Internal Market of The European Union 249

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Internal market of the European Union 249

Internal market of the European Union

The European Union's (EU) Internal Market (sometimes known as the Single Market, formerl the !ommon Market) seeks to guarantee the free mo"ement of goo#s, $apital, ser"i$es, an# people % the EU's four freedoms % within the EU's 2& mem'er states()*+ The Internal Market is inten#e# to 'e $on#u$i"e to in$rease# $ompetition, in$rease# spe$ialisation, larger e$onomies of s$ale, allows goo#s an# fa$tors of pro#u$tion to mo"e to the area where the are most "alue#, thus impro"ing the effi$ien$ of the allo$ation of resour$es( It is also inten#e# to #ri"e e$onomi$ integration where' the on$e separate e$onomies of the mem'er states 'e$ome integrate# within a single EU wi#e e$onom ( ,alf of the tra#e in goo#s within the EU is $o"ere# ' legislation harmonise# ' the EU()2+ The $reation of the internal market as a seamless, single market is an ongoing pro$ess, with the integration of the ser"i$e in#ustr still $ontaining gaps()-+ It also has an in$reasing international element, with the market represente# as one in international tra#e negotiations( .ota'l , the internal market is open to three non/EU states "ia the European E$onomi$ 0rea(

Two of the original $ore o'1e$ti"es of the European E$onomi$ !ommunit (EE!) were the #e"elopment of a $ommon market offering free mo"ement of goo#s, ser"i$e, people an# $apital (see 'elow)( 2ree mo"ement of goo#s was esta'lishe# in prin$iple through the $ustoms union 'etween its then/si3 mem'er states( ,owe"er the EE! struggle# to enfor$e a single market #ue to the a'sen$e of strong #e$ision making stru$tures( It was #iffi$ult to remo"e intangi'le 'arriers with mutual re$ognition of stan#ar#s an# $ommon regulations #ue to prote$tionist attitu#es( In the *945s, when the e$onom of the EE! 'egan to lag 'ehin# the rest of the #e"elope# worl#, the 6elors !ommission took the initiati"e to attempt to relaun$h the $ommon market, pu'lishing a 7hite 8aper in *949 i#entif ing -55 measures to 'e a##resse# in or#er to $omplete a single market( The 7hite 8aper whi$h was well re$ei"e# an# le# to the a#option of the Single European 0$t, a treat whi$h reforme# the #e$ision making me$hanisms of the EE! an# set a #ea#line of -* 6e$em'er *992 for the $ompletion of a single market( In the en#, it was laun$he# on * :anuar *99-( )4+

The new approa$h, pioneere# ' the 6elors !ommission, $om'ine# positi"e an# negati"e integration, rel ing upon minimum rather than e3hausti"e harmonisation( .egati"e integration $onsists of prohi'itions impose# on mem'er states of #is$riminator 'eha"iour an# other restri$ti"e pra$ti$es( 8ositi"e integration $onsists in appro3imation of laws an# stan#ar#s( Espe$iall important (an# $ontro"ersial) in this respe$t is the a#option of harmonising legislation un#er 0rti$le **4 of the T2EU( The !ommission also relie# upon the European !ourt of :usti$e's Cassis de Dijon (!ase *25;&4 )9+) 1urispru#en$e, un#er whi$h mem'er states were o'lige# to re$ognise goo#s whi$h ha# 'een legall pro#u$e# in another mem'er state, unless the mem'er state $oul# 1ustif the restri$tion ' referen$e to a man#ator re<uirement( ,armonisation woul# onl 'e use# to o"er$ome 'arriers $reate# ' tra#e restri$tions whi$h sur"i"e# the Cassis man#ator re<uirements test, an# to ensure essential stan#ar#s where there was a risk of a ra$e to the 'ottom( Thus harmonisation was largel use# to ensure 'asi$ health an# safet stan#ar#s were met( = *992 a'out 95> of the issues ha# 'een resol"e#)9+ an# in the same ear the Maastri$ht Treat set a'out to $reate E$onomi$ an# Monetar Union as the ne3t stage of integration( 7ork on free#om for ser"i$es #i# take longer, an# was the last free#om to 'e implemente#, mainl through the 8osting of 7orkers 6ire$ti"e (a#opte# in *99?))?+ an# the 6ire$ti"e on ser"i$es in the internal market (a#opte# in 255?)()&+ Internal market of the European Union 295 In *99& the 0mster#am Treat a'olishe# ph si$al 'arriers a$ross the internal market ' in$orporating the S$hengen 0rea within the $ompeten$es of the EU( The S$hengen 0greement implements the a'olition of 'or#er $ontrols 'etween most mem'er states, $ommon rules on "isas, an# poli$e an# 1u#i$ial $ooperation()4+ E"en as the @is'on Treat $ame into for$e in 2559 howe"er, some areas pertaining parts of the four free#oms (espe$iall in the fiel# of ser"i$es) ha# not et 'een $ompletel opene#( Those, along with further work on the e$onomi$ an# monetar union, woul# see the EU mo"e further to a European Home Market()9+

