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Potential target audience and classification for film

The potential target audience for me is going to be aimed at both sexes. As I feel like I can entertain both sexes at the same level without it having to be more inclined to one of the other. It will be aimed at an audience of 16-24 year olds as I feel this age group are the more prominent ones to go out to the cinema and buy/watch films. This age group are more than likely to have a part time or full time job, so can afford to go cinema and buy films, therefore are able to afford to see mine. This age group in particular will be a lot more out going and maybe attending some form of education. This is key for me as I feel when a vast majority of my audience all attend the same place my film will be widely talked about and therefore its publicity will become known. As I am intending to go down a social realistic and horror type of genre there is no reason for me to aim it just at one sex and I feel both genders enjoy these genres and both are very relatable to them. The lifestyle I would expect my audience to be leading is a very youthful and outgoing type, one that doesnt continue to follow the rules and become rather daring at times. Im hoping to create a very controversial type of film that my audience would be a bit on edge about seeing and hopefully their opinion by the end of the film will completely be the opposite to their expectation. Id have to classify this film a 15 purely because my target audience that I am hoping to aim it at would be able to see it. I neednt be an 18 because the scenes involved are not going to be too explicit that someone of the age 15 could not view. A 15 does not contain that many limitations that would cause me any problems with producing my film and therefore fits the right category for this.

Movie Trailer Questionnaire

1. What gender are you? Male Female 2. What age are you? 10-17 18-24 25-35 36-46 3. What is your favourite genre? (Tick more than one) Action Comedy Romantic Horror 4. Why is this your favourite genre? 46+




5. What age certificate films do you mainly watch? PG U 12 15 18 6. Is a trailer the main way you hear about films Yes No 7. Is it better if the trailer limits the revelation of the plot or quite a lot of it? A lot Not a lot 8. Do you think an appropriate soundtrack is very important to make a trailer good? Yes No 9. What would you say is the most important part to a film trailer? 10. How long should a movie trailer last for? 30 secs-1 min 1min-1.30min 1.30-2min 2min+ 11. Do you prefer seeing the trailer before you actually go watch the film? Yes No

Questionnaire Results
The predominate gender who filled out my questionnaire was of course female. But the male percentage was not far behind, this shows that I found a mix of both genders to give me a clear and fair result for the rest of the questions asked. The fact that females were more willing to fill out my questionnaire shows that they may have stronger opinions about films and what they do and dont like.

The youngest age group being 13-17 came out on top followed by 18-24. This highlights that the younger generation are more inclined to be watching films and therefore I know I have to base something round these age groups for them to watch it. This is another reason why I am hoping to classify it a 15 because of such a young proportion being most interest in films.

Questionnaire Results
The two most popular certificate film ages were 15 and 18. This coincidently fits in with the age of my audience portraying that the older the film the more people are inclined to want to see it because of the less limits the film will contain. Its also rather daring to see an 18 as you know its not going to be one for the faint hearted. The audience of course do never want to see a lot of the plot being revealed in the trailer. Simply because if the whole thing is revealed why would they need to pay and watch film they pretty much know what is going to happen in anyway. Keeping the audience on edge and letting them in for a surprise while continually building climax makes a film good and attractive. This shows us that majority of my audience discover a film through a trailer. Reasons for this may be because a trailer reveals a lot more of a film than a poster does and people enjoy getting something visual and a little taster before. Instead of seeing a poster around people will be more captured by the loudness of a movie trailer on the tv.

Questionnaire Results
It is blatantly obvious that seeing a trailer before viewing the film is vital for my audience. This suggests that my audience are only interested in the film if they know what it is partially about. Without watching the trailer my audience might not actually be interested in the film they are going to watch. A trailer is good to preview a little teaser and see if it captures the attention of my audience before they are disappointed.

1min-1.30min came out as the most popular and appropriate time that my audience chose. This may be because the time period is not too long or too short to contain relevant and vital information about the film. The second most popular time is 2min+ which was the longest period of time available to be chosen as having a long trailer previews enough of the film for the audience to decide whether it is worth watching or buying

The genre that came out on top was horror, this may be because it is such a daring genre that a lot of people like to put themselves in a vulnerable fear of being scared. Closely behind it was comedy and romantic, very popular individual genres and subgenres. These genres tend to attract a vast amount of people because there a lot of available and new storylines out there to be created with them. The other genres were popular but not an everyday or a must see choice for my audiences.

