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Present Perfect We use present perfect when an action happened at an unspecified time before now.

subject + + ? ? ? I You She We Have Have What have

auxiliary verb have have has have you they you not not

main verb seen eaten been played finished done sung?

complement Fast and Furious 6. Chinese food. to Paris. football. the homework. it?

I You We They


He She It


Adverbs for since just (acabo de) short time ago Already (ya) when something has happened sooner than expected He has already started the homework. yet (todava) is used only in questions and negative sentences Have you been to Rome yet?

a period of time

a specific point in past time 6.15 pm Monday January Last May 2013

20 minutes Three days 4 years 6 months

I have just lost my umbrella.

I have just burnt myself.

The train has already arrived.

I haven't eaten yet.

Present Perfect Exercises

1. Complete the sentences using the past participle: a. Lindsay______________ in France. (Be) b. ______ you ________ your homework? (Finish) c. They ____________ to a rock concert yet. (Go) d. ______ you _______ Argentina? (Visited) e. Andrew _______________ her umbrella. (Forget) f. The children ____________ the lost dog. (Find) g. We ______________ Chinese food yet. (Eat) h. Susan _____________ five letters. (Write) i. Our team ____________ the match. (Lose)

2. Put the sentences in the right order Yet/ Bob / his grandma/ not visit / On the computer /already/Jimmy / play Their car/ wash / Sue and Walter/ just Repair / just / Andrew / his bike Anne with maths/ Phil / help A computer magazine / Carol / read Be / Tom and Alice / to a restaurant 3. Fill the gaps with for or since: She has been living in New York _________ 1 year We haven't seen you ________a week He has been waiting _________12:30. You've lived here ________5 years. I've lived here_________ 2003

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