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Nacole Tunnell, 2013

Name: Client: Media:

Nacole Tunnell Charles Chips

Full page 4 color ad in Woman's World


(Ad is broken up into t o sections! The top " o# the ad ill #eature 4 photoshopped pictures! Top le#t is a black and hite photo o# $l%is &resle'( sitting on his bed in his Arm' uni#orm( pla'ing his guitar! A tin o# Charles Chips is photoshopped on the table beside him! Top right is a photo o# Neil Armstrong on the moon( standing ne)t to the American #lag and saluting! A tin o# Charles Chips is photoshopped in the picture( sitting bet een Armstrong and the #lag! *ottom le#t is a photograph o# Audre' +epburn #rom ,*reak#ast at Ti##an''s! -t is the iconic photo o# +epburn sitting at the table ith her chin in her hand! A tin o# Charles Chips has been photoshopped on to the table in #ront o# her! *ottom right is a photograph o# .imi +endri)( setting his guitar on #ire on stage during a per#ormance! A tin o# Charles Chips is photoshopped near him on stage! All #our photos are set on a hite background! The bottom / o# the ad ill be a solid color! The color ill be a golden 'ello ( a #e shades lighter than the Charles Chips color! The te)t in the +eadline and Cop' ill be dark bro n! All te)t is centered in the ad! +eadline is ritten in the same #ont that Charles Chips uses on their tins( hile the cop' is ritten in standard te)t!0 Ne%er Mess With The Classics1

+eadline: Cop':

There is onl' one $l%is( one +endri)( and one Charles Chips1 Those crisp chips ith the crunch 'ou lo%e are back and are read' #or snacking! .ust pop the lid on the classic Charles Chips tin and en2o' those #resh and tast' chips! The' are as good as the #irst time 'ou tasted them! The classics are ne%er old( stale( or run3o#3the3mill( and neither are Charles Chips1 Tr' out the classic #la%or( the a##le st'le( or the barbe4ue #la%or! +ead on o%er to CharlesChips!com and order the classics toda'1 8eli%ering that Classic Crunch


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