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Second Grade Combined Document Web Resources for 2nd Grade Science

Standard 2-1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific inquiry, including the rocesses, s!ills, and mathematical thin!ing necessary to conduct a sim le scientific in"estigation# Indicator 2-1.1 Carry out sim le scientific in"estigations to answer questions about familiar ob$ects and e"ents# Type Web Resource Teacher Science %& eriment Ideas 'ore Science %& eriment Ideas Student (hases of matter %& eriment )eat Game *ideo I"ory Soa %& eriment Song 2-1.2 +se tools ,including thermometers, rain gauges, balances, and measuring cu s- safely, accurately, and a ro riately when gathering s ecific data in +S customary ,%nglish- and metric units of measurement# Type Web Resource Teacher Science .its )ow to ma!e a thermometer Student +sing Thermometers Identifying Tools *ideo *itamin C Test %& eriment Song 2-1.3 Re resent and communicate sim le data and e& lanations through drawings, tables, ictogra hs, bar gra hs, and oral and written language# Type Web Resource Teacher Gra hic /rgani0ers Student 'a!e gra hs online *ideo Song Scientific 'ethod song 2-1.4 Infer e& lanations regarding scientific obser"ations and e& eriences# Type Web Resource Teacher Teaching Inferences 'ystery 1oot rints Student Inference Riddles *ideo Song Inferences Song 2-1.5 +se a ro riate safety rocedures when conducting in"estigations#

Scientific Inquiry

Type Teacher Student *ideo Song

Web Resource Safety Resources 2ab Safety 3cti"ities 4illy 5ye Safety 2ab Safety Song63lso a *ideo

Standard 2728 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the needs and characteristics of animals as they interact in their own distinct en"ironments# ,2ife Science272#9 Recall the basic needs of animals ,including air, water, food, and shelter- for energy, growth, and rotection# Ty e Teacher Web Resource htt 8::www#brighthubeducation#com:lesson7 lans7grades7972:9;29<;7 the7basic7needs7of7animals7first7grade7lesson: 4asic needs acti"ity Student htt 8::www#time=learning#com:>swf:demos:childu:92science>basic>ne eds#html )ow animals meet their needs game *ideo htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch?"@(eA!Sl*e%I' 3nimals needs *ideo Song htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch?"@$2fR'hB(Cn< 4asic needs of an 3nimal Song

272#2 Classify animals ,including mammals, birds, am hibians, re tiles, fish, and insects- according to their hysical characteristics# Ty e Teache r Web Resource htt 8::www#lesson lanet#com:search?!eywords@classifyingDanimals Classifying animals


htt 8::interacti"esites#weebly#com:animal7classification#html htt 8::www#!idcyber#com#au:to ics:animalclassif#htm htt 8::www#she ardsoftware#com:content:animals:!idscorner:classificatio n:!c>class>again#htm Classification Game


htt 8::www#brain o $r#com:science:animals:classifyinganimals: Classifying animals


htt 8::www#totallyErdgrade#com:animals>belong>in>class#html 3nimals Song

272#E %& lain how distinct en"ironments throughout the world su different ty es of animals# Ty e Teacher Web Resource

ort the life of

htt 8::animals#about#com:od:0oologybasics:a:animalsen"ironment#htm htt 8::en"ironment#nationalgeogra hic#com:en"ironment:habitats: %cosystems


htt 8::!ids#nationalgeogra hic#com:!ids:animals:creaturefeature: htt 8::www#scholastic#com:magicschoolbus:games:habitat: )abitat Game


htt 8::"ideo#nationalgeogra hic#com:"ideo:en"ironment:habitats7 en"ironment:habitats7oceans7en" htt 8::www#bing#com:"ideos:search? q@animalDhabitatsDforD!idsDsongF1/R'@*IR%9G"iew@detailFmid@H9 C;2A<A3H11DD9C2A%4H9C;2A<A3H11DD9C2A%4 3nimal )abitats Where animals li"e


htt 8::www#bing#com:"ideos:search? q@animalDhabitatsDforD!idsDsongF1/R'@*IR%9G"iew@detailFmid@<H


272#= Summari0e the interde endence between animals and lants as sources of food and shelter# Type: Teacher Web Resources: htt 8::www#conser"ancy#co#u!:learn:wildlife:foodchains#htm htt 8::www#brain o $r#com:science:animals:foodchain:grownu s#weml htt 8::www#rainforest7alliance#org:curriculum:second:lesson2 ,lesson lanStudent htt 8::www#she ardsoftware#com:content:animals:!idscorner:games:fo odchaingame#htm htt 8::nature#ca:disco"er:e&m:bldngsfhm:inde&>e#cfm ,shelterhtt 8::animals# awnation#com: olar7bears7see!7shelter72CHC#html 4oth Student and teacher htt 8::www#quia#com:rr:CE2E=#html ,re"iew game-

