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The MBA (Master of business Admuinistration) is a postgraduate degree that is Awarded to students who have mastered the study of business. The MBA degree isThought to be one of the most prestigious and sought after degees in theWorld. Students of MBA programs study the theory and application of business andManagement principles. This type of study equips students with knowledge that canBe applied to a variety of real world business situation. We seem to be living in an era where everyone-from fresh graduates to those withSome years of work experince- seems to want to earn an MBA degree! Many aTime, people make this decision without really knowing hoe MBA helps or how togo about getting one. Why MBA may be one of the shortest questions in theProfessional world, but it is also one of the most important ones. For one, you will be Making numerous sacrifices on your professional and personal fronts in order to getThe MBA tag. It will be a life-changing experince for you; possibly the second mostImportant decision in your life.

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