Sarahgarman Te401sec005 Lessonproceduresiaim v3

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Anticipated Time and Dates for Lesson Teaching: 45 minutes on November 16th

Instructional Procedures Chart:

I-AIM Function and Rationale Select an I-AIM function below that matches the activity youve described. Explain how this activity matches that function.
Explain name cards. Each student will get a chance to talk when their name card is pulled out. If their name card is not pulled out they should use their ears to listen and pay attention so they can give the next answer if their name card is pulled. If you have questions, raise your hand. Whole class: probably need repetition, and practice using the name cards before the actual activity. One ESL student with limited vocabulary may need more questions to help elicit answers. There will be students who speak out of turn, yelling over others. To get everyones attention back I may do a brain gym exercise, or one of the other practices my mentor teacher uses, such as Walk over to the object and point to it so all students know Establish a question. This activity is planned to introduce the driving question for the lesson, as Establish a question Elicit students initial ideas Explore experiences and ideas for patterns Students explain patterns

Activity & Time

What the Teacher Does and Says

Anticipated Students Responses

Academic, physical, social & linguistic needs

Setting Behavior Expectations

Introduce the warm fuzzy and tell

Introduction short story explaining what a warm to the Lesson fuzzy is. Place it in room, and have
students watch where you place it.

Then walk over to the door and ask the driving question for the lesson: How can you get me from this door to the object in the room? Once the introduction of the lesson is complete, go over different vocabulary the students should use while giving directions, have students give suggestions by name card and uncover them on the sheet as they name them.

closing her eyes and counting to 5 really fast and they have to hurry to be in their spots sitting quietly again. Some students may not be very specific in describing the objects location. Shouting answers out, possibly some more specific words than I have on the sheet.

Activity 1 [time]

Activity 2 [time]

Pull name cards to have students each take turns hiding the object and being the person who follows the directions from the door. Go through this several times.

Shout answers. Might get upset at not having their name card pulled. Could take too long to hide object, the person following directions may peek and not listen to the directions given by the student.

exactly which one; Repeat the question in different ways for ESL student There will be a worksheet with pictures and words to represent the vocabulary needed for all students because they cannot read, and also for the ESL student. Will have the vocabulary sheet up for students to reference at all times during the activity

well as get the students engaged in trying to use locational and directional words. Elicit students initial ideas. This activity is meant to have students come up with the vocabulary themselves, and help guide them toward using more specific directions.

Transition [time]

Pull name cards to have students share how they felt about the activity. What did they notice? What type of directions worked? How do you know?

Some students may not pick up on the patterns and might need more guidance.

Assessment Task [time]

Have the students create their own scavenger hunt using the vocabulary words given them leading from the door to an object in the room. Then switch and have students try to get to that object using their partners directions.

Students may not understand the instructions. Might get too caught up in cutting, gluing, or coloring the pictures instead.

Explore phenomena for patterns. This activity is meant to help students begin to recognize patternshow specific instructions need to be, what senses you must rely on to follow directions. Recast, Explore ideas about repetition, asking patterns. This activity is the questions in meant to let students share different ways for their ideas and those who dont misconceptions, and have understand them come to a consensus as a class that answers the driving question. Each student gets Apply with fading support. their own Students will be expected to vocabulary sheet, take what we learned in the have students last lesson to complete this take turns activity in a slightly different repeating context and reduced directions back to support by the teacher. me, show visual

rubrics so students know what exactly is expected

Connections to Students Prior Understandings and Experiences From observing in the classroom each week, I have noticed that the students have a lot of trouble following directions, whether it is instructions on how to complete an activity or how to act in the hallway. I planned this activity to be a fun and engaging way for the kindergartners to practice following directions in a game-like setting. Based on the science talk I had with a sample of students, I learned that they need practice giving specific directions and using locational words to describe where something is. Instead of saying right or left, they tended to gesture with their hands. Going over specific vocabulary words and practicing using them to give precise directions is intended to build upon their gesturing and help them grow in this knowledge.

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