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3Q13 Midpoint Check-in

Q1 Overall, how would you rate the training program thus far?
Answ ered: 16 Skipped: 0


Very Good










Answ er Choices Exc ellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Total

Responses 37.50% 31.25% 31.25% 0% 0% 6 5 5 0 0 16

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ISR: 3Q13 Midpoint Check-in

Q2 How would you rate the ThinkPAL program and the time you have spent shadowing?
Answ ered: 16 Skipped: 0


Very Good










Answ er Choices Exc ellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Total

Responses 31.25% 43.75% 18.75% 6.25% 0% 5 7 3 1 0 16

# 1

Comments The ThinkPal program is great. I learn the most when shadowing but it seems like that is the first thing to get bumped when there are time c onstraints or presentation rearrangements. would like them to allow us to be more hands on. I have learned the most during my time shadowing. It would be nic e to have some more time upstairs, but the time up there is helpful & c onnec ts the dots The time that we have been given has been very helpful, but I wish that it were more organized. Sometimes the Thinkpal's have nothing to show us, so it feels like we are just sitting there. Until we've learned CRM and salesforc e, shadowing is hard to understand and follow. It might be benefic ial to shadow onc e a week, then after trainees have learned CRM and salesforc e, shadow more in the week. Without that knowledge, we feel like deer in the headlights.

Date 11/18/2013 11:29 AM

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ISR: 3Q13 Midpoint Check-in

Q3 Over the next weeks, what topics would you like to explore further?
Answ ered: 16 Skipped: 0

# 1

Responses it takes a lot of time to understand all of the different websites and software programs. tec hnic al training is definitely the more diffic ult aspec t of it. c larific ation on how c ertain overlaps among segments oc c ur; the bidding proc ess and pric ing request c yc le; Selling methods in general CRM, more shadowing on the floor A c omplete training on the tools that we will use spec ific to the sec tors in whic h we will be plac ed. Onc e you all have an idea where you'll plac e us, we should get trained on the appropriate tools. CRM and Pric ing If possible, I would like to spend a little more time with side-by-side c omparisons of produc ts (how they differ, what produc ts to rec ommend to different types of c ustomers, etc .) I also would like more time to shadowon the floor. It helps to see the programs in use as oppose to through power point. I would like to dive into produc t learning More hands on training with the tools & how we will be using them on the floor. It helps to play around with them bec ause it gives me a better idea of what to expec t and how to overc ome problems. the steps of moving from a c ustomer thats interested, to what needs to happen in what order Spending more time with think pals would be most helpful so we c an listen to word trac k and have the ability to do more hands on ac tivities/training. CRM Role playing. More sales strategies. Spec ific Sales strategy in eac h segment, typic al situations in eac h segment, typic al c omebac ks for c ustomers. More explanation of where to find valuable information you will need to referenc e, for example only go to PSREF for these types of questions, use Produc t c entral--for this type of question.. Sales prac tic e and tec hniques. Going through the full sales proc ess from opening to c lose, to better understand what we will be doing everyday.

Date 11/19/2013 9:19 AM

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ISR: 3Q13 Midpoint Check-in

Q4 Additional Comments
Answ ered: 5 Skipped: 11

# 1

Responses I also need to have as muc h hands on training in CRM espec ially, but in using all of the tools as well. It profits me very little only to learn how to use the tools in theory. I want to drown as little as possible my first day out of training. I have learned a lot so far and the c lass seems to be struc tured well. Amazing c lass and a very helpful and detail oriented instruc tor. Would like a little more time for E learning in c lass! But overall this is an exc ellent program great so far, the more time with working with the systems, the better! Personally, I feel I would be more produc tive if the e-learning c ourses had deadlines. Have 5 c ompleted in the first week, 10 by the 2nd week, etc . It would be amazing if we c ould have sales people c ome role play for us, so we understand what's expec ted-- shadowing is just being thrown in the mix, so it's hard to understand right off the bat. Frank's elevator pitc h presentation was super c omplic ated. He showed several ways to pitc h for prospec ting, but then instruc ted we profile. That c onfused A LOT of people when we went to do profiling. We didn't know exac tly know how to begin a profiling c all nor did we really understand where to apply the elevator pitc h in the profiling c all. This c ould have been c learer.

Date 11/18/2013 11:30 AM

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