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Macatangay, Ruth D.

*ctober # + "&#3

C*,-.E: /.T*
UBCV 103 LOVE OF WISDOM APPLICATION 0irections: )ns'er the 1ollo'in2 3uestions brie1l4 but concisel4( #( )s a ,/ student 'ho displa4s lo5e o1 'isdom+ 'h4 is it important to 2o to the librar4 in spite the 1act that 'e can no' use the internet an4'here else inside and outside o1 the campus6 7 Me as a student librar4 is a bi2 help in e5er4 students especiall4 on a colle2e students li8e us( We all 8no' that librar4 is our home o1 8no'led2e( Man4 people use internet but 9 still thin28in2 that Librar4 pla4s an important role in our li5es in promotin2 the pro2ress o1 8no'led2e( There man4 people 'ho lo5es readin2 and e5en some doesnt 8no' that readin2 is one o1 m4 1a5orite thin2s to do( .ome o1 us didnt a11ord to bu4 computers or some is still thin28in2 to be more practical the4 are much to 2o to librar4 to ha5e their research rather than 2o to(computer shop :ust to('aste a #; pesos per hour( )nd the importance o1 librar4 is it helps us to 1ind a research more harder and ha5e a thril rather than ha5e a research in :ust one clic8 5ia internet( )s a student 9 can<t ima2ine m4 li1e 'ithout Librar4(

"( What is Li1elon2 Learnin26 )s a student o1 the ,ni5ersit4 o1 /atan2as+ ho' can 4ou sa4 that 4ou are a li1elon2 learner6 7 Li1elon2 Learnin2 is the on 2oin2+ 5oluntar4+ and sel1=moti5ated pursuit o1 8no'led2e 1or either personal or pro1essional reasons( There1ore+ it not onl4 enhances social inclusion+ acti5e citi>enship and personal de5elopment but also competiti5eness and emplo4abilit4( This Learnin2 is not con1ined to childhood or the classroom but ta8es place throu2hout li1e and in a ran2e o1 situations( )s a student at ,ni5ersit4 o1 /atan2as 9 can sa4 that 9 am in a li1elon2 learner as o1 no' because learnin2 is a 2reat acti5it4 +it e?pands m4 5ie'point+ it 2i5es me ne' 8no'led2e that 9 can use to impro5e m4 Li1e( Li1elon2 Learnin2 doesn<t mean condemnin2 4oursel1 to a stac8 o1 dust4 te?tboo8s( @oin to a or2ani>ations that teach s8ills( Ae' e?ternal 1orces are 2oin2 to persuade 4ou to learn( The desire has to come 1rom 'ithin( *nce 4ou decide 4ou 'ant to ma8e li1elon2 learnin2 a habit+ it is up to 4ou to ma8e it a priorit4 in 4our Li1e(

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa Telephone Numbers: +63 3 !"3 # 6 | $%& && # Website: '''(ub(edu(ph

N)ME: Macatangay, C*,-.E: /.T*

Ruth D.

*ctober # + "&#3

EVALUATION: #( No' that 4ou ha5e 1inished ,/CB #&3+ 'hat then are 4our characteristics as a lo5er o1 'isdom6 7 No' that 9 am 1inished to ,/CB #&3+ m4 characteristics as a lo5er o1 'isdom is 8eepin2 e5er4 8no'led2e that 9 ha5e recei5ed and shared to others( 9t 2a5es me coura2e and help me to loo8 and mo5e 1or'ard to m4 Li1e( )nd most important to all is i don<t 2ain m4 'orld and lose m4 soul+ because 9 8no' that 'isdom is better than sil5er or e5en 2old and some material thin2s in this 'orld(

"( Ho' can 4ou sa4 that 4ou are a lo5er o1 'isdom6 7 ) 'ise man once said 4ou can ha5e an4thin2 in li1e+ i1 4ou sacri1ice e5er4thin2 else 1or it( What he meant is+ nothin2 comes 'ithout a price( .o be1ore 4ou 2o into battle 4ou better decide ho' much 4ou<re 'illin2 to lose( 9 can sa4 that 9 am a lo5er o1 'isdom because 9 ha5e learned alot alread4 in m4 o'n li1e( 9 ma4be 8no' the ri2ht and 'ron2 because 9 am at m4 ri2ht a2e alread4( Ma4be it is not enou2h but 9 8no' ho' to balance m4sel1(

Campuses: Hilltop | MH del Pilar | Pallocan East | Pallocan West | Lipa Telephone Numbers: +63 3 !"3 # 6 | $%& && # Website: '''(ub(edu(ph

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