Free movement of goods

Customs duties and taxation The European Union is also a $ustoms union( This means that mem'er states ha"e remo"e# $ustoms 'arriers 'etween themsel"es an# intro#u$e# a $ommon $ustoms poli$ towar#s other $ountries( The o"erall purpose of the #uties is Ato ensure normal $on#itions of $ompetition an# to remo"e all restri$tions of a fis$al nature $apa'le of hin#ering the free mo"ement of goo#s within the !ommon MarketA (!ase 2&;?& Fink-Frucht )*5+)( = Customs duties 0rti$le -5 T2EU prohi'its mem'er states from le" ing an #uties on goo#s $rossing a 'or#er, 'oth goo#s pro#u$e# within the EU an# those pro#u$e# outsi#e( Bn$e a goo# has 'een importe# into the EU from a thir# $ountr an# the appropriate $ustoms #ut pai#, 0rti$le 29 T2EU #i$tates that it shall then 'e $onsi#ere# to 'e in free $ir$ulation 'etween the mem'er states( .either the purpose of the $harge, nor its name in #omesti$ law, is rele"ant (!ase &;?4 Commission v Italy )**+)( Sin$e the Single European 0$t, there $an 'e no s stemati$ $ustoms $ontrols at the 'or#ers of mem'er states( The emphasis is on post/import au#it $ontrols an# risk anal sis( 8h si$al $ontrols of imports an# e3ports now o$$ur at tra#ers' premises, rather than at the territorial 'or#ers( Charges having equivalent effect to customs duties 0rti$le -5 of the T2EU prohi'its not onl $ustoms #uties 'ut also $harges ha"ing e<ui"alent effe$t( The European !ourt of :usti$e #efine# $harge ha"ing e<ui"alent effe$t in !ase 24;?4 !ommission " Ital )*2+( )0+n pe$uniar $harge, howe"er small an# whate"er its #esignation an# mo#e of appli$ation, whi$h is impose# unilaterall on #omesti$ or foreign goo#s ' reason of the fa$t that the $ross a frontier, an# whi$h is not a $ustoms #ut in the stri$t sense, $onstitutes a $harge ha"ing e<ui"alent effe$t((( e"en if it is not impose# for the 'enefit of the state, is not #is$riminator or prote$ti"e in effe$t an# if the pro#u$t on whi$h the $harge agreement 'etween the Union an# the states $on$erne# 0n#orra, Mona$o, San Marino an# Turke also parti$ipate in the EU !ustoms Union(

