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Contact Information: E-mail: No:6, Agananuru street, Anna nagar, Chitla a!!am, Chennai"60006#

Contact no: 008056122633

OBJECTIVE $o %or! &or an organi'ation %hich %ill hel me to mo(e ahea) in m* career +* ro(i)ing interesting o ortunities an) harness the +est o& m* cali+er EDUCATION: Year 2013 2009 2007 Exams passe ! e"ree ,.$ech in -n&ormation $echnolog* 2igher .econ)ar* 3)ucation 0$amil na)u .tate ,oar)1 ....C, $amil Na)u Name of t#e instit$tion .ri .ai /am -nstitute o& $echnolog*, Chennai N.N 4atriculation 2igher .econ)ar* .chool, Chennai N.N 4atriculation 2igher .econ)ar* .chool, Chennai % ! C&'A 8.0280 till &i&th semester1 89.755 85.095

Database management system (DBMS) 6+7ect 6riente) Anal*sis an) 8esign

TECHNICA) S*I))S: )an"$a"es +no,n:

,asics o& C an) C99

*EY 'ROJECTS: - Desi"ne a Accessin" 'C $sin" .o/i0e p#one

IN')ANT TRAININ& AND INDUSTRIA) VISIT: Com lete) -n lant training in -: /ings ;t) &or 5 )a*s.

E1TRA2CURRICU)AR ACTIVITIES: <on man* ri'es in Athletics at (arious inter"school com etitions.

'ERSONA) DETAI)S: =ather>s name: .rini(asan./ 4other>s name: ;atha.. Age :20 8.6.,: 19?07?1992 ;anguages !no%n: 3nglish, $amil.

I hereby declare that the details furnished above are true to the best of my knowledge.

Place: Chennai Date: !"#!. #$

Yours Faithfully, sathish.s

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