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Multiple bombings target

ANALYSiS 1) Open source reporting from 2012 02 13 indicates that there have been three separate incidents this datflrgeftg israeli interests worldwide. In New Delhi, India, an israeli diplomatic vehicle was bore currently reporting two injuries. In Thilisi, Georgia, media reporting states that [a bomb found in a car belonging to an israeli Embassy staff that there has also been an attack attempt against the Israeli not many details are available at this point.




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2) The israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin NE1*1frsuedCt1eiedia indicating that Iran and its proxy Hizballah are behid9 fli4ew DeU ilj,e describes the Iranian government in Tehran as the worlds israel will respond with a strong hand. 1 Lf lj Q; 4 3) 4feptiat israel had put its foreign missions on High Alert ahead of the 2008 02 12 an1uversaFypfithe assassination of Hizbailahs military commander, linad MUGHNIYAH. MUGHNIYAH wasfl1ed by a car bomb in Damascus, Syria four years ago an incident for which Hizballah blamed the United States (US) and israel, vowing revenge against those parties. Prior to todays events, Hizbailah had made approximately 10 attempts to carry out a revenge attack on israeli interests abroad, failing in plots to kidnap israeli nationals, as well as an attempted car bomb attack near the israeli embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan.

4) The seriousness of the the US and Israels reaction to Hizballah-linked Hi by Thai security off and israeli tourists. materials were found, ix In addition to this incident, open Brussels, The Hague, amongst substances. To date, these substances hai

interests is underscored by escalating tensions over For instance, open sources report that PSSEIN)wasarrestedon2Ol2Ol 12 s in Thailand frequented by US a)cility where bomb-making luid ammonium nitrate. eli missions in the US, letters containing white

6) ITAC is monitoring the situation closely in collaboration with our foreign fusion partners and will necessary.

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