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Joseph Fulciniti Grade: Plan

Behavioral: Learners ill !e a!le to follo the listenin" #ap$ and identif% specific parts&

Date: Title of Lesson: Halleluiah Chorus Partner:


Co"nitive: Learners ill understand the for# of the piece !% follo in" an a!stract notation& ' listenin" #ap( )*periential: Learners ill encounter

Present: -tudents ill listen throu"h one ti#e$ 'tell the# to focus on hat the% hear( .s/ students a!out instru#entation and sin"ers '!o% soprano( Pass out 'turn over0( listenin" #ap& ' discuss /e%( -in"le out specific sections have the# raise their hand hen the% hear it& -plit up the class to stand different sections& o o 1en stand hen the% hear

Critical +!,ective: Learners ho #usic is structured&

ill perceive differentl%

Focusin" 4uestion:

hen the% hear solo #en hen solo o#en

2o#en stand

Final listen throu"h

For#ative: 'infor#al( students can follo #ap -u##ative: listenin"


Perfor#: 1aterials: listenin" #ap$ video http:55 &%outu!e&co#5 atch0 v6usfi.s27489


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