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Attitude towards advertising model

Attitude toward the ad (AAD) is receiving increasing attention as a mediator of advertising effects. It have two variables - product class importance and product class knowledge - on the relationship between A and brand attitude. Following Petty and Cacioppo (1981), peripheral processing appeared to dominate the low knowledge/low importance subsample, but, contrary to predictions, central processing served only as a supplement to peripheral processing in the high knowledge/high importance subsample. Explanations for this deviation from the predicted relationship were discussed, and the paper concluded with some preliminary thoughts about possible determinants of AAD including credibility, ad perceptions, attitude toward the advertiser, attitude toward advertising in general, and mood. For the past five decades, advertising has been a subject of business marketing success as well as been considered an ethical issue in the society.In most cases, this trade-off effect is subtle and beneficial for marketing practitioners and advertisers. In contrast, advertising is seen as a discipline with social and cultural repercussions in the eyes of humanity scholars and some of the general public (Pollay and Mittal 1993; Sandage and Leckenby 1980).

Multi attribute attitude model

Attribute models of attitude structure have received a great deal of marketing research effort in recent years. By now, a number of useful generalizations appear finally to have emerged. A potentially profitable area for improving the ability of attitude toward a brand to predict choice of that brand over competing brands by a consumer is consideration of the situational variables which affect consumer behavior. Wicker (1969) states "a general postulate regarding situational influence on attitude-behavior relationships is the following: the more similar the situations in which verbal and overt behavioral responses are obtained, the stronger will be the attitudebehavior relationship." There has been limited research reported in consumer behavior which considers the benefits derived from measuring attitude-behavior relationships along situational dimensions. Research indicates that situational variables have a significant influence on consumer affect towards a product category.

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