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(*2E _____________________________________

Barbie Bungee Data Collection Activity

Supplies needed:
1 Barbie Tape measure and scotch tape 10 Rubber bands Graphing calculator (supplied by teacher) encil and paper and ruler

Names & Duties of Group Members:

Dropper: Eyeballer: Eyeballer: Recorder: !alculator: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ all members should "or# together

Data !ollection

(umber o) Rubber Bands & ' , . /

$ump %1
Distance Bungeed (in inches)

$ump %&
Distance Bungeed (in inches)

$ump %'
Distance Bungeed (in inches)

*+erage o) ' $umps (in inches)


& Re"rite your 3 and y4+alues belo" )rom the data5 Then plot the points (36 y) on the graph belo"5 oints to plot (36 y)

lot the points on the a3es belo"5 >#etch a line that best )its your data5 To do this6 pic# TWO points that best represent the data and dra" a straight line through these t"o points5

115 * location )or a )inal bungee 7ump "ill be speci)ied by your instructor5 8se your e9uation to determine the number o) rubber bands needed to gi+e Barbie the greatest thrill in this bungee 7ump5 This means she should come as close as possible to the ground :;T<=8T hitting her

' head5 >ho" your calculations belo"5 :e?ll test your calculations during class in a Barbie Bungee !ontest@ Barbie "ill be bungee 7umping ___________________ >peci)ied by the ("atch your units@) instructor@

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