is impose# is not in $ompetition with an #omesti$ pro#u$t( (!ase 24;?4 !ommission " Ital )*2+) 0 $harge is a $ustoms #ut if it is proportionate to the "alue of the goo#sC if it is proportionate to the <uantit , it is a $harge ha"ing e<ui"alent effe$t to a $ustoms #ut (!ase 4&;&9 =res$iani " 0mministraDione Italiana #elle 2inanDe )*-+)( There are three e3$eptions to the prohi'ition on $harges impose# when goo#s $ross a 'or#er, liste# in !ase *4;4& !ommission " Eerman )*4+( 0 $harge is not a $ustoms #ut or measure ha"ing e<ui"alent effe$t ifF G it relates to a general s stem of internal #ues applie# s stemati$all (!ase *-2;&4 6enka"it " 2ran$e )*9+), G if it $onstitutes pa ment for a ser"i$e in fa$t ren#ere# to the e$onomi$ operator of a sum in proportion to the ser"i$e (!ase *94;42 !ommission " 6enmark )*?+), or Internal market of the European Union 29* G su'1e$t to $ertain $on#itions, if it atta$hes to inspe$tions $arrie# out to fulfil o'ligations impose# ' !ommunit law (!ase 4?;&? =auhuis " .etherlan#s )*&+)( Taxation 0rti$le **5 of the T2EU pro"i#esF .o Mem'er State shall impose, #ire$tl in#ire$tl , on the pro#u$ts of other mem'er states an internal ta3ation of an kin# in e3$ess of that impose# #ire$tl or in#ire$tl on similar #omesti$ pro#u$ts( 2urthermore, no Mem'er State shall impose on the pro#u$ts of other mem'er states an internal ta3ation of su$h a nature as to affor# in#ire$t prote$tion to other pro#u$ts( In Case 323/ ! Commission v Italy "#a$ation o% rum&, *949 E!H 22&9 )*4+( the E!: state#F The !ourt has $onsistentl hel# that the purpose of 0rti$le 95 E! )now 0rti$le **5+, as a whole, is to ensure the free mo"ement of goo#s 'etween the mem'er states un#er normal $on#itions of $ompetition, ' eliminating all forms of prote$tion whi$h might result from the appli$ation of #is$riminator internal ta3ation against pro#u$ts from other mem'er states, an# to guarantee a'solute neutralit of internal ta3ation as regar#s $ompetition 'etween #omesti$ an# importe# pro#u$ts (see the 1u#gment of 9 :ul *94& in Case 3'(/ ' Commission v )el*ium "#a$ation o% +ine and )eer&, *94& E!H -299 )*9+( )( or an# in a$$or#an$e with the same $riteria to #omesti$ pro#u$ts an# importe# pro#u$ts alike

uantitative restrictions and measures having equivalent effect In a##ition to prohi'iting $ustoms #uties an# #is$riminator ta3es, the T2EU, in 0rti$le -4, prohi'its <uotas an# Imeasures ha"ing e<ui"alent effe$tJ( =ut what are measures ha"ing e<ui"alent effe$t an# how #o the affe$t tra#e 'etween mem'er statesK The Treat #oes not answer these <uestions an# European !ourt of :usti$e has o"er se"eral #e$a#es pro"i#e# #etaile# $ase law interpreting 0rti$le -4( In a well/ known series of $ases 'eginning with $ase 4;&4 Dassonville, $ontinuing with $ase *25;&4 Cassis de Dijon an# $ulminating in !/2?&;9* ,eck and Mithouard, the !ourt has sai# that #is$riminator an# non/#is$riminator rules of mem'er states (therefore not a$tions of pri"ate $orporations or in#i"i#uals) that hin#er tra#e shall 'e illegal(
!irectly discriminatory rules

6ire$tl #is$riminator rules #istinguish 'etween national an# importe# goo#s in law an# in fa$t( 0 prohi'ition of imports impose# ' state 0 on goo#s from state = is #ire$tl #is$riminator 'ut restri$tions #o not ha"e to take the shape of prohi'itions or <uotas( 0 Mem'er State $an lea# a#"ertising an# promoting $ampaigns that fa"ours #omesti$ pro#u$ts, or it $an impose higher pri$es or more stringent $on#itions (su$h as health inspe$tions) on importe# goo#s( The ke to #is$rimination is that #omesti$ pro#u$ts are not su'1e$t to the a##e# #iffi$ulties, an# are therefore put at an a#"antage( Indirectly discriminatory rules In#ire$tl #is$riminator rules that hin#er tra#e #o not #istinguish in law 'ut #o so in fa$t( The impose a higher 'ur#en on the importer #ue to a##itional work it has to $omplete to make the pro#u$t marketa'le( 0lthough in law the rules appl e<uall to #omesti$ pro#u$ers an# importers, in realit the 'ur#en is 'orn ' importers, the #omesti$ pro#u$ers alrea# $ompl ing with the rules( If, in a##ition, the pro#u$t is markete# in a num'er of mem'er states, the e3porter from state 0 might 'e su'1e$t to as man #ifferent regimes as there are $ountries into whi$h he is hoping to import( 2or e3ample, a (fi$titious) law in state 0 is that al$oholi$ #rinks of a parti$ular kin# must not $ontain more than 25> al$ohol( 8ro#u$er from state = makes an# regularl e3ports #rinks whi$h $ontain 29> al$ohol( @aw in state 0 applies to all those who wish to market the al$oholi$ #rinks in <uestion % whether the are #omesti$ in origin orforeign( In that respe$t, in law, the #o not #is$riminate( Bn the other han#, as a result of their presen$e, a legall

