Paper Airplane Lab

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Paper Airplane Lab

Name: ______________________________ Date:___________________ OBJECTIVE: _______________________________________________________________________ _ PROBLEM: How does Bernoullis principle cause lift? HYPOTHESIS: State how your design will help your plane fly using Bernoullis principle. Also draw your design below:

PROCED RE: 1.) Using no ore than ! sheets of white co puter paper and tape" construct a paper airplane fro your design abo#e. !.) $est your hypothesis. %.) &ecord your flights in the data table. DATA: !li"#t$ !li"#t * + !li"#t * , !li"#t * Time %$e&$' Di$tan&e %m' Spee( m)$

. ESTIONS: 1. '(plain how Bernoullis principle causes the upward force called lift. !. As an airplane flies through the s)y fluid rushes o#er the wings causing lift. *hich part of the airplane wing is cur#ed so that the air o#es faster?

%. *hat happened when you hold this paper up and blow air o#er the top of it? '(plain using Bernoullis principle. +. *hat changes could ha#e you ade to a)e your airplane fly longer?


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