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What is it? Why is it important?


Grammar makes all the difference. Grammar is the study of the form of words and their arrangement in speech or writing. The basic reason for knowing grammar is to communicate better. As a student and as a future professional, it is important to prepare yourself for all written communication. Learning the differences between formal and informal writing can determine how well your point is received.

Least formal

Most formal

Personal letters Texting


Broadcast news


Lets take a brief look at some essential concepts of grammar... Key Principles of Grammar 1. Make sure your words agree and go together. 2. Make sure your words are in the right order. 3. Use the right form of the word. 4. Use the right word. 5. Punctuate according to sentence grammar.

1. Make sure your words agree and go together.

- gender, number, or person One of the puppies are spotted. One of the puppies is spotted.

2. Make sure your words are in the right order.

-use modifiers correctly (place close to what they modify) Sitting at a table, he ate pizza. He ate pizza while sitting at a table. -keep the to next to the verb in an infinitive. To boldly go where no one else has gone before. To go boldly where no one else has gone before.

3. Use the right form of the word.

-use the right noun form The girls hair is blonde. The girls hair is blonde. -use the right pronoun form Him went to the mall. He went to the mall.

4. Use the right word.

-use the right verb form The cat run away from the dog. The cat ran away from the dog. -use the right adjective or adverb form. I saw a elephant at the zoo. I saw an elephant at the zoo. - know the meaning of the words that are often confused there/their/theyre: Suzy went there to buy clothes. Suzy and Lucy bought their clothes at the same store. Theyre thinking about buying some flowers for Suzy. Whos shoes are these? Whose shoes are these?

5. Punctuate according to sentence grammar.

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