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2B Nepal Economy: Nepal is classified as a low income country by the World Bank. Its per capita NI of !

"#$ makes it the poorest nation in its re%ion &'outh (sia). 2$$* +, was !-$.2 billion with lar%est percenta%e &#../0) comin% from the ser1ice sector. 2owe1er3 three 4uarters of the population is en%a%ed in a%ricultural acti1ities. ,olitics: ( decade5lon% ci1il war ended in 2$$6 with the dissolution of the monarchy. ( new democratically5elected %o1ernment faces many challen%es includin% the healin% internal di1isions3 o1erhaulin% feudal structures of land tenure3 e7tendin% ser1ices and opportunities to women and the rural poor3 and rebuildin% ci1il society with trustworthy and e4uitable institutions. ,opulation: "-0 of Nepal8s 2..- million people li1e below the national po1erty line. 9ife e7pectancy is 6" years and infant mortality is #6 per -3$$$ li1e births. ./0 of the population has access to clean water. "/0 of children under : suffer from malnutrition. ;ulture: <nly -*0 of Nepalis li1e in urban areas. #/0 of the adult population are literate. 2..0 of households ha1e computers and only -0 en=oy internet access. -.#0 of the population are internet users. --.60 are mobile cellular subscribers. 'econdary enrolment is at #".20 and tertiary enrolment is ..60. 9iteracy is at #/.60. Nepal is a multi5ethnic and multi5lin%ual country. Ethnic and lin%ual Nepalis are nearly half the population with many much smaller %roups makin% up the rest. 9at1ia Economy: 9at1ia is classified as an upper middle income country by the World Bank. Its per capita NI of !/3/"$ places it abo1e the a1era%e for its re%ion and classification. 2$$* +, was !2*.2 billion with the lar%est percenta%e &*#..0) comin% from the ser1ice sector. 9at1ia8s a%%ressi1e %rowth3 weak e7port industry3 and mountin% forei%n debt ha1e contributed to its decline in the current %lobal economic crisis. ,olitics: 9at1ia has emer%ed from its occupied status within the former 'o1iet bloc with a modern popularly elected le%islature that rules as a parliamentary democracy. 9at1ia has many political parties which re4uires coalition5buildin% in order to form a rulin% ma=ority. ;urrent stresses from the world financial crisis and popular unrest ha1e made it difficult to settle on a stable coalition. ,opulation: 60 of 9at1ia8s 2." million people li1e below the national po1erty line. 9ife e7pectancy is *- years and infant mortality is . per -3$$$ li1e births. //0 of the population has access to clean water. No si%nificant child malnutrition is recorded.

;ulture: 6.0 of 9at1ians li1e in urban areas. //0 of the adult population are literate. #/0 of households ha1e computers and :-0 en=oy internet access. ::0 of the population are internet users. /*.#0 are mobile cellular subscribers. 'econdary enrolment is /..60 and tertiary enrolment is *2."0. 9iteracy is at //0. 9at1ia is multi5 ethnic and multi5lin%ual. Ethnic and lin%ual 9at1ians are :/.20 of the population3 >ussians 2.03 and a 1ariety of other mostly Eastern European %roups make up the rest. New ;aledonia Economy: New ;aledonia is classified as a hi%h income territory by the World Bank. Its per capita NI is !""3$*2 placin% it near or at the top of its re%ion. 2$$* +, was !... billion. New ;aledonia8s most important industries are metal minin%3 tourism3 fisheries3 and a4uaculture. It remains a part of the ?rench >epublic from which it recei1es financial benefit amountin% to appro7imately 2:0 of +,. ,olitics: (s a result of ethnic tensions and political 1iolence in the -/.$8s3 ?rance accorded New ;aledonia a %reater de%ree of autonomy and created a roadmap towards e1entual independence. While ?rance continues to administer forei%n affairs and defense3 the @erritorial ;on%ress and %o1ernment ha1e increasin% powers o1er a ran%e of domestic policies and re%ional cooperation. >ecent elections do not make clear that independence from ?rance is a primary concern for many 1oters. ,opulation: No fi%ures are a1ailable for po1erty in New ;aledonia. While there is not the kind of po1erty that makes subsistence li1in% difficult or impossible3 a hi%her le1el of ine4uitable distribution e7ists than found elsewhere. ( si%nificant number of people &mainly indi%enous) outside of Noumea ha1e markedly smaller incomes than wealthy indi1iduals &often Europeans) 9ife e7pectancy is *#./. years and infant mortality is *.$: per -3$$$ li1e births. ;ulture: @he only urban area is around the capital Noumea. @he reater Noumea metropolitan area has -#632#: residents3 or about 6"0 of the territory8s total population of 2"$3*./. /6.20 of the population are literate. @here are -*.- computers per -$$ people. ../0 of the population en=oys internet access and "".:0 are internet users. @here are *2.. mobile cellular subscriptions per -$$ people. ( little o1er ##0 of the population are indi%enous AanaksB Europeans are "#0B and the remainder come from other ,olynesian and Celanesian islands as well as southeast (sian countries.

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