I carried on this question by asking the audience what was it about their favourite genre or genres that made it their favourite. I got a mixed range of responses and those who share the same favourite genre had very similar reasons why. For musicals people said they enjoyed them because you can sing along, they are sometimes sad and most people who watch them enjoy singing themselves. For romantic people said they are exciting and enjoy the happy endings in the majority of good romances. Horrors were said to be fun and the build ups are tense and enjoyable to be frightened. Superhero movies were liked because of the graphics used and intensity of the films. Action films were said to be entertaining, variety of different storylines and always something fast paced and good going on. Comedy films were enjoyed because they make the audience laugh and always good humour going on.

Although the majority picked that it is important to have a good soundtrack, it only marginally came out on top. Meaning that it is not always vital to have an appropriate soundtrack and some people wouldnt mind a trailer that involved no kind of music and just the voices of the characters or even a voice over highlighting the narrative.

I asked another question that receives a variety of different responses which kind of links to the last one. I wanted to know what other things need to be involved within a film trailer to make it appropriate. The most popular responses I got was the music/soundtrack and climax/ enough information in the trailer to influence the audience whilst not giving too much away. Other responses I got were the main characters being shown, some humour, graphics need to be high quality, attention grabbing, entertaining and interesting, the length and an eye capturing name.

Suitable and non suitable genres for audience

Fantasy Musical Non suitable genres for narrative Western Sci-fi
These genre types would not be suitable for my target audience as first of all they are impossible for me to make sufficiently and up to a good film standards. They involve good CGI cameras and many props and resources I just wouldnt be able to get my hands on. In particular sci-fi, animation and fantasy would just consist of high expectations when it comes to filming and editorial work, that my audience would just not be satisfied with. Other genres like western and war would have to consist of a vast majority of actors and actresses to be casted, something I know I would not be able to keep on top of or control. Considering it is going to be my first production I want to keep it to a small set with minimal casting characters. The genre musical would be hard also as they consist of many songs, dances and people with talent that I just wouldnt be able to seek. Id also need to come up with many dance routines and need rights to songs Id want to use in my production of I could not create my own. Adventure would be a difficult one to put together ass it is normally very fast paced and deep narrative thatd have to spend a lot of time working with a creating an interesting narrative, not like any other before.




These genres are the type that can be created with the technology and supplies I can get my hands on. This is because all these genres can be created on a small budget with a minimal amount of actors and actresses. Coming of age, social realism and urban genre all fall into a similar category as they are all based around real life and the experiences many of us or people we know of undergo. Meaning my target audience would find many of the narratives suitable to them. Other films like sport and action would become attractive and suitable for my audience as these are popular things/genres people these days tend to be interested in. Theyd be able to be produced as again the simple narratives dont push my boundaries. A horror film would also be a good one for my audience as they are young and daring, and many of them stated they liked films that kept them on edge. The rest of the films like thriller, romance and comedy only really consist of characters and a simple plot that would entertain my audience easily.

