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Name: __________________

Career Research Guide Worksheet

Make sure you have completed the career exploration and have a good idea of the career that interests you!

Use point form or sentences. Make sure it is in our OWN words! Do not copy from the Internet.
Your job title (be specific): Civil E !i eer "ob overvie#$What the% do (&rovide a para!raph descriptio of the job' What #ould a t%pical da% o the job look like(): Civil E !i eers pla ) desi! ) a d co struct differe t structures' *tructures like buildi !s) brid!es) se#ers) hi!h#a%s) dams) rail#a%s' +he% make sure buildi !s a d other structures are built safel%'

Worki ! co ditio s (,ours %ou ca e-pect to #ork( Risk of i juries( +ime of da%$time of %ear( . doors$outdoors( Clothi ! re/uired( Etc0): Civil E !i eers spe d lots of time i a office buildi !) doi ! math) #orki ! o a computer) readi ! bluepri ts) a d doi ! other thi !s similar to that' 1lso) the% spe d time at the co structio site supervisi !' Civil E !i eers #ork 2345 hours a da%) 65375 hours a #eek' *ometimes must #ork #eeke ds a d i!hts' Whe at the co structio site the job re/uires safet% !ear like hard hats a d steel3toed boots'

*alar% (#hat #a!e ca %ou e-pect to ear (): 1vera!e i come i Ca ada for civil e !i eers is arou d 897)555 3 8:7)555' ;epe di ! o their e-perie ce the% ca ear from 875)555 to 84:5)555 a %ear' *alar% depe ds o the level of educatio %ou have'

<uture outlook (#ill this job be i dema d i the future( Wh%$#h% ot(): Yes there #ill be a dema d for Civil E !i eers i the future' Civil E !i eers desi! a d help build thi !s people eed'

Post-Secondary Institute !rainin" Pro"ram #$ U%& &i'i( )n"ineerin". *ocation and name of pro"ram+ (Where the school is located' What is the ame of the pro!ram( 1lso tell us #h% this school appeals to %ou) !he schoo( is (ocated in ,ancou'er. Name of pro"ram is U%& &i'i( )n"ineerin". !he schoo( appea(s to me -ecause it is in %.&. and I ha'e fami(y that (i'es there. &ost+ (first %ear 1N; total cost of pro!ram) i cludi ! tuitio ) books) a d supplies) .f pla .f pla i ! o atte di ! a major u iversit%: ###'%ou'ubc'ca to calculate a appro-imate cost i ! o atte di ! a colle!e: ###'oka a!a 'bc'ca$tuitio to calculate a appro-imate cost

Pre-re.uisites of pro"ram+ (courses %ou eed to be taki ! i hi!h school i order to !et i ) re/uired G&1)

E !lish 1l!ebra = Geometr% Calculus Chemistr% &h%sics *ocial *tudies Geo!raph% $ World .ssues Computers ;rafti ! = ;esi! What are > related occupatio s %ou could take if this o e did ?t #ork out for %ou (#hat #ould %ou do if %ou do ?t e d up doi ! this career a d #h%(): 1rchitecture) ;rafter) Civil E !i eeri ! +ech'

1 d most importa tl%0

Wh% are %ou i terested i this career( (,o# lo ! have %ou bee i terested i it( What led %ou to #a ti ! this job( ,o# does it suit$fit %our perso alit%) i terests) characteristics) stre !ths) etc0(): . am i terested i this career because . e jo% drafti ! class a d this job has similar thi !s to drafti !'

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