Smart School Application

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Facts ICT as one of the key foundations for its projected transition from a production- based economy to knowledgebased

d economy Smart school as 1 of the flagship part of MSC project Smart school concept:i) Teaching learning component ii) The use of technology as enablers iii) Overview of the Smart School initiative progress made so far. Challenges faced since the inception of Smart School in Malaysia.

Ideas MSC is one the key component in vision 2020. The concepts of Smart Schools would enable Malaysia to be in line with the rest of the developed countries. Smart Schools promote student- centered, fun & interactive learning. The implementation of Smart Schools faces a great numbers of challenges: Disparity high cost parents concern teachers competency & knowledge students readiness Malaysian needs to be technologically advanced to be competent in the global world. Technology change rapidly. Supports needed Facilities Staff needed

Learning issues What is the Smart School concept? What is the other MSC flagship? What are the other components of the Smart Schools concept? How the MOE does support the Smart Schools initiative? How is teaching and learning implemented in Smart Schools? What are the challenges faced since the inception of Smart School? Why was the Smart Schools concept introduced in Malaysia?

Action Smart School roadmap Smart School blue print.

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