Internal market of the European Union 292 markete# #rink from state = either has to 'e mo#ifie# an# its al$ohol $ontents re#u$e# to onl 25> or must 'e a'sent from the market of state 0 altogether( EU law, un#er the $ir$umstan$es mentione# in the pre"ious paragraph, prohi'its this kin# of #istin$tionF although the law appears to treat all parties e<uall , in fa$t #omesti$ pro#u$ers are fa"oure#( "roduct requirements and certain selling arrangements .aturall , allegations $an 'e ma#e against an rule that in$on"enien$es the tra#er, an# this in$lu#es a "er large num'er of rules( Therefore, in the last of the mentione# $ases, Le$k, an# those that followe# it, the !ourt #e$i#e# that onl rules relating to pro#u$t re<uirements (shape, siDe, $olour, et$() shoul# 'e illegal, while those relating to selling arrangements (opening hours, staff training re<uirements, et$() will mostl not 'e( The #i"ision was an attempt to limit the num'er of $ases to onl those situations where, in the a'sen$e of #is$rimination, there is real #anger of importer suffering the presen$e of #ual 'ur#en( #ustification Un#er $ertain $ir$umstan$es, mem'er states whose rules ha"e 'een #isapplie# ma #efen# them( 2or rules that #is$riminate, a #efen$e will 'e possi'le un#er 0rti$le -? whi$h mentions, among other things, pu'li$ health or pu'li$ moralit ( 2or e3ample, a restri$tion of import of meat from $ertain $ountries will 'e legal if it has $lear me#i$al groun#s( 0 restri$tion of importation of pornographi$ material ma 'e 1ustifie# if su$h material is normall not a"aila'le in the sai# Mem'er State( .on/#is$riminator rules ma 'e 1ustifie# not onl ' referen$e to 0rti$le -? 'ut also to a !ourt/ma#e list of e3$eptions whi$h were first set out in the Cassis de Dijon $ase (!ase *25;&4 Hewe/ Mentral 0E " =un#esmonopol"erwaltung fNr =ranntwein )25+)(

Free movement of capital

2ree mo"ement of $apital is inten#e# to permit mo"ement of in"estments su$h as propert pur$hases an# 'u ing of shares 'etween $ountries()9+ Until the #ri"e towar#s E$onomi$ an# Monetar Union the #e"elopment of the $apital pro"isions ha# 'een slow( 8ost/Maastri$ht there has 'een a rapi#l #e"eloping $orpus of E!: 1u#gements regar#ing this initiall negle$te# free#om( The free mo"ement of $apital is uni<ue insofar as that it is grante# e<uall to non/mem'er states( !apital within the EU ma 'e transferre# in an amount from one $ountr to another( 0ll intra/EU transfers in euro are $onsi#ere# as #omesti$ pa ments an# 'ear the $orrespon#ing #omesti$

transfer $osts()*5+ This in$lu#es all mem'er States of the EU, e"en those outsi#e the EuroDone pro"i#ing the transa$tions are $arrie# out in euro()**+ !re#it;#e'it $ar# $harging an# 0TM with#rawals within the EuroDone are also $harge# as #omesti$, howe"er paper/'ase# pa ment or#ers, like $he<ues, ha"e not 'een stan#ar#ise# so these are still #omesti$/'ase#( The E!= has also set up a $learing s stem, T0HEET, for large euro transa$tions()*2+

