Pta Board MTG 10-8-13

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PTA Board Meeting October 8, 2013 6 pm Raymore Elementary Library

The regular board meeting was called to order by President Charlotte Long at 6:00 pm in the school library. A quorum was present. The secretary was present.
Minutes from September 10, 2013 amended as corrected. Treasurer Report: Balance: $28, 143.17 ($126.00 - Discrepancy in the Garden budget and will adjust later). Old Business: Paradise Park: Had half the attendance. A. LaSala was the winning class. Movie Night: Had a good turn out Trash Bag Pick-up: Have emailed those who have not picked theirs up. Read-a-thon: Made over $6000, and had over 80 students names for the kindle raffle on the 18th and will not need to be present to win. We may need volunteers when we know the date. Mother/Daughter Night: February 11- Hope to have a Safety or self-defense class and Claudine will check into Park & Rec for February. Holiday Shop: Charlotte will check into having it the same day as the dance on December 13. 5K- will be in conjunction with the bullying assembly. Bylaws passed until March 2015 New Business: Newsletter: Decided to keep it since it goes to all the parents. Charlotte will resend the deadline calendar. Bingo: October 18. $909 in scholastic bucks than can be used and have to check on books for prizes. Sign-up genius is set up for volunteers. Book Fair: Michelle will get the tool box. Discussed the $7052 goal if it we should take cash to purchase technology. Michelle J. will find out the details about cash versus scholastic dollars- discussion was tabled until Michelle can find out more information. Teacher Appreciation: Oct. 23rd Wed. evening. Sandwich tray will be purchased (4:30-6)-art room (set up cleanup sign-up genius). Have done things for the monthly birthdays & monthly special staff of the month. Website to sign up is: Grants: Nov. 15- deadline. We still have no entries so if we cant get any, the board will be able to write grants to spend the money. Reflections: Monday-Dec. 2nd deadline. For kids to turn inwinners posted on 20thLiterature & visual arts $300 budget Theme: believe, dream, inspire CAN: spread the word for volunteer opportunities. Leadership Roles: (Used to be ambassador program)-4th graders can apply for roles (there is a list: morning announcements, watch dog photographers, hallway duties, greeter, new student, and buddy to kindergartener, fill out application and interviewed.) Committee Reports: Membership: Final version of the directory will go out by this Thursday. Watch DOGS: 7 DOGS needed for the 5K Spirit Wear: orders 28th of October get back 22nd of November, get stuff by Dec. 6. There will be a table at the book fair and Nov. 22 during the luncheon and on Oct. 18 during Bingo night. Principal Report: Curriculum PowerPoint presentations have gone out there is also one available for TCLAMP. The Oct. newsletter is coming out. Next week is the end of the quarter and Teacher conferences will be on Oct. 24th & 25th by appointment. Report cards are coming out around Thursday after the conferences. Parties are coming, so thank you to all who are organizing and making sure they are safe and healthy for those with allergies. Carpets are supposed to be delivered today; teachers are excited, so thank you. Technology project learning: allowing Teachers to be amongst the class instead of limiting them to their desk and allowing the students to share from their desk. Missouri make- a- wish foundation awarded the Raymore Elementary community for raising the most in Missouri, thanks to all.

PTA Board Meeting October 8, 2013 6 pm Raymore Elementary Library

Adjourned: 8:09

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