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Implementation Plan

Goal #1 Candidates draw from their knowledge of education theory and research to undergird the formal and informal education processes that impact P-12 students learning and the environment. rtifact !eflection" During the MAT 723 Action Research in Effective Classroom Environments class there was an artifact created that ties in very well with this goal. elow is the !m"lementation #lan that ! created during this class with the use of the student sign$in sheet. The sign in sheet was at the %ac& of the classroom near the door and allowed for students to give their reason why they were late without interru"ting class time. This "lan shows that ! did the "ro"er research %efore %efore ! installed this 'new( strategy into my classroom. This was definitely something that im"acted the learning environment and was %ac&ed %y research. The students seemed to res"ond well and the results indicate that it did cut down on student tardiness. #$P%& 1st Core Proposition" Teachers are committed to students and their learning. y doing the necessary research %efore ! im"lemented the student sign$in sheet it shows the commitment that ! had as a teacher to cut down on classroom distractions. )hen students were showing u" late after the %ell it was interru"ting class time with the other students when the late student would confront the teacher.

!m"lementation #lan Timothy *. Andrews +niversity of ,aint Mary-s

,ection !. Area of /ocus.

Implementation Plan

The issue of classroom management that ! want to address is student tardiness to class and how it effects instructional time. Currently our high school gives the students three minutes "assing time %etween classes and this does not seem to %e enough time for most student-s. ased

on self evaluation and o%servation this is causing me to lose im"erative time for instruction and it also creates classroom disru"tions for the students that are on time when other students in the classroom that come into class late. ! gave a""ro0imately 2$3 tardies a day among seven class "eriods that ! teach1 each incident creating an additional distraction for the students in my classroom. !nstructional time is lost very 2uic&ly %ecause our "eriods are only forty$three minutes long. Currently my school-s "olicy for tardies state that if a student receives three tardies in one semester the student receives a ,aturday detention. After the student has had a total of three tardies1 any additional tardies will cause another ,aturday detention each time it occurs. The current school "olicy does not seem to %e effective for my "articular classroom which is leading me to loo& at other alternatives. The issue of tardiness will %e addressed %y having a sign$in sheet located at the %ac& of the room along with the e0"licit teaching of e0"ected transitional %ehaviors. The student will sign$in when they are late while addressing if it is e0cused or une0cused. !f it is e0cused they can attach the "ass to the sign$in sheet using "a"ercli"s "rovided 3*ones 4 *ones1 "g 2356. !f the tardy is une0cused they will need to %riefly e0"lain on the sheet why they were late 3this section will "rovide necessary room for the descri"tion6. !f the "ro%lem "ersists and accumulates to a daily7 wee&ly occurrence with a "articular student1 the student-s "arent3s67 guardian3s6 will then %e notified. !f this ste" does not fi0 the "ro%lem the "arent3s67 guardian3s6 will then %e called in for a conference with their son or daughter1 administrator1 and myself to colla%orate and discuss

Implementation Plan

alternative notions to resolve the issue. #ermissions to im"lement the student sign$in sheet will not %e needed. /or resources the only thing that will %e needed is the sign$in sheet. ,ection !!. Methodology. The desired outcome of my intervention "lan is to reduce the num%er of daily tardies that have %een given out in my classroom. Currently ! have %een giving an average of 2.5 tardies a day over the 7 daily class "eriods that ! teach. Each tardy costs me instructional time and over the course of a year this really adds u" and is acting negatively on the student-s who are on time %y losing instructional time from the disru"tion. )ill student tardies decrease with the im"lementation of a student sign$in sheet8 The data that will %e needed to answer this 2uestion is to add u" the num%er of tardies over a three wee& "eriod with the seven classes that ! teach and see if the tardy average increases or decreases. Data will %e gathered %y loo&ing at my wee&ly attendance charts and seeing how many tardies ! handed out. ,ection !!!. !nterventions 9n day one of the interventional "eriod the e0"ectations of transitional %ehaviors %etween classes will %e addressed. The student sign$in sheet intervention will also %e im"lemented with the students along with a discussion of what will %e e0"ected of them when they are late for class in regards to the sign$in sheet. The reason ! am a""roaching this issue is due to the fact that when a student is tardy: 'They not only forgo their own learning o""ortunities1 %ut also may interfere with the learning o""ortunities of their classmates 3Caldarella1 #.1 Christensen1 ;.1 <oung1 =. R.1 4 Densley1 C.6.( 9ne of the first solutions to the issue of tardiness is to create a sign$in sheet located at the %ac& of the room. The student will sign$in when they are late. They will also state whether it is e0cused or une0cused. !f it is e0cused they can attach the "ass to the sign$in sheet using "a"ercli"s "rovided 3*ones 4 *ones1