Free movement of services The free mo"ement of ser"i$es an# of esta'lishment allows self/emplo e# persons to mo"e 'etween mem'er states in or#er to pro"i#e ser"i$es on a temporar or permanent 'asis( 7hile ser"i$es a$$ount for 'etween si3t an# se"ent per$ent of E68, legislation in the area is not as #e"elope# as in other areas( This la$una has 'een a##resse# ' the re$entl passe# 6ire$ti"e on ser"i$es in the internal market whi$h aims to li'eralise the $ross 'or#er pro"ision of ser"i$es()*-+ 0$$or#ing to the Treat the pro"ision of ser"i$es is a resi#ual free#om that onl applies if no other free#om is 'eing e3er$ise#( The 2ree Mo"ement of Ser"i$es is esta'lishe# in 0rti$le 9? T2EU, with further gui#an$e in 0rti$le 9& % ?2 T2EU( E3$eptions are foun# in 0rti$les 9*/99 T2EU ($ommon with 2ree#om of Esta'lishment)( The free#om prohi'its restri$tions on free $ir$ulation of ser"i$es within Mem'er States( Ser"i$es are #efine# in the negati"e, Ithe are normall pro"i#e# for remuneration, in so far as the are not go"erne# ' the pro"isions relating to free#om of Internal market of the European Union 29- mo"ement for goo#s, $apital an# persons(J (0rt( 9& T2EU) The ser"i$es are #istinguishe# from free#om of esta'lishment 'ase# on their temporar rather than permanent nature an# from free mo"ement of workers 'ase# on the fa$t that the free#om affe$ts $orporate entities an# in#i"i#uals outsi#e of the relationship of emplo ment( !hapter - of Title IO applies to ser"i$es as long as either the ser"i$e mo"es a$ross the 'or#er, or the pro"i#er mo"es or the ser"i$e itself mo"es (e(g( an internet pur$hase)( The free#om to pro"i#e ser"i$es is #ire$tl effe$ti"e, meaning that mem'er states must ensure that national laws #o not $onfli$t with the pro"isions()*4+ The !ourt has re$ognise# that the o'sta$les to free#om to pro"i#e ser"i$es ma arise 'oth from #is$riminator an# in#istin$tl appli$a'le rules()*9+

Two #ire$ti"es are also of parti$ular rele"an$e / the 8osting of 7orkers 6ire$ti"e, sometimes referre# to as the 8oste# 7orkers 6ire$ti"e,)?+ an# the 6ire$ti"e on ser"i$es in the internal market)&+ Freedom of esta$lishment The prin$iple of the free#om of esta'lishment has a 'asis in 0rti$les 49/99 of the T2EU( To 'etter un#erstan# the free#om of esta'lishment, 0rti$le 49 an# 0rti$le 94 ten# to 'e rea# together()*?+ 0$$or#ing to 0rti$le 49 A(((restri$tions on the free#om of esta'lishment of nationals of a Mem'er State in the territor of another Mem'er State shall 'e prohi'ite#(((( 2ree#om of esta'lishment shall in$lu#e the right to take up an# pursue a$ti"ities as self/emplo e# persons an# to set up an# manage un#ertakings, in parti$ular $ompanies or firms within the meaning of the se$on# paragraph of 0rti$le 94(((A This se$on# paragraph #efines '$ompanies or firms' as A((($ompanies or firms $onstitute# un#er $i"il or $ommer$ial law, in$lu#ing $ooperati"e so$ieties, an# other legal persons go"erne# ' pu'li$ or pri"ate law, sa"e for those whi$h are non/profit/making(A The right of esta'lishment, therefore, is grante# 'oth to natural an# legal persons( (!ase !/&5;99 So#emare at para( 2? )29+)( The prin$iple has 'een 'roa#l interprete# ' the European !ourt of :usti$e( ,owe"er, its restri$tions ha"e 'een narrowl an# literall interprete#( 2or e3ample, in the $ase of He ners, the European !ourt of :usti$e hel# that A(((the e3$eptions allowe# ' the first paragraph ((( $annot 'e gi"en a s$ope whi$h woul# e3$ee# the o'1e$ti"e for whi$h this e3emption $lause was inserte#(A (!ase 2;&4 He ners "( =elgium at para( 4- )-5+)( The teeth of this prin$iple is that natural persons, who are nationals of a Mem'er State, an# !ommunit $ompanies ma take up e$onomi$ a$ti"it in an Mem'er State in a sta'le an# $ontinuous wa )*&+ an# $annot 'e #is$riminate# against 'ase# on nationalit )*4+ or the mo#e of in$orporation()*9+ "-ee also. Directive 2//0/3 /EC on the ri*ht to move and reside %reely&

Freedom of movement of people

The free mo"ement of people means EU $itiDens $an mo"e freel 'etween mem'er states to li"e, work, stu# or retire in another $ountr ( This re<uire# the lowering of a#ministrati"e formalities an# more re$ognition of professional <ualifi$ations of other states()25+ 2ostering the free mo"ement of people has 'een a ma1or goal of

