Social Class and Inequality

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(The Architecture of Social Stratisfaction)

DEFENITION OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION Social stratification is a concept involving the "classification of people into groups based on shared socio-economic conditions ... a relational set of inequalities with economic, social, political and ideological dimensions." When differences lead to greater status, power or privilege for some groups over the other it is called Social Stratification. It is a system by which society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. Social stratification is based on four basic principles: Social stratification is a trait of society, not simply a reflection of individual differences; Social stratification carries over from generation to generation; Social stratification is universal but variable; Social stratification involves not just inequality but beliefs as well. SYSTEMS OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION 1. SLAVERY- form of social stratification in which some people own other people. Slavery was least common among monadic peoples, especially hunters and gatherers. 2. CASTE SYSTEM- status is determined by birth, hence, hereditary by nature, and is lifelong and tends to be fixed and immobile INDIAS CASTE SYSTEM BRAHMINS (Priest)

KSHATRIYAS (warriors) VAISYAS (merchants, herders, farmers, craftspeople) SUDRAS (common laborers) HARTIJANS (outcastes)

3. CLASS SYSTEM- social ranking based primarily on economic position in which achieved characteristics can influence mobility *Social Mobility- is the movement up or down the social class ladder SOCIAL CLASS SYSTEM UPPER CLASS (noble families) UPPER-MIDDLE CLASS (well-educated professionals) LOWER-MIDDLE CLAS (semi-professionals) WORKING CLASS (lower tier jobs) LOWER CLASS (do not participate in the labor force)

4. ESTATE SYSTEM -or feudalism, required peasants to work on land leased to them by nobles in exchange for military protection and other services CLERGY (to pray for all-Priest) NOBILTY (ordained to defend all-warriors) COMMON (to provide food for all-labborers) 5. GENDER & SOCIAL STRATIFICATION- every society is stratified according to gender, although the type may vary from society to society within the same society

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