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VISHNU D RAJ Address Vipin Nivas, &arai'onam, Ne((ar )am &.

*, +rivandrum, ,erala pin-- ""7% OBJECTIVE 2 3ish .o be par. o/ an organi4a.ion, 3hich has good gro3.h prospec.s and provides a 5uali.( environmen. 3here 2 can 3or' .o m( emplo(er6s and a. .he .ime, enrich m( 'no3ledge and projec. managemen. s'ills.
Educational Qualification Master of Business Administration (MBA) Marketing, HR Bac!elor of Commerce (C"S) H"S"C" University / Board Institution Holy Grace Academy of Management Studies Muslim Arts College, #!iruvit!ancode Govt" Hig!er Secondary Sc!ool, *eyyar +am Govt" Hig!er Secondary Sc!ool, *eyyar Year of Passing

E-Mail: Mobile: + ! "8#$% ! )a.e o/ bir.h: %%0%0! 1

Calicut University

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M"S University, #!irunelveli


Hig!er Secondary '(amination Board, )erala



)erala 'ducational Board


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+ollins +(res, ,alad(, Erna'ulam. 8ppolo +(res, &erambra ,era =eeds

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EXTRACURRICULLAR ACTIVITIES >onduc.ed a projec. s.ud( on ?e//ec.iveness o/ visual merchandising6 a. ;ig;a4aar,+rivandrum >onduc.ed a mar'e. surve( /or > =or Mar'e. 9esearch and consul.anc( on ?ba.hroom /i..ings-mar'e. in ,erala@ >onduc.ed a mar'e. surve( /or > /or 9esearch and consul.anc( on ;a.hroom /i..ings A Mar'e. in ,erala 8c.ivel( par.icipa.ed on B=u.ure Croup Do(al.( &rogram@ /or 7 da(s a. ;ig ;a4aar, +hrissur 8c.ivel( par.icipa.ed on B78DE7 &9*M*+2*N@ /or 7 da(s a. ;ig ;a4aar, +hrissur 8..ended .he B+982N +EE +982NEE97 &9*C98MME@ conduc.ed b( Eol( Crace 8cadem( o/ Managemen. 7.udies. 8c.ivel( par.icipa.ed in B&ro/i. >lub Mar' a. ;ig ;a4aar , +rivandrum.

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STRENGTHS EFcellen. communica.ion s'ills. EFcellen. s'ills. EFcellen. .ime managemen. and'ing s'ill. &er/orms under pressure and challenging 8 +eam pla(er. Cood presen.a.ion s'ills .o ne3 circums.ances.

REFERENCE On request
/ !ere0y certify t!at all t!e a0ove mentioned facts are true to my kno ledge" More reference s!all 0e 1rovided on re2uest" 3lace4 5is!nu + Ra6


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