European integration sin$e the *995s()2*+ =roa#l

#efine#, this free#om ena'les

$itiDens of one Mem'er State to tra"el to another, to resi#e an# to work there (permanentl or temporaril )( The i#ea 'ehin# EU legislation in this fiel# is that $itiDens from other mem'er states shoul# 'e treate# e<uall with #omesti$ ones % the shoul# not 'e #is$riminate# against( The main pro"ision of the free#om of mo"ement of persons is 0rti$le 49 of the T2EU that prohi'its restri$tions on the 'asis of nationalit ( Internal market of the European Union 294 Free movement of %orkers 7orkers ha"e the right to mo"e to a #ifferent Mem'er State, to look for work an# 'e emplo e# un#er the same $on#itions as nationals of that State (su'1e$t to a num'er of reser"e# areas greatl "ar ing a$$or#ing to $ountr F this means in man instan$es nationals of $ountr 0 e3er$ising a profession in $ountr = the e<ui"alent of whi$h a national of $ountr = woul# not 'e authorise# to e3er$ise in $ountr 0), num'er an# 'enefit from the same so$ial an# ta3 a#"antages( This right has 'een e3ten#e# ' the !ourt of :usti$e to famil mem'ers that a$$ompan the worker, although the #eri"e their rights from the main hol#er( 2amil mem'ers from non/EU states also ha"e these rights( To $laim these rights, famil famil permit( Free movement for the non&economically active 2ollowing the Maastri$ht Treat , the rights of e$onomi$all a$ti"e persons to free mo"ement within the EU ha"e 'een $omplemente# ' limite# rights for non e$onomi$all a$ti"e $itiDens to mo"e freel within the EU, un#er 0rti$le 25 (*) of the T2EU an# 6ire$ti"e 2554;-4;E! on the right to mo"e an# resi#e freel within the EU( The 'chengen (rea Through the S$hengen 0rea all EU mem'er state e3$lu#ing =ulgaria, ! prus, Irelan#, Homania an# the Unite# Ling#om, an# three non/mem'ersPI$elan#, .orwa , an# SwitDerlan#Pha"e a'olishe# ph si$al 'arriers a$ross the single market ' eliminating 'or#er $ontrols()22+ mem'ers must $omplete spe$ifi$ paperwork( In the Unite# Ling#om, for e3ample, the rele"ant #o$ument is the EE0

)otes )*+ AThe Single MarketA (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; internalQmarket; in#e3Qen( htm)( Europa we' portal( ( Hetrie"e# 2& :une 255&( )2+ European !ommission( A0 Single Market for goo#sA (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; internalQmarket; topQla er; in#e3Q*4Qen( htm)( Europa we' portal( ( Hetrie"e# 2& :une 255&( )-+ !ompleting the Single Market (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; internalQmarket; topQla er; in#e3Q-Qen( htm), European !ommission )4+ .ews(''$($o(uk (httpF; ; news( ''$( $o( uk; 2; hi; europe; &94294*( stm) )9+ Europarl(europa(eu (httpF; ; www( europarl( europa( eu; fa$tsheets; -Q*Q5Qen( htm) )?+ 6ire$ti"e 9?;&*;E! )&+ 6ire$ti"e 255?;*2-;E! )4+ E!(europa(eu (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; 1usti$eQhome; fs1; freetra"el; s$hengen; fs1Qfreetra"elQs$hengenQen( htm) )9+ European !ommission( A0 Single Market for !apitalA (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; internalQmarket; topQla er; in#e3Q42Qen( htm)( Europa we' portal( ( Hetrie"e# 2& :une 255&( )*5+ AHegulation (E!) .o 29?5;255* of the European 8arliament an# of the !oun$il of *9 6e$em'er 255* on $ross/'or#er pa ments in ))euro (httpF; ; eur/le3( europa( eu; @e3UriSer"; @e3UriSer"( #oK uriR!E@ESF-255*H29?5FE.F,TM@)+A+( EUH/le3 / European !ommunities, 8u'li$ations offi$e, Bffi$ial :ournal @ -44 , 24;*2;255* 8( 55*- / 55*?( ( Hetrie"e# 2? 6e$em'er 2554( )**+ A!ross 'or#er pa ments in the EU, Euro Information, The Bffi$ial Treasur Euro Hesour$eA (httpF; ; www( euro( go"( uk; $ross'or#er( asp)( Unite# Ling#om Treasur ( ( Hetrie"e# 2? 6e$em'er 2554( )*2+ European !entral =ank( AT0HEETA (httpF; ; we'( ar$hi"e( org; we'; 255&*52-5&5-22; httpF; ; www( e$'( int; pa m; target; html; in#e3( en( html)( 0r$hi"e# from the original (httpF; ; www( e$'( int; pa m; target; html; in#e3( en( html) on 2- B$to'er 255&( ( Hetrie"e# 29 B$to'er 255&( )*-+ European !ommission( A0 Single Market for Ser"i$esA (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; internalQmarket; topQla er; in#e3Q*9Qen( htm)( Europa( (

