Metamorphic 20 Rock 20 Lesson 201

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Angela Vallecorsa ScienceMetamorphic Rocks Grade 4 May 6, 2013 Big Idea/Essential Question The earth system changes constantly

as air, water, soil, and rock interact, and the earth is a part of a larger sun, earth, moon system. What is the evidence that the earths systems change? Rock is composed of different combinations of minerals. Curriculum Standards 3.4.4. E7 Understand that structures rest on foundations and that some structures are temporary, while others are permanent. S4.A.3.2.3: Use appropriate, simple modeling tools and techniques to describe or illustrate a system (e.g., two cans and string to model a communications system, terrarium to model an ecosystem). Lesson Objectives Students will be able to describe how a metamorphic rock forms. Assessment The teacher will assess the students ability to describe on their observation sheets how a metamorphic rock forms. Materials and Resources For Anticipatory Set 1. Lyric Sheets/KWL Sheet 2. (Song) Part One 3. Note Sheet to match video 4. Part Two 5. Three starbursts per student 6. Observation sheet 7. Paper towel for each student Vocabulary Metamorphic Rock

Anticipatory Set For the anticipatory set, the students will each get a lyric sheet. The teacher will put the Types of Rocks Song Video on the Smart board and the students will watch the song once, following along with their lyric sheets. Then, the students will practice singing the chorus. When the students are practicing the chorus, the teacher will also throw in some hand moves for the students to follow along with. The teacher will then stop the video and ask the children about each rock in the song. There will be some dancing. On the back of the lyric sheet, there is a KWL chart and the students will fill out the first part and second part. Procedures 1. Complete the anticipatory set. 2. Starting Part One: The students will then receive the next note sheet to go with the educational video for learning about metamorphic rocks. 3. The teacher will play the video once through, and the students will just listen. 4. Then, the teacher will play the video once more, pausing the video at certain points, so the students will be able write down their answers about metamorphic rocks. 5. After this, the students will be able to ask any questions they have. 6. Starting Part Two: The teacher will then pass out paper towels, the starbursts, and the observation sheets to the students. 7. The teacher will explain part one and give the students 3-5 minutes to complete this. 8. Then, the teacher will explain part two and give the students about seven minutes to complete this. 9. After all the students are finished, they can eat their metamorphic rock, but they must show the teacher first. Adaptations If necessary, some students do not have to write their observations, only draw them. Closure The teacher will review the main concept of metamorphic rocks with the students, getting student feedback. The students can write one thing in the Learn part of their KWL chart.

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