272#= Type Teacher Student Song Web Resource Interde endence Resource 1ile 1ood Web Game 1ood Chain Song

272#C Illustrate the "arious life cycles of animals ,including birth and the stages of de"elo ment-# Type: Teacher Web Resources: htt 8::www#!id0one#ws:animals:lifecycle#htm ,wor!sheet-

htt 8::teacher#scholastic#com:lessonre ro:!>2theme:animals#htm ,wor!sheetStudent htt 8::teams#lacoe#edu:documentation:classrooms:$udi:life:acti"ities:cy cles:life>cycles#html htt 8::www#!iddyhouse#com:Themes:frogs:lifecycle#html *ideo 4oth Student and Teacher htt 8::www#msichicago#org:online7science:"ideos:"ideo7 detail:acti"ities:the7hatchery: htt 8::www2#bgfl#org:bgfl2:custom:resources>ft :client>ft :!s2:science: lants> t2:inde&#htmG ,re"iew- ,(lants-


Type Teacher Student *ideo Song

Web Resource 2ife Cycle +nit 2ife Cycle Game 2ife Cycle *ideo 4utterfly 2ife Cycle Song

Standard 2-3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of daily and seasonal weather conditions. (Earth Science)
2-3.1 Explain the effects of moving air as it interacts with objects.

Type Teacher

e! "esource http !!www.weatherwi"!index.htm http !!!$roduct!%n&'our&(ar#&)et&*et&+,%-& ./010/ (-or#sheet for experiment)


http !!www.weatherwi"!index.htm http !!www.goldridge/!flash!airmasses.swf


http !!!search45tt6weather http !!!search45tt6wind http !!!watch4v61+*%1a)7d89

*ong 2-3.1

http !!!watch4v6g9%:";R1<*c

2-3.2 Recall weather terminology (including temperature, wind direction, wind speed, and precipitation as rain, snow, sleet, and hail).


e! "esource

Teacher https !!!file!d!/+& Type Web Resource orThff;"b9(.("5.="<m?t5-@15y//%T5i,T#w(jgt%)=.5m3h5"3l5jc1!edit4 hl6enApli60

Teacher Seasonal Cycle 2esson (lan GeraldJs Weather Wheel Sesame Street Seasons Seasons Ra Song Student *ideo


http !!www.weatherwi"!weather&words.htm

http !!!activities!weather!frame;loader.htm

3ideo *ong

)urricanes and Twisters Song http !!!search45tt6weather

http !!!view3ideo.php4video;id601.2B2

Type Teacher Student *ideo Song

Web Resource (reci itation +nit Ideas Weather Game (reci itation *ideo (reci itation Song

2-3.3 =llustrate the weather conditions of different seasons.


.&>.9 8arry out procedures to measure and record daily weather conditions (including temperature, precipitation amounts, wind speed as measured on the +eaufort scale, and wind direction as measured with a windsoc# or wind vane). Ty e Web Resource

Teacher Student

htt 8::www#weatherwi0!ids#com:, htt 8::www#2learn#ca:r2l:default#as &, htt 8::www#weatherwi0!ids#com:, htt 8::www#wildwildweather#com:inde&#html, htt 8::interacti"esites#weebly#com:seasons77weather#html, htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch?"@GuboEb/"uW<,
htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch?"@!4fa35>tWW=

*ideo Song .&>.9

Type Teacher Student *ideo Song

Web Resource Tem erature 2esson (lan 'easuring Tem erature The 'agic School 4us .ic!s + 3 Storm Weather Instruments Song Tem erature Song

.&>.1 ?se pictorial weather symbols to record observable s#y conditions. Ty e Web Resource

Teacher Student

htt 8::www#enchantedlearning#com:themes:weather#shtml, htt 8::interacti"esites#weebly#com:seasons77weather#html, htt 8::www# hotolib#noaa#go":nssl:clouds9#html, htt 8::www#edu lace#com:!ids:hmsc:acti"ities:simulations:gr!:uni td#html, htt 8::www# rimaryresources#co#u!:online:teddydress#swf,
htt 8::www#weatherwi0!ids#com:weather7forecasting#htm htt 8::www#teachertube#com:"iew*ideo# h ?"ideo>id@9EH<AH, htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch? "@H'n&n/)CCicFlist@(29D42HEC1A43ICC2D htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch?"@7d&bC=7nl%c



Type Teacher Student *ideo Web Resource (ictorial Weather Symbols Wor!sheets Re ort the weather Get the 'essage8 3 Weather Re ort Gro"er Weather Symbols

.&>.C =dentify safety precautions that one should ta#e during severe weather conditions. Ty e Web Resource

Teacher Student *ideo Song

htt 8::www#ready#go":!ids:educators, htt 8::www#ready#go":!ids:games, htt 8::www# hotolib#noaa#go":nssl:tornado9#html,

htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch?"@5>bqKDT4f1%, htt 8::www#youtube#com:watch?"@LblWec(q&;M,

Type Teacher Student *ideo Web Resource Se"ere Weather 2esson (lan Weather Safety 3cti"ity (ages Weather Smart8 Tornadoes Weather Safety Song 1loods Song

Properties Changes and Matter

2-4.1 Recall the properties of solids and liquids.

