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Report on Udhaya Solar PhotoVoltaic Power Plant at Pollachi Place of Installation : Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Pollachi,

Coim atore!"#$ %%&' Capacity:$'( )* USL was established in the year 1984. The company manufactures Solar PV ells! "odules and "odule based systems with a capacity to produce # "$ ells and %"$ "odules. &t has been steered forward to the current en'iable position ( currently led by the promoter "r.).*rishna+umar , "-.! an /lectrical /n0ineer with o'er 1% years e2perience in Photo'oltaic. Solar Photo'oltaic systems harness the ener0y of the sun to produce power. These systems are 0ainin0 rele'ance especially in areas where it is not 'iable to connect e2pensi'e power 0rids. 3ein0 non4pollutin0 and re5uirin0 low maintenance! they are loo+ed upon as more reliable than the con'entional power lines. USL has made si0nificant de'elopments in this field in the last decade. ertified as a &S6 977181777 company with &/ 9 appro'al as a manufacturer of Solar ells! PV modules and photo'oltaic systems! USL products ha'e been e'aluated in worldwide laboratories li+e ):/L! US; and TUV! <ermany. +etails of Solar PhotoVoltaic Power Plant: /ach cell module =% watt "ulti crystalline photo'oltaic cell is coated with 3lue coatin0 to increase the efficiency and to reduce the si>e of cell in the panel. 1 s5.m produce 177 watt apacity of battery811 V!177 ;h!17 ?r ratin0


Total capacity is 1@77 ;h &n'erter with char0e controller # +V; ircuit brea+er is used.

Solar street li0hts are a stand4alone system with minimal runnin0 cost.

Solar street li0hts li0ht up li'in0 5uarters in the construction sites. /ducational institutions use solar streetli0hts within their campuses. :emote forest chec+ posts and forest 0uest houses.

Tribal settlements with no access to con'entional power use solar streetli0hts.

Solar street li0hts pro'ide security boundary li0htin0 in lar0e industrial lands.

Local 0o'ernin0 bodies li+e panchayats use solar streetli0hts.

Street Ill-mination chart Circ-it diagram for o-t door lighting system

Solar PV System of $'( )*

.attery -nit

$/ V .attery

.attery along with power conditioner

Close view of m-lti crystalline cell

Solar Cells

0-tdoor lighting

Power conditioner

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