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CLIENT ASSESSMENT MATRIX FITT Principles Cardiovascular Activity Muscular strength and endurance Fle i!


Name: Sally

What frequency do you suggest? 2-4 days ! day 2 day

What intensity do you suggest? 40%- 0% 40%- 0% 40%- 0%

What time do you suggest? !"- #0 min !" min 20 min

What type of activity do you suggest? $al%ing &unges as a'le (eaching and siting )*plain ho$ the specificity principle applies to each component of fitness in your e*ercise prescription, -s it gets easy for her add more time -s it gets to $here she can do it easer give more time 0ove it to a longer time,

PR"S Principles

)*plain ho$ you $ill utili+e the principle of progression for each component of fitness in your e*ercise prescription, -fter 2 $ee%s it $ill move up to #-" days

)*plain ho$ you $ill utili+e the principle of regularity for each component of fitness in your e*ercise prescription, .hese e*ercises $ill 'e done on a daily 'ases at the same time each day, .he stretches $ill 'e done regularly on a certain time each day, Will 'e done at the same time each day and doing more each time

)*plain ho$ you $ill utili+e the overload principle for each component of fitness in your e*ercise prescription, -s it gets easer there $ill 'e more time added /ind a stretch a little more each times, .ry to 'end a little more each time

Cardiovascular Activity

Muscular strength and endurance Fle i!ility

-fter 2 $ee%s it $ill move up to 2 days -fter 2 $ee%s it $ill move up to 4 days

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