Teacher "tudent $ideo "ong

Web Resource
http://www.superteacherwor!/!!l http://www.che!4!/files/!!l http://www.neo!/php/watch.php%&'()*+,f-,.c1a*14/-e.0.-*11t'"tatesof-Matter http://www.2outu/!/watch%&'Ci23Ph4M5-6

Type Teach er Stude nt Web Resource htt 8::www#mrcollinson#ca:2N2;science:solidsN2;F N2;liquids:2>science>solid>liquid>com lete#htm htt 8::www# rimaryresources#co#u!:online:solids=#swf Solid or 2iquid 1li Chart Solids and 2iquids 2iquids Solids (ro erties of 'atter Song

*ideo Song

2-4.2 78e!plif2 !atter that changes fro! a solid to a liquid and fro! a liquid to a solid.

Teacher "tudent $ideo

Web Resource /science/contents#!!!esacti&ities/!l http://www./!/science/!atter/solidsliquidsandgases/pre&iew.we!l



Type Teacher Student *ideo Song Web Resource htt 8::www#su erteacherideas#com:scienceH7matter#html htt 8::www#bbc#co#u!:schools:sciencecli s:ages:<>A:solid>liquids#sht ml 'elting and 1ree0ing Water Is 2i!e 'agic

2-4.0 78plain how !atter can /e changed in wa2s such as heating or cooling; cutting or tearing; /ending or stretching.


Web Resource

Teacher http://www./!/science/!atter/changingstatesof!atter/grownups.we!l "tudent http://interacti&esites.wee/!/!atter-che!!l $ideo



Type Teacher Student *ideo Song

Web Resource htt 8::www#brain o $r#com:science:matter:changingstatesofmatter:gr ownu s#weml htt 8::archi"e#fossweb#com:modules.7 2:Solidsand2iquids:acti"ities:changeit#html Change in 'atter

2-4.4 Recogni(e that different !aterials can /e !i8ed together and then separated again.


Web Resource
http://www.che!4!/files/!!l http://www.che!4!/files/!!l

"tudent $ideo

http://stud29a!!/stud29a!s/9a!s/science/!atter/!! http://www./!/science/!atter/co!poundsand!i8tures/pre&iew.we!l

2-4.4 Type Teacher Student *ideo Song Com ounds and 'i&tures Web Resource 'essy 'atter

Standard 2-58 The student will demonstrate an understanding of force and motion by a lying the ro erties of magnetism# ,(hysical Science27C#9 +se magnets to ma!e an ob$ect mo"e without being touched# Type Teache r Web Resources 'agnet 'otion 4rain o Or ,Can use for each indicatorStudent 'agnet (ower Game 'agnet Games *ideo 1un 'agnet Tric!s 4ill 5ye full magnet e isode (oems 'agnet (oems

27C#9 Type Teacher Web Resource 'agnet (D1 'agnets Teacher (lanning Guide 3ll 3bout 'agnets e& eriment 'agnet (oems Student *ideo Song htt 8::www#bbc#co#u!:schools:sciencecli s:ages:H><:magnets>s ring s#shtml Does a 'agnet ha"e to Touch Something to 3ttract It?

27C#2 %& lain how the oles of magnets affect each other ,that is, they attract and re el one another-#
Type Web Resources

Teache r

6'agnet lessons and games 'agnet lesson lan

Student *ideo

'agnet Games 'agnet *ideo

Type Teacher Web Resource 'ar"eling 'agnets +nit (lans Get 3way Student *ideo Song Similar 'agnetic (oles Re el, Different 'agnetic (oles 3ttract 'agnets S rings Song

27C#E Com are the effect of magnets on "arious materials#

Type Teache r Web Resources %& loring 'agnets 2esson lan Student *ideo 'agnet Games 'agnet %& eriment *ideo


Type Teacher

Web Resource 3re Bou 'agnetic? ,(art 93re Bou 'agnetic? ,(art 2-

Student *ideo Song

'agnetism WhatPs The 3ttraction? 1li Chart +sing 'agnets on Different 'aterials 'agnet Song

27C#= Identify e"eryday uses of magnets#

Type Teache r Web Resources Science With 'e 2esson (lans ,1or e"ery indicatorStudent *ideo Song 'agnet Games 4ill 5ye *ideo 'agnet Song

Type Teacher Web Resource What Do We .now 3bout 'agnets C +ses of 'agnets for .ids Student *ideo +ses of 'agnets I DidnPt .now That Song

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