Foldable Story

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Foldable Story Instructions: Fold 2 pieces of construction paper to make 6 flaps. Each flap is listed below with instruction.

Flaps 1-5 must have an illustration, and flaps 2-5 must have a quote from the story to explain each element of the story. You need 6 Flaps 1. Title of the Story w/ illustration 2. Setting- Describe the setting in your own words, then find a quote from the story that supports what you have said. Must have illustration 3. Conflict- Internal/External; Man vs. Self, Man vs. Man, etc; Explain the conflict then back up your explanation with a quote. Must have illustration 4. Character- Make a character inference The main character is (personality trait) because then back up with a quote. Must have illustration 5. Theme- Create a theme statement for your story. Must be in a complete sentence, must reveal a statement that is universal, and cannot have details from the story in it. Back it up with a quote from the story. Must have illustration 6. Plot Map- Intro., Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, and Resolution. Must have a description of each part of the plot map 7. Irony-Write down the way in which the story has irony.

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