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2006 Juba negotiations Believed that Kony would have accepted amnesty offer if ICC had dropped indictments.

Believed that there was a lack of trust of Musseveni by Kony - feeling that Musseveni does not take Kony too serious as he only offered a minimal reward for capture of Kony (stimulated LRA to massacre several villages due to anger). During peace talks there was a ceasere - demonstrates interests from both parties for negotiation. However some believe it gave LRA the opportunity to recover. Two months after refusal to sign peace agreement, LRA attacked a South Sudanese town. Sudanese government is now oppose to mediation on the issue and angered. Why previous attempts to catch Kony have failed Each time countries have attempted to track him down, LRA strategically goes into villages to cause havoc so that attention shifts to protecting residents rather than catching Kony himself. Difcult to track someone who is hiding in a jungle where there is little infrastructure. Known as Zone of inaccessibility Communication in LRA is limited to prevent Konys capture. Missions: Uganda and Sudan (operation iron st) Uganda, Congo and Sudan tried to capture him. UN mission in Congo. Experts in jungle warfare, Guatemalan commandos were dispatched to the Garamba national park with the objective of executing the recently-unveiled ICC arrest warrant against Joseph Kony and senior commanders. The operation ended in disaster with the UN soldiers fatally shooting each other. US sent in Navy Seals that killed Bin Laden UN willing to go in and tackle the conict. Most likely have the support of UNSC. Strength of LRA Decreased in size from 2000 to 300. Kony has released a large number of women and children over past few year. Believed to be due to the fact that they slow him down and he needs to remain on the move to avoid armies searching for him. Other Examples of Rebel Groups National resistance army/Ugandan Bush War - supported by Gaddaf and stood against government of Obote. Role of ICC "most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole": the crime of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and the crime of aggression.

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