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Fried Tomato Rice & Crispy Chicken

Ingredients 100 gms rice steamed One Egg 30 gms tomato chopped 50 gms chicken 5 gms raisin 20 gms tomato ketcup 5 gms salt 10 gms sugar 5 gms spring onion 50 ml cooking oil 15 gms heat !lour

Method 1" #i$ the chicken ith salt and heat !lour" Fry until it%s crispy" 2" &eat a pan and add oil" Fry the egg and gradually add sugar' raisins' tomatoes and spring onion" (o ' thro in the steamed rice and let is a)sor) the !la*ours" #i$ ith ketchup and stir !ry" 3" +radually' add the crispy chicken" ," -our tomato rice is ready to )e garnished and ser*ed" -ummy !or the tummy.

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