Action Sport Suitable genres for narrative Coming of age Social Realism

Thriller Romance Comedy Horror Urban Drama

Name: Dont Come Home Genre: Crime/Psychological Horror Narrative: The opening scene is of 18 year old Lisa Bakewell and her mother Tracy Bakewell, holding hands and dancing together in their bedroom. The scene then slowly flashes back to a time when Lisa was a child of 13 years old and is in fact now dancing with her oldest sister Georgia to the same music. They are both full of happiness and smiles till their dad, Leon Bakewell enters, and the mood for Georgia suddenly drops. He walks over, stroking Lisa on the head and taking Georgia out the room, turning the music up on the way. The scene blacks out and a Lisa is speaking, Ill never forget the way he turned it up so I couldnt hear, Id carry on dancing, whilst you raped and watched her die. On that same night the suicidal death of Georgia Bakewell was announced, destroying everyone old enough to understand, apart from Lisa. As time passes Lisa starts to notice odd things happening with her family. Her dad would regularly come home late and drunk and her mom would slowly develop more and more bruises and cuts to the face. Her family was falling apart, she fended for herself, scraping food from anywhere, wearing the same clothes repeatedly. Lisa was teased by other children but she still told no one. One night Leon comes home with two of his friends Jason and Chris. As Lisa was trying to sleep in her room, in stumbled her father , completed wasted. He sits on her bed a strokes her, Lisa unaware of his intentions is alarmed when her mother comes in and kills her dad. Distraught, Tracy grabs Lisa and runs. With no where to go it is only a matter of time till Lisa and Tracy run put of places to hide. Trying to rebuild their life, living in abandoned houses, until one night when Lisa wakes up to her mothers absence. Hearing a high pitched scream in the distance, Lisa follows without thinking. She sees two men next to a tree with two bodies hanging from it. As she nears its both the dead bodies of her parents. In a state of horror the two men near, Jason and Chris, kidnapping Lisa. The next scene we see Lisa waking up in a room, body bruised all over, living her life locked up with the bodies of Leon and Tracy next to her. The films ends. Vladimir Propp theory - The Hero would be Tracy Bakewell, as she eventually rescues her daughter, leaving Lisa Bakewell to be the damsel in distress. The Villains are Leon Bakwell and his two mates Jason and Chris. Tzvetan Todorov theory The equilibrium is at the start of the film when Lisa's sister is alive and they are leading a happy life. The disequilibrium is when Lisa's dad becomes out of control abusing Lisa and Georgia killing herself through the harm their dad caused her. The recognition is through the mom slowly picking up how much Lisa is getting hurt and how hurt she herself is getting. The mom repairs this situation by running away with Lisa in hope to start a new life. The new equilibrium is Lisa leading the remainder of her life surrounded by the dead bodies of parents locked up. Levi Strauss The binary opposites in this is old and young, stable and unstable, sober and drunk, sad and happy. Characters and potential actors Lisa Bakewell - Rebekah McNeil Georgia Bakewell - Gemma Cooney Tracy Bakewell - Jessica Nally Leon Bakewell - Sean McGrandles Jason - Michael Hemming Chris - Matthew Gaze Locations/Settings Many outside scenes filmed in and around Sutton Park Scenes involving Lisa going to school at Plantsbrook Predominately in Sutton Coldfield Props Bottles of alcohol Rope Stereo Rucksacks Costumes The male characters wearing jeans and scruffy tops to make them look unhygienic and drunks Two young daughters quite trendy and innocent looking, pretty skirts Tracy is in smart sophisticated clothes, like a blouse and jeans

Name: False Friends Genre: Crime/Urban Drama There is a group of 5 friends; Ash, Zain, Kirstie, Hannah and our main character that we follow Josh. Josh struggles to fit in the group as he is so different to all of them within it. He tries to be someone who he isnt but still struggles to satisfy the other members, leaving us to question why they still let him hang round with them. Josh is madly in love with Kristie who does not look at him in the same way. This crush is taken the mick out of by Hannah, who is secretly jealous as she ants the attention off Josh but can never be brave enough to admit it. Hannah therefore stirs the group up by telling Ash of Joshes crush and then ends up getting with Kirstie in front of Josh, breaking his poor heart. Josh however cant leave the group because his friends, even though they hurt him, do not allow him to leave and to Josh he can only assume that he is loved by them. One day however Josh overhears Zain and Ash saying how they are using Josh for his money, house and car. Fuming at this news he suggests taking his friends to a camping site which his family own. The day comes and the all head on down. Sitting round the campfire Josh suddenly disappears from the group. Suddenly a group of masked people make their way over to the group, they brutally attack and abuse the 4 of joshes friends leaving them near enough left for dead, their bodies are also hung up round trees. When josh returns the friends all shout at him ,saying that they have set him up and that they intend to get them down immediately. Josh however is completely unaware of what has happened and in return does not help them down but happily stands there smiling wishing them all a happy death. He then puts on a similar mask to the ones the that had come out and attacked the group of friends and says whilst walking away these are my real friends leaving them all for dead. Vladimir Propp theory The hero of this film is a bit controversial as it would initially start to turn out to be Josh but slowly we see an evil change in him over time inclining us towards the more villainous character. However the main villains in this would be the group of masked people that end up killing the four friends. Tzvetan Todorov theory The equilibrium of this is the group of friends getting along together, going out and just living a comfortable life. The disequilibrium of this is Josh getting left out and not feeling all part of the group. The recognition is Josh overhearing that he is being used by them and this makes him extremely angry, so organises a set up trip with them to a campsite. The repair is josh getting his friends abused and left for dead. The new equilibrium is Josh walking away leading a new life where he is not being used. Levi Strauss The binary opposites in this is true and false, good and evil, honest and sly.

