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Honors Chemistry

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Lab Demonstration: Water to Wine to Milk

Unit 3 You have decided that, in your new career as a magician, that you would perform a chemistry demonstration that makes it look like water is changing into different substances. a) What are the observations that you want your audience to see for each cup as you transfer?

Water+ indicator

Sodium hydroxide

Sulfuric acid

Sodium bicarbonate

Barium sulfate (later settles down on the bottom of the cup)

Sodium hydroxide + indicator

Sodium hydroxide


Clear liquid.

Pinkish purple liquid, clear.

Clear liquid.

Produced carbon dioxide bubbles, fizzy, clear.

Milky, white, cloudy. (Precipitate)

Back to pinkish purple liquid, clear.

b) From the following list of compounds, determine which compound you want to put into each cup to make the magic trick to work and write the formula below each cup. (Note: you can add more than one compound to a cup) Barium sulfate, sodium hydroxide, water, indicator, sodium bicarbonate, sodium hydroxide, sulfuric acid, sulfuric acid Acidic: clear (H+) Base: pink/purple (OH-)

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