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Memo To: Principal McBride From: Media Center Student Teacher Re: 2013 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation

Rubric Date: October 1, 2013 As a part of the ongoing evaluation of the media center and our continual strive toward excellence, I have completed the 2013 Library Media Program Self-Evaluation Rubric for Kingsley Elementarys media center. You will be happy to know that Kingsleys media center qualies as exemplary in many areas, including the following: integrating standards meeting curriculum needs meeting recreational needs exible scheduling adequate space/size/layout consistent implementation of technology and related resources print and non-print resources are accessible through the building on the schools server the library media specialist consistently participates in county and state wide LMS communication appropriate committees/boards are in place the media center policy is continually updated to meet the needs of the school the media specialist takes necessary steps to stay uent with all technology language and acquire/rene technology skills Additionally, the media center rates as procient in a few areas, all of which are being addressed so that they may be considered exemplary: collaboratively planning with teachers selecting and informing teachers of resources; new and old instruction and promotion of galileo The area of student assessment qualies as basic, because it is primarily done by the classroom teacher. We have formulated the following action plan to improve all areas not currently rated as exemplary:

Category Pulling available resources and informing teachers of them


Actions - add a category in the monthly newsletter to showcase 3 worthwhile media center resources that have low staff circulation - send mass email each time a new resource is inducted into the media center - work with one grade level each week on a rotating basis to pull items that will support the unit of study for that week - conduct lessons on GALILEO monthly with each grade level/class - offer monthly GALILEO workshops in the media center for staff - create and implement a GALILEO game in which teachers must search to nd articles for prizes - attend one grade level meeting of each team to discuss the area(s) in which they would like the media specialist to assess students and their preferred method of assessment (rubric, etc). - create a rubric or other assessment tool to chart progress of students as they work to master the chosen standard for each grade level

Instruction and promotion of GALILEO


Student assessment


Thank you for letting us share our nding with you. We appreciate any feedback, ideas, or preferences you would like to share with us.

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