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DRUG STUDY Name of Drug Amlodipine besylate Norvasc!

Classification Mechanism of Action Contraindication $ypersensitivity to amlodipine or its components, %regnant Indications, Route and Dosage I& Mild to moderate hypertension D& & '(mg amlodipine besylate combined )ith '( mg losartan potassium )ith a total dosage of *(( mg Side and Adverse Effects CNS& An"iety, Di++iness, ,atigue, $eadache, -ight. headedness, Syncope C/& $ypotension, %alpitations, %eripheral edema EEN0& Dry mouth, %haryngitis 1I& Abdominal cramps, Abdominal pain, Constipation Diarrhea, Indigestion, Nausea 12& 2rinary fre3uency MS& Mylagia RES%& Dyspnea S4IN& ,lushing, Rash 50$ER& 6eight loss Nursing Responsibilities .2se cautiously in patients )ith heart bloc7, heart failure or severe aortic stenosis# .Instruct patient to immediately notify prescriber of di++iness, arm or leg s)elling, difficulty breathing, hives or rash# .Advise patient to have his blood pressure chec7ed to monitor for hypotension# .%atients )ith liver disease remove this drug from their systems very slo)ly thus necessitating modification of the dosing regimen .Chec7 blood pressure an hour or t)o after administering the drug#

Antihypertensive Decreases peripheral Antianginal vascular resistance and rela"es coronary and smooth muscle thereby decreasing systolic and diastolic blood pressure and also reducing afterload#

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