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Double Entry Journal #1 8/26/13 The key points of the peice "One ore !

esson" "as that Ju#ith$s fa%ily is &uerto 'ican ho"e(er abstainin) fro% their stereotype* +er father is strict about ho" his fa%ily represents the%sel(es* +e %o(es his fa%ily to a nicer area so that they ha(e a )oo# reputation* Ju#ith )oes to school in a local area an# is unsure about the lan)ua)e they speak there* , substitute "rites a %essa)e on the boar# that Ju#ith can$t rea# because she #oes not speak that lan)ua)e* -hen she asks her class%ate "hat she nee#s to #o to be e.cuse# fro% the class/ her class%ate betrays her an# tells her to "rite her na%e on the boar# an# lea(e/ "hich ulti%ately )ot her in trouble* The substitute hits her "ith a har#0co(ere# book/ an# Ju#ith hol#s a )ru#)e a)ainst the "o%an* 1 think that this story #escribes %ostly ho" #ifferent cultures are fro% eachother an# also ho" lan)ua)e is a #istinct barrier* 2irst off/ the father see%s to fear bein) 3u#)e# so he co%pletely chan)es the "ay his fa%ily presents the%sel(es* The chan)e thro"s the% into a black abyss an# they ha(e beco%e (ery 4uiet an# unco%fortable* The father an)ers %e because if he "eren$t so cau)ht up in his reputation an# thou)ht better for his fa%ily/ both he an# his fa%ily "oul# be %uch happier people* ,lso/ the teacher "as e.tre%e in her actions "hen she hit Ju#ith for usin) the restroo%* 5he "as i)norant to think that Ju#ith coul# un#erstan# the lan)ua)e she spoke/ especially "hen the classroo% "as full of a %i.ture of cultures* The teacher "as e%barrasse# about the situation/ as she shoul# be* 5he #i# not pro(i#e a )oo# e.a%ple for the youn) stu#ents/ an# cause# Ju#ith$s innocence to fa#e*

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