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Exercise Week 2 (Peer-review) - ETEC 171 Sec 03 8107 Crit Thinking Using Comp Tech - California State University,

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ETEC 171 Sec 03 8107 Crit Thinking Using Comp Tech

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Blog Areas My Blog Go Back Blog Watch Add Alex Campos to your Blog Watch Blog List Settings Sep 3, 2013 3:21 PM C ritical thinking seems that it can not have a set definition based towards it, a vast amount of definitions for it are different from one another but they all do relate to give the idea of what critical thinking is. Found on a website, defines critical thinking as disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence. Which is somewhat similar as to what has on their site C ritical thinking is a way of deciding whether a claim is always true, sometimes true, partly true, or false. C omparing these two, the definition given on explains critical thinking as a way of just thinking while defines it as trying to figure out the credibility of a statement. Putting both the definitions found together still does not clearly explain what critical thinking is. Now going onto a different website, C gives a definition that is more detailed and seems that the other sites got their ideas from this definition, C ritical thinking is that mode of thinking about any subject, content, or problem in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing it. C ritical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. After looking over the three different definitions found and trying to grasp an idea of what critical thinking is, it seems as a way of problem solving to an extent level, it is based from many ideas, facts and statements taken apart, put together and analyzing credibility. C ritical thinkers have to be open minded to view the possibilities of different sides to a story and have to realize the potential chance of cause and effect situations. The need for critical thinking would most likely be used to finalize a statement that has evidence and logic before it is presented. Academically, critical thinking is important for in and outside of class. During class time particularly in lectures or maybe even in debates it is really important to know whether the statement you are about to share to the rest of your class is correct because you will have authority over it and having the correct information could help back up your statement. Unless you are going to ask a simple question critical thinking is not much needed because you are looking for a response. C ritical thinking is usually found in exams, during the multiple choice section if available students use this method called the elimination method but in reality it is basically critical thinking because they are analyzing every possibility that can occur but by thinking critically it helps narrow down the options. Personally, critical thinking helps in my everyday life. For example, if I plan on buying a new car I have to plan how it is going to work and if it is possible and everything that can occur if I was to buy a new car. I would have to increase my work hours but then that would cut off my study time which will not benefit me for school, think about the cars MPG use whether it is convenient with gas and how those prices often increase, the insurance and then maintenance, you have to look at the whole picture because it is a long term buy. This semester, critical thinking is going to be active as it is and will be any other semester but what I would like to improve on is doing a little more research before I write any papers and fully understanding the text that I read by looking up terms that I might not fully understand so that I can be fully intergraded into the class and the discussion taking place. Add a comment to this entry Next


Exercise Week 2 (Peer-review)

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On Sep 3, 2013 9:16 PM, Ayman Itani said... a.The synthesis of the definitions was clear, precise, and accurate. The sources that were use held their credibility and provided a strong idea of what critical thinking is

b.The discussion if the value of critical thinking was clear and relevant to the topic. Many strong examples were presented that showed different situations where critical thinking is used.

c. The plan is very realistic and feasible. The goals that where set will be accomplished by the end of the semester due to the fact that this class will make it so. Alex plans on improving his academic personality thru critical thinking, which is very possible.

d. I found that the in text citation was not done in APA style.

e. The greatest strength of the work is in the plan that Alex has set and his realization towards the importance of critical thinking in the academic field. On Sep 4, 2013 12:08 AM, Angela Lu said... a. You could have used more crediable sources like or However i felt like your synthesis was fairly clear. b. Yes, the examples were relevant. However when you got into the details of the car it became too drawn out. c.The plan is very achievable because of the basic nature of it. d. Im sorry. There were too many. You have a lot of run ons. Please review grammar before submitting next time. e. The part about how critical thinking was important so you dont look like a fool was very connectable. It really brought a lofty ideal down to ear


Definitions and Value of Critical Thinking - ETEC 171 Sec 03 8107 Crit Thinking Using Comp Tech - California State University, Long Beach


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ETEC 171 Sec 03 8107 Crit Thinking Using Comp Tech

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Blog Areas My Blog Go Back Blog Watch Add Daniel Duong to your Blog Watch Blog List Settings Sep 3, 2013 3:17 PM C ritical thinking is a type of thinking that applies to many aspects in life. It is essentially a way we can deal with situations or obstacles in our lives. By thinking critically, we study a certain topic of debate and determine its righteousness or merit in society through unbiased reasoning and evidence. Thus, we find a solution to resolve the issue. As times change, so do standards in society. Through critical thinking, one can re-evaluate these standards and attempt to change them in order to better his or her life. This in turn will improve society. Academically, critical thinking is very important to students because it develops ones ability to effectively communicate how well he or she knows a certain subject. For example, a student giving a presentation in a class will need to convey concise information and his or her position in a subject to his or her audience. However, the student may not get his or her point across if the presentation lacks relevant information, sound evidence, or logical reasoning which are results of poor preparation and critical thinking. Without being able to clearly communicate the subject at hand, a student can risk failing academically. Even worse, this student will be inept as a functional member of society. To me, being able to critically think well is an important stepping stone to achieve a better life. C ritical thinking gives me the ability to interpret, understand, and solve real life problems. This applies to jobs, deciding what house to buy, relationships, and much more. When critical thinking is applied, the quality of life improves. I plan to better my critical thinking skills by changing my perspective in the world instead of making a quick judgment. I will look at situations I encounter; for instance, if I face a negative situation, I will take a step back and find a positive approach to the situation. As a result, I become a more open-minded person and in tune to finding solutions. Add a comment to this entry Next


Definitions and Value of Critical Thinking

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On Sep 3, 2013 3:41 PM, William Lee said... I found the ideas very accurate and percise. The defintions would be consistantly followed up with examples that can be related by the reader. I would suggest explaining and expanding on a life lacking of critical thinking. The discussion was clear and easy to understand. The only problem I have was in the begining when he said it will improve society but doesn't talk about it for the rest of the essay. Maybe take it out because it does not seem relevent. The plan was very realistic and feasible. He lists out his goals like "faced with a negative situation", then tells how he will solve it like "take a step back". I don't see any gramatical or mechanical errors. I think the greatest stregth comes at the conclution when he wraps it up and says his goals and how he will achieve it. It is very concrete and clear. On Sep 4, 2013 8:12 PM, Joshua Streeter said... Information is accurate and detailed. Explained the importance of C ritical Thinking very well too. On Sep 4, 2013 8:18 PM, Joshua Streeter said... a. Yes, the synthesis was very clear. b. The discussion was very clear as well. Very detailed with the critical thinking topic. c. Yes it is reasonable because he plans to "change his perspective of the world instead of making a quick judgement". d. Not any mechanical errors. e. The greatest strenght was how Daniel said he was going to improve his C ritical Thinking skills, they seem like goals that are reachable.


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