Hetrie"e# 2& :une 255&( )*4+ See !/22;&4 1an )ins2er*en( )*9+ See !/&?;95 -3*ers( )*?+ Steiner T 7oo#s, Te3t'ook on E! @aw, &th e#(, (=la$kstone 8ress, 2555), pp(--?/--& )*&+ !ase 99;94 Ee'har# )*999+ E!H I/4*?9 para( 29, eur/le3(europa(eu (httpF; ; eur/ le3( europa( eu; @e3UriSer"; @e3UriSer"( #oKuriR!E@ESF?*994:5599FE.F,TM@) an# 2;&4 He ners "( =elgium )*9&4+ E!H ?-* para( 2* eur/le3(europa(eu (httpF; ; eur/le3( europa( eu; @e3UriSer"; @e3UriSer"( #oKuriR!E@ESF?*9&4:5552FE.F,TM@) )*4+ 0rti$le 49 T2EU )*9+ 0rti$le 49 T2EU in $onne$tion with 0rti$le 94 T2EU )25+ European !ommission( A@i"ing an# working in the Single MarketA (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; internalQmarket; topQla er; in#e3Q*9Qen( htm)( Europa we' portal( ( Hetrie"e# 2& :une 255&( Internal market of the European Union 299 )2*+ Maas, 7illem (255&)( Creatin* European Citi4ens( @anhamF Howman T @ittlefiel#( IS=. 9&4/5/&429/9449/?( )22+ Europa(eu (httpF; ; europa( eu; a'$; *2lessons; lessonQ?; in#e3Qen( htm) *eferences =ooks G =arnar#, !atherine (25*5)( #he -u2stantive 5a6 o% the E7. #he Four Freedoms (-r# e#()( B3for#, .ew UorkF B3for# Uni"ersit 8ress( IS=. 9&4/5*99294-9?( G !halmers, 6(, et al( (25*5)( European 7nion 5a6. #e$t and Materials (2n# e#()( .ew UorkF !am'ri#ge Uni"ersit 8ress( IS=. 9&4/5/92*/*2*9*/4( G Oaughan, 6a"i#, Ho'ertson, 0i#an (e#s) (255- (looseleaf sin$e))( 5a6 o% the European 7nion( B3for#, .ew UorkF B3for# Uni"ersit 8ress( IS=. 9&4/*/95495*/**/4( 0rti$les G Easson (*945)( AThe Spirits, 7ine an# =eer :u#gmentsF 0 @egal Mi$ke 2innKA( European 5a6 8evie6 +F -*4( G Easson (*944)( A!heaper wine or 6earer =eerKA( European 5a6 8evie6 ,F 9&(

G ,e#emann/Ho'inson (*999)( AIn#ire$t 6is$riminationF 0rti$le 99(*) E! =a$k to 2ront an# Insi#e ButA( European 9u2lic 5a6 -F 4-9( G 6anusso an# 6enton (*995)( A6oes the European !ourt of :usti$e @ook for a 8rote$tionist Moti"e un#er 0rti$le 99KA( 5e*al Issues in European Inte*ration -F ?&( G Eormle , @auren$e 7 (2554)( ASil"er Threa#s among the Eol#F 95 ears of the free mo"ement of goo#sA( Fordham International 5a6 :ournal .-F ?5*( External links G European UnionF internal market (httpF; ; e$( europa( eu; internalQmarket; in#e3Qen( htm)

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