Lathe Requirements

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Lathe Project #1 Spindle Turning Lamp Project Value 100 pts.

Name: ____________________ Period: ___________________

Project Description Students will create a spindle turning that conforms to specific dimensional guidelines. They will demonstrate the ability to design a spindle turning, make several types of lathe tool cuts, use several different turning processes, and complete the assembly of lamp hardware. Project Re uirements The project must conform to the following re uirements to earn the highest possible grade. 1. !imensions "a#imum of 1$% tall # &% diameter, "inimum of '% tall # (% diameter. ). *nclude the following types of cuts shoulder, cove, bead, v+groove. (. Sanded smooth $. ,roper finish applied -. .unctional lamp kit properly installed. /. 0ccurate pattern1template followed to allow for reproduction. Project Ru!ric Score:____________


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