Implementation Plan

"g 2356. !f the tardy is une0cused they will need to %riefly e0"lain on the sheet why they were late 3this section will "rovide necessary room for the descri"tion6. !f the "ro%lem "ersists and accumulates to a daily7wee&ly occurrence with a "articular student1 the student-s "arent3s67 guardian3s6 will then %e notified. !f this ste" does not fi0 the "ro%lem the "arent3s67 guardian3s6 will then %e called in for a conference with their son or daughter1 the administrator1 and myself to colla%orate and discuss alternative o"tions to resolve the issue. A study in the state of )ashington found a 3>$7>? decrease in tardiness after having e0"licit teaching of e0"ected %ehaviors during the transition %etween classes and framewor& that tied in with "ositive %ehavior su""orts. This school also modeled ways in which they created actual lesson "lans that held student e0"ectations for %ehavior and "unctuality in the hallways 3Tyre6. The success of this e0"licit teaching e0am"le only e0em"lifies my motivation to create and incor"orate it into my classroom. ,ection !@. Artifacts The first artifact that will %e used with my final "resentation are the actual student sign$in sheets. The significance of this artifact is that it shows the reason for the tardies and whether they are e0cused or une0cused. This information will %e im"ortant in tallying each student-s attendance. The second artifact that will %e used is an attendance chart so that ! can tally student attendance that shows the total num%er of student tardies. This will also %e hel"ful in loo&ing at the overall fre2uency of student tardies during this three wee& "eriod. The third artifact that will %e used is a survey that-s related to the student sign$in sheet. This survey will %e given during the last wee& of the three wee& im"lementation "eriod. This will hel" me determine whether the student sign$in sheet is wor&ing or not or how the students feel a%out the sign$in sheet. ,ection @. Timeline

Implementation Plan

During the first day of the three wee& im"lementation "eriod the e0"ectations of the student sign$in sheet will %e thoroughly discussed along with what is e0"ected of all student-s 3e0"licit teaching6 during the transitional "hase %etween classes. There will %e a new student sign$in sheet "laced in the %ac& of the classroom daily and at the conclusion of my last class each day it will %e collected %y me. Constant feed%ac& will %e given to the student-s on a daily %asis along with reminder-s of why it is im"ortant to get to class on time. At the end of each day the student sign$in sheet-s will %e analyAed %y me and &e"t in a folder until the three wee& im"lementation is over.

Resources Caldarella1 #.1 Christensen1 ;.1 <oung1 =. R.1 4 Densley1 C. 32>BB1 Covem%er6. Decreasing Tardiness in Elementary ,chool ,tudents +sing Teacher$)ritten #raise Cotes. SAGE journals, 47326. Retrieved from htt".77isc.sage"u%.com7 content7D7727B>D.e0tract

Implementation Plan

*ones1 @.1 4 *ones1 ;. 32>B>6. /oundations 9f Com"rehensive Classroom Management. Com"rehensive Classroom Management 3Tenth Edition ed.1 ". 2356. +""er ,addle River. #earson. Tyre1 A. 32>BB6. ,choolwide intervention for tardiness gets grade 7$B2 students focused on "unctuality EReview of the newslettter Educational Research Newsletter & WebinarsF Retrieved from htt".77www.ernwe%.com7"u%lic7B2GG"rint.cfm

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