Characters and potential actors Josh Mike Hemming Ash Tim Ind Kirstie Ellie Goodall Hannah Sophia Alison Zain Sean McGrandles

Locations/Settings Woods/Campsite School classrooms and corridors Park Someone's house

Props Car Rope Campfire Mobile phones Alcohol

Costumes Ash and Zain dress similar, tracksuit bottoms and baseball jackets, both wearing snapbacks Hannah and Kirstie, short skirts and vest tops with converse Josh, skinny jeans and plain white tee, also attempts at wearing a snapback occasionally

Name: Final Message Genre: Urban Drama/Social Realism Young girl called Lucy, leads a normal life at the moment with everything going well for her, including her family and a-levels. She has a best friend Jenny and boyfriend Greg and they all get on pretty well with her. But secretly Jenny is obsessed with Greg and longs for the day they break up. However this day does not come anytime soon and Jenny now knows that Greg and Lucy may be moving away together to the same Uni. In a desperate attempt Jenny grasses Lucy up to her dad, by confessing that one time Lucy took drugs at a party. Out of anger and punishment Lucy is sent over to America to take a gap year and study harder as her dad feels she has now let herself go. Lucy unaware this was all Jenny's doing, she is allowed one last goodbye to everyone before she is banished from the world. Lucy thinking she is unable to say goodbye to Greg leaves him a final goodbye message with Jenny. When a year passes Lucy comes home. She feels like she can rekindle everything again and rushes to go see her best friend and boyfriend. But on her way over to Greg's she sees through his window him with another girl, this girl being Jenny. Absolutely torn and heartbroken, Lucy goes on a rampage, attacking her father for sending her away and getting so drunk ends up in hospital later that day. She suffers severe brain damage and is unable to walk and talk properly, losing all her hard work of education over the years. Her dad is so ashamed in her he leaves the country and his family behind and is never seen again. At this point Jenny and Greg visit Lucy in hospital. Although Lucy is in a poor state she asks Greg why he never listened to her final message. Greg seems puzzled by this and replies; you told me to move on because you had. This is when all eyes turn on evil Jenny, who subtly tries to convince them they are both wrong and she told Greg the correct message. When her lies are ran out she finally confesses and she loses the two most important people in her life. We are then flashed way back to when Jenny is sitting in her room. Her room is covered in pictures on Greg and she is writing this whole story in her diary. We are left with a close up shot of her face at the end saying; mental people make up stories just like this, obsession is a disease, it ruins lives, the film ends and we are left on a cliff hanger with the question, did this or did this not happen? Vladimir Propp theory The hero of the story would be Greg, as he is the centred character and boy. Lucy to an extent would be the damsel in distress as she is sent away and when she returns needs help to get her life back on track. The villain is jenny for stirring the relationships between Lucy and her dad and Lucy and Greg. Tzvetan Todorov theory The equilibrium is at the start when everyone is happy getting on with each other and leading pretty normal lives. The disequilibrium is Jenny grassing Lucy up to her dad for drugs and getting sent away. The recognition is when Lucy tells Jenny she wants Greg to wait for her when she returns and leaves this news in Jenny's hands. The repair is Lucy returning and Greg and Jenny being together, but eventually finds out that Jenny never told Greg the message. The new equilibrium is left untold, as the audience is unaware whether any of this happened and it wasnt just the plan of a mental person. Levi Strauss The opposites in this film closeness and distance, secrets and lies, stable and unstable, love and hate, obsession and normality. Characters and potential actors Lucy Ellie Goodall Lucys Dad Sean McGrandles Jenny Sophia Alison Greg Tim Ind Locations/Settings School Park Hospital Airport Props Letter Mobile phones Alcohol School books Costumes Lucy dresses in skinny jeans and shirts, converse Lucys dad, dresses very smart, in suits and ties Jenny opposite of Lucy, short skirt and vest tops Greg, skinny jeans and baggy jumpers

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