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Monarch High School Key Club Zone J Division 23A

5050 Wiles Rd Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (754) 322-1400 ext 31!3

Membership Application

Please read this packet in its entirety. Thank you for your interest in Key Club! Key Club is the oldest and largest service program for high school students. Key Club was founded in 192 in !acramento" California. Key Club is an international student#led organi$ation which provides its members with opportunities to provide service" build character and develop leadership. %embership is open to all students at %&!" and we welcome and encourage everybody" from freshmen to seniors. 'n order to be a fully member" the following re(uirements must be met) 1. Completion of this membership packet in order to register you for Key Club 'nternational. 2. *ues payment of +22 ,-hich has already been paid!. /. 0ttendance of Key Club meetings ,1very other -ednesday" 1st and 2nd. 4. Active participation in community service events *ues payments are re(uired by Key Club 'nternational. 0ll members pay three separate fees" one to the 'nternational organi$ation ,+2. 3." one to the 4lorida *istrict organi$ation ,+5. 3." and one to the club including a club t#shirt ,+11.. The money goes towards administrative costs" publication of materials such as the KeyNoter member maga$ine" leadership training and scholarship funds. %eetings are an important way for members to stay informed on upcoming events. %embers may sign up to volunteer" as well as ask (uestions and interact with fellow members. 4or every event" members who sign up will be contacted by a Club 6fficer with important details and times. Community service is an absolute vital aspect of membership. %&! Key Club has a re(uirement of 133 community service hours per member and 233 community service hours for seniors who are aiming for the chord. 0s part of membership" it is important that all members make their best effort to fre(uently attend Key Club events" which occur a few times month. Key Club makes every effort to present our members with fre(uent service opportunities" and members are e7pected to take advantage of it. 'f you are a member who is volunteering at a place not affiliated with Key Club but does similar things for e7ample" volunteers at a soup kitchen" please notify an officer to see if those hours can go through %&! Key Club as well. (Save this page for your own reference.)

Monarch High School Key Club Zone J Division 23A

5050 Wiles Rd Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (754) 322-1400 ext 31!3

Information Form
Please print CLEARLY.

Name: 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Address: 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 City State !ip code) 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 888888 "ember Cell #hone: ($$$$) 88888888888888888888 %e&t: 9 :

'(mail Address: 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 #arent Cell #hone: ($ $$) $$$888888 8888888 #arent Name: 88888888888888888888 #referred "ethod of Contact: &ome Cell ;hone 1#mail 4acebook

)irthday: 88888888<8888888<88888888 Student Number: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ *ave +aceboo,-: $$$$$$$$$$ ,=oin our 4acebook group) %onarch &igh !chool Key Club!. Shirts Si.e: ! % > ?> /ender: % 4 3 1 2 /rade: / 9 13 11 12

*ow many years have you been in 0ey ClubAre you able to drive-: 9 :

1f no are your parents willing to help with carpooling-: 9 2hat other clubs3 activities do you participate in-

2hat type of events would you li,e to go to-

1nterested in going to the 4istrict 'ducational 5 6eadership Conference (States) on April 74(78 79:; in <rlando- 9 :

Monarch High School Key Club Zone J Division 23A

5050 Wiles Rd Coconut Creek, FL 33073 (754) 322-1400 ext 31!3

Code of Conduct
Key Club members are e7pected to demonstrate behavior consistent with the ideals of Key Club and should abide by provisions of this code during Key Club events. =esponsible and Courteous )ehavior 1. The core values of Key Club 'nternational are leadership" character building" caring and inclusiveness. 2. %embers are e7pected to attend club meetings" held every other -ednesday during the school year either the library" @% 12" or the auditorium. ;lease listen and look out for school announcements" te7ts" and emails. /. There are no more than ; une&cused absences. ;lease let an officer or %s. Karas know why you cannot attend a meeting on that given day. 4. "embers understand that even if they have paid their dues they must attend community service events to be considered an official member of the club. . %embers who sign#up for events and confirm with club officers must show up to the event. 1f members cannot ma,e it to the event they should contact the officer in charge as soon as possible A preferably 24-48 hours before the event. 4ailure of doing so can result into a conse(uence of staying for a longer shift at another event or an e(ual or lesser conse(uence. 2. %embers must respect the authority of club officers" volunteer<event coordinators" Kiwanis<4aculty advisors" or other volunteer officials. B. %embers will refrain from inappropriate" rude" or vulgar behavior while volunteering. Safety 1. %embers are e7pected to be safe and courteous drivers" and will not risk the safety of any passengers. 0ll members will wear seatbelts while in a car. 'nforcement 1. !evere violations of the code will result in notification to Kiwanis and Club 0dvisor and the parents<legal guardians of members involved. 2. Ciolations may result in the removal of membership of those involved. /. 4urther action may be taken if deemed necessary by the 17ecutive Doard or advisor. 5. ;olicies are in effect from when members arrive to an event until they depart. Cut on the line and return to room 12 ::37:3:;( ::37>3:; between classes )y ?oining the "onarch *igh School 0ey Club 1 promise to follow the Code of Conduct in order to ensure the safety of all involved and uphold the integrity of the club. 1 understand the guidelines for membership and the e&pectations for ethical behavior as part of the club. 1 have read this with my parent and they also are aware of the "*S 0ey Club policies. !tudent !ignature) 888888888888888888888888888888888888 ;arent !ignature) 8888888888888888888888888888888888888 *ate) 888888888888 *ate) 888888888888

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