form may be wrizten as ,0 RCH*N. ‘OH (also called a aieroaic acid), This acid form of an aliphatic nitmeompd has act yet been isolated. However, the aci forms of mixed aromatic aliphatic compds, eg. phenylaite- methane and the p-brom dedivative, have been isolated{Ref 1) The aci form of pheayl- niuomethane is acidic, conducts an clecusic current and dissolves readily in Na,CO, solution Refs: \)AHantzsch a V.Schultze, Ber 28, 699 & 225K1896) _ 2Sidgwick(1937),231 et seq 3)Mhelend199),629 et seq 4) Kaszex(1950),135 Degering( 1950),71 Alkalies, Action on Aromatic Nitrocompounds, Unlike aliphatic nitrocompds, ia which C atoms may be primary or secondary, the NO, stoups in aromatic nitrocompds are attached to tertiary C atoms. As a consequence, the latter cannot have an a and cannot form aitmonic acid salts, although such aci-forms have been postulated. The chemistry of the interaction of alkalies and bases with different types of nitmeonpds have ot been satisfactorily clarified, al- though various structures have been poste lated for the reaction produces in panicular cases, In general, in the absence of acidic ‘groups, moconitee somatic derive yield no color ot at most a yellow or orange. Di- and trinito detivs, in alcoholic of acetonic solution, usually give decided colors (fre- quently ced snd sometimes orange, blve of teen), The compas formed are presumed © be addition products of a salelike naure, Thue wiaiteobenzene, in methyl alcohol, when weated with concd aqueous KOH, yields a ted expl compd whose formula conesponds © CyH(NO;),,CH, OK. H,0. The structure “HNO, 9K A Meo NO 5 A126 hhas been proposed. On treatment with acids TNB is regenerated. It has been suggested chat since color formation re- qpires more than one NO, group, the erse structure is a resonance hybrid and in- volves quinoaeid systems. In a number of cases clear cut reactions can be obtained, Thus boiling TNB ia methyl alcohol with a solution of Na methoxide proceeds according @ the reaction: No, No, NO, + cH,ONa» (OCH, + NaNO, NG, §, yielding 3,5-dinitm anisole Some reactions of nitocompds with scons alkalies are quite vigomus. A mixt of powd TNT andpowd KOH inflanes when heated to only 80% Compas formed by the action of alialies on TNT are very sensitive exls. Tchas been suggested by some investigators that these substances ae metallic satsof ON), GH, . CH: CH. GH, (NO), oF of (ON)GH, - CH. CH. Ci (NOD, No cauboate reacts with TNT to form « black solid which is sol in water or meth- anol and melts above 200°. This solid is ts senvitive t inpact and heat as cet! and jevery unstable at 120°(Ref 6) Note: According to Dr Kostevitch(Ref 2), pusification of TNT by an aq soln of Na Carbonate may be one of the causes of foe tion of the so-called “tarry matter’* (qv) K hydroxide in methanol reacts with TNT te fom a dark ced powder which inflames of expl when heated «o 130-150° and ha been reported to expl spontaneously on standing at ordinary temp (Ref 6) Ie should be noted that substances formed uring purification of crude TNT by the ac tioa of “aellite” (alkaline aq soln of Nx,S0,) may also ignite (or explode) spon- taneously when in a dry state, as can be seen from the occurrence duting WW Il at the Keystone Ordaance Plant, Meadville, Pa, Whea a spent “sellite” liquor from the puification of TNT(eed waces) was re moved from a storage tank, after cemaining there for several days, the residue in the tank ignicedor exploded) as soon as it was died by the heatof the sun. This accident ‘was followed by an investigation of the zed water” residues in other tanks at KO® in order tw determine their nature. The deposit collected at chat tine was very dark red (neatly black) and consi sted of a mixture of at least three components: s)a nearly whiee component soluble ia water and insol in methanol(Na sulfate) b)a dark red component sol in methanol and sl sol in water and a greyish component insol in methanol of water. The red component was amore sensitive explosive than TNT.bat fot as sensitive as primary type explosives; whereas the greyish component was an ex: plosive extremely sensitive w heat, friction and shock. tts performance was comparable 1 otdinary primary explosives. This explosive matetial was named "Keystoaite.”’ Its compa was cot demd due to the shutdown of the plane shortly after the compd was isolated Refs: 1)G.C.Smith, “TNT and Other Nittowluenes,”” Van Nostrand, NY(1918) DM.Kosteviteh, “Tarty Matter of Alpha Trinitrotoluene,"* Pare I, Impe d' Are Vol- taire,Patie(1927),8 3)Sidgwick(1937),259 et seq MDavig{ 1943), 136-7, 147, 149-51 170-1 5)Degering( 1950),139 et seq 6) Dept of the Army TM 9-1910(1955), 146 Alklies, Action on Nitric Esters. Organic ticrates in general are readily saponified by alkaline solos. A simple metathetical reaction to yield the alkali nitrate and al- cohol does not take place; instead, result of simultaneous oxidation and re- duction, alkali nitrite and a variety of products are formed depending on the con- tions of the reaction . The resistance of iffereot aitsic esters w alkalies varies considerably. Thus, starch nitrate is de- composed much mote slowly than cellulose nitrate cad amylopectin nitrate still more slowly Jourdin a TeibodRef 4 investigated che Ai action of alkalies oa military grade NC's and found that an attack takes place even by weak allealies, auch as Na carbonate, especially at elevated temps, This attack lowers the stability of the NC Refs: Naot, NG(1925),122_2)%.Ase- ford et al,Can]Res 258, 151-8(1947) & CA 41, 431121201947) 90K, 8, pare 1954), 751 P.Jouedin & R.Tribot, MP 36, 65-70 (1954 & CA 50, 51731956) Alkalies, Action on Stobility of Nitrocell- Totes. See uader Alkalies, Action on Nitsie Esters “*Atkali Liability” of Storch or “Alkali Number’ of Storch. See under Search Alkali Metal Amides, such as potassamide (KNH,) and sodamide (NaNH,),can be ob- tained by the action of pure liq NH, on these metals The blue solns of the metals thus formed are the result of the reaction: M+NH, = MNH, + 1/2H,. Catalysts euch as spongy Pe or Fe oxides greatly acceler ate the reaction. These amides may serve for the prepaof the very explosive silver anides Refs: 1AJoannis,CR 112, 31921892 EC. Franklin & 0.F. Stafford, AmChem] 2B, 83.190 a JCS 82, 748-9(1902) Alkali Metals and Holides of Metols, Mixtures. According to J.Cuielleron, BullFr 12, 88-9( 1945) & CA 40, 4309(1946) mats oF Naor K with halides of metals (except those of the alleali or alkali-earch mecals) ot metailoids may be exploded by a hammer blow. The same results may be obtained by substicuting oxygen-containing compds ior the halides Alkall Metal Ozonates. See under Ozoaates Alkalinity in Explosives ond in Propellants. Residual alkalinity in expls sad in pro- pellants is undesirable because even traces of alkalies may lower the stability and mp of an expl with a resulting increase in exudation. Alkalies also may form products which are mote sensitive chan the original expl.Some dis- cussion on this subject is given under “Al- kalies, Action on Nitric Esters” and under “Alkalies, Action on Nisrocompounds" Residual alkalinity is the resuleof over- neatealization of cesidual acids of the crude expls of of NC (used in propellants) e pts higher than 7. Neutralization is usvally done by aq solns of soda ash or by snmonia but can aloo be effected by chal, lime, etc Refs: 1)M.Copisarow, Chem News 112, 283-4 (19 15) & CA 10, 527-B1916)_YG.C. Snith, “INT and Other Nittocoluenes, Van Nostrand,N¥(1918) _ 3)MKostevitch Tarry Matter of Alpha Tenierotlene," Part Ul, Impr d’ Art Voltaire, Paris (1927) #)P.Jourdin & R.Tribot. MP 36, 65-70 (1954) & CA 50, $173 1956) Alkalinity Test is one of the std tests for det of the purity of expls and propellants. Ie is condocted in the same manner as the acidity test (qv) except that titration is done by 0.05N aq sulfuic acid instead of std aqNeOH sola, (See also wnder individual explosives and propellants) Alketsit is a Ger blasting expl which is de scribed in P ATR 2510( 1958), p Ger 3 Alkones, Nitroted Derivatives (Nitrated Aliphatic Hydocarbons). The first nitro- Alicane described in the lieracore was 1,2 dinitsethane, prepd in Russia by A, Semenov. Since then hundreds of nitwalkcanes, some of them explosive, were obtained. The rel erence given below describes old and new methods of prepn of nitroalanes, Most of expl nitwallanes are described in this dictionary under their parent names, sich as methane, ethane, propane, ete Ref: 0. vonSchickh, AngewChem 62, 547-56 (1950)(Chemie und Technologie det Nicro- alkane) Aikalites are Belgian industrial safety exps Cemlosite SGP"), which may be sheathed or not. Pepin Lehalleur (Ref 1) gives the following compa: AN 530, TNT 140, & 20 8.5, AL 15 & NaCl 23.0% its charge limiee of 900 g is equivalent 0 705 g of dynamite No 1 (NG 75, kieselgubs 25); not stable in storage De Deffer (Ref 2) staves that cucrent AL Alkalite contains: AN 59.0, TNT 12.5% nitrate 2.0 AL 0.5 & NeCl 26.0%. If @ sheath (gaine in Fe) is used, it consists af 10 g af Na hieathonate per Alkalite Refs: Pepin Lehalleut (1935), 4202) Dr L.Deffet, Bruxelles; private communi- cation, March 10,1954 Alkenyl Aromatics of the general formule ‘At. CH,.. CH,.C:CH,, were prepd by react: ing aonutic hydrocarbons (at modetate temp and press) with 1,3-diolefins in the pres ence of a catalyst such as boron trihalide satd with an organic catboxylic acid). The putified alkenyl aromatics can be nitrated to yield expl derive Refi W.N. Axe,USP 2,430,660 and 2,430,661 (0947) & CA 42, 37781948) Alkegel’(Rtus). Alcohol ‘Alkohol (Ger). Alcohol Alkyd Resins are the reaction products of polynydric alcobol such as glycerol, glycol 5 fnythritol, ete) and resinifying polybasic acida{such as phthalic and maleic acids, the dimer of abietic acid, sorbic acid, tartaric acid, etc), The firse alkyd resin was prepd by Berzelius in 1847 from glyceml and tar tarie acid, bur the first resins to become industrially important were the glyccrol- phthalate resins introduced in 1901 by V. Snith and used widely at about the time of WWI, Second ia importance are the maleic alkyd cesing(Refs 1 & 2 Alkyd resins are finding wide use as sob- stitutes for metals, wood, ete in numerous ordnance items, such as some parts of rocket motors Ref 3) refs) 2) Clatk & Howley(1957), 423. 3A. J.Zachtinges & RM.Nolan, “Missiles and Rockets," March 1958, 69 Note: H,A.Brusoa, Preparation of Polymers Which Might be of Incerest in Explosives,” in the NDRC Div @ Interim Rept PT-7, Feb 15 to March 15, 1943 on “Preparation and Test p 25 claimed that on treating trinitroterbutylaylene (“mask xylene”) got with formaldehyde it is possible & introduce ‘evo methylol_ groups to form a dihydeic al- cohol, PINO)=E: CH OH Gt C NO, Sano,)=€. ci, 0# which might serve as a primary matetial for prepa of explosive “aliyd resins.” Ie is not stared how these resiag can be ptepd Aikyd Resins, Anaiyticol Procedures are given in OrgAnalysis, Interscience, NY,2 (1954) and 3 (1956) a-Alkylactylonitiles ond a-Alkylaceylo. Both of these groups were prepd and examined in 1950 by Marvel et al (Refs 3 and 4) and a shore resumé of their work is presented here Ie should be noted that some of the nitriles, CH, C(R)CNCwhere R may by an aliphsti ‘0up), were prepd in 1929-1935 ia Belgium (see Ref 1) but not by the same mediod as reported by Marvel et al Marvel et al also prepd oximes of the general formula CH,: C(R). CH:NOH by treat ing e-alkylacmleins with NH,OH. HCl and an ‘aq sola of Na,CO,. Theoximes prepd by M et al and by some previous investigators (Refs 1&2) are viscous oils which can be purified by distillation. With Bt- and iso-Pr homologs the dista proceeds smoothly but vith some higher homologs some decompa and polymerization occurs on heating. Addition of alittle hydm quinone facilitates the dis- Lillation. In the case of theiso-Pr homolog, hydroquinone prevents a violent reaction which has been observed to take place after Inno case did M et al observe the “ex- plosive decomposition” of the metacrolein oxime of of eethylacmleia oxime as pre viously seported in the literaruee(Ref 2) Note: M.R.Ross & R.Rolih in a private com- nication eported to M et al that aa ex plodion wok place with weikylactoleia uxime Following are examples of avalkylacrylor aiteiles prepd by Marvel et al (Ref 4): a)a-Ethylectolein Oxime, CH,: C(C;H,) CH: NOH, mw 99,13, N 14.13%, OB t9 CO, ~217.9%, OB to CO 137.2%. Viscous oil, bp 78° at 30 mm, n2!°1,4820 by alaopropylacrolein Oxime, Cil,: Cliso- C,H). CH:NOH, mw 113.16, N 12.39%, OB £0 CO, -253.3%, OB @ CO 148.5% Viscous oil, bp 63° at 3.5 mm, 020° 1.4744 Refs: 1)See Ref Lin JACS72, $408 2)D. ‘TMowry & R.RMomet, JACS 69, 1831(1947) 3)C-SMarvel et al, JACS 70, 16941948) 4) C.SMarval et al, JACS 72, 5408-9(1950) Aikyl-Aluminum Compounds. See Aluminum Aliyls Alkylomides ond Thelt Nitrated Derivatives. When an anide of a hydrexyalipbatie mono- carboxylic acid of the general formula HOCH, . CONRH(where R is an alkyl radical) 8 treated with nitric acid, nitric esters (0,NO. CH. CO.NHR) are usually obtained. However, in some cases NO, groups are also introduced yielding compds of the general formula 0,NO. CH,. CO. N(NO,)R ‘The following compds were patented by Filbert(Refs 1 & 2) for use as ingredients of blasting cap charges: a)Gluconanide pentanitzate(qu) b)N2- Hydro xyethylgluconamide hexaaitcate qv) ‘ON-2Hy droxyethylglycolamide dinitrate (q) DN-Methylgluconanide pentanitzace (qe) ON-Methyl-N-aitmglycolamide niteate, described under N-Methyl-N-glycolamide Refs: 1)W.F.Filbere, USP 2,443,903 1948) & CA 43, 1797-8(1949) Dlbid 2,449,543 (1948) & CA 43, 1797(1949) Alkylomines, Aikylorytomines, Arylomines ‘end Thelr Explosive Derivatives. Alkylaninee alkylarylaniaes and arylamines may fom nieocompds as well as various salts of which the aitrates, perchlorates and pirates may be explosive For mote information of this subject see individual explosives, eg, ti- and teu nitmoaniline, ethylenediamine diaitrate, teuryl, eee Alkylominoguenidines. See Aminoalky!- gusnidines and Alkylaminogvanidines au Alkyleminotetrazoles. See Aminoalkyleetra- oles and Alkylaninotetrazoles, Alkylominotiazoles. See Aminoalkyleriax zoles and Alkylaminotriazoles Alkyl ond Aryl Azides aze discussed by J.H. Boyer & F-C.Canter in ChemRevs $4, 1-591954) (See under individual compds, such as allyl- azide, phenylazide, etc) Alkylary| Ureas or Dislkyldlory! Ureas. See Ceatralite Adkylated Benzenes, Nitroderivatives of. ‘Studies were made at Pic Arsa regarding the possibility of using some nitoderivs of alkylbenzene as gelatinizers in smokeless propellants Although derivs of methylben- zene (toluene), such as DNT and TNT, pre- viously examined, are effective gelatini zing and waterproofing agents when used with NC in smokeless propellants, it was assumed that gelaticization would be improved by using subscances which were either liqsid(oils) or at Least had lower mp's than those of either DNT(ea 70°) or TNT(ca 809. As the nitro: derivs of ethylbenzene melt at puch lower renps (ONES is lig at RT and TNEtB melts ca 37°), they were chosen for futher study. Far the results and adsizional information see under Echylbenzene and Derivatives: Ref: P, Vareato, PicAreaTechRepe R91(1930) Alkylated Benzidines, Nitreted Derivatives Mertens, in 1987, obtained a compd which he ‘considered to be tetranitmdimethylazobenzene (Ref 1), P.van Romburgh proved in 1886, that the substance was tetranitmdimethyl bea i- dine but he did not det the position of the NO, groups(Ref 2). This was done in 1922 by G.vaa Rombatgh, who established che structure as 3,3',5,5"-tetranitrodimethyl- benzidine, HyC. HN. GFRy(NO,)y—C,H,(NO, y= NH(GH,) mw 392.23, N21. 43% ted crysts, dec ca 782° (Ref 3)’ The same investigator prepd 3,3" 5,5'-tetranitrodiethylbenzidine, mw 429/34, N 29.00% red cryats, mp 2485 3,3',5,5'-tetranitrodipropylbenzidine, mw 448,99, N 18.74% ted ndls, mp 2005 3,3, tetranitrodiisopropylbenzidine, mm

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