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Six critical needs of a man

Greater flow of love and intimacy comes from understanding each other in better way

Sexual needs
He desires to have a companion who will

meet his need in the sexual arena. He desires to have an attractive wife Sex is God given to allow a husband and wife to express oneness through intimae and exclusive love. Our maker designed sex to be pleasurable. Solomon 4:1-16 God designed sex to be both a physical and spiritual bond.

Sexual needs
God created sex to have purposeful

boundaries. Anything outside of this total and exclusive covenant between husband and wife is destructive. The purpose for sexual intimacy is UNITY. COMFORT. DEFENCE. AGAINST TEMPTATION. PROCREATION .Gen. 2:24, 24:67,1:28 A husband is commanded to find satisfaction and joy with his wife and to concern himself with meeting her unique needs.

Sexual needs
A wife is responsible for availability

,preparation and interest. Being sensitive to her husbands unique needs. Prov. 5:19, Eccles. 9:9, Deut.24:5, 1 Cor.7:3-5

A womans attitude should be one of

openness Totally receptive to his intentions Believe in his abilities. Do not offer advice that has not been asked for as he will presume that you are telling him he does not know

Dont try to change him.
Affirm him that He is favorably received He is not perfect but she trusts him that

he can improve himself. Dont try to assist him in growing up and improving him

Acknowledge that I have benefited from

you. Be a recreational companion Learn to enjoy his hobbies. Anything He does must not be taken for granted because he feels motivated when he is needed

To regard with wonder and high esteem
To declare that you are my hero. Notice His unique characteristics,

patience, humor, hard worker, persistence, kindness, strength, romantic and understanding

Have I passed your tests.
Am I the ideal husband you dreamed

about. Do I meet your standards Dont compare .

How to motivate men

Man are motivated and empowered

when they feel needed and appreciated. They can care as much for another as they care about themselves when in love. He can endure anything to make his wife happy because her